hyperpublic-0.0.0: A thin wrapper for the Hyperpublic API



A thin wrapper for the Hyperpublic API, which uses Network.HTTP.Enumerator to fetch results and Data.Aeson to return them as JSON. The Web.Hyperpublic.Places and Web.Hyperpublic.Offers modules wrap find and show methods of the Places+ (http://www.hyperpublic.com/placesplus) and Geo Deals and Events (http://www.hyperpublic.com/deals) endpoints, respectively. The next release of this package will also wrap the create method of Places+. Full API documentation can be found at http://developer.hyperpublic.com/.

Web.Hyperpublic.Places and Web.Hyperpublic.Offers export the functions find and show, where each works similarly across the two modules. The next release of this package will also wrap the create method of Places+.

Examples (included in the distribution as Examples.hs):

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Main where

import Data.Aeson
import Data.ByteString.Char8 ()
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text
import qualified Data.Vector as V

import Web.Hyperpublic
import qualified Web.Hyperpublic.Places as Places
import qualified Web.Hyperpublic.Offers as Offers

-- Sequence the two examples.
main :: IO ()
main = placeNamesNearHq >> offerDescr

-- Find places near Hyperpublic HQ and print the name of each.
placeNamesNearHq :: IO ()
placeNamesNearHq =
    let json = Places.find auth [( "address"
                                 , "416 W 13th St, New York, NY 10014" )]
    in json >>= putStrLn . show . getNames
    getNames (Array arr) = mapMaybe getName $ V.toList arr
    getName (Object obj) = getTextField obj "display_name"

-- Find the offer with id 4e90567c297a200001008db9 and print its description.
offerDescr :: IO ()
offerDescr =
    let json = Offers.show auth "4e90567c297a200001008db9"
    in json >>= putStrLn . show . getDescr
    getDescr (Object obj) = maybe "" id $ getTextField obj "description"

-- Create an authorization record. Get your own credentials at
-- http://www.hyperpublic.com/registerapi
auth :: HpAuth
auth = HpAuth { clientId = "8UufhI6bCKQXKMBn7AUWO67Yq6C8RkfD0BGouTke"
              , clientSecret = "zdoROY5XRN0clIWsEJyKzHedSK4irYee8jpnOXaP" }

-- Extract a text field from an 'Data.Aeson.Object'.
getTextField :: Object -> Text -> Maybe Text
getTextField obj txt = M.lookup txt obj >>= resultToMaybe . fromJSON
    resultToMaybe (Success a) = Just a
    resultToMaybe (Error _) = Nothing



data HpAuth Source

A record for passing around API authorization credentials.


