http3-0.0.9: HTTP/3 library
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



A client library for HTTP/3.



run :: Connection -> ClientConfig -> Config -> Client a -> IO a Source #

Running an HTTP/3 client.

Runner arguments

data ClientConfig Source #

Configuration for HTTP/3 or HQ client. For HQ, authority is not used and an server's IP address is used in Request.



data Config Source #

Configuration for HTTP/3 or HQ.

allocSimpleConfig :: IO Config Source #

Allocating a simple configuration with a handle-based position reader and a locally allocated timeout manager.

freeSimpleConfig :: Config -> IO () Source #

Freeing a simple configration.

data Hooks Source #

Hooks mainly for error testing.

defaultHooks :: Hooks Source #

Default hooks.

type Scheme = ByteString #

"http" or "https".

type Authority = String #


HTTP/3 client

type Client a = (forall b. Request -> (Response -> IO b) -> IO b) -> Aux -> IO a #

Client type.


data Request #

Request from client.


Instances details
Show Request 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP2.Client.Types

Creating request

requestNoBody :: Method -> Path -> RequestHeaders -> Request #

Creating request without body.

requestFile :: Method -> Path -> RequestHeaders -> FileSpec -> Request #

Creating request with file.

requestStreaming :: Method -> Path -> RequestHeaders -> ((Builder -> IO ()) -> IO () -> IO ()) -> Request #

Creating request with streaming.

requestBuilder :: Method -> Path -> RequestHeaders -> Builder -> Request #

Creating request with builder.

Trailers maker

type TrailersMaker = Maybe ByteString -> IO NextTrailersMaker #

Trailers maker. A chunks of the response body is passed with Just. The maker should update internal state with the ByteString and return the next trailers maker. When response body reaches its end, Nothing is passed and the maker should generate trailers. An example:

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C8
import Crypto.Hash (Context, SHA1) -- cryptonite
import qualified Crypto.Hash as CH

-- Strictness is important for Context.
trailersMaker :: Context SHA1 -> Maybe ByteString -> IO NextTrailersMaker
trailersMaker ctx Nothing = return $ Trailers [("X-SHA1", sha1)]
    !sha1 = C8.pack $ show $ CH.hashFinalize ctx
trailersMaker ctx (Just bs) = return $ NextTrailersMaker $ trailersMaker ctx'
    !ctx' = CH.hashUpdate ctx bs

Usage example:

let h2rsp = responseFile ...
    maker = trailersMaker (CH.hashInit :: Context SHA1)
    h2rsp' = setResponseTrailersMaker h2rsp maker

data NextTrailersMaker #

Either the next trailers maker or final trailers.

defaultTrailersMaker :: TrailersMaker #

TrailersMake to create no trailers.


data Response #

Response from server.


Instances details
Show Response 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP2.Client.Types

Accessing response

responseStatus :: Response -> Maybe Status #

Getting the status of a response.

responseHeaders :: Response -> HeaderTable #

Getting the headers from a response.

responseBodySize :: Response -> Maybe Int #

Getting the body size from a response.

getResponseBodyChunk :: Response -> IO ByteString #

Reading a chunk of the response body. An empty ByteString returned when finished.

getResponseTrailers :: Response -> IO (Maybe HeaderTable) #

Reading response trailers. This function must be called after getResponseBodyChunk returns an empty.


type Method = ByteString #

HTTP method (flat ByteString type).

type Path = ByteString #


data FileSpec #

File specification.


Instances details
Show FileSpec 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP2.H2.Types

Eq FileSpec 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP2.H2.Types

type FileOffset = Int64 #

Offset for file.

type ByteCount = Int64 #

How many bytes to read


defaultReadN :: Socket -> IORef (Maybe ByteString) -> Int -> IO ByteString #

Naive implementation for readN.

Position read for files

type PositionReadMaker = FilePath -> IO (PositionRead, Sentinel) #

Making a position read and its closer.

type PositionRead = FileOffset -> ByteCount -> Buffer -> IO ByteCount #

Position read for files.

data Sentinel #

Manipulating a file resource.


Closer (IO ())

Closing a file resource. Its refresher is automatiaclly generated by the internal timer.

Refresher (IO ())

Refreshing a file resource while reading. Closing the file must be done by its own timer or something.