hspec-wai-0.6.2: Experimental Hspec support for testing WAI applications

Safe HaskellNone




Have a look at the README for an example of how to use this library.



data WaiSession a Source

A WAI test session that carries the Application under test an some client state.

type WaiExpectation = WaiSession () Source

An expectation in the WaiSession monad. Failing expectations are communicated through exceptions (similar to Expectation and Assertion).

Performing requests

get :: ByteString -> WaiSession SResponse Source

Perform a GET request to the application under test.

post :: ByteString -> ByteString -> WaiSession SResponse Source

Perform a POST request to the application under test.

put :: ByteString -> ByteString -> WaiSession SResponse Source

Perform a PUT request to the application under test.

patch :: ByteString -> ByteString -> WaiSession SResponse Source

Perform a PATCH request to the application under test.

delete :: ByteString -> WaiSession SResponse Source

Perform a DELETE request to the application under test.

request :: Method -> ByteString -> [Header] -> ByteString -> WaiSession SResponse Source

Perform a request to the application under test, with specified HTTP method, request path, headers and body.

Posting HTML forms

postHtmlForm :: ByteString -> [(String, String)] -> WaiSession SResponse Source

Perform a POST request to the application under test.

The specified list of key-value pairs is encoded as application/x-www-form-urlencoded and used as request body.

In additon the Content-Type is set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

Matching on the response

shouldRespondWith :: WaiSession SResponse -> ResponseMatcher -> WaiExpectation Source

Set the expectation that a response matches a specified ResponseMatcher.

A ResponseMatcher matches a response if:

  • the specified status matches the HTTP response status code
  • the specified body (if any) matches the response body
  • the response has all of the specified Header fields (the response may have arbitrary additional Header fields)

You can use ResponseMatcher's (broken) Num instance to match for a HTTP status code:

get "/" `shouldRespondWith` 200
-- matches if status is 200

You can use ResponseMatcher's IsString instance to match for a HTTP status 200 and a body:

get "/" `shouldRespondWith` "foo"
-- matches if body is "foo" and status is 200

If you want to match for a different HTTP status, you can use record update notation to specify matchStatus explicitly:

get "/" `shouldRespondWith` "foo" {matchStatus = 404}
-- matches if body is "foo" and status is 404

If you want to require a specific header field you can specify matchHeaders:

get "/" `shouldRespondWith` "foo" {matchHeaders = ["Content-Type" <:> "text/plain"]}
-- matches if body is "foo", status is 200 and ther is a header field "Content-Type: text/plain"

data MatchHeader Source


MatchHeader ([Header] -> Maybe String) 

Helpers and re-exports

liftIO :: MonadIO m => forall a. IO a -> m a

Lift a computation from the IO monad.

with :: IO a -> SpecWith a -> Spec Source

An alias for before.

pending :: WaiSession () Source

A lifted version of pending.

pendingWith :: String -> WaiSession () Source

A lifted version of pendingWith.