haskell-neo4j-client- A Haskell neo4j client

Safe HaskellNone




Module to handle Graph objects. These have information about a group of nodes, relationships, and information about labels per node and nodes per label. Notice a graph can have relationships and at the same time not have some of the nodes of those relationships, see the section called handling orphaned relationships. This is so because commands in a batch might retrieve relationships but might not create or retrieve their respective nodes.


General objects

data Graph Source


empty :: Graph Source

Create an empty graph

Handling nodes in the graph object

addNode :: Node -> Graph -> Graph Source

Add a node to the graph

hasNode :: NodeIdentifier a => a -> Graph -> Bool Source

Whether a node is present in the graph

deleteNode :: NodeIdentifier a => a -> Graph -> Graph Source

Delete a node from the graph

getNodes :: Graph -> [Node] Source

Get a list with all the nodes in the graph

getNode :: NodeIdentifier a => a -> Graph -> Maybe Node Source

Get a node in the graph

getNodeFrom :: NodeIdentifier a => a -> Graph -> Maybe [Relationship] Source

Get outgoing relationships from a node

getNodeTo :: NodeIdentifier a => a -> Graph -> Maybe [Relationship] Source

Get incoming relationships from a node

Handling properties in the graph object

getRelationships :: Graph -> [Relationship] Source

Get a list with all the relationships in the graph

hasRelationship :: RelIdentifier a => a -> Graph -> Bool Source

Whether a relationship is present in the graph

addRelationship :: Relationship -> Graph -> Graph Source

Add a relationship to the graph

deleteRelationship :: RelIdentifier a => a -> Graph -> Graph Source

Delete a relationship from the graph

getRelationshipNodeFrom :: Relationship -> Graph -> Maybe Node Source

Get the "node from" from a relationship

getRelationshipNodeTo :: Relationship -> Graph -> Maybe Node Source

Get the "node to" from a relationship

getRelationship :: RelIdentifier a => a -> Graph -> Maybe Relationship Source

Get a relationship in the graph

Handling orphaned relationships

getOrphansFrom :: Graph -> [Relationship] Source

Get relationships missing their "from" node

getOrphansTo :: Graph -> [Relationship] Source

Get relationships missing their "to" node

cleanOrphanRelationships :: Graph -> Graph Source

Remove all relationships with a missing node

Handling properties

setProperties :: EntityIdentifier a => a -> Properties -> Graph -> Graph Source

Set the properties of a node or relationship in the graph, if not present it won't do anything

setProperty :: EntityIdentifier a => a -> Text -> PropertyValue -> Graph -> Graph Source

Set a property of a node or relationship in the graph, if not present it won't do anything

deleteProperties :: EntityIdentifier a => a -> Graph -> Graph Source

Delete all the properties of a node or relationship, if the entity is not present it won't do anything

deleteProperty :: EntityIdentifier a => a -> Text -> Graph -> Graph Source

Delete a property of a node or relationship, if the entity is not present it won't do anything

Handling labels

setNodeLabels :: NodeIdentifier a => a -> [Label] -> Graph -> Graph Source

Set what labels a node has

addNodeLabel :: NodeIdentifier a => a -> Label -> Graph -> Graph Source

Add a label to a node

getNodeLabels :: NodeIdentifier a => a -> Graph -> LabelSet Source

Get the labels of a node

deleteNodeLabel :: NodeIdentifier a => a -> Label -> Graph -> Graph Source

Remove a label from a node

Handling Cypher results

addCypher :: Response -> Graph -> Graph Source

Feed a cypher result (from the old API) into a graph (looks for nodes and relationships and inserts them)

Graph filtering functions

nodeFilter :: (Node -> Bool) -> Graph -> Graph Source

Filter the nodes of a graph

relationshipFilter :: (Relationship -> Bool) -> Graph -> Graph Source

Filter the relationships of a graph

Graph operations

union :: Graph -> Graph -> Graph Source

Add two graphs resulting in a graph with all the nodes, labels and relationships of both | If a node/entity is present in both the second one will be chosen

difference :: Graph -> Graph -> Graph Source

Remove the nodes and relationships in the first graph that appear in the second

intersection :: Graph -> Graph -> Graph Source

Have a graph that only has nodes and relationships that are present in both