haskoin-core-0.6.0: Bitcoin & Bitcoin Cash library for Haskell

CopyrightNo rights reserved
Safe HaskellNone



This module provides functions for parsing and evaluating bitcoin transaction scripts. Data types are provided for building and deconstructing all of the standard input and output script types.



data ScriptInput Source #

Standard input script high-level representation.






data SimpleInput Source #

Data type describing standard transaction input scripts. Input scripts provide the signing data required to unlock the coins of the output they are trying to spend, except in pay-to-witness-public-key-hash and pay-to-script-hash transactions.



spend pay-to-public-key output



spend pay-to-public-key-hash output



spend multisig output


type RedeemScript = ScriptOutput Source #

A redeem script is the output script serialized into the spending input script. It must be included in inputs that spend pay-to-script-hash outputs.

encodeInput :: ScriptInput -> Script Source #

Encode a standard input into a script.

encodeInputBS :: ScriptInput -> ByteString Source #

Similar to encodeInput but encodes directly to a serialized script ByteString.

decodeInput :: Network -> Script -> Either String ScriptInput Source #

Heuristic to decode a ScriptInput from a Script. This function fails if the script can not be parsed as a standard script input.

decodeInputBS :: Network -> ByteString -> Either String ScriptInput Source #

Like decodeInput but decodes directly from a serialized script ByteString.

addressToScript :: Address -> Script Source #

Get output script AST for an Address.

addressToScriptBS :: Address -> ByteString Source #

Encode address as output script in ByteString form.

addressToOutput :: Address -> ScriptOutput Source #

Encode an output script from an address. Will fail if using a pay-to-witness address on a non-SegWit network.

payToScriptAddress :: Network -> ScriptOutput -> Address Source #

Compute a pay-to-script-hash address for an output script.

payToWitnessScriptAddress :: Network -> ScriptOutput -> Maybe Address Source #

Compute a pay-to-witness-script-hash address for an output script. Only on SegWit networks.

scriptToAddress :: Network -> Script -> Maybe Address Source #

Decode an output script into an Address if it has such representation.

scriptToAddressBS :: Network -> ByteString -> Maybe Address Source #

Decode a serialized script into an Address.

sortMulSig :: ScriptOutput -> ScriptOutput Source #

Sort the public keys of a multisig output in ascending order by comparing their compressed serialized representations. Refer to BIP-67.

scriptOpToInt :: ScriptOp -> Either String Int Source #

Decode ScriptOp [OP_1 .. OP_16] to integers [1 .. 16]. This functions fails for other values of ScriptOp

isSpendPK :: ScriptInput -> Bool Source #

Returns true if the input script is spending from a pay-to-public-key output.

isSpendPKHash :: ScriptInput -> Bool Source #

Returns true if the input script is spending from a pay-to-public-key-hash output.

isSpendMulSig :: ScriptInput -> Bool Source #

Returns true if the input script is spending a multisig output.

isScriptHashInput :: ScriptInput -> Bool Source #

Returns true if the input script is spending a pay-to-script-hash output.

data SigHash Source #

Data type representing the different ways a transaction can be signed. When producing a signature, a hash of the transaction is used as the message to be signed. The SigHash parameter controls which parts of the transaction are used or ignored to produce the transaction hash. The idea is that if some part of a transaction is not used to produce the transaction hash, then you can change that part of the transaction after producing a signature without invalidating that signature.

If the SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY flag is set (true), then only the current input is signed. Otherwise, all of the inputs of a transaction are signed. The default value for SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY is unset (false).

Enum SigHash Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.Haskoin.Script.SigHash

Eq SigHash Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.Haskoin.Script.SigHash


(==) :: SigHash -> SigHash -> Bool #

(/=) :: SigHash -> SigHash -> Bool #

Integral SigHash Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.Haskoin.Script.SigHash

Num SigHash Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.Haskoin.Script.SigHash

Ord SigHash Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.Haskoin.Script.SigHash

Read SigHash Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.Haskoin.Script.SigHash

Real SigHash Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.Haskoin.Script.SigHash

Show SigHash Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.Haskoin.Script.SigHash

ToJSON SigHash Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.Haskoin.Script.SigHash

FromJSON SigHash Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.Haskoin.Script.SigHash

Bits SigHash Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.Haskoin.Script.SigHash

NFData SigHash Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.Haskoin.Script.SigHash


rnf :: SigHash -> () #

data SigHashFlag Source #

Constant representing a SIGHASH flag that controls what is being signed.



sign all outputs


sign no outputs


sign the output index corresponding to the input


replay protection for Bitcoin Cash transactions


new inputs can be added

sigHashAll :: SigHash Source #

SIGHASH_ALL as a byte.

sigHashNone :: SigHash Source #

SIGHASH_NONE as a byte.

sigHashSingle :: SigHash Source #


hasAnyoneCanPayFlag :: SigHash -> Bool Source #


hasForkIdFlag :: SigHash -> Bool Source #

Is the SIGHASH_FORKID flag set?

setAnyoneCanPayFlag :: SigHash -> SigHash Source #


setForkIdFlag :: SigHash -> SigHash Source #


isSigHashAll :: SigHash -> Bool Source #

Returns True if the SigHash has the value SIGHASH_ALL.

isSigHashNone :: SigHash -> Bool Source #

Returns True if the SigHash has the value SIGHASH_NONE.

isSigHashSingle :: SigHash -> Bool Source #

Returns True if the SigHash has the value SIGHASH_SINGLE.

isSigHashUnknown :: SigHash -> Bool Source #

Returns True if the SigHash has the value SIGHASH_UNKNOWN.

sigHashAddForkId :: SigHash -> Word32 -> SigHash Source #

Add a fork id to a SigHash.

sigHashAddNetworkId :: Network -> SigHash -> SigHash Source #

Add fork id of a particular network to a SigHash.

txSigHash Source #


:: Network 
-> Tx

transaction to sign

-> Script

csript from output being spent

-> Word64

value of output being spent

-> Int

index of input being signed

-> SigHash

what to sign

-> Hash256

hash to be signed

Computes the hash that will be used for signing a transaction.

txSigHashForkId Source #


:: Network 
-> Tx

transaction to sign

-> Script

script from output being spent

-> Word64

value of output being spent

-> Int

index of input being signed

-> SigHash

what to sign

-> Hash256

hash to be signed

Compute the hash that will be used for signing a transaction. This function is used when the SIGHASH_FORKID flag is set.

data TxSignature Source #

Data type representing a signature together with a SigHash. The SigHash is serialized as one byte at the end of an ECDSA Sig. All signatures in transaction inputs are of type TxSignature.

data ScriptOp Source #

Data type representing an operator allowed inside a Script.

newtype Script Source #

Data type representing a transaction script. Scripts are defined as lists of script operators ScriptOp. Scripts are used to:

  • Define the spending conditions in the output of a transaction.
  • Provide signatures in the input of a transaction (except SegWit).

SigWit only: the segregated witness data structure, and not the input script, contains signatures and redeem script for pay-to-witness-script and pay-to-witness-public-key-hash transactions.




Eq Script Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.Haskoin.Script.Common


(==) :: Script -> Script -> Bool #

(/=) :: Script -> Script -> Bool #

Read Script Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.Haskoin.Script.Common

Show Script Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.Haskoin.Script.Common

Serialize Script Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.Haskoin.Script.Common

NFData Script Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.Haskoin.Script.Common


rnf :: Script -> () #

data PushDataType Source #

Data type representing the type of an OP_PUSHDATA opcode.



next opcode bytes is data to be pushed


next byte contains number of bytes of data to be pushed


next two bytes contains number of bytes to be pushed


next four bytes contains the number of bytes to be pushed

data ScriptOutput Source #

Data type describing standard transaction output scripts. Output scripts provide the conditions that must be fulfilled for someone to spend the funds in a transaction output.



pay to public key


pay to public key hash




pay to a script hash


pay to witness public key hash


pay to witness script hash


provably unspendable data carrier

isPayPK :: ScriptOutput -> Bool Source #

Is script a pay-to-public-key output?

isPayPKHash :: ScriptOutput -> Bool Source #

Is script a pay-to-pub-key-hash output?

isPayMulSig :: ScriptOutput -> Bool Source #

Is script a pay-to-multi-sig output?

isPayScriptHash :: ScriptOutput -> Bool Source #

Is script a pay-to-script-hash output?

isPayWitnessPKHash :: ScriptOutput -> Bool Source #

Is script a pay-to-witness-pub-key-hash output?

isPayWitnessScriptHash :: ScriptOutput -> Bool Source #

Is script a pay-to-witness-script-hash output?

isDataCarrier :: ScriptOutput -> Bool Source #

Is script a data carrier output?

encodeOutput :: ScriptOutput -> Script Source #

Computes a Script from a standard ScriptOutput.

encodeOutputBS :: ScriptOutput -> ByteString Source #

Similar to encodeOutput but encodes to a ByteString

decodeOutput :: Script -> Either String ScriptOutput Source #

Tries to decode a ScriptOutput from a Script. This can fail if the script is not recognized as any of the standard output types.

isPushOp :: ScriptOp -> Bool Source #

Check whether opcode is only data.

opPushData :: ByteString -> ScriptOp Source #

Optimally encode data using one of the 4 types of data pushing opcodes.

intToScriptOp :: Int -> ScriptOp Source #

Transforms integers [1 .. 16] to ScriptOp [OP_1 .. OP_16].

scriptOpToInt :: ScriptOp -> Either String Int Source #

Decode ScriptOp [OP_1 .. OP_16] to integers [1 .. 16]. This functions fails for other values of ScriptOp