hledger-0.13: A command-line double-entry accounting tool.



A history-aware add command to help with data entry.



add :: [Opt] -> [String] -> Journal -> IO ()Source

Read transactions from the terminal, prompting for each field, and append them to the journal file. If the journal came from stdin, this command has no effect.

getAndAddTransactions :: Journal -> [Opt] -> [String] -> Day -> InputT IO ()Source

Read a number of transactions from the command line, prompting, validating, displaying and appending them to the journal file, until end of input (then raise an EOF exception). Any command-line arguments are used as the first transaction's description.

getTransaction :: Journal -> [Opt] -> [String] -> Day -> InputT IO (Transaction, Day)Source

Read a transaction from the command line, with history-aware prompting.

getPostings :: JournalContext -> (AccountName -> Bool) -> Maybe [Posting] -> [Posting] -> InputT IO [Posting]Source

Read postings from the command line until . is entered, using any provided historical postings and the journal context to guess defaults.

askFor :: String -> Maybe String -> Maybe (String -> Bool) -> InputT IO StringSource

Prompt for and read a string value, optionally with a default value and a validator. A validator causes the prompt to repeat until the input is valid. May also raise an EOF exception if control-d is pressed.

journalAddTransaction :: Journal -> [Opt] -> Transaction -> IO JournalSource

Append this transaction to the journal's file, and to the journal's transaction list.

appendToJournalFile :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()Source

Append data to a journal file; or if the file is -, dump it to stdout.

registerFromString :: String -> IO StringSource

Convert a string of journal data into a register report.

compareStrings :: String -> String -> DoubleSource

Return a similarity measure, from 0 to 1, for two strings. This is Simon White's letter pairs algorithm from http:www.catalysoft.comarticlesStrikeAMatch.html with a modification for short strings.