module Data.HodaTime.TimeZone.Internal

import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.HodaTime.Instant.Internal (Instant(..), minus, bigBang)
import Data.HodaTime.Offset.Internal (Offset(..), adjustInstant)
import Data.HodaTime.Duration.Internal (fromNanoseconds)
import Data.HodaTime.Calendar.Gregorian.Internal (nthDayToDayOfMonth, yearMonthDayToDays, instantToYearMonthDay)
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.IntervalMap.FingerTree (IntervalMap, Interval(..))
import qualified Data.IntervalMap.FingerTree as IMap

data TZIdentifier = UTC | Zone String
  deriving (Eq, Show)

data TransitionInfo = TransitionInfo { tiUtcOffset :: Offset, tiIsDst :: Bool, tiAbbreviation :: String }
  deriving (Eq, Show)

data TransitionExpression =
     teMonth :: Int
    ,teNthDay :: Int
    ,teDay :: Int
    ,teSeconds :: Int
  | JulianExpression { jeCountLeaps :: Bool, jeDay :: Int, jeSeconds :: Int }
  deriving (Eq, Show)

data TransitionExpressionInfo = TransitionExpressionInfo
     startExpression :: TransitionExpression
    ,endExpression :: TransitionExpression
    ,stdTransInfo :: TransitionInfo
    ,dstTransInfo :: TransitionInfo
  deriving (Eq, Show)

data TransitionInfoOrExp = 
    TransitionInfoFixed TransitionInfo
  | TransitionInfoExpression TransitionExpressionInfo
    deriving (Eq, Show)

-- UTC instant to transition

type UtcTransitionsMap = Map Instant TransitionInfoOrExp

emptyUtcTransitions :: UtcTransitionsMap
emptyUtcTransitions = Map.empty

addUtcTransition :: Instant -> TransitionInfo -> UtcTransitionsMap -> UtcTransitionsMap
addUtcTransition i fti = Map.insert i (TransitionInfoFixed fti)

addUtcTransitionExpression :: Instant -> TransitionExpressionInfo -> UtcTransitionsMap -> UtcTransitionsMap
addUtcTransitionExpression i texp = Map.insert i (TransitionInfoExpression texp)

activeTransitionFor :: Instant -> TimeZone -> TransitionInfo
activeTransitionFor i (TimeZone _ utcM _) = fromTransInfo i f id . snd . fromMaybe (Map.findMin utcM) $ Map.lookupLE i utcM     -- NOTE: The findMin case should be impossible
    f (dstStart, dstEnd, stdTI, dstTI) = if i <= dstStart || i >= dstEnd then stdTI else dstTI

-- TODO: We would need to get the next year to complete this function but let's see if it's actually used before doing more work
nextTransition :: Instant -> TimeZone -> (Instant, TransitionInfo)
nextTransition i (TimeZone _ utcM _) = f . fromMaybe (Map.findMax utcM) $ Map.lookupGT i utcM
    f (i', ti) = fromTransInfo i g (\ti' -> (i', ti')) ti
    g (dstStart, dstEnd, stdTI, dstTI) = if i < dstStart then (dstStart, dstTI) else if i < dstEnd then (dstEnd, stdTI) else error "nextTransition: need next year"

-- CalendarDate to transition

data IntervalEntry a =
  | Entry a
  | Largest
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

type CalDateTransitionsMap = IntervalMap (IntervalEntry Instant) TransitionInfoOrExp

emptyCalDateTransitions :: CalDateTransitionsMap
emptyCalDateTransitions = IMap.empty

addCalDateTransition :: IntervalEntry Instant -> IntervalEntry Instant -> TransitionInfo -> CalDateTransitionsMap -> CalDateTransitionsMap
addCalDateTransition b e fti = IMap.insert interval (TransitionInfoFixed fti)
    interval = Interval b e

addCalDateTransitionExpression :: IntervalEntry Instant -> IntervalEntry Instant -> TransitionExpressionInfo -> CalDateTransitionsMap -> CalDateTransitionsMap
addCalDateTransitionExpression b e texp = IMap.insert interval (TransitionInfoExpression texp)
    interval = Interval b e

calDateTransitionsFor :: Instant -> TimeZone -> [TransitionInfo]
calDateTransitionsFor i (TimeZone _ _ cdtMap) = concatMap (fromTransInfo i f (:[]) . snd) . search $ cdtMap
    search = (Entry i)
    f = fmap snd . search . buildFixedTransIMap

-- TODO: this function need major cleanup, this implementation is really nasty and almost certainly unsafe
aroundCalDateTransition :: Instant -> TimeZone -> (TransitionInfo, TransitionInfo)
aroundCalDateTransition i (TimeZone _ _ cdtMap) = go . fmap snd . (Entry i) $ cdtMap
      go [] = (before, after)
      go [(TransitionInfoExpression (TransitionExpressionInfo _ _ stdTI dstTI))] = (stdTI, dstTI) -- NOTE: Should be the only way this happens
      go x = error $ "aroundCalDateTransition: unexpected search result" ++ show x
      before = fromTransInfo i bomb id . snd . go' . flip cdtMap . IMap.high . fromMaybe (error "around.before: fixme") . IMap.bounds $ front
      after = fromTransInfo i bomb id . snd . fst . fromMaybe (error "around.after: fixme") . IMap.leastView $ back
      (front, back) = IMap.splitAfter (Entry i) cdtMap
      go' [] = error "aroundCalDateTransition: no before transitions"
      go' [tei] = tei
      go' _ = error "aroundCalDateTransition: too many before transitions"
      bomb = error "aroundCalDateTransition: got expression when fixed expected"

-- | Represents a time zone.  A 'TimeZone' can be used to instanciate a 'ZoneDateTime' from either and 'Instant' or a 'CalendarDateTime'
data TimeZone =
       zoneName :: TZIdentifier
      ,utcTransitionsMap :: UtcTransitionsMap
      ,calDateTransitionsMap :: CalDateTransitionsMap
  deriving (Eq, Show)

-- constructors

fixedOffsetZone :: String -> Offset -> (UtcTransitionsMap, CalDateTransitionsMap, TransitionInfo)
fixedOffsetZone tzName offset = (utcM, calDateM, tInfo)
      utcM = addUtcTransition bigBang tInfo emptyUtcTransitions
      calDateM = addCalDateTransition Smallest Largest tInfo emptyCalDateTransitions
      tInfo = TransitionInfo offset False tzName

-- helper functions

fromTransInfo :: Instant -> ((Instant, Instant, TransitionInfo, TransitionInfo) -> a) -> (TransitionInfo -> a) -> TransitionInfoOrExp -> a
fromTransInfo _ _ f (TransitionInfoFixed ti) = f ti
fromTransInfo i f _ (TransitionInfoExpression (TransitionExpressionInfo startExpr endExpr stdTI dstTI)) = f (dstStart, dstEnd, stdTI, dstTI)
    dstStart = expressionToInstant i startExpr
    dstEnd = expressionToInstant i endExpr

-- NOTE: We have to store expressions in the year they take effect so this is the first place we can resolve
--       the actual map.  Otherwise we'd have to create two per year
buildFixedTransIMap :: (Instant, Instant, TransitionInfo, TransitionInfo) -> IntervalMap (IntervalEntry Instant) TransitionInfo
buildFixedTransIMap (start, end, stdTI, dstTI) = mkMap entries mempty
    mkMap [] m = m
    mkMap ((b, e, ti):xs) m = mkMap xs $ addEntry b e ti m
    addEntry b e ti = IMap.insert (Interval b e) ti
    entries = [(Smallest, Entry beforeStart, stdTI), (Entry start', Entry beforeEnd, dstTI), (Entry end', Largest, stdTI)]
    (start', beforeStart) = adjust start dstTI stdTI
    (end', beforeEnd) = adjust end stdTI dstTI
    adjust tran ti prevTI = (x, beforeX)
        x = adjustInstant (tiUtcOffset ti) tran
        beforeX = flip minus (fromNanoseconds 1) . adjustInstant (tiUtcOffset prevTI) $ tran

expressionToInstant :: Instant -> TransitionExpression -> Instant
expressionToInstant instant = yearExpressionToInstant y
    y = let (yr, _, _) = instantToYearMonthDay instant in fromIntegral yr

yearExpressionToInstant :: Int -> TransitionExpression -> Instant
yearExpressionToInstant y = go
    go (NthDayExpression m nth day s) = Instant days' (fromIntegral s) 0
        m' = toEnum m
        d = nthDayToDayOfMonth nth day m' y
        days' = fromIntegral $ yearMonthDayToDays y m' d
    go (JulianExpression _cly _d _s) = error "need julian year day function"