hpp-0.6.4: A Haskell pre-processor
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Mid-level interface to the pre-processor.



preprocess :: (Monad m, HasHppState m, HasError m, HasEnv m) => [String] -> HppT [String] (Parser m [TOKEN]) () Source #

Run a stream of lines through the preprocessor.

runHpp :: forall m a src. (MonadIO m, HasHppState m) => (FilePath -> m src) -> (src -> m ()) -> HppT src m a -> m (Either (FilePath, Error) (HppResult a)) Source #

Interpret the IO components of the preprocessor. This implementation relies on IO for the purpose of checking search paths for included files.

expandHpp :: forall m a src. (Monad m, HasHppState m, Monoid src) => (src -> m ()) -> HppT src m a -> m (Either (FilePath, Error) (HppResult a)) Source #

Like ’runHpp’, but any #include directives are skipped. These ignored inclusions are tracked in the returned list of files, but note that since extra source files are not opened, any files they might wish to include are not discovered.

hppIOSink :: Config -> Env -> ([String] -> IO ()) -> [String] -> IO [FilePath] Source #

General hpp runner against input source file lines. Output lines are fed to the caller-supplied sink function. Any errors encountered are thrown with error.

hppIO :: Config -> Env -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO (Either Error ([FilePath], [String])) Source #

hpp runner that returns output lines.

data HppResult a Source #


