hylogen- GLSL embedded in Haskell

Safe HaskellNone



Internal AST representation.



data GLSLType Source #

Internal type tag


Eq GLSLType Source # 
Ord GLSLType Source # 
Show ExprMono Source # 
Show GLSLType Source # 
MuRef ExprMono Source #

Currently only inlines uniforms.

Associated Types

type DeRef ExprMono :: * -> * #


mapDeRef :: Applicative f => (forall b. (MuRef b, ((* -> *) ~ DeRef ExprMono) (DeRef b)) => b -> f u) -> ExprMono -> f (DeRef ExprMono u) #

Show a => Show (ExprMonoF a) Source # 
type DeRef ExprMono Source # 

data ExprForm Source #

Internal form tag


Show ExprMono Source # 
Show ExprForm Source # 
MuRef ExprMono Source #

Currently only inlines uniforms.

Associated Types

type DeRef ExprMono :: * -> * #


mapDeRef :: Applicative f => (forall b. (MuRef b, ((* -> *) ~ DeRef ExprMono) (DeRef b)) => b -> f u) -> ExprMono -> f (DeRef ExprMono u) #

Show a => Show (ExprMonoF a) Source # 
type DeRef ExprMono Source # 

data Tree a Source #

Rose tree. Internal AST data structure





Show ExprMono Source # 
MuRef ExprMono Source #

Currently only inlines uniforms.

Associated Types

type DeRef ExprMono :: * -> * #


mapDeRef :: Applicative f => (forall b. (MuRef b, ((* -> *) ~ DeRef ExprMono) (DeRef b)) => b -> f u) -> ExprMono -> f (DeRef ExprMono u) #

Show a => Show (ExprMonoF a) Source # 
type DeRef ExprMono Source # 

type ExprMono = Tree (ExprForm, GLSLType, String) Source #

Untyped Expr representation Carries type information in type tag

data Expr ty Source #

Light type wrapper

Note the internal type tag is not directly dependent on the actual type!

We use the ToGLSLType typeclass to genenerate dependence from types to values




Num Booly #

We use Num operators for Boolean arithmetic:

Veccable n => Floating (Vec n) # 


pi :: Vec n #

exp :: Vec n -> Vec n #

log :: Vec n -> Vec n #

sqrt :: Vec n -> Vec n #

(**) :: Vec n -> Vec n -> Vec n #

logBase :: Vec n -> Vec n -> Vec n #

sin :: Vec n -> Vec n #

cos :: Vec n -> Vec n #

tan :: Vec n -> Vec n #

asin :: Vec n -> Vec n #

acos :: Vec n -> Vec n #

atan :: Vec n -> Vec n #

sinh :: Vec n -> Vec n #

cosh :: Vec n -> Vec n #

tanh :: Vec n -> Vec n #

asinh :: Vec n -> Vec n #

acosh :: Vec n -> Vec n #

atanh :: Vec n -> Vec n #

log1p :: Vec n -> Vec n #

expm1 :: Vec n -> Vec n #

log1pexp :: Vec n -> Vec n #

log1mexp :: Vec n -> Vec n #

Veccable n => Fractional (Vec n) # 


(/) :: Vec n -> Vec n -> Vec n #

recip :: Vec n -> Vec n #

fromRational :: Rational -> Vec n #

Veccable n => Num (Vec n) # 


(+) :: Vec n -> Vec n -> Vec n #

(-) :: Vec n -> Vec n -> Vec n #

(*) :: Vec n -> Vec n -> Vec n #

negate :: Vec n -> Vec n #

abs :: Vec n -> Vec n #

signum :: Vec n -> Vec n #

fromInteger :: Integer -> Vec n #

ToGLSLType ty => Show (Expr ty) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> Expr ty -> ShowS #

show :: Expr ty -> String #

showList :: [Expr ty] -> ShowS #

Veccable n => VectorSpace (Vec n) # 

Associated Types

type Scalar (Vec n) :: * #


(*^) :: Scalar (Vec n) -> Vec n -> Vec n #

Veccable n => InnerSpace (Vec n) # 


(<.>) :: Vec n -> Vec n -> Scalar (Vec n) #

Veccable n => AdditiveGroup (Vec n) # 


zeroV :: Vec n #

(^+^) :: Vec n -> Vec n -> Vec n #

negateV :: Vec n -> Vec n #

(^-^) :: Vec n -> Vec n -> Vec n #

((~) * a Vec1, (~) * b Vec1) => ToVec4 (a, b, Vec2) Source # 


vec4 :: (a, b, Vec2) -> Vec4 Source #

((~) * a Vec1, (~) * c Vec1) => ToVec4 (a, Vec2, c) Source # 


vec4 :: (a, Vec2, c) -> Vec4 Source #

((~) * b Vec1, (~) * c Vec1) => ToVec4 (Vec2, b, c) Source # 


vec4 :: (Vec2, b, c) -> Vec4 Source #

type Scalar (Vec n) # 
type Scalar (Vec n) = Vec 1

class ToGLSLType ty where Source #

Minimal complete definition

toGLSLType, tag


toGLSLType :: ty -> GLSLType Source #

Gives us dependence from typed singleton tags to untyped tags

tag :: ty Source #

Singleton tag

uniform :: forall a. ToGLSLType a => String -> Expr a Source #

Uniform expression.

op1 :: forall a b. (ToGLSLType a, ToGLSLType b) => String -> Expr a -> Expr b Source #

Unary operator. Most generally typed.

op1'' :: forall a. ToGLSLType a => String -> Expr a -> Expr a Source #

Unary operator. Input and output values have the same type.

op1pre :: forall a b. (ToGLSLType a, ToGLSLType b) => String -> Expr a -> Expr b Source #

Unary operator. Prefix function call style. Most generally typed.

op1pre'' :: forall a. ToGLSLType a => String -> Expr a -> Expr a Source #

Unary operator. Prefix function call style. Input and output values have the same type.

op2 :: forall a b c. (ToGLSLType a, ToGLSLType b, ToGLSLType c) => String -> Expr a -> Expr b -> Expr c Source #

Binary operator. Most generally typed.

op2' :: forall a c. (ToGLSLType a, ToGLSLType c) => String -> Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr c Source #

Binary operator. Arguments have the same type.

op2'' :: forall a. ToGLSLType a => String -> Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr a Source #

Binary operator. Input and output values have the same type.

op2pre :: forall a b c. (ToGLSLType a, ToGLSLType b, ToGLSLType c) => String -> Expr a -> Expr b -> Expr c Source #

Binary operator. Prefix function call style. Most generally typed.

op2pre' :: forall a c. (ToGLSLType a, ToGLSLType c) => String -> Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr c Source #

Binary operator. Prefix function call style. Arguments have the same type.

op2pre'' :: forall a. ToGLSLType a => String -> Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr a Source #

Binary operator. Prefix function call style. Input and output values have the same type.

op3pre :: forall a b c d. (ToGLSLType a, ToGLSLType b, ToGLSLType c, ToGLSLType d) => String -> Expr a -> Expr b -> Expr c -> Expr d Source #

Ternary operator. Prefix function call style. Most generally typed.

op3pre' :: forall a d. (ToGLSLType a, ToGLSLType d) => String -> Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr d Source #

Ternary operator. Prefix function call style. Arguments have the same type.

op3pre'' :: forall a. ToGLSLType a => String -> Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr a Source #

Ternary operator. Prefix function call style. Input and output values have the same type.

op4pre :: forall a b c d e. (ToGLSLType a, ToGLSLType b, ToGLSLType c, ToGLSLType d, ToGLSLType e) => String -> Expr a -> Expr b -> Expr c -> Expr d -> Expr e Source #

Quaternary operator. Prefix function call style. Most generally typed.

op4pre' :: forall a e. (ToGLSLType a, ToGLSLType e) => String -> Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr e Source #

Quaternary operator. Prefix function call style. Arguments have the same type.

op4pre'' :: forall a e. (ToGLSLType a, ToGLSLType e) => String -> Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr e Source #

Quaternary operator. Prefix function call style. Input and output values have the same type.

data TreeF a b Source #

Open tree type, to be used for explicit recursion with data-reify for preserving sharing.

Note the second argument of the constructor is a list of Maybe b's. We use Maybe's to determine whether or not a child expression gets inlined.





Functor (TreeF a) Source # 


fmap :: (a -> b) -> TreeF a a -> TreeF a b #

(<$) :: a -> TreeF a b -> TreeF a a #

Show a => Show (ExprMonoF a) Source # 

type ExprMonoF = TreeF (ExprForm, GLSLType, String, [ExprMono]) Source #

Open untyped expression representation, to be used for explicit recursion with data-reify for preserving sharing.

Note the presence of a list of closed ExprMono's in the tuple. We use this list to recover unshared child expressions when they need to be inlined.

emfStringAt :: Show a => ExprMonoF a -> Int -> String Source #

Returns the string representation of the nth child of an open untyped expression, accounting for inlining