ihaskell- A Haskell backend kernel for the IPython project.
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




headMay :: [a] -> Maybe a Source #

tailMay :: [a] -> Maybe [a] Source #

lastMay :: [a] -> Maybe a Source #

initMay :: [a] -> Maybe [a] Source #

maximumMay :: Ord a => [a] -> Maybe a Source #

minimumMay :: Ord a => [a] -> Maybe a Source #

wrapEmpty :: ([a] -> b) -> [a] -> Maybe b Source #

maximumByMay :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> Maybe a Source #

minimumByMay :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> Maybe a Source #

putStrLn :: MonadIO m => String -> m () Source #

putStr :: MonadIO m => String -> m () Source #

putChar :: MonadIO m => Char -> m () Source #

print :: (MonadIO m, Show a) => a -> m () Source #

augment :: (forall b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b) -> [a] -> [a] #

A list producer that can be fused with foldr. This function is merely

   augment g xs = g (:) xs

but GHC's simplifier will transform an expression of the form foldr k z (augment g xs), which may arise after inlining, to g k (foldr k z xs), which avoids producing an intermediate list.

(++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a] infixr 5 #

Append two lists, i.e.,

[x1, ..., xm] ++ [y1, ..., yn] == [x1, ..., xm, y1, ..., yn]
[x1, ..., xm] ++ [y1, ...] == [x1, ..., xm, y1, ...]

If the first list is not finite, the result is the first list.

build :: (forall b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b) -> [a] #

A list producer that can be fused with foldr. This function is merely

   build g = g (:) []

but GHC's simplifier will transform an expression of the form foldr k z (build g), which may arise after inlining, to g k z, which avoids producing an intermediate list.

seq :: forall {r :: RuntimeRep} a (b :: TYPE r). a -> b -> b infixr 0 #

The value of seq a b is bottom if a is bottom, and otherwise equal to b. In other words, it evaluates the first argument a to weak head normal form (WHNF). seq is usually introduced to improve performance by avoiding unneeded laziness.

A note on evaluation order: the expression seq a b does not guarantee that a will be evaluated before b. The only guarantee given by seq is that the both a and b will be evaluated before seq returns a value. In particular, this means that b may be evaluated before a. If you need to guarantee a specific order of evaluation, you must use the function pseq from the "parallel" package.

eqString :: String -> String -> Bool #

This String equality predicate is used when desugaring pattern-matches against strings.

realWorld# :: State# RealWorld #

The token used in the implementation of the IO monad as a state monad. It does not pass any information at runtime. See also GHC.Magic.runRW#.

unpackFoldrCString# :: Addr# -> (Char -> a -> a) -> a -> a #

unpackFoldrCStringUtf8# :: Addr# -> (Char -> a -> a) -> a -> a #

void# :: (# #) #

This is an alias for the unboxed unit tuple constructor. In earlier versions of GHC, void# was a value of the primitive type Void#, which is now defined to be (# #).

cstringLength# :: Addr# -> Int# #

Compute the length of a NUL-terminated string. This address must refer to immutable memory. GHC includes a built-in rule for constant folding when the argument is a statically-known literal. That is, a core-to-core pass reduces the expression cstringLength# "hello"# to the constant 5#.

filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] #

\(\mathcal{O}(n)\). filter, applied to a predicate and a list, returns the list of those elements that satisfy the predicate; i.e.,

filter p xs = [ x | x <- xs, p x]
>>> filter odd [1, 2, 3]

zip :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)] #

\(\mathcal{O}(\min(m,n))\). zip takes two lists and returns a list of corresponding pairs.

>>> zip [1, 2] ['a', 'b']

If one input list is shorter than the other, excess elements of the longer list are discarded, even if one of the lists is infinite:

>>> zip [1] ['a', 'b']
>>> zip [1, 2] ['a']
>>> zip [] [1..]
>>> zip [1..] []

zip is right-lazy:

>>> zip [] undefined
>>> zip undefined []
*** Exception: Prelude.undefined

zip is capable of list fusion, but it is restricted to its first list argument and its resulting list.

bindIO :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b #

returnIO :: a -> IO a #

nullAddr# :: Addr# #

The null address.

fst :: (a, b) -> a #

Extract the first component of a pair.

snd :: (a, b) -> b #

Extract the second component of a pair.

otherwise :: Bool #

otherwise is defined as the value True. It helps to make guards more readable. eg.

 f x | x < 0     = ...
     | otherwise = ...

assert :: Bool -> a -> a #

If the first argument evaluates to True, then the result is the second argument. Otherwise an AssertionFailed exception is raised, containing a String with the source file and line number of the call to assert.

Assertions can normally be turned on or off with a compiler flag (for GHC, assertions are normally on unless optimisation is turned on with -O or the -fignore-asserts option is given). When assertions are turned off, the first argument to assert is ignored, and the second argument is returned as the result.

leftSection :: forall {q :: RuntimeRep} {r :: RuntimeRep} {n :: Multiplicity} (a :: TYPE q) (b :: TYPE r). (a %n -> b) -> a %n -> b #

rightSection :: forall {q :: RuntimeRep} {r :: RuntimeRep} {s :: RuntimeRep} {n :: Multiplicity} {o :: Multiplicity} (a :: TYPE q) (b :: TYPE r) (c :: TYPE s). (a %n -> b %o -> c) -> b %o -> a %n -> c #

thenIO :: IO a -> IO b -> IO b #

lazy :: a -> a #

The lazy function restrains strictness analysis a little. The call lazy e means the same as e, but lazy has a magical property so far as strictness analysis is concerned: it is lazy in its first argument, even though its semantics is strict. After strictness analysis has run, calls to lazy are inlined to be the identity function.

This behaviour is occasionally useful when controlling evaluation order. Notably, lazy is used in the library definition of par:

par :: a -> b -> b
par x y = case (par# x) of _ -> lazy y

If lazy were not lazy, par would look strict in y which would defeat the whole purpose of par.

oneShot :: forall {q :: RuntimeRep} {r :: RuntimeRep} (a :: TYPE q) (b :: TYPE r). (a -> b) -> a -> b #

The oneShot function can be used to give a hint to the compiler that its argument will be called at most once, which may (or may not) enable certain optimizations. It can be useful to improve the performance of code in continuation passing style.

If oneShot is used wrongly, then it may be that computations whose result that would otherwise be shared are re-evaluated every time they are used. Otherwise, the use of oneShot is safe.

oneShot is representation polymorphic: the type variables may refer to lifted or unlifted types.

runRW# :: forall (r :: RuntimeRep) (o :: TYPE r). (State# RealWorld -> o) -> o #

Apply a function to a State# RealWorld token. When manually applying a function to realWorld#, it is necessary to use NOINLINE to prevent semantically undesirable floating. runRW# is inlined, but only very late in compilation after all floating is complete.

breakpoint :: a -> a #

breakpointCond :: Bool -> a -> a #

inline :: a -> a #

The call inline f arranges that f is inlined, regardless of its size. More precisely, the call inline f rewrites to the right-hand side of f's definition. This allows the programmer to control inlining from a particular call site rather than the definition site of the function (c.f. INLINE pragmas).

This inlining occurs regardless of the argument to the call or the size of f's definition; it is unconditional. The main caveat is that f's definition must be visible to the compiler; it is therefore recommended to mark the function with an INLINABLE pragma at its definition so that GHC guarantees to record its unfolding regardless of size.

If no inlining takes place, the inline function expands to the identity function in Phase zero, so its use imposes no overhead.

map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] #

\(\mathcal{O}(n)\). map f xs is the list obtained by applying f to each element of xs, i.e.,

map f [x1, x2, ..., xn] == [f x1, f x2, ..., f xn]
map f [x1, x2, ...] == [f x1, f x2, ...]
>>> map (+1) [1, 2, 3]

($) :: forall (r :: RuntimeRep) a (b :: TYPE r). (a -> b) -> a -> b infixr 0 #

Application operator. This operator is redundant, since ordinary application (f x) means the same as (f $ x). However, $ has low, right-associative binding precedence, so it sometimes allows parentheses to be omitted; for example:

f $ g $ h x  =  f (g (h x))

It is also useful in higher-order situations, such as map ($ 0) xs, or zipWith ($) fs xs.

Note that ($) is levity-polymorphic in its result type, so that foo $ True where foo :: Bool -> Int# is well-typed.

noinline :: a -> a #

The call noinline f arranges that f will not be inlined. It is removed during CorePrep so that its use imposes no overhead (besides the fact that it blocks inlining.)

magicDict :: a #

magicDict is a special-purpose placeholder value. It is used internally by modules such as GHC.TypeNats to cast a typeclass dictionary with a single method. It is eliminated by a rule during compilation. For the details, see Note [magicDictId magic] in GHC.

coerce :: forall {k :: RuntimeRep} (a :: TYPE k) (b :: TYPE k). Coercible a b => a -> b #

The function coerce allows you to safely convert between values of types that have the same representation with no run-time overhead. In the simplest case you can use it instead of a newtype constructor, to go from the newtype's concrete type to the abstract type. But it also works in more complicated settings, e.g. converting a list of newtypes to a list of concrete types.

This function is runtime-representation polymorphic, but the RuntimeRep type argument is marked as Inferred, meaning that it is not available for visible type application. This means the typechecker will accept coerce @Int @Age 42.

fromIntegral :: (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b #

general coercion from integral types

realToFrac :: (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b #

general coercion to fractional types

guard :: Alternative f => Bool -> f () #

Conditional failure of Alternative computations. Defined by

guard True  = pure ()
guard False = empty



Common uses of guard include conditionally signaling an error in an error monad and conditionally rejecting the current choice in an Alternative-based parser.

As an example of signaling an error in the error monad Maybe, consider a safe division function safeDiv x y that returns Nothing when the denominator y is zero and Just (x `div` y) otherwise. For example:

>>> safeDiv 4 0
>>> safeDiv 4 2
Just 2

A definition of safeDiv using guards, but not guard:

safeDiv :: Int -> Int -> Maybe Int
safeDiv x y | y /= 0    = Just (x `div` y)
            | otherwise = Nothing

A definition of safeDiv using guard and Monad do-notation:

safeDiv :: Int -> Int -> Maybe Int
safeDiv x y = do
  guard (y /= 0)
  return (x `div` y)

proxy# :: forall {k} (a :: k). Proxy# a #

Witness for an unboxed Proxy# value, which has no runtime representation.

integerFromNatural :: Natural -> Integer #

Convert a Natural into an Integer

integerToNaturalClamp :: Integer -> Natural #

Convert an Integer into a Natural

Return 0 for negative Integers.

integerToNaturalThrow :: Integer -> Natural #

Convert an Integer into a Natural

Throw an Underflow exception if input is negative.

integerToNatural :: Integer -> Natural #

Convert an Integer into a Natural

Return absolute value

integerToWord# :: Integer -> Word# #

Truncate an Integer into a Word

integerToInt# :: Integer -> Int# #

Truncates Integer to least-significant Int#

integerMul :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer #

Multiply two Integers

integerSub :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer #

Subtract one Integer from another.

integerNegate :: Integer -> Integer #

Negate Integer.

One edge-case issue to take into account is that Int's range is not symmetric around 0. I.e. minBound+maxBound = -1

IP is used iff n > maxBound::Int IN is used iff n < minBound::Int

integerEq# :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool# #

Equal predicate.

integerNe# :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool# #

Not-equal predicate.

integerLe# :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool# #

Lower-or-equal predicate.

integerGt# :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool# #

Greater predicate.

integerLt# :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool# #

Lower predicate.

integerGe# :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool# #

Greater-or-equal predicate.

integerAbs :: Integer -> Integer #

Compute absolute value of an Integer

integerSignum :: Integer -> Integer #

Return -1, 0, and 1 depending on whether argument is negative, zero, or positive, respectively

integerCompare :: Integer -> Integer -> Ordering #

Compare two Integer

integerPopCount# :: Integer -> Int# #

Count number of set bits. For negative arguments returns the negated population count of the absolute value.

integerDivMod# :: Integer -> Integer -> (# Integer, Integer #) #

Simultaneous integerDiv and integerMod.

Divisor must be non-zero otherwise the GHC runtime will terminate with a division-by-zero fault.

integerQuotRem# :: Integer -> Integer -> (# Integer, Integer #) #

Simultaneous integerQuot and integerRem.

Divisor must be non-zero otherwise the GHC runtime will terminate with a division-by-zero fault.

integerEncodeFloat# :: Integer -> Int# -> Float# #

Encode (# Integer mantissa, Int# exponent #) into a Float#

TODO: Not sure if it's worth to write Float optimized versions here

integerEncodeDouble# :: Integer -> Int# -> Double# #

Encode (# Integer mantissa, Int# exponent #) into a Double#

integerGcd :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer #

Compute greatest common divisor.

integerLcm :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer #

Compute least common multiple.

integerAnd :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer #

Bitwise AND operation

Fake 2's complement for negative values (might be slow)

integerOr :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer #

Bitwise OR operation

Fake 2's complement for negative values (might be slow)

integerXor :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer #

Bitwise XOR operation

Fake 2's complement for negative values (might be slow)

integerComplement :: Integer -> Integer #

Binary complement of the

integerBit# :: Word# -> Integer #

Positive Integer for which only n-th bit is set

integerTestBit# :: Integer -> Word# -> Bool# #

Test if n-th bit is set.

Fake 2's complement for negative values (might be slow)

integerShiftL# :: Integer -> Word# -> Integer #

Shift-left operation

integerShiftR# :: Integer -> Word# -> Integer #

Shift-right operation

Fake 2's complement for negative values (might be slow)

integerFromWord# :: Word# -> Integer #

Convert a Word# into an Integer

integerFromInt64# :: Int# -> Integer #

Convert an Int64# into an Integer on 64-bit architectures

naturalToWord# :: Natural -> Word# #

Convert the lower bits of a Natural into a Word#

naturalToWordClamp# :: Natural -> Word# #

Convert a Natural into a Word# clamping to (maxBound :: Word#).

naturalEq# :: Natural -> Natural -> Bool# #

Equality test for Natural

naturalNe# :: Natural -> Natural -> Bool# #

Inequality test for Natural

naturalGe# :: Natural -> Natural -> Bool# #

Greater or equal test for Natural

naturalLe# :: Natural -> Natural -> Bool# #

Lower or equal test for Natural

naturalGt# :: Natural -> Natural -> Bool# #

Greater test for Natural

naturalLt# :: Natural -> Natural -> Bool# #

Lower test for Natural

naturalCompare :: Natural -> Natural -> Ordering #

Compare two Natural

naturalPopCount# :: Natural -> Word# #

PopCount for Natural

naturalShiftR# :: Natural -> Word# -> Natural #

Right shift for Natural

naturalShiftL# :: Natural -> Word# -> Natural #

Left shift

naturalAdd :: Natural -> Natural -> Natural #

Add two naturals

naturalSub :: Natural -> Natural -> (# (# #) | Natural #) #

Sub two naturals

naturalSubThrow :: Natural -> Natural -> Natural #

Sub two naturals

Throw an Underflow exception if x < y

naturalSubUnsafe :: Natural -> Natural -> Natural #

Sub two naturals

Unsafe: don't check that x >= y Undefined results if it happens

naturalMul :: Natural -> Natural -> Natural #


naturalSignum :: Natural -> Natural #

Signum for Natural

naturalNegate :: Natural -> Natural #

Negate for Natural

naturalQuotRem# :: Natural -> Natural -> (# Natural, Natural #) #

Return division quotient and remainder

Division by zero is handled by BigNat

naturalQuot :: Natural -> Natural -> Natural #

Return division quotient

naturalRem :: Natural -> Natural -> Natural #

Return division remainder

naturalGcd :: Natural -> Natural -> Natural #

Compute greatest common divisor.

naturalLcm :: Natural -> Natural -> Natural #

Compute least common multiple.

naturalLog2# :: Natural -> Word# #

Base 2 logarithm

naturalLogBaseWord# :: Word# -> Natural -> Word# #

Logarithm for an arbitrary base

naturalLogBase# :: Natural -> Natural -> Word# #

Logarithm for an arbitrary base

naturalPowMod :: Natural -> Natural -> Natural -> Natural #

"naturalPowMod b e m" computes base b raised to exponent e modulo m.

naturalSizeInBase# :: Word# -> Natural -> Word# #

Compute the number of digits of the Natural in the given base.

base must be > 1

join :: Monad m => m (m a) -> m a #

The join function is the conventional monad join operator. It is used to remove one level of monadic structure, projecting its bound argument into the outer level.

'join bss' can be understood as the do expression

do bs <- bss



A common use of join is to run an IO computation returned from an STM transaction, since STM transactions can't perform IO directly. Recall that

atomically :: STM a -> IO a

is used to run STM transactions atomically. So, by specializing the types of atomically and join to

atomically :: STM (IO b) -> IO (IO b)
join       :: IO (IO b)  -> IO b

we can compose them as

join . atomically :: STM (IO b) -> IO b

to run an STM transaction and the IO action it returns.

class Bounded a where #

The Bounded class is used to name the upper and lower limits of a type. Ord is not a superclass of Bounded since types that are not totally ordered may also have upper and lower bounds.

The Bounded class may be derived for any enumeration type; minBound is the first constructor listed in the data declaration and maxBound is the last. Bounded may also be derived for single-constructor datatypes whose constituent types are in Bounded.


minBound :: a #

maxBound :: a #


Instances details
Bounded All

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


minBound :: All #

maxBound :: All #

Bounded Any

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


minBound :: Any #

maxBound :: Any #

Bounded ByteOrder

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.ByteOrder

Bounded Associativity

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

Bounded DecidedStrictness

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

Bounded SourceStrictness

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

Bounded SourceUnpackedness

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

Bounded Int16

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Int

Bounded Int32

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Int

Bounded Int64

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Int

Bounded Int8

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Int

Bounded GeneralCategory

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unicode

Bounded Word16

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Word

Bounded Word32

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Word

Bounded Word64

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Word

Bounded Word8

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Word

Bounded CBlkCnt 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Bounded CBlkSize 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Bounded CClockId 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Bounded CDev 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Bounded CFsBlkCnt 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Bounded CFsFilCnt 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Bounded CGid 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Bounded CId 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


minBound :: CId #

maxBound :: CId #

Bounded CIno 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Bounded CKey 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Bounded CMode 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Bounded CNfds 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Bounded CNlink 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Bounded COff 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Bounded CPid 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Bounded CRLim 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Bounded CSocklen 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Bounded CSsize 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Bounded CTcflag 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Bounded CUid 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Bounded Fd 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


minBound :: Fd #

maxBound :: Fd #

Bounded Encoding 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.String

Bounded UTF32_Invalid 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.String.Encoding.UTF32


minBound :: UTF32_Invalid #

maxBound :: UTF32_Invalid #

Bounded TimeSpec 
Instance details

Defined in System.Clock

Bounded HelpFormat 
Instance details

Defined in System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit.Help

Bounded FileType 
Instance details

Defined in System.Directory.Internal.Common

Bounded XdgDirectory 
Instance details

Defined in System.Directory.Internal.Common

Bounded XdgDirectoryList 
Instance details

Defined in System.Directory.Internal.Common

Bounded Language 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Flags

Bounded Extension 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.LanguageExtensions.Type

Bounded Extension 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.LanguageExtensions.Type

Bounded Ordering

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum

Bounded Severity 
Instance details

Defined in Config.Type

Bounded IPv4 
Instance details

Defined in Data.IP.Addr

Bounded IPv6 
Instance details

Defined in Data.IP.Addr

Bounded PortNumber 
Instance details

Defined in Network.Socket.Types

Bounded CompressionStrategy 
Instance details

Defined in Codec.Compression.Zlib.Stream

Bounded Format 
Instance details

Defined in Codec.Compression.Zlib.Stream

Bounded Method 
Instance details

Defined in Codec.Compression.Zlib.Stream

Bounded ()

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum


minBound :: () #

maxBound :: () #

Bounded Bool

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum

Bounded Char

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum

Bounded Int

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum


minBound :: Int #

maxBound :: Int #

Bounded Levity

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum

Bounded VecCount

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum

Bounded VecElem

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum

Bounded Word

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum

Bounded a => Bounded (Identity a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Identity

Bounded a => Bounded (Down a)

Swaps minBound and maxBound of the underlying type.

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Ord


minBound :: Down a #

maxBound :: Down a #

Bounded a => Bounded (First a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


minBound :: First a #

maxBound :: First a #

Bounded a => Bounded (Last a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


minBound :: Last a #

maxBound :: Last a #

Bounded a => Bounded (Max a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


minBound :: Max a #

maxBound :: Max a #

Bounded a => Bounded (Min a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


minBound :: Min a #

maxBound :: Min a #

Bounded m => Bounded (WrappedMonoid m)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup

Bounded a => Bounded (Dual a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


minBound :: Dual a #

maxBound :: Dual a #

Bounded a => Bounded (Product a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal

Bounded a => Bounded (Sum a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


minBound :: Sum a #

maxBound :: Sum a #

SizeValid n => Bounded (Bits n) 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Bits


minBound :: Bits n #

maxBound :: Bits n #

Bounded a => Bounded (a) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum


minBound :: (a) #

maxBound :: (a) #

Bounded (Proxy t)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Proxy


minBound :: Proxy t #

maxBound :: Proxy t #

(Bounded a, Bounded b) => Bounded (Pair a b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Strict.Tuple


minBound :: Pair a b #

maxBound :: Pair a b #

(Bounded a, Bounded b) => Bounded (a, b)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum


minBound :: (a, b) #

maxBound :: (a, b) #

Bounded a => Bounded (Const a b)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Const


minBound :: Const a b #

maxBound :: Const a b #

(Applicative f, Bounded a) => Bounded (Ap f a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


minBound :: Ap f a #

maxBound :: Ap f a #

Bounded b => Bounded (Tagged s b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tagged


minBound :: Tagged s b #

maxBound :: Tagged s b #

(Bounded a, Bounded b, Bounded c) => Bounded (a, b, c)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum


minBound :: (a, b, c) #

maxBound :: (a, b, c) #

(Bounded a, Bounded b, Bounded c, Bounded d) => Bounded (a, b, c, d)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum


minBound :: (a, b, c, d) #

maxBound :: (a, b, c, d) #

(Bounded a, Bounded b, Bounded c, Bounded d, Bounded e) => Bounded (a, b, c, d, e)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum


minBound :: (a, b, c, d, e) #

maxBound :: (a, b, c, d, e) #

(Bounded a, Bounded b, Bounded c, Bounded d, Bounded e, Bounded f) => Bounded (a, b, c, d, e, f)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum


minBound :: (a, b, c, d, e, f) #

maxBound :: (a, b, c, d, e, f) #

(Bounded a, Bounded b, Bounded c, Bounded d, Bounded e, Bounded f, Bounded g) => Bounded (a, b, c, d, e, f, g)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum


minBound :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) #

maxBound :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) #

(Bounded a, Bounded b, Bounded c, Bounded d, Bounded e, Bounded f, Bounded g, Bounded h) => Bounded (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum


minBound :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) #

maxBound :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) #

(Bounded a, Bounded b, Bounded c, Bounded d, Bounded e, Bounded f, Bounded g, Bounded h, Bounded i) => Bounded (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum


minBound :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) #

maxBound :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) #

(Bounded a, Bounded b, Bounded c, Bounded d, Bounded e, Bounded f, Bounded g, Bounded h, Bounded i, Bounded j) => Bounded (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum


minBound :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) #

maxBound :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) #

(Bounded a, Bounded b, Bounded c, Bounded d, Bounded e, Bounded f, Bounded g, Bounded h, Bounded i, Bounded j, Bounded k) => Bounded (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum


minBound :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) #

maxBound :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) #

(Bounded a, Bounded b, Bounded c, Bounded d, Bounded e, Bounded f, Bounded g, Bounded h, Bounded i, Bounded j, Bounded k, Bounded l) => Bounded (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum


minBound :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l) #

maxBound :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l) #

(Bounded a, Bounded b, Bounded c, Bounded d, Bounded e, Bounded f, Bounded g, Bounded h, Bounded i, Bounded j, Bounded k, Bounded l, Bounded m) => Bounded (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum


minBound :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m) #

maxBound :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m) #

(Bounded a, Bounded b, Bounded c, Bounded d, Bounded e, Bounded f, Bounded g, Bounded h, Bounded i, Bounded j, Bounded k, Bounded l, Bounded m, Bounded n) => Bounded (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum


minBound :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n) #

maxBound :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n) #

(Bounded a, Bounded b, Bounded c, Bounded d, Bounded e, Bounded f, Bounded g, Bounded h, Bounded i, Bounded j, Bounded k, Bounded l, Bounded m, Bounded n, Bounded o) => Bounded (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum


minBound :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o) #

maxBound :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o) #

class Enum a where #

Class Enum defines operations on sequentially ordered types.

The enumFrom... methods are used in Haskell's translation of arithmetic sequences.

Instances of Enum may be derived for any enumeration type (types whose constructors have no fields). The nullary constructors are assumed to be numbered left-to-right by fromEnum from 0 through n-1. See Chapter 10 of the Haskell Report for more details.

For any type that is an instance of class Bounded as well as Enum, the following should hold:

   enumFrom     x   = enumFromTo     x maxBound
   enumFromThen x y = enumFromThenTo x y bound
       bound | fromEnum y >= fromEnum x = maxBound
             | otherwise                = minBound

Minimal complete definition

toEnum, fromEnum


succ :: a -> a #

the successor of a value. For numeric types, succ adds 1.

pred :: a -> a #

the predecessor of a value. For numeric types, pred subtracts 1.

toEnum :: Int -> a #

Convert from an Int.

fromEnum :: a -> Int #

Convert to an Int. It is implementation-dependent what fromEnum returns when applied to a value that is too large to fit in an Int.

enumFrom :: a -> [a] #

Used in Haskell's translation of [n..] with [n..] = enumFrom n, a possible implementation being enumFrom n = n : enumFrom (succ n). For example:

  • enumFrom 4 :: [Integer] = [4,5,6,7,...]
  • enumFrom 6 :: [Int] = [6,7,8,9,...,maxBound :: Int]

enumFromThen :: a -> a -> [a] #

Used in Haskell's translation of [n,n'..] with [n,n'..] = enumFromThen n n', a possible implementation being enumFromThen n n' = n : n' : worker (f x) (f x n'), worker s v = v : worker s (s v), x = fromEnum n' - fromEnum n and f n y | n > 0 = f (n - 1) (succ y) | n < 0 = f (n + 1) (pred y) | otherwise = y For example:

  • enumFromThen 4 6 :: [Integer] = [4,6,8,10...]
  • enumFromThen 6 2 :: [Int] = [6,2,-2,-6,...,minBound :: Int]

enumFromTo :: a -> a -> [a] #

Used in Haskell's translation of [n..m] with [n..m] = enumFromTo n m, a possible implementation being enumFromTo n m | n <= m = n : enumFromTo (succ n) m | otherwise = []. For example:

  • enumFromTo 6 10 :: [Int] = [6,7,8,9,10]
  • enumFromTo 42 1 :: [Integer] = []

enumFromThenTo :: a -> a -> a -> [a] #

Used in Haskell's translation of [n,n'..m] with [n,n'..m] = enumFromThenTo n n' m, a possible implementation being enumFromThenTo n n' m = worker (f x) (c x) n m, x = fromEnum n' - fromEnum n, c x = bool (>=) ((x 0) f n y | n > 0 = f (n - 1) (succ y) | n < 0 = f (n + 1) (pred y) | otherwise = y and worker s c v m | c v m = v : worker s c (s v) m | otherwise = [] For example:

  • enumFromThenTo 4 2 -6 :: [Integer] = [4,2,0,-2,-4,-6]
  • enumFromThenTo 6 8 2 :: [Int] = []


Instances details
Enum ByteOrder

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.ByteOrder

Enum Associativity

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

Enum DecidedStrictness

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

Enum SourceStrictness

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

Enum SourceUnpackedness

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

Enum SeekMode

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO.Device

Enum Int16

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Int

Enum Int32

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Int

Enum Int64

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Int

Enum Int8

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Int


succ :: Int8 -> Int8 #

pred :: Int8 -> Int8 #

toEnum :: Int -> Int8 #

fromEnum :: Int8 -> Int #

enumFrom :: Int8 -> [Int8] #

enumFromThen :: Int8 -> Int8 -> [Int8] #

enumFromTo :: Int8 -> Int8 -> [Int8] #

enumFromThenTo :: Int8 -> Int8 -> Int8 -> [Int8] #

Enum DoCostCentres

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.RTS.Flags

Enum DoHeapProfile

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.RTS.Flags

Enum DoTrace

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.RTS.Flags

Enum GiveGCStats

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.RTS.Flags

Enum IoSubSystem

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.RTS.Flags

Enum GeneralCategory

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unicode

Enum Word16

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Word

Enum Word32

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Word

Enum Word64

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Word

Enum Word8

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Word

Enum CBlkCnt 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Enum CBlkSize 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Enum CCc 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


succ :: CCc -> CCc #

pred :: CCc -> CCc #

toEnum :: Int -> CCc #

fromEnum :: CCc -> Int #

enumFrom :: CCc -> [CCc] #

enumFromThen :: CCc -> CCc -> [CCc] #

enumFromTo :: CCc -> CCc -> [CCc] #

enumFromThenTo :: CCc -> CCc -> CCc -> [CCc] #

Enum CClockId 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Enum CDev 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


succ :: CDev -> CDev #

pred :: CDev -> CDev #

toEnum :: Int -> CDev #

fromEnum :: CDev -> Int #

enumFrom :: CDev -> [CDev] #

enumFromThen :: CDev -> CDev -> [CDev] #

enumFromTo :: CDev -> CDev -> [CDev] #

enumFromThenTo :: CDev -> CDev -> CDev -> [CDev] #

Enum CFsBlkCnt 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Enum CFsFilCnt 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Enum CGid 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


succ :: CGid -> CGid #

pred :: CGid -> CGid #

toEnum :: Int -> CGid #

fromEnum :: CGid -> Int #

enumFrom :: CGid -> [CGid] #

enumFromThen :: CGid -> CGid -> [CGid] #

enumFromTo :: CGid -> CGid -> [CGid] #

enumFromThenTo :: CGid -> CGid -> CGid -> [CGid] #

Enum CId 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


succ :: CId -> CId #

pred :: CId -> CId #

toEnum :: Int -> CId #

fromEnum :: CId -> Int #

enumFrom :: CId -> [CId] #

enumFromThen :: CId -> CId -> [CId] #

enumFromTo :: CId -> CId -> [CId] #

enumFromThenTo :: CId -> CId -> CId -> [CId] #

Enum CIno 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


succ :: CIno -> CIno #

pred :: CIno -> CIno #

toEnum :: Int -> CIno #

fromEnum :: CIno -> Int #

enumFrom :: CIno -> [CIno] #

enumFromThen :: CIno -> CIno -> [CIno] #

enumFromTo :: CIno -> CIno -> [CIno] #

enumFromThenTo :: CIno -> CIno -> CIno -> [CIno] #

Enum CKey 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


succ :: CKey -> CKey #

pred :: CKey -> CKey #

toEnum :: Int -> CKey #

fromEnum :: CKey -> Int #

enumFrom :: CKey -> [CKey] #

enumFromThen :: CKey -> CKey -> [CKey] #

enumFromTo :: CKey -> CKey -> [CKey] #

enumFromThenTo :: CKey -> CKey -> CKey -> [CKey] #

Enum CMode 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Enum CNfds 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Enum CNlink 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Enum COff 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


succ :: COff -> COff #

pred :: COff -> COff #

toEnum :: Int -> COff #

fromEnum :: COff -> Int #

enumFrom :: COff -> [COff] #

enumFromThen :: COff -> COff -> [COff] #

enumFromTo :: COff -> COff -> [COff] #

enumFromThenTo :: COff -> COff -> COff -> [COff] #

Enum CPid 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


succ :: CPid -> CPid #

pred :: CPid -> CPid #

toEnum :: Int -> CPid #

fromEnum :: CPid -> Int #

enumFrom :: CPid -> [CPid] #

enumFromThen :: CPid -> CPid -> [CPid] #

enumFromTo :: CPid -> CPid -> [CPid] #

enumFromThenTo :: CPid -> CPid -> CPid -> [CPid] #

Enum CRLim 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Enum CSocklen 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Enum CSpeed 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Enum CSsize 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Enum CTcflag 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Enum CUid 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


succ :: CUid -> CUid #

pred :: CUid -> CUid #

toEnum :: Int -> CUid #

fromEnum :: CUid -> Int #

enumFrom :: CUid -> [CUid] #

enumFromThen :: CUid -> CUid -> [CUid] #

enumFromTo :: CUid -> CUid -> [CUid] #

enumFromThenTo :: CUid -> CUid -> CUid -> [CUid] #

Enum Fd 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


succ :: Fd -> Fd #

pred :: Fd -> Fd #

toEnum :: Int -> Fd #

fromEnum :: Fd -> Int #

enumFrom :: Fd -> [Fd] #

enumFromThen :: Fd -> Fd -> [Fd] #

enumFromTo :: Fd -> Fd -> [Fd] #

enumFromThenTo :: Fd -> Fd -> Fd -> [Fd] #

Enum Encoding 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.String

Enum UTF32_Invalid 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.String.Encoding.UTF32


succ :: UTF32_Invalid -> UTF32_Invalid #

pred :: UTF32_Invalid -> UTF32_Invalid #

toEnum :: Int -> UTF32_Invalid #

fromEnum :: UTF32_Invalid -> Int #

enumFrom :: UTF32_Invalid -> [UTF32_Invalid] #

enumFromThen :: UTF32_Invalid -> UTF32_Invalid -> [UTF32_Invalid] #

enumFromTo :: UTF32_Invalid -> UTF32_Invalid -> [UTF32_Invalid] #

enumFromThenTo :: UTF32_Invalid -> UTF32_Invalid -> UTF32_Invalid -> [UTF32_Invalid] #

Enum Clock 
Instance details

Defined in System.Clock

Enum TimeSpec 
Instance details

Defined in System.Clock

Enum HelpFormat 
Instance details

Defined in System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit.Help

Enum CryptoError 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Error.Types

Enum FileType 
Instance details

Defined in System.Directory.Internal.Common

Enum XdgDirectory 
Instance details

Defined in System.Directory.Internal.Common

Enum XdgDirectoryList 
Instance details

Defined in System.Directory.Internal.Common

Enum ByteOff 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.ByteCode.Types

Enum RegBitmap 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.ByteCode.Types

Enum WordOff 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.ByteCode.Types

Enum DumpFlag 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Flags

Enum GeneralFlag 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Flags

Enum Language 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Flags

Enum WarningFlag 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Flags

Enum ProfAuto 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Session

Enum ExtBits 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Lexer

Enum Extension 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.LanguageExtensions.Type

Enum ClosureType 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exts.Heap.ClosureTypes

Enum Extension 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.LanguageExtensions.Type

Enum Ordering

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum

Enum THResultType 
Instance details

Defined in GHCi.Message

Enum Severity 
Instance details

Defined in Config.Type

Enum IP 
Instance details

Defined in Data.IP.Addr


succ :: IP -> IP #

pred :: IP -> IP #

toEnum :: Int -> IP #

fromEnum :: IP -> Int #

enumFrom :: IP -> [IP] #

enumFromThen :: IP -> IP -> [IP] #

enumFromTo :: IP -> IP -> [IP] #

enumFromThenTo :: IP -> IP -> IP -> [IP] #

Enum IPv4 
Instance details

Defined in Data.IP.Addr


succ :: IPv4 -> IPv4 #

pred :: IPv4 -> IPv4 #

toEnum :: Int -> IPv4 #

fromEnum :: IPv4 -> Int #

enumFrom :: IPv4 -> [IPv4] #

enumFromThen :: IPv4 -> IPv4 -> [IPv4] #

enumFromTo :: IPv4 -> IPv4 -> [IPv4] #

enumFromThenTo :: IPv4 -> IPv4 -> IPv4 -> [IPv4] #

Enum IPv6 
Instance details

Defined in Data.IP.Addr


succ :: IPv6 -> IPv6 #

pred :: IPv6 -> IPv6 #

toEnum :: Int -> IPv6 #

fromEnum :: IPv6 -> Int #

enumFrom :: IPv6 -> [IPv6] #

enumFromThen :: IPv6 -> IPv6 -> [IPv6] #

enumFromTo :: IPv6 -> IPv6 -> [IPv6] #

enumFromThenTo :: IPv6 -> IPv6 -> IPv6 -> [IPv6] #

Enum PortNumber 
Instance details

Defined in Network.Socket.Types

Enum Message 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Parsec.Error

Enum Day 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Time.Calendar.Days


succ :: Day -> Day #

pred :: Day -> Day #

toEnum :: Int -> Day #

fromEnum :: Day -> Int #

enumFrom :: Day -> [Day] #

enumFromThen :: Day -> Day -> [Day] #

enumFromTo :: Day -> Day -> [Day] #

enumFromThenTo :: Day -> Day -> Day -> [Day] #

Enum DiffTime 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Time.Clock.Internal.DiffTime

Enum CompressionStrategy 
Instance details

Defined in Codec.Compression.Zlib.Stream

Enum Format 
Instance details

Defined in Codec.Compression.Zlib.Stream

Enum Method 
Instance details

Defined in Codec.Compression.Zlib.Stream

Enum Integer

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum

Enum Natural

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum

Enum ()

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum


succ :: () -> () #

pred :: () -> () #

toEnum :: Int -> () #

fromEnum :: () -> Int #

enumFrom :: () -> [()] #

enumFromThen :: () -> () -> [()] #

enumFromTo :: () -> () -> [()] #

enumFromThenTo :: () -> () -> () -> [()] #

Enum Bool

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum


succ :: Bool -> Bool #

pred :: Bool -> Bool #

toEnum :: Int -> Bool #

fromEnum :: Bool -> Int #

enumFrom :: Bool -> [Bool] #

enumFromThen :: Bool -> Bool -> [Bool] #

enumFromTo :: Bool -> Bool -> [Bool] #

enumFromThenTo :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> [Bool] #

Enum Char

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum


succ :: Char -> Char #

pred :: Char -> Char #

toEnum :: Int -> Char #

fromEnum :: Char -> Int #

enumFrom :: Char -> [Char] #

enumFromThen :: Char -> Char -> [Char] #

enumFromTo :: Char -> Char -> [Char] #

enumFromThenTo :: Char -> Char -> Char -> [Char] #

Enum Int

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum


succ :: Int -> Int #

pred :: Int -> Int #

toEnum :: Int -> Int #

fromEnum :: Int -> Int #

enumFrom :: Int -> [Int] #

enumFromThen :: Int -> Int -> [Int] #

enumFromTo :: Int -> Int -> [Int] #

enumFromThenTo :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] #

Enum Levity

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum

Enum VecCount

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum

Enum VecElem

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum

Enum Word

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum


succ :: Word -> Word #

pred :: Word -> Word #

toEnum :: Int -> Word #

fromEnum :: Word -> Int #

enumFrom :: Word -> [Word] #

enumFromThen :: Word -> Word -> [Word] #

enumFromTo :: Word -> Word -> [Word] #

enumFromThenTo :: Word -> Word -> Word -> [Word] #

Enum a => Enum (Identity a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Identity

Enum a => Enum (First a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


succ :: First a -> First a #

pred :: First a -> First a #

toEnum :: Int -> First a #

fromEnum :: First a -> Int #

enumFrom :: First a -> [First a] #

enumFromThen :: First a -> First a -> [First a] #

enumFromTo :: First a -> First a -> [First a] #

enumFromThenTo :: First a -> First a -> First a -> [First a] #

Enum a => Enum (Last a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


succ :: Last a -> Last a #

pred :: Last a -> Last a #

toEnum :: Int -> Last a #

fromEnum :: Last a -> Int #

enumFrom :: Last a -> [Last a] #

enumFromThen :: Last a -> Last a -> [Last a] #

enumFromTo :: Last a -> Last a -> [Last a] #

enumFromThenTo :: Last a -> Last a -> Last a -> [Last a] #

Enum a => Enum (Max a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


succ :: Max a -> Max a #

pred :: Max a -> Max a #

toEnum :: Int -> Max a #

fromEnum :: Max a -> Int #

enumFrom :: Max a -> [Max a] #

enumFromThen :: Max a -> Max a -> [Max a] #

enumFromTo :: Max a -> Max a -> [Max a] #

enumFromThenTo :: Max a -> Max a -> Max a -> [Max a] #

Enum a => Enum (Min a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


succ :: Min a -> Min a #

pred :: Min a -> Min a #

toEnum :: Int -> Min a #

fromEnum :: Min a -> Int #

enumFrom :: Min a -> [Min a] #

enumFromThen :: Min a -> Min a -> [Min a] #

enumFromTo :: Min a -> Min a -> [Min a] #

enumFromThenTo :: Min a -> Min a -> Min a -> [Min a] #

Enum a => Enum (WrappedMonoid a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup

Integral a => Enum (Ratio a)

Since: base-2.0.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Real


succ :: Ratio a -> Ratio a #

pred :: Ratio a -> Ratio a #

toEnum :: Int -> Ratio a #

fromEnum :: Ratio a -> Int #

enumFrom :: Ratio a -> [Ratio a] #

enumFromThen :: Ratio a -> Ratio a -> [Ratio a] #

enumFromTo :: Ratio a -> Ratio a -> [Ratio a] #

enumFromThenTo :: Ratio a -> Ratio a -> Ratio a -> [Ratio a] #

SizeValid n => Enum (Bits n) 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Bits


succ :: Bits n -> Bits n #

pred :: Bits n -> Bits n #

toEnum :: Int -> Bits n #

fromEnum :: Bits n -> Int #

enumFrom :: Bits n -> [Bits n] #

enumFromThen :: Bits n -> Bits n -> [Bits n] #

enumFromTo :: Bits n -> Bits n -> [Bits n] #

enumFromThenTo :: Bits n -> Bits n -> Bits n -> [Bits n] #

Enum (CountOf ty) 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Types.OffsetSize


succ :: CountOf ty -> CountOf ty #

pred :: CountOf ty -> CountOf ty #

toEnum :: Int -> CountOf ty #

fromEnum :: CountOf ty -> Int #

enumFrom :: CountOf ty -> [CountOf ty] #

enumFromThen :: CountOf ty -> CountOf ty -> [CountOf ty] #

enumFromTo :: CountOf ty -> CountOf ty -> [CountOf ty] #

enumFromThenTo :: CountOf ty -> CountOf ty -> CountOf ty -> [CountOf ty] #

Enum (Offset ty) 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Types.OffsetSize


succ :: Offset ty -> Offset ty #

pred :: Offset ty -> Offset ty #

toEnum :: Int -> Offset ty #

fromEnum :: Offset ty -> Int #

enumFrom :: Offset ty -> [Offset ty] #

enumFromThen :: Offset ty -> Offset ty -> [Offset ty] #

enumFromTo :: Offset ty -> Offset ty -> [Offset ty] #

enumFromThenTo :: Offset ty -> Offset ty -> Offset ty -> [Offset ty] #

Enum a => Enum (a) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum


succ :: (a) -> (a) #

pred :: (a) -> (a) #

toEnum :: Int -> (a) #

fromEnum :: (a) -> Int #

enumFrom :: (a) -> [(a)] #

enumFromThen :: (a) -> (a) -> [(a)] #

enumFromTo :: (a) -> (a) -> [(a)] #

enumFromThenTo :: (a) -> (a) -> (a) -> [(a)] #

Enum (Proxy s)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Proxy


succ :: Proxy s -> Proxy s #

pred :: Proxy s -> Proxy s #

toEnum :: Int -> Proxy s #

fromEnum :: Proxy s -> Int #

enumFrom :: Proxy s -> [Proxy s] #

enumFromThen :: Proxy s -> Proxy s -> [Proxy s] #

enumFromTo :: Proxy s -> Proxy s -> [Proxy s] #

enumFromThenTo :: Proxy s -> Proxy s -> Proxy s -> [Proxy s] #

Enum a => Enum (Const a b)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Const


succ :: Const a b -> Const a b #

pred :: Const a b -> Const a b #

toEnum :: Int -> Const a b #

fromEnum :: Const a b -> Int #

enumFrom :: Const a b -> [Const a b] #

enumFromThen :: Const a b -> Const a b -> [Const a b] #

enumFromTo :: Const a b -> Const a b -> [Const a b] #

enumFromThenTo :: Const a b -> Const a b -> Const a b -> [Const a b] #

Enum (f a) => Enum (Ap f a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


succ :: Ap f a -> Ap f a #

pred :: Ap f a -> Ap f a #

toEnum :: Int -> Ap f a #

fromEnum :: Ap f a -> Int #

enumFrom :: Ap f a -> [Ap f a] #

enumFromThen :: Ap f a -> Ap f a -> [Ap f a] #

enumFromTo :: Ap f a -> Ap f a -> [Ap f a] #

enumFromThenTo :: Ap f a -> Ap f a -> Ap f a -> [Ap f a] #

Enum (f a) => Enum (Alt f a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


succ :: Alt f a -> Alt f a #

pred :: Alt f a -> Alt f a #

toEnum :: Int -> Alt f a #

fromEnum :: Alt f a -> Int #

enumFrom :: Alt f a -> [Alt f a] #

enumFromThen :: Alt f a -> Alt f a -> [Alt f a] #

enumFromTo :: Alt f a -> Alt f a -> [Alt f a] #

enumFromThenTo :: Alt f a -> Alt f a -> Alt f a -> [Alt f a] #

Enum a => Enum (Tagged s a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tagged


succ :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a #

pred :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a #

toEnum :: Int -> Tagged s a #

fromEnum :: Tagged s a -> Int #

enumFrom :: Tagged s a -> [Tagged s a] #

enumFromThen :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a -> [Tagged s a] #

enumFromTo :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a -> [Tagged s a] #

enumFromThenTo :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a -> Tagged s a -> [Tagged s a] #

class Eq a where #

The Eq class defines equality (==) and inequality (/=). All the basic datatypes exported by the Prelude are instances of Eq, and Eq may be derived for any datatype whose constituents are also instances of Eq.

The Haskell Report defines no laws for Eq. However, instances are encouraged to follow these properties:

x == x = True
x == y = y == x
if x == y && y == z = True, then x == z = True
if x == y = True and f is a function whose return type is an instance of Eq, then f x == f y = True
x /= y = not (x == y)

Minimal complete definition: either == or /=.

Minimal complete definition

(==) | (/=)


(==) :: a -> a -> Bool infix 4 #

(/=) :: a -> a -> Bool infix 4 #


Instances details
Eq Key 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Key


(==) :: Key -> Key -> Bool #

(/=) :: Key -> Key -> Bool #

Eq DotNetTime 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal

Eq JSONPathElement 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal

Eq SumEncoding 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal

Eq Value 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal


(==) :: Value -> Value -> Bool #

(/=) :: Value -> Value -> Bool #

Eq More 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Attoparsec.Internal.Types


(==) :: More -> More -> Bool #

(/=) :: More -> More -> Bool #

Eq Pos 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Attoparsec.Internal.Types


(==) :: Pos -> Pos -> Bool #

(/=) :: Pos -> Pos -> Bool #

Eq All

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


(==) :: All -> All -> Bool #

(/=) :: All -> All -> Bool #

Eq Any

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


(==) :: Any -> Any -> Bool #

(/=) :: Any -> Any -> Bool #

Eq SomeTypeRep 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Typeable.Internal

Eq Version

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Version


(==) :: Version -> Version -> Bool #

(/=) :: Version -> Version -> Bool #

Eq Void

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Void


(==) :: Void -> Void -> Bool #

(/=) :: Void -> Void -> Bool #

Eq ByteOrder

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.ByteOrder

Eq BlockReason

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Conc.Sync

Eq ThreadId

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Conc.Sync

Eq ThreadStatus

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Conc.Sync

Eq ArithException

Since: base-3.0

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exception.Type

Eq SpecConstrAnnotation

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exts

Eq Fingerprint

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Fingerprint.Type

Eq Associativity

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

Eq DecidedStrictness

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

Eq Fixity

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


(==) :: Fixity -> Fixity -> Bool #

(/=) :: Fixity -> Fixity -> Bool #

Eq SourceStrictness

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

Eq SourceUnpackedness

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

Eq MaskingState

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO

Eq IODeviceType

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO.Device

Eq SeekMode

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO.Device

Eq CodingProgress

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO.Encoding.Types

Eq ArrayException

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO.Exception

Eq AsyncException

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO.Exception

Eq ExitCode 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO.Exception

Eq IOErrorType

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO.Exception

Eq IOException

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO.Exception

Eq HandlePosn

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO.Handle

Eq BufferMode

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO.Handle.Types

Eq Handle

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO.Handle.Types


(==) :: Handle -> Handle -> Bool #

(/=) :: Handle -> Handle -> Bool #

Eq Newline

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO.Handle.Types


(==) :: Newline -> Newline -> Bool #

(/=) :: Newline -> Newline -> Bool #

Eq NewlineMode

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO.Handle.Types

Eq Int16

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Int


(==) :: Int16 -> Int16 -> Bool #

(/=) :: Int16 -> Int16 -> Bool #

Eq Int32

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Int


(==) :: Int32 -> Int32 -> Bool #

(/=) :: Int32 -> Int32 -> Bool #

Eq Int64

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Int


(==) :: Int64 -> Int64 -> Bool #

(/=) :: Int64 -> Int64 -> Bool #

Eq Int8

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Int


(==) :: Int8 -> Int8 -> Bool #

(/=) :: Int8 -> Int8 -> Bool #

Eq IoSubSystem 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.RTS.Flags

Eq SrcLoc

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Stack.Types


(==) :: SrcLoc -> SrcLoc -> Bool #

(/=) :: SrcLoc -> SrcLoc -> Bool #

Eq SomeNat

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.TypeNats


(==) :: SomeNat -> SomeNat -> Bool #

(/=) :: SomeNat -> SomeNat -> Bool #

Eq GeneralCategory

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unicode

Eq Word16

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Word


(==) :: Word16 -> Word16 -> Bool #

(/=) :: Word16 -> Word16 -> Bool #

Eq Word32

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Word


(==) :: Word32 -> Word32 -> Bool #

(/=) :: Word32 -> Word32 -> Bool #

Eq Word64

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Word


(==) :: Word64 -> Word64 -> Bool #

(/=) :: Word64 -> Word64 -> Bool #

Eq Word8

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Word


(==) :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Bool #

(/=) :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Bool #

Eq CBlkCnt 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


(==) :: CBlkCnt -> CBlkCnt -> Bool #

(/=) :: CBlkCnt -> CBlkCnt -> Bool #

Eq CBlkSize 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Eq CCc 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


(==) :: CCc -> CCc -> Bool #

(/=) :: CCc -> CCc -> Bool #

Eq CClockId 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Eq CDev 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


(==) :: CDev -> CDev -> Bool #

(/=) :: CDev -> CDev -> Bool #

Eq CFsBlkCnt 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Eq CFsFilCnt 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Eq CGid 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


(==) :: CGid -> CGid -> Bool #

(/=) :: CGid -> CGid -> Bool #

Eq CId 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


(==) :: CId -> CId -> Bool #

(/=) :: CId -> CId -> Bool #

Eq CIno 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


(==) :: CIno -> CIno -> Bool #

(/=) :: CIno -> CIno -> Bool #

Eq CKey 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


(==) :: CKey -> CKey -> Bool #

(/=) :: CKey -> CKey -> Bool #

Eq CMode 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


(==) :: CMode -> CMode -> Bool #

(/=) :: CMode -> CMode -> Bool #

Eq CNfds 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


(==) :: CNfds -> CNfds -> Bool #

(/=) :: CNfds -> CNfds -> Bool #

Eq CNlink 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


(==) :: CNlink -> CNlink -> Bool #

(/=) :: CNlink -> CNlink -> Bool #

Eq COff 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


(==) :: COff -> COff -> Bool #

(/=) :: COff -> COff -> Bool #

Eq CPid 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


(==) :: CPid -> CPid -> Bool #

(/=) :: CPid -> CPid -> Bool #

Eq CRLim 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


(==) :: CRLim -> CRLim -> Bool #

(/=) :: CRLim -> CRLim -> Bool #

Eq CSocklen 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Eq CSpeed 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


(==) :: CSpeed -> CSpeed -> Bool #

(/=) :: CSpeed -> CSpeed -> Bool #

Eq CSsize 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


(==) :: CSsize -> CSsize -> Bool #

(/=) :: CSsize -> CSsize -> Bool #

Eq CTcflag 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


(==) :: CTcflag -> CTcflag -> Bool #

(/=) :: CTcflag -> CTcflag -> Bool #

Eq CTimer 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


(==) :: CTimer -> CTimer -> Bool #

(/=) :: CTimer -> CTimer -> Bool #

Eq CUid 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


(==) :: CUid -> CUid -> Bool #

(/=) :: CUid -> CUid -> Bool #

Eq Fd 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


(==) :: Fd -> Fd -> Bool #

(/=) :: Fd -> Fd -> Bool #

Eq Lexeme

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Text.Read.Lex


(==) :: Lexeme -> Lexeme -> Bool #

(/=) :: Lexeme -> Lexeme -> Bool #

Eq Number

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Text.Read.Lex


(==) :: Number -> Number -> Bool #

(/=) :: Number -> Number -> Bool #

Eq Encoding 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.String

Eq ASCII7_Invalid 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.String.Encoding.ASCII7


(==) :: ASCII7_Invalid -> ASCII7_Invalid -> Bool #

(/=) :: ASCII7_Invalid -> ASCII7_Invalid -> Bool #

Eq ISO_8859_1_Invalid 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.String.Encoding.ISO_8859_1


(==) :: ISO_8859_1_Invalid -> ISO_8859_1_Invalid -> Bool #

(/=) :: ISO_8859_1_Invalid -> ISO_8859_1_Invalid -> Bool #

Eq UTF16_Invalid 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.String.Encoding.UTF16


(==) :: UTF16_Invalid -> UTF16_Invalid -> Bool #

(/=) :: UTF16_Invalid -> UTF16_Invalid -> Bool #

Eq UTF32_Invalid 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.String.Encoding.UTF32


(==) :: UTF32_Invalid -> UTF32_Invalid -> Bool #

(/=) :: UTF32_Invalid -> UTF32_Invalid -> Bool #

Eq FileSize 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Types.OffsetSize

Eq String 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.UTF8.Base


(==) :: String -> String -> Bool #

(/=) :: String -> String -> Bool #

Eq ByteString 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteString.Internal

Eq ByteString 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal

Eq ShortByteString 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteString.Short.Internal

Eq Clock 
Instance details

Defined in System.Clock


(==) :: Clock -> Clock -> Bool #

(/=) :: Clock -> Clock -> Bool #

Eq TimeSpec 
Instance details

Defined in System.Clock

Eq Complete 
Instance details

Defined in System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit.Complete

Eq HelpFormat 
Instance details

Defined in System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit.Help

Eq FlagInfo 
Instance details

Defined in System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit.Type

Eq TextFormat 
Instance details

Defined in System.Console.CmdArgs.Text

Eq IntSet 
Instance details

Defined in Data.IntSet.Internal


(==) :: IntSet -> IntSet -> Bool #

(/=) :: IntSet -> IntSet -> Bool #

Eq SharedSecret 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.ECC

Eq CryptoError 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Error.Types

Eq ByteArray 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Array.Byte

Eq FileType 
Instance details

Defined in System.Directory.Internal.Common

Eq Permissions 
Instance details

Defined in System.Directory.Internal.Common

Eq XdgDirectory 
Instance details

Defined in System.Directory.Internal.Common

Eq XdgDirectoryList 
Instance details

Defined in System.Directory.Internal.Common

Eq ByteOff 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.ByteCode.Types


(==) :: ByteOff -> ByteOff -> Bool #

(/=) :: ByteOff -> ByteOff -> Bool #

Eq RegBitmap 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.ByteCode.Types

Eq WordOff 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.ByteCode.Types


(==) :: WordOff -> WordOff -> Bool #

(/=) :: WordOff -> WordOff -> Bool #

Eq UniqueSet 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Collections

Eq Label 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Label


(==) :: Label -> Label -> Bool #

(/=) :: Label -> Label -> Bool #

Eq LabelSet 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Label

Eq ExtMode 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.CmmToAsm.AArch64.Instr


(==) :: ExtMode -> ExtMode -> Bool #

(/=) :: ExtMode -> ExtMode -> Bool #

Eq Operand 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.CmmToAsm.AArch64.Instr


(==) :: Operand -> Operand -> Bool #

(/=) :: Operand -> Operand -> Bool #

Eq ShiftMode 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.CmmToAsm.AArch64.Instr

Eq AddrMode 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.CmmToAsm.AArch64.Regs

Eq Imm 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.CmmToAsm.AArch64.Regs


(==) :: Imm -> Imm -> Bool #

(/=) :: Imm -> Imm -> Bool #

Eq AltCon 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Core


(==) :: AltCon -> AltCon -> Bool #

(/=) :: AltCon -> AltCon -> Bool #

Eq UnfoldingGuidance 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Core

Eq Class 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Core.Class


(==) :: Class -> Class -> Bool #

(/=) :: Class -> Class -> Bool #

Eq DataCon 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Core.DataCon


(==) :: DataCon -> DataCon -> Bool #

(/=) :: DataCon -> DataCon -> Bool #

Eq SrcStrictness 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Core.DataCon

Eq SrcUnpackedness 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Core.DataCon

Eq TyLit 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep


(==) :: TyLit -> TyLit -> Bool #

(/=) :: TyLit -> TyLit -> Bool #

Eq Injectivity 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Core.TyCon

Eq PrimElemRep 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Core.TyCon

Eq PrimRep 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Core.TyCon


(==) :: PrimRep -> PrimRep -> Bool #

(/=) :: PrimRep -> PrimRep -> Bool #

Eq TyCon 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Core.TyCon


(==) :: TyCon -> TyCon -> Bool #

(/=) :: TyCon -> TyCon -> Bool #

Eq TyConFlavour 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Core.TyCon

Eq BindFlag 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Core.Unify

Eq FastString 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Data.FastString

Eq LexicalFastString 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Data.FastString

Eq NonDetFastString 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Data.FastString

Eq Backend 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Backend


(==) :: Backend -> Backend -> Bool #

(/=) :: Backend -> Backend -> Bool #

Eq WarnReason 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.CmdLine

Eq DumpFlag 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Flags

Eq GeneralFlag 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Flags

Eq Language 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Flags

Eq WarningFlag 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Flags

Eq BuildModule 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Make


(==) :: BuildModule -> BuildModule -> Bool #

(/=) :: BuildModule -> BuildModule -> Bool #

Eq NodeKey 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Make


(==) :: NodeKey -> NodeKey -> Bool #

(/=) :: NodeKey -> NodeKey -> Bool #

Eq Phase 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Phases


(==) :: Phase -> Phase -> Bool #

(/=) :: Phase -> Phase -> Bool #

Eq CompilerInfo 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Session

Eq Deprecation 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Session


(==) :: Deprecation -> Deprecation -> Bool #

(/=) :: Deprecation -> Deprecation -> Bool #

Eq DynLibLoader 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Session

Eq DynamicTooState 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Session

Eq GhcLink 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Session


(==) :: GhcLink -> GhcLink -> Bool #

(/=) :: GhcLink -> GhcLink -> Bool #

Eq GhcMode 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Session


(==) :: GhcMode -> GhcMode -> Bool #

(/=) :: GhcMode -> GhcMode -> Bool #

Eq IgnorePackageFlag 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Session

Eq LinkerInfo 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Session

Eq ModRenaming 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Session

Eq PackageArg 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Session

Eq PackageDBFlag 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Session

Eq PackageFlag 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Session

Eq PkgDbRef 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Session

Eq ProfAuto 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Session

Eq TrustFlag 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Session

Eq AnnsModule 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Hs

Eq HsRuleAnn 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Hs.Decls

Eq HsDocString 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Hs.Doc

Eq IEWildcard 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Hs.ImpExp

Eq ImportDeclQualifiedStyle 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Hs.ImpExp

Eq AddEpAnn 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation

Eq Anchor 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation


(==) :: Anchor -> Anchor -> Bool #

(/=) :: Anchor -> Anchor -> Bool #

Eq AnchorOperation 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation

Eq AnnKeywordId 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation

Eq AnnList 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation


(==) :: AnnList -> AnnList -> Bool #

(/=) :: AnnList -> AnnList -> Bool #

Eq AnnListItem 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation

Eq AnnPragma 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation

Eq AnnSortKey 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation

Eq DeltaPos 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation

Eq EpAnnComments 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation

Eq EpaComment 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation

Eq EpaCommentTok 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation

Eq EpaLocation 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation

Eq HasE 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation


(==) :: HasE -> HasE -> Bool #

(/=) :: HasE -> HasE -> Bool #

Eq IsUnicodeSyntax 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation

Eq NameAdornment 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation

Eq NameAnn 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation


(==) :: NameAnn -> NameAnn -> Bool #

(/=) :: NameAnn -> NameAnn -> Bool #

Eq NoEpAnns 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation

Eq ParenType 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation

Eq TrailingAnn 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation

Eq BmiVersion 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Platform

Eq Platform 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Platform

Eq PlatformWordSize 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Platform

Eq SseVersion 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Platform

Eq PlatformConstants 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Platform.Constants

Eq Way 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Platform.Ways


(==) :: Way -> Way -> Bool #

(/=) :: Way -> Way -> Bool #

Eq NoExtFieldSilent 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Stg.Syntax

Eq Activation 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Basic

Eq Alignment 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Basic

Eq Boxity 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Basic


(==) :: Boxity -> Boxity -> Bool #

(/=) :: Boxity -> Boxity -> Bool #

Eq CompilerPhase 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Basic

Eq FunctionOrData 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Basic

Eq InlinePragma 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Basic

Eq InlineSpec 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Basic

Eq InsideLam 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Basic

Eq IntWithInf 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Basic

Eq InterestingCxt 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Basic

Eq LeftOrRight 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Basic

Eq OccInfo 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Basic


(==) :: OccInfo -> OccInfo -> Bool #

(/=) :: OccInfo -> OccInfo -> Bool #

Eq OneShotInfo 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Basic

Eq Origin 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Basic


(==) :: Origin -> Origin -> Bool #

(/=) :: Origin -> Origin -> Bool #

Eq OverlapFlag 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Basic

Eq OverlapMode 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Basic

Eq PprPrec 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Basic


(==) :: PprPrec -> PprPrec -> Bool #

(/=) :: PprPrec -> PprPrec -> Bool #

Eq PromotionFlag 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Basic

Eq RecFlag 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Basic


(==) :: RecFlag -> RecFlag -> Bool #

(/=) :: RecFlag -> RecFlag -> Bool #

Eq RuleMatchInfo 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Basic

Eq TailCallInfo 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Basic

Eq TupleSort 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Basic

Eq TypeOrKind 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Basic

Eq Severity 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Error

Eq Fixity 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Fixity


(==) :: Fixity -> Fixity -> Bool #

(/=) :: Fixity -> Fixity -> Bool #

Eq FixityDirection 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Fixity

Eq LexicalFixity 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Fixity

Eq Name

The same comments as for Name's Ord instance apply.

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Name


(==) :: Name -> Name -> Bool #

(/=) :: Name -> Name -> Bool #

Eq GlobalRdrElt 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Name.Reader

Eq ImpDeclSpec 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Name.Reader

Eq ImpItemSpec 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Name.Reader

Eq ImportSpec 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Name.Reader

Eq Parent 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Name.Reader


(==) :: Parent -> Parent -> Bool #

(/=) :: Parent -> Parent -> Bool #

Eq RdrName 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Name.Reader


(==) :: RdrName -> RdrName -> Bool #

(/=) :: RdrName -> RdrName -> Bool #

Eq SafeHaskellMode 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SafeHaskell

Eq FractionalExponentBase 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SourceText

Eq FractionalLit

Be wary of using this instance to compare for equal *values* when exponents are large. The same value expressed in different syntactic form won't compare as equal when any of the exponents is >= 100.

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SourceText

Eq IntegralLit 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SourceText

Eq SourceText 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SourceText

Eq StringLiteral 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SourceText

Eq BufPos 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc


(==) :: BufPos -> BufPos -> Bool #

(/=) :: BufPos -> BufPos -> Bool #

Eq BufSpan 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc


(==) :: BufSpan -> BufSpan -> Bool #

(/=) :: BufSpan -> BufSpan -> Bool #

Eq LayoutInfo 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc

Eq PsLoc 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc


(==) :: PsLoc -> PsLoc -> Bool #

(/=) :: PsLoc -> PsLoc -> Bool #

Eq PsSpan 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc


(==) :: PsSpan -> PsSpan -> Bool #

(/=) :: PsSpan -> PsSpan -> Bool #

Eq RealSrcLoc 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc

Eq RealSrcSpan 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc

Eq SrcLoc 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc


(==) :: SrcLoc -> SrcLoc -> Bool #

(/=) :: SrcLoc -> SrcLoc -> Bool #

Eq SrcSpan 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc


(==) :: SrcSpan -> SrcSpan -> Bool #

(/=) :: SrcSpan -> SrcSpan -> Bool #

Eq UnhelpfulSpanReason 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc

Eq TargetId 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Target

Eq TickishPlacement 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Tickish

Eq TickishScoping 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Tickish

Eq AnonArgFlag 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Var

Eq ArgFlag 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Var


(==) :: ArgFlag -> ArgFlag -> Bool #

(/=) :: ArgFlag -> ArgFlag -> Bool #

Eq Specificity 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Var

Eq Var 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Var


(==) :: Var -> Var -> Bool #

(/=) :: Var -> Var -> Bool #

Eq PackageId 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unit.Info

Eq PackageName 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unit.Info

Eq NDModule 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unit.Module.Env


(==) :: NDModule -> NDModule -> Bool #

(/=) :: NDModule -> NDModule -> Bool #

Eq ModuleName 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unit.Module.Name

Eq IsBootInterface 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unit.Types

Eq UnitId 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unit.Types


(==) :: UnitId -> UnitId -> Bool #

(/=) :: UnitId -> UnitId -> Bool #

Eq Option 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Utils.CliOption


(==) :: Option -> Option -> Bool #

(/=) :: Option -> Option -> Bool #

Eq PrintTimings 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Utils.Error


(==) :: PrintTimings -> PrintTimings -> Bool #

(/=) :: PrintTimings -> PrintTimings -> Bool #

Eq DumpFormat 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Utils.Logger

Eq LabelStyle 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Utils.Outputable

Eq NewOrData 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.Syntax.Decls

Eq SpliceDecoration 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.Syntax.Expr

Eq NoExtCon 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.Syntax.Extension

Eq NoExtField 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.Syntax.Extension

Eq OverLitVal 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.Syntax.Lit

Eq HsIPName 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.Syntax.Type

Eq BigNat 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Num.BigNat


(==) :: BigNat -> BigNat -> Bool #

(/=) :: BigNat -> BigNat -> Bool #

Eq DbInstUnitId 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unit.Database

Eq DbModule 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unit.Database

Eq ForeignSrcLang 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.ForeignSrcLang.Type

Eq Extension 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.LanguageExtensions.Type

Eq ClosureType 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exts.Heap.ClosureTypes

Eq PrimType 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exts.Heap.Closures

Eq TsoFlags 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exts.Heap.Closures

Eq WhatNext 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exts.Heap.Closures

Eq WhyBlocked 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exts.Heap.Closures

Eq CostCentre 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exts.Heap.ProfInfo.Types

Eq CostCentreStack 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exts.Heap.ProfInfo.Types

Eq IndexTable 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exts.Heap.ProfInfo.Types

Eq StgTSOProfInfo 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exts.Heap.ProfInfo.Types

Eq AltCon 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Core


(==) :: AltCon -> AltCon -> Bool #

(/=) :: AltCon -> AltCon -> Bool #

Eq UnfoldingGuidance 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Core

Eq TyLit 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep


(==) :: TyLit -> TyLit -> Bool #

(/=) :: TyLit -> TyLit -> Bool #

Eq ForeignSrcLang 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.ForeignSrcLang.Type

Eq HsRuleAnn 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Hs.Decls

Eq IEWildcard 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Hs.ImpExp

Eq ImportDeclQualifiedStyle 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Hs.ImpExp

Eq Extension 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.LanguageExtensions.Type

Eq BufPos 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc


(==) :: BufPos -> BufPos -> Bool #

(/=) :: BufPos -> BufPos -> Bool #

Eq BufSpan 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc


(==) :: BufSpan -> BufSpan -> Bool #

(/=) :: BufSpan -> BufSpan -> Bool #

Eq LayoutInfo 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc

Eq PsLoc 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc


(==) :: PsLoc -> PsLoc -> Bool #

(/=) :: PsLoc -> PsLoc -> Bool #

Eq PsSpan 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc


(==) :: PsSpan -> PsSpan -> Bool #

(/=) :: PsSpan -> PsSpan -> Bool #

Eq RealSrcLoc 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc

Eq RealSrcSpan 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc

Eq SrcLoc 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc


(==) :: SrcLoc -> SrcLoc -> Bool #

(/=) :: SrcLoc -> SrcLoc -> Bool #

Eq SrcSpan 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc


(==) :: SrcSpan -> SrcSpan -> Bool #

(/=) :: SrcSpan -> SrcSpan -> Bool #

Eq UnhelpfulSpanReason 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc

Eq TickishPlacement 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Tickish

Eq TickishScoping 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Tickish

Eq AnonArgFlag 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Var

Eq ArgFlag 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Var


(==) :: ArgFlag -> ArgFlag -> Bool #

(/=) :: ArgFlag -> ArgFlag -> Bool #

Eq Specificity 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Var

Eq Var 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Var


(==) :: Var -> Var -> Bool #

(/=) :: Var -> Var -> Bool #

Eq DataConCantHappen 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.Syntax.Extension

Eq NoExtField 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.Syntax.Extension

Eq AnnLookup 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Eq AnnTarget 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Eq Bang 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Bang -> Bang -> Bool #

(/=) :: Bang -> Bang -> Bool #

Eq Body 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Body -> Body -> Bool #

(/=) :: Body -> Body -> Bool #

Eq Bytes 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Bytes -> Bytes -> Bool #

(/=) :: Bytes -> Bytes -> Bool #

Eq Callconv 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Eq Clause 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Clause -> Clause -> Bool #

(/=) :: Clause -> Clause -> Bool #

Eq Con 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Con -> Con -> Bool #

(/=) :: Con -> Con -> Bool #

Eq Dec 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Dec -> Dec -> Bool #

(/=) :: Dec -> Dec -> Bool #

Eq DecidedStrictness 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Eq DerivClause 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Eq DerivStrategy 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Eq DocLoc 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: DocLoc -> DocLoc -> Bool #

(/=) :: DocLoc -> DocLoc -> Bool #

Eq Exp 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Exp -> Exp -> Bool #

(/=) :: Exp -> Exp -> Bool #

Eq FamilyResultSig 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Eq Fixity 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Fixity -> Fixity -> Bool #

(/=) :: Fixity -> Fixity -> Bool #

Eq FixityDirection 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Eq Foreign 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Foreign -> Foreign -> Bool #

(/=) :: Foreign -> Foreign -> Bool #

Eq FunDep 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: FunDep -> FunDep -> Bool #

(/=) :: FunDep -> FunDep -> Bool #

Eq Guard 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Guard -> Guard -> Bool #

(/=) :: Guard -> Guard -> Bool #

Eq Info 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Info -> Info -> Bool #

(/=) :: Info -> Info -> Bool #

Eq InjectivityAnn 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Eq Inline 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Inline -> Inline -> Bool #

(/=) :: Inline -> Inline -> Bool #

Eq Lit 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Lit -> Lit -> Bool #

(/=) :: Lit -> Lit -> Bool #

Eq Loc 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Loc -> Loc -> Bool #

(/=) :: Loc -> Loc -> Bool #

Eq Match 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Match -> Match -> Bool #

(/=) :: Match -> Match -> Bool #

Eq ModName 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: ModName -> ModName -> Bool #

(/=) :: ModName -> ModName -> Bool #

Eq Module 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Module -> Module -> Bool #

(/=) :: Module -> Module -> Bool #

Eq ModuleInfo 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Eq Name 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Name -> Name -> Bool #

(/=) :: Name -> Name -> Bool #

Eq NameFlavour 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Eq NameSpace 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Eq OccName 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: OccName -> OccName -> Bool #

(/=) :: OccName -> OccName -> Bool #

Eq Overlap 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Overlap -> Overlap -> Bool #

(/=) :: Overlap -> Overlap -> Bool #

Eq Pat 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Pat -> Pat -> Bool #

(/=) :: Pat -> Pat -> Bool #

Eq PatSynArgs 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Eq PatSynDir 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Eq Phases 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Phases -> Phases -> Bool #

(/=) :: Phases -> Phases -> Bool #

Eq PkgName 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: PkgName -> PkgName -> Bool #

(/=) :: PkgName -> PkgName -> Bool #

Eq Pragma 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Pragma -> Pragma -> Bool #

(/=) :: Pragma -> Pragma -> Bool #

Eq Range 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Range -> Range -> Bool #

(/=) :: Range -> Range -> Bool #

Eq Role 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Role -> Role -> Bool #

(/=) :: Role -> Role -> Bool #

Eq RuleBndr 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Eq RuleMatch 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Eq Safety 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Safety -> Safety -> Bool #

(/=) :: Safety -> Safety -> Bool #

Eq SourceStrictness 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Eq SourceUnpackedness 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Eq Specificity 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Eq Stmt 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Stmt -> Stmt -> Bool #

(/=) :: Stmt -> Stmt -> Bool #

Eq TyLit 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: TyLit -> TyLit -> Bool #

(/=) :: TyLit -> TyLit -> Bool #

Eq TySynEqn 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Eq Type 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Type -> Type -> Bool #

(/=) :: Type -> Type -> Bool #

Eq TypeFamilyHead 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Eq StringLoc 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.GHC.Parser

Eq Module 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


(==) :: Module -> Module -> Bool #

(/=) :: Module -> Module -> Bool #

Eq Ordering 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes

Eq TrName 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


(==) :: TrName -> TrName -> Bool #

(/=) :: TrName -> TrName -> Bool #

Eq TyCon 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


(==) :: TyCon -> TyCon -> Bool #

(/=) :: TyCon -> TyCon -> Bool #

Eq Completion 
Instance details

Defined in System.Console.Haskeline.Completion

Eq Note 
Instance details

Defined in Config.Type


(==) :: Note -> Note -> Bool #

(/=) :: Note -> Note -> Bool #

Eq RestrictType 
Instance details

Defined in Config.Type


(==) :: RestrictType -> RestrictType -> Bool #

(/=) :: RestrictType -> RestrictType -> Bool #

Eq Severity 
Instance details

Defined in Config.Type

Eq SmellType 
Instance details

Defined in Config.Type


(==) :: SmellType -> SmellType -> Bool #

(/=) :: SmellType -> SmellType -> Bool #

Eq Idea 
Instance details

Defined in Idea


(==) :: Idea -> Idea -> Bool #

(/=) :: Idea -> Idea -> Bool #

Eq BuiltinExample 
Instance details

Defined in Summary


(==) :: BuiltinExample -> BuiltinExample -> Bool #

(/=) :: BuiltinExample -> BuiltinExample -> Bool #

Eq BuiltinHint 
Instance details

Defined in Summary


(==) :: BuiltinHint -> BuiltinHint -> Bool #

(/=) :: BuiltinHint -> BuiltinHint -> Bool #

Eq BuiltinKey 
Instance details

Defined in Summary


(==) :: BuiltinKey -> BuiltinKey -> Bool #

(/=) :: BuiltinKey -> BuiltinKey -> Bool #

Eq ConnHost 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types

Eq ConnKey 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types


(==) :: ConnKey -> ConnKey -> Bool #

(/=) :: ConnKey -> ConnKey -> Bool #

Eq Proxy 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types


(==) :: Proxy -> Proxy -> Bool #

(/=) :: Proxy -> Proxy -> Bool #

Eq ProxySecureMode 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types

Eq ResponseTimeout 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types

Eq StatusHeaders 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types

Eq StreamFileStatus 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types

Eq DigestAuthExceptionDetails 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.TLS

Eq CompletionType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.Eval.Completion

Eq HoogleResponse Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.Eval.Hoogle

Eq CodeBlock Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.Eval.Parser

Eq DirectiveType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.Eval.Parser

Eq PragmaType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.Eval.Parser

Eq Argument Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.Flags

Eq IHaskellMode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.Flags

Eq NotebookFormat Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.Flags

Eq ErrorOccurred Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.Types

Eq LintStatus Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.Types

Eq Widget Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.Types


(==) :: Widget -> Widget -> Bool #

(/=) :: Widget -> Widget -> Bool #


Equality over IP addresses. Correctly compare IPv4 and IPv4-embedded-in-IPv6 addresses.

>>> (read "2001:db8:00:00:00:00:00:01" :: IP) == (read "2001:db8:00:00:00:00:00:01" :: IP)
>>> (read "2001:db8:00:00:00:00:00:01" :: IP) == (read "2001:db8:00:00:00:00:00:05" :: IP)
>>> (read "" :: IP) == (read "" :: IP)
>>> (read "" :: IP) == (read "" :: IP)
>>> (read "::ffff:" :: IP) == (read "" :: IP)
>>> (read "::ffff:" :: IP) == (read "" :: IP)
>>> (read "::ffff:" :: IP) >= (read "" :: IP)
>>> (read "::ffff:" :: IP) <= (read "" :: IP)
Instance details

Defined in Data.IP.Addr


(==) :: IP -> IP -> Bool #

(/=) :: IP -> IP -> Bool #

Eq IPv4 
Instance details

Defined in Data.IP.Addr


(==) :: IPv4 -> IPv4 -> Bool #

(/=) :: IPv4 -> IPv4 -> Bool #

Eq IPv6 
Instance details

Defined in Data.IP.Addr


(==) :: IPv6 -> IPv6 -> Bool #

(/=) :: IPv6 -> IPv6 -> Bool #

Eq IPRange 
Instance details

Defined in Data.IP.Range


(==) :: IPRange -> IPRange -> Bool #

(/=) :: IPRange -> IPRange -> Bool #

Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Message.UUID


(==) :: UUID -> UUID -> Bool #

(/=) :: UUID -> UUID -> Bool #

Eq HistoryAccessType 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types

Eq HistoryReplyElement 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types

Eq KernelSpec 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types

Eq LanguageInfo 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types

Eq MessageType 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types

Eq MimeType 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types

Eq Transient 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types

Eq AddrInfo 
Instance details

Defined in Network.Socket.Info

Eq AddrInfoFlag 
Instance details

Defined in Network.Socket.Info

Eq NameInfoFlag 
Instance details

Defined in Network.Socket.Info

Eq Family 
Instance details

Defined in Network.Socket.Types


(==) :: Family -> Family -> Bool #

(/=) :: Family -> Family -> Bool #

Eq PortNumber 
Instance details

Defined in Network.Socket.Types

Eq SockAddr 
Instance details

Defined in Network.Socket.Types

Eq Socket 
Instance details

Defined in Network.Socket.Types


(==) :: Socket -> Socket -> Bool #

(/=) :: Socket -> Socket -> Bool #

Eq SocketType 
Instance details

Defined in Network.Socket.Types

Instance details

Defined in Network.URI


(==) :: URI -> URI -> Bool #

(/=) :: URI -> URI -> Bool #

Eq URIAuth 
Instance details

Defined in Network.URI


(==) :: URIAuth -> URIAuth -> Bool #

(/=) :: URIAuth -> URIAuth -> Bool #

Eq Message 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Parsec.Error


(==) :: Message -> Message -> Bool #

(/=) :: Message -> Message -> Bool #

Eq ParseError 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Parsec.Error

Eq SourcePos 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Parsec.Pos

Eq Mode 
Instance details

Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.Annotated.HughesPJ


(==) :: Mode -> Mode -> Bool #

(/=) :: Mode -> Mode -> Bool #

Eq Style 
Instance details

Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.Annotated.HughesPJ


(==) :: Style -> Style -> Bool #

(/=) :: Style -> Style -> Bool #

Eq TextDetails 
Instance details

Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.Annotated.HughesPJ

Eq Doc 
Instance details

Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ


(==) :: Doc -> Doc -> Bool #

(/=) :: Doc -> Doc -> Bool #

Eq ByteArray

Since: primitive-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.ByteArray

Eq CmdSpec 
Instance details

Defined in System.Process.Common


(==) :: CmdSpec -> CmdSpec -> Bool #

(/=) :: CmdSpec -> CmdSpec -> Bool #

Eq CreateProcess 
Instance details

Defined in System.Process.Common

Eq StdStream 
Instance details

Defined in System.Process.Common

Eq StdGen 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random.Internal


(==) :: StdGen -> StdGen -> Bool #

(/=) :: StdGen -> StdGen -> Bool #

Eq Scientific

Scientific numbers can be safely compared for equality. No magnitude 10^e is calculated so there's no risk of a blowup in space or time when comparing scientific numbers coming from untrusted sources.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Scientific

Eq CondensePolicy 
Instance details

Defined in Data.List.Split.Internals

Eq DelimPolicy 
Instance details

Defined in Data.List.Split.Internals

Eq EndPolicy 
Instance details

Defined in Data.List.Split.Internals

Eq AnnLookup 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Eq AnnTarget 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Eq Bang 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Bang -> Bang -> Bool #

(/=) :: Bang -> Bang -> Bool #

Eq Body 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Body -> Body -> Bool #

(/=) :: Body -> Body -> Bool #

Eq Bytes 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Bytes -> Bytes -> Bool #

(/=) :: Bytes -> Bytes -> Bool #

Eq Callconv 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Eq Clause 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Clause -> Clause -> Bool #

(/=) :: Clause -> Clause -> Bool #

Eq Con 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Con -> Con -> Bool #

(/=) :: Con -> Con -> Bool #

Eq Dec 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Dec -> Dec -> Bool #

(/=) :: Dec -> Dec -> Bool #

Eq DecidedStrictness 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Eq DerivClause 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Eq DerivStrategy 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Eq DocLoc 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: DocLoc -> DocLoc -> Bool #

(/=) :: DocLoc -> DocLoc -> Bool #

Eq Exp 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Exp -> Exp -> Bool #

(/=) :: Exp -> Exp -> Bool #

Eq FamilyResultSig 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Eq Fixity 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Fixity -> Fixity -> Bool #

(/=) :: Fixity -> Fixity -> Bool #

Eq FixityDirection 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Eq Foreign 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Foreign -> Foreign -> Bool #

(/=) :: Foreign -> Foreign -> Bool #

Eq FunDep 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: FunDep -> FunDep -> Bool #

(/=) :: FunDep -> FunDep -> Bool #

Eq Guard 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Guard -> Guard -> Bool #

(/=) :: Guard -> Guard -> Bool #

Eq Info 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Info -> Info -> Bool #

(/=) :: Info -> Info -> Bool #

Eq InjectivityAnn 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Eq Inline 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Inline -> Inline -> Bool #

(/=) :: Inline -> Inline -> Bool #

Eq Lit 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Lit -> Lit -> Bool #

(/=) :: Lit -> Lit -> Bool #

Eq Loc 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Loc -> Loc -> Bool #

(/=) :: Loc -> Loc -> Bool #

Eq Match 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Match -> Match -> Bool #

(/=) :: Match -> Match -> Bool #

Eq ModName 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: ModName -> ModName -> Bool #

(/=) :: ModName -> ModName -> Bool #

Eq Module 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Module -> Module -> Bool #

(/=) :: Module -> Module -> Bool #

Eq ModuleInfo 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Eq Name 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Name -> Name -> Bool #

(/=) :: Name -> Name -> Bool #

Eq NameFlavour 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Eq NameSpace 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Eq OccName 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: OccName -> OccName -> Bool #

(/=) :: OccName -> OccName -> Bool #

Eq Overlap 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Overlap -> Overlap -> Bool #

(/=) :: Overlap -> Overlap -> Bool #

Eq Pat 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Pat -> Pat -> Bool #

(/=) :: Pat -> Pat -> Bool #

Eq PatSynArgs 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Eq PatSynDir 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Eq Phases 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Phases -> Phases -> Bool #

(/=) :: Phases -> Phases -> Bool #

Eq PkgName 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: PkgName -> PkgName -> Bool #

(/=) :: PkgName -> PkgName -> Bool #

Eq Pragma 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Pragma -> Pragma -> Bool #

(/=) :: Pragma -> Pragma -> Bool #

Eq Range 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Range -> Range -> Bool #

(/=) :: Range -> Range -> Bool #

Eq Role 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Role -> Role -> Bool #

(/=) :: Role -> Role -> Bool #

Eq RuleBndr 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Eq RuleMatch 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Eq Safety 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Safety -> Safety -> Bool #

(/=) :: Safety -> Safety -> Bool #

Eq SourceStrictness 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Eq SourceUnpackedness 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Eq Specificity 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Eq Stmt 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Stmt -> Stmt -> Bool #

(/=) :: Stmt -> Stmt -> Bool #

Eq TyLit 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: TyLit -> TyLit -> Bool #

(/=) :: TyLit -> TyLit -> Bool #

Eq TySynEqn 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Eq Type 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: Type -> Type -> Bool #

(/=) :: Type -> Type -> Bool #

Eq TypeFamilyHead 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Eq CodePoint 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Text.Encoding


(==) :: CodePoint -> CodePoint -> Bool #

(/=) :: CodePoint -> CodePoint -> Bool #

Eq DecoderState 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Text.Encoding


(==) :: DecoderState -> DecoderState -> Bool #

(/=) :: DecoderState -> DecoderState -> Bool #

Eq Builder 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Text.Internal.Builder


(==) :: Builder -> Builder -> Bool #

(/=) :: Builder -> Builder -> Bool #

Eq B 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Text.Short.Internal


(==) :: B -> B -> Bool #

(/=) :: B -> B -> Bool #

Eq ShortText 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Text.Short.Internal

Eq Day 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Time.Calendar.Days


(==) :: Day -> Day -> Bool #

(/=) :: Day -> Day -> Bool #

Eq AbsoluteTime 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Time.Clock.Internal.AbsoluteTime

Eq DiffTime 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Time.Clock.Internal.DiffTime

Eq UTCTime 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Time.Clock.Internal.UTCTime


(==) :: UTCTime -> UTCTime -> Bool #

(/=) :: UTCTime -> UTCTime -> Bool #

Eq UniversalTime 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Time.Clock.Internal.UniversalTime

Eq LocalTime 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Time.LocalTime.Internal.LocalTime

Instance details

Defined in Data.UUID.Types.Internal


(==) :: UUID -> UUID -> Bool #

(/=) :: UUID -> UUID -> Bool #

Eq UnpackedUUID 
Instance details

Defined in Data.UUID.Types.Internal

Eq Dealer 
Instance details

Defined in System.ZMQ4


(==) :: Dealer -> Dealer -> Bool #

(/=) :: Dealer -> Dealer -> Bool #

Eq Event 
Instance details

Defined in System.ZMQ4


(==) :: Event -> Event -> Bool #

(/=) :: Event -> Event -> Bool #

Eq Pair 
Instance details

Defined in System.ZMQ4


(==) :: Pair -> Pair -> Bool #

(/=) :: Pair -> Pair -> Bool #

Eq Pub 
Instance details

Defined in System.ZMQ4


(==) :: Pub -> Pub -> Bool #

(/=) :: Pub -> Pub -> Bool #

Eq Pull 
Instance details

Defined in System.ZMQ4


(==) :: Pull -> Pull -> Bool #

(/=) :: Pull -> Pull -> Bool #

Eq Push 
Instance details

Defined in System.ZMQ4


(==) :: Push -> Push -> Bool #

(/=) :: Push -> Push -> Bool #

Eq Rep 
Instance details

Defined in System.ZMQ4


(==) :: Rep -> Rep -> Bool #

(/=) :: Rep -> Rep -> Bool #

Eq Req 
Instance details

Defined in System.ZMQ4


(==) :: Req -> Req -> Bool #

(/=) :: Req -> Req -> Bool #

Eq Router 
Instance details

Defined in System.ZMQ4


(==) :: Router -> Router -> Bool #

(/=) :: Router -> Router -> Bool #

Eq Stream 
Instance details

Defined in System.ZMQ4


(==) :: Stream -> Stream -> Bool #

(/=) :: Stream -> Stream -> Bool #

Eq Sub 
Instance details

Defined in System.ZMQ4


(==) :: Sub -> Sub -> Bool #

(/=) :: Sub -> Sub -> Bool #

Eq XPub 
Instance details

Defined in System.ZMQ4


(==) :: XPub -> XPub -> Bool #

(/=) :: XPub -> XPub -> Bool #

Eq XSub 
Instance details

Defined in System.ZMQ4


(==) :: XSub -> XSub -> Bool #

(/=) :: XSub -> XSub -> Bool #

Eq CompressionLevel 
Instance details

Defined in Codec.Compression.Zlib.Stream

Eq CompressionStrategy 
Instance details

Defined in Codec.Compression.Zlib.Stream

Eq DictionaryHash 
Instance details

Defined in Codec.Compression.Zlib.Stream


(==) :: DictionaryHash -> DictionaryHash -> Bool #

(/=) :: DictionaryHash -> DictionaryHash -> Bool #

Eq Format 
Instance details

Defined in Codec.Compression.Zlib.Stream


(==) :: Format -> Format -> Bool #

(/=) :: Format -> Format -> Bool #

Eq MemoryLevel 
Instance details

Defined in Codec.Compression.Zlib.Stream

Eq Method 
Instance details

Defined in Codec.Compression.Zlib.Stream


(==) :: Method -> Method -> Bool #

(/=) :: Method -> Method -> Bool #

Eq WindowBits 
Instance details

Defined in Codec.Compression.Zlib.Stream

Eq Integer 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Num.Integer


(==) :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool #

(/=) :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool #

Eq Natural 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Num.Natural


(==) :: Natural -> Natural -> Bool #

(/=) :: Natural -> Natural -> Bool #

Eq () 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


(==) :: () -> () -> Bool #

(/=) :: () -> () -> Bool #

Eq Bool 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


(==) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool #

(/=) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool #

Eq Char 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


(==) :: Char -> Char -> Bool #

(/=) :: Char -> Char -> Bool #

Eq Double

Note that due to the presence of NaN, Double's Eq instance does not satisfy reflexivity.

>>> 0/0 == (0/0 :: Double)

Also note that Double's Eq instance does not satisfy substitutivity:

>>> 0 == (-0 :: Double)
>>> recip 0 == recip (-0 :: Double)
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


(==) :: Double -> Double -> Bool #

(/=) :: Double -> Double -> Bool #

Eq Float

Note that due to the presence of NaN, Float's Eq instance does not satisfy reflexivity.

>>> 0/0 == (0/0 :: Float)

Also note that Float's Eq instance does not satisfy extensionality:

>>> 0 == (-0 :: Float)
>>> recip 0 == recip (-0 :: Float)
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


(==) :: Float -> Float -> Bool #

(/=) :: Float -> Float -> Bool #

Eq Int 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


(==) :: Int -> Int -> Bool #

(/=) :: Int -> Int -> Bool #

Eq Word 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


(==) :: Word -> Word -> Bool #

(/=) :: Word -> Word -> Bool #

Eq (Encoding' a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Encoding.Internal


(==) :: Encoding' a -> Encoding' a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Encoding' a -> Encoding' a -> Bool #

Eq v => Eq (KeyMap v) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.KeyMap


(==) :: KeyMap v -> KeyMap v -> Bool #

(/=) :: KeyMap v -> KeyMap v -> Bool #

Eq a => Eq (IResult a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal


(==) :: IResult a -> IResult a -> Bool #

(/=) :: IResult a -> IResult a -> Bool #

Eq a => Eq (Result a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal


(==) :: Result a -> Result a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Result a -> Result a -> Bool #

Eq a => Eq (ZipList a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Control.Applicative


(==) :: ZipList a -> ZipList a -> Bool #

(/=) :: ZipList a -> ZipList a -> Bool #

Eq (Chan a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Control.Concurrent.Chan


(==) :: Chan a -> Chan a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Chan a -> Chan a -> Bool #

Eq a => Eq (Complex a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Complex


(==) :: Complex a -> Complex a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Complex a -> Complex a -> Bool #

Eq a => Eq (Identity a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Identity


(==) :: Identity a -> Identity a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Identity a -> Identity a -> Bool #

Eq a => Eq (First a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


(==) :: First a -> First a -> Bool #

(/=) :: First a -> First a -> Bool #

Eq a => Eq (Last a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


(==) :: Last a -> Last a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Last a -> Last a -> Bool #

Eq a => Eq (Down a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Ord


(==) :: Down a -> Down a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Down a -> Down a -> Bool #

Eq a => Eq (First a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


(==) :: First a -> First a -> Bool #

(/=) :: First a -> First a -> Bool #

Eq a => Eq (Last a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


(==) :: Last a -> Last a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Last a -> Last a -> Bool #

Eq a => Eq (Max a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


(==) :: Max a -> Max a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Max a -> Max a -> Bool #

Eq a => Eq (Min a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


(==) :: Min a -> Min a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Min a -> Min a -> Bool #

Eq m => Eq (WrappedMonoid m)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup

Eq a => Eq (Dual a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


(==) :: Dual a -> Dual a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Dual a -> Dual a -> Bool #

Eq a => Eq (Product a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


(==) :: Product a -> Product a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Product a -> Product a -> Bool #

Eq a => Eq (Sum a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


(==) :: Sum a -> Sum a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Sum a -> Sum a -> Bool #

Eq (TVar a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Conc.Sync


(==) :: TVar a -> TVar a -> Bool #

(/=) :: TVar a -> TVar a -> Bool #

Eq p => Eq (Par1 p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


(==) :: Par1 p -> Par1 p -> Bool #

(/=) :: Par1 p -> Par1 p -> Bool #

Eq (IORef a)

Pointer equality.

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.IORef


(==) :: IORef a -> IORef a -> Bool #

(/=) :: IORef a -> IORef a -> Bool #

Eq (MVar a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.MVar


(==) :: MVar a -> MVar a -> Bool #

(/=) :: MVar a -> MVar a -> Bool #

Eq (FunPtr a) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Ptr


(==) :: FunPtr a -> FunPtr a -> Bool #

(/=) :: FunPtr a -> FunPtr a -> Bool #

Eq (Ptr a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Ptr


(==) :: Ptr a -> Ptr a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Ptr a -> Ptr a -> Bool #

Eq a => Eq (Ratio a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Real


(==) :: Ratio a -> Ratio a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Ratio a -> Ratio a -> Bool #

Eq (Bits n) 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Bits


(==) :: Bits n -> Bits n -> Bool #

(/=) :: Bits n -> Bits n -> Bool #

(PrimType ty, Eq ty) => Eq (Block ty) 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Block.Base


(==) :: Block ty -> Block ty -> Bool #

(/=) :: Block ty -> Block ty -> Bool #

Eq (Zn n) 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Bounded


(==) :: Zn n -> Zn n -> Bool #

(/=) :: Zn n -> Zn n -> Bool #

Eq (Zn64 n) 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Bounded


(==) :: Zn64 n -> Zn64 n -> Bool #

(/=) :: Zn64 n -> Zn64 n -> Bool #

Eq a => Eq (NonEmpty a) 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.NonEmpty


(==) :: NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a -> Bool #

(/=) :: NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a -> Bool #

Eq (CountOf ty) 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Types.OffsetSize


(==) :: CountOf ty -> CountOf ty -> Bool #

(/=) :: CountOf ty -> CountOf ty -> Bool #

Eq (Offset ty) 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Types.OffsetSize


(==) :: Offset ty -> Offset ty -> Bool #

(/=) :: Offset ty -> Offset ty -> Bool #

(PrimType ty, Eq ty) => Eq (UArray ty) 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.UArray.Base


(==) :: UArray ty -> UArray ty -> Bool #

(/=) :: UArray ty -> UArray ty -> Bool #

Eq a => Eq (AlphaColour a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Colour.Internal

Eq a => Eq (Colour a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Colour.Internal


(==) :: Colour a -> Colour a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Colour a -> Colour a -> Bool #

Eq a => Eq (Flush a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Conduit.Internal.Conduit


(==) :: Flush a -> Flush a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Flush a -> Flush a -> Bool #

Eq vertex => Eq (SCC vertex)

Since: containers-0.5.9

Instance details

Defined in Data.Graph


(==) :: SCC vertex -> SCC vertex -> Bool #

(/=) :: SCC vertex -> SCC vertex -> Bool #

Eq a => Eq (IntMap a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.IntMap.Internal


(==) :: IntMap a -> IntMap a -> Bool #

(/=) :: IntMap a -> IntMap a -> Bool #

Eq a => Eq (Seq a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Sequence.Internal


(==) :: Seq a -> Seq a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Seq a -> Seq a -> Bool #

Eq a => Eq (ViewL a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Sequence.Internal


(==) :: ViewL a -> ViewL a -> Bool #

(/=) :: ViewL a -> ViewL a -> Bool #

Eq a => Eq (ViewR a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Sequence.Internal


(==) :: ViewR a -> ViewR a -> Bool #

(/=) :: ViewR a -> ViewR a -> Bool #

Eq a => Eq (Set a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Set.Internal


(==) :: Set a -> Set a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Set a -> Set a -> Bool #

Eq a => Eq (Tree a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tree


(==) :: Tree a -> Tree a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Tree a -> Tree a -> Bool #

Eq a => Eq (CryptoFailable a) 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Error.Types

Eq (Digest a) 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Hash.Types


(==) :: Digest a -> Digest a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Digest a -> Digest a -> Bool #

Eq (MutableByteArray s) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Array.Byte

Eq1 f => Eq (Fix f) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Fix


(==) :: Fix f -> Fix f -> Bool #

(/=) :: Fix f -> Fix f -> Bool #

(Functor f, Eq1 f) => Eq (Mu f) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Fix


(==) :: Mu f -> Mu f -> Bool #

(/=) :: Mu f -> Mu f -> Bool #

(Functor f, Eq1 f) => Eq (Nu f) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Fix


(==) :: Nu f -> Nu f -> Bool #

(/=) :: Nu f -> Nu f -> Bool #

Eq a => Eq (DNonEmpty a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.DList.DNonEmpty.Internal


(==) :: DNonEmpty a -> DNonEmpty a -> Bool #

(/=) :: DNonEmpty a -> DNonEmpty a -> Bool #

Eq a => Eq (DList a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.DList.Internal


(==) :: DList a -> DList a -> Bool #

(/=) :: DList a -> DList a -> Bool #

Eq v => Eq (UniqueMap v) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Collections


(==) :: UniqueMap v -> UniqueMap v -> Bool #

(/=) :: UniqueMap v -> UniqueMap v -> Bool #

Eq v => Eq (LabelMap v) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Label


(==) :: LabelMap v -> LabelMap v -> Bool #

(/=) :: LabelMap v -> LabelMap v -> Bool #

Eq (DeBruijn Coercion) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Core.Map.Type

Eq (DeBruijn Type) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Core.Map.Type

Eq (DeBruijn a) => Eq (DeBruijn (Maybe a)) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Core.Map.Type


(==) :: DeBruijn (Maybe a) -> DeBruijn (Maybe a) -> Bool #

(/=) :: DeBruijn (Maybe a) -> DeBruijn (Maybe a) -> Bool #

Eq (DeBruijn a) => Eq (DeBruijn [a]) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Core.Map.Type


(==) :: DeBruijn [a] -> DeBruijn [a] -> Bool #

(/=) :: DeBruijn [a] -> DeBruijn [a] -> Bool #

Eq a => Eq (OnOff a) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Session


(==) :: OnOff a -> OnOff a -> Bool #

(/=) :: OnOff a -> OnOff a -> Bool #

Eq name => Eq (IEWrappedName name) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Hs.ImpExp


(==) :: IEWrappedName name -> IEWrappedName name -> Bool #

(/=) :: IEWrappedName name -> IEWrappedName name -> Bool #

Eq ann => Eq (EpAnn ann) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation


(==) :: EpAnn ann -> EpAnn ann -> Bool #

(/=) :: EpAnn ann -> EpAnn ann -> Bool #

Eq a => Eq (SrcSpanAnn' a) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation

Eq (GenTickish 'TickishPassCmm) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Tickish


(==) :: GenTickish 'TickishPassCmm -> GenTickish 'TickishPassCmm -> Bool #

(/=) :: GenTickish 'TickishPassCmm -> GenTickish 'TickishPassCmm -> Bool #

Eq (GenTickish 'TickishPassCore) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Tickish


(==) :: GenTickish 'TickishPassCore -> GenTickish 'TickishPassCore -> Bool #

(/=) :: GenTickish 'TickishPassCore -> GenTickish 'TickishPassCore -> Bool #

Eq (UniqSet a) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Unique.Set


(==) :: UniqSet a -> UniqSet a -> Bool #

(/=) :: UniqSet a -> UniqSet a -> Bool #

Eq unit => Eq (Definite unit) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unit.Types


(==) :: Definite unit -> Definite unit -> Bool #

(/=) :: Definite unit -> Definite unit -> Bool #

Eq (GenInstantiatedUnit unit) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unit.Types

Eq unit => Eq (GenModule unit) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unit.Types


(==) :: GenModule unit -> GenModule unit -> Bool #

(/=) :: GenModule unit -> GenModule unit -> Bool #

IsUnitId u => Eq (GenUnit u) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unit.Types


(==) :: GenUnit u -> GenUnit u -> Bool #

(/=) :: GenUnit u -> GenUnit u -> Bool #

Eq mod => Eq (GenWithIsBoot mod) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unit.Types


(==) :: GenWithIsBoot mod -> GenWithIsBoot mod -> Bool #

(/=) :: GenWithIsBoot mod -> GenWithIsBoot mod -> Bool #

Eq unit => Eq (Indefinite unit) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unit.Types


(==) :: Indefinite unit -> Indefinite unit -> Bool #

(/=) :: Indefinite unit -> Indefinite unit -> Bool #

Eq (HsLit x) 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.Syntax.Lit


(==) :: HsLit x -> HsLit x -> Bool #

(/=) :: HsLit x -> HsLit x -> Bool #

Eq (XXOverLit p) => Eq (HsOverLit p) 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.Syntax.Lit


(==) :: HsOverLit p -> HsOverLit p -> Bool #

(/=) :: HsOverLit p -> HsOverLit p -> Bool #

(Eq (XCFieldOcc pass), Eq (XXFieldOcc pass)) => Eq (FieldOcc pass) 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.Syntax.Type


(==) :: FieldOcc pass -> FieldOcc pass -> Bool #

(/=) :: FieldOcc pass -> FieldOcc pass -> Bool #

Eq (DeBruijn Coercion) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Core.Map.Type

Eq (DeBruijn Type) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Core.Map.Type

Eq (DeBruijn Var) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Core.Map.Type

Eq (DeBruijn a) => Eq (DeBruijn (Maybe a)) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Core.Map.Type


(==) :: DeBruijn (Maybe a) -> DeBruijn (Maybe a) -> Bool #

(/=) :: DeBruijn (Maybe a) -> DeBruijn (Maybe a) -> Bool #

Eq (DeBruijn a) => Eq (DeBruijn [a]) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Core.Map.Type


(==) :: DeBruijn [a] -> DeBruijn [a] -> Bool #

(/=) :: DeBruijn [a] -> DeBruijn [a] -> Bool #

Eq name => Eq (IEWrappedName name) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Hs.ImpExp


(==) :: IEWrappedName name -> IEWrappedName name -> Bool #

(/=) :: IEWrappedName name -> IEWrappedName name -> Bool #

Eq (GenTickish 'TickishPassCmm) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Tickish


(==) :: GenTickish 'TickishPassCmm -> GenTickish 'TickishPassCmm -> Bool #

(/=) :: GenTickish 'TickishPassCmm -> GenTickish 'TickishPassCmm -> Bool #

Eq (GenTickish 'TickishPassCore) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Tickish


(==) :: GenTickish 'TickishPassCore -> GenTickish 'TickishPassCore -> Bool #

(/=) :: GenTickish 'TickishPassCore -> GenTickish 'TickishPassCore -> Bool #

Eq flag => Eq (TyVarBndr flag) 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: TyVarBndr flag -> TyVarBndr flag -> Bool #

(/=) :: TyVarBndr flag -> TyVarBndr flag -> Bool #

Eq a => Eq (Located a) 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.GHC.Parser


(==) :: Located a -> Located a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Located a -> Located a -> Bool #

Eq a => Eq (ParseOutput a) 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.GHC.Parser

Eq a => Eq (Hashed a)

Uses precomputed hash to detect inequality faster

Instance details

Defined in Data.Hashable.Class


(==) :: Hashed a -> Hashed a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Hashed a -> Hashed a -> Bool #

Eq string => Eq (LhsStyle string) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.Flags


(==) :: LhsStyle string -> LhsStyle string -> Bool #

(/=) :: LhsStyle string -> LhsStyle string -> Bool #

Eq a => Eq (AddrRange a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.IP.Range


(==) :: AddrRange a -> AddrRange a -> Bool #

(/=) :: AddrRange a -> AddrRange a -> Bool #

Eq a => Eq (AnnotDetails a) 
Instance details

Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.Annotated.HughesPJ

Eq (Doc a) 
Instance details

Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.Annotated.HughesPJ


(==) :: Doc a -> Doc a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Doc a -> Doc a -> Bool #

Eq a => Eq (Span a) 
Instance details

Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.Annotated.HughesPJ


(==) :: Span a -> Span a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Span a -> Span a -> Bool #

Eq a => Eq (Array a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.Array


(==) :: Array a -> Array a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Array a -> Array a -> Bool #

Eq (MutableByteArray s) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.ByteArray

(Eq a, Prim a) => Eq (PrimArray a)

Since: primitive-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.PrimArray


(==) :: PrimArray a -> PrimArray a -> Bool #

(/=) :: PrimArray a -> PrimArray a -> Bool #

Eq a => Eq (SmallArray a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.SmallArray


(==) :: SmallArray a -> SmallArray a -> Bool #

(/=) :: SmallArray a -> SmallArray a -> Bool #

Eq g => Eq (StateGen g) 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random.Internal


(==) :: StateGen g -> StateGen g -> Bool #

(/=) :: StateGen g -> StateGen g -> Bool #

Eq g => Eq (AtomicGen g) 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random.Stateful


(==) :: AtomicGen g -> AtomicGen g -> Bool #

(/=) :: AtomicGen g -> AtomicGen g -> Bool #

Eq g => Eq (IOGen g) 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random.Stateful


(==) :: IOGen g -> IOGen g -> Bool #

(/=) :: IOGen g -> IOGen g -> Bool #

Eq g => Eq (STGen g) 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random.Stateful


(==) :: STGen g -> STGen g -> Bool #

(/=) :: STGen g -> STGen g -> Bool #

Eq g => Eq (TGen g) 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random.Stateful


(==) :: TGen g -> TGen g -> Bool #

(/=) :: TGen g -> TGen g -> Bool #

Eq a => Eq (Chunk a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.List.Split.Internals


(==) :: Chunk a -> Chunk a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Chunk a -> Chunk a -> Bool #

Eq (TChan a) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan


(==) :: TChan a -> TChan a -> Bool #

(/=) :: TChan a -> TChan a -> Bool #

Eq a => Eq (Maybe a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Strict.Maybe


(==) :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Bool #

Eq flag => Eq (TyVarBndr flag) 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(==) :: TyVarBndr flag -> TyVarBndr flag -> Bool #

(/=) :: TyVarBndr flag -> TyVarBndr flag -> Bool #

Eq a => Eq (HashSet a)

Note that, in the presence of hash collisions, equal HashSets may behave differently, i.e. substitutivity may be violated:

>>> data D = A | B deriving (Eq, Show)
>>> instance Hashable D where hashWithSalt salt _d = salt
>>> x = fromList [A, B]
>>> y = fromList [B, A]
>>> x == y
>>> toList x
>>> toList y

In general, the lack of substitutivity can be observed with any function that depends on the key ordering, such as folds and traversals.

Instance details

Defined in Data.HashSet.Internal


(==) :: HashSet a -> HashSet a -> Bool #

(/=) :: HashSet a -> HashSet a -> Bool #

Eq a => Eq (Vector a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector


(==) :: Vector a -> Vector a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Vector a -> Vector a -> Bool #

(Prim a, Eq a) => Eq (Vector a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Primitive


(==) :: Vector a -> Vector a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Vector a -> Vector a -> Bool #

(Storable a, Eq a) => Eq (Vector a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Storable


(==) :: Vector a -> Vector a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Vector a -> Vector a -> Bool #

Eq a => Eq (NonEmpty a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


(==) :: NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a -> Bool #

(/=) :: NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a -> Bool #

Eq a => Eq (Maybe a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Maybe


(==) :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Bool #

Eq a => Eq (a) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


(==) :: (a) -> (a) -> Bool #

(/=) :: (a) -> (a) -> Bool #

Eq a => Eq [a] 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


(==) :: [a] -> [a] -> Bool #

(/=) :: [a] -> [a] -> Bool #

(Ix ix, Eq e, IArray UArray e) => Eq (UArray ix e) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Array.Base


(==) :: UArray ix e -> UArray ix e -> Bool #

(/=) :: UArray ix e -> UArray ix e -> Bool #

(Eq a, Eq b) => Eq (Either a b)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Either


(==) :: Either a b -> Either a b -> Bool #

(/=) :: Either a b -> Either a b -> Bool #

Eq (Proxy s)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Proxy


(==) :: Proxy s -> Proxy s -> Bool #

(/=) :: Proxy s -> Proxy s -> Bool #

Eq a => Eq (Arg a b)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


(==) :: Arg a b -> Arg a b -> Bool #

(/=) :: Arg a b -> Arg a b -> Bool #

Eq (TypeRep a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Typeable.Internal


(==) :: TypeRep a -> TypeRep a -> Bool #

(/=) :: TypeRep a -> TypeRep a -> Bool #

(Ix i, Eq e) => Eq (Array i e)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Arr


(==) :: Array i e -> Array i e -> Bool #

(/=) :: Array i e -> Array i e -> Bool #

Eq (U1 p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


(==) :: U1 p -> U1 p -> Bool #

(/=) :: U1 p -> U1 p -> Bool #

Eq (V1 p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


(==) :: V1 p -> V1 p -> Bool #

(/=) :: V1 p -> V1 p -> Bool #

Eq (STRef s a)

Pointer equality.

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.STRef


(==) :: STRef s a -> STRef s a -> Bool #

(/=) :: STRef s a -> STRef s a -> Bool #

(Eq k, Eq a) => Eq (Map k a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Map.Internal


(==) :: Map k a -> Map k a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Map k a -> Map k a -> Bool #

(Eq l, Eq e) => Eq (GenLocated l e) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc


(==) :: GenLocated l e -> GenLocated l e -> Bool #

(/=) :: GenLocated l e -> GenLocated l e -> Bool #

(Eq l, Eq e) => Eq (GenLocated l e) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc


(==) :: GenLocated l e -> GenLocated l e -> Bool #

(/=) :: GenLocated l e -> GenLocated l e -> Bool #

Eq (MutableArray s a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.Array


(==) :: MutableArray s a -> MutableArray s a -> Bool #

(/=) :: MutableArray s a -> MutableArray s a -> Bool #

Eq (MutablePrimArray s a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.PrimArray

Eq (SmallMutableArray s a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.SmallArray

(Eq a, Eq b) => Eq (Either a b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Strict.Either


(==) :: Either a b -> Either a b -> Bool #

(/=) :: Either a b -> Either a b -> Bool #

(Eq a, Eq b) => Eq (These a b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Strict.These


(==) :: These a b -> These a b -> Bool #

(/=) :: These a b -> These a b -> Bool #

(Eq a, Eq b) => Eq (Pair a b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Strict.Tuple


(==) :: Pair a b -> Pair a b -> Bool #

(/=) :: Pair a b -> Pair a b -> Bool #

(Eq a, Eq b) => Eq (These a b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.These


(==) :: These a b -> These a b -> Bool #

(/=) :: These a b -> These a b -> Bool #

(Eq1 m, Eq a) => Eq (ListT m a) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.List


(==) :: ListT m a -> ListT m a -> Bool #

(/=) :: ListT m a -> ListT m a -> Bool #

(Eq1 m, Eq a) => Eq (MaybeT m a) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe


(==) :: MaybeT m a -> MaybeT m a -> Bool #

(/=) :: MaybeT m a -> MaybeT m a -> Bool #

(Eq k, Eq v) => Eq (HashMap k v)

Note that, in the presence of hash collisions, equal HashMaps may behave differently, i.e. substitutivity may be violated:

>>> data D = A | B deriving (Eq, Show)
>>> instance Hashable D where hashWithSalt salt _d = salt
>>> x = fromList [(A,1), (B,2)]
>>> y = fromList [(B,2), (A,1)]
>>> x == y
>>> toList x
>>> toList y

In general, the lack of substitutivity can be observed with any function that depends on the key ordering, such as folds and traversals.

Instance details

Defined in Data.HashMap.Internal


(==) :: HashMap k v -> HashMap k v -> Bool #

(/=) :: HashMap k v -> HashMap k v -> Bool #

(Eq k, Eq v) => Eq (Leaf k v) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.HashMap.Internal


(==) :: Leaf k v -> Leaf k v -> Bool #

(/=) :: Leaf k v -> Leaf k v -> Bool #

(Eq a, Eq b) => Eq (a, b) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


(==) :: (a, b) -> (a, b) -> Bool #

(/=) :: (a, b) -> (a, b) -> Bool #

Eq (STUArray s i e) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Array.Base


(==) :: STUArray s i e -> STUArray s i e -> Bool #

(/=) :: STUArray s i e -> STUArray s i e -> Bool #

Eq a => Eq (Const a b)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Const


(==) :: Const a b -> Const a b -> Bool #

(/=) :: Const a b -> Const a b -> Bool #

Eq (f a) => Eq (Ap f a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


(==) :: Ap f a -> Ap f a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Ap f a -> Ap f a -> Bool #

Eq (f a) => Eq (Alt f a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


(==) :: Alt f a -> Alt f a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Alt f a -> Alt f a -> Bool #

Eq (OrderingI a b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Type.Ord


(==) :: OrderingI a b -> OrderingI a b -> Bool #

(/=) :: OrderingI a b -> OrderingI a b -> Bool #

Eq (STArray s i e)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Arr


(==) :: STArray s i e -> STArray s i e -> Bool #

(/=) :: STArray s i e -> STArray s i e -> Bool #

Eq (f p) => Eq (Rec1 f p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


(==) :: Rec1 f p -> Rec1 f p -> Bool #

(/=) :: Rec1 f p -> Rec1 f p -> Bool #

Eq (URec (Ptr ()) p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


(==) :: URec (Ptr ()) p -> URec (Ptr ()) p -> Bool #

(/=) :: URec (Ptr ()) p -> URec (Ptr ()) p -> Bool #

Eq (URec Char p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


(==) :: URec Char p -> URec Char p -> Bool #

(/=) :: URec Char p -> URec Char p -> Bool #

Eq (URec Double p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


(==) :: URec Double p -> URec Double p -> Bool #

(/=) :: URec Double p -> URec Double p -> Bool #

Eq (URec Float p) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


(==) :: URec Float p -> URec Float p -> Bool #

(/=) :: URec Float p -> URec Float p -> Bool #

Eq (URec Int p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


(==) :: URec Int p -> URec Int p -> Bool #

(/=) :: URec Int p -> URec Int p -> Bool #

Eq (URec Word p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


(==) :: URec Word p -> URec Word p -> Bool #

(/=) :: URec Word p -> URec Word p -> Bool #

Eq b => Eq (Tagged s b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tagged


(==) :: Tagged s b -> Tagged s b -> Bool #

(/=) :: Tagged s b -> Tagged s b -> Bool #

(Eq1 f, Eq1 g, Eq a) => Eq (These1 f g a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.These


(==) :: These1 f g a -> These1 f g a -> Bool #

(/=) :: These1 f g a -> These1 f g a -> Bool #

(Eq e, Eq1 m, Eq a) => Eq (ErrorT e m a) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Error


(==) :: ErrorT e m a -> ErrorT e m a -> Bool #

(/=) :: ErrorT e m a -> ErrorT e m a -> Bool #

(Eq e, Eq1 m, Eq a) => Eq (ExceptT e m a) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Except


(==) :: ExceptT e m a -> ExceptT e m a -> Bool #

(/=) :: ExceptT e m a -> ExceptT e m a -> Bool #

(Eq1 f, Eq a) => Eq (IdentityT f a) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Identity


(==) :: IdentityT f a -> IdentityT f a -> Bool #

(/=) :: IdentityT f a -> IdentityT f a -> Bool #

(Eq w, Eq1 m, Eq a) => Eq (WriterT w m a) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Lazy


(==) :: WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m a -> Bool #

(/=) :: WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m a -> Bool #

(Eq w, Eq1 m, Eq a) => Eq (WriterT w m a) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Strict


(==) :: WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m a -> Bool #

(/=) :: WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m a -> Bool #

(Eq a, Eq b, Eq c) => Eq (a, b, c) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


(==) :: (a, b, c) -> (a, b, c) -> Bool #

(/=) :: (a, b, c) -> (a, b, c) -> Bool #

(Eq1 f, Eq1 g, Eq a) => Eq (Product f g a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Product


(==) :: Product f g a -> Product f g a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Product f g a -> Product f g a -> Bool #

(Eq1 f, Eq1 g, Eq a) => Eq (Sum f g a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Sum


(==) :: Sum f g a -> Sum f g a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Sum f g a -> Sum f g a -> Bool #

(Eq (f p), Eq (g p)) => Eq ((f :*: g) p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


(==) :: (f :*: g) p -> (f :*: g) p -> Bool #

(/=) :: (f :*: g) p -> (f :*: g) p -> Bool #

(Eq (f p), Eq (g p)) => Eq ((f :+: g) p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


(==) :: (f :+: g) p -> (f :+: g) p -> Bool #

(/=) :: (f :+: g) p -> (f :+: g) p -> Bool #

Eq c => Eq (K1 i c p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


(==) :: K1 i c p -> K1 i c p -> Bool #

(/=) :: K1 i c p -> K1 i c p -> Bool #

(Eq a, Eq b, Eq c, Eq d) => Eq (a, b, c, d) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


(==) :: (a, b, c, d) -> (a, b, c, d) -> Bool #

(/=) :: (a, b, c, d) -> (a, b, c, d) -> Bool #

(Eq1 f, Eq1 g, Eq a) => Eq (Compose f g a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Compose


(==) :: Compose f g a -> Compose f g a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Compose f g a -> Compose f g a -> Bool #

Eq (f (g p)) => Eq ((f :.: g) p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


(==) :: (f :.: g) p -> (f :.: g) p -> Bool #

(/=) :: (f :.: g) p -> (f :.: g) p -> Bool #

Eq (f p) => Eq (M1 i c f p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


(==) :: M1 i c f p -> M1 i c f p -> Bool #

(/=) :: M1 i c f p -> M1 i c f p -> Bool #

Eq (p b a) => Eq (Flip p a b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Bifunctor.Flip


(==) :: Flip p a b -> Flip p a b -> Bool #

(/=) :: Flip p a b -> Flip p a b -> Bool #

(Eq a, Eq b, Eq c, Eq d, Eq e) => Eq (a, b, c, d, e) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


(==) :: (a, b, c, d, e) -> (a, b, c, d, e) -> Bool #

(/=) :: (a, b, c, d, e) -> (a, b, c, d, e) -> Bool #

(Eq (f a b), Eq (g a b)) => Eq (Product f g a b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Bifunctor.Product


(==) :: Product f g a b -> Product f g a b -> Bool #

(/=) :: Product f g a b -> Product f g a b -> Bool #

(Eq (p a b), Eq (q a b)) => Eq (Sum p q a b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Bifunctor.Sum


(==) :: Sum p q a b -> Sum p q a b -> Bool #

(/=) :: Sum p q a b -> Sum p q a b -> Bool #

(Eq uid, Eq compid, Eq modulename, Eq mod, Eq srcpkgid, Eq srcpkgname) => Eq (GenericUnitInfo compid srcpkgid srcpkgname uid modulename mod) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unit.Database


(==) :: GenericUnitInfo compid srcpkgid srcpkgname uid modulename mod -> GenericUnitInfo compid srcpkgid srcpkgname uid modulename mod -> Bool #

(/=) :: GenericUnitInfo compid srcpkgid srcpkgname uid modulename mod -> GenericUnitInfo compid srcpkgid srcpkgname uid modulename mod -> Bool #

(Eq a, Eq b, Eq c, Eq d, Eq e, Eq f) => Eq (a, b, c, d, e, f) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


(==) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> Bool #

(/=) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> Bool #

Eq (f (p a b)) => Eq (Tannen f p a b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Bifunctor.Tannen


(==) :: Tannen f p a b -> Tannen f p a b -> Bool #

(/=) :: Tannen f p a b -> Tannen f p a b -> Bool #

(Eq a, Eq b, Eq c, Eq d, Eq e, Eq f, Eq g) => Eq (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


(==) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) -> Bool #

(/=) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) -> Bool #

(Eq a, Eq b, Eq c, Eq d, Eq e, Eq f, Eq g, Eq h) => Eq (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


(==) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) -> Bool #

(/=) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) -> Bool #

Eq (p (f a) (g b)) => Eq (Biff p f g a b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Bifunctor.Biff


(==) :: Biff p f g a b -> Biff p f g a b -> Bool #

(/=) :: Biff p f g a b -> Biff p f g a b -> Bool #

(Eq a, Eq b, Eq c, Eq d, Eq e, Eq f, Eq g, Eq h, Eq i) => Eq (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


(==) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) -> Bool #

(/=) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) -> Bool #

(Eq a, Eq b, Eq c, Eq d, Eq e, Eq f, Eq g, Eq h, Eq i, Eq j) => Eq (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


(==) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) -> Bool #

(/=) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) -> Bool #

(Eq a, Eq b, Eq c, Eq d, Eq e, Eq f, Eq g, Eq h, Eq i, Eq j, Eq k) => Eq (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


(==) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) -> Bool #

(/=) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) -> Bool #

(Eq a, Eq b, Eq c, Eq d, Eq e, Eq f, Eq g, Eq h, Eq i, Eq j, Eq k, Eq l) => Eq (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


(==) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l) -> Bool #

(/=) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l) -> Bool #

(Eq a, Eq b, Eq c, Eq d, Eq e, Eq f, Eq g, Eq h, Eq i, Eq j, Eq k, Eq l, Eq m) => Eq (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


(==) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m) -> Bool #

(/=) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m) -> Bool #

(Eq a, Eq b, Eq c, Eq d, Eq e, Eq f, Eq g, Eq h, Eq i, Eq j, Eq k, Eq l, Eq m, Eq n) => Eq (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


(==) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n) -> Bool #

(/=) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n) -> Bool #

(Eq a, Eq b, Eq c, Eq d, Eq e, Eq f, Eq g, Eq h, Eq i, Eq j, Eq k, Eq l, Eq m, Eq n, Eq o) => Eq (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


(==) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o) -> Bool #

(/=) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o) -> Bool #

class Num a => Fractional a where #

Fractional numbers, supporting real division.

The Haskell Report defines no laws for Fractional. However, (+) and (*) are customarily expected to define a division ring and have the following properties:

recip gives the multiplicative inverse
x * recip x = recip x * x = fromInteger 1

Note that it isn't customarily expected that a type instance of Fractional implement a field. However, all instances in base do.

Minimal complete definition

fromRational, (recip | (/))


(/) :: a -> a -> a infixl 7 #

Fractional division.

recip :: a -> a #

Reciprocal fraction.

fromRational :: Rational -> a #

Conversion from a Rational (that is Ratio Integer). A floating literal stands for an application of fromRational to a value of type Rational, so such literals have type (Fractional a) => a.


Instances details
Fractional Scientific

WARNING: recip and / will throw an error when their outputs are repeating decimals.

These methods also compute Integer magnitudes (10^e). If these methods are applied to arguments which have huge exponents this could fill up all space and crash your program! So don't apply these methods to scientific numbers coming from untrusted sources.

fromRational will throw an error when the input Rational is a repeating decimal. Consider using fromRationalRepetend for these rationals which will detect the repetition and indicate where it starts.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Scientific

Fractional DiffTime 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Time.Clock.Internal.DiffTime

RealFloat a => Fractional (Complex a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Complex


(/) :: Complex a -> Complex a -> Complex a #

recip :: Complex a -> Complex a #

fromRational :: Rational -> Complex a #

Fractional a => Fractional (Identity a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Identity

Fractional a => Fractional (Down a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Ord


(/) :: Down a -> Down a -> Down a #

recip :: Down a -> Down a #

fromRational :: Rational -> Down a #

Integral a => Fractional (Ratio a)

Since: base-2.0.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Real


(/) :: Ratio a -> Ratio a -> Ratio a #

recip :: Ratio a -> Ratio a #

fromRational :: Rational -> Ratio a #

Fractional a => Fractional (Const a b)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Const


(/) :: Const a b -> Const a b -> Const a b #

recip :: Const a b -> Const a b #

fromRational :: Rational -> Const a b #

Fractional a => Fractional (Tagged s a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tagged


(/) :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a -> Tagged s a #

recip :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a #

fromRational :: Rational -> Tagged s a #

class (Real a, Enum a) => Integral a where #

Integral numbers, supporting integer division.

The Haskell Report defines no laws for Integral. However, Integral instances are customarily expected to define a Euclidean domain and have the following properties for the div/mod and quot/rem pairs, given suitable Euclidean functions f and g:

  • x = y * quot x y + rem x y with rem x y = fromInteger 0 or g (rem x y) < g y
  • x = y * div x y + mod x y with mod x y = fromInteger 0 or f (mod x y) < f y

An example of a suitable Euclidean function, for Integer's instance, is abs.

Minimal complete definition

quotRem, toInteger


quot :: a -> a -> a infixl 7 #

integer division truncated toward zero

rem :: a -> a -> a infixl 7 #

integer remainder, satisfying

(x `quot` y)*y + (x `rem` y) == x

div :: a -> a -> a infixl 7 #

integer division truncated toward negative infinity

mod :: a -> a -> a infixl 7 #

integer modulus, satisfying

(x `div` y)*y + (x `mod` y) == x

quotRem :: a -> a -> (a, a) #

simultaneous quot and rem

divMod :: a -> a -> (a, a) #

simultaneous div and mod

toInteger :: a -> Integer #

conversion to Integer


Instances details
Integral Int16

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Int

Integral Int32

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Int

Integral Int64

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Int

Integral Int8

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Int


quot :: Int8 -> Int8 -> Int8 #

rem :: Int8 -> Int8 -> Int8 #

div :: Int8 -> Int8 -> Int8 #

mod :: Int8 -> Int8 -> Int8 #

quotRem :: Int8 -> Int8 -> (Int8, Int8) #

divMod :: Int8 -> Int8 -> (Int8, Int8) #

toInteger :: Int8 -> Integer #

Integral Word16

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Word

Integral Word32

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Word

Integral Word64

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Word

Integral Word8

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Word

Integral CBlkCnt 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Integral CBlkSize 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Integral CClockId 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Integral CDev 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


quot :: CDev -> CDev -> CDev #

rem :: CDev -> CDev -> CDev #

div :: CDev -> CDev -> CDev #

mod :: CDev -> CDev -> CDev #

quotRem :: CDev -> CDev -> (CDev, CDev) #

divMod :: CDev -> CDev -> (CDev, CDev) #

toInteger :: CDev -> Integer #

Integral CFsBlkCnt 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Integral CFsFilCnt 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Integral CGid 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


quot :: CGid -> CGid -> CGid #

rem :: CGid -> CGid -> CGid #

div :: CGid -> CGid -> CGid #

mod :: CGid -> CGid -> CGid #

quotRem :: CGid -> CGid -> (CGid, CGid) #

divMod :: CGid -> CGid -> (CGid, CGid) #

toInteger :: CGid -> Integer #

Integral CId 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


quot :: CId -> CId -> CId #

rem :: CId -> CId -> CId #

div :: CId -> CId -> CId #

mod :: CId -> CId -> CId #

quotRem :: CId -> CId -> (CId, CId) #

divMod :: CId -> CId -> (CId, CId) #

toInteger :: CId -> Integer #

Integral CIno 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


quot :: CIno -> CIno -> CIno #

rem :: CIno -> CIno -> CIno #

div :: CIno -> CIno -> CIno #

mod :: CIno -> CIno -> CIno #

quotRem :: CIno -> CIno -> (CIno, CIno) #

divMod :: CIno -> CIno -> (CIno, CIno) #

toInteger :: CIno -> Integer #

Integral CKey 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


quot :: CKey -> CKey -> CKey #

rem :: CKey -> CKey -> CKey #

div :: CKey -> CKey -> CKey #

mod :: CKey -> CKey -> CKey #

quotRem :: CKey -> CKey -> (CKey, CKey) #

divMod :: CKey -> CKey -> (CKey, CKey) #

toInteger :: CKey -> Integer #

Integral CMode 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Integral CNfds 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Integral CNlink 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Integral COff 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


quot :: COff -> COff -> COff #

rem :: COff -> COff -> COff #

div :: COff -> COff -> COff #

mod :: COff -> COff -> COff #

quotRem :: COff -> COff -> (COff, COff) #

divMod :: COff -> COff -> (COff, COff) #

toInteger :: COff -> Integer #

Integral CPid 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


quot :: CPid -> CPid -> CPid #

rem :: CPid -> CPid -> CPid #

div :: CPid -> CPid -> CPid #

mod :: CPid -> CPid -> CPid #

quotRem :: CPid -> CPid -> (CPid, CPid) #

divMod :: CPid -> CPid -> (CPid, CPid) #

toInteger :: CPid -> Integer #

Integral CRLim 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Integral CSocklen 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Integral CSsize 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Integral CTcflag 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Integral CUid 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


quot :: CUid -> CUid -> CUid #

rem :: CUid -> CUid -> CUid #

div :: CUid -> CUid -> CUid #

mod :: CUid -> CUid -> CUid #

quotRem :: CUid -> CUid -> (CUid, CUid) #

divMod :: CUid -> CUid -> (CUid, CUid) #

toInteger :: CUid -> Integer #

Integral Fd 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


quot :: Fd -> Fd -> Fd #

rem :: Fd -> Fd -> Fd #

div :: Fd -> Fd -> Fd #

mod :: Fd -> Fd -> Fd #

quotRem :: Fd -> Fd -> (Fd, Fd) #

divMod :: Fd -> Fd -> (Fd, Fd) #

toInteger :: Fd -> Integer #

Integral TimeSpec 
Instance details

Defined in System.Clock

Integral ByteOff 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.ByteCode.Types

Integral RegBitmap 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.ByteCode.Types

Integral WordOff 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.ByteCode.Types

Integral PortNumber 
Instance details

Defined in Network.Socket.Types

Integral Integer

Since: base-2.0.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Real

Integral Natural

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Real

Integral Int

Since: base-2.0.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Real


quot :: Int -> Int -> Int #

rem :: Int -> Int -> Int #

div :: Int -> Int -> Int #

mod :: Int -> Int -> Int #

quotRem :: Int -> Int -> (Int, Int) #

divMod :: Int -> Int -> (Int, Int) #

toInteger :: Int -> Integer #

Integral Word

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Real


quot :: Word -> Word -> Word #

rem :: Word -> Word -> Word #

div :: Word -> Word -> Word #

mod :: Word -> Word -> Word #

quotRem :: Word -> Word -> (Word, Word) #

divMod :: Word -> Word -> (Word, Word) #

toInteger :: Word -> Integer #

Integral a => Integral (Identity a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Identity

Integral a => Integral (Const a b)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Const


quot :: Const a b -> Const a b -> Const a b #

rem :: Const a b -> Const a b -> Const a b #

div :: Const a b -> Const a b -> Const a b #

mod :: Const a b -> Const a b -> Const a b #

quotRem :: Const a b -> Const a b -> (Const a b, Const a b) #

divMod :: Const a b -> Const a b -> (Const a b, Const a b) #

toInteger :: Const a b -> Integer #

Integral a => Integral (Tagged s a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tagged


quot :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a -> Tagged s a #

rem :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a -> Tagged s a #

div :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a -> Tagged s a #

mod :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a -> Tagged s a #

quotRem :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a -> (Tagged s a, Tagged s a) #

divMod :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a -> (Tagged s a, Tagged s a) #

toInteger :: Tagged s a -> Integer #

class Applicative m => Monad (m :: Type -> Type) where #

The Monad class defines the basic operations over a monad, a concept from a branch of mathematics known as category theory. From the perspective of a Haskell programmer, however, it is best to think of a monad as an abstract datatype of actions. Haskell's do expressions provide a convenient syntax for writing monadic expressions.

Instances of Monad should satisfy the following:

Left identity
return a >>= k = k a
Right identity
m >>= return = m
m >>= (\x -> k x >>= h) = (m >>= k) >>= h

Furthermore, the Monad and Applicative operations should relate as follows:

The above laws imply:

and that pure and (<*>) satisfy the applicative functor laws.

The instances of Monad for lists, Maybe and IO defined in the Prelude satisfy these laws.

Minimal complete definition



(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b infixl 1 #

Sequentially compose two actions, passing any value produced by the first as an argument to the second.

'as >>= bs' can be understood as the do expression

do a <- as
   bs a

(>>) :: m a -> m b -> m b infixl 1 #

Sequentially compose two actions, discarding any value produced by the first, like sequencing operators (such as the semicolon) in imperative languages.

'as >> bs' can be understood as the do expression

do as

return :: a -> m a #

Inject a value into the monadic type.


Instances details
Monad IResult 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal


(>>=) :: IResult a -> (a -> IResult b) -> IResult b #

(>>) :: IResult a -> IResult b -> IResult b #

return :: a -> IResult a #

Monad Parser 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal


(>>=) :: Parser a -> (a -> Parser b) -> Parser b #

(>>) :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser b #

return :: a -> Parser a #

Monad Result 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal


(>>=) :: Result a -> (a -> Result b) -> Result b #

(>>) :: Result a -> Result b -> Result b #

return :: a -> Result a #

Monad Complex

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Complex


(>>=) :: Complex a -> (a -> Complex b) -> Complex b #

(>>) :: Complex a -> Complex b -> Complex b #

return :: a -> Complex a #

Monad Identity

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Identity


(>>=) :: Identity a -> (a -> Identity b) -> Identity b #

(>>) :: Identity a -> Identity b -> Identity b #

return :: a -> Identity a #

Monad First

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


(>>=) :: First a -> (a -> First b) -> First b #

(>>) :: First a -> First b -> First b #

return :: a -> First a #

Monad Last

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


(>>=) :: Last a -> (a -> Last b) -> Last b #

(>>) :: Last a -> Last b -> Last b #

return :: a -> Last a #

Monad Down

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Ord


(>>=) :: Down a -> (a -> Down b) -> Down b #

(>>) :: Down a -> Down b -> Down b #

return :: a -> Down a #

Monad First

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


(>>=) :: First a -> (a -> First b) -> First b #

(>>) :: First a -> First b -> First b #

return :: a -> First a #

Monad Last

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


(>>=) :: Last a -> (a -> Last b) -> Last b #

(>>) :: Last a -> Last b -> Last b #

return :: a -> Last a #

Monad Max

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


(>>=) :: Max a -> (a -> Max b) -> Max b #

(>>) :: Max a -> Max b -> Max b #

return :: a -> Max a #

Monad Min

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


(>>=) :: Min a -> (a -> Min b) -> Min b #

(>>) :: Min a -> Min b -> Min b #

return :: a -> Min a #

Monad Dual

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


(>>=) :: Dual a -> (a -> Dual b) -> Dual b #

(>>) :: Dual a -> Dual b -> Dual b #

return :: a -> Dual a #

Monad Product

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


(>>=) :: Product a -> (a -> Product b) -> Product b #

(>>) :: Product a -> Product b -> Product b #

return :: a -> Product a #

Monad Sum

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


(>>=) :: Sum a -> (a -> Sum b) -> Sum b #

(>>) :: Sum a -> Sum b -> Sum b #

return :: a -> Sum a #

Monad STM

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Conc.Sync


(>>=) :: STM a -> (a -> STM b) -> STM b #

(>>) :: STM a -> STM b -> STM b #

return :: a -> STM a #

Monad Par1

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


(>>=) :: Par1 a -> (a -> Par1 b) -> Par1 b #

(>>) :: Par1 a -> Par1 b -> Par1 b #

return :: a -> Par1 a #

Monad P

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP


(>>=) :: P a -> (a -> P b) -> P b #

(>>) :: P a -> P b -> P b #

return :: a -> P a #

Monad ReadP

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP


(>>=) :: ReadP a -> (a -> ReadP b) -> ReadP b #

(>>) :: ReadP a -> ReadP b -> ReadP b #

return :: a -> ReadP a #

Monad Get 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Get.Internal


(>>=) :: Get a -> (a -> Get b) -> Get b #

(>>) :: Get a -> Get b -> Get b #

return :: a -> Get a #

Monad PutM 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Put


(>>=) :: PutM a -> (a -> PutM b) -> PutM b #

(>>) :: PutM a -> PutM b -> PutM b #

return :: a -> PutM a #

Monad Put 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteString.Builder.Internal


(>>=) :: Put a -> (a -> Put b) -> Put b #

(>>) :: Put a -> Put b -> Put b #

return :: a -> Put a #

Monad Seq 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Sequence.Internal


(>>=) :: Seq a -> (a -> Seq b) -> Seq b #

(>>) :: Seq a -> Seq b -> Seq b #

return :: a -> Seq a #

Monad Tree 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tree


(>>=) :: Tree a -> (a -> Tree b) -> Tree b #

(>>) :: Tree a -> Tree b -> Tree b #

return :: a -> Tree a #

Monad CryptoFailable 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Error.Types

Monad DNonEmpty 
Instance details

Defined in Data.DList.DNonEmpty.Internal


(>>=) :: DNonEmpty a -> (a -> DNonEmpty b) -> DNonEmpty b #

(>>) :: DNonEmpty a -> DNonEmpty b -> DNonEmpty b #

return :: a -> DNonEmpty a #

Monad DList 
Instance details

Defined in Data.DList.Internal


(>>=) :: DList a -> (a -> DList b) -> DList b #

(>>) :: DList a -> DList b -> DList b #

return :: a -> DList a #

Monad NormM 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Core.FamInstEnv


(>>=) :: NormM a -> (a -> NormM b) -> NormM b #

(>>) :: NormM a -> NormM b -> NormM b #

return :: a -> NormM a #

Monad UM 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Core.Unify


(>>=) :: UM a -> (a -> UM b) -> UM b #

(>>) :: UM a -> UM b -> UM b #

return :: a -> UM a #

Monad UnifyResultM 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Core.Unify

Monad Hsc 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Env.Types


(>>=) :: Hsc a -> (a -> Hsc b) -> Hsc b #

(>>) :: Hsc a -> Hsc b -> Hsc b #

return :: a -> Hsc a #

Monad Ghc 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Monad


(>>=) :: Ghc a -> (a -> Ghc b) -> Ghc b #

(>>) :: Ghc a -> Ghc b -> Ghc b #

return :: a -> Ghc a #

Monad P 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Lexer


(>>=) :: P a -> (a -> P b) -> P b #

(>>) :: P a -> P b -> P b #

return :: a -> P a #

Monad PV 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.PostProcess


(>>=) :: PV a -> (a -> PV b) -> PV b #

(>>) :: PV a -> PV b -> PV b #

return :: a -> PV a #

Monad PV 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.PostProcess


(>>=) :: PV a -> (a -> PV b) -> PV b #

(>>) :: PV a -> PV b -> PV b #

return :: a -> PV a #

Monad Q 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(>>=) :: Q a -> (a -> Q b) -> Q b #

(>>) :: Q a -> Q b -> Q b #

return :: a -> Q a #

Monad IO

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


(>>=) :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b #

(>>) :: IO a -> IO b -> IO b #

return :: a -> IO a #

Monad Array 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.Array


(>>=) :: Array a -> (a -> Array b) -> Array b #

(>>) :: Array a -> Array b -> Array b #

return :: a -> Array a #

Monad SmallArray 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.SmallArray


(>>=) :: SmallArray a -> (a -> SmallArray b) -> SmallArray b #

(>>) :: SmallArray a -> SmallArray b -> SmallArray b #

return :: a -> SmallArray a #

Monad Sh 
Instance details

Defined in Shelly.Base


(>>=) :: Sh a -> (a -> Sh b) -> Sh b #

(>>) :: Sh a -> Sh b -> Sh b #

return :: a -> Sh a #

Monad Q 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(>>=) :: Q a -> (a -> Q b) -> Q b #

(>>) :: Q a -> Q b -> Q b #

return :: a -> Q a #

Monad Vector 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector


(>>=) :: Vector a -> (a -> Vector b) -> Vector b #

(>>) :: Vector a -> Vector b -> Vector b #

return :: a -> Vector a #

Monad Id 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Fusion.Util


(>>=) :: Id a -> (a -> Id b) -> Id b #

(>>) :: Id a -> Id b -> Id b #

return :: a -> Id a #

Monad Stream 
Instance details

Defined in Codec.Compression.Zlib.Stream


(>>=) :: Stream a -> (a -> Stream b) -> Stream b #

(>>) :: Stream a -> Stream b -> Stream b #

return :: a -> Stream a #

Monad NonEmpty

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


(>>=) :: NonEmpty a -> (a -> NonEmpty b) -> NonEmpty b #

(>>) :: NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty b -> NonEmpty b #

return :: a -> NonEmpty a #

Monad Maybe

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


(>>=) :: Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b #

(>>) :: Maybe a -> Maybe b -> Maybe b #

return :: a -> Maybe a #

Monad Solo

Since: base-4.15

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


(>>=) :: Solo a -> (a -> Solo b) -> Solo b #

(>>) :: Solo a -> Solo b -> Solo b #

return :: a -> Solo a #

Monad []

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


(>>=) :: [a] -> (a -> [b]) -> [b] #

(>>) :: [a] -> [b] -> [b] #

return :: a -> [a] #

Monad (Parser i) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Attoparsec.Internal.Types


(>>=) :: Parser i a -> (a -> Parser i b) -> Parser i b #

(>>) :: Parser i a -> Parser i b -> Parser i b #

return :: a -> Parser i a #

Monad m => Monad (WrappedMonad m)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Control.Applicative


(>>=) :: WrappedMonad m a -> (a -> WrappedMonad m b) -> WrappedMonad m b #

(>>) :: WrappedMonad m a -> WrappedMonad m b -> WrappedMonad m b #

return :: a -> WrappedMonad m a #

ArrowApply a => Monad (ArrowMonad a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Control.Arrow


(>>=) :: ArrowMonad a a0 -> (a0 -> ArrowMonad a b) -> ArrowMonad a b #

(>>) :: ArrowMonad a a0 -> ArrowMonad a b -> ArrowMonad a b #

return :: a0 -> ArrowMonad a a0 #

Monad (Either e)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Either


(>>=) :: Either e a -> (a -> Either e b) -> Either e b #

(>>) :: Either e a -> Either e b -> Either e b #

return :: a -> Either e a #

Monad (Proxy :: Type -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Proxy


(>>=) :: Proxy a -> (a -> Proxy b) -> Proxy b #

(>>) :: Proxy a -> Proxy b -> Proxy b #

return :: a -> Proxy a #

Monad (U1 :: Type -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


(>>=) :: U1 a -> (a -> U1 b) -> U1 b #

(>>) :: U1 a -> U1 b -> U1 b #

return :: a -> U1 a #

Monad (ST s)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.ST


(>>=) :: ST s a -> (a -> ST s b) -> ST s b #

(>>) :: ST s a -> ST s b -> ST s b #

return :: a -> ST s a #

Monad (SetM s) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Graph


(>>=) :: SetM s a -> (a -> SetM s b) -> SetM s b #

(>>) :: SetM s a -> SetM s b -> SetM s b #

return :: a -> SetM s a #

Monad (CmdLineP s) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.CmdLine


(>>=) :: CmdLineP s a -> (a -> CmdLineP s b) -> CmdLineP s b #

(>>) :: CmdLineP s a -> CmdLineP s b -> CmdLineP s b #

return :: a -> CmdLineP s a #

Monad m => Monad (EwM m) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.CmdLine


(>>=) :: EwM m a -> (a -> EwM m b) -> EwM m b #

(>>) :: EwM m a -> EwM m b -> EwM m b #

return :: a -> EwM m a #

Monad m => Monad (GhcT m) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Monad


(>>=) :: GhcT m a -> (a -> GhcT m b) -> GhcT m b #

(>>) :: GhcT m a -> GhcT m b -> GhcT m b #

return :: a -> GhcT m a #

Monad m => Monad (ResourceT m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Resource.Internal


(>>=) :: ResourceT m a -> (a -> ResourceT m b) -> ResourceT m b #

(>>) :: ResourceT m a -> ResourceT m b -> ResourceT m b #

return :: a -> ResourceT m a #

Semigroup a => Monad (These a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Strict.These


(>>=) :: These a a0 -> (a0 -> These a b) -> These a b #

(>>) :: These a a0 -> These a b -> These a b #

return :: a0 -> These a a0 #

Semigroup a => Monad (These a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.These


(>>=) :: These a a0 -> (a0 -> These a b) -> These a b #

(>>) :: These a a0 -> These a b -> These a b #

return :: a0 -> These a a0 #

Monad m => Monad (ListT m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.List


(>>=) :: ListT m a -> (a -> ListT m b) -> ListT m b #

(>>) :: ListT m a -> ListT m b -> ListT m b #

return :: a -> ListT m a #

Monad m => Monad (MaybeT m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe


(>>=) :: MaybeT m a -> (a -> MaybeT m b) -> MaybeT m b #

(>>) :: MaybeT m a -> MaybeT m b -> MaybeT m b #

return :: a -> MaybeT m a #

Monoid a => Monad ((,) a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


(>>=) :: (a, a0) -> (a0 -> (a, b)) -> (a, b) #

(>>) :: (a, a0) -> (a, b) -> (a, b) #

return :: a0 -> (a, a0) #

Monad m => Monad (Kleisli m a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Control.Arrow


(>>=) :: Kleisli m a a0 -> (a0 -> Kleisli m a b) -> Kleisli m a b #

(>>) :: Kleisli m a a0 -> Kleisli m a b -> Kleisli m a b #

return :: a0 -> Kleisli m a a0 #

Monad f => Monad (Ap f)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


(>>=) :: Ap f a -> (a -> Ap f b) -> Ap f b #

(>>) :: Ap f a -> Ap f b -> Ap f b #

return :: a -> Ap f a #

Monad f => Monad (Alt f)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


(>>=) :: Alt f a -> (a -> Alt f b) -> Alt f b #

(>>) :: Alt f a -> Alt f b -> Alt f b #

return :: a -> Alt f a #

Monad f => Monad (Rec1 f)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


(>>=) :: Rec1 f a -> (a -> Rec1 f b) -> Rec1 f b #

(>>) :: Rec1 f a -> Rec1 f b -> Rec1 f b #

return :: a -> Rec1 f a #

(Applicative f, Monad f) => Monad (WhenMissing f x)

Equivalent to ReaderT k (ReaderT x (MaybeT f)).

Since: containers-0.5.9

Instance details

Defined in Data.IntMap.Internal


(>>=) :: WhenMissing f x a -> (a -> WhenMissing f x b) -> WhenMissing f x b #

(>>) :: WhenMissing f x a -> WhenMissing f x b -> WhenMissing f x b #

return :: a -> WhenMissing f x a #

Monad (Tagged s) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tagged


(>>=) :: Tagged s a -> (a -> Tagged s b) -> Tagged s b #

(>>) :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s b -> Tagged s b #

return :: a -> Tagged s a #

(Monad m, Error e) => Monad (ErrorT e m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Error


(>>=) :: ErrorT e m a -> (a -> ErrorT e m b) -> ErrorT e m b #

(>>) :: ErrorT e m a -> ErrorT e m b -> ErrorT e m b #

return :: a -> ErrorT e m a #

Monad m => Monad (ExceptT e m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Except


(>>=) :: ExceptT e m a -> (a -> ExceptT e m b) -> ExceptT e m b #

(>>) :: ExceptT e m a -> ExceptT e m b -> ExceptT e m b #

return :: a -> ExceptT e m a #

Monad m => Monad (IdentityT m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Identity


(>>=) :: IdentityT m a -> (a -> IdentityT m b) -> IdentityT m b #

(>>) :: IdentityT m a -> IdentityT m b -> IdentityT m b #

return :: a -> IdentityT m a #

Monad m => Monad (ReaderT r m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Reader


(>>=) :: ReaderT r m a -> (a -> ReaderT r m b) -> ReaderT r m b #

(>>) :: ReaderT r m a -> ReaderT r m b -> ReaderT r m b #

return :: a -> ReaderT r m a #

Monad m => Monad (StateT s m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy


(>>=) :: StateT s m a -> (a -> StateT s m b) -> StateT s m b #

(>>) :: StateT s m a -> StateT s m b -> StateT s m b #

return :: a -> StateT s m a #

Monad m => Monad (StateT s m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict


(>>=) :: StateT s m a -> (a -> StateT s m b) -> StateT s m b #

(>>) :: StateT s m a -> StateT s m b -> StateT s m b #

return :: a -> StateT s m a #

(Monoid w, Monad m) => Monad (WriterT w m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Lazy


(>>=) :: WriterT w m a -> (a -> WriterT w m b) -> WriterT w m b #

(>>) :: WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m b -> WriterT w m b #

return :: a -> WriterT w m a #

(Monoid w, Monad m) => Monad (WriterT w m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Strict


(>>=) :: WriterT w m a -> (a -> WriterT w m b) -> WriterT w m b #

(>>) :: WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m b -> WriterT w m b #

return :: a -> WriterT w m a #

(Monoid a, Monoid b) => Monad ((,,) a b)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


(>>=) :: (a, b, a0) -> (a0 -> (a, b, b0)) -> (a, b, b0) #

(>>) :: (a, b, a0) -> (a, b, b0) -> (a, b, b0) #

return :: a0 -> (a, b, a0) #

(Monad f, Monad g) => Monad (Product f g)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Product


(>>=) :: Product f g a -> (a -> Product f g b) -> Product f g b #

(>>) :: Product f g a -> Product f g b -> Product f g b #

return :: a -> Product f g a #

(Monad f, Monad g) => Monad (f :*: g)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


(>>=) :: (f :*: g) a -> (a -> (f :*: g) b) -> (f :*: g) b #

(>>) :: (f :*: g) a -> (f :*: g) b -> (f :*: g) b #

return :: a -> (f :*: g) a #

Monad (ConduitT i o m) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Conduit.Internal.Conduit


(>>=) :: ConduitT i o m a -> (a -> ConduitT i o m b) -> ConduitT i o m b #

(>>) :: ConduitT i o m a -> ConduitT i o m b -> ConduitT i o m b #

return :: a -> ConduitT i o m a #

(Monad f, Applicative f) => Monad (WhenMatched f x y)

Equivalent to ReaderT Key (ReaderT x (ReaderT y (MaybeT f)))

Since: containers-0.5.9

Instance details

Defined in Data.IntMap.Internal


(>>=) :: WhenMatched f x y a -> (a -> WhenMatched f x y b) -> WhenMatched f x y b #

(>>) :: WhenMatched f x y a -> WhenMatched f x y b -> WhenMatched f x y b #

return :: a -> WhenMatched f x y a #

(Applicative f, Monad f) => Monad (WhenMissing f k x)

Equivalent to ReaderT k (ReaderT x (MaybeT f)) .

Since: containers-0.5.9

Instance details

Defined in Data.Map.Internal


(>>=) :: WhenMissing f k x a -> (a -> WhenMissing f k x b) -> WhenMissing f k x b #

(>>) :: WhenMissing f k x a -> WhenMissing f k x b -> WhenMissing f k x b #

return :: a -> WhenMissing f k x a #

Monad (ParsecT s u m) 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Parsec.Prim


(>>=) :: ParsecT s u m a -> (a -> ParsecT s u m b) -> ParsecT s u m b #

(>>) :: ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m b -> ParsecT s u m b #

return :: a -> ParsecT s u m a #

Monad (ContT r m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Cont


(>>=) :: ContT r m a -> (a -> ContT r m b) -> ContT r m b #

(>>) :: ContT r m a -> ContT r m b -> ContT r m b #

return :: a -> ContT r m a #

(Monoid a, Monoid b, Monoid c) => Monad ((,,,) a b c)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


(>>=) :: (a, b, c, a0) -> (a0 -> (a, b, c, b0)) -> (a, b, c, b0) #

(>>) :: (a, b, c, a0) -> (a, b, c, b0) -> (a, b, c, b0) #

return :: a0 -> (a, b, c, a0) #

Monad ((->) r)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


(>>=) :: (r -> a) -> (a -> r -> b) -> r -> b #

(>>) :: (r -> a) -> (r -> b) -> r -> b #

return :: a -> r -> a #

Monad f => Monad (M1 i c f)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


(>>=) :: M1 i c f a -> (a -> M1 i c f b) -> M1 i c f b #

(>>) :: M1 i c f a -> M1 i c f b -> M1 i c f b #

return :: a -> M1 i c f a #

(Monad f, Applicative f) => Monad (WhenMatched f k x y)

Equivalent to ReaderT k (ReaderT x (ReaderT y (MaybeT f)))

Since: containers-0.5.9

Instance details

Defined in Data.Map.Internal


(>>=) :: WhenMatched f k x y a -> (a -> WhenMatched f k x y b) -> WhenMatched f k x y b #

(>>) :: WhenMatched f k x y a -> WhenMatched f k x y b -> WhenMatched f k x y b #

return :: a -> WhenMatched f k x y a #

(Monoid w, Monad m) => Monad (RWST r w s m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.RWS.Lazy


(>>=) :: RWST r w s m a -> (a -> RWST r w s m b) -> RWST r w s m b #

(>>) :: RWST r w s m a -> RWST r w s m b -> RWST r w s m b #

return :: a -> RWST r w s m a #

(Monoid w, Monad m) => Monad (RWST r w s m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.RWS.Strict


(>>=) :: RWST r w s m a -> (a -> RWST r w s m b) -> RWST r w s m b #

(>>) :: RWST r w s m a -> RWST r w s m b -> RWST r w s m b #

return :: a -> RWST r w s m a #

Monad state => Monad (Builder collection mutCollection step state err) 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.MutableBuilder


(>>=) :: Builder collection mutCollection step state err a -> (a -> Builder collection mutCollection step state err b) -> Builder collection mutCollection step state err b #

(>>) :: Builder collection mutCollection step state err a -> Builder collection mutCollection step state err b -> Builder collection mutCollection step state err b #

return :: a -> Builder collection mutCollection step state err a #

Monad m => Monad (Pipe l i o u m) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Conduit.Internal.Pipe


(>>=) :: Pipe l i o u m a -> (a -> Pipe l i o u m b) -> Pipe l i o u m b #

(>>) :: Pipe l i o u m a -> Pipe l i o u m b -> Pipe l i o u m b #

return :: a -> Pipe l i o u m a #

class Functor (f :: Type -> Type) where #

A type f is a Functor if it provides a function fmap which, given any types a and b lets you apply any function from (a -> b) to turn an f a into an f b, preserving the structure of f. Furthermore f needs to adhere to the following:

fmap id == id
fmap (f . g) == fmap f . fmap g

Note, that the second law follows from the free theorem of the type fmap and the first law, so you need only check that the former condition holds.

Minimal complete definition



fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b #

fmap is used to apply a function of type (a -> b) to a value of type f a, where f is a functor, to produce a value of type f b. Note that for any type constructor with more than one parameter (e.g., Either), only the last type parameter can be modified with fmap (e.g., b in `Either a b`).

Some type constructors with two parameters or more have a Bifunctor instance that allows both the last and the penultimate parameters to be mapped over.



Convert from a Maybe Int to a Maybe String using show:

>>> fmap show Nothing
>>> fmap show (Just 3)
Just "3"

Convert from an Either Int Int to an Either Int String using show:

>>> fmap show (Left 17)
Left 17
>>> fmap show (Right 17)
Right "17"

Double each element of a list:

>>> fmap (*2) [1,2,3]

Apply even to the second element of a pair:

>>> fmap even (2,2)

It may seem surprising that the function is only applied to the last element of the tuple compared to the list example above which applies it to every element in the list. To understand, remember that tuples are type constructors with multiple type parameters: a tuple of 3 elements (a,b,c) can also be written (,,) a b c and its Functor instance is defined for Functor ((,,) a b) (i.e., only the third parameter is free to be mapped over with fmap).

It explains why fmap can be used with tuples containing values of different types as in the following example:

>>> fmap even ("hello", 1.0, 4)

(<$) :: a -> f b -> f a infixl 4 #

Replace all locations in the input with the same value. The default definition is fmap . const, but this may be overridden with a more efficient version.


Instances details
Functor KeyMap 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.KeyMap


fmap :: (a -> b) -> KeyMap a -> KeyMap b #

(<$) :: a -> KeyMap b -> KeyMap a #

Functor FromJSONKeyFunction

Only law abiding up to interpretation

Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON

Functor IResult 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal


fmap :: (a -> b) -> IResult a -> IResult b #

(<$) :: a -> IResult b -> IResult a #

Functor Parser 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b #

(<$) :: a -> Parser b -> Parser a #

Functor Result 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Result a -> Result b #

(<$) :: a -> Result b -> Result a #

Functor ZipList

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Control.Applicative


fmap :: (a -> b) -> ZipList a -> ZipList b #

(<$) :: a -> ZipList b -> ZipList a #

Functor Handler

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Control.Exception


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Handler a -> Handler b #

(<$) :: a -> Handler b -> Handler a #

Functor Complex

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Complex


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Complex a -> Complex b #

(<$) :: a -> Complex b -> Complex a #

Functor Identity

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Identity


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Identity a -> Identity b #

(<$) :: a -> Identity b -> Identity a #

Functor First

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


fmap :: (a -> b) -> First a -> First b #

(<$) :: a -> First b -> First a #

Functor Last

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Last a -> Last b #

(<$) :: a -> Last b -> Last a #

Functor Down

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Ord


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Down a -> Down b #

(<$) :: a -> Down b -> Down a #

Functor First

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


fmap :: (a -> b) -> First a -> First b #

(<$) :: a -> First b -> First a #

Functor Last

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Last a -> Last b #

(<$) :: a -> Last b -> Last a #

Functor Max

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Max a -> Max b #

(<$) :: a -> Max b -> Max a #

Functor Min

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Min a -> Min b #

(<$) :: a -> Min b -> Min a #

Functor Dual

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Dual a -> Dual b #

(<$) :: a -> Dual b -> Dual a #

Functor Product

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Product a -> Product b #

(<$) :: a -> Product b -> Product a #

Functor Sum

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Sum a -> Sum b #

(<$) :: a -> Sum b -> Sum a #

Functor STM

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Conc.Sync


fmap :: (a -> b) -> STM a -> STM b #

(<$) :: a -> STM b -> STM a #

Functor Par1

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Par1 a -> Par1 b #

(<$) :: a -> Par1 b -> Par1 a #

Functor P

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP


fmap :: (a -> b) -> P a -> P b #

(<$) :: a -> P b -> P a #

Functor ReadP

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP


fmap :: (a -> b) -> ReadP a -> ReadP b #

(<$) :: a -> ReadP b -> ReadP a #

Functor Decoder 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Get.Internal


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Decoder a -> Decoder b #

(<$) :: a -> Decoder b -> Decoder a #

Functor Get 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Get.Internal


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Get a -> Get b #

(<$) :: a -> Get b -> Get a #

Functor PutM 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Put


fmap :: (a -> b) -> PutM a -> PutM b #

(<$) :: a -> PutM b -> PutM a #

Functor Put 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteString.Builder.Internal


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Put a -> Put b #

(<$) :: a -> Put b -> Put a #

Functor Group 
Instance details

Defined in System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit.Type


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Group a -> Group b #

(<$) :: a -> Group b -> Group a #

Functor Flush 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Conduit.Internal.Conduit


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Flush a -> Flush b #

(<$) :: a -> Flush b -> Flush a #

Functor SCC

Since: containers-0.5.4

Instance details

Defined in Data.Graph


fmap :: (a -> b) -> SCC a -> SCC b #

(<$) :: a -> SCC b -> SCC a #

Functor IntMap 
Instance details

Defined in Data.IntMap.Internal


fmap :: (a -> b) -> IntMap a -> IntMap b #

(<$) :: a -> IntMap b -> IntMap a #

Functor Digit 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Sequence.Internal


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Digit a -> Digit b #

(<$) :: a -> Digit b -> Digit a #

Functor Elem 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Sequence.Internal


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Elem a -> Elem b #

(<$) :: a -> Elem b -> Elem a #

Functor FingerTree 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Sequence.Internal


fmap :: (a -> b) -> FingerTree a -> FingerTree b #

(<$) :: a -> FingerTree b -> FingerTree a #

Functor Node 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Sequence.Internal


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Node a -> Node b #

(<$) :: a -> Node b -> Node a #

Functor Seq 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Sequence.Internal


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Seq a -> Seq b #

(<$) :: a -> Seq b -> Seq a #

Functor ViewL 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Sequence.Internal


fmap :: (a -> b) -> ViewL a -> ViewL b #

(<$) :: a -> ViewL b -> ViewL a #

Functor ViewR 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Sequence.Internal


fmap :: (a -> b) -> ViewR a -> ViewR b #

(<$) :: a -> ViewR b -> ViewR a #

Functor Tree 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tree


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Tree a -> Tree b #

(<$) :: a -> Tree b -> Tree a #

Functor CryptoFailable 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Error.Types


fmap :: (a -> b) -> CryptoFailable a -> CryptoFailable b #

(<$) :: a -> CryptoFailable b -> CryptoFailable a #

Functor DNonEmpty 
Instance details

Defined in Data.DList.DNonEmpty.Internal


fmap :: (a -> b) -> DNonEmpty a -> DNonEmpty b #

(<$) :: a -> DNonEmpty b -> DNonEmpty a #

Functor DList 
Instance details

Defined in Data.DList.Internal


fmap :: (a -> b) -> DList a -> DList b #

(<$) :: a -> DList b -> DList a #

Functor UniqueMap 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Collections


fmap :: (a -> b) -> UniqueMap a -> UniqueMap b #

(<$) :: a -> UniqueMap b -> UniqueMap a #

Functor LabelMap 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Label


fmap :: (a -> b) -> LabelMap a -> LabelMap b #

(<$) :: a -> LabelMap b -> LabelMap a #

Functor NormM 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Core.FamInstEnv


fmap :: (a -> b) -> NormM a -> NormM b #

(<$) :: a -> NormM b -> NormM a #

Functor UM 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Core.Unify


fmap :: (a -> b) -> UM a -> UM b #

(<$) :: a -> UM b -> UM a #

Functor UnifyResultM 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Core.Unify


fmap :: (a -> b) -> UnifyResultM a -> UnifyResultM b #

(<$) :: a -> UnifyResultM b -> UnifyResultM a #

Functor Bag 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Data.Bag


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Bag a -> Bag b #

(<$) :: a -> Bag b -> Bag a #

Functor OrdList 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Data.OrdList


fmap :: (a -> b) -> OrdList a -> OrdList b #

(<$) :: a -> OrdList b -> OrdList a #

Functor Hsc 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Env.Types


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Hsc a -> Hsc b #

(<$) :: a -> Hsc b -> Hsc a #

Functor ModNodeMap 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Make


fmap :: (a -> b) -> ModNodeMap a -> ModNodeMap b #

(<$) :: a -> ModNodeMap b -> ModNodeMap a #

Functor NodeMap 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Make


fmap :: (a -> b) -> NodeMap a -> NodeMap b #

(<$) :: a -> NodeMap b -> NodeMap a #

Functor Ghc 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Monad


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Ghc a -> Ghc b #

(<$) :: a -> Ghc b -> Ghc a #

Functor MatchResult 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.HsToCore.Monad


fmap :: (a -> b) -> MatchResult a -> MatchResult b #

(<$) :: a -> MatchResult b -> MatchResult a #

Functor EpAnn 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation


fmap :: (a -> b) -> EpAnn a -> EpAnn b #

(<$) :: a -> EpAnn b -> EpAnn a #

Functor P 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Lexer


fmap :: (a -> b) -> P a -> P b #

(<$) :: a -> P b -> P a #

Functor PV 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.PostProcess


fmap :: (a -> b) -> PV a -> PV b #

(<$) :: a -> PV b -> PV a #

Functor Messages 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Error


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Messages a -> Messages b #

(<$) :: a -> Messages b -> Messages a #

Functor MsgEnvelope 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Error


fmap :: (a -> b) -> MsgEnvelope a -> MsgEnvelope b #

(<$) :: a -> MsgEnvelope b -> MsgEnvelope a #

Functor Definite 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unit.Types


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Definite a -> Definite b #

(<$) :: a -> Definite b -> Definite a #

Functor GenModule 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unit.Types


fmap :: (a -> b) -> GenModule a -> GenModule b #

(<$) :: a -> GenModule b -> GenModule a #

Functor GenWithIsBoot 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unit.Types


fmap :: (a -> b) -> GenWithIsBoot a -> GenWithIsBoot b #

(<$) :: a -> GenWithIsBoot b -> GenWithIsBoot a #

Functor Indefinite 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unit.Types


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Indefinite a -> Indefinite b #

(<$) :: a -> Indefinite b -> Indefinite a #

Functor SizedSeq 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Data.SizedSeq


fmap :: (a -> b) -> SizedSeq a -> SizedSeq b #

(<$) :: a -> SizedSeq b -> SizedSeq a #

Functor GenClosure 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exts.Heap.Closures


fmap :: (a -> b) -> GenClosure a -> GenClosure b #

(<$) :: a -> GenClosure b -> GenClosure a #

Functor Bag 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Data.Bag


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Bag a -> Bag b #

(<$) :: a -> Bag b -> Bag a #

Functor PV 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.PostProcess


fmap :: (a -> b) -> PV a -> PV b #

(<$) :: a -> PV b -> PV a #

Functor Q 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Q a -> Q b #

(<$) :: a -> Q b -> Q a #

Functor TyVarBndr 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


fmap :: (a -> b) -> TyVarBndr a -> TyVarBndr b #

(<$) :: a -> TyVarBndr b -> TyVarBndr a #

Functor Located 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.GHC.Parser


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Located a -> Located b #

(<$) :: a -> Located b -> Located a #

Functor IO

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


fmap :: (a -> b) -> IO a -> IO b #

(<$) :: a -> IO b -> IO a #

Functor HistoriedResponse 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client

Functor Response 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Response a -> Response b #

(<$) :: a -> Response b -> Response a #

Functor LhsStyle Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.Flags


fmap :: (a -> b) -> LhsStyle a -> LhsStyle b #

(<$) :: a -> LhsStyle b -> LhsStyle a #

Functor Consumed 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Parsec.Prim


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Consumed a -> Consumed b #

(<$) :: a -> Consumed b -> Consumed a #

Functor AnnotDetails 
Instance details

Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.Annotated.HughesPJ


fmap :: (a -> b) -> AnnotDetails a -> AnnotDetails b #

(<$) :: a -> AnnotDetails b -> AnnotDetails a #

Functor Doc 
Instance details

Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.Annotated.HughesPJ


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Doc a -> Doc b #

(<$) :: a -> Doc b -> Doc a #

Functor Span 
Instance details

Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.Annotated.HughesPJ


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Span a -> Span b #

(<$) :: a -> Span b -> Span a #

Functor Array 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.Array


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Array a -> Array b #

(<$) :: a -> Array b -> Array a #

Functor SmallArray 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.SmallArray


fmap :: (a -> b) -> SmallArray a -> SmallArray b #

(<$) :: a -> SmallArray b -> SmallArray a #

Functor Sh 
Instance details

Defined in Shelly.Base


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Sh a -> Sh b #

(<$) :: a -> Sh b -> Sh a #

Functor Maybe 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Strict.Maybe


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b #

(<$) :: a -> Maybe b -> Maybe a #

Functor Q 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Q a -> Q b #

(<$) :: a -> Q b -> Q a #

Functor TyVarBndr 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


fmap :: (a -> b) -> TyVarBndr a -> TyVarBndr b #

(<$) :: a -> TyVarBndr b -> TyVarBndr a #

Functor Vector 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Vector a -> Vector b #

(<$) :: a -> Vector b -> Vector a #

Functor Id 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Fusion.Util


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Id a -> Id b #

(<$) :: a -> Id b -> Id a #

Functor Stream 
Instance details

Defined in Codec.Compression.Zlib.Stream


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Stream a -> Stream b #

(<$) :: a -> Stream b -> Stream a #

Functor NonEmpty

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


fmap :: (a -> b) -> NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty b #

(<$) :: a -> NonEmpty b -> NonEmpty a #

Functor Maybe

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b #

(<$) :: a -> Maybe b -> Maybe a #

Functor Solo

Since: base-4.15

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Solo a -> Solo b #

(<$) :: a -> Solo b -> Solo a #

Functor []

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


fmap :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] #

(<$) :: a -> [b] -> [a] #

Functor (Tagged2 s) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Generic


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Tagged2 s a -> Tagged2 s b #

(<$) :: a -> Tagged2 s b -> Tagged2 s a #

Functor (IResult i) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Attoparsec.Internal.Types


fmap :: (a -> b) -> IResult i a -> IResult i b #

(<$) :: a -> IResult i b -> IResult i a #

Functor (Parser i) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Attoparsec.Internal.Types


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Parser i a -> Parser i b #

(<$) :: a -> Parser i b -> Parser i a #

Monad m => Functor (WrappedMonad m)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Control.Applicative


fmap :: (a -> b) -> WrappedMonad m a -> WrappedMonad m b #

(<$) :: a -> WrappedMonad m b -> WrappedMonad m a #

Arrow a => Functor (ArrowMonad a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Control.Arrow


fmap :: (a0 -> b) -> ArrowMonad a a0 -> ArrowMonad a b #

(<$) :: a0 -> ArrowMonad a b -> ArrowMonad a a0 #

Functor (Either a)

Since: base-3.0

Instance details

Defined in Data.Either


fmap :: (a0 -> b) -> Either a a0 -> Either a b #

(<$) :: a0 -> Either a b -> Either a a0 #

Functor (Proxy :: Type -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Proxy


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Proxy a -> Proxy b #

(<$) :: a -> Proxy b -> Proxy a #

Functor (Arg a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


fmap :: (a0 -> b) -> Arg a a0 -> Arg a b #

(<$) :: a0 -> Arg a b -> Arg a a0 #

Functor (Array i)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Arr


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Array i a -> Array i b #

(<$) :: a -> Array i b -> Array i a #

Functor (U1 :: Type -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


fmap :: (a -> b) -> U1 a -> U1 b #

(<$) :: a -> U1 b -> U1 a #

Functor (V1 :: TYPE LiftedRep -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


fmap :: (a -> b) -> V1 a -> V1 b #

(<$) :: a -> V1 b -> V1 a #

Functor (ST s)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.ST


fmap :: (a -> b) -> ST s a -> ST s b #

(<$) :: a -> ST s b -> ST s a #

Monad m => Functor (ZipSource m) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Conduit.Internal.Conduit


fmap :: (a -> b) -> ZipSource m a -> ZipSource m b #

(<$) :: a -> ZipSource m b -> ZipSource m a #

Functor (SetM s) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Graph


fmap :: (a -> b) -> SetM s a -> SetM s b #

(<$) :: a -> SetM s b -> SetM s a #

Functor (Map k) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Map.Internal


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Map k a -> Map k b #

(<$) :: a -> Map k b -> Map k a #

Monad m => Functor (Handler m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Catch


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Handler m a -> Handler m b #

(<$) :: a -> Handler m b -> Handler m a #

Functor (MaybeO ex) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Block


fmap :: (a -> b) -> MaybeO ex a -> MaybeO ex b #

(<$) :: a -> MaybeO ex b -> MaybeO ex a #

Functor (CmdLineP s) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.CmdLine


fmap :: (a -> b) -> CmdLineP s a -> CmdLineP s b #

(<$) :: a -> CmdLineP s b -> CmdLineP s a #

Monad m => Functor (EwM m) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.CmdLine


fmap :: (a -> b) -> EwM m a -> EwM m b #

(<$) :: a -> EwM m b -> EwM m a #

Functor m => Functor (GhcT m) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Monad


fmap :: (a -> b) -> GhcT m a -> GhcT m b #

(<$) :: a -> GhcT m b -> GhcT m a #

Functor (GenLocated l) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc


fmap :: (a -> b) -> GenLocated l a -> GenLocated l b #

(<$) :: a -> GenLocated l b -> GenLocated l a #

Functor (HsRecField' id) 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.Syntax.Pat


fmap :: (a -> b) -> HsRecField' id a -> HsRecField' id b #

(<$) :: a -> HsRecField' id b -> HsRecField' id a #

Functor (DbOpenMode mode) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unit.Database


fmap :: (a -> b) -> DbOpenMode mode a -> DbOpenMode mode b #

(<$) :: a -> DbOpenMode mode b -> DbOpenMode mode a #

Functor (GenLocated l) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc


fmap :: (a -> b) -> GenLocated l a -> GenLocated l b #

(<$) :: a -> GenLocated l b -> GenLocated l a #

Functor (HsFieldBind lhs) 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.Syntax.Pat


fmap :: (a -> b) -> HsFieldBind lhs a -> HsFieldBind lhs b #

(<$) :: a -> HsFieldBind lhs b -> HsFieldBind lhs a #

Functor m => Functor (ResourceT m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Resource.Internal


fmap :: (a -> b) -> ResourceT m a -> ResourceT m b #

(<$) :: a -> ResourceT m b -> ResourceT m a #

Functor (Either a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Strict.Either


fmap :: (a0 -> b) -> Either a a0 -> Either a b #

(<$) :: a0 -> Either a b -> Either a a0 #

Functor (These a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Strict.These


fmap :: (a0 -> b) -> These a a0 -> These a b #

(<$) :: a0 -> These a b -> These a a0 #

Functor (Pair e) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Strict.Tuple


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Pair e a -> Pair e b #

(<$) :: a -> Pair e b -> Pair e a #

Functor (These a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.These


fmap :: (a0 -> b) -> These a a0 -> These a b #

(<$) :: a0 -> These a b -> These a a0 #

Functor m => Functor (ListT m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.List


fmap :: (a -> b) -> ListT m a -> ListT m b #

(<$) :: a -> ListT m b -> ListT m a #

Functor m => Functor (MaybeT m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe


fmap :: (a -> b) -> MaybeT m a -> MaybeT m b #

(<$) :: a -> MaybeT m b -> MaybeT m a #

Functor (HashMap k) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.HashMap.Internal


fmap :: (a -> b) -> HashMap k a -> HashMap k b #

(<$) :: a -> HashMap k b -> HashMap k a #

Functor ((,) a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


fmap :: (a0 -> b) -> (a, a0) -> (a, b) #

(<$) :: a0 -> (a, b) -> (a, a0) #

Arrow a => Functor (WrappedArrow a b)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Control.Applicative


fmap :: (a0 -> b0) -> WrappedArrow a b a0 -> WrappedArrow a b b0 #

(<$) :: a0 -> WrappedArrow a b b0 -> WrappedArrow a b a0 #

Functor m => Functor (Kleisli m a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Control.Arrow


fmap :: (a0 -> b) -> Kleisli m a a0 -> Kleisli m a b #

(<$) :: a0 -> Kleisli m a b -> Kleisli m a a0 #

Functor (Const m :: Type -> Type)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Const


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Const m a -> Const m b #

(<$) :: a -> Const m b -> Const m a #

Functor f => Functor (Ap f)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Ap f a -> Ap f b #

(<$) :: a -> Ap f b -> Ap f a #

Functor f => Functor (Alt f)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Alt f a -> Alt f b #

(<$) :: a -> Alt f b -> Alt f a #

Functor f => Functor (Rec1 f)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Rec1 f a -> Rec1 f b #

(<$) :: a -> Rec1 f b -> Rec1 f a #

Functor (URec (Ptr ()) :: TYPE LiftedRep -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


fmap :: (a -> b) -> URec (Ptr ()) a -> URec (Ptr ()) b #

(<$) :: a -> URec (Ptr ()) b -> URec (Ptr ()) a #

Functor (URec Char :: TYPE LiftedRep -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


fmap :: (a -> b) -> URec Char a -> URec Char b #

(<$) :: a -> URec Char b -> URec Char a #

Functor (URec Double :: TYPE LiftedRep -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


fmap :: (a -> b) -> URec Double a -> URec Double b #

(<$) :: a -> URec Double b -> URec Double a #

Functor (URec Float :: TYPE LiftedRep -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


fmap :: (a -> b) -> URec Float a -> URec Float b #

(<$) :: a -> URec Float b -> URec Float a #

Functor (URec Int :: TYPE LiftedRep -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


fmap :: (a -> b) -> URec Int a -> URec Int b #

(<$) :: a -> URec Int b -> URec Int a #

Functor (URec Word :: TYPE LiftedRep -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


fmap :: (a -> b) -> URec Word a -> URec Word b #

(<$) :: a -> URec Word b -> URec Word a #

Monad m => Functor (ZipSink i m) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Conduit.Internal.Conduit


fmap :: (a -> b) -> ZipSink i m a -> ZipSink i m b #

(<$) :: a -> ZipSink i m b -> ZipSink i m a #

(Applicative f, Monad f) => Functor (WhenMissing f x)

Since: containers-0.5.9

Instance details

Defined in Data.IntMap.Internal


fmap :: (a -> b) -> WhenMissing f x a -> WhenMissing f x b #

(<$) :: a -> WhenMissing f x b -> WhenMissing f x a #

Functor (Reply s u) 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Parsec.Prim


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Reply s u a -> Reply s u b #

(<$) :: a -> Reply s u b -> Reply s u a #

Functor (Tagged s) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tagged


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Tagged s a -> Tagged s b #

(<$) :: a -> Tagged s b -> Tagged s a #

(Functor f, Functor g) => Functor (These1 f g) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.These


fmap :: (a -> b) -> These1 f g a -> These1 f g b #

(<$) :: a -> These1 f g b -> These1 f g a #

Functor m => Functor (ErrorT e m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Error


fmap :: (a -> b) -> ErrorT e m a -> ErrorT e m b #

(<$) :: a -> ErrorT e m b -> ErrorT e m a #

Functor m => Functor (ExceptT e m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Except


fmap :: (a -> b) -> ExceptT e m a -> ExceptT e m b #

(<$) :: a -> ExceptT e m b -> ExceptT e m a #

Functor m => Functor (IdentityT m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Identity


fmap :: (a -> b) -> IdentityT m a -> IdentityT m b #

(<$) :: a -> IdentityT m b -> IdentityT m a #

Functor m => Functor (ReaderT r m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Reader


fmap :: (a -> b) -> ReaderT r m a -> ReaderT r m b #

(<$) :: a -> ReaderT r m b -> ReaderT r m a #

Functor m => Functor (StateT s m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy


fmap :: (a -> b) -> StateT s m a -> StateT s m b #

(<$) :: a -> StateT s m b -> StateT s m a #

Functor m => Functor (StateT s m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict


fmap :: (a -> b) -> StateT s m a -> StateT s m b #

(<$) :: a -> StateT s m b -> StateT s m a #

Functor m => Functor (WriterT w m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Lazy


fmap :: (a -> b) -> WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m b #

(<$) :: a -> WriterT w m b -> WriterT w m a #

Functor m => Functor (WriterT w m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Strict


fmap :: (a -> b) -> WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m b #

(<$) :: a -> WriterT w m b -> WriterT w m a #

Monad m => Functor (Bundle m v) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Fusion.Bundle.Monadic


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Bundle m v a -> Bundle m v b #

(<$) :: a -> Bundle m v b -> Bundle m v a #

Functor ((,,) a b)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


fmap :: (a0 -> b0) -> (a, b, a0) -> (a, b, b0) #

(<$) :: a0 -> (a, b, b0) -> (a, b, a0) #

(Functor f, Functor g) => Functor (Product f g)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Product


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Product f g a -> Product f g b #

(<$) :: a -> Product f g b -> Product f g a #

(Functor f, Functor g) => Functor (Sum f g)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Sum


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Sum f g a -> Sum f g b #

(<$) :: a -> Sum f g b -> Sum f g a #

(Functor f, Functor g) => Functor (f :*: g)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


fmap :: (a -> b) -> (f :*: g) a -> (f :*: g) b #

(<$) :: a -> (f :*: g) b -> (f :*: g) a #

(Functor f, Functor g) => Functor (f :+: g)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


fmap :: (a -> b) -> (f :+: g) a -> (f :+: g) b #

(<$) :: a -> (f :+: g) b -> (f :+: g) a #

Functor (K1 i c :: TYPE LiftedRep -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


fmap :: (a -> b) -> K1 i c a -> K1 i c b #

(<$) :: a -> K1 i c b -> K1 i c a #

Functor (ConduitT i o m) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Conduit.Internal.Conduit


fmap :: (a -> b) -> ConduitT i o m a -> ConduitT i o m b #

(<$) :: a -> ConduitT i o m b -> ConduitT i o m a #

Functor (ZipConduit i o m) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Conduit.Internal.Conduit


fmap :: (a -> b) -> ZipConduit i o m a -> ZipConduit i o m b #

(<$) :: a -> ZipConduit i o m b -> ZipConduit i o m a #

Functor f => Functor (WhenMatched f x y)

Since: containers-0.5.9

Instance details

Defined in Data.IntMap.Internal


fmap :: (a -> b) -> WhenMatched f x y a -> WhenMatched f x y b #

(<$) :: a -> WhenMatched f x y b -> WhenMatched f x y a #

(Applicative f, Monad f) => Functor (WhenMissing f k x)

Since: containers-0.5.9

Instance details

Defined in Data.Map.Internal


fmap :: (a -> b) -> WhenMissing f k x a -> WhenMissing f k x b #

(<$) :: a -> WhenMissing f k x b -> WhenMissing f k x a #

Functor (ParsecT s u m) 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Parsec.Prim


fmap :: (a -> b) -> ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m b #

(<$) :: a -> ParsecT s u m b -> ParsecT s u m a #

Functor (ContT r m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Cont


fmap :: (a -> b) -> ContT r m a -> ContT r m b #

(<$) :: a -> ContT r m b -> ContT r m a #

Functor ((,,,) a b c)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


fmap :: (a0 -> b0) -> (a, b, c, a0) -> (a, b, c, b0) #

(<$) :: a0 -> (a, b, c, b0) -> (a, b, c, a0) #

Functor ((->) r)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


fmap :: (a -> b) -> (r -> a) -> r -> b #

(<$) :: a -> (r -> b) -> r -> a #

(Functor f, Functor g) => Functor (Compose f g)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Compose


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Compose f g a -> Compose f g b #

(<$) :: a -> Compose f g b -> Compose f g a #

(Functor f, Functor g) => Functor (f :.: g)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


fmap :: (a -> b) -> (f :.: g) a -> (f :.: g) b #

(<$) :: a -> (f :.: g) b -> (f :.: g) a #

Functor f => Functor (M1 i c f)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


fmap :: (a -> b) -> M1 i c f a -> M1 i c f b #

(<$) :: a -> M1 i c f b -> M1 i c f a #

Bifunctor p => Functor (Flip p a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Bifunctor.Flip


fmap :: (a0 -> b) -> Flip p a a0 -> Flip p a b #

(<$) :: a0 -> Flip p a b -> Flip p a a0 #

Functor f => Functor (WhenMatched f k x y)

Since: containers-0.5.9

Instance details

Defined in Data.Map.Internal


fmap :: (a -> b) -> WhenMatched f k x y a -> WhenMatched f k x y b #

(<$) :: a -> WhenMatched f k x y b -> WhenMatched f k x y a #

Functor m => Functor (RWST r w s m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.RWS.Lazy


fmap :: (a -> b) -> RWST r w s m a -> RWST r w s m b #

(<$) :: a -> RWST r w s m b -> RWST r w s m a #

Functor m => Functor (RWST r w s m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.RWS.Strict


fmap :: (a -> b) -> RWST r w s m a -> RWST r w s m b #

(<$) :: a -> RWST r w s m b -> RWST r w s m a #

Monad state => Functor (Builder collection mutCollection step state err) 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.MutableBuilder


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Builder collection mutCollection step state err a -> Builder collection mutCollection step state err b #

(<$) :: a -> Builder collection mutCollection step state err b -> Builder collection mutCollection step state err a #

(Functor (f a), Functor (g a)) => Functor (Product f g a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Bifunctor.Product


fmap :: (a0 -> b) -> Product f g a a0 -> Product f g a b #

(<$) :: a0 -> Product f g a b -> Product f g a a0 #

(Functor (f a), Functor (g a)) => Functor (Sum f g a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Bifunctor.Sum


fmap :: (a0 -> b) -> Sum f g a a0 -> Sum f g a b #

(<$) :: a0 -> Sum f g a b -> Sum f g a a0 #

Monad m => Functor (Pipe l i o u m) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Conduit.Internal.Pipe


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Pipe l i o u m a -> Pipe l i o u m b #

(<$) :: a -> Pipe l i o u m b -> Pipe l i o u m a #

(Functor f, Bifunctor p) => Functor (Tannen f p a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Bifunctor.Tannen


fmap :: (a0 -> b) -> Tannen f p a a0 -> Tannen f p a b #

(<$) :: a0 -> Tannen f p a b -> Tannen f p a a0 #

(Bifunctor p, Functor g) => Functor (Biff p f g a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Bifunctor.Biff


fmap :: (a0 -> b) -> Biff p f g a a0 -> Biff p f g a b #

(<$) :: a0 -> Biff p f g a b -> Biff p f g a a0 #

class Num a where #

Basic numeric class.

The Haskell Report defines no laws for Num. However, (+) and (*) are customarily expected to define a ring and have the following properties:

Associativity of (+)
(x + y) + z = x + (y + z)
Commutativity of (+)
x + y = y + x
fromInteger 0 is the additive identity
x + fromInteger 0 = x
negate gives the additive inverse
x + negate x = fromInteger 0
Associativity of (*)
(x * y) * z = x * (y * z)
fromInteger 1 is the multiplicative identity
x * fromInteger 1 = x and fromInteger 1 * x = x
Distributivity of (*) with respect to (+)
a * (b + c) = (a * b) + (a * c) and (b + c) * a = (b * a) + (c * a)

Note that it isn't customarily expected that a type instance of both Num and Ord implement an ordered ring. Indeed, in base only Integer and Rational do.

Minimal complete definition

(+), (*), abs, signum, fromInteger, (negate | (-))


(+) :: a -> a -> a infixl 6 #

(-) :: a -> a -> a infixl 6 #

(*) :: a -> a -> a infixl 7 #

negate :: a -> a #

Unary negation.

abs :: a -> a #

Absolute value.

signum :: a -> a #

Sign of a number. The functions abs and signum should satisfy the law:

abs x * signum x == x

For real numbers, the signum is either -1 (negative), 0 (zero) or 1 (positive).

fromInteger :: Integer -> a #

Conversion from an Integer. An integer literal represents the application of the function fromInteger to the appropriate value of type Integer, so such literals have type (Num a) => a.


Instances details
Num Pos 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Attoparsec.Internal.Types


(+) :: Pos -> Pos -> Pos #

(-) :: Pos -> Pos -> Pos #

(*) :: Pos -> Pos -> Pos #

negate :: Pos -> Pos #

abs :: Pos -> Pos #

signum :: Pos -> Pos #

fromInteger :: Integer -> Pos #

Num Int16

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Int

Num Int32

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Int

Num Int64

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Int

Num Int8

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Int


(+) :: Int8 -> Int8 -> Int8 #

(-) :: Int8 -> Int8 -> Int8 #

(*) :: Int8 -> Int8 -> Int8 #

negate :: Int8 -> Int8 #

abs :: Int8 -> Int8 #

signum :: Int8 -> Int8 #

fromInteger :: Integer -> Int8 #

Num Word16

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Word

Num Word32

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Word

Num Word64

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Word

Num Word8

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Word

Num CBlkCnt 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Num CBlkSize 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Num CCc 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


(+) :: CCc -> CCc -> CCc #

(-) :: CCc -> CCc -> CCc #

(*) :: CCc -> CCc -> CCc #

negate :: CCc -> CCc #

abs :: CCc -> CCc #

signum :: CCc -> CCc #

fromInteger :: Integer -> CCc #

Num CClockId 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Num CDev 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


(+) :: CDev -> CDev -> CDev #

(-) :: CDev -> CDev -> CDev #

(*) :: CDev -> CDev -> CDev #

negate :: CDev -> CDev #

abs :: CDev -> CDev #

signum :: CDev -> CDev #

fromInteger :: Integer -> CDev #

Num CFsBlkCnt 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Num CFsFilCnt 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Num CGid 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


(+) :: CGid -> CGid -> CGid #

(-) :: CGid -> CGid -> CGid #

(*) :: CGid -> CGid -> CGid #

negate :: CGid -> CGid #

abs :: CGid -> CGid #

signum :: CGid -> CGid #

fromInteger :: Integer -> CGid #

Num CId 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


(+) :: CId -> CId -> CId #

(-) :: CId -> CId -> CId #

(*) :: CId -> CId -> CId #

negate :: CId -> CId #

abs :: CId -> CId #

signum :: CId -> CId #

fromInteger :: Integer -> CId #

Num CIno 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


(+) :: CIno -> CIno -> CIno #

(-) :: CIno -> CIno -> CIno #

(*) :: CIno -> CIno -> CIno #

negate :: CIno -> CIno #

abs :: CIno -> CIno #

signum :: CIno -> CIno #

fromInteger :: Integer -> CIno #

Num CKey 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


(+) :: CKey -> CKey -> CKey #

(-) :: CKey -> CKey -> CKey #

(*) :: CKey -> CKey -> CKey #

negate :: CKey -> CKey #

abs :: CKey -> CKey #

signum :: CKey -> CKey #

fromInteger :: Integer -> CKey #

Num CMode 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Num CNfds 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Num CNlink 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Num COff 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


(+) :: COff -> COff -> COff #

(-) :: COff -> COff -> COff #

(*) :: COff -> COff -> COff #

negate :: COff -> COff #

abs :: COff -> COff #

signum :: COff -> COff #

fromInteger :: Integer -> COff #

Num CPid 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


(+) :: CPid -> CPid -> CPid #

(-) :: CPid -> CPid -> CPid #

(*) :: CPid -> CPid -> CPid #

negate :: CPid -> CPid #

abs :: CPid -> CPid #

signum :: CPid -> CPid #

fromInteger :: Integer -> CPid #

Num CRLim 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Num CSocklen 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Num CSpeed 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Num CSsize 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Num CTcflag 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Num CUid 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


(+) :: CUid -> CUid -> CUid #

(-) :: CUid -> CUid -> CUid #

(*) :: CUid -> CUid -> CUid #

negate :: CUid -> CUid #

abs :: CUid -> CUid #

signum :: CUid -> CUid #

fromInteger :: Integer -> CUid #

Num Fd 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


(+) :: Fd -> Fd -> Fd #

(-) :: Fd -> Fd -> Fd #

(*) :: Fd -> Fd -> Fd #

negate :: Fd -> Fd #

abs :: Fd -> Fd #

signum :: Fd -> Fd #

fromInteger :: Integer -> Fd #

Num TimeSpec 
Instance details

Defined in System.Clock

Num ByteOff 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.ByteCode.Types

Num RegBitmap 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.ByteCode.Types

Num WordOff 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.ByteCode.Types

Num IntWithInf 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Basic

Num PortNumber 
Instance details

Defined in Network.Socket.Types

Num Scientific

WARNING: + and - compute the Integer magnitude: 10^e where e is the difference between the base10Exponents of the arguments. If these methods are applied to arguments which have huge exponents this could fill up all space and crash your program! So don't apply these methods to scientific numbers coming from untrusted sources. The other methods can be used safely.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Scientific

Num CodePoint 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Text.Encoding


(+) :: CodePoint -> CodePoint -> CodePoint #

(-) :: CodePoint -> CodePoint -> CodePoint #

(*) :: CodePoint -> CodePoint -> CodePoint #

negate :: CodePoint -> CodePoint #

abs :: CodePoint -> CodePoint #

signum :: CodePoint -> CodePoint #

fromInteger :: Integer -> CodePoint #

Num DecoderState 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Text.Encoding


(+) :: DecoderState -> DecoderState -> DecoderState #

(-) :: DecoderState -> DecoderState -> DecoderState #

(*) :: DecoderState -> DecoderState -> DecoderState #

negate :: DecoderState -> DecoderState #

abs :: DecoderState -> DecoderState #

signum :: DecoderState -> DecoderState #

fromInteger :: Integer -> DecoderState #

Num B 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Text.Short.Internal


(+) :: B -> B -> B #

(-) :: B -> B -> B #

(*) :: B -> B -> B #

negate :: B -> B #

abs :: B -> B #

signum :: B -> B #

fromInteger :: Integer -> B #

Num DiffTime 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Time.Clock.Internal.DiffTime

Num Integer

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Num

Num Natural

Note that Natural's Num instance isn't a ring: no element but 0 has an additive inverse. It is a semiring though.

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Num

Num Int

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Num


(+) :: Int -> Int -> Int #

(-) :: Int -> Int -> Int #

(*) :: Int -> Int -> Int #

negate :: Int -> Int #

abs :: Int -> Int #

signum :: Int -> Int #

fromInteger :: Integer -> Int #

Num Word

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Num


(+) :: Word -> Word -> Word #

(-) :: Word -> Word -> Word #

(*) :: Word -> Word -> Word #

negate :: Word -> Word #

abs :: Word -> Word #

signum :: Word -> Word #

fromInteger :: Integer -> Word #

RealFloat a => Num (Complex a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Complex


(+) :: Complex a -> Complex a -> Complex a #

(-) :: Complex a -> Complex a -> Complex a #

(*) :: Complex a -> Complex a -> Complex a #

negate :: Complex a -> Complex a #

abs :: Complex a -> Complex a #

signum :: Complex a -> Complex a #

fromInteger :: Integer -> Complex a #

Num a => Num (Identity a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Identity

Num a => Num (Down a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Ord


(+) :: Down a -> Down a -> Down a #

(-) :: Down a -> Down a -> Down a #

(*) :: Down a -> Down a -> Down a #

negate :: Down a -> Down a #

abs :: Down a -> Down a #

signum :: Down a -> Down a #

fromInteger :: Integer -> Down a #

Num a => Num (Max a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


(+) :: Max a -> Max a -> Max a #

(-) :: Max a -> Max a -> Max a #

(*) :: Max a -> Max a -> Max a #

negate :: Max a -> Max a #

abs :: Max a -> Max a #

signum :: Max a -> Max a #

fromInteger :: Integer -> Max a #

Num a => Num (Min a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


(+) :: Min a -> Min a -> Min a #

(-) :: Min a -> Min a -> Min a #

(*) :: Min a -> Min a -> Min a #

negate :: Min a -> Min a #

abs :: Min a -> Min a #

signum :: Min a -> Min a #

fromInteger :: Integer -> Min a #

Num a => Num (Product a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


(+) :: Product a -> Product a -> Product a #

(-) :: Product a -> Product a -> Product a #

(*) :: Product a -> Product a -> Product a #

negate :: Product a -> Product a #

abs :: Product a -> Product a #

signum :: Product a -> Product a #

fromInteger :: Integer -> Product a #

Num a => Num (Sum a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


(+) :: Sum a -> Sum a -> Sum a #

(-) :: Sum a -> Sum a -> Sum a #

(*) :: Sum a -> Sum a -> Sum a #

negate :: Sum a -> Sum a #

abs :: Sum a -> Sum a #

signum :: Sum a -> Sum a #

fromInteger :: Integer -> Sum a #

Integral a => Num (Ratio a)

Since: base-2.0.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Real


(+) :: Ratio a -> Ratio a -> Ratio a #

(-) :: Ratio a -> Ratio a -> Ratio a #

(*) :: Ratio a -> Ratio a -> Ratio a #

negate :: Ratio a -> Ratio a #

abs :: Ratio a -> Ratio a #

signum :: Ratio a -> Ratio a #

fromInteger :: Integer -> Ratio a #

KnownNat n => Num (Zn n) 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Bounded


(+) :: Zn n -> Zn n -> Zn n #

(-) :: Zn n -> Zn n -> Zn n #

(*) :: Zn n -> Zn n -> Zn n #

negate :: Zn n -> Zn n #

abs :: Zn n -> Zn n #

signum :: Zn n -> Zn n #

fromInteger :: Integer -> Zn n #

(KnownNat n, NatWithinBound Word64 n) => Num (Zn64 n) 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Bounded


(+) :: Zn64 n -> Zn64 n -> Zn64 n #

(-) :: Zn64 n -> Zn64 n -> Zn64 n #

(*) :: Zn64 n -> Zn64 n -> Zn64 n #

negate :: Zn64 n -> Zn64 n #

abs :: Zn64 n -> Zn64 n #

signum :: Zn64 n -> Zn64 n #

fromInteger :: Integer -> Zn64 n #

Num (CountOf ty) 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Types.OffsetSize


(+) :: CountOf ty -> CountOf ty -> CountOf ty #

(-) :: CountOf ty -> CountOf ty -> CountOf ty #

(*) :: CountOf ty -> CountOf ty -> CountOf ty #

negate :: CountOf ty -> CountOf ty #

abs :: CountOf ty -> CountOf ty #

signum :: CountOf ty -> CountOf ty #

fromInteger :: Integer -> CountOf ty #

Num (Offset ty) 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Types.OffsetSize


(+) :: Offset ty -> Offset ty -> Offset ty #

(-) :: Offset ty -> Offset ty -> Offset ty #

(*) :: Offset ty -> Offset ty -> Offset ty #

negate :: Offset ty -> Offset ty #

abs :: Offset ty -> Offset ty #

signum :: Offset ty -> Offset ty #

fromInteger :: Integer -> Offset ty #

Num a => Num (Const a b)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Const


(+) :: Const a b -> Const a b -> Const a b #

(-) :: Const a b -> Const a b -> Const a b #

(*) :: Const a b -> Const a b -> Const a b #

negate :: Const a b -> Const a b #

abs :: Const a b -> Const a b #

signum :: Const a b -> Const a b #

fromInteger :: Integer -> Const a b #

(Applicative f, Num a) => Num (Ap f a)

Note that even if the underlying Num and Applicative instances are lawful, for most Applicatives, this instance will not be lawful. If you use this instance with the list Applicative, the following customary laws will not hold:


>>> Ap [10,20] + Ap [1,2]
Ap {getAp = [11,12,21,22]}
>>> Ap [1,2] + Ap [10,20]
Ap {getAp = [11,21,12,22]}

Additive inverse:

>>> Ap [] + negate (Ap [])
Ap {getAp = []}
>>> fromInteger 0 :: Ap [] Int
Ap {getAp = [0]}


>>> Ap [1,2] * (3 + 4)
Ap {getAp = [7,14]}
>>> (Ap [1,2] * 3) + (Ap [1,2] * 4)
Ap {getAp = [7,11,10,14]}

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


(+) :: Ap f a -> Ap f a -> Ap f a #

(-) :: Ap f a -> Ap f a -> Ap f a #

(*) :: Ap f a -> Ap f a -> Ap f a #

negate :: Ap f a -> Ap f a #

abs :: Ap f a -> Ap f a #

signum :: Ap f a -> Ap f a #

fromInteger :: Integer -> Ap f a #

Num (f a) => Num (Alt f a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


(+) :: Alt f a -> Alt f a -> Alt f a #

(-) :: Alt f a -> Alt f a -> Alt f a #

(*) :: Alt f a -> Alt f a -> Alt f a #

negate :: Alt f a -> Alt f a #

abs :: Alt f a -> Alt f a #

signum :: Alt f a -> Alt f a #

fromInteger :: Integer -> Alt f a #

Num a => Num (Tagged s a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tagged


(+) :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a -> Tagged s a #

(-) :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a -> Tagged s a #

(*) :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a -> Tagged s a #

negate :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a #

abs :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a #

signum :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a #

fromInteger :: Integer -> Tagged s a #

class Eq a => Ord a where #

The Ord class is used for totally ordered datatypes.

Instances of Ord can be derived for any user-defined datatype whose constituent types are in Ord. The declared order of the constructors in the data declaration determines the ordering in derived Ord instances. The Ordering datatype allows a single comparison to determine the precise ordering of two objects.

Ord, as defined by the Haskell report, implements a total order and has the following properties:

x <= y || y <= x = True
if x <= y && y <= z = True, then x <= z = True
x <= x = True
if x <= y && y <= x = True, then x == y = True

The following operator interactions are expected to hold:

  1. x >= y = y <= x
  2. x < y = x <= y && x /= y
  3. x > y = y < x
  4. x < y = compare x y == LT
  5. x > y = compare x y == GT
  6. x == y = compare x y == EQ
  7. min x y == if x <= y then x else y = True
  8. max x y == if x >= y then x else y = True

Note that (7.) and (8.) do not require min and max to return either of their arguments. The result is merely required to equal one of the arguments in terms of (==).

Minimal complete definition: either compare or <=. Using compare can be more efficient for complex types.

Minimal complete definition

compare | (<=)


compare :: a -> a -> Ordering #

(<) :: a -> a -> Bool infix 4 #

(<=) :: a -> a -> Bool infix 4 #

(>) :: a -> a -> Bool infix 4 #

(>=) :: a -> a -> Bool infix 4 #

max :: a -> a -> a #

min :: a -> a -> a #


Instances details
Ord Key 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Key


compare :: Key -> Key -> Ordering #

(<) :: Key -> Key -> Bool #

(<=) :: Key -> Key -> Bool #

(>) :: Key -> Key -> Bool #

(>=) :: Key -> Key -> Bool #

max :: Key -> Key -> Key #

min :: Key -> Key -> Key #

Ord DotNetTime 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal

Ord JSONPathElement 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal

Ord Value

The ordering is total, consistent with Eq instance. However, nothing else about the ordering is specified, and it may change from environment to environment and version to version of either this package or its dependencies (hashable and 'unordered-containers').

Since: aeson-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal


compare :: Value -> Value -> Ordering #

(<) :: Value -> Value -> Bool #

(<=) :: Value -> Value -> Bool #

(>) :: Value -> Value -> Bool #

(>=) :: Value -> Value -> Bool #

max :: Value -> Value -> Value #

min :: Value -> Value -> Value #

Ord Pos 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Attoparsec.Internal.Types


compare :: Pos -> Pos -> Ordering #

(<) :: Pos -> Pos -> Bool #

(<=) :: Pos -> Pos -> Bool #

(>) :: Pos -> Pos -> Bool #

(>=) :: Pos -> Pos -> Bool #

max :: Pos -> Pos -> Pos #

min :: Pos -> Pos -> Pos #

Ord All

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


compare :: All -> All -> Ordering #

(<) :: All -> All -> Bool #

(<=) :: All -> All -> Bool #

(>) :: All -> All -> Bool #

(>=) :: All -> All -> Bool #

max :: All -> All -> All #

min :: All -> All -> All #

Ord Any

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


compare :: Any -> Any -> Ordering #

(<) :: Any -> Any -> Bool #

(<=) :: Any -> Any -> Bool #

(>) :: Any -> Any -> Bool #

(>=) :: Any -> Any -> Bool #

max :: Any -> Any -> Any #

min :: Any -> Any -> Any #

Ord SomeTypeRep 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Typeable.Internal

Ord Version

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Version

Ord Void

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Void


compare :: Void -> Void -> Ordering #

(<) :: Void -> Void -> Bool #

(<=) :: Void -> Void -> Bool #

(>) :: Void -> Void -> Bool #

(>=) :: Void -> Void -> Bool #

max :: Void -> Void -> Void #

min :: Void -> Void -> Void #

Ord ByteOrder

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.ByteOrder

Ord BlockReason

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Conc.Sync

Ord ThreadId

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Conc.Sync

Ord ThreadStatus

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Conc.Sync

Ord ArithException

Since: base-3.0

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exception.Type

Ord Fingerprint

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Fingerprint.Type

Ord Associativity

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

Ord DecidedStrictness

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

Ord Fixity

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

Ord SourceStrictness

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

Ord SourceUnpackedness

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

Ord SeekMode

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO.Device

Ord ArrayException

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO.Exception

Ord AsyncException

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO.Exception

Ord ExitCode 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO.Exception

Ord BufferMode

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO.Handle.Types

Ord Newline

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO.Handle.Types

Ord NewlineMode

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO.Handle.Types

Ord Int16

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Int


compare :: Int16 -> Int16 -> Ordering #

(<) :: Int16 -> Int16 -> Bool #

(<=) :: Int16 -> Int16 -> Bool #

(>) :: Int16 -> Int16 -> Bool #

(>=) :: Int16 -> Int16 -> Bool #

max :: Int16 -> Int16 -> Int16 #

min :: Int16 -> Int16 -> Int16 #

Ord Int32

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Int


compare :: Int32 -> Int32 -> Ordering #

(<) :: Int32 -> Int32 -> Bool #

(<=) :: Int32 -> Int32 -> Bool #

(>) :: Int32 -> Int32 -> Bool #

(>=) :: Int32 -> Int32 -> Bool #

max :: Int32 -> Int32 -> Int32 #

min :: Int32 -> Int32 -> Int32 #

Ord Int64

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Int


compare :: Int64 -> Int64 -> Ordering #

(<) :: Int64 -> Int64 -> Bool #

(<=) :: Int64 -> Int64 -> Bool #

(>) :: Int64 -> Int64 -> Bool #

(>=) :: Int64 -> Int64 -> Bool #

max :: Int64 -> Int64 -> Int64 #

min :: Int64 -> Int64 -> Int64 #

Ord Int8

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Int


compare :: Int8 -> Int8 -> Ordering #

(<) :: Int8 -> Int8 -> Bool #

(<=) :: Int8 -> Int8 -> Bool #

(>) :: Int8 -> Int8 -> Bool #

(>=) :: Int8 -> Int8 -> Bool #

max :: Int8 -> Int8 -> Int8 #

min :: Int8 -> Int8 -> Int8 #

Ord SomeNat

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.TypeNats

Ord GeneralCategory

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unicode

Ord Word16

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Word

Ord Word32

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Word

Ord Word64

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Word

Ord Word8

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Word


compare :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Ordering #

(<) :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Bool #

(<=) :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Bool #

(>) :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Bool #

(>=) :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Bool #

max :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 #

min :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 #

Ord CBlkCnt 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Ord CBlkSize 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Ord CCc 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


compare :: CCc -> CCc -> Ordering #

(<) :: CCc -> CCc -> Bool #

(<=) :: CCc -> CCc -> Bool #

(>) :: CCc -> CCc -> Bool #

(>=) :: CCc -> CCc -> Bool #

max :: CCc -> CCc -> CCc #

min :: CCc -> CCc -> CCc #

Ord CClockId 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Ord CDev 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


compare :: CDev -> CDev -> Ordering #

(<) :: CDev -> CDev -> Bool #

(<=) :: CDev -> CDev -> Bool #

(>) :: CDev -> CDev -> Bool #

(>=) :: CDev -> CDev -> Bool #

max :: CDev -> CDev -> CDev #

min :: CDev -> CDev -> CDev #

Ord CFsBlkCnt 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Ord CFsFilCnt 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Ord CGid 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


compare :: CGid -> CGid -> Ordering #

(<) :: CGid -> CGid -> Bool #

(<=) :: CGid -> CGid -> Bool #

(>) :: CGid -> CGid -> Bool #

(>=) :: CGid -> CGid -> Bool #

max :: CGid -> CGid -> CGid #

min :: CGid -> CGid -> CGid #

Ord CId 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


compare :: CId -> CId -> Ordering #

(<) :: CId -> CId -> Bool #

(<=) :: CId -> CId -> Bool #

(>) :: CId -> CId -> Bool #

(>=) :: CId -> CId -> Bool #

max :: CId -> CId -> CId #

min :: CId -> CId -> CId #

Ord CIno 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


compare :: CIno -> CIno -> Ordering #

(<) :: CIno -> CIno -> Bool #

(<=) :: CIno -> CIno -> Bool #

(>) :: CIno -> CIno -> Bool #

(>=) :: CIno -> CIno -> Bool #

max :: CIno -> CIno -> CIno #

min :: CIno -> CIno -> CIno #

Ord CKey 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


compare :: CKey -> CKey -> Ordering #

(<) :: CKey -> CKey -> Bool #

(<=) :: CKey -> CKey -> Bool #

(>) :: CKey -> CKey -> Bool #

(>=) :: CKey -> CKey -> Bool #

max :: CKey -> CKey -> CKey #

min :: CKey -> CKey -> CKey #

Ord CMode 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


compare :: CMode -> CMode -> Ordering #

(<) :: CMode -> CMode -> Bool #

(<=) :: CMode -> CMode -> Bool #

(>) :: CMode -> CMode -> Bool #

(>=) :: CMode -> CMode -> Bool #

max :: CMode -> CMode -> CMode #

min :: CMode -> CMode -> CMode #

Ord CNfds 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


compare :: CNfds -> CNfds -> Ordering #

(<) :: CNfds -> CNfds -> Bool #

(<=) :: CNfds -> CNfds -> Bool #

(>) :: CNfds -> CNfds -> Bool #

(>=) :: CNfds -> CNfds -> Bool #

max :: CNfds -> CNfds -> CNfds #

min :: CNfds -> CNfds -> CNfds #

Ord CNlink 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Ord COff 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


compare :: COff -> COff -> Ordering #

(<) :: COff -> COff -> Bool #

(<=) :: COff -> COff -> Bool #

(>) :: COff -> COff -> Bool #

(>=) :: COff -> COff -> Bool #

max :: COff -> COff -> COff #

min :: COff -> COff -> COff #

Ord CPid 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


compare :: CPid -> CPid -> Ordering #

(<) :: CPid -> CPid -> Bool #

(<=) :: CPid -> CPid -> Bool #

(>) :: CPid -> CPid -> Bool #

(>=) :: CPid -> CPid -> Bool #

max :: CPid -> CPid -> CPid #

min :: CPid -> CPid -> CPid #

Ord CRLim 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


compare :: CRLim -> CRLim -> Ordering #

(<) :: CRLim -> CRLim -> Bool #

(<=) :: CRLim -> CRLim -> Bool #

(>) :: CRLim -> CRLim -> Bool #

(>=) :: CRLim -> CRLim -> Bool #

max :: CRLim -> CRLim -> CRLim #

min :: CRLim -> CRLim -> CRLim #

Ord CSocklen 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Ord CSpeed 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Ord CSsize 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Ord CTcflag 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Ord CTimer 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Ord CUid 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


compare :: CUid -> CUid -> Ordering #

(<) :: CUid -> CUid -> Bool #

(<=) :: CUid -> CUid -> Bool #

(>) :: CUid -> CUid -> Bool #

(>=) :: CUid -> CUid -> Bool #

max :: CUid -> CUid -> CUid #

min :: CUid -> CUid -> CUid #

Ord Fd 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


compare :: Fd -> Fd -> Ordering #

(<) :: Fd -> Fd -> Bool #

(<=) :: Fd -> Fd -> Bool #

(>) :: Fd -> Fd -> Bool #

(>=) :: Fd -> Fd -> Bool #

max :: Fd -> Fd -> Fd #

min :: Fd -> Fd -> Fd #

Ord Encoding 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.String

Ord UTF32_Invalid 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.String.Encoding.UTF32


compare :: UTF32_Invalid -> UTF32_Invalid -> Ordering #

(<) :: UTF32_Invalid -> UTF32_Invalid -> Bool #

(<=) :: UTF32_Invalid -> UTF32_Invalid -> Bool #

(>) :: UTF32_Invalid -> UTF32_Invalid -> Bool #

(>=) :: UTF32_Invalid -> UTF32_Invalid -> Bool #

max :: UTF32_Invalid -> UTF32_Invalid -> UTF32_Invalid #

min :: UTF32_Invalid -> UTF32_Invalid -> UTF32_Invalid #

Ord FileSize 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Types.OffsetSize

Ord String 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.UTF8.Base

Ord ByteString 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteString.Internal

Ord ByteString 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal

Ord ShortByteString 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteString.Short.Internal

Ord TimeSpec 
Instance details

Defined in System.Clock

Ord Complete 
Instance details

Defined in System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit.Complete

Ord HelpFormat 
Instance details

Defined in System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit.Help

Ord FlagInfo 
Instance details

Defined in System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit.Type

Ord TextFormat 
Instance details

Defined in System.Console.CmdArgs.Text

Ord IntSet 
Instance details

Defined in Data.IntSet.Internal

Ord ByteArray

Non-lexicographic ordering. This compares the lengths of the byte arrays first and uses a lexicographic ordering if the lengths are equal. Subject to change between major versions.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Array.Byte

Ord FileType 
Instance details

Defined in System.Directory.Internal.Common

Ord Permissions 
Instance details

Defined in System.Directory.Internal.Common

Ord XdgDirectory 
Instance details

Defined in System.Directory.Internal.Common

Ord XdgDirectoryList 
Instance details

Defined in System.Directory.Internal.Common

Ord ByteOff 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.ByteCode.Types

Ord RegBitmap 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.ByteCode.Types

Ord WordOff 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.ByteCode.Types

Ord UniqueSet 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Collections

Ord Label 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Label


compare :: Label -> Label -> Ordering #

(<) :: Label -> Label -> Bool #

(<=) :: Label -> Label -> Bool #

(>) :: Label -> Label -> Bool #

(>=) :: Label -> Label -> Bool #

max :: Label -> Label -> Label #

min :: Label -> Label -> Label #

Ord LabelSet 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Label

Ord AltCon 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Core

Ord LexicalFastString 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Data.FastString

Ord NonDetFastString 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Data.FastString

Ord Backend 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Backend

Ord WarningFlag 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Flags

Ord BuildModule 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Make


compare :: BuildModule -> BuildModule -> Ordering #

(<) :: BuildModule -> BuildModule -> Bool #

(<=) :: BuildModule -> BuildModule -> Bool #

(>) :: BuildModule -> BuildModule -> Bool #

(>=) :: BuildModule -> BuildModule -> Bool #

max :: BuildModule -> BuildModule -> BuildModule #

min :: BuildModule -> BuildModule -> BuildModule #

Ord NodeKey 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Make


compare :: NodeKey -> NodeKey -> Ordering #

(<) :: NodeKey -> NodeKey -> Bool #

(<=) :: NodeKey -> NodeKey -> Bool #

(>) :: NodeKey -> NodeKey -> Bool #

(>=) :: NodeKey -> NodeKey -> Bool #

max :: NodeKey -> NodeKey -> NodeKey #

min :: NodeKey -> NodeKey -> NodeKey #

Ord Deprecation 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Session


compare :: Deprecation -> Deprecation -> Ordering #

(<) :: Deprecation -> Deprecation -> Bool #

(<=) :: Deprecation -> Deprecation -> Bool #

(>) :: Deprecation -> Deprecation -> Bool #

(>=) :: Deprecation -> Deprecation -> Bool #

max :: Deprecation -> Deprecation -> Deprecation #

min :: Deprecation -> Deprecation -> Deprecation #

Ord DynamicTooState 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Session

Ord AddEpAnn 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation

Ord Anchor 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation

Ord AnnKeywordId 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation

Ord DeltaPos 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation

Ord EpaComment 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation

Ord EpaCommentTok 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation

Ord EpaLocation 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation

Ord HasE 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation


compare :: HasE -> HasE -> Ordering #

(<) :: HasE -> HasE -> Bool #

(<=) :: HasE -> HasE -> Bool #

(>) :: HasE -> HasE -> Bool #

(>=) :: HasE -> HasE -> Bool #

max :: HasE -> HasE -> HasE #

min :: HasE -> HasE -> HasE #

Ord IsUnicodeSyntax 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation

Ord NameAdornment 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation

Ord NoEpAnns 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation

Ord ParenType 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation

Ord TrailingAnn 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation

Ord BmiVersion 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Platform

Ord PlatformWordSize 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Platform

Ord SseVersion 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Platform

Ord Way 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Platform.Ways


compare :: Way -> Way -> Ordering #

(<) :: Way -> Way -> Bool #

(<=) :: Way -> Way -> Bool #

(>) :: Way -> Way -> Bool #

(>=) :: Way -> Way -> Bool #

max :: Way -> Way -> Way #

min :: Way -> Way -> Way #

Ord NoExtFieldSilent 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Stg.Syntax

Ord Alignment 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Basic

Ord FunctionOrData 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Basic

Ord IntWithInf 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Basic

Ord PprPrec 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Basic

Ord Name

Caution: This instance is implemented via nonDetCmpUnique, which means that the ordering is not stable across deserialization or rebuilds.

See nonDetCmpUnique for further information, and trac #15240 for a bug caused by improper use of this instance.

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Name


compare :: Name -> Name -> Ordering #

(<) :: Name -> Name -> Bool #

(<=) :: Name -> Name -> Bool #

(>) :: Name -> Name -> Bool #

(>=) :: Name -> Name -> Bool #

max :: Name -> Name -> Name #

min :: Name -> Name -> Name #

Ord RdrName 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Name.Reader

Ord FractionalExponentBase 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SourceText

Ord FractionalLit

Be wary of using this instance to compare for equal *values* when exponents are large. The same value expressed in different syntactic form won't compare as equal when any of the exponents is >= 100.

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SourceText

Ord IntegralLit 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SourceText

Ord BufPos 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc

Ord BufSpan 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc

Ord LayoutInfo 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc

Ord PsLoc 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc


compare :: PsLoc -> PsLoc -> Ordering #

(<) :: PsLoc -> PsLoc -> Bool #

(<=) :: PsLoc -> PsLoc -> Bool #

(>) :: PsLoc -> PsLoc -> Bool #

(>=) :: PsLoc -> PsLoc -> Bool #

max :: PsLoc -> PsLoc -> PsLoc #

min :: PsLoc -> PsLoc -> PsLoc #

Ord PsSpan 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc

Ord RealSrcLoc 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc

Ord RealSrcSpan 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc

Ord AnonArgFlag 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Var

Ord ArgFlag 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Var

Ord Specificity 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Var

Ord Var 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Var


compare :: Var -> Var -> Ordering #

(<) :: Var -> Var -> Bool #

(<=) :: Var -> Var -> Bool #

(>) :: Var -> Var -> Bool #

(>=) :: Var -> Var -> Bool #

max :: Var -> Var -> Var #

min :: Var -> Var -> Var #

Ord NDModule 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unit.Module.Env


compare :: NDModule -> NDModule -> Ordering #

(<) :: NDModule -> NDModule -> Bool #

(<=) :: NDModule -> NDModule -> Bool #

(>) :: NDModule -> NDModule -> Bool #

(>=) :: NDModule -> NDModule -> Bool #

max :: NDModule -> NDModule -> NDModule #

min :: NDModule -> NDModule -> NDModule #

Ord ModuleName 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unit.Module.Name

Ord IsBootInterface 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unit.Types

Ord Unit 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unit.Types


compare :: Unit -> Unit -> Ordering #

(<) :: Unit -> Unit -> Bool #

(<=) :: Unit -> Unit -> Bool #

(>) :: Unit -> Unit -> Bool #

(>=) :: Unit -> Unit -> Bool #

max :: Unit -> Unit -> Unit #

min :: Unit -> Unit -> Unit #

Ord UnitId 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unit.Types

Ord LabelStyle 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Utils.Outputable

Ord NoExtCon 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.Syntax.Extension

Ord NoExtField 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.Syntax.Extension

Ord OverLitVal 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.Syntax.Lit

Ord BigNat 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Num.BigNat

Ord Extension 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.LanguageExtensions.Type

Ord ClosureType 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exts.Heap.ClosureTypes

Ord PrimType 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exts.Heap.Closures

Ord TsoFlags 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exts.Heap.Closures

Ord WhatNext 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exts.Heap.Closures

Ord WhyBlocked 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exts.Heap.Closures

Ord CostCentre 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exts.Heap.ProfInfo.Types

Ord CostCentreStack 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exts.Heap.ProfInfo.Types

Ord IndexTable 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exts.Heap.ProfInfo.Types

Ord StgTSOProfInfo 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exts.Heap.ProfInfo.Types

Ord AltCon 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Core

Ord Extension 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.LanguageExtensions.Type

Ord BufPos 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc

Ord BufSpan 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc

Ord LayoutInfo 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc

Ord PsLoc 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc


compare :: PsLoc -> PsLoc -> Ordering #

(<) :: PsLoc -> PsLoc -> Bool #

(<=) :: PsLoc -> PsLoc -> Bool #

(>) :: PsLoc -> PsLoc -> Bool #

(>=) :: PsLoc -> PsLoc -> Bool #

max :: PsLoc -> PsLoc -> PsLoc #

min :: PsLoc -> PsLoc -> PsLoc #

Ord PsSpan 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc

Ord RealSrcLoc 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc

Ord RealSrcSpan 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc

Ord AnonArgFlag 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Var

Ord ArgFlag 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Var

Ord Specificity 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Var

Ord Var 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Var


compare :: Var -> Var -> Ordering #

(<) :: Var -> Var -> Bool #

(<=) :: Var -> Var -> Bool #

(>) :: Var -> Var -> Bool #

(>=) :: Var -> Var -> Bool #

max :: Var -> Var -> Var #

min :: Var -> Var -> Var #

Ord DataConCantHappen 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.Syntax.Extension

Ord NoExtField 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.Syntax.Extension

Ord AnnLookup 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord AnnTarget 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord Bang 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


compare :: Bang -> Bang -> Ordering #

(<) :: Bang -> Bang -> Bool #

(<=) :: Bang -> Bang -> Bool #

(>) :: Bang -> Bang -> Bool #

(>=) :: Bang -> Bang -> Bool #

max :: Bang -> Bang -> Bang #

min :: Bang -> Bang -> Bang #

Ord Body 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


compare :: Body -> Body -> Ordering #

(<) :: Body -> Body -> Bool #

(<=) :: Body -> Body -> Bool #

(>) :: Body -> Body -> Bool #

(>=) :: Body -> Body -> Bool #

max :: Body -> Body -> Body #

min :: Body -> Body -> Body #

Ord Bytes 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


compare :: Bytes -> Bytes -> Ordering #

(<) :: Bytes -> Bytes -> Bool #

(<=) :: Bytes -> Bytes -> Bool #

(>) :: Bytes -> Bytes -> Bool #

(>=) :: Bytes -> Bytes -> Bool #

max :: Bytes -> Bytes -> Bytes #

min :: Bytes -> Bytes -> Bytes #

Ord Callconv 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord Clause 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord Con 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


compare :: Con -> Con -> Ordering #

(<) :: Con -> Con -> Bool #

(<=) :: Con -> Con -> Bool #

(>) :: Con -> Con -> Bool #

(>=) :: Con -> Con -> Bool #

max :: Con -> Con -> Con #

min :: Con -> Con -> Con #

Ord Dec 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


compare :: Dec -> Dec -> Ordering #

(<) :: Dec -> Dec -> Bool #

(<=) :: Dec -> Dec -> Bool #

(>) :: Dec -> Dec -> Bool #

(>=) :: Dec -> Dec -> Bool #

max :: Dec -> Dec -> Dec #

min :: Dec -> Dec -> Dec #

Ord DecidedStrictness 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord DerivClause 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord DerivStrategy 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord DocLoc 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord Exp 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


compare :: Exp -> Exp -> Ordering #

(<) :: Exp -> Exp -> Bool #

(<=) :: Exp -> Exp -> Bool #

(>) :: Exp -> Exp -> Bool #

(>=) :: Exp -> Exp -> Bool #

max :: Exp -> Exp -> Exp #

min :: Exp -> Exp -> Exp #

Ord FamilyResultSig 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord Fixity 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord FixityDirection 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord Foreign 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord FunDep 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord Guard 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


compare :: Guard -> Guard -> Ordering #

(<) :: Guard -> Guard -> Bool #

(<=) :: Guard -> Guard -> Bool #

(>) :: Guard -> Guard -> Bool #

(>=) :: Guard -> Guard -> Bool #

max :: Guard -> Guard -> Guard #

min :: Guard -> Guard -> Guard #

Ord Info 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


compare :: Info -> Info -> Ordering #

(<) :: Info -> Info -> Bool #

(<=) :: Info -> Info -> Bool #

(>) :: Info -> Info -> Bool #

(>=) :: Info -> Info -> Bool #

max :: Info -> Info -> Info #

min :: Info -> Info -> Info #

Ord InjectivityAnn 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord Inline 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord Lit 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


compare :: Lit -> Lit -> Ordering #

(<) :: Lit -> Lit -> Bool #

(<=) :: Lit -> Lit -> Bool #

(>) :: Lit -> Lit -> Bool #

(>=) :: Lit -> Lit -> Bool #

max :: Lit -> Lit -> Lit #

min :: Lit -> Lit -> Lit #

Ord Loc 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


compare :: Loc -> Loc -> Ordering #

(<) :: Loc -> Loc -> Bool #

(<=) :: Loc -> Loc -> Bool #

(>) :: Loc -> Loc -> Bool #

(>=) :: Loc -> Loc -> Bool #

max :: Loc -> Loc -> Loc #

min :: Loc -> Loc -> Loc #

Ord Match 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


compare :: Match -> Match -> Ordering #

(<) :: Match -> Match -> Bool #

(<=) :: Match -> Match -> Bool #

(>) :: Match -> Match -> Bool #

(>=) :: Match -> Match -> Bool #

max :: Match -> Match -> Match #

min :: Match -> Match -> Match #

Ord ModName 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord Module 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord ModuleInfo 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord Name 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


compare :: Name -> Name -> Ordering #

(<) :: Name -> Name -> Bool #

(<=) :: Name -> Name -> Bool #

(>) :: Name -> Name -> Bool #

(>=) :: Name -> Name -> Bool #

max :: Name -> Name -> Name #

min :: Name -> Name -> Name #

Ord NameFlavour 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord NameSpace 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord OccName 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord Overlap 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord Pat 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


compare :: Pat -> Pat -> Ordering #

(<) :: Pat -> Pat -> Bool #

(<=) :: Pat -> Pat -> Bool #

(>) :: Pat -> Pat -> Bool #

(>=) :: Pat -> Pat -> Bool #

max :: Pat -> Pat -> Pat #

min :: Pat -> Pat -> Pat #

Ord PatSynArgs 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord PatSynDir 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord Phases 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord PkgName 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord Pragma 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord Range 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


compare :: Range -> Range -> Ordering #

(<) :: Range -> Range -> Bool #

(<=) :: Range -> Range -> Bool #

(>) :: Range -> Range -> Bool #

(>=) :: Range -> Range -> Bool #

max :: Range -> Range -> Range #

min :: Range -> Range -> Range #

Ord Role 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


compare :: Role -> Role -> Ordering #

(<) :: Role -> Role -> Bool #

(<=) :: Role -> Role -> Bool #

(>) :: Role -> Role -> Bool #

(>=) :: Role -> Role -> Bool #

max :: Role -> Role -> Role #

min :: Role -> Role -> Role #

Ord RuleBndr 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord RuleMatch 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord Safety 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord SourceStrictness 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord SourceUnpackedness 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord Specificity 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord Stmt 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


compare :: Stmt -> Stmt -> Ordering #

(<) :: Stmt -> Stmt -> Bool #

(<=) :: Stmt -> Stmt -> Bool #

(>) :: Stmt -> Stmt -> Bool #

(>=) :: Stmt -> Stmt -> Bool #

max :: Stmt -> Stmt -> Stmt #

min :: Stmt -> Stmt -> Stmt #

Ord TyLit 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


compare :: TyLit -> TyLit -> Ordering #

(<) :: TyLit -> TyLit -> Bool #

(<=) :: TyLit -> TyLit -> Bool #

(>) :: TyLit -> TyLit -> Bool #

(>=) :: TyLit -> TyLit -> Bool #

max :: TyLit -> TyLit -> TyLit #

min :: TyLit -> TyLit -> TyLit #

Ord TySynEqn 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord Type 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


compare :: Type -> Type -> Ordering #

(<) :: Type -> Type -> Bool #

(<=) :: Type -> Type -> Bool #

(>) :: Type -> Type -> Bool #

(>=) :: Type -> Type -> Bool #

max :: Type -> Type -> Type #

min :: Type -> Type -> Type #

Ord TypeFamilyHead 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord Ordering 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes

Ord TyCon 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


compare :: TyCon -> TyCon -> Ordering #

(<) :: TyCon -> TyCon -> Bool #

(<=) :: TyCon -> TyCon -> Bool #

(>) :: TyCon -> TyCon -> Bool #

(>=) :: TyCon -> TyCon -> Bool #

max :: TyCon -> TyCon -> TyCon #

min :: TyCon -> TyCon -> TyCon #

Ord Completion 
Instance details

Defined in System.Console.Haskeline.Completion

Ord Note 
Instance details

Defined in Config.Type


compare :: Note -> Note -> Ordering #

(<) :: Note -> Note -> Bool #

(<=) :: Note -> Note -> Bool #

(>) :: Note -> Note -> Bool #

(>=) :: Note -> Note -> Bool #

max :: Note -> Note -> Note #

min :: Note -> Note -> Note #

Ord RestrictType 
Instance details

Defined in Config.Type


compare :: RestrictType -> RestrictType -> Ordering #

(<) :: RestrictType -> RestrictType -> Bool #

(<=) :: RestrictType -> RestrictType -> Bool #

(>) :: RestrictType -> RestrictType -> Bool #

(>=) :: RestrictType -> RestrictType -> Bool #

max :: RestrictType -> RestrictType -> RestrictType #

min :: RestrictType -> RestrictType -> RestrictType #

Ord Severity 
Instance details

Defined in Config.Type

Ord SmellType 
Instance details

Defined in Config.Type


compare :: SmellType -> SmellType -> Ordering #

(<) :: SmellType -> SmellType -> Bool #

(<=) :: SmellType -> SmellType -> Bool #

(>) :: SmellType -> SmellType -> Bool #

(>=) :: SmellType -> SmellType -> Bool #

max :: SmellType -> SmellType -> SmellType #

min :: SmellType -> SmellType -> SmellType #

Ord BuiltinExample 
Instance details

Defined in Summary


compare :: BuiltinExample -> BuiltinExample -> Ordering #

(<) :: BuiltinExample -> BuiltinExample -> Bool #

(<=) :: BuiltinExample -> BuiltinExample -> Bool #

(>) :: BuiltinExample -> BuiltinExample -> Bool #

(>=) :: BuiltinExample -> BuiltinExample -> Bool #

max :: BuiltinExample -> BuiltinExample -> BuiltinExample #

min :: BuiltinExample -> BuiltinExample -> BuiltinExample #

Ord BuiltinHint 
Instance details

Defined in Summary


compare :: BuiltinHint -> BuiltinHint -> Ordering #

(<) :: BuiltinHint -> BuiltinHint -> Bool #

(<=) :: BuiltinHint -> BuiltinHint -> Bool #

(>) :: BuiltinHint -> BuiltinHint -> Bool #

(>=) :: BuiltinHint -> BuiltinHint -> Bool #

max :: BuiltinHint -> BuiltinHint -> BuiltinHint #

min :: BuiltinHint -> BuiltinHint -> BuiltinHint #

Ord BuiltinKey 
Instance details

Defined in Summary


compare :: BuiltinKey -> BuiltinKey -> Ordering #

(<) :: BuiltinKey -> BuiltinKey -> Bool #

(<=) :: BuiltinKey -> BuiltinKey -> Bool #

(>) :: BuiltinKey -> BuiltinKey -> Bool #

(>=) :: BuiltinKey -> BuiltinKey -> Bool #

max :: BuiltinKey -> BuiltinKey -> BuiltinKey #

min :: BuiltinKey -> BuiltinKey -> BuiltinKey #

Ord ConnHost 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types

Ord ConnKey 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types

Ord Proxy 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types


compare :: Proxy -> Proxy -> Ordering #

(<) :: Proxy -> Proxy -> Bool #

(<=) :: Proxy -> Proxy -> Bool #

(>) :: Proxy -> Proxy -> Bool #

(>=) :: Proxy -> Proxy -> Bool #

max :: Proxy -> Proxy -> Proxy #

min :: Proxy -> Proxy -> Proxy #

Ord ProxySecureMode 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types

Ord StatusHeaders 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types

Ord StreamFileStatus 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types

Ord DigestAuthExceptionDetails 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.TLS

Ord IP 
Instance details

Defined in Data.IP.Addr


compare :: IP -> IP -> Ordering #

(<) :: IP -> IP -> Bool #

(<=) :: IP -> IP -> Bool #

(>) :: IP -> IP -> Bool #

(>=) :: IP -> IP -> Bool #

max :: IP -> IP -> IP #

min :: IP -> IP -> IP #

Ord IPv4 
Instance details

Defined in Data.IP.Addr


compare :: IPv4 -> IPv4 -> Ordering #

(<) :: IPv4 -> IPv4 -> Bool #

(<=) :: IPv4 -> IPv4 -> Bool #

(>) :: IPv4 -> IPv4 -> Bool #

(>=) :: IPv4 -> IPv4 -> Bool #

max :: IPv4 -> IPv4 -> IPv4 #

min :: IPv4 -> IPv4 -> IPv4 #

Ord IPv6 
Instance details

Defined in Data.IP.Addr


compare :: IPv6 -> IPv6 -> Ordering #

(<) :: IPv6 -> IPv6 -> Bool #

(<=) :: IPv6 -> IPv6 -> Bool #

(>) :: IPv6 -> IPv6 -> Bool #

(>=) :: IPv6 -> IPv6 -> Bool #

max :: IPv6 -> IPv6 -> IPv6 #

min :: IPv6 -> IPv6 -> IPv6 #

Ord IPRange 
Instance details

Defined in Data.IP.Range

Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Message.UUID


compare :: UUID -> UUID -> Ordering #

(<) :: UUID -> UUID -> Bool #

(<=) :: UUID -> UUID -> Bool #

(>) :: UUID -> UUID -> Bool #

(>=) :: UUID -> UUID -> Bool #

max :: UUID -> UUID -> UUID #

min :: UUID -> UUID -> UUID #

Ord Family 
Instance details

Defined in Network.Socket.Types

Ord PortNumber 
Instance details

Defined in Network.Socket.Types

Ord SockAddr 
Instance details

Defined in Network.Socket.Types

Ord SocketType 
Instance details

Defined in Network.Socket.Types

Ord URI 
Instance details

Defined in Network.URI


compare :: URI -> URI -> Ordering #

(<) :: URI -> URI -> Bool #

(<=) :: URI -> URI -> Bool #

(>) :: URI -> URI -> Bool #

(>=) :: URI -> URI -> Bool #

max :: URI -> URI -> URI #

min :: URI -> URI -> URI #

Ord URIAuth 
Instance details

Defined in Network.URI

Ord Message 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Parsec.Error

Ord SourcePos 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Parsec.Pos

Ord ByteArray

Non-lexicographic ordering. This compares the lengths of the byte arrays first and uses a lexicographic ordering if the lengths are equal. Subject to change between major versions.

Since: primitive-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.ByteArray

Ord Scientific

Scientific numbers can be safely compared for ordering. No magnitude 10^e is calculated so there's no risk of a blowup in space or time when comparing scientific numbers coming from untrusted sources.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Scientific

Ord AnnLookup 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord AnnTarget 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord Bang 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


compare :: Bang -> Bang -> Ordering #

(<) :: Bang -> Bang -> Bool #

(<=) :: Bang -> Bang -> Bool #

(>) :: Bang -> Bang -> Bool #

(>=) :: Bang -> Bang -> Bool #

max :: Bang -> Bang -> Bang #

min :: Bang -> Bang -> Bang #

Ord Body 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


compare :: Body -> Body -> Ordering #

(<) :: Body -> Body -> Bool #

(<=) :: Body -> Body -> Bool #

(>) :: Body -> Body -> Bool #

(>=) :: Body -> Body -> Bool #

max :: Body -> Body -> Body #

min :: Body -> Body -> Body #

Ord Bytes 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


compare :: Bytes -> Bytes -> Ordering #

(<) :: Bytes -> Bytes -> Bool #

(<=) :: Bytes -> Bytes -> Bool #

(>) :: Bytes -> Bytes -> Bool #

(>=) :: Bytes -> Bytes -> Bool #

max :: Bytes -> Bytes -> Bytes #

min :: Bytes -> Bytes -> Bytes #

Ord Callconv 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord Clause 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord Con 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


compare :: Con -> Con -> Ordering #

(<) :: Con -> Con -> Bool #

(<=) :: Con -> Con -> Bool #

(>) :: Con -> Con -> Bool #

(>=) :: Con -> Con -> Bool #

max :: Con -> Con -> Con #

min :: Con -> Con -> Con #

Ord Dec 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


compare :: Dec -> Dec -> Ordering #

(<) :: Dec -> Dec -> Bool #

(<=) :: Dec -> Dec -> Bool #

(>) :: Dec -> Dec -> Bool #

(>=) :: Dec -> Dec -> Bool #

max :: Dec -> Dec -> Dec #

min :: Dec -> Dec -> Dec #

Ord DecidedStrictness 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord DerivClause 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord DerivStrategy 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord DocLoc 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord Exp 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


compare :: Exp -> Exp -> Ordering #

(<) :: Exp -> Exp -> Bool #

(<=) :: Exp -> Exp -> Bool #

(>) :: Exp -> Exp -> Bool #

(>=) :: Exp -> Exp -> Bool #

max :: Exp -> Exp -> Exp #

min :: Exp -> Exp -> Exp #

Ord FamilyResultSig 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord Fixity 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord FixityDirection 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord Foreign 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord FunDep 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord Guard 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


compare :: Guard -> Guard -> Ordering #

(<) :: Guard -> Guard -> Bool #

(<=) :: Guard -> Guard -> Bool #

(>) :: Guard -> Guard -> Bool #

(>=) :: Guard -> Guard -> Bool #

max :: Guard -> Guard -> Guard #

min :: Guard -> Guard -> Guard #

Ord Info 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


compare :: Info -> Info -> Ordering #

(<) :: Info -> Info -> Bool #

(<=) :: Info -> Info -> Bool #

(>) :: Info -> Info -> Bool #

(>=) :: Info -> Info -> Bool #

max :: Info -> Info -> Info #

min :: Info -> Info -> Info #

Ord InjectivityAnn 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord Inline 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord Lit 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


compare :: Lit -> Lit -> Ordering #

(<) :: Lit -> Lit -> Bool #

(<=) :: Lit -> Lit -> Bool #

(>) :: Lit -> Lit -> Bool #

(>=) :: Lit -> Lit -> Bool #

max :: Lit -> Lit -> Lit #

min :: Lit -> Lit -> Lit #

Ord Loc 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


compare :: Loc -> Loc -> Ordering #

(<) :: Loc -> Loc -> Bool #

(<=) :: Loc -> Loc -> Bool #

(>) :: Loc -> Loc -> Bool #

(>=) :: Loc -> Loc -> Bool #

max :: Loc -> Loc -> Loc #

min :: Loc -> Loc -> Loc #

Ord Match 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


compare :: Match -> Match -> Ordering #

(<) :: Match -> Match -> Bool #

(<=) :: Match -> Match -> Bool #

(>) :: Match -> Match -> Bool #

(>=) :: Match -> Match -> Bool #

max :: Match -> Match -> Match #

min :: Match -> Match -> Match #

Ord ModName 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord Module 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord ModuleInfo 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord Name 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


compare :: Name -> Name -> Ordering #

(<) :: Name -> Name -> Bool #

(<=) :: Name -> Name -> Bool #

(>) :: Name -> Name -> Bool #

(>=) :: Name -> Name -> Bool #

max :: Name -> Name -> Name #

min :: Name -> Name -> Name #

Ord NameFlavour 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord NameSpace 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord OccName 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord Overlap 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord Pat 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


compare :: Pat -> Pat -> Ordering #

(<) :: Pat -> Pat -> Bool #

(<=) :: Pat -> Pat -> Bool #

(>) :: Pat -> Pat -> Bool #

(>=) :: Pat -> Pat -> Bool #

max :: Pat -> Pat -> Pat #

min :: Pat -> Pat -> Pat #

Ord PatSynArgs 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord PatSynDir 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord Phases 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord PkgName 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord Pragma 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord Range 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


compare :: Range -> Range -> Ordering #

(<) :: Range -> Range -> Bool #

(<=) :: Range -> Range -> Bool #

(>) :: Range -> Range -> Bool #

(>=) :: Range -> Range -> Bool #

max :: Range -> Range -> Range #

min :: Range -> Range -> Range #

Ord Role 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


compare :: Role -> Role -> Ordering #

(<) :: Role -> Role -> Bool #

(<=) :: Role -> Role -> Bool #

(>) :: Role -> Role -> Bool #

(>=) :: Role -> Role -> Bool #

max :: Role -> Role -> Role #

min :: Role -> Role -> Role #

Ord RuleBndr 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord RuleMatch 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord Safety 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord SourceStrictness 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord SourceUnpackedness 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord Specificity 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord Stmt 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


compare :: Stmt -> Stmt -> Ordering #

(<) :: Stmt -> Stmt -> Bool #

(<=) :: Stmt -> Stmt -> Bool #

(>) :: Stmt -> Stmt -> Bool #

(>=) :: Stmt -> Stmt -> Bool #

max :: Stmt -> Stmt -> Stmt #

min :: Stmt -> Stmt -> Stmt #

Ord TyLit 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


compare :: TyLit -> TyLit -> Ordering #

(<) :: TyLit -> TyLit -> Bool #

(<=) :: TyLit -> TyLit -> Bool #

(>) :: TyLit -> TyLit -> Bool #

(>=) :: TyLit -> TyLit -> Bool #

max :: TyLit -> TyLit -> TyLit #

min :: TyLit -> TyLit -> TyLit #

Ord TySynEqn 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord Type 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


compare :: Type -> Type -> Ordering #

(<) :: Type -> Type -> Bool #

(<=) :: Type -> Type -> Bool #

(>) :: Type -> Type -> Bool #

(>=) :: Type -> Type -> Bool #

max :: Type -> Type -> Type #

min :: Type -> Type -> Type #

Ord TypeFamilyHead 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Ord Builder 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Text.Internal.Builder

Ord B 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Text.Short.Internal


compare :: B -> B -> Ordering #

(<) :: B -> B -> Bool #

(<=) :: B -> B -> Bool #

(>) :: B -> B -> Bool #

(>=) :: B -> B -> Bool #

max :: B -> B -> B #

min :: B -> B -> B #

Ord ShortText 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Text.Short.Internal

Ord Day 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Time.Calendar.Days


compare :: Day -> Day -> Ordering #

(<) :: Day -> Day -> Bool #

(<=) :: Day -> Day -> Bool #

(>) :: Day -> Day -> Bool #

(>=) :: Day -> Day -> Bool #

max :: Day -> Day -> Day #

min :: Day -> Day -> Day #

Ord AbsoluteTime 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Time.Clock.Internal.AbsoluteTime

Ord DiffTime 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Time.Clock.Internal.DiffTime

Ord UTCTime 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Time.Clock.Internal.UTCTime

Ord UniversalTime 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Time.Clock.Internal.UniversalTime

Ord LocalTime 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Time.LocalTime.Internal.LocalTime

Instance details

Defined in Data.UUID.Types.Internal


compare :: UUID -> UUID -> Ordering #

(<) :: UUID -> UUID -> Bool #

(<=) :: UUID -> UUID -> Bool #

(>) :: UUID -> UUID -> Bool #

(>=) :: UUID -> UUID -> Bool #

max :: UUID -> UUID -> UUID #

min :: UUID -> UUID -> UUID #

Ord UnpackedUUID 
Instance details

Defined in Data.UUID.Types.Internal

Ord Event 
Instance details

Defined in System.ZMQ4


compare :: Event -> Event -> Ordering #

(<) :: Event -> Event -> Bool #

(<=) :: Event -> Event -> Bool #

(>) :: Event -> Event -> Bool #

(>=) :: Event -> Event -> Bool #

max :: Event -> Event -> Event #

min :: Event -> Event -> Event #

Ord CompressionStrategy 
Instance details

Defined in Codec.Compression.Zlib.Stream

Ord DictionaryHash 
Instance details

Defined in Codec.Compression.Zlib.Stream


compare :: DictionaryHash -> DictionaryHash -> Ordering #

(<) :: DictionaryHash -> DictionaryHash -> Bool #

(<=) :: DictionaryHash -> DictionaryHash -> Bool #

(>) :: DictionaryHash -> DictionaryHash -> Bool #

(>=) :: DictionaryHash -> DictionaryHash -> Bool #

max :: DictionaryHash -> DictionaryHash -> DictionaryHash #

min :: DictionaryHash -> DictionaryHash -> DictionaryHash #

Ord Format 
Instance details

Defined in Codec.Compression.Zlib.Stream

Ord Method 
Instance details

Defined in Codec.Compression.Zlib.Stream

Ord WindowBits 
Instance details

Defined in Codec.Compression.Zlib.Stream

Ord Integer 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Num.Integer

Ord Natural 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Num.Natural

Ord () 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


compare :: () -> () -> Ordering #

(<) :: () -> () -> Bool #

(<=) :: () -> () -> Bool #

(>) :: () -> () -> Bool #

(>=) :: () -> () -> Bool #

max :: () -> () -> () #

min :: () -> () -> () #

Ord Bool 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


compare :: Bool -> Bool -> Ordering #

(<) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool #

(<=) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool #

(>) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool #

(>=) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool #

max :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool #

min :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool #

Ord Char 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


compare :: Char -> Char -> Ordering #

(<) :: Char -> Char -> Bool #

(<=) :: Char -> Char -> Bool #

(>) :: Char -> Char -> Bool #

(>=) :: Char -> Char -> Bool #

max :: Char -> Char -> Char #

min :: Char -> Char -> Char #

Ord Double

Note that due to the presence of NaN, Double's Ord instance does not satisfy reflexivity.

>>> 0/0 <= (0/0 :: Double)

Also note that, due to the same, Ord's operator interactions are not respected by Double's instance:

>>> (0/0 :: Double) > 1
>>> compare (0/0 :: Double) 1
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes

Ord Float

Note that due to the presence of NaN, Float's Ord instance does not satisfy reflexivity.

>>> 0/0 <= (0/0 :: Float)

Also note that, due to the same, Ord's operator interactions are not respected by Float's instance:

>>> (0/0 :: Float) > 1
>>> compare (0/0 :: Float) 1
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


compare :: Float -> Float -> Ordering #

(<) :: Float -> Float -> Bool #

(<=) :: Float -> Float -> Bool #

(>) :: Float -> Float -> Bool #

(>=) :: Float -> Float -> Bool #

max :: Float -> Float -> Float #

min :: Float -> Float -> Float #

Ord Int 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


compare :: Int -> Int -> Ordering #

(<) :: Int -> Int -> Bool #

(<=) :: Int -> Int -> Bool #

(>) :: Int -> Int -> Bool #

(>=) :: Int -> Int -> Bool #

max :: Int -> Int -> Int #

min :: Int -> Int -> Int #

Ord Word 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


compare :: Word -> Word -> Ordering #

(<) :: Word -> Word -> Bool #

(<=) :: Word -> Word -> Bool #

(>) :: Word -> Word -> Bool #

(>=) :: Word -> Word -> Bool #

max :: Word -> Word -> Word #

min :: Word -> Word -> Word #

Ord (Encoding' a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Encoding.Internal

Ord v => Ord (KeyMap v) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.KeyMap


compare :: KeyMap v -> KeyMap v -> Ordering #

(<) :: KeyMap v -> KeyMap v -> Bool #

(<=) :: KeyMap v -> KeyMap v -> Bool #

(>) :: KeyMap v -> KeyMap v -> Bool #

(>=) :: KeyMap v -> KeyMap v -> Bool #

max :: KeyMap v -> KeyMap v -> KeyMap v #

min :: KeyMap v -> KeyMap v -> KeyMap v #

Ord a => Ord (ZipList a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Control.Applicative


compare :: ZipList a -> ZipList a -> Ordering #

(<) :: ZipList a -> ZipList a -> Bool #

(<=) :: ZipList a -> ZipList a -> Bool #

(>) :: ZipList a -> ZipList a -> Bool #

(>=) :: ZipList a -> ZipList a -> Bool #

max :: ZipList a -> ZipList a -> ZipList a #

min :: ZipList a -> ZipList a -> ZipList a #

Ord a => Ord (Identity a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Identity


compare :: Identity a -> Identity a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Identity a -> Identity a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Identity a -> Identity a -> Bool #

(>) :: Identity a -> Identity a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Identity a -> Identity a -> Bool #

max :: Identity a -> Identity a -> Identity a #

min :: Identity a -> Identity a -> Identity a #

Ord a => Ord (First a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


compare :: First a -> First a -> Ordering #

(<) :: First a -> First a -> Bool #

(<=) :: First a -> First a -> Bool #

(>) :: First a -> First a -> Bool #

(>=) :: First a -> First a -> Bool #

max :: First a -> First a -> First a #

min :: First a -> First a -> First a #

Ord a => Ord (Last a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


compare :: Last a -> Last a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Last a -> Last a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Last a -> Last a -> Bool #

(>) :: Last a -> Last a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Last a -> Last a -> Bool #

max :: Last a -> Last a -> Last a #

min :: Last a -> Last a -> Last a #

Ord a => Ord (Down a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Ord


compare :: Down a -> Down a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Down a -> Down a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Down a -> Down a -> Bool #

(>) :: Down a -> Down a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Down a -> Down a -> Bool #

max :: Down a -> Down a -> Down a #

min :: Down a -> Down a -> Down a #

Ord a => Ord (First a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


compare :: First a -> First a -> Ordering #

(<) :: First a -> First a -> Bool #

(<=) :: First a -> First a -> Bool #

(>) :: First a -> First a -> Bool #

(>=) :: First a -> First a -> Bool #

max :: First a -> First a -> First a #

min :: First a -> First a -> First a #

Ord a => Ord (Last a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


compare :: Last a -> Last a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Last a -> Last a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Last a -> Last a -> Bool #

(>) :: Last a -> Last a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Last a -> Last a -> Bool #

max :: Last a -> Last a -> Last a #

min :: Last a -> Last a -> Last a #

Ord a => Ord (Max a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


compare :: Max a -> Max a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Max a -> Max a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Max a -> Max a -> Bool #

(>) :: Max a -> Max a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Max a -> Max a -> Bool #

max :: Max a -> Max a -> Max a #

min :: Max a -> Max a -> Max a #

Ord a => Ord (Min a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


compare :: Min a -> Min a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Min a -> Min a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Min a -> Min a -> Bool #

(>) :: Min a -> Min a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Min a -> Min a -> Bool #

max :: Min a -> Min a -> Min a #

min :: Min a -> Min a -> Min a #

Ord m => Ord (WrappedMonoid m)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup

Ord a => Ord (Dual a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


compare :: Dual a -> Dual a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Dual a -> Dual a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Dual a -> Dual a -> Bool #

(>) :: Dual a -> Dual a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Dual a -> Dual a -> Bool #

max :: Dual a -> Dual a -> Dual a #

min :: Dual a -> Dual a -> Dual a #

Ord a => Ord (Product a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


compare :: Product a -> Product a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Product a -> Product a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Product a -> Product a -> Bool #

(>) :: Product a -> Product a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Product a -> Product a -> Bool #

max :: Product a -> Product a -> Product a #

min :: Product a -> Product a -> Product a #

Ord a => Ord (Sum a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


compare :: Sum a -> Sum a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Sum a -> Sum a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Sum a -> Sum a -> Bool #

(>) :: Sum a -> Sum a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Sum a -> Sum a -> Bool #

max :: Sum a -> Sum a -> Sum a #

min :: Sum a -> Sum a -> Sum a #

Ord p => Ord (Par1 p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


compare :: Par1 p -> Par1 p -> Ordering #

(<) :: Par1 p -> Par1 p -> Bool #

(<=) :: Par1 p -> Par1 p -> Bool #

(>) :: Par1 p -> Par1 p -> Bool #

(>=) :: Par1 p -> Par1 p -> Bool #

max :: Par1 p -> Par1 p -> Par1 p #

min :: Par1 p -> Par1 p -> Par1 p #

Ord (FunPtr a) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Ptr


compare :: FunPtr a -> FunPtr a -> Ordering #

(<) :: FunPtr a -> FunPtr a -> Bool #

(<=) :: FunPtr a -> FunPtr a -> Bool #

(>) :: FunPtr a -> FunPtr a -> Bool #

(>=) :: FunPtr a -> FunPtr a -> Bool #

max :: FunPtr a -> FunPtr a -> FunPtr a #

min :: FunPtr a -> FunPtr a -> FunPtr a #

Ord (Ptr a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Ptr


compare :: Ptr a -> Ptr a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Ptr a -> Ptr a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Ptr a -> Ptr a -> Bool #

(>) :: Ptr a -> Ptr a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Ptr a -> Ptr a -> Bool #

max :: Ptr a -> Ptr a -> Ptr a #

min :: Ptr a -> Ptr a -> Ptr a #

Integral a => Ord (Ratio a)

Since: base-2.0.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Real


compare :: Ratio a -> Ratio a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Ratio a -> Ratio a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Ratio a -> Ratio a -> Bool #

(>) :: Ratio a -> Ratio a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Ratio a -> Ratio a -> Bool #

max :: Ratio a -> Ratio a -> Ratio a #

min :: Ratio a -> Ratio a -> Ratio a #

Ord (Bits n) 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Bits


compare :: Bits n -> Bits n -> Ordering #

(<) :: Bits n -> Bits n -> Bool #

(<=) :: Bits n -> Bits n -> Bool #

(>) :: Bits n -> Bits n -> Bool #

(>=) :: Bits n -> Bits n -> Bool #

max :: Bits n -> Bits n -> Bits n #

min :: Bits n -> Bits n -> Bits n #

(PrimType ty, Ord ty) => Ord (Block ty) 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Block.Base


compare :: Block ty -> Block ty -> Ordering #

(<) :: Block ty -> Block ty -> Bool #

(<=) :: Block ty -> Block ty -> Bool #

(>) :: Block ty -> Block ty -> Bool #

(>=) :: Block ty -> Block ty -> Bool #

max :: Block ty -> Block ty -> Block ty #

min :: Block ty -> Block ty -> Block ty #

Ord (Zn n) 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Bounded


compare :: Zn n -> Zn n -> Ordering #

(<) :: Zn n -> Zn n -> Bool #

(<=) :: Zn n -> Zn n -> Bool #

(>) :: Zn n -> Zn n -> Bool #

(>=) :: Zn n -> Zn n -> Bool #

max :: Zn n -> Zn n -> Zn n #

min :: Zn n -> Zn n -> Zn n #

Ord (Zn64 n) 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Bounded


compare :: Zn64 n -> Zn64 n -> Ordering #

(<) :: Zn64 n -> Zn64 n -> Bool #

(<=) :: Zn64 n -> Zn64 n -> Bool #

(>) :: Zn64 n -> Zn64 n -> Bool #

(>=) :: Zn64 n -> Zn64 n -> Bool #

max :: Zn64 n -> Zn64 n -> Zn64 n #

min :: Zn64 n -> Zn64 n -> Zn64 n #

Ord (CountOf ty) 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Types.OffsetSize


compare :: CountOf ty -> CountOf ty -> Ordering #

(<) :: CountOf ty -> CountOf ty -> Bool #

(<=) :: CountOf ty -> CountOf ty -> Bool #

(>) :: CountOf ty -> CountOf ty -> Bool #

(>=) :: CountOf ty -> CountOf ty -> Bool #

max :: CountOf ty -> CountOf ty -> CountOf ty #

min :: CountOf ty -> CountOf ty -> CountOf ty #

Ord (Offset ty) 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Types.OffsetSize


compare :: Offset ty -> Offset ty -> Ordering #

(<) :: Offset ty -> Offset ty -> Bool #

(<=) :: Offset ty -> Offset ty -> Bool #

(>) :: Offset ty -> Offset ty -> Bool #

(>=) :: Offset ty -> Offset ty -> Bool #

max :: Offset ty -> Offset ty -> Offset ty #

min :: Offset ty -> Offset ty -> Offset ty #

(PrimType ty, Ord ty) => Ord (UArray ty) 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.UArray.Base


compare :: UArray ty -> UArray ty -> Ordering #

(<) :: UArray ty -> UArray ty -> Bool #

(<=) :: UArray ty -> UArray ty -> Bool #

(>) :: UArray ty -> UArray ty -> Bool #

(>=) :: UArray ty -> UArray ty -> Bool #

max :: UArray ty -> UArray ty -> UArray ty #

min :: UArray ty -> UArray ty -> UArray ty #

Ord a => Ord (Flush a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Conduit.Internal.Conduit


compare :: Flush a -> Flush a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Flush a -> Flush a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Flush a -> Flush a -> Bool #

(>) :: Flush a -> Flush a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Flush a -> Flush a -> Bool #

max :: Flush a -> Flush a -> Flush a #

min :: Flush a -> Flush a -> Flush a #

Ord a => Ord (IntMap a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.IntMap.Internal


compare :: IntMap a -> IntMap a -> Ordering #

(<) :: IntMap a -> IntMap a -> Bool #

(<=) :: IntMap a -> IntMap a -> Bool #

(>) :: IntMap a -> IntMap a -> Bool #

(>=) :: IntMap a -> IntMap a -> Bool #

max :: IntMap a -> IntMap a -> IntMap a #

min :: IntMap a -> IntMap a -> IntMap a #

Ord a => Ord (Seq a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Sequence.Internal


compare :: Seq a -> Seq a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Seq a -> Seq a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Seq a -> Seq a -> Bool #

(>) :: Seq a -> Seq a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Seq a -> Seq a -> Bool #

max :: Seq a -> Seq a -> Seq a #

min :: Seq a -> Seq a -> Seq a #

Ord a => Ord (ViewL a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Sequence.Internal


compare :: ViewL a -> ViewL a -> Ordering #

(<) :: ViewL a -> ViewL a -> Bool #

(<=) :: ViewL a -> ViewL a -> Bool #

(>) :: ViewL a -> ViewL a -> Bool #

(>=) :: ViewL a -> ViewL a -> Bool #

max :: ViewL a -> ViewL a -> ViewL a #

min :: ViewL a -> ViewL a -> ViewL a #

Ord a => Ord (ViewR a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Sequence.Internal


compare :: ViewR a -> ViewR a -> Ordering #

(<) :: ViewR a -> ViewR a -> Bool #

(<=) :: ViewR a -> ViewR a -> Bool #

(>) :: ViewR a -> ViewR a -> Bool #

(>=) :: ViewR a -> ViewR a -> Bool #

max :: ViewR a -> ViewR a -> ViewR a #

min :: ViewR a -> ViewR a -> ViewR a #

Ord a => Ord (Set a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Set.Internal


compare :: Set a -> Set a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Set a -> Set a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Set a -> Set a -> Bool #

(>) :: Set a -> Set a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Set a -> Set a -> Bool #

max :: Set a -> Set a -> Set a #

min :: Set a -> Set a -> Set a #

Ord a => Ord (Tree a)

Since: containers-0.6.5

Instance details

Defined in Data.Tree


compare :: Tree a -> Tree a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Tree a -> Tree a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Tree a -> Tree a -> Bool #

(>) :: Tree a -> Tree a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Tree a -> Tree a -> Bool #

max :: Tree a -> Tree a -> Tree a #

min :: Tree a -> Tree a -> Tree a #

Ord (Digest a) 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Hash.Types


compare :: Digest a -> Digest a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Digest a -> Digest a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Digest a -> Digest a -> Bool #

(>) :: Digest a -> Digest a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Digest a -> Digest a -> Bool #

max :: Digest a -> Digest a -> Digest a #

min :: Digest a -> Digest a -> Digest a #

Ord1 f => Ord (Fix f) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Fix


compare :: Fix f -> Fix f -> Ordering #

(<) :: Fix f -> Fix f -> Bool #

(<=) :: Fix f -> Fix f -> Bool #

(>) :: Fix f -> Fix f -> Bool #

(>=) :: Fix f -> Fix f -> Bool #

max :: Fix f -> Fix f -> Fix f #

min :: Fix f -> Fix f -> Fix f #

(Functor f, Ord1 f) => Ord (Mu f) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Fix


compare :: Mu f -> Mu f -> Ordering #

(<) :: Mu f -> Mu f -> Bool #

(<=) :: Mu f -> Mu f -> Bool #

(>) :: Mu f -> Mu f -> Bool #

(>=) :: Mu f -> Mu f -> Bool #

max :: Mu f -> Mu f -> Mu f #

min :: Mu f -> Mu f -> Mu f #

(Functor f, Ord1 f) => Ord (Nu f) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Fix


compare :: Nu f -> Nu f -> Ordering #

(<) :: Nu f -> Nu f -> Bool #

(<=) :: Nu f -> Nu f -> Bool #

(>) :: Nu f -> Nu f -> Bool #

(>=) :: Nu f -> Nu f -> Bool #

max :: Nu f -> Nu f -> Nu f #

min :: Nu f -> Nu f -> Nu f #

Ord a => Ord (DNonEmpty a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.DList.DNonEmpty.Internal

Ord a => Ord (DList a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.DList.Internal


compare :: DList a -> DList a -> Ordering #

(<) :: DList a -> DList a -> Bool #

(<=) :: DList a -> DList a -> Bool #

(>) :: DList a -> DList a -> Bool #

(>=) :: DList a -> DList a -> Bool #

max :: DList a -> DList a -> DList a #

min :: DList a -> DList a -> DList a #

Ord v => Ord (UniqueMap v) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Collections

Ord v => Ord (LabelMap v) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Label


compare :: LabelMap v -> LabelMap v -> Ordering #

(<) :: LabelMap v -> LabelMap v -> Bool #

(<=) :: LabelMap v -> LabelMap v -> Bool #

(>) :: LabelMap v -> LabelMap v -> Bool #

(>=) :: LabelMap v -> LabelMap v -> Bool #

max :: LabelMap v -> LabelMap v -> LabelMap v #

min :: LabelMap v -> LabelMap v -> LabelMap v #

Ord (GenTickish 'TickishPassCmm) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Tickish


compare :: GenTickish 'TickishPassCmm -> GenTickish 'TickishPassCmm -> Ordering #

(<) :: GenTickish 'TickishPassCmm -> GenTickish 'TickishPassCmm -> Bool #

(<=) :: GenTickish 'TickishPassCmm -> GenTickish 'TickishPassCmm -> Bool #

(>) :: GenTickish 'TickishPassCmm -> GenTickish 'TickishPassCmm -> Bool #

(>=) :: GenTickish 'TickishPassCmm -> GenTickish 'TickishPassCmm -> Bool #

max :: GenTickish 'TickishPassCmm -> GenTickish 'TickishPassCmm -> GenTickish 'TickishPassCmm #

min :: GenTickish 'TickishPassCmm -> GenTickish 'TickishPassCmm -> GenTickish 'TickishPassCmm #

Ord (GenTickish 'TickishPassCore) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Tickish


compare :: GenTickish 'TickishPassCore -> GenTickish 'TickishPassCore -> Ordering #

(<) :: GenTickish 'TickishPassCore -> GenTickish 'TickishPassCore -> Bool #

(<=) :: GenTickish 'TickishPassCore -> GenTickish 'TickishPassCore -> Bool #

(>) :: GenTickish 'TickishPassCore -> GenTickish 'TickishPassCore -> Bool #

(>=) :: GenTickish 'TickishPassCore -> GenTickish 'TickishPassCore -> Bool #

max :: GenTickish 'TickishPassCore -> GenTickish 'TickishPassCore -> GenTickish 'TickishPassCore #

min :: GenTickish 'TickishPassCore -> GenTickish 'TickishPassCore -> GenTickish 'TickishPassCore #

Ord unit => Ord (Definite unit) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unit.Types


compare :: Definite unit -> Definite unit -> Ordering #

(<) :: Definite unit -> Definite unit -> Bool #

(<=) :: Definite unit -> Definite unit -> Bool #

(>) :: Definite unit -> Definite unit -> Bool #

(>=) :: Definite unit -> Definite unit -> Bool #

max :: Definite unit -> Definite unit -> Definite unit #

min :: Definite unit -> Definite unit -> Definite unit #

Ord (GenInstantiatedUnit unit) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unit.Types

Ord unit => Ord (GenModule unit) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unit.Types


compare :: GenModule unit -> GenModule unit -> Ordering #

(<) :: GenModule unit -> GenModule unit -> Bool #

(<=) :: GenModule unit -> GenModule unit -> Bool #

(>) :: GenModule unit -> GenModule unit -> Bool #

(>=) :: GenModule unit -> GenModule unit -> Bool #

max :: GenModule unit -> GenModule unit -> GenModule unit #

min :: GenModule unit -> GenModule unit -> GenModule unit #

Ord mod => Ord (GenWithIsBoot mod) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unit.Types

Ord unit => Ord (Indefinite unit) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unit.Types


compare :: Indefinite unit -> Indefinite unit -> Ordering #

(<) :: Indefinite unit -> Indefinite unit -> Bool #

(<=) :: Indefinite unit -> Indefinite unit -> Bool #

(>) :: Indefinite unit -> Indefinite unit -> Bool #

(>=) :: Indefinite unit -> Indefinite unit -> Bool #

max :: Indefinite unit -> Indefinite unit -> Indefinite unit #

min :: Indefinite unit -> Indefinite unit -> Indefinite unit #

Ord (XXOverLit p) => Ord (HsOverLit p) 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.Syntax.Lit

Ord (GenTickish 'TickishPassCmm) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Tickish


compare :: GenTickish 'TickishPassCmm -> GenTickish 'TickishPassCmm -> Ordering #

(<) :: GenTickish 'TickishPassCmm -> GenTickish 'TickishPassCmm -> Bool #

(<=) :: GenTickish 'TickishPassCmm -> GenTickish 'TickishPassCmm -> Bool #

(>) :: GenTickish 'TickishPassCmm -> GenTickish 'TickishPassCmm -> Bool #

(>=) :: GenTickish 'TickishPassCmm -> GenTickish 'TickishPassCmm -> Bool #

max :: GenTickish 'TickishPassCmm -> GenTickish 'TickishPassCmm -> GenTickish 'TickishPassCmm #

min :: GenTickish 'TickishPassCmm -> GenTickish 'TickishPassCmm -> GenTickish 'TickishPassCmm #

Ord (GenTickish 'TickishPassCore) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Tickish


compare :: GenTickish 'TickishPassCore -> GenTickish 'TickishPassCore -> Ordering #

(<) :: GenTickish 'TickishPassCore -> GenTickish 'TickishPassCore -> Bool #

(<=) :: GenTickish 'TickishPassCore -> GenTickish 'TickishPassCore -> Bool #

(>) :: GenTickish 'TickishPassCore -> GenTickish 'TickishPassCore -> Bool #

(>=) :: GenTickish 'TickishPassCore -> GenTickish 'TickishPassCore -> Bool #

max :: GenTickish 'TickishPassCore -> GenTickish 'TickishPassCore -> GenTickish 'TickishPassCore #

min :: GenTickish 'TickishPassCore -> GenTickish 'TickishPassCore -> GenTickish 'TickishPassCore #

Ord flag => Ord (TyVarBndr flag) 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


compare :: TyVarBndr flag -> TyVarBndr flag -> Ordering #

(<) :: TyVarBndr flag -> TyVarBndr flag -> Bool #

(<=) :: TyVarBndr flag -> TyVarBndr flag -> Bool #

(>) :: TyVarBndr flag -> TyVarBndr flag -> Bool #

(>=) :: TyVarBndr flag -> TyVarBndr flag -> Bool #

max :: TyVarBndr flag -> TyVarBndr flag -> TyVarBndr flag #

min :: TyVarBndr flag -> TyVarBndr flag -> TyVarBndr flag #

Ord a => Ord (Hashed a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Hashable.Class


compare :: Hashed a -> Hashed a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Hashed a -> Hashed a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Hashed a -> Hashed a -> Bool #

(>) :: Hashed a -> Hashed a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Hashed a -> Hashed a -> Bool #

max :: Hashed a -> Hashed a -> Hashed a #

min :: Hashed a -> Hashed a -> Hashed a #

Ord a => Ord (AddrRange a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.IP.Range

Ord a => Ord (Array a)

Lexicographic ordering. Subject to change between major versions.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.Array


compare :: Array a -> Array a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Array a -> Array a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Array a -> Array a -> Bool #

(>) :: Array a -> Array a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Array a -> Array a -> Bool #

max :: Array a -> Array a -> Array a #

min :: Array a -> Array a -> Array a #

(Ord a, Prim a) => Ord (PrimArray a)

Lexicographic ordering. Subject to change between major versions.

Since: primitive-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.PrimArray

Ord a => Ord (SmallArray a)

Lexicographic ordering. Subject to change between major versions.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.SmallArray

Ord g => Ord (StateGen g) 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random.Internal


compare :: StateGen g -> StateGen g -> Ordering #

(<) :: StateGen g -> StateGen g -> Bool #

(<=) :: StateGen g -> StateGen g -> Bool #

(>) :: StateGen g -> StateGen g -> Bool #

(>=) :: StateGen g -> StateGen g -> Bool #

max :: StateGen g -> StateGen g -> StateGen g #

min :: StateGen g -> StateGen g -> StateGen g #

Ord g => Ord (AtomicGen g) 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random.Stateful

Ord g => Ord (IOGen g) 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random.Stateful


compare :: IOGen g -> IOGen g -> Ordering #

(<) :: IOGen g -> IOGen g -> Bool #

(<=) :: IOGen g -> IOGen g -> Bool #

(>) :: IOGen g -> IOGen g -> Bool #

(>=) :: IOGen g -> IOGen g -> Bool #

max :: IOGen g -> IOGen g -> IOGen g #

min :: IOGen g -> IOGen g -> IOGen g #

Ord g => Ord (STGen g) 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random.Stateful


compare :: STGen g -> STGen g -> Ordering #

(<) :: STGen g -> STGen g -> Bool #

(<=) :: STGen g -> STGen g -> Bool #

(>) :: STGen g -> STGen g -> Bool #

(>=) :: STGen g -> STGen g -> Bool #

max :: STGen g -> STGen g -> STGen g #

min :: STGen g -> STGen g -> STGen g #

Ord g => Ord (TGen g) 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random.Stateful


compare :: TGen g -> TGen g -> Ordering #

(<) :: TGen g -> TGen g -> Bool #

(<=) :: TGen g -> TGen g -> Bool #

(>) :: TGen g -> TGen g -> Bool #

(>=) :: TGen g -> TGen g -> Bool #

max :: TGen g -> TGen g -> TGen g #

min :: TGen g -> TGen g -> TGen g #

Ord a => Ord (Maybe a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Strict.Maybe


compare :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Bool #

(>) :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Bool #

max :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a #

min :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a #

Ord flag => Ord (TyVarBndr flag) 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


compare :: TyVarBndr flag -> TyVarBndr flag -> Ordering #

(<) :: TyVarBndr flag -> TyVarBndr flag -> Bool #

(<=) :: TyVarBndr flag -> TyVarBndr flag -> Bool #

(>) :: TyVarBndr flag -> TyVarBndr flag -> Bool #

(>=) :: TyVarBndr flag -> TyVarBndr flag -> Bool #

max :: TyVarBndr flag -> TyVarBndr flag -> TyVarBndr flag #

min :: TyVarBndr flag -> TyVarBndr flag -> TyVarBndr flag #

Ord a => Ord (HashSet a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.HashSet.Internal


compare :: HashSet a -> HashSet a -> Ordering #

(<) :: HashSet a -> HashSet a -> Bool #

(<=) :: HashSet a -> HashSet a -> Bool #

(>) :: HashSet a -> HashSet a -> Bool #

(>=) :: HashSet a -> HashSet a -> Bool #

max :: HashSet a -> HashSet a -> HashSet a #

min :: HashSet a -> HashSet a -> HashSet a #

Ord a => Ord (Vector a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector


compare :: Vector a -> Vector a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Vector a -> Vector a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Vector a -> Vector a -> Bool #

(>) :: Vector a -> Vector a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Vector a -> Vector a -> Bool #

max :: Vector a -> Vector a -> Vector a #

min :: Vector a -> Vector a -> Vector a #

(Prim a, Ord a) => Ord (Vector a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Primitive


compare :: Vector a -> Vector a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Vector a -> Vector a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Vector a -> Vector a -> Bool #

(>) :: Vector a -> Vector a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Vector a -> Vector a -> Bool #

max :: Vector a -> Vector a -> Vector a #

min :: Vector a -> Vector a -> Vector a #

(Storable a, Ord a) => Ord (Vector a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Storable


compare :: Vector a -> Vector a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Vector a -> Vector a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Vector a -> Vector a -> Bool #

(>) :: Vector a -> Vector a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Vector a -> Vector a -> Bool #

max :: Vector a -> Vector a -> Vector a #

min :: Vector a -> Vector a -> Vector a #

Ord a => Ord (NonEmpty a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


compare :: NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a -> Ordering #

(<) :: NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a -> Bool #

(<=) :: NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a -> Bool #

(>) :: NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a -> Bool #

(>=) :: NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a -> Bool #

max :: NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a #

min :: NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a #

Ord a => Ord (Maybe a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Maybe


compare :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Bool #

(>) :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Bool #

max :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a #

min :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a #

Ord a => Ord (a) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


compare :: (a) -> (a) -> Ordering #

(<) :: (a) -> (a) -> Bool #

(<=) :: (a) -> (a) -> Bool #

(>) :: (a) -> (a) -> Bool #

(>=) :: (a) -> (a) -> Bool #

max :: (a) -> (a) -> (a) #

min :: (a) -> (a) -> (a) #

Ord a => Ord [a] 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


compare :: [a] -> [a] -> Ordering #

(<) :: [a] -> [a] -> Bool #

(<=) :: [a] -> [a] -> Bool #

(>) :: [a] -> [a] -> Bool #

(>=) :: [a] -> [a] -> Bool #

max :: [a] -> [a] -> [a] #

min :: [a] -> [a] -> [a] #

(Ix ix, Ord e, IArray UArray e) => Ord (UArray ix e) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Array.Base


compare :: UArray ix e -> UArray ix e -> Ordering #

(<) :: UArray ix e -> UArray ix e -> Bool #

(<=) :: UArray ix e -> UArray ix e -> Bool #

(>) :: UArray ix e -> UArray ix e -> Bool #

(>=) :: UArray ix e -> UArray ix e -> Bool #

max :: UArray ix e -> UArray ix e -> UArray ix e #

min :: UArray ix e -> UArray ix e -> UArray ix e #

(Ord a, Ord b) => Ord (Either a b)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Either


compare :: Either a b -> Either a b -> Ordering #

(<) :: Either a b -> Either a b -> Bool #

(<=) :: Either a b -> Either a b -> Bool #

(>) :: Either a b -> Either a b -> Bool #

(>=) :: Either a b -> Either a b -> Bool #

max :: Either a b -> Either a b -> Either a b #

min :: Either a b -> Either a b -> Either a b #

Ord (Proxy s)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Proxy


compare :: Proxy s -> Proxy s -> Ordering #

(<) :: Proxy s -> Proxy s -> Bool #

(<=) :: Proxy s -> Proxy s -> Bool #

(>) :: Proxy s -> Proxy s -> Bool #

(>=) :: Proxy s -> Proxy s -> Bool #

max :: Proxy s -> Proxy s -> Proxy s #

min :: Proxy s -> Proxy s -> Proxy s #

Ord a => Ord (Arg a b)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


compare :: Arg a b -> Arg a b -> Ordering #

(<) :: Arg a b -> Arg a b -> Bool #

(<=) :: Arg a b -> Arg a b -> Bool #

(>) :: Arg a b -> Arg a b -> Bool #

(>=) :: Arg a b -> Arg a b -> Bool #

max :: Arg a b -> Arg a b -> Arg a b #

min :: Arg a b -> Arg a b -> Arg a b #

Ord (TypeRep a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Typeable.Internal


compare :: TypeRep a -> TypeRep a -> Ordering #

(<) :: TypeRep a -> TypeRep a -> Bool #

(<=) :: TypeRep a -> TypeRep a -> Bool #

(>) :: TypeRep a -> TypeRep a -> Bool #

(>=) :: TypeRep a -> TypeRep a -> Bool #

max :: TypeRep a -> TypeRep a -> TypeRep a #

min :: TypeRep a -> TypeRep a -> TypeRep a #

(Ix i, Ord e) => Ord (Array i e)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Arr


compare :: Array i e -> Array i e -> Ordering #

(<) :: Array i e -> Array i e -> Bool #

(<=) :: Array i e -> Array i e -> Bool #

(>) :: Array i e -> Array i e -> Bool #

(>=) :: Array i e -> Array i e -> Bool #

max :: Array i e -> Array i e -> Array i e #

min :: Array i e -> Array i e -> Array i e #

Ord (U1 p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


compare :: U1 p -> U1 p -> Ordering #

(<) :: U1 p -> U1 p -> Bool #

(<=) :: U1 p -> U1 p -> Bool #

(>) :: U1 p -> U1 p -> Bool #

(>=) :: U1 p -> U1 p -> Bool #

max :: U1 p -> U1 p -> U1 p #

min :: U1 p -> U1 p -> U1 p #

Ord (V1 p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


compare :: V1 p -> V1 p -> Ordering #

(<) :: V1 p -> V1 p -> Bool #

(<=) :: V1 p -> V1 p -> Bool #

(>) :: V1 p -> V1 p -> Bool #

(>=) :: V1 p -> V1 p -> Bool #

max :: V1 p -> V1 p -> V1 p #

min :: V1 p -> V1 p -> V1 p #

(Ord k, Ord v) => Ord (Map k v) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Map.Internal


compare :: Map k v -> Map k v -> Ordering #

(<) :: Map k v -> Map k v -> Bool #

(<=) :: Map k v -> Map k v -> Bool #

(>) :: Map k v -> Map k v -> Bool #

(>=) :: Map k v -> Map k v -> Bool #

max :: Map k v -> Map k v -> Map k v #

min :: Map k v -> Map k v -> Map k v #

(Ord l, Ord e) => Ord (GenLocated l e) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc


compare :: GenLocated l e -> GenLocated l e -> Ordering #

(<) :: GenLocated l e -> GenLocated l e -> Bool #

(<=) :: GenLocated l e -> GenLocated l e -> Bool #

(>) :: GenLocated l e -> GenLocated l e -> Bool #

(>=) :: GenLocated l e -> GenLocated l e -> Bool #

max :: GenLocated l e -> GenLocated l e -> GenLocated l e #

min :: GenLocated l e -> GenLocated l e -> GenLocated l e #

(Ord l, Ord e) => Ord (GenLocated l e) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc


compare :: GenLocated l e -> GenLocated l e -> Ordering #

(<) :: GenLocated l e -> GenLocated l e -> Bool #

(<=) :: GenLocated l e -> GenLocated l e -> Bool #

(>) :: GenLocated l e -> GenLocated l e -> Bool #

(>=) :: GenLocated l e -> GenLocated l e -> Bool #

max :: GenLocated l e -> GenLocated l e -> GenLocated l e #

min :: GenLocated l e -> GenLocated l e -> GenLocated l e #

(Ord a, Ord b) => Ord (Either a b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Strict.Either


compare :: Either a b -> Either a b -> Ordering #

(<) :: Either a b -> Either a b -> Bool #

(<=) :: Either a b -> Either a b -> Bool #

(>) :: Either a b -> Either a b -> Bool #

(>=) :: Either a b -> Either a b -> Bool #

max :: Either a b -> Either a b -> Either a b #

min :: Either a b -> Either a b -> Either a b #

(Ord a, Ord b) => Ord (These a b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Strict.These


compare :: These a b -> These a b -> Ordering #

(<) :: These a b -> These a b -> Bool #

(<=) :: These a b -> These a b -> Bool #

(>) :: These a b -> These a b -> Bool #

(>=) :: These a b -> These a b -> Bool #

max :: These a b -> These a b -> These a b #

min :: These a b -> These a b -> These a b #

(Ord a, Ord b) => Ord (Pair a b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Strict.Tuple


compare :: Pair a b -> Pair a b -> Ordering #

(<) :: Pair a b -> Pair a b -> Bool #

(<=) :: Pair a b -> Pair a b -> Bool #

(>) :: Pair a b -> Pair a b -> Bool #

(>=) :: Pair a b -> Pair a b -> Bool #

max :: Pair a b -> Pair a b -> Pair a b #

min :: Pair a b -> Pair a b -> Pair a b #

(Ord a, Ord b) => Ord (These a b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.These


compare :: These a b -> These a b -> Ordering #

(<) :: These a b -> These a b -> Bool #

(<=) :: These a b -> These a b -> Bool #

(>) :: These a b -> These a b -> Bool #

(>=) :: These a b -> These a b -> Bool #

max :: These a b -> These a b -> These a b #

min :: These a b -> These a b -> These a b #

(Ord1 m, Ord a) => Ord (ListT m a) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.List


compare :: ListT m a -> ListT m a -> Ordering #

(<) :: ListT m a -> ListT m a -> Bool #

(<=) :: ListT m a -> ListT m a -> Bool #

(>) :: ListT m a -> ListT m a -> Bool #

(>=) :: ListT m a -> ListT m a -> Bool #

max :: ListT m a -> ListT m a -> ListT m a #

min :: ListT m a -> ListT m a -> ListT m a #

(Ord1 m, Ord a) => Ord (MaybeT m a) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe


compare :: MaybeT m a -> MaybeT m a -> Ordering #

(<) :: MaybeT m a -> MaybeT m a -> Bool #

(<=) :: MaybeT m a -> MaybeT m a -> Bool #

(>) :: MaybeT m a -> MaybeT m a -> Bool #

(>=) :: MaybeT m a -> MaybeT m a -> Bool #

max :: MaybeT m a -> MaybeT m a -> MaybeT m a #

min :: MaybeT m a -> MaybeT m a -> MaybeT m a #

(Ord k, Ord v) => Ord (HashMap k v)

The ordering is total and consistent with the Eq instance. However, nothing else about the ordering is specified, and it may change from version to version of either this package or of hashable.

Instance details

Defined in Data.HashMap.Internal


compare :: HashMap k v -> HashMap k v -> Ordering #

(<) :: HashMap k v -> HashMap k v -> Bool #

(<=) :: HashMap k v -> HashMap k v -> Bool #

(>) :: HashMap k v -> HashMap k v -> Bool #

(>=) :: HashMap k v -> HashMap k v -> Bool #

max :: HashMap k v -> HashMap k v -> HashMap k v #

min :: HashMap k v -> HashMap k v -> HashMap k v #

(Ord a, Ord b) => Ord (a, b) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


compare :: (a, b) -> (a, b) -> Ordering #

(<) :: (a, b) -> (a, b) -> Bool #

(<=) :: (a, b) -> (a, b) -> Bool #

(>) :: (a, b) -> (a, b) -> Bool #

(>=) :: (a, b) -> (a, b) -> Bool #

max :: (a, b) -> (a, b) -> (a, b) #

min :: (a, b) -> (a, b) -> (a, b) #

Ord a => Ord (Const a b)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Const


compare :: Const a b -> Const a b -> Ordering #

(<) :: Const a b -> Const a b -> Bool #

(<=) :: Const a b -> Const a b -> Bool #

(>) :: Const a b -> Const a b -> Bool #

(>=) :: Const a b -> Const a b -> Bool #

max :: Const a b -> Const a b -> Const a b #

min :: Const a b -> Const a b -> Const a b #

Ord (f a) => Ord (Ap f a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


compare :: Ap f a -> Ap f a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Ap f a -> Ap f a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Ap f a -> Ap f a -> Bool #

(>) :: Ap f a -> Ap f a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Ap f a -> Ap f a -> Bool #

max :: Ap f a -> Ap f a -> Ap f a #

min :: Ap f a -> Ap f a -> Ap f a #

Ord (f a) => Ord (Alt f a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


compare :: Alt f a -> Alt f a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Alt f a -> Alt f a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Alt f a -> Alt f a -> Bool #

(>) :: Alt f a -> Alt f a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Alt f a -> Alt f a -> Bool #

max :: Alt f a -> Alt f a -> Alt f a #

min :: Alt f a -> Alt f a -> Alt f a #

Ord (f p) => Ord (Rec1 f p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


compare :: Rec1 f p -> Rec1 f p -> Ordering #

(<) :: Rec1 f p -> Rec1 f p -> Bool #

(<=) :: Rec1 f p -> Rec1 f p -> Bool #

(>) :: Rec1 f p -> Rec1 f p -> Bool #

(>=) :: Rec1 f p -> Rec1 f p -> Bool #

max :: Rec1 f p -> Rec1 f p -> Rec1 f p #

min :: Rec1 f p -> Rec1 f p -> Rec1 f p #

Ord (URec (Ptr ()) p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


compare :: URec (Ptr ()) p -> URec (Ptr ()) p -> Ordering #

(<) :: URec (Ptr ()) p -> URec (Ptr ()) p -> Bool #

(<=) :: URec (Ptr ()) p -> URec (Ptr ()) p -> Bool #

(>) :: URec (Ptr ()) p -> URec (Ptr ()) p -> Bool #

(>=) :: URec (Ptr ()) p -> URec (Ptr ()) p -> Bool #

max :: URec (Ptr ()) p -> URec (Ptr ()) p -> URec (Ptr ()) p #

min :: URec (Ptr ()) p -> URec (Ptr ()) p -> URec (Ptr ()) p #

Ord (URec Char p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


compare :: URec Char p -> URec Char p -> Ordering #

(<) :: URec Char p -> URec Char p -> Bool #

(<=) :: URec Char p -> URec Char p -> Bool #

(>) :: URec Char p -> URec Char p -> Bool #

(>=) :: URec Char p -> URec Char p -> Bool #

max :: URec Char p -> URec Char p -> URec Char p #

min :: URec Char p -> URec Char p -> URec Char p #

Ord (URec Double p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


compare :: URec Double p -> URec Double p -> Ordering #

(<) :: URec Double p -> URec Double p -> Bool #

(<=) :: URec Double p -> URec Double p -> Bool #

(>) :: URec Double p -> URec Double p -> Bool #

(>=) :: URec Double p -> URec Double p -> Bool #

max :: URec Double p -> URec Double p -> URec Double p #

min :: URec Double p -> URec Double p -> URec Double p #

Ord (URec Float p) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


compare :: URec Float p -> URec Float p -> Ordering #

(<) :: URec Float p -> URec Float p -> Bool #

(<=) :: URec Float p -> URec Float p -> Bool #

(>) :: URec Float p -> URec Float p -> Bool #

(>=) :: URec Float p -> URec Float p -> Bool #

max :: URec Float p -> URec Float p -> URec Float p #

min :: URec Float p -> URec Float p -> URec Float p #

Ord (URec Int p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


compare :: URec Int p -> URec Int p -> Ordering #

(<) :: URec Int p -> URec Int p -> Bool #

(<=) :: URec Int p -> URec Int p -> Bool #

(>) :: URec Int p -> URec Int p -> Bool #

(>=) :: URec Int p -> URec Int p -> Bool #

max :: URec Int p -> URec Int p -> URec Int p #

min :: URec Int p -> URec Int p -> URec Int p #

Ord (URec Word p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


compare :: URec Word p -> URec Word p -> Ordering #

(<) :: URec Word p -> URec Word p -> Bool #

(<=) :: URec Word p -> URec Word p -> Bool #

(>) :: URec Word p -> URec Word p -> Bool #

(>=) :: URec Word p -> URec Word p -> Bool #

max :: URec Word p -> URec Word p -> URec Word p #

min :: URec Word p -> URec Word p -> URec Word p #

Ord b => Ord (Tagged s b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tagged


compare :: Tagged s b -> Tagged s b -> Ordering #

(<) :: Tagged s b -> Tagged s b -> Bool #

(<=) :: Tagged s b -> Tagged s b -> Bool #

(>) :: Tagged s b -> Tagged s b -> Bool #

(>=) :: Tagged s b -> Tagged s b -> Bool #

max :: Tagged s b -> Tagged s b -> Tagged s b #

min :: Tagged s b -> Tagged s b -> Tagged s b #

(Ord1 f, Ord1 g, Ord a) => Ord (These1 f g a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.These


compare :: These1 f g a -> These1 f g a -> Ordering #

(<) :: These1 f g a -> These1 f g a -> Bool #

(<=) :: These1 f g a -> These1 f g a -> Bool #

(>) :: These1 f g a -> These1 f g a -> Bool #

(>=) :: These1 f g a -> These1 f g a -> Bool #

max :: These1 f g a -> These1 f g a -> These1 f g a #

min :: These1 f g a -> These1 f g a -> These1 f g a #

(Ord e, Ord1 m, Ord a) => Ord (ErrorT e m a) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Error


compare :: ErrorT e m a -> ErrorT e m a -> Ordering #

(<) :: ErrorT e m a -> ErrorT e m a -> Bool #

(<=) :: ErrorT e m a -> ErrorT e m a -> Bool #

(>) :: ErrorT e m a -> ErrorT e m a -> Bool #

(>=) :: ErrorT e m a -> ErrorT e m a -> Bool #

max :: ErrorT e m a -> ErrorT e m a -> ErrorT e m a #

min :: ErrorT e m a -> ErrorT e m a -> ErrorT e m a #

(Ord e, Ord1 m, Ord a) => Ord (ExceptT e m a) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Except


compare :: ExceptT e m a -> ExceptT e m a -> Ordering #

(<) :: ExceptT e m a -> ExceptT e m a -> Bool #

(<=) :: ExceptT e m a -> ExceptT e m a -> Bool #

(>) :: ExceptT e m a -> ExceptT e m a -> Bool #

(>=) :: ExceptT e m a -> ExceptT e m a -> Bool #

max :: ExceptT e m a -> ExceptT e m a -> ExceptT e m a #

min :: ExceptT e m a -> ExceptT e m a -> ExceptT e m a #

(Ord1 f, Ord a) => Ord (IdentityT f a) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Identity


compare :: IdentityT f a -> IdentityT f a -> Ordering #

(<) :: IdentityT f a -> IdentityT f a -> Bool #

(<=) :: IdentityT f a -> IdentityT f a -> Bool #

(>) :: IdentityT f a -> IdentityT f a -> Bool #

(>=) :: IdentityT f a -> IdentityT f a -> Bool #

max :: IdentityT f a -> IdentityT f a -> IdentityT f a #

min :: IdentityT f a -> IdentityT f a -> IdentityT f a #

(Ord w, Ord1 m, Ord a) => Ord (WriterT w m a) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Lazy


compare :: WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m a -> Ordering #

(<) :: WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m a -> Bool #

(<=) :: WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m a -> Bool #

(>) :: WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m a -> Bool #

(>=) :: WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m a -> Bool #

max :: WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m a #

min :: WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m a #

(Ord w, Ord1 m, Ord a) => Ord (WriterT w m a) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Strict


compare :: WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m a -> Ordering #

(<) :: WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m a -> Bool #

(<=) :: WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m a -> Bool #

(>) :: WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m a -> Bool #

(>=) :: WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m a -> Bool #

max :: WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m a #

min :: WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m a #

(Ord a, Ord b, Ord c) => Ord (a, b, c) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


compare :: (a, b, c) -> (a, b, c) -> Ordering #

(<) :: (a, b, c) -> (a, b, c) -> Bool #

(<=) :: (a, b, c) -> (a, b, c) -> Bool #

(>) :: (a, b, c) -> (a, b, c) -> Bool #

(>=) :: (a, b, c) -> (a, b, c) -> Bool #

max :: (a, b, c) -> (a, b, c) -> (a, b, c) #

min :: (a, b, c) -> (a, b, c) -> (a, b, c) #

(Ord1 f, Ord1 g, Ord a) => Ord (Product f g a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Product


compare :: Product f g a -> Product f g a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Product f g a -> Product f g a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Product f g a -> Product f g a -> Bool #

(>) :: Product f g a -> Product f g a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Product f g a -> Product f g a -> Bool #

max :: Product f g a -> Product f g a -> Product f g a #

min :: Product f g a -> Product f g a -> Product f g a #

(Ord1 f, Ord1 g, Ord a) => Ord (Sum f g a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Sum


compare :: Sum f g a -> Sum f g a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Sum f g a -> Sum f g a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Sum f g a -> Sum f g a -> Bool #

(>) :: Sum f g a -> Sum f g a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Sum f g a -> Sum f g a -> Bool #

max :: Sum f g a -> Sum f g a -> Sum f g a #

min :: Sum f g a -> Sum f g a -> Sum f g a #

(Ord (f p), Ord (g p)) => Ord ((f :*: g) p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


compare :: (f :*: g) p -> (f :*: g) p -> Ordering #

(<) :: (f :*: g) p -> (f :*: g) p -> Bool #

(<=) :: (f :*: g) p -> (f :*: g) p -> Bool #

(>) :: (f :*: g) p -> (f :*: g) p -> Bool #

(>=) :: (f :*: g) p -> (f :*: g) p -> Bool #

max :: (f :*: g) p -> (f :*: g) p -> (f :*: g) p #

min :: (f :*: g) p -> (f :*: g) p -> (f :*: g) p #

(Ord (f p), Ord (g p)) => Ord ((f :+: g) p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


compare :: (f :+: g) p -> (f :+: g) p -> Ordering #

(<) :: (f :+: g) p -> (f :+: g) p -> Bool #

(<=) :: (f :+: g) p -> (f :+: g) p -> Bool #

(>) :: (f :+: g) p -> (f :+: g) p -> Bool #

(>=) :: (f :+: g) p -> (f :+: g) p -> Bool #

max :: (f :+: g) p -> (f :+: g) p -> (f :+: g) p #

min :: (f :+: g) p -> (f :+: g) p -> (f :+: g) p #

Ord c => Ord (K1 i c p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


compare :: K1 i c p -> K1 i c p -> Ordering #

(<) :: K1 i c p -> K1 i c p -> Bool #

(<=) :: K1 i c p -> K1 i c p -> Bool #

(>) :: K1 i c p -> K1 i c p -> Bool #

(>=) :: K1 i c p -> K1 i c p -> Bool #

max :: K1 i c p -> K1 i c p -> K1 i c p #

min :: K1 i c p -> K1 i c p -> K1 i c p #

(Ord a, Ord b, Ord c, Ord d) => Ord (a, b, c, d) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


compare :: (a, b, c, d) -> (a, b, c, d) -> Ordering #

(<) :: (a, b, c, d) -> (a, b, c, d) -> Bool #

(<=) :: (a, b, c, d) -> (a, b, c, d) -> Bool #

(>) :: (a, b, c, d) -> (a, b, c, d) -> Bool #

(>=) :: (a, b, c, d) -> (a, b, c, d) -> Bool #

max :: (a, b, c, d) -> (a, b, c, d) -> (a, b, c, d) #

min :: (a, b, c, d) -> (a, b, c, d) -> (a, b, c, d) #

(Ord1 f, Ord1 g, Ord a) => Ord (Compose f g a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Compose


compare :: Compose f g a -> Compose f g a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Compose f g a -> Compose f g a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Compose f g a -> Compose f g a -> Bool #

(>) :: Compose f g a -> Compose f g a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Compose f g a -> Compose f g a -> Bool #

max :: Compose f g a -> Compose f g a -> Compose f g a #

min :: Compose f g a -> Compose f g a -> Compose f g a #

Ord (f (g p)) => Ord ((f :.: g) p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


compare :: (f :.: g) p -> (f :.: g) p -> Ordering #

(<) :: (f :.: g) p -> (f :.: g) p -> Bool #

(<=) :: (f :.: g) p -> (f :.: g) p -> Bool #

(>) :: (f :.: g) p -> (f :.: g) p -> Bool #

(>=) :: (f :.: g) p -> (f :.: g) p -> Bool #

max :: (f :.: g) p -> (f :.: g) p -> (f :.: g) p #

min :: (f :.: g) p -> (f :.: g) p -> (f :.: g) p #

Ord (f p) => Ord (M1 i c f p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


compare :: M1 i c f p -> M1 i c f p -> Ordering #

(<) :: M1 i c f p -> M1 i c f p -> Bool #

(<=) :: M1 i c f p -> M1 i c f p -> Bool #

(>) :: M1 i c f p -> M1 i c f p -> Bool #

(>=) :: M1 i c f p -> M1 i c f p -> Bool #

max :: M1 i c f p -> M1 i c f p -> M1 i c f p #

min :: M1 i c f p -> M1 i c f p -> M1 i c f p #

Ord (p b a) => Ord (Flip p a b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Bifunctor.Flip


compare :: Flip p a b -> Flip p a b -> Ordering #

(<) :: Flip p a b -> Flip p a b -> Bool #

(<=) :: Flip p a b -> Flip p a b -> Bool #

(>) :: Flip p a b -> Flip p a b -> Bool #

(>=) :: Flip p a b -> Flip p a b -> Bool #

max :: Flip p a b -> Flip p a b -> Flip p a b #

min :: Flip p a b -> Flip p a b -> Flip p a b #

(Ord a, Ord b, Ord c, Ord d, Ord e) => Ord (a, b, c, d, e) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


compare :: (a, b, c, d, e) -> (a, b, c, d, e) -> Ordering #

(<) :: (a, b, c, d, e) -> (a, b, c, d, e) -> Bool #

(<=) :: (a, b, c, d, e) -> (a, b, c, d, e) -> Bool #

(>) :: (a, b, c, d, e) -> (a, b, c, d, e) -> Bool #

(>=) :: (a, b, c, d, e) -> (a, b, c, d, e) -> Bool #

max :: (a, b, c, d, e) -> (a, b, c, d, e) -> (a, b, c, d, e) #

min :: (a, b, c, d, e) -> (a, b, c, d, e) -> (a, b, c, d, e) #

(Ord (f a b), Ord (g a b)) => Ord (Product f g a b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Bifunctor.Product


compare :: Product f g a b -> Product f g a b -> Ordering #

(<) :: Product f g a b -> Product f g a b -> Bool #

(<=) :: Product f g a b -> Product f g a b -> Bool #

(>) :: Product f g a b -> Product f g a b -> Bool #

(>=) :: Product f g a b -> Product f g a b -> Bool #

max :: Product f g a b -> Product f g a b -> Product f g a b #

min :: Product f g a b -> Product f g a b -> Product f g a b #

(Ord (p a b), Ord (q a b)) => Ord (Sum p q a b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Bifunctor.Sum


compare :: Sum p q a b -> Sum p q a b -> Ordering #

(<) :: Sum p q a b -> Sum p q a b -> Bool #

(<=) :: Sum p q a b -> Sum p q a b -> Bool #

(>) :: Sum p q a b -> Sum p q a b -> Bool #

(>=) :: Sum p q a b -> Sum p q a b -> Bool #

max :: Sum p q a b -> Sum p q a b -> Sum p q a b #

min :: Sum p q a b -> Sum p q a b -> Sum p q a b #

(Ord a, Ord b, Ord c, Ord d, Ord e, Ord f) => Ord (a, b, c, d, e, f) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


compare :: (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> Ordering #

(<) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> Bool #

(<=) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> Bool #

(>) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> Bool #

(>=) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> Bool #

max :: (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f) #

min :: (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f) #

Ord (f (p a b)) => Ord (Tannen f p a b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Bifunctor.Tannen


compare :: Tannen f p a b -> Tannen f p a b -> Ordering #

(<) :: Tannen f p a b -> Tannen f p a b -> Bool #

(<=) :: Tannen f p a b -> Tannen f p a b -> Bool #

(>) :: Tannen f p a b -> Tannen f p a b -> Bool #

(>=) :: Tannen f p a b -> Tannen f p a b -> Bool #

max :: Tannen f p a b -> Tannen f p a b -> Tannen f p a b #

min :: Tannen f p a b -> Tannen f p a b -> Tannen f p a b #

(Ord a, Ord b, Ord c, Ord d, Ord e, Ord f, Ord g) => Ord (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


compare :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) -> Ordering #

(<) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) -> Bool #

(<=) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) -> Bool #

(>) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) -> Bool #

(>=) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) -> Bool #

max :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) #

min :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) #

(Ord a, Ord b, Ord c, Ord d, Ord e, Ord f, Ord g, Ord h) => Ord (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


compare :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) -> Ordering #

(<) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) -> Bool #

(<=) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) -> Bool #

(>) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) -> Bool #

(>=) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) -> Bool #

max :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) #

min :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) #

Ord (p (f a) (g b)) => Ord (Biff p f g a b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Bifunctor.Biff


compare :: Biff p f g a b -> Biff p f g a b -> Ordering #

(<) :: Biff p f g a b -> Biff p f g a b -> Bool #

(<=) :: Biff p f g a b -> Biff p f g a b -> Bool #

(>) :: Biff p f g a b -> Biff p f g a b -> Bool #

(>=) :: Biff p f g a b -> Biff p f g a b -> Bool #

max :: Biff p f g a b -> Biff p f g a b -> Biff p f g a b #

min :: Biff p f g a b -> Biff p f g a b -> Biff p f g a b #

(Ord a, Ord b, Ord c, Ord d, Ord e, Ord f, Ord g, Ord h, Ord i) => Ord (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


compare :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) -> Ordering #

(<) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) -> Bool #

(<=) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) -> Bool #

(>) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) -> Bool #

(>=) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) -> Bool #

max :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) #

min :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) #

(Ord a, Ord b, Ord c, Ord d, Ord e, Ord f, Ord g, Ord h, Ord i, Ord j) => Ord (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


compare :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) -> Ordering #

(<) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) -> Bool #

(<=) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) -> Bool #

(>) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) -> Bool #

(>=) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) -> Bool #

max :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) #

min :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) #

(Ord a, Ord b, Ord c, Ord d, Ord e, Ord f, Ord g, Ord h, Ord i, Ord j, Ord k) => Ord (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


compare :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) -> Ordering #

(<) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) -> Bool #

(<=) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) -> Bool #

(>) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) -> Bool #

(>=) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) -> Bool #

max :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) #

min :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) #

(Ord a, Ord b, Ord c, Ord d, Ord e, Ord f, Ord g, Ord h, Ord i, Ord j, Ord k, Ord l) => Ord (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


compare :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l) -> Ordering #

(<) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l) -> Bool #

(<=) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l) -> Bool #

(>) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l) -> Bool #

(>=) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l) -> Bool #

max :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l) #

min :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l) #

(Ord a, Ord b, Ord c, Ord d, Ord e, Ord f, Ord g, Ord h, Ord i, Ord j, Ord k, Ord l, Ord m) => Ord (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


compare :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m) -> Ordering #

(<) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m) -> Bool #

(<=) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m) -> Bool #

(>) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m) -> Bool #

(>=) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m) -> Bool #

max :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m) #

min :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m) #

(Ord a, Ord b, Ord c, Ord d, Ord e, Ord f, Ord g, Ord h, Ord i, Ord j, Ord k, Ord l, Ord m, Ord n) => Ord (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


compare :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n) -> Ordering #

(<) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n) -> Bool #

(<=) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n) -> Bool #

(>) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n) -> Bool #

(>=) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n) -> Bool #

max :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n) #

min :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n) #

(Ord a, Ord b, Ord c, Ord d, Ord e, Ord f, Ord g, Ord h, Ord i, Ord j, Ord k, Ord l, Ord m, Ord n, Ord o) => Ord (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


compare :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o) -> Ordering #

(<) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o) -> Bool #

(<=) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o) -> Bool #

(>) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o) -> Bool #

(>=) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o) -> Bool #

max :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o) #

min :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o) #

class (Num a, Ord a) => Real a where #


toRational :: a -> Rational #

the rational equivalent of its real argument with full precision


Instances details
Real Int16

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Int


toRational :: Int16 -> Rational #

Real Int32

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Int


toRational :: Int32 -> Rational #

Real Int64

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Int


toRational :: Int64 -> Rational #

Real Int8

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Int


toRational :: Int8 -> Rational #

Real Word16

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Word

Real Word32

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Word

Real Word64

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Word

Real Word8

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Word


toRational :: Word8 -> Rational #

Real CBlkCnt 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Real CBlkSize 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Real CCc 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


toRational :: CCc -> Rational #

Real CClockId 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Real CDev 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


toRational :: CDev -> Rational #

Real CFsBlkCnt 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Real CFsFilCnt 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Real CGid 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


toRational :: CGid -> Rational #

Real CId 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


toRational :: CId -> Rational #

Real CIno 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


toRational :: CIno -> Rational #

Real CKey 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


toRational :: CKey -> Rational #

Real CMode 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


toRational :: CMode -> Rational #

Real CNfds 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


toRational :: CNfds -> Rational #

Real CNlink 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Real COff 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


toRational :: COff -> Rational #

Real CPid 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


toRational :: CPid -> Rational #

Real CRLim 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


toRational :: CRLim -> Rational #

Real CSocklen 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Real CSpeed 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Real CSsize 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Real CTcflag 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Real CUid 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


toRational :: CUid -> Rational #

Real Fd 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


toRational :: Fd -> Rational #

Real TimeSpec 
Instance details

Defined in System.Clock

Real ByteOff 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.ByteCode.Types

Real RegBitmap 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.ByteCode.Types

Real WordOff 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.ByteCode.Types

Real PortNumber 
Instance details

Defined in Network.Socket.Types

Real Scientific

WARNING: toRational needs to compute the Integer magnitude: 10^e. If applied to a huge exponent this could fill up all space and crash your program!

Avoid applying toRational (or realToFrac) to scientific numbers coming from an untrusted source and use toRealFloat instead. The latter guards against excessive space usage.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Scientific

Real DiffTime 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Time.Clock.Internal.DiffTime

Real Integer

Since: base-2.0.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Real

Real Natural

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Real

Real Int

Since: base-2.0.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Real


toRational :: Int -> Rational #

Real Word

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Real


toRational :: Word -> Rational #

Real a => Real (Identity a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Identity


toRational :: Identity a -> Rational #

Real a => Real (Down a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Ord


toRational :: Down a -> Rational #

Integral a => Real (Ratio a)

Since: base-2.0.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Real


toRational :: Ratio a -> Rational #

Real a => Real (Const a b)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Const


toRational :: Const a b -> Rational #

Real a => Real (Tagged s a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tagged


toRational :: Tagged s a -> Rational #

class (Real a, Fractional a) => RealFrac a where #

Extracting components of fractions.

Minimal complete definition



properFraction :: Integral b => a -> (b, a) #

The function properFraction takes a real fractional number x and returns a pair (n,f) such that x = n+f, and:

  • n is an integral number with the same sign as x; and
  • f is a fraction with the same type and sign as x, and with absolute value less than 1.

The default definitions of the ceiling, floor, truncate and round functions are in terms of properFraction.

truncate :: Integral b => a -> b #

truncate x returns the integer nearest x between zero and x

round :: Integral b => a -> b #

round x returns the nearest integer to x; the even integer if x is equidistant between two integers

ceiling :: Integral b => a -> b #

ceiling x returns the least integer not less than x

floor :: Integral b => a -> b #

floor x returns the greatest integer not greater than x


Instances details
RealFrac Scientific

WARNING: the methods of the RealFrac instance need to compute the magnitude 10^e. If applied to a huge exponent this could take a long time. Even worse, when the destination type is unbounded (i.e. Integer) it could fill up all space and crash your program!

Instance details

Defined in Data.Scientific

RealFrac DiffTime 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Time.Clock.Internal.DiffTime


properFraction :: Integral b => DiffTime -> (b, DiffTime) #

truncate :: Integral b => DiffTime -> b #

round :: Integral b => DiffTime -> b #

ceiling :: Integral b => DiffTime -> b #

floor :: Integral b => DiffTime -> b #

RealFrac a => RealFrac (Identity a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Identity


properFraction :: Integral b => Identity a -> (b, Identity a) #

truncate :: Integral b => Identity a -> b #

round :: Integral b => Identity a -> b #

ceiling :: Integral b => Identity a -> b #

floor :: Integral b => Identity a -> b #

RealFrac a => RealFrac (Down a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Ord


properFraction :: Integral b => Down a -> (b, Down a) #

truncate :: Integral b => Down a -> b #

round :: Integral b => Down a -> b #

ceiling :: Integral b => Down a -> b #

floor :: Integral b => Down a -> b #

Integral a => RealFrac (Ratio a)

Since: base-2.0.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Real


properFraction :: Integral b => Ratio a -> (b, Ratio a) #

truncate :: Integral b => Ratio a -> b #

round :: Integral b => Ratio a -> b #

ceiling :: Integral b => Ratio a -> b #

floor :: Integral b => Ratio a -> b #

RealFrac a => RealFrac (Const a b)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Const


properFraction :: Integral b0 => Const a b -> (b0, Const a b) #

truncate :: Integral b0 => Const a b -> b0 #

round :: Integral b0 => Const a b -> b0 #

ceiling :: Integral b0 => Const a b -> b0 #

floor :: Integral b0 => Const a b -> b0 #

RealFrac a => RealFrac (Tagged s a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tagged


properFraction :: Integral b => Tagged s a -> (b, Tagged s a) #

truncate :: Integral b => Tagged s a -> b #

round :: Integral b => Tagged s a -> b #

ceiling :: Integral b => Tagged s a -> b #

floor :: Integral b => Tagged s a -> b #

class Show a where #

Conversion of values to readable Strings.

Derived instances of Show have the following properties, which are compatible with derived instances of Read:

  • The result of show is a syntactically correct Haskell expression containing only constants, given the fixity declarations in force at the point where the type is declared. It contains only the constructor names defined in the data type, parentheses, and spaces. When labelled constructor fields are used, braces, commas, field names, and equal signs are also used.
  • If the constructor is defined to be an infix operator, then showsPrec will produce infix applications of the constructor.
  • the representation will be enclosed in parentheses if the precedence of the top-level constructor in x is less than d (associativity is ignored). Thus, if d is 0 then the result is never surrounded in parentheses; if d is 11 it is always surrounded in parentheses, unless it is an atomic expression.
  • If the constructor is defined using record syntax, then show will produce the record-syntax form, with the fields given in the same order as the original declaration.

For example, given the declarations

infixr 5 :^:
data Tree a =  Leaf a  |  Tree a :^: Tree a

the derived instance of Show is equivalent to

instance (Show a) => Show (Tree a) where

       showsPrec d (Leaf m) = showParen (d > app_prec) $
            showString "Leaf " . showsPrec (app_prec+1) m
         where app_prec = 10

       showsPrec d (u :^: v) = showParen (d > up_prec) $
            showsPrec (up_prec+1) u .
            showString " :^: "      .
            showsPrec (up_prec+1) v
         where up_prec = 5

Note that right-associativity of :^: is ignored. For example,

  • show (Leaf 1 :^: Leaf 2 :^: Leaf 3) produces the string "Leaf 1 :^: (Leaf 2 :^: Leaf 3)".

Minimal complete definition

showsPrec | show


showsPrec #


:: Int

the operator precedence of the enclosing context (a number from 0 to 11). Function application has precedence 10.

-> a

the value to be converted to a String

-> ShowS 

Convert a value to a readable String.

showsPrec should satisfy the law

showsPrec d x r ++ s  ==  showsPrec d x (r ++ s)

Derived instances of Read and Show satisfy the following:

That is, readsPrec parses the string produced by showsPrec, and delivers the value that showsPrec started with.

show :: a -> String #

A specialised variant of showsPrec, using precedence context zero, and returning an ordinary String.

showList :: [a] -> ShowS #

The method showList is provided to allow the programmer to give a specialised way of showing lists of values. For example, this is used by the predefined Show instance of the Char type, where values of type String should be shown in double quotes, rather than between square brackets.


Instances details
Show Key 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Key


showsPrec :: Int -> Key -> ShowS #

show :: Key -> String #

showList :: [Key] -> ShowS #

Show DotNetTime 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal

Show JSONPathElement 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal

Show Options 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal

Show SumEncoding 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal

Show Value

Since version version object values are printed in lexicographic key order

>>> toJSON $ H.fromList [("a", True), ("z", False)]
Object (fromList [("a",Bool True),("z",Bool False)])
>>> toJSON $ H.fromList [("z", False), ("a", True)]
Object (fromList [("a",Bool True),("z",Bool False)])
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal


showsPrec :: Int -> Value -> ShowS #

show :: Value -> String #

showList :: [Value] -> ShowS #

Show More 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Attoparsec.Internal.Types


showsPrec :: Int -> More -> ShowS #

show :: More -> String #

showList :: [More] -> ShowS #

Show Pos 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Attoparsec.Internal.Types


showsPrec :: Int -> Pos -> ShowS #

show :: Pos -> String #

showList :: [Pos] -> ShowS #

Show NestedAtomically

Since: base-4.0

Instance details

Defined in Control.Exception.Base

Show NoMethodError

Since: base-4.0

Instance details

Defined in Control.Exception.Base

Show NonTermination

Since: base-4.0

Instance details

Defined in Control.Exception.Base

Show PatternMatchFail

Since: base-4.0

Instance details

Defined in Control.Exception.Base

Show RecConError

Since: base-4.0

Instance details

Defined in Control.Exception.Base

Show RecSelError

Since: base-4.0

Instance details

Defined in Control.Exception.Base

Show RecUpdError

Since: base-4.0

Instance details

Defined in Control.Exception.Base

Show TypeError

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Control.Exception.Base

Show Dynamic

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Dynamic

Show All

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


showsPrec :: Int -> All -> ShowS #

show :: All -> String #

showList :: [All] -> ShowS #

Show Any

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


showsPrec :: Int -> Any -> ShowS #

show :: Any -> String #

showList :: [Any] -> ShowS #

Show SomeTypeRep

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Typeable.Internal

Show Version

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Version

Show Void

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Void


showsPrec :: Int -> Void -> ShowS #

show :: Void -> String #

showList :: [Void] -> ShowS #

Show ByteOrder

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.ByteOrder

Show BlockReason

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Conc.Sync

Show ThreadId

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Conc.Sync

Show ThreadStatus

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Conc.Sync

Show ArithException

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exception.Type

Show SomeException

Since: base-3.0

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exception.Type

Show Fingerprint

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Fingerprint.Type

Show Associativity

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

Show DecidedStrictness

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

Show Fixity

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

Show SourceStrictness

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

Show SourceUnpackedness

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

Show MaskingState

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO

Show SeekMode

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO.Device

Show CodingProgress

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO.Encoding.Types

Show TextEncoding

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO.Encoding.Types

Show AllocationLimitExceeded

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO.Exception

Show ArrayException

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO.Exception

Show AssertionFailed

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO.Exception

Show AsyncException

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO.Exception

Show BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO.Exception

Show BlockedIndefinitelyOnSTM

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO.Exception

Show CompactionFailed

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO.Exception

Show Deadlock

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO.Exception

Show ExitCode 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO.Exception

Show FixIOException

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO.Exception

Show IOErrorType

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO.Exception

Show IOException

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO.Exception

Show SomeAsyncException

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO.Exception

Show HandlePosn

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO.Handle

Show FileLockingNotSupported

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO.Handle.Lock.Common

Show BufferMode

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO.Handle.Types

Show Handle

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO.Handle.Types

Show HandleType

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO.Handle.Types

Show Newline

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO.Handle.Types

Show NewlineMode

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO.Handle.Types

Show Int16

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Int


showsPrec :: Int -> Int16 -> ShowS #

show :: Int16 -> String #

showList :: [Int16] -> ShowS #

Show Int32

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Int


showsPrec :: Int -> Int32 -> ShowS #

show :: Int32 -> String #

showList :: [Int32] -> ShowS #

Show Int64

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Int


showsPrec :: Int -> Int64 -> ShowS #

show :: Int64 -> String #

showList :: [Int64] -> ShowS #

Show Int8

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Int


showsPrec :: Int -> Int8 -> ShowS #

show :: Int8 -> String #

showList :: [Int8] -> ShowS #

Show CCFlags

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.RTS.Flags

Show ConcFlags

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.RTS.Flags

Show DebugFlags

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.RTS.Flags

Show DoCostCentres

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.RTS.Flags

Show DoHeapProfile

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.RTS.Flags

Show DoTrace

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.RTS.Flags

Show GCFlags

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.RTS.Flags

Show GiveGCStats

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.RTS.Flags

Show IoSubSystem 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.RTS.Flags

Show MiscFlags

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.RTS.Flags

Show ParFlags

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.RTS.Flags

Show ProfFlags

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.RTS.Flags

Show RTSFlags

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.RTS.Flags

Show TickyFlags

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.RTS.Flags

Show TraceFlags

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.RTS.Flags

Show FractionalExponentBase 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Real

Show CallStack

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show

Show SrcLoc

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show

Show SomeNat

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.TypeNats

Show GeneralCategory

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unicode

Show Word16

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Word

Show Word32

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Word

Show Word64

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Word

Show Word8

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Word


showsPrec :: Int -> Word8 -> ShowS #

show :: Word8 -> String #

showList :: [Word8] -> ShowS #

Show CBlkCnt 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Show CBlkSize 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Show CCc 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


showsPrec :: Int -> CCc -> ShowS #

show :: CCc -> String #

showList :: [CCc] -> ShowS #

Show CClockId 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Show CDev 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


showsPrec :: Int -> CDev -> ShowS #

show :: CDev -> String #

showList :: [CDev] -> ShowS #

Show CFsBlkCnt 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Show CFsFilCnt 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Show CGid 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


showsPrec :: Int -> CGid -> ShowS #

show :: CGid -> String #

showList :: [CGid] -> ShowS #

Show CId 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


showsPrec :: Int -> CId -> ShowS #

show :: CId -> String #

showList :: [CId] -> ShowS #

Show CIno 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


showsPrec :: Int -> CIno -> ShowS #

show :: CIno -> String #

showList :: [CIno] -> ShowS #

Show CKey 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


showsPrec :: Int -> CKey -> ShowS #

show :: CKey -> String #

showList :: [CKey] -> ShowS #

Show CMode 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


showsPrec :: Int -> CMode -> ShowS #

show :: CMode -> String #

showList :: [CMode] -> ShowS #

Show CNfds 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


showsPrec :: Int -> CNfds -> ShowS #

show :: CNfds -> String #

showList :: [CNfds] -> ShowS #

Show CNlink 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Show COff 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


showsPrec :: Int -> COff -> ShowS #

show :: COff -> String #

showList :: [COff] -> ShowS #

Show CPid 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


showsPrec :: Int -> CPid -> ShowS #

show :: CPid -> String #

showList :: [CPid] -> ShowS #

Show CRLim 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


showsPrec :: Int -> CRLim -> ShowS #

show :: CRLim -> String #

showList :: [CRLim] -> ShowS #

Show CSocklen 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Show CSpeed 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Show CSsize 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Show CTcflag 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Show CTimer 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types

Show CUid 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


showsPrec :: Int -> CUid -> ShowS #

show :: CUid -> String #

showList :: [CUid] -> ShowS #

Show Fd 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.Types


showsPrec :: Int -> Fd -> ShowS #

show :: Fd -> String #

showList :: [Fd] -> ShowS #

Show Lexeme

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Text.Read.Lex

Show Number

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Text.Read.Lex

Show Encoding 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.String

Show ASCII7_Invalid 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.String.Encoding.ASCII7


showsPrec :: Int -> ASCII7_Invalid -> ShowS #

show :: ASCII7_Invalid -> String #

showList :: [ASCII7_Invalid] -> ShowS #

Show ISO_8859_1_Invalid 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.String.Encoding.ISO_8859_1


showsPrec :: Int -> ISO_8859_1_Invalid -> ShowS #

show :: ISO_8859_1_Invalid -> String #

showList :: [ISO_8859_1_Invalid] -> ShowS #

Show UTF16_Invalid 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.String.Encoding.UTF16


showsPrec :: Int -> UTF16_Invalid -> ShowS #

show :: UTF16_Invalid -> String #

showList :: [UTF16_Invalid] -> ShowS #

Show UTF32_Invalid 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.String.Encoding.UTF32


showsPrec :: Int -> UTF32_Invalid -> ShowS #

show :: UTF32_Invalid -> String #

showList :: [UTF32_Invalid] -> ShowS #

Show FileSize 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Types.OffsetSize

Show String 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.UTF8.Base

Show ByteString 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteString.Internal

Show ByteString 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal

Show ShortByteString 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteString.Short.Internal

Show Clock 
Instance details

Defined in System.Clock


showsPrec :: Int -> Clock -> ShowS #

show :: Clock -> String #

showList :: [Clock] -> ShowS #

Show TimeSpec 
Instance details

Defined in System.Clock

Show Complete 
Instance details

Defined in System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit.Complete

Show HelpFormat 
Instance details

Defined in System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit.Help

Show FlagInfo 
Instance details

Defined in System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit.Type

Show Text 
Instance details

Defined in System.Console.CmdArgs.Text


showsPrec :: Int -> Text -> ShowS #

show :: Text -> String #

showList :: [Text] -> ShowS #

Show TextFormat 
Instance details

Defined in System.Console.CmdArgs.Text

Show IntSet 
Instance details

Defined in Data.IntSet.Internal

Show Curve_Edwards25519 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.ECC

Show Curve_P256R1 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.ECC

Show Curve_P384R1 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.ECC

Show Curve_P521R1 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.ECC

Show Curve_X25519 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.ECC

Show Curve_X448 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.ECC

Show CryptoError 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Error.Types

Show Blake2b_160 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Hash.Blake2b

Show Blake2b_224 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Hash.Blake2b

Show Blake2b_256 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Hash.Blake2b

Show Blake2b_384 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Hash.Blake2b

Show Blake2b_512 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Hash.Blake2b

Show Blake2bp_512 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Hash.Blake2bp

Show Blake2s_160 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Hash.Blake2s

Show Blake2s_224 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Hash.Blake2s

Show Blake2s_256 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Hash.Blake2s

Show Blake2sp_224 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Hash.Blake2sp

Show Blake2sp_256 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Hash.Blake2sp

Show Keccak_224 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Hash.Keccak

Show Keccak_256 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Hash.Keccak

Show Keccak_384 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Hash.Keccak

Show Keccak_512 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Hash.Keccak

Show MD2 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Hash.MD2


showsPrec :: Int -> MD2 -> ShowS #

show :: MD2 -> String #

showList :: [MD2] -> ShowS #

Show MD4 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Hash.MD4


showsPrec :: Int -> MD4 -> ShowS #

show :: MD4 -> String #

showList :: [MD4] -> ShowS #

Show MD5 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Hash.MD5


showsPrec :: Int -> MD5 -> ShowS #

show :: MD5 -> String #

showList :: [MD5] -> ShowS #

Show RIPEMD160 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Hash.RIPEMD160

Show SHA1 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Hash.SHA1


showsPrec :: Int -> SHA1 -> ShowS #

show :: SHA1 -> String #

showList :: [SHA1] -> ShowS #

Show SHA224 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Hash.SHA224

Show SHA256 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Hash.SHA256

Show SHA3_224 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Hash.SHA3

Show SHA3_256 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Hash.SHA3

Show SHA3_384 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Hash.SHA3

Show SHA3_512 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Hash.SHA3

Show SHA384 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Hash.SHA384

Show SHA512 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Hash.SHA512

Show SHA512t_224 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Hash.SHA512t

Show SHA512t_256 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Hash.SHA512t

Show Skein256_224 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Hash.Skein256

Show Skein256_256 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Hash.Skein256

Show Skein512_224 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Hash.Skein512

Show Skein512_256 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Hash.Skein512

Show Skein512_384 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Hash.Skein512

Show Skein512_512 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Hash.Skein512

Show Tiger 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Hash.Tiger


showsPrec :: Int -> Tiger -> ShowS #

show :: Tiger -> String #

showList :: [Tiger] -> ShowS #

Show Whirlpool 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Hash.Whirlpool

Show ByteArray 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Array.Byte

Show FileType 
Instance details

Defined in System.Directory.Internal.Common

Show Permissions 
Instance details

Defined in System.Directory.Internal.Common

Show XdgDirectory 
Instance details

Defined in System.Directory.Internal.Common

Show XdgDirectoryList 
Instance details

Defined in System.Directory.Internal.Common

Show GhcApiError 
Instance details

Defined in GHC

Show ByteOff 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.ByteCode.Types

Show FFIInfo 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.ByteCode.Types

Show ItblPtr 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.ByteCode.Types

Show RegBitmap 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.ByteCode.Types

Show TupleInfo 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.ByteCode.Types

Show WordOff 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.ByteCode.Types

Show UniqueSet 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Collections

Show Label 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Label


showsPrec :: Int -> Label -> ShowS #

show :: Label -> String #

showList :: [Label] -> ShowS #

Show LabelSet 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Label

Show ExtMode 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.CmmToAsm.AArch64.Instr

Show Instr 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.CmmToAsm.AArch64.Instr


showsPrec :: Int -> Instr -> ShowS #

show :: Instr -> String #

showList :: [Instr] -> ShowS #

Show Operand 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.CmmToAsm.AArch64.Instr

Show ShiftMode 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.CmmToAsm.AArch64.Instr

Show AddrMode 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.CmmToAsm.AArch64.Regs

Show Imm 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.CmmToAsm.AArch64.Regs


showsPrec :: Int -> Imm -> ShowS #

show :: Imm -> String #

showList :: [Imm] -> ShowS #

Show PrimElemRep 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Core.TyCon

Show PrimRep 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Core.TyCon

Show FastString 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Data.FastString

Show LexicalFastString 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Data.FastString

Show NonDetFastString 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Data.FastString

Show Backend 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Backend

Show WarnReason 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.CmdLine

Show DumpFlag 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Flags

Show GeneralFlag 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Flags

Show Language 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Flags

Show WarnReason 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Flags

Show WarningFlag 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Flags

Show Phase 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Phases


showsPrec :: Int -> Phase -> ShowS #

show :: Phase -> String #

showList :: [Phase] -> ShowS #

Show DynamicTooState 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Session

Show GhcLink 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Session

Show IncludeSpecs 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Session

Show PackageArg 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Session

Show RtsOptsEnabled 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Session

Show HsDocString 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Hs.Doc

Show Anchor 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation

Show AnchorOperation 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation

Show AnnKeywordId 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation

Show DeltaPos 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation

Show EpaComment 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation

Show EpaCommentTok 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation

Show HasE 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation


showsPrec :: Int -> HasE -> ShowS #

show :: HasE -> String #

showList :: [HasE] -> ShowS #

Show IsUnicodeSyntax 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation

Show HdkComment 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Lexer

Show LayoutContext 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Lexer


showsPrec :: Int -> LayoutContext -> ShowS #

show :: LayoutContext -> String #

showList :: [LayoutContext] -> ShowS #

Show Token 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Lexer


showsPrec :: Int -> Token -> ShowS #

show :: Token -> String #

showList :: [Token] -> ShowS #

Show Platform 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Platform

Show PlatformWordSize 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Platform

Show PlatformConstants 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Platform.Constants

Show Way 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Platform.Ways


showsPrec :: Int -> Way -> ShowS #

show :: Way -> String #

showList :: [Way] -> ShowS #

Show InlineSpec 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Basic

Show PprPrec 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Basic

Show RuleMatchInfo 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Basic

Show Severity 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Error

Show SafeHaskellMode 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SafeHaskell

Show SourceError 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SourceError

Show FractionalExponentBase 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SourceText

Show FractionalLit 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SourceText

Show IntegralLit 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SourceText

Show SourceText 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SourceText

Show BufPos 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc

Show BufSpan 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc

Show LayoutInfo 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc

Show PsLoc 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc


showsPrec :: Int -> PsLoc -> ShowS #

show :: PsLoc -> String #

showList :: [PsLoc] -> ShowS #

Show PsSpan 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc

Show RealSrcLoc 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc

Show RealSrcSpan 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc

Show SrcLoc 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc

Show SrcSpan 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc

Show UnhelpfulSpanReason 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc

Show ModLocation 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unit.Module.Location

Show ModuleName 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unit.Module.Name

Show IsBootInterface 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unit.Types

Show Unit 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unit.Types


showsPrec :: Int -> Unit -> ShowS #

show :: Unit -> String #

showList :: [Unit] -> ShowS #

Show PrintTimings 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Utils.Error


showsPrec :: Int -> PrintTimings -> ShowS #

show :: PrintTimings -> String #

showList :: [PrintTimings] -> ShowS #

Show DumpFormat 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Utils.Logger

Show OverridingBool 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Utils.Misc

Show LabelStyle 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Utils.Outputable

Show GhcException 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Utils.Panic

Show Doc 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Utils.Ppr


showsPrec :: Int -> Doc -> ShowS #

show :: Doc -> String #

showList :: [Doc] -> ShowS #

Show TempFileLifetime 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Utils.TmpFs

Show SpliceDecoration 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.Syntax.Expr

Show DbInstUnitId 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unit.Database

Show DbModule 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unit.Database

Show ForeignSrcLang 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.ForeignSrcLang.Type

Show Extension 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.LanguageExtensions.Type

Show ClosureType 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exts.Heap.ClosureTypes

Show Box 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exts.Heap.Closures


showsPrec :: Int -> Box -> ShowS #

show :: Box -> String #

showList :: [Box] -> ShowS #

Show PrimType 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exts.Heap.Closures

Show TsoFlags 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exts.Heap.Closures

Show WhatNext 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exts.Heap.Closures

Show WhyBlocked 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exts.Heap.Closures

Show StgInfoTable 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exts.Heap.InfoTable.Types

Show CostCentre 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exts.Heap.ProfInfo.Types

Show CostCentreStack 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exts.Heap.ProfInfo.Types

Show IndexTable 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exts.Heap.ProfInfo.Types

Show StgTSOProfInfo 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exts.Heap.ProfInfo.Types

Show ForeignSrcLang 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.ForeignSrcLang.Type

Show Extension 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.LanguageExtensions.Type

Show BufPos 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc

Show BufSpan 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc

Show LayoutInfo 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc

Show PsLoc 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc


showsPrec :: Int -> PsLoc -> ShowS #

show :: PsLoc -> String #

showList :: [PsLoc] -> ShowS #

Show PsSpan 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc

Show RealSrcLoc 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc

Show RealSrcSpan 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc

Show SrcLoc 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc

Show SrcSpan 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc

Show UnhelpfulSpanReason 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc

Show TickishPlacement 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Tickish

Show AnnLookup 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show AnnTarget 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show Bang 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


showsPrec :: Int -> Bang -> ShowS #

show :: Bang -> String #

showList :: [Bang] -> ShowS #

Show Body 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


showsPrec :: Int -> Body -> ShowS #

show :: Body -> String #

showList :: [Body] -> ShowS #

Show Bytes 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


showsPrec :: Int -> Bytes -> ShowS #

show :: Bytes -> String #

showList :: [Bytes] -> ShowS #

Show Callconv 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show Clause 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show Con 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


showsPrec :: Int -> Con -> ShowS #

show :: Con -> String #

showList :: [Con] -> ShowS #

Show Dec 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


showsPrec :: Int -> Dec -> ShowS #

show :: Dec -> String #

showList :: [Dec] -> ShowS #

Show DecidedStrictness 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show DerivClause 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show DerivStrategy 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show DocLoc 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show Exp 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


showsPrec :: Int -> Exp -> ShowS #

show :: Exp -> String #

showList :: [Exp] -> ShowS #

Show FamilyResultSig 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show Fixity 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show FixityDirection 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show Foreign 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show FunDep 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show Guard 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


showsPrec :: Int -> Guard -> ShowS #

show :: Guard -> String #

showList :: [Guard] -> ShowS #

Show Info 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


showsPrec :: Int -> Info -> ShowS #

show :: Info -> String #

showList :: [Info] -> ShowS #

Show InjectivityAnn 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show Inline 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show Lit 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


showsPrec :: Int -> Lit -> ShowS #

show :: Lit -> String #

showList :: [Lit] -> ShowS #

Show Loc 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


showsPrec :: Int -> Loc -> ShowS #

show :: Loc -> String #

showList :: [Loc] -> ShowS #

Show Match 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


showsPrec :: Int -> Match -> ShowS #

show :: Match -> String #

showList :: [Match] -> ShowS #

Show ModName 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show Module 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show ModuleInfo 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show Name 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


showsPrec :: Int -> Name -> ShowS #

show :: Name -> String #

showList :: [Name] -> ShowS #

Show NameFlavour 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show NameSpace 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show OccName 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show Overlap 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show Pat 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


showsPrec :: Int -> Pat -> ShowS #

show :: Pat -> String #

showList :: [Pat] -> ShowS #

Show PatSynArgs 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show PatSynDir 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show Phases 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show PkgName 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show Pragma 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show Range 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


showsPrec :: Int -> Range -> ShowS #

show :: Range -> String #

showList :: [Range] -> ShowS #

Show Role 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


showsPrec :: Int -> Role -> ShowS #

show :: Role -> String #

showList :: [Role] -> ShowS #

Show RuleBndr 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show RuleMatch 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show Safety 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show SourceStrictness 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show SourceUnpackedness 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show Specificity 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show Stmt 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


showsPrec :: Int -> Stmt -> ShowS #

show :: Stmt -> String #

showList :: [Stmt] -> ShowS #

Show TyLit 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


showsPrec :: Int -> TyLit -> ShowS #

show :: TyLit -> String #

showList :: [TyLit] -> ShowS #

Show TySynEqn 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show Type 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


showsPrec :: Int -> Type -> ShowS #

show :: Type -> String #

showList :: [Type] -> ShowS #

Show TypeFamilyHead 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show StringLoc 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.GHC.Parser

Show KindRep 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show

Show Module

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show

Show Ordering

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show

Show TrName

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show

Show TyCon

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show


showsPrec :: Int -> TyCon -> ShowS #

show :: TyCon -> String #

showList :: [TyCon] -> ShowS #

Show TypeLitSort

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show

Show FFIConv 
Instance details

Defined in GHCi.FFI

Show FFIType 
Instance details

Defined in GHCi.FFI

Show EvalOpts 
Instance details

Defined in GHCi.Message

Show QState 
Instance details

Defined in GHCi.Message

Show SerializableException 
Instance details

Defined in GHCi.Message

Show THResultType 
Instance details

Defined in GHCi.Message

Show HValue 
Instance details

Defined in GHCi.RemoteTypes

Show ResolvedBCO 
Instance details

Defined in GHCi.ResolvedBCO

Show ResolvedBCOPtr 
Instance details

Defined in GHCi.ResolvedBCO

Show Completion 
Instance details

Defined in System.Console.Haskeline.Completion

Show Classify 
Instance details

Defined in Config.Type

Show HintRule 
Instance details

Defined in Config.Type


showsPrec :: Int -> HintRule -> ShowS #

show :: HintRule -> String #

showList :: [HintRule] -> ShowS #

Show Note 
Instance details

Defined in Config.Type


showsPrec :: Int -> Note -> ShowS #

show :: Note -> String #

showList :: [Note] -> ShowS #

Show QualifiedStyle 
Instance details

Defined in Config.Type


showsPrec :: Int -> QualifiedStyle -> ShowS #

show :: QualifiedStyle -> String #

showList :: [QualifiedStyle] -> ShowS #

Show Restrict 
Instance details

Defined in Config.Type


showsPrec :: Int -> Restrict -> ShowS #

show :: Restrict -> String #

showList :: [Restrict] -> ShowS #

Show RestrictIdents 
Instance details

Defined in Config.Type


showsPrec :: Int -> RestrictIdents -> ShowS #

show :: RestrictIdents -> String #

showList :: [RestrictIdents] -> ShowS #

Show RestrictImportStyle 
Instance details

Defined in Config.Type


showsPrec :: Int -> RestrictImportStyle -> ShowS #

show :: RestrictImportStyle -> String #

showList :: [RestrictImportStyle] -> ShowS #

Show RestrictType 
Instance details

Defined in Config.Type


showsPrec :: Int -> RestrictType -> ShowS #

show :: RestrictType -> String #

showList :: [RestrictType] -> ShowS #

Show Setting 
Instance details

Defined in Config.Type


showsPrec :: Int -> Setting -> ShowS #

show :: Setting -> String #

showList :: [Setting] -> ShowS #

Show Severity 
Instance details

Defined in Config.Type

Show SmellType 
Instance details

Defined in Config.Type


showsPrec :: Int -> SmellType -> ShowS #

show :: SmellType -> String #

showList :: [SmellType] -> ShowS #

Show Idea 
Instance details

Defined in Idea


showsPrec :: Int -> Idea -> ShowS #

show :: Idea -> String #

showList :: [Idea] -> ShowS #

Show BuiltinExample 
Instance details

Defined in Summary


showsPrec :: Int -> BuiltinExample -> ShowS #

show :: BuiltinExample -> String #

showList :: [BuiltinExample] -> ShowS #

Show BuiltinHint 
Instance details

Defined in Summary


showsPrec :: Int -> BuiltinHint -> ShowS #

show :: BuiltinHint -> String #

showList :: [BuiltinHint] -> ShowS #

Show BuiltinKey 
Instance details

Defined in Summary


showsPrec :: Int -> BuiltinKey -> ShowS #

show :: BuiltinKey -> String #

showList :: [BuiltinKey] -> ShowS #

Show Summary 
Instance details

Defined in Summary


showsPrec :: Int -> Summary -> ShowS #

show :: Summary -> String #

showList :: [Summary] -> ShowS #

Show EncapsulatedPopperException 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Request


showsPrec :: Int -> EncapsulatedPopperException -> ShowS #

show :: EncapsulatedPopperException -> String #

showList :: [EncapsulatedPopperException] -> ShowS #

Show ConnHost 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types

Show ConnKey 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types

Show Cookie 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types

Show CookieJar 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types

Show HttpException 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types

Show HttpExceptionContent 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types

Show HttpExceptionContentWrapper 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types


showsPrec :: Int -> HttpExceptionContentWrapper -> ShowS #

show :: HttpExceptionContentWrapper -> String #

showList :: [HttpExceptionContentWrapper] -> ShowS #

Show Proxy 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types


showsPrec :: Int -> Proxy -> ShowS #

show :: Proxy -> String #

showList :: [Proxy] -> ShowS #

Show ProxySecureMode 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types

Show Request 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types

Show ResponseClose 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types

Show ResponseTimeout 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types

Show StatusHeaders 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types

Show StreamFileStatus 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types

Show DigestAuthException 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.TLS

Show DigestAuthExceptionDetails 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.TLS

Show CompletionType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.Eval.Completion

Show HoogleResponse Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.Eval.Hoogle

Show HoogleResult Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.Eval.Hoogle

Show CodeBlock Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.Eval.Parser

Show DirectiveType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.Eval.Parser

Show PragmaType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.Eval.Parser

Show Args Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.Flags


showsPrec :: Int -> Args -> ShowS #

show :: Args -> String #

showList :: [Args] -> ShowS #

Show Argument Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.Flags

Show IHaskellMode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.Flags

Show NotebookFormat Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.Flags

Show Display Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.Types

Show ErrorOccurred Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.Types

Show EvaluationResult Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.Types

Show KernelState Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.Types

Show LintStatus Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.Types

Show Widget Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.Types

Show WidgetMsg Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.Types

Show IP 
Instance details

Defined in Data.IP.Addr


showsPrec :: Int -> IP -> ShowS #

show :: IP -> String #

showList :: [IP] -> ShowS #

Show IPv4 
Instance details

Defined in Data.IP.Addr


showsPrec :: Int -> IPv4 -> ShowS #

show :: IPv4 -> String #

showList :: [IPv4] -> ShowS #

Show IPv6 
Instance details

Defined in Data.IP.Addr


showsPrec :: Int -> IPv6 -> ShowS #

show :: IPv6 -> String #

showList :: [IPv6] -> ShowS #

Show IPRange 
Instance details

Defined in Data.IP.Range

Show UUID 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Message.UUID


showsPrec :: Int -> UUID -> ShowS #

show :: UUID -> String #

showList :: [UUID] -> ShowS #

Show CodeReview 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types

Show DisplayData 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types

Show ExecuteReplyStatus 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types

Show ExecutionState 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types

Show HistoryAccessType 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types

Show HistoryReplyElement 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types

Show KernelSpec 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types

Show LanguageInfo 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types

Show Message 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types

Show MessageHeader 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types

Show MessageType 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types

Show Metadata 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types

Show MimeType 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types

Show Profile 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types

Show StreamType 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types

Show Transient 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types

Show Transport 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types

Show AddrInfo 
Instance details

Defined in Network.Socket.Info

Show AddrInfoFlag 
Instance details

Defined in Network.Socket.Info

Show NameInfoFlag 
Instance details

Defined in Network.Socket.Info

Show Family 
Instance details

Defined in Network.Socket.Types

Show PortNumber 
Instance details

Defined in Network.Socket.Types

Show Socket 
Instance details

Defined in Network.Socket.Types

Show SocketType 
Instance details

Defined in Network.Socket.Types

Show URI 
Instance details

Defined in Network.URI


showsPrec :: Int -> URI -> ShowS #

show :: URI -> String #

showList :: [URI] -> ShowS #

Show URIAuth 
Instance details

Defined in Network.URI

Show ParseError 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Parsec.Error

Show SourcePos 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Parsec.Pos

Show Mode 
Instance details

Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.Annotated.HughesPJ


showsPrec :: Int -> Mode -> ShowS #

show :: Mode -> String #

showList :: [Mode] -> ShowS #

Show Style 
Instance details

Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.Annotated.HughesPJ


showsPrec :: Int -> Style -> ShowS #

show :: Style -> String #

showList :: [Style] -> ShowS #

Show TextDetails 
Instance details

Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.Annotated.HughesPJ

Show Doc 
Instance details

Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ


showsPrec :: Int -> Doc -> ShowS #

show :: Doc -> String #

showList :: [Doc] -> ShowS #

Show ByteArray

Behavior changed in Before, this instance rendered 8-bit words less than 16 as a single hexadecimal digit (e.g. 13 was 0xD). Starting with, all 8-bit words are represented as two digits (e.g. 13 is 0x0D).

Since: primitive-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.ByteArray

Show CmdSpec 
Instance details

Defined in System.Process.Common

Show CreateProcess 
Instance details

Defined in System.Process.Common

Show StdStream 
Instance details

Defined in System.Process.Common

Show StdGen 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random.Internal

Show InvalidAccess 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Resource.Internal

Show ResourceCleanupException 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Resource.Internal

Show Scientific

See formatScientific if you need more control over the rendering.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Scientific

Show QuietExit 
Instance details

Defined in Shelly


showsPrec :: Int -> QuietExit -> ShowS #

show :: QuietExit -> String #

showList :: [QuietExit] -> ShowS #

Show RunFailed 
Instance details

Defined in Shelly

Show EmptyFilePathError 
Instance details

Defined in Shelly.Base


showsPrec :: Int -> EmptyFilePathError -> ShowS #

show :: EmptyFilePathError -> String #

showList :: [EmptyFilePathError] -> ShowS #

Show CondensePolicy 
Instance details

Defined in Data.List.Split.Internals

Show DelimPolicy 
Instance details

Defined in Data.List.Split.Internals

Show EndPolicy 
Instance details

Defined in Data.List.Split.Internals

Show AnnLookup 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show AnnTarget 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show Bang 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


showsPrec :: Int -> Bang -> ShowS #

show :: Bang -> String #

showList :: [Bang] -> ShowS #

Show Body 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


showsPrec :: Int -> Body -> ShowS #

show :: Body -> String #

showList :: [Body] -> ShowS #

Show Bytes 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


showsPrec :: Int -> Bytes -> ShowS #

show :: Bytes -> String #

showList :: [Bytes] -> ShowS #

Show Callconv 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show Clause 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show Con 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


showsPrec :: Int -> Con -> ShowS #

show :: Con -> String #

showList :: [Con] -> ShowS #

Show Dec 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


showsPrec :: Int -> Dec -> ShowS #

show :: Dec -> String #

showList :: [Dec] -> ShowS #

Show DecidedStrictness 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show DerivClause 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show DerivStrategy 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show DocLoc 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show Exp 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


showsPrec :: Int -> Exp -> ShowS #

show :: Exp -> String #

showList :: [Exp] -> ShowS #

Show FamilyResultSig 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show Fixity 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show FixityDirection 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show Foreign 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show FunDep 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show Guard 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


showsPrec :: Int -> Guard -> ShowS #

show :: Guard -> String #

showList :: [Guard] -> ShowS #

Show Info 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


showsPrec :: Int -> Info -> ShowS #

show :: Info -> String #

showList :: [Info] -> ShowS #

Show InjectivityAnn 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show Inline 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show Lit 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


showsPrec :: Int -> Lit -> ShowS #

show :: Lit -> String #

showList :: [Lit] -> ShowS #

Show Loc 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


showsPrec :: Int -> Loc -> ShowS #

show :: Loc -> String #

showList :: [Loc] -> ShowS #

Show Match 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


showsPrec :: Int -> Match -> ShowS #

show :: Match -> String #

showList :: [Match] -> ShowS #

Show ModName 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show Module 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show ModuleInfo 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show Name 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


showsPrec :: Int -> Name -> ShowS #

show :: Name -> String #

showList :: [Name] -> ShowS #

Show NameFlavour 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show NameSpace 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show OccName 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show Overlap 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show Pat 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


showsPrec :: Int -> Pat -> ShowS #

show :: Pat -> String #

showList :: [Pat] -> ShowS #

Show PatSynArgs 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show PatSynDir 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show Phases 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show PkgName 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show Pragma 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show Range 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


showsPrec :: Int -> Range -> ShowS #

show :: Range -> String #

showList :: [Range] -> ShowS #

Show Role 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


showsPrec :: Int -> Role -> ShowS #

show :: Role -> String #

showList :: [Role] -> ShowS #

Show RuleBndr 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show RuleMatch 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show Safety 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show SourceStrictness 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show SourceUnpackedness 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show Specificity 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show Stmt 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


showsPrec :: Int -> Stmt -> ShowS #

show :: Stmt -> String #

showList :: [Stmt] -> ShowS #

Show TyLit 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


showsPrec :: Int -> TyLit -> ShowS #

show :: TyLit -> String #

showList :: [TyLit] -> ShowS #

Show TySynEqn 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show Type 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


showsPrec :: Int -> Type -> ShowS #

show :: Type -> String #

showList :: [Type] -> ShowS #

Show TypeFamilyHead 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Show CodePoint 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Text.Encoding


showsPrec :: Int -> CodePoint -> ShowS #

show :: CodePoint -> String #

showList :: [CodePoint] -> ShowS #

Show DecoderState 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Text.Encoding


showsPrec :: Int -> DecoderState -> ShowS #

show :: DecoderState -> String #

showList :: [DecoderState] -> ShowS #

Show Decoding 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Text.Encoding

Show Builder 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Text.Internal.Builder

Show ShortText 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Text.Short.Internal

Show DiffTime 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Time.Clock.Internal.DiffTime

Show LocalTime 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Time.LocalTime.Internal.LocalTime

Show ZonedTime 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Time.LocalTime.Internal.ZonedTime


Pretty prints a UUID (without quotation marks). See also toString.

>>> show nil
Instance details

Defined in Data.UUID.Types.Internal


showsPrec :: Int -> UUID -> ShowS #

show :: UUID -> String #

showList :: [UUID] -> ShowS #

Show UnpackedUUID 
Instance details

Defined in Data.UUID.Types.Internal

Show Event 
Instance details

Defined in System.ZMQ4


showsPrec :: Int -> Event -> ShowS #

show :: Event -> String #

showList :: [Event] -> ShowS #

Show CompressionLevel 
Instance details

Defined in Codec.Compression.Zlib.Stream

Show CompressionStrategy 
Instance details

Defined in Codec.Compression.Zlib.Stream

Show DictionaryHash 
Instance details

Defined in Codec.Compression.Zlib.Stream


showsPrec :: Int -> DictionaryHash -> ShowS #

show :: DictionaryHash -> String #

showList :: [DictionaryHash] -> ShowS #

Show Format 
Instance details

Defined in Codec.Compression.Zlib.Stream

Show MemoryLevel 
Instance details

Defined in Codec.Compression.Zlib.Stream

Show Method 
Instance details

Defined in Codec.Compression.Zlib.Stream

Show WindowBits 
Instance details

Defined in Codec.Compression.Zlib.Stream

Show Integer

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show

Show Natural

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show

Show ()

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show


showsPrec :: Int -> () -> ShowS #

show :: () -> String #

showList :: [()] -> ShowS #

Show Bool

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show


showsPrec :: Int -> Bool -> ShowS #

show :: Bool -> String #

showList :: [Bool] -> ShowS #

Show Char

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show


showsPrec :: Int -> Char -> ShowS #

show :: Char -> String #

showList :: [Char] -> ShowS #

Show Int

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show


showsPrec :: Int -> Int -> ShowS #

show :: Int -> String #

showList :: [Int] -> ShowS #

Show Levity

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show

Show RuntimeRep

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show

Show VecCount

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show

Show VecElem

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show

Show Word

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show


showsPrec :: Int -> Word -> ShowS #

show :: Word -> String #

showList :: [Word] -> ShowS #

Show (Encoding' a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Encoding.Internal

Show v => Show (KeyMap v) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.KeyMap


showsPrec :: Int -> KeyMap v -> ShowS #

show :: KeyMap v -> String #

showList :: [KeyMap v] -> ShowS #

Show a => Show (IResult a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal


showsPrec :: Int -> IResult a -> ShowS #

show :: IResult a -> String #

showList :: [IResult a] -> ShowS #

Show a => Show (Result a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal


showsPrec :: Int -> Result a -> ShowS #

show :: Result a -> String #

showList :: [Result a] -> ShowS #

Show a => Show (ZipList a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Control.Applicative


showsPrec :: Int -> ZipList a -> ShowS #

show :: ZipList a -> String #

showList :: [ZipList a] -> ShowS #

Show a => Show (Complex a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Complex


showsPrec :: Int -> Complex a -> ShowS #

show :: Complex a -> String #

showList :: [Complex a] -> ShowS #

Show a => Show (Identity a)

This instance would be equivalent to the derived instances of the Identity newtype if the runIdentity field were removed

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Identity


showsPrec :: Int -> Identity a -> ShowS #

show :: Identity a -> String #

showList :: [Identity a] -> ShowS #

Show a => Show (First a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


showsPrec :: Int -> First a -> ShowS #

show :: First a -> String #

showList :: [First a] -> ShowS #

Show a => Show (Last a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


showsPrec :: Int -> Last a -> ShowS #

show :: Last a -> String #

showList :: [Last a] -> ShowS #

Show a => Show (Down a)

This instance would be equivalent to the derived instances of the Down newtype if the getDown field were removed

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Ord


showsPrec :: Int -> Down a -> ShowS #

show :: Down a -> String #

showList :: [Down a] -> ShowS #

Show a => Show (First a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


showsPrec :: Int -> First a -> ShowS #

show :: First a -> String #

showList :: [First a] -> ShowS #

Show a => Show (Last a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


showsPrec :: Int -> Last a -> ShowS #

show :: Last a -> String #

showList :: [Last a] -> ShowS #

Show a => Show (Max a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


showsPrec :: Int -> Max a -> ShowS #

show :: Max a -> String #

showList :: [Max a] -> ShowS #

Show a => Show (Min a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


showsPrec :: Int -> Min a -> ShowS #

show :: Min a -> String #

showList :: [Min a] -> ShowS #

Show m => Show (WrappedMonoid m)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup

Show a => Show (Dual a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


showsPrec :: Int -> Dual a -> ShowS #

show :: Dual a -> String #

showList :: [Dual a] -> ShowS #

Show a => Show (Product a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


showsPrec :: Int -> Product a -> ShowS #

show :: Product a -> String #

showList :: [Product a] -> ShowS #

Show a => Show (Sum a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


showsPrec :: Int -> Sum a -> ShowS #

show :: Sum a -> String #

showList :: [Sum a] -> ShowS #

Show p => Show (Par1 p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


showsPrec :: Int -> Par1 p -> ShowS #

show :: Par1 p -> String #

showList :: [Par1 p] -> ShowS #

Show (FunPtr a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Ptr


showsPrec :: Int -> FunPtr a -> ShowS #

show :: FunPtr a -> String #

showList :: [FunPtr a] -> ShowS #

Show (Ptr a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Ptr


showsPrec :: Int -> Ptr a -> ShowS #

show :: Ptr a -> String #

showList :: [Ptr a] -> ShowS #

Show a => Show (Ratio a)

Since: base-2.0.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Real


showsPrec :: Int -> Ratio a -> ShowS #

show :: Ratio a -> String #

showList :: [Ratio a] -> ShowS #

Show (Bits n) 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Bits


showsPrec :: Int -> Bits n -> ShowS #

show :: Bits n -> String #

showList :: [Bits n] -> ShowS #

(PrimType ty, Show ty) => Show (Block ty) 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Block.Base


showsPrec :: Int -> Block ty -> ShowS #

show :: Block ty -> String #

showList :: [Block ty] -> ShowS #

Show (Zn n) 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Bounded


showsPrec :: Int -> Zn n -> ShowS #

show :: Zn n -> String #

showList :: [Zn n] -> ShowS #

Show (Zn64 n) 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Bounded


showsPrec :: Int -> Zn64 n -> ShowS #

show :: Zn64 n -> String #

showList :: [Zn64 n] -> ShowS #

Show a => Show (NonEmpty a) 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.NonEmpty


showsPrec :: Int -> NonEmpty a -> ShowS #

show :: NonEmpty a -> String #

showList :: [NonEmpty a] -> ShowS #

Show (CountOf ty) 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Types.OffsetSize


showsPrec :: Int -> CountOf ty -> ShowS #

show :: CountOf ty -> String #

showList :: [CountOf ty] -> ShowS #

Show (Offset ty) 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Types.OffsetSize


showsPrec :: Int -> Offset ty -> ShowS #

show :: Offset ty -> String #

showList :: [Offset ty] -> ShowS #

(PrimType ty, Show ty) => Show (UArray ty) 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.UArray.Base


showsPrec :: Int -> UArray ty -> ShowS #

show :: UArray ty -> String #

showList :: [UArray ty] -> ShowS #

Show a => Show (Decoder a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Get.Internal


showsPrec :: Int -> Decoder a -> ShowS #

show :: Decoder a -> String #

showList :: [Decoder a] -> ShowS #

Show a => Show (Group a) 
Instance details

Defined in System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit.Type


showsPrec :: Int -> Group a -> ShowS #

show :: Group a -> String #

showList :: [Group a] -> ShowS #

Show a => Show (Flush a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Conduit.Internal.Conduit


showsPrec :: Int -> Flush a -> ShowS #

show :: Flush a -> String #

showList :: [Flush a] -> ShowS #

Show vertex => Show (SCC vertex)

Since: containers-0.5.9

Instance details

Defined in Data.Graph


showsPrec :: Int -> SCC vertex -> ShowS #

show :: SCC vertex -> String #

showList :: [SCC vertex] -> ShowS #

Show a => Show (IntMap a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.IntMap.Internal


showsPrec :: Int -> IntMap a -> ShowS #

show :: IntMap a -> String #

showList :: [IntMap a] -> ShowS #

Show a => Show (Seq a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Sequence.Internal


showsPrec :: Int -> Seq a -> ShowS #

show :: Seq a -> String #

showList :: [Seq a] -> ShowS #

Show a => Show (ViewL a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Sequence.Internal


showsPrec :: Int -> ViewL a -> ShowS #

show :: ViewL a -> String #

showList :: [ViewL a] -> ShowS #

Show a => Show (ViewR a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Sequence.Internal


showsPrec :: Int -> ViewR a -> ShowS #

show :: ViewR a -> String #

showList :: [ViewR a] -> ShowS #

Show a => Show (Set a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Set.Internal


showsPrec :: Int -> Set a -> ShowS #

show :: Set a -> String #

showList :: [Set a] -> ShowS #

Show a => Show (Tree a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tree


showsPrec :: Int -> Tree a -> ShowS #

show :: Tree a -> String #

showList :: [Tree a] -> ShowS #

Show a => Show (CryptoFailable a) 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Error.Types

Show (Blake2b bitlen) 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Hash.Blake2


showsPrec :: Int -> Blake2b bitlen -> ShowS #

show :: Blake2b bitlen -> String #

showList :: [Blake2b bitlen] -> ShowS #

Show (Blake2bp bitlen) 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Hash.Blake2


showsPrec :: Int -> Blake2bp bitlen -> ShowS #

show :: Blake2bp bitlen -> String #

showList :: [Blake2bp bitlen] -> ShowS #

Show (Blake2s bitlen) 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Hash.Blake2


showsPrec :: Int -> Blake2s bitlen -> ShowS #

show :: Blake2s bitlen -> String #

showList :: [Blake2s bitlen] -> ShowS #

Show (Blake2sp bitlen) 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Hash.Blake2


showsPrec :: Int -> Blake2sp bitlen -> ShowS #

show :: Blake2sp bitlen -> String #

showList :: [Blake2sp bitlen] -> ShowS #

Show (SHAKE128 bitlen) 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Hash.SHAKE


showsPrec :: Int -> SHAKE128 bitlen -> ShowS #

show :: SHAKE128 bitlen -> String #

showList :: [SHAKE128 bitlen] -> ShowS #

Show (SHAKE256 bitlen) 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Hash.SHAKE


showsPrec :: Int -> SHAKE256 bitlen -> ShowS #

show :: SHAKE256 bitlen -> String #

showList :: [SHAKE256 bitlen] -> ShowS #

Show (Digest a) 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Hash.Types


showsPrec :: Int -> Digest a -> ShowS #

show :: Digest a -> String #

showList :: [Digest a] -> ShowS #

Show1 f => Show (Fix f) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Fix


showsPrec :: Int -> Fix f -> ShowS #

show :: Fix f -> String #

showList :: [Fix f] -> ShowS #

(Functor f, Show1 f) => Show (Mu f) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Fix


showsPrec :: Int -> Mu f -> ShowS #

show :: Mu f -> String #

showList :: [Mu f] -> ShowS #

(Functor f, Show1 f) => Show (Nu f) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Fix


showsPrec :: Int -> Nu f -> ShowS #

show :: Nu f -> String #

showList :: [Nu f] -> ShowS #

Show a => Show (DNonEmpty a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.DList.DNonEmpty.Internal

Show a => Show (DList a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.DList.Internal


showsPrec :: Int -> DList a -> ShowS #

show :: DList a -> String #

showList :: [DList a] -> ShowS #

Show a => Show (ExitCase a) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Catch


showsPrec :: Int -> ExitCase a -> ShowS #

show :: ExitCase a -> String #

showList :: [ExitCase a] -> ShowS #

Show v => Show (UniqueMap v) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Collections

Show v => Show (LabelMap v) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Label


showsPrec :: Int -> LabelMap v -> ShowS #

show :: LabelMap v -> String #

showList :: [LabelMap v] -> ShowS #

Show a => Show (OnOff a) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Session


showsPrec :: Int -> OnOff a -> ShowS #

show :: OnOff a -> String #

showList :: [OnOff a] -> ShowS #

Show (MsgEnvelope DecoratedSDoc) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Error

Show mod => Show (GenWithIsBoot mod) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unit.Types

Show a => Show (SizedSeq a) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Data.SizedSeq


showsPrec :: Int -> SizedSeq a -> ShowS #

show :: SizedSeq a -> String #

showList :: [SizedSeq a] -> ShowS #

Show b => Show (GenClosure b) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exts.Heap.Closures

Show flag => Show (TyVarBndr flag) 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


showsPrec :: Int -> TyVarBndr flag -> ShowS #

show :: TyVarBndr flag -> String #

showList :: [TyVarBndr flag] -> ShowS #

Show a => Show (Located a) 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.GHC.Parser


showsPrec :: Int -> Located a -> ShowS #

show :: Located a -> String #

showList :: [Located a] -> ShowS #

Show a => Show (ParseOutput a) 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.GHC.Parser

Show a => Show (EvalExpr a) 
Instance details

Defined in GHCi.Message


showsPrec :: Int -> EvalExpr a -> ShowS #

show :: EvalExpr a -> String #

showList :: [EvalExpr a] -> ShowS #

Show a => Show (EvalResult a) 
Instance details

Defined in GHCi.Message

Show (Message a) 
Instance details

Defined in GHCi.Message


showsPrec :: Int -> Message a -> ShowS #

show :: Message a -> String #

showList :: [Message a] -> ShowS #

Show a => Show (QResult a) 
Instance details

Defined in GHCi.Message


showsPrec :: Int -> QResult a -> ShowS #

show :: QResult a -> String #

showList :: [QResult a] -> ShowS #

Show (THMessage a) 
Instance details

Defined in GHCi.Message

Show a => Show (THResult a) 
Instance details

Defined in GHCi.Message


showsPrec :: Int -> THResult a -> ShowS #

show :: THResult a -> String #

showList :: [THResult a] -> ShowS #

Show (RemotePtr a) 
Instance details

Defined in GHCi.RemoteTypes

Show (RemoteRef a) 
Instance details

Defined in GHCi.RemoteTypes

Show a => Show (Hashed a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Hashable.Class


showsPrec :: Int -> Hashed a -> ShowS #

show :: Hashed a -> String #

showList :: [Hashed a] -> ShowS #

Show body => Show (HistoriedResponse body) 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client

Show body => Show (Response body) 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types


showsPrec :: Int -> Response body -> ShowS #

show :: Response body -> String #

showList :: [Response body] -> ShowS #

Show string => Show (LhsStyle string) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.Flags


showsPrec :: Int -> LhsStyle string -> ShowS #

show :: LhsStyle string -> String #

showList :: [LhsStyle string] -> ShowS #

Show a => Show (AddrRange a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.IP.Range

Show a => Show (AnnotDetails a) 
Instance details

Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.Annotated.HughesPJ

Show (Doc a) 
Instance details

Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.Annotated.HughesPJ


showsPrec :: Int -> Doc a -> ShowS #

show :: Doc a -> String #

showList :: [Doc a] -> ShowS #

Show a => Show (Span a) 
Instance details

Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.Annotated.HughesPJ


showsPrec :: Int -> Span a -> ShowS #

show :: Span a -> String #

showList :: [Span a] -> ShowS #

Show a => Show (Array a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.Array


showsPrec :: Int -> Array a -> ShowS #

show :: Array a -> String #

showList :: [Array a] -> ShowS #

(Show a, Prim a) => Show (PrimArray a)

Since: primitive-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.PrimArray

Show a => Show (SmallArray a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.SmallArray

Show g => Show (StateGen g) 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random.Internal


showsPrec :: Int -> StateGen g -> ShowS #

show :: StateGen g -> String #

showList :: [StateGen g] -> ShowS #

Show g => Show (AtomicGen g) 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random.Stateful

Show g => Show (IOGen g) 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random.Stateful


showsPrec :: Int -> IOGen g -> ShowS #

show :: IOGen g -> String #

showList :: [IOGen g] -> ShowS #

Show g => Show (STGen g) 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random.Stateful


showsPrec :: Int -> STGen g -> ShowS #

show :: STGen g -> String #

showList :: [STGen g] -> ShowS #

Show g => Show (TGen g) 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random.Stateful


showsPrec :: Int -> TGen g -> ShowS #

show :: TGen g -> String #

showList :: [TGen g] -> ShowS #

Exception e => Show (ReThrownException e) 
Instance details

Defined in Shelly

Show a => Show (Chunk a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.List.Split.Internals


showsPrec :: Int -> Chunk a -> ShowS #

show :: Chunk a -> String #

showList :: [Chunk a] -> ShowS #

Show a => Show (Maybe a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Strict.Maybe


showsPrec :: Int -> Maybe a -> ShowS #

show :: Maybe a -> String #

showList :: [Maybe a] -> ShowS #

Show flag => Show (TyVarBndr flag) 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


showsPrec :: Int -> TyVarBndr flag -> ShowS #

show :: TyVarBndr flag -> String #

showList :: [TyVarBndr flag] -> ShowS #

Show a => Show (HashSet a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.HashSet.Internal


showsPrec :: Int -> HashSet a -> ShowS #

show :: HashSet a -> String #

showList :: [HashSet a] -> ShowS #

Show a => Show (Vector a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector


showsPrec :: Int -> Vector a -> ShowS #

show :: Vector a -> String #

showList :: [Vector a] -> ShowS #

(Show a, Prim a) => Show (Vector a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Primitive


showsPrec :: Int -> Vector a -> ShowS #

show :: Vector a -> String #

showList :: [Vector a] -> ShowS #

(Show a, Storable a) => Show (Vector a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Storable


showsPrec :: Int -> Vector a -> ShowS #

show :: Vector a -> String #

showList :: [Vector a] -> ShowS #

Show a => Show (NonEmpty a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show


showsPrec :: Int -> NonEmpty a -> ShowS #

show :: NonEmpty a -> String #

showList :: [NonEmpty a] -> ShowS #

Show a => Show (Maybe a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show


showsPrec :: Int -> Maybe a -> ShowS #

show :: Maybe a -> String #

showList :: [Maybe a] -> ShowS #

Show a => Show (a)

Since: base-4.15

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show


showsPrec :: Int -> (a) -> ShowS #

show :: (a) -> String #

showList :: [(a)] -> ShowS #

Show a => Show [a]

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show


showsPrec :: Int -> [a] -> ShowS #

show :: [a] -> String #

showList :: [[a]] -> ShowS #

(Ix ix, Show ix, Show e, IArray UArray e) => Show (UArray ix e) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Array.Base


showsPrec :: Int -> UArray ix e -> ShowS #

show :: UArray ix e -> String #

showList :: [UArray ix e] -> ShowS #

(Show i, Show r) => Show (IResult i r) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Attoparsec.Internal.Types


showsPrec :: Int -> IResult i r -> ShowS #

show :: IResult i r -> String #

showList :: [IResult i r] -> ShowS #

(Show a, Show b) => Show (Either a b)

Since: base-3.0

Instance details

Defined in Data.Either


showsPrec :: Int -> Either a b -> ShowS #

show :: Either a b -> String #

showList :: [Either a b] -> ShowS #

Show (Proxy s)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Proxy


showsPrec :: Int -> Proxy s -> ShowS #

show :: Proxy s -> String #

showList :: [Proxy s] -> ShowS #

(Show a, Show b) => Show (Arg a b)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


showsPrec :: Int -> Arg a b -> ShowS #

show :: Arg a b -> String #

showList :: [Arg a b] -> ShowS #

Show (TypeRep a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Typeable.Internal


showsPrec :: Int -> TypeRep a -> ShowS #

show :: TypeRep a -> String #

showList :: [TypeRep a] -> ShowS #

(Ix a, Show a, Show b) => Show (Array a b)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Arr


showsPrec :: Int -> Array a b -> ShowS #

show :: Array a b -> String #

showList :: [Array a b] -> ShowS #

Show (U1 p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


showsPrec :: Int -> U1 p -> ShowS #

show :: U1 p -> String #

showList :: [U1 p] -> ShowS #

Show (V1 p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


showsPrec :: Int -> V1 p -> ShowS #

show :: V1 p -> String #

showList :: [V1 p] -> ShowS #

Show (ST s a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.ST


showsPrec :: Int -> ST s a -> ShowS #

show :: ST s a -> String #

showList :: [ST s a] -> ShowS #

(Show k, Show a) => Show (Map k a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Map.Internal


showsPrec :: Int -> Map k a -> ShowS #

show :: Map k a -> String #

showList :: [Map k a] -> ShowS #

(Show l, Show e) => Show (GenLocated l e) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc


showsPrec :: Int -> GenLocated l e -> ShowS #

show :: GenLocated l e -> String #

showList :: [GenLocated l e] -> ShowS #

Show a => Show (EvalStatus_ a b) 
Instance details

Defined in GHCi.Message


showsPrec :: Int -> EvalStatus_ a b -> ShowS #

show :: EvalStatus_ a b -> String #

showList :: [EvalStatus_ a b] -> ShowS #

(Show a, Show b) => Show (Either a b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Strict.Either


showsPrec :: Int -> Either a b -> ShowS #

show :: Either a b -> String #

showList :: [Either a b] -> ShowS #

(Show a, Show b) => Show (These a b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Strict.These


showsPrec :: Int -> These a b -> ShowS #

show :: These a b -> String #

showList :: [These a b] -> ShowS #

(Show a, Show b) => Show (Pair a b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Strict.Tuple


showsPrec :: Int -> Pair a b -> ShowS #

show :: Pair a b -> String #

showList :: [Pair a b] -> ShowS #

(Show a, Show b) => Show (These a b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.These


showsPrec :: Int -> These a b -> ShowS #

show :: These a b -> String #

showList :: [These a b] -> ShowS #

(Show1 m, Show a) => Show (ListT m a) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.List


showsPrec :: Int -> ListT m a -> ShowS #

show :: ListT m a -> String #

showList :: [ListT m a] -> ShowS #

(Show1 m, Show a) => Show (MaybeT m a) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe


showsPrec :: Int -> MaybeT m a -> ShowS #

show :: MaybeT m a -> String #

showList :: [MaybeT m a] -> ShowS #

(Show k, Show v) => Show (HashMap k v) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.HashMap.Internal


showsPrec :: Int -> HashMap k v -> ShowS #

show :: HashMap k v -> String #

showList :: [HashMap k v] -> ShowS #

(Show a, Show b) => Show (a, b)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show


showsPrec :: Int -> (a, b) -> ShowS #

show :: (a, b) -> String #

showList :: [(a, b)] -> ShowS #

Show a => Show (Const a b)

This instance would be equivalent to the derived instances of the Const newtype if the getConst field were removed

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Const


showsPrec :: Int -> Const a b -> ShowS #

show :: Const a b -> String #

showList :: [Const a b] -> ShowS #

Show (f a) => Show (Ap f a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


showsPrec :: Int -> Ap f a -> ShowS #

show :: Ap f a -> String #

showList :: [Ap f a] -> ShowS #

Show (f a) => Show (Alt f a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


showsPrec :: Int -> Alt f a -> ShowS #

show :: Alt f a -> String #

showList :: [Alt f a] -> ShowS #

Show (OrderingI a b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Type.Ord


showsPrec :: Int -> OrderingI a b -> ShowS #

show :: OrderingI a b -> String #

showList :: [OrderingI a b] -> ShowS #

Show (f p) => Show (Rec1 f p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


showsPrec :: Int -> Rec1 f p -> ShowS #

show :: Rec1 f p -> String #

showList :: [Rec1 f p] -> ShowS #

Show (URec Char p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


showsPrec :: Int -> URec Char p -> ShowS #

show :: URec Char p -> String #

showList :: [URec Char p] -> ShowS #

Show (URec Double p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


showsPrec :: Int -> URec Double p -> ShowS #

show :: URec Double p -> String #

showList :: [URec Double p] -> ShowS #

Show (URec Float p) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


showsPrec :: Int -> URec Float p -> ShowS #

show :: URec Float p -> String #

showList :: [URec Float p] -> ShowS #

Show (URec Int p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


showsPrec :: Int -> URec Int p -> ShowS #

show :: URec Int p -> String #

showList :: [URec Int p] -> ShowS #

Show (URec Word p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


showsPrec :: Int -> URec Word p -> ShowS #

show :: URec Word p -> String #

showList :: [URec Word p] -> ShowS #

Show b => Show (Tagged s b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tagged


showsPrec :: Int -> Tagged s b -> ShowS #

show :: Tagged s b -> String #

showList :: [Tagged s b] -> ShowS #

(Show1 f, Show1 g, Show a) => Show (These1 f g a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.These


showsPrec :: Int -> These1 f g a -> ShowS #

show :: These1 f g a -> String #

showList :: [These1 f g a] -> ShowS #

(Show e, Show1 m, Show a) => Show (ErrorT e m a) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Error


showsPrec :: Int -> ErrorT e m a -> ShowS #

show :: ErrorT e m a -> String #

showList :: [ErrorT e m a] -> ShowS #

(Show e, Show1 m, Show a) => Show (ExceptT e m a) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Except


showsPrec :: Int -> ExceptT e m a -> ShowS #

show :: ExceptT e m a -> String #

showList :: [ExceptT e m a] -> ShowS #

(Show1 f, Show a) => Show (IdentityT f a) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Identity


showsPrec :: Int -> IdentityT f a -> ShowS #

show :: IdentityT f a -> String #

showList :: [IdentityT f a] -> ShowS #

(Show w, Show1 m, Show a) => Show (WriterT w m a) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Lazy


showsPrec :: Int -> WriterT w m a -> ShowS #

show :: WriterT w m a -> String #

showList :: [WriterT w m a] -> ShowS #

(Show w, Show1 m, Show a) => Show (WriterT w m a) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Strict


showsPrec :: Int -> WriterT w m a -> ShowS #

show :: WriterT w m a -> String #

showList :: [WriterT w m a] -> ShowS #

(Show a, Show b, Show c) => Show (a, b, c)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show


showsPrec :: Int -> (a, b, c) -> ShowS #

show :: (a, b, c) -> String #

showList :: [(a, b, c)] -> ShowS #

(Show1 f, Show1 g, Show a) => Show (Product f g a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Product


showsPrec :: Int -> Product f g a -> ShowS #

show :: Product f g a -> String #

showList :: [Product f g a] -> ShowS #

(Show1 f, Show1 g, Show a) => Show (Sum f g a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Sum


showsPrec :: Int -> Sum f g a -> ShowS #

show :: Sum f g a -> String #

showList :: [Sum f g a] -> ShowS #

(Show (f p), Show (g p)) => Show ((f :*: g) p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


showsPrec :: Int -> (f :*: g) p -> ShowS #

show :: (f :*: g) p -> String #

showList :: [(f :*: g) p] -> ShowS #

(Show (f p), Show (g p)) => Show ((f :+: g) p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


showsPrec :: Int -> (f :+: g) p -> ShowS #

show :: (f :+: g) p -> String #

showList :: [(f :+: g) p] -> ShowS #

Show c => Show (K1 i c p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


showsPrec :: Int -> K1 i c p -> ShowS #

show :: K1 i c p -> String #

showList :: [K1 i c p] -> ShowS #

(Show a, Show b, Show c, Show d) => Show (a, b, c, d)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show


showsPrec :: Int -> (a, b, c, d) -> ShowS #

show :: (a, b, c, d) -> String #

showList :: [(a, b, c, d)] -> ShowS #

(Show1 f, Show1 g, Show a) => Show (Compose f g a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Compose


showsPrec :: Int -> Compose f g a -> ShowS #

show :: Compose f g a -> String #

showList :: [Compose f g a] -> ShowS #

Show (f (g p)) => Show ((f :.: g) p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


showsPrec :: Int -> (f :.: g) p -> ShowS #

show :: (f :.: g) p -> String #

showList :: [(f :.: g) p] -> ShowS #

Show (f p) => Show (M1 i c f p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


showsPrec :: Int -> M1 i c f p -> ShowS #

show :: M1 i c f p -> String #

showList :: [M1 i c f p] -> ShowS #

Show (p b a) => Show (Flip p a b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Bifunctor.Flip


showsPrec :: Int -> Flip p a b -> ShowS #

show :: Flip p a b -> String #

showList :: [Flip p a b] -> ShowS #

(Show a, Show b, Show c, Show d, Show e) => Show (a, b, c, d, e)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show


showsPrec :: Int -> (a, b, c, d, e) -> ShowS #

show :: (a, b, c, d, e) -> String #

showList :: [(a, b, c, d, e)] -> ShowS #

(Show (f a b), Show (g a b)) => Show (Product f g a b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Bifunctor.Product


showsPrec :: Int -> Product f g a b -> ShowS #

show :: Product f g a b -> String #

showList :: [Product f g a b] -> ShowS #

(Show (p a b), Show (q a b)) => Show (Sum p q a b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Bifunctor.Sum


showsPrec :: Int -> Sum p q a b -> ShowS #

show :: Sum p q a b -> String #

showList :: [Sum p q a b] -> ShowS #

(Show uid, Show compid, Show modulename, Show mod, Show srcpkgid, Show srcpkgname) => Show (GenericUnitInfo compid srcpkgid srcpkgname uid modulename mod) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unit.Database


showsPrec :: Int -> GenericUnitInfo compid srcpkgid srcpkgname uid modulename mod -> ShowS #

show :: GenericUnitInfo compid srcpkgid srcpkgname uid modulename mod -> String #

showList :: [GenericUnitInfo compid srcpkgid srcpkgname uid modulename mod] -> ShowS #

(Show a, Show b, Show c, Show d, Show e, Show f) => Show (a, b, c, d, e, f)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show


showsPrec :: Int -> (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> ShowS #

show :: (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> String #

showList :: [(a, b, c, d, e, f)] -> ShowS #

Show (f (p a b)) => Show (Tannen f p a b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Bifunctor.Tannen


showsPrec :: Int -> Tannen f p a b -> ShowS #

show :: Tannen f p a b -> String #

showList :: [Tannen f p a b] -> ShowS #

(Show a, Show b, Show c, Show d, Show e, Show f, Show g) => Show (a, b, c, d, e, f, g)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show


showsPrec :: Int -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) -> ShowS #

show :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) -> String #

showList :: [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)] -> ShowS #

(Show a, Show b, Show c, Show d, Show e, Show f, Show g, Show h) => Show (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show


showsPrec :: Int -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) -> ShowS #

show :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) -> String #

showList :: [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)] -> ShowS #

Show (p (f a) (g b)) => Show (Biff p f g a b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Bifunctor.Biff


showsPrec :: Int -> Biff p f g a b -> ShowS #

show :: Biff p f g a b -> String #

showList :: [Biff p f g a b] -> ShowS #

(Show a, Show b, Show c, Show d, Show e, Show f, Show g, Show h, Show i) => Show (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show


showsPrec :: Int -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) -> ShowS #

show :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) -> String #

showList :: [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i)] -> ShowS #

(Show a, Show b, Show c, Show d, Show e, Show f, Show g, Show h, Show i, Show j) => Show (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show


showsPrec :: Int -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) -> ShowS #

show :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) -> String #

showList :: [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j)] -> ShowS #

(Show a, Show b, Show c, Show d, Show e, Show f, Show g, Show h, Show i, Show j, Show k) => Show (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show


showsPrec :: Int -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) -> ShowS #

show :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) -> String #

showList :: [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k)] -> ShowS #

(Show a, Show b, Show c, Show d, Show e, Show f, Show g, Show h, Show i, Show j, Show k, Show l) => Show (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show


showsPrec :: Int -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l) -> ShowS #

show :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l) -> String #

showList :: [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l)] -> ShowS #

(Show a, Show b, Show c, Show d, Show e, Show f, Show g, Show h, Show i, Show j, Show k, Show l, Show m) => Show (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show


showsPrec :: Int -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m) -> ShowS #

show :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m) -> String #

showList :: [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m)] -> ShowS #

(Show a, Show b, Show c, Show d, Show e, Show f, Show g, Show h, Show i, Show j, Show k, Show l, Show m, Show n) => Show (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show


showsPrec :: Int -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n) -> ShowS #

show :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n) -> String #

showList :: [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n)] -> ShowS #

(Show a, Show b, Show c, Show d, Show e, Show f, Show g, Show h, Show i, Show j, Show k, Show l, Show m, Show n, Show o) => Show (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show


showsPrec :: Int -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o) -> ShowS #

show :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o) -> String #

showList :: [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o)] -> ShowS #

class Monad m => MonadFail (m :: Type -> Type) where #

When a value is bound in do-notation, the pattern on the left hand side of <- might not match. In this case, this class provides a function to recover.

A Monad without a MonadFail instance may only be used in conjunction with pattern that always match, such as newtypes, tuples, data types with only a single data constructor, and irrefutable patterns (~pat).

Instances of MonadFail should satisfy the following law: fail s should be a left zero for >>=,

fail s >>= f  =  fail s

If your Monad is also MonadPlus, a popular definition is

fail _ = mzero

Since: base-


fail :: String -> m a #


Instances details
MonadFail IResult 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal


fail :: String -> IResult a #

MonadFail Parser 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal


fail :: String -> Parser a #

MonadFail Result 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal


fail :: String -> Result a #

MonadFail P

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP


fail :: String -> P a #

MonadFail ReadP

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP


fail :: String -> ReadP a #

MonadFail Get 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Get.Internal


fail :: String -> Get a #

MonadFail DList 
Instance details

Defined in Data.DList.Internal


fail :: String -> DList a #

MonadFail UM 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Core.Unify


fail :: String -> UM a #

MonadFail Q 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


fail :: String -> Q a #

MonadFail IO

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Fail


fail :: String -> IO a #

MonadFail Array 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.Array


fail :: String -> Array a #

MonadFail SmallArray 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.SmallArray


fail :: String -> SmallArray a #

MonadFail Sh 
Instance details

Defined in Shelly.Base


fail :: String -> Sh a #

MonadFail Q 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


fail :: String -> Q a #

MonadFail Vector

Since: vector-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector


fail :: String -> Vector a #

MonadFail Stream 
Instance details

Defined in Codec.Compression.Zlib.Stream


fail :: String -> Stream a #

MonadFail Maybe

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Fail


fail :: String -> Maybe a #

MonadFail []

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Fail


fail :: String -> [a] #

MonadFail (Parser i) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Attoparsec.Internal.Types


fail :: String -> Parser i a #

MonadFail (ST s)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.ST


fail :: String -> ST s a #

MonadFail m => MonadFail (ResourceT m)

Since: resourcet-1.2.2

Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Resource.Internal


fail :: String -> ResourceT m a #

Monad m => MonadFail (ListT m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.List


fail :: String -> ListT m a #

Monad m => MonadFail (MaybeT m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe


fail :: String -> MaybeT m a #

MonadFail f => MonadFail (Ap f)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


fail :: String -> Ap f a #

(Monad m, Error e) => MonadFail (ErrorT e m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Error


fail :: String -> ErrorT e m a #

MonadFail m => MonadFail (ExceptT e m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Except


fail :: String -> ExceptT e m a #

MonadFail m => MonadFail (IdentityT m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Identity


fail :: String -> IdentityT m a #

MonadFail m => MonadFail (ReaderT r m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Reader


fail :: String -> ReaderT r m a #

MonadFail m => MonadFail (StateT s m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy


fail :: String -> StateT s m a #

MonadFail m => MonadFail (StateT s m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict


fail :: String -> StateT s m a #

(Monoid w, MonadFail m) => MonadFail (WriterT w m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Lazy


fail :: String -> WriterT w m a #

(Monoid w, MonadFail m) => MonadFail (WriterT w m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Strict


fail :: String -> WriterT w m a #

MonadFail m => MonadFail (ConduitT i o m)

Since: conduit-1.3.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Conduit.Internal.Conduit


fail :: String -> ConduitT i o m a #

MonadFail (ParsecT s u m)

Since: parsec-

Instance details

Defined in Text.Parsec.Prim


fail :: String -> ParsecT s u m a #

MonadFail m => MonadFail (ContT r m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Cont


fail :: String -> ContT r m a #

(Monoid w, MonadFail m) => MonadFail (RWST r w s m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.RWS.Lazy


fail :: String -> RWST r w s m a #

(Monoid w, MonadFail m) => MonadFail (RWST r w s m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.RWS.Strict


fail :: String -> RWST r w s m a #

class Functor f => Applicative (f :: Type -> Type) where #

A functor with application, providing operations to

  • embed pure expressions (pure), and
  • sequence computations and combine their results (<*> and liftA2).

A minimal complete definition must include implementations of pure and of either <*> or liftA2. If it defines both, then they must behave the same as their default definitions:

(<*>) = liftA2 id
liftA2 f x y = f <$> x <*> y

Further, any definition must satisfy the following:

pure id <*> v = v
pure (.) <*> u <*> v <*> w = u <*> (v <*> w)
pure f <*> pure x = pure (f x)
u <*> pure y = pure ($ y) <*> u

The other methods have the following default definitions, which may be overridden with equivalent specialized implementations:

As a consequence of these laws, the Functor instance for f will satisfy

It may be useful to note that supposing

forall x y. p (q x y) = f x . g y

it follows from the above that

liftA2 p (liftA2 q u v) = liftA2 f u . liftA2 g v

If f is also a Monad, it should satisfy

(which implies that pure and <*> satisfy the applicative functor laws).

Minimal complete definition

pure, ((<*>) | liftA2)


pure :: a -> f a #

Lift a value.

(<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b infixl 4 #

Sequential application.

A few functors support an implementation of <*> that is more efficient than the default one.



Used in combination with (<$>), (<*>) can be used to build a record.

>>> data MyState = MyState {arg1 :: Foo, arg2 :: Bar, arg3 :: Baz}
>>> produceFoo :: Applicative f => f Foo
>>> produceBar :: Applicative f => f Bar
>>> produceBaz :: Applicative f => f Baz
>>> mkState :: Applicative f => f MyState
>>> mkState = MyState <$> produceFoo <*> produceBar <*> produceBaz

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c #

Lift a binary function to actions.

Some functors support an implementation of liftA2 that is more efficient than the default one. In particular, if fmap is an expensive operation, it is likely better to use liftA2 than to fmap over the structure and then use <*>.

This became a typeclass method in Prior to that, it was a function defined in terms of <*> and fmap.


>>> liftA2 (,) (Just 3) (Just 5)
Just (3,5)

(*>) :: f a -> f b -> f b infixl 4 #

Sequence actions, discarding the value of the first argument.



If used in conjunction with the Applicative instance for Maybe, you can chain Maybe computations, with a possible "early return" in case of Nothing.

>>> Just 2 *> Just 3
Just 3
>>> Nothing *> Just 3

Of course a more interesting use case would be to have effectful computations instead of just returning pure values.

>>> import Data.Char
>>> import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
>>> let p = string "my name is " *> munch1 isAlpha <* eof
>>> readP_to_S p "my name is Simon"

(<*) :: f a -> f b -> f a infixl 4 #

Sequence actions, discarding the value of the second argument.


Instances details
Applicative IResult 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal


pure :: a -> IResult a #

(<*>) :: IResult (a -> b) -> IResult a -> IResult b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> IResult a -> IResult b -> IResult c #

(*>) :: IResult a -> IResult b -> IResult b #

(<*) :: IResult a -> IResult b -> IResult a #

Applicative Parser 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal


pure :: a -> Parser a #

(<*>) :: Parser (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser c #

(*>) :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser b #

(<*) :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser a #

Applicative Result 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal


pure :: a -> Result a #

(<*>) :: Result (a -> b) -> Result a -> Result b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Result a -> Result b -> Result c #

(*>) :: Result a -> Result b -> Result b #

(<*) :: Result a -> Result b -> Result a #

Applicative ZipList
f <$> ZipList xs1 <*> ... <*> ZipList xsN
    = ZipList (zipWithN f xs1 ... xsN)

where zipWithN refers to the zipWith function of the appropriate arity (zipWith, zipWith3, zipWith4, ...). For example:

(\a b c -> stimes c [a, b]) <$> ZipList "abcd" <*> ZipList "567" <*> ZipList [1..]
    = ZipList (zipWith3 (\a b c -> stimes c [a, b]) "abcd" "567" [1..])
    = ZipList {getZipList = ["a5","b6b6","c7c7c7"]}

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Control.Applicative


pure :: a -> ZipList a #

(<*>) :: ZipList (a -> b) -> ZipList a -> ZipList b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> ZipList a -> ZipList b -> ZipList c #

(*>) :: ZipList a -> ZipList b -> ZipList b #

(<*) :: ZipList a -> ZipList b -> ZipList a #

Applicative Complex

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Complex


pure :: a -> Complex a #

(<*>) :: Complex (a -> b) -> Complex a -> Complex b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Complex a -> Complex b -> Complex c #

(*>) :: Complex a -> Complex b -> Complex b #

(<*) :: Complex a -> Complex b -> Complex a #

Applicative Identity

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Identity


pure :: a -> Identity a #

(<*>) :: Identity (a -> b) -> Identity a -> Identity b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Identity a -> Identity b -> Identity c #

(*>) :: Identity a -> Identity b -> Identity b #

(<*) :: Identity a -> Identity b -> Identity a #

Applicative First

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


pure :: a -> First a #

(<*>) :: First (a -> b) -> First a -> First b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> First a -> First b -> First c #

(*>) :: First a -> First b -> First b #

(<*) :: First a -> First b -> First a #

Applicative Last

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


pure :: a -> Last a #

(<*>) :: Last (a -> b) -> Last a -> Last b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Last a -> Last b -> Last c #

(*>) :: Last a -> Last b -> Last b #

(<*) :: Last a -> Last b -> Last a #

Applicative Down

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Ord


pure :: a -> Down a #

(<*>) :: Down (a -> b) -> Down a -> Down b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Down a -> Down b -> Down c #

(*>) :: Down a -> Down b -> Down b #

(<*) :: Down a -> Down b -> Down a #

Applicative First

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


pure :: a -> First a #

(<*>) :: First (a -> b) -> First a -> First b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> First a -> First b -> First c #

(*>) :: First a -> First b -> First b #

(<*) :: First a -> First b -> First a #

Applicative Last

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


pure :: a -> Last a #

(<*>) :: Last (a -> b) -> Last a -> Last b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Last a -> Last b -> Last c #

(*>) :: Last a -> Last b -> Last b #

(<*) :: Last a -> Last b -> Last a #

Applicative Max

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


pure :: a -> Max a #

(<*>) :: Max (a -> b) -> Max a -> Max b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Max a -> Max b -> Max c #

(*>) :: Max a -> Max b -> Max b #

(<*) :: Max a -> Max b -> Max a #

Applicative Min

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


pure :: a -> Min a #

(<*>) :: Min (a -> b) -> Min a -> Min b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Min a -> Min b -> Min c #

(*>) :: Min a -> Min b -> Min b #

(<*) :: Min a -> Min b -> Min a #

Applicative Dual

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


pure :: a -> Dual a #

(<*>) :: Dual (a -> b) -> Dual a -> Dual b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Dual a -> Dual b -> Dual c #

(*>) :: Dual a -> Dual b -> Dual b #

(<*) :: Dual a -> Dual b -> Dual a #

Applicative Product

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


pure :: a -> Product a #

(<*>) :: Product (a -> b) -> Product a -> Product b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Product a -> Product b -> Product c #

(*>) :: Product a -> Product b -> Product b #

(<*) :: Product a -> Product b -> Product a #

Applicative Sum

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


pure :: a -> Sum a #

(<*>) :: Sum (a -> b) -> Sum a -> Sum b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Sum a -> Sum b -> Sum c #

(*>) :: Sum a -> Sum b -> Sum b #

(<*) :: Sum a -> Sum b -> Sum a #

Applicative STM

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Conc.Sync


pure :: a -> STM a #

(<*>) :: STM (a -> b) -> STM a -> STM b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> STM a -> STM b -> STM c #

(*>) :: STM a -> STM b -> STM b #

(<*) :: STM a -> STM b -> STM a #

Applicative Par1

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


pure :: a -> Par1 a #

(<*>) :: Par1 (a -> b) -> Par1 a -> Par1 b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Par1 a -> Par1 b -> Par1 c #

(*>) :: Par1 a -> Par1 b -> Par1 b #

(<*) :: Par1 a -> Par1 b -> Par1 a #

Applicative P

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP


pure :: a -> P a #

(<*>) :: P (a -> b) -> P a -> P b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> P a -> P b -> P c #

(*>) :: P a -> P b -> P b #

(<*) :: P a -> P b -> P a #

Applicative ReadP

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP


pure :: a -> ReadP a #

(<*>) :: ReadP (a -> b) -> ReadP a -> ReadP b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> ReadP a -> ReadP b -> ReadP c #

(*>) :: ReadP a -> ReadP b -> ReadP b #

(<*) :: ReadP a -> ReadP b -> ReadP a #

Applicative Get 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Get.Internal


pure :: a -> Get a #

(<*>) :: Get (a -> b) -> Get a -> Get b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Get a -> Get b -> Get c #

(*>) :: Get a -> Get b -> Get b #

(<*) :: Get a -> Get b -> Get a #

Applicative PutM 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Put


pure :: a -> PutM a #

(<*>) :: PutM (a -> b) -> PutM a -> PutM b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> PutM a -> PutM b -> PutM c #

(*>) :: PutM a -> PutM b -> PutM b #

(<*) :: PutM a -> PutM b -> PutM a #

Applicative Put 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteString.Builder.Internal


pure :: a -> Put a #

(<*>) :: Put (a -> b) -> Put a -> Put b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Put a -> Put b -> Put c #

(*>) :: Put a -> Put b -> Put b #

(<*) :: Put a -> Put b -> Put a #

Applicative Seq

Since: containers-0.5.4

Instance details

Defined in Data.Sequence.Internal


pure :: a -> Seq a #

(<*>) :: Seq (a -> b) -> Seq a -> Seq b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Seq a -> Seq b -> Seq c #

(*>) :: Seq a -> Seq b -> Seq b #

(<*) :: Seq a -> Seq b -> Seq a #

Applicative Tree 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tree


pure :: a -> Tree a #

(<*>) :: Tree (a -> b) -> Tree a -> Tree b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Tree a -> Tree b -> Tree c #

(*>) :: Tree a -> Tree b -> Tree b #

(<*) :: Tree a -> Tree b -> Tree a #

Applicative CryptoFailable 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Error.Types

Applicative DNonEmpty 
Instance details

Defined in Data.DList.DNonEmpty.Internal


pure :: a -> DNonEmpty a #

(<*>) :: DNonEmpty (a -> b) -> DNonEmpty a -> DNonEmpty b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> DNonEmpty a -> DNonEmpty b -> DNonEmpty c #

(*>) :: DNonEmpty a -> DNonEmpty b -> DNonEmpty b #

(<*) :: DNonEmpty a -> DNonEmpty b -> DNonEmpty a #

Applicative DList 
Instance details

Defined in Data.DList.Internal


pure :: a -> DList a #

(<*>) :: DList (a -> b) -> DList a -> DList b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> DList a -> DList b -> DList c #

(*>) :: DList a -> DList b -> DList b #

(<*) :: DList a -> DList b -> DList a #

Applicative NormM 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Core.FamInstEnv


pure :: a -> NormM a #

(<*>) :: NormM (a -> b) -> NormM a -> NormM b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> NormM a -> NormM b -> NormM c #

(*>) :: NormM a -> NormM b -> NormM b #

(<*) :: NormM a -> NormM b -> NormM a #

Applicative UM 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Core.Unify


pure :: a -> UM a #

(<*>) :: UM (a -> b) -> UM a -> UM b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> UM a -> UM b -> UM c #

(*>) :: UM a -> UM b -> UM b #

(<*) :: UM a -> UM b -> UM a #

Applicative UnifyResultM 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Core.Unify

Applicative Hsc 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Env.Types


pure :: a -> Hsc a #

(<*>) :: Hsc (a -> b) -> Hsc a -> Hsc b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Hsc a -> Hsc b -> Hsc c #

(*>) :: Hsc a -> Hsc b -> Hsc b #

(<*) :: Hsc a -> Hsc b -> Hsc a #

Applicative Ghc 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Monad


pure :: a -> Ghc a #

(<*>) :: Ghc (a -> b) -> Ghc a -> Ghc b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Ghc a -> Ghc b -> Ghc c #

(*>) :: Ghc a -> Ghc b -> Ghc b #

(<*) :: Ghc a -> Ghc b -> Ghc a #

Applicative MatchResult

Product is an "or" on falliblity---the combined match result is infallible only if the left and right argument match results both were.

This is useful for combining a bunch of alternatives together and then getting the overall falliblity of the entire group. See mkDataConCase for an example.

Instance details

Defined in GHC.HsToCore.Monad


pure :: a -> MatchResult a #

(<*>) :: MatchResult (a -> b) -> MatchResult a -> MatchResult b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> MatchResult a -> MatchResult b -> MatchResult c #

(*>) :: MatchResult a -> MatchResult b -> MatchResult b #

(<*) :: MatchResult a -> MatchResult b -> MatchResult a #

Applicative P 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Lexer


pure :: a -> P a #

(<*>) :: P (a -> b) -> P a -> P b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> P a -> P b -> P c #

(*>) :: P a -> P b -> P b #

(<*) :: P a -> P b -> P a #

Applicative PV 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.PostProcess


pure :: a -> PV a #

(<*>) :: PV (a -> b) -> PV a -> PV b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> PV a -> PV b -> PV c #

(*>) :: PV a -> PV b -> PV b #

(<*) :: PV a -> PV b -> PV a #

Applicative PV 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.PostProcess


pure :: a -> PV a #

(<*>) :: PV (a -> b) -> PV a -> PV b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> PV a -> PV b -> PV c #

(*>) :: PV a -> PV b -> PV b #

(<*) :: PV a -> PV b -> PV a #

Applicative Q 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


pure :: a -> Q a #

(<*>) :: Q (a -> b) -> Q a -> Q b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Q a -> Q b -> Q c #

(*>) :: Q a -> Q b -> Q b #

(<*) :: Q a -> Q b -> Q a #

Applicative IO

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


pure :: a -> IO a #

(<*>) :: IO (a -> b) -> IO a -> IO b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> IO a -> IO b -> IO c #

(*>) :: IO a -> IO b -> IO b #

(<*) :: IO a -> IO b -> IO a #

Applicative Array 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.Array


pure :: a -> Array a #

(<*>) :: Array (a -> b) -> Array a -> Array b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Array a -> Array b -> Array c #

(*>) :: Array a -> Array b -> Array b #

(<*) :: Array a -> Array b -> Array a #

Applicative SmallArray 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.SmallArray


pure :: a -> SmallArray a #

(<*>) :: SmallArray (a -> b) -> SmallArray a -> SmallArray b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> SmallArray a -> SmallArray b -> SmallArray c #

(*>) :: SmallArray a -> SmallArray b -> SmallArray b #

(<*) :: SmallArray a -> SmallArray b -> SmallArray a #

Applicative Sh 
Instance details

Defined in Shelly.Base


pure :: a -> Sh a #

(<*>) :: Sh (a -> b) -> Sh a -> Sh b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Sh a -> Sh b -> Sh c #

(*>) :: Sh a -> Sh b -> Sh b #

(<*) :: Sh a -> Sh b -> Sh a #

Applicative Q 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


pure :: a -> Q a #

(<*>) :: Q (a -> b) -> Q a -> Q b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Q a -> Q b -> Q c #

(*>) :: Q a -> Q b -> Q b #

(<*) :: Q a -> Q b -> Q a #

Applicative Vector 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector


pure :: a -> Vector a #

(<*>) :: Vector (a -> b) -> Vector a -> Vector b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Vector a -> Vector b -> Vector c #

(*>) :: Vector a -> Vector b -> Vector b #

(<*) :: Vector a -> Vector b -> Vector a #

Applicative Id 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Fusion.Util


pure :: a -> Id a #

(<*>) :: Id (a -> b) -> Id a -> Id b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Id a -> Id b -> Id c #

(*>) :: Id a -> Id b -> Id b #

(<*) :: Id a -> Id b -> Id a #

Applicative Stream 
Instance details

Defined in Codec.Compression.Zlib.Stream


pure :: a -> Stream a #

(<*>) :: Stream (a -> b) -> Stream a -> Stream b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Stream a -> Stream b -> Stream c #

(*>) :: Stream a -> Stream b -> Stream b #

(<*) :: Stream a -> Stream b -> Stream a #

Applicative NonEmpty

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


pure :: a -> NonEmpty a #

(<*>) :: NonEmpty (a -> b) -> NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty b -> NonEmpty c #

(*>) :: NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty b -> NonEmpty b #

(<*) :: NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty b -> NonEmpty a #

Applicative Maybe

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


pure :: a -> Maybe a #

(<*>) :: Maybe (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b -> Maybe c #

(*>) :: Maybe a -> Maybe b -> Maybe b #

(<*) :: Maybe a -> Maybe b -> Maybe a #

Applicative Solo

Since: base-4.15

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


pure :: a -> Solo a #

(<*>) :: Solo (a -> b) -> Solo a -> Solo b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Solo a -> Solo b -> Solo c #

(*>) :: Solo a -> Solo b -> Solo b #

(<*) :: Solo a -> Solo b -> Solo a #

Applicative []

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


pure :: a -> [a] #

(<*>) :: [a -> b] -> [a] -> [b] #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c] #

(*>) :: [a] -> [b] -> [b] #

(<*) :: [a] -> [b] -> [a] #

Applicative (Parser i) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Attoparsec.Internal.Types


pure :: a -> Parser i a #

(<*>) :: Parser i (a -> b) -> Parser i a -> Parser i b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Parser i a -> Parser i b -> Parser i c #

(*>) :: Parser i a -> Parser i b -> Parser i b #

(<*) :: Parser i a -> Parser i b -> Parser i a #

Monad m => Applicative (WrappedMonad m)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Control.Applicative


pure :: a -> WrappedMonad m a #

(<*>) :: WrappedMonad m (a -> b) -> WrappedMonad m a -> WrappedMonad m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> WrappedMonad m a -> WrappedMonad m b -> WrappedMonad m c #

(*>) :: WrappedMonad m a -> WrappedMonad m b -> WrappedMonad m b #

(<*) :: WrappedMonad m a -> WrappedMonad m b -> WrappedMonad m a #

Arrow a => Applicative (ArrowMonad a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Control.Arrow


pure :: a0 -> ArrowMonad a a0 #

(<*>) :: ArrowMonad a (a0 -> b) -> ArrowMonad a a0 -> ArrowMonad a b #

liftA2 :: (a0 -> b -> c) -> ArrowMonad a a0 -> ArrowMonad a b -> ArrowMonad a c #

(*>) :: ArrowMonad a a0 -> ArrowMonad a b -> ArrowMonad a b #

(<*) :: ArrowMonad a a0 -> ArrowMonad a b -> ArrowMonad a a0 #

Applicative (Either e)

Since: base-3.0

Instance details

Defined in Data.Either


pure :: a -> Either e a #

(<*>) :: Either e (a -> b) -> Either e a -> Either e b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Either e a -> Either e b -> Either e c #

(*>) :: Either e a -> Either e b -> Either e b #

(<*) :: Either e a -> Either e b -> Either e a #

Applicative (Proxy :: Type -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Proxy


pure :: a -> Proxy a #

(<*>) :: Proxy (a -> b) -> Proxy a -> Proxy b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Proxy a -> Proxy b -> Proxy c #

(*>) :: Proxy a -> Proxy b -> Proxy b #

(<*) :: Proxy a -> Proxy b -> Proxy a #

Applicative (U1 :: Type -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


pure :: a -> U1 a #

(<*>) :: U1 (a -> b) -> U1 a -> U1 b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> U1 a -> U1 b -> U1 c #

(*>) :: U1 a -> U1 b -> U1 b #

(<*) :: U1 a -> U1 b -> U1 a #

Applicative (ST s)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.ST


pure :: a -> ST s a #

(<*>) :: ST s (a -> b) -> ST s a -> ST s b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> ST s a -> ST s b -> ST s c #

(*>) :: ST s a -> ST s b -> ST s b #

(<*) :: ST s a -> ST s b -> ST s a #

Monad m => Applicative (ZipSource m) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Conduit.Internal.Conduit


pure :: a -> ZipSource m a #

(<*>) :: ZipSource m (a -> b) -> ZipSource m a -> ZipSource m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> ZipSource m a -> ZipSource m b -> ZipSource m c #

(*>) :: ZipSource m a -> ZipSource m b -> ZipSource m b #

(<*) :: ZipSource m a -> ZipSource m b -> ZipSource m a #

Applicative (SetM s) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Graph


pure :: a -> SetM s a #

(<*>) :: SetM s (a -> b) -> SetM s a -> SetM s b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> SetM s a -> SetM s b -> SetM s c #

(*>) :: SetM s a -> SetM s b -> SetM s b #

(<*) :: SetM s a -> SetM s b -> SetM s a #

Applicative (CmdLineP s) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.CmdLine


pure :: a -> CmdLineP s a #

(<*>) :: CmdLineP s (a -> b) -> CmdLineP s a -> CmdLineP s b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> CmdLineP s a -> CmdLineP s b -> CmdLineP s c #

(*>) :: CmdLineP s a -> CmdLineP s b -> CmdLineP s b #

(<*) :: CmdLineP s a -> CmdLineP s b -> CmdLineP s a #

Monad m => Applicative (EwM m) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.CmdLine


pure :: a -> EwM m a #

(<*>) :: EwM m (a -> b) -> EwM m a -> EwM m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> EwM m a -> EwM m b -> EwM m c #

(*>) :: EwM m a -> EwM m b -> EwM m b #

(<*) :: EwM m a -> EwM m b -> EwM m a #

Applicative m => Applicative (GhcT m) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Monad


pure :: a -> GhcT m a #

(<*>) :: GhcT m (a -> b) -> GhcT m a -> GhcT m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> GhcT m a -> GhcT m b -> GhcT m c #

(*>) :: GhcT m a -> GhcT m b -> GhcT m b #

(<*) :: GhcT m a -> GhcT m b -> GhcT m a #

Applicative m => Applicative (ResourceT m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Resource.Internal


pure :: a -> ResourceT m a #

(<*>) :: ResourceT m (a -> b) -> ResourceT m a -> ResourceT m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> ResourceT m a -> ResourceT m b -> ResourceT m c #

(*>) :: ResourceT m a -> ResourceT m b -> ResourceT m b #

(<*) :: ResourceT m a -> ResourceT m b -> ResourceT m a #

Semigroup a => Applicative (These a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Strict.These


pure :: a0 -> These a a0 #

(<*>) :: These a (a0 -> b) -> These a a0 -> These a b #

liftA2 :: (a0 -> b -> c) -> These a a0 -> These a b -> These a c #

(*>) :: These a a0 -> These a b -> These a b #

(<*) :: These a a0 -> These a b -> These a a0 #

Semigroup a => Applicative (These a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.These


pure :: a0 -> These a a0 #

(<*>) :: These a (a0 -> b) -> These a a0 -> These a b #

liftA2 :: (a0 -> b -> c) -> These a a0 -> These a b -> These a c #

(*>) :: These a a0 -> These a b -> These a b #

(<*) :: These a a0 -> These a b -> These a a0 #

Applicative m => Applicative (ListT m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.List


pure :: a -> ListT m a #

(<*>) :: ListT m (a -> b) -> ListT m a -> ListT m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> ListT m a -> ListT m b -> ListT m c #

(*>) :: ListT m a -> ListT m b -> ListT m b #

(<*) :: ListT m a -> ListT m b -> ListT m a #

(Functor m, Monad m) => Applicative (MaybeT m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe


pure :: a -> MaybeT m a #

(<*>) :: MaybeT m (a -> b) -> MaybeT m a -> MaybeT m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> MaybeT m a -> MaybeT m b -> MaybeT m c #

(*>) :: MaybeT m a -> MaybeT m b -> MaybeT m b #

(<*) :: MaybeT m a -> MaybeT m b -> MaybeT m a #

Monoid a => Applicative ((,) a)

For tuples, the Monoid constraint on a determines how the first values merge. For example, Strings concatenate:

("hello ", (+15)) <*> ("world!", 2002)
("hello world!",2017)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


pure :: a0 -> (a, a0) #

(<*>) :: (a, a0 -> b) -> (a, a0) -> (a, b) #

liftA2 :: (a0 -> b -> c) -> (a, a0) -> (a, b) -> (a, c) #

(*>) :: (a, a0) -> (a, b) -> (a, b) #

(<*) :: (a, a0) -> (a, b) -> (a, a0) #

Arrow a => Applicative (WrappedArrow a b)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Control.Applicative


pure :: a0 -> WrappedArrow a b a0 #

(<*>) :: WrappedArrow a b (a0 -> b0) -> WrappedArrow a b a0 -> WrappedArrow a b b0 #

liftA2 :: (a0 -> b0 -> c) -> WrappedArrow a b a0 -> WrappedArrow a b b0 -> WrappedArrow a b c #

(*>) :: WrappedArrow a b a0 -> WrappedArrow a b b0 -> WrappedArrow a b b0 #

(<*) :: WrappedArrow a b a0 -> WrappedArrow a b b0 -> WrappedArrow a b a0 #

Applicative m => Applicative (Kleisli m a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Control.Arrow


pure :: a0 -> Kleisli m a a0 #

(<*>) :: Kleisli m a (a0 -> b) -> Kleisli m a a0 -> Kleisli m a b #

liftA2 :: (a0 -> b -> c) -> Kleisli m a a0 -> Kleisli m a b -> Kleisli m a c #

(*>) :: Kleisli m a a0 -> Kleisli m a b -> Kleisli m a b #

(<*) :: Kleisli m a a0 -> Kleisli m a b -> Kleisli m a a0 #

Monoid m => Applicative (Const m :: Type -> Type)

Since: base-2.0.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Const


pure :: a -> Const m a #

(<*>) :: Const m (a -> b) -> Const m a -> Const m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Const m a -> Const m b -> Const m c #

(*>) :: Const m a -> Const m b -> Const m b #

(<*) :: Const m a -> Const m b -> Const m a #

Applicative f => Applicative (Ap f)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


pure :: a -> Ap f a #

(<*>) :: Ap f (a -> b) -> Ap f a -> Ap f b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Ap f a -> Ap f b -> Ap f c #

(*>) :: Ap f a -> Ap f b -> Ap f b #

(<*) :: Ap f a -> Ap f b -> Ap f a #

Applicative f => Applicative (Alt f)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


pure :: a -> Alt f a #

(<*>) :: Alt f (a -> b) -> Alt f a -> Alt f b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Alt f a -> Alt f b -> Alt f c #

(*>) :: Alt f a -> Alt f b -> Alt f b #

(<*) :: Alt f a -> Alt f b -> Alt f a #

Applicative f => Applicative (Rec1 f)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


pure :: a -> Rec1 f a #

(<*>) :: Rec1 f (a -> b) -> Rec1 f a -> Rec1 f b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Rec1 f a -> Rec1 f b -> Rec1 f c #

(*>) :: Rec1 f a -> Rec1 f b -> Rec1 f b #

(<*) :: Rec1 f a -> Rec1 f b -> Rec1 f a #

Monad m => Applicative (ZipSink i m) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Conduit.Internal.Conduit


pure :: a -> ZipSink i m a #

(<*>) :: ZipSink i m (a -> b) -> ZipSink i m a -> ZipSink i m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> ZipSink i m a -> ZipSink i m b -> ZipSink i m c #

(*>) :: ZipSink i m a -> ZipSink i m b -> ZipSink i m b #

(<*) :: ZipSink i m a -> ZipSink i m b -> ZipSink i m a #

(Applicative f, Monad f) => Applicative (WhenMissing f x)

Equivalent to ReaderT k (ReaderT x (MaybeT f)).

Since: containers-0.5.9

Instance details

Defined in Data.IntMap.Internal


pure :: a -> WhenMissing f x a #

(<*>) :: WhenMissing f x (a -> b) -> WhenMissing f x a -> WhenMissing f x b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> WhenMissing f x a -> WhenMissing f x b -> WhenMissing f x c #

(*>) :: WhenMissing f x a -> WhenMissing f x b -> WhenMissing f x b #

(<*) :: WhenMissing f x a -> WhenMissing f x b -> WhenMissing f x a #

Applicative (Tagged s) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tagged


pure :: a -> Tagged s a #

(<*>) :: Tagged s (a -> b) -> Tagged s a -> Tagged s b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Tagged s a -> Tagged s b -> Tagged s c #

(*>) :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s b -> Tagged s b #

(<*) :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s b -> Tagged s a #

(Functor m, Monad m) => Applicative (ErrorT e m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Error


pure :: a -> ErrorT e m a #

(<*>) :: ErrorT e m (a -> b) -> ErrorT e m a -> ErrorT e m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> ErrorT e m a -> ErrorT e m b -> ErrorT e m c #

(*>) :: ErrorT e m a -> ErrorT e m b -> ErrorT e m b #

(<*) :: ErrorT e m a -> ErrorT e m b -> ErrorT e m a #

(Functor m, Monad m) => Applicative (ExceptT e m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Except


pure :: a -> ExceptT e m a #

(<*>) :: ExceptT e m (a -> b) -> ExceptT e m a -> ExceptT e m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> ExceptT e m a -> ExceptT e m b -> ExceptT e m c #

(*>) :: ExceptT e m a -> ExceptT e m b -> ExceptT e m b #

(<*) :: ExceptT e m a -> ExceptT e m b -> ExceptT e m a #

Applicative m => Applicative (IdentityT m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Identity


pure :: a -> IdentityT m a #

(<*>) :: IdentityT m (a -> b) -> IdentityT m a -> IdentityT m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> IdentityT m a -> IdentityT m b -> IdentityT m c #

(*>) :: IdentityT m a -> IdentityT m b -> IdentityT m b #

(<*) :: IdentityT m a -> IdentityT m b -> IdentityT m a #

Applicative m => Applicative (ReaderT r m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Reader


pure :: a -> ReaderT r m a #

(<*>) :: ReaderT r m (a -> b) -> ReaderT r m a -> ReaderT r m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> ReaderT r m a -> ReaderT r m b -> ReaderT r m c #

(*>) :: ReaderT r m a -> ReaderT r m b -> ReaderT r m b #

(<*) :: ReaderT r m a -> ReaderT r m b -> ReaderT r m a #

(Functor m, Monad m) => Applicative (StateT s m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy


pure :: a -> StateT s m a #

(<*>) :: StateT s m (a -> b) -> StateT s m a -> StateT s m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> StateT s m a -> StateT s m b -> StateT s m c #

(*>) :: StateT s m a -> StateT s m b -> StateT s m b #

(<*) :: StateT s m a -> StateT s m b -> StateT s m a #

(Functor m, Monad m) => Applicative (StateT s m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict


pure :: a -> StateT s m a #

(<*>) :: StateT s m (a -> b) -> StateT s m a -> StateT s m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> StateT s m a -> StateT s m b -> StateT s m c #

(*>) :: StateT s m a -> StateT s m b -> StateT s m b #

(<*) :: StateT s m a -> StateT s m b -> StateT s m a #

(Monoid w, Applicative m) => Applicative (WriterT w m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Lazy


pure :: a -> WriterT w m a #

(<*>) :: WriterT w m (a -> b) -> WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m b -> WriterT w m c #

(*>) :: WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m b -> WriterT w m b #

(<*) :: WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m b -> WriterT w m a #

(Monoid w, Applicative m) => Applicative (WriterT w m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Strict


pure :: a -> WriterT w m a #

(<*>) :: WriterT w m (a -> b) -> WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m b -> WriterT w m c #

(*>) :: WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m b -> WriterT w m b #

(<*) :: WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m b -> WriterT w m a #

(Monoid a, Monoid b) => Applicative ((,,) a b)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


pure :: a0 -> (a, b, a0) #

(<*>) :: (a, b, a0 -> b0) -> (a, b, a0) -> (a, b, b0) #

liftA2 :: (a0 -> b0 -> c) -> (a, b, a0) -> (a, b, b0) -> (a, b, c) #

(*>) :: (a, b, a0) -> (a, b, b0) -> (a, b, b0) #

(<*) :: (a, b, a0) -> (a, b, b0) -> (a, b, a0) #

(Applicative f, Applicative g) => Applicative (Product f g)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Product


pure :: a -> Product f g a #

(<*>) :: Product f g (a -> b) -> Product f g a -> Product f g b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Product f g a -> Product f g b -> Product f g c #

(*>) :: Product f g a -> Product f g b -> Product f g b #

(<*) :: Product f g a -> Product f g b -> Product f g a #

(Applicative f, Applicative g) => Applicative (f :*: g)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


pure :: a -> (f :*: g) a #

(<*>) :: (f :*: g) (a -> b) -> (f :*: g) a -> (f :*: g) b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> (f :*: g) a -> (f :*: g) b -> (f :*: g) c #

(*>) :: (f :*: g) a -> (f :*: g) b -> (f :*: g) b #

(<*) :: (f :*: g) a -> (f :*: g) b -> (f :*: g) a #

Monoid c => Applicative (K1 i c :: Type -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


pure :: a -> K1 i c a #

(<*>) :: K1 i c (a -> b) -> K1 i c a -> K1 i c b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c0) -> K1 i c a -> K1 i c b -> K1 i c c0 #

(*>) :: K1 i c a -> K1 i c b -> K1 i c b #

(<*) :: K1 i c a -> K1 i c b -> K1 i c a #

Applicative (ConduitT i o m) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Conduit.Internal.Conduit


pure :: a -> ConduitT i o m a #

(<*>) :: ConduitT i o m (a -> b) -> ConduitT i o m a -> ConduitT i o m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> ConduitT i o m a -> ConduitT i o m b -> ConduitT i o m c #

(*>) :: ConduitT i o m a -> ConduitT i o m b -> ConduitT i o m b #

(<*) :: ConduitT i o m a -> ConduitT i o m b -> ConduitT i o m a #

Monad m => Applicative (ZipConduit i o m) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Conduit.Internal.Conduit


pure :: a -> ZipConduit i o m a #

(<*>) :: ZipConduit i o m (a -> b) -> ZipConduit i o m a -> ZipConduit i o m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> ZipConduit i o m a -> ZipConduit i o m b -> ZipConduit i o m c #

(*>) :: ZipConduit i o m a -> ZipConduit i o m b -> ZipConduit i o m b #

(<*) :: ZipConduit i o m a -> ZipConduit i o m b -> ZipConduit i o m a #

(Monad f, Applicative f) => Applicative (WhenMatched f x y)

Equivalent to ReaderT Key (ReaderT x (ReaderT y (MaybeT f)))

Since: containers-0.5.9

Instance details

Defined in Data.IntMap.Internal


pure :: a -> WhenMatched f x y a #

(<*>) :: WhenMatched f x y (a -> b) -> WhenMatched f x y a -> WhenMatched f x y b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> WhenMatched f x y a -> WhenMatched f x y b -> WhenMatched f x y c #

(*>) :: WhenMatched f x y a -> WhenMatched f x y b -> WhenMatched f x y b #

(<*) :: WhenMatched f x y a -> WhenMatched f x y b -> WhenMatched f x y a #

(Applicative f, Monad f) => Applicative (WhenMissing f k x)

Equivalent to ReaderT k (ReaderT x (MaybeT f)) .

Since: containers-0.5.9

Instance details

Defined in Data.Map.Internal


pure :: a -> WhenMissing f k x a #

(<*>) :: WhenMissing f k x (a -> b) -> WhenMissing f k x a -> WhenMissing f k x b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> WhenMissing f k x a -> WhenMissing f k x b -> WhenMissing f k x c #

(*>) :: WhenMissing f k x a -> WhenMissing f k x b -> WhenMissing f k x b #

(<*) :: WhenMissing f k x a -> WhenMissing f k x b -> WhenMissing f k x a #

Applicative (ParsecT s u m) 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Parsec.Prim


pure :: a -> ParsecT s u m a #

(<*>) :: ParsecT s u m (a -> b) -> ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m b -> ParsecT s u m c #

(*>) :: ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m b -> ParsecT s u m b #

(<*) :: ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m b -> ParsecT s u m a #

Applicative (ContT r m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Cont


pure :: a -> ContT r m a #

(<*>) :: ContT r m (a -> b) -> ContT r m a -> ContT r m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> ContT r m a -> ContT r m b -> ContT r m c #

(*>) :: ContT r m a -> ContT r m b -> ContT r m b #

(<*) :: ContT r m a -> ContT r m b -> ContT r m a #

(Monoid a, Monoid b, Monoid c) => Applicative ((,,,) a b c)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


pure :: a0 -> (a, b, c, a0) #

(<*>) :: (a, b, c, a0 -> b0) -> (a, b, c, a0) -> (a, b, c, b0) #

liftA2 :: (a0 -> b0 -> c0) -> (a, b, c, a0) -> (a, b, c, b0) -> (a, b, c, c0) #

(*>) :: (a, b, c, a0) -> (a, b, c, b0) -> (a, b, c, b0) #

(<*) :: (a, b, c, a0) -> (a, b, c, b0) -> (a, b, c, a0) #

Applicative ((->) r)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


pure :: a -> r -> a #

(<*>) :: (r -> (a -> b)) -> (r -> a) -> r -> b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> (r -> a) -> (r -> b) -> r -> c #

(*>) :: (r -> a) -> (r -> b) -> r -> b #

(<*) :: (r -> a) -> (r -> b) -> r -> a #

(Applicative f, Applicative g) => Applicative (Compose f g)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Compose


pure :: a -> Compose f g a #

(<*>) :: Compose f g (a -> b) -> Compose f g a -> Compose f g b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Compose f g a -> Compose f g b -> Compose f g c #

(*>) :: Compose f g a -> Compose f g b -> Compose f g b #

(<*) :: Compose f g a -> Compose f g b -> Compose f g a #

(Applicative f, Applicative g) => Applicative (f :.: g)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


pure :: a -> (f :.: g) a #

(<*>) :: (f :.: g) (a -> b) -> (f :.: g) a -> (f :.: g) b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> (f :.: g) a -> (f :.: g) b -> (f :.: g) c #

(*>) :: (f :.: g) a -> (f :.: g) b -> (f :.: g) b #

(<*) :: (f :.: g) a -> (f :.: g) b -> (f :.: g) a #

Applicative f => Applicative (M1 i c f)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


pure :: a -> M1 i c f a #

(<*>) :: M1 i c f (a -> b) -> M1 i c f a -> M1 i c f b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c0) -> M1 i c f a -> M1 i c f b -> M1 i c f c0 #

(*>) :: M1 i c f a -> M1 i c f b -> M1 i c f b #

(<*) :: M1 i c f a -> M1 i c f b -> M1 i c f a #

(Monad f, Applicative f) => Applicative (WhenMatched f k x y)

Equivalent to ReaderT k (ReaderT x (ReaderT y (MaybeT f)))

Since: containers-0.5.9

Instance details

Defined in Data.Map.Internal


pure :: a -> WhenMatched f k x y a #

(<*>) :: WhenMatched f k x y (a -> b) -> WhenMatched f k x y a -> WhenMatched f k x y b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> WhenMatched f k x y a -> WhenMatched f k x y b -> WhenMatched f k x y c #

(*>) :: WhenMatched f k x y a -> WhenMatched f k x y b -> WhenMatched f k x y b #

(<*) :: WhenMatched f k x y a -> WhenMatched f k x y b -> WhenMatched f k x y a #

(Monoid w, Functor m, Monad m) => Applicative (RWST r w s m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.RWS.Lazy


pure :: a -> RWST r w s m a #

(<*>) :: RWST r w s m (a -> b) -> RWST r w s m a -> RWST r w s m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> RWST r w s m a -> RWST r w s m b -> RWST r w s m c #

(*>) :: RWST r w s m a -> RWST r w s m b -> RWST r w s m b #

(<*) :: RWST r w s m a -> RWST r w s m b -> RWST r w s m a #

(Monoid w, Functor m, Monad m) => Applicative (RWST r w s m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.RWS.Strict


pure :: a -> RWST r w s m a #

(<*>) :: RWST r w s m (a -> b) -> RWST r w s m a -> RWST r w s m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> RWST r w s m a -> RWST r w s m b -> RWST r w s m c #

(*>) :: RWST r w s m a -> RWST r w s m b -> RWST r w s m b #

(<*) :: RWST r w s m a -> RWST r w s m b -> RWST r w s m a #

Monad state => Applicative (Builder collection mutCollection step state err) 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.MutableBuilder


pure :: a -> Builder collection mutCollection step state err a #

(<*>) :: Builder collection mutCollection step state err (a -> b) -> Builder collection mutCollection step state err a -> Builder collection mutCollection step state err b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Builder collection mutCollection step state err a -> Builder collection mutCollection step state err b -> Builder collection mutCollection step state err c #

(*>) :: Builder collection mutCollection step state err a -> Builder collection mutCollection step state err b -> Builder collection mutCollection step state err b #

(<*) :: Builder collection mutCollection step state err a -> Builder collection mutCollection step state err b -> Builder collection mutCollection step state err a #

Monad m => Applicative (Pipe l i o u m) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Conduit.Internal.Pipe


pure :: a -> Pipe l i o u m a #

(<*>) :: Pipe l i o u m (a -> b) -> Pipe l i o u m a -> Pipe l i o u m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Pipe l i o u m a -> Pipe l i o u m b -> Pipe l i o u m c #

(*>) :: Pipe l i o u m a -> Pipe l i o u m b -> Pipe l i o u m b #

(<*) :: Pipe l i o u m a -> Pipe l i o u m b -> Pipe l i o u m a #

sum :: (Foldable t, Num a) => t a -> a #

The sum function computes the sum of the numbers of a structure.



Basic usage:

>>> sum []
>>> sum [42]
>>> sum [1..10]
>>> sum [4.1, 2.0, 1.7]
>>> sum [1..]
* Hangs forever *

Since: base-

product :: (Foldable t, Num a) => t a -> a #

The product function computes the product of the numbers of a structure.



Basic usage:

>>> product []
>>> product [42]
>>> product [1..10]
>>> product [4.1, 2.0, 1.7]
>>> product [1..]
* Hangs forever *

Since: base-

foldr1 :: Foldable t => (a -> a -> a) -> t a -> a #

A variant of foldr that has no base case, and thus may only be applied to non-empty structures.

This function is non-total and will raise a runtime exception if the structure happens to be empty.



Basic usage:

>>> foldr1 (+) [1..4]
>>> foldr1 (+) []
Exception: Prelude.foldr1: empty list
>>> foldr1 (+) Nothing
*** Exception: foldr1: empty structure
>>> foldr1 (-) [1..4]
>>> foldr1 (&&) [True, False, True, True]
>>> foldr1 (||) [False, False, True, True]
>>> foldr1 (+) [1..]
* Hangs forever *

elem :: (Foldable t, Eq a) => a -> t a -> Bool infix 4 #

Does the element occur in the structure?

Note: elem is often used in infix form.



Basic usage:

>>> 3 `elem` []
>>> 3 `elem` [1,2]
>>> 3 `elem` [1,2,3,4,5]

For infinite structures, the default implementation of elem terminates if the sought-after value exists at a finite distance from the left side of the structure:

>>> 3 `elem` [1..]
>>> 3 `elem` ([4..] ++ [3])
* Hangs forever *

Since: base-

length :: Foldable t => t a -> Int #

Returns the size/length of a finite structure as an Int. The default implementation just counts elements starting with the leftmost. Instances for structures that can compute the element count faster than via element-by-element counting, should provide a specialised implementation.



Basic usage:

>>> length []
>>> length ['a', 'b', 'c']
>>> length [1..]
* Hangs forever *

Since: base-

foldl' :: Foldable t => (b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b #

Left-associative fold of a structure but with strict application of the operator.

This ensures that each step of the fold is forced to Weak Head Normal Form before being applied, avoiding the collection of thunks that would otherwise occur. This is often what you want to strictly reduce a finite structure to a single strict result (e.g. sum).

For a general Foldable structure this should be semantically identical to,

foldl' f z = foldl' f z . toList

Since: base-

foldr :: Foldable t => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b #

Right-associative fold of a structure, lazy in the accumulator.

In the case of lists, foldr, when applied to a binary operator, a starting value (typically the right-identity of the operator), and a list, reduces the list using the binary operator, from right to left:

foldr f z [x1, x2, ..., xn] == x1 `f` (x2 `f` ... (xn `f` z)...)

Note that since the head of the resulting expression is produced by an application of the operator to the first element of the list, given an operator lazy in its right argument, foldr can produce a terminating expression from an unbounded list.

For a general Foldable structure this should be semantically identical to,

foldr f z = foldr f z . toList



Basic usage:

>>> foldr (||) False [False, True, False]
>>> foldr (||) False []
>>> foldr (\c acc -> acc ++ [c]) "foo" ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
Infinite structures

⚠️ Applying foldr to infinite structures usually doesn't terminate.

It may still terminate under one of the following conditions:

  • the folding function is short-circuiting
  • the folding function is lazy on its second argument

(||) short-circuits on True values, so the following terminates because there is a True value finitely far from the left side:

>>> foldr (||) False (True : repeat False)

But the following doesn't terminate:

>>> foldr (||) False (repeat False ++ [True])
* Hangs forever *
Laziness in the second argument

Applying foldr to infinite structures terminates when the operator is lazy in its second argument (the initial accumulator is never used in this case, and so could be left undefined, but [] is more clear):

>>> take 5 $ foldr (\i acc -> i : fmap (+3) acc) [] (repeat 1)

null :: Foldable t => t a -> Bool #

Test whether the structure is empty. The default implementation is Left-associative and lazy in both the initial element and the accumulator. Thus optimised for structures where the first element can be accessed in constant time. Structures where this is not the case should have a non-default implementation.



Basic usage:

>>> null []
>>> null [1]

null is expected to terminate even for infinite structures. The default implementation terminates provided the structure is bounded on the left (there is a leftmost element).

>>> null [1..]

Since: base-

mapM :: (Traversable t, Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> t a -> m (t b) #

Map each element of a structure to a monadic action, evaluate these actions from left to right, and collect the results. For a version that ignores the results see mapM_.



mapM is literally a traverse with a type signature restricted to Monad. Its implementation may be more efficient due to additional power of Monad.

sequence :: (Traversable t, Monad m) => t (m a) -> m (t a) #

Evaluate each monadic action in the structure from left to right, and collect the results. For a version that ignores the results see sequence_.



Basic usage:

The first two examples are instances where the input and and output of sequence are isomorphic.

>>> sequence $ Right [1,2,3,4]
[Right 1,Right 2,Right 3,Right 4]
>>> sequence $ [Right 1,Right 2,Right 3,Right 4]
Right [1,2,3,4]

The following examples demonstrate short circuit behavior for sequence.

>>> sequence $ Left [1,2,3,4]
Left [1,2,3,4]
>>> sequence $ [Left 0, Right 1,Right 2,Right 3,Right 4]
Left 0

class Semigroup a where #

The class of semigroups (types with an associative binary operation).

Instances should satisfy the following:

x <> (y <> z) = (x <> y) <> z

Since: base-

Minimal complete definition



(<>) :: a -> a -> a infixr 6 #

An associative operation.

>>> [1,2,3] <> [4,5,6]

sconcat :: NonEmpty a -> a #

Reduce a non-empty list with <>

The default definition should be sufficient, but this can be overridden for efficiency.

>>> import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
>>> sconcat $ "Hello" :| [" ", "Haskell", "!"]
"Hello Haskell!"

stimes :: Integral b => b -> a -> a #

Repeat a value n times.

Given that this works on a Semigroup it is allowed to fail if you request 0 or fewer repetitions, and the default definition will do so.

By making this a member of the class, idempotent semigroups and monoids can upgrade this to execute in \(\mathcal{O}(1)\) by picking stimes = stimesIdempotent or stimes = stimesIdempotentMonoid respectively.

>>> stimes 4 [1]


Instances details
Semigroup Series 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Encoding.Internal

Semigroup Key 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Key


(<>) :: Key -> Key -> Key #

sconcat :: NonEmpty Key -> Key #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Key -> Key #

Semigroup More 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Attoparsec.Internal.Types


(<>) :: More -> More -> More #

sconcat :: NonEmpty More -> More #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> More -> More #

Semigroup All

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


(<>) :: All -> All -> All #

sconcat :: NonEmpty All -> All #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> All -> All #

Semigroup Any

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


(<>) :: Any -> Any -> Any #

sconcat :: NonEmpty Any -> Any #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Any -> Any #

Semigroup Void

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Void


(<>) :: Void -> Void -> Void #

sconcat :: NonEmpty Void -> Void #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Void -> Void #

Semigroup String 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.UTF8.Base

Semigroup Builder 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteString.Builder.Internal

Semigroup ByteString 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteString.Internal

Semigroup ByteString 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal

Semigroup ShortByteString 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteString.Short.Internal

Semigroup IntSet

Since: containers-0.5.7

Instance details

Defined in Data.IntSet.Internal

Semigroup ByteArray 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Array.Byte

Semigroup UniqueSet 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Collections

Semigroup LabelSet 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Label

Semigroup MaybeApartReason 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Core.Unify

Semigroup FastString 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Data.FastString

Semigroup PluginRecompile 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Plugins

Semigroup Anchor 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation

Semigroup AnnList 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation

Semigroup AnnListItem 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation

Semigroup AnnSortKey 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation

Semigroup EpAnnComments 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation

Semigroup NameAnn 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation

Semigroup InsideLam

If any occurrence of an identifier is inside a lambda, then the occurrence info of that identifier marks it as occurring inside a lambda

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Basic

Semigroup InterestingCxt

If there is any interesting identifier occurrence, then the aggregated occurrence info of that identifier is considered interesting.

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Basic

Semigroup NonCaffySet 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Name.Set

Semigroup BufSpan 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc

Semigroup ModuleOrigin 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unit.State

Semigroup UnitVisibility 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unit.State


(<>) :: UnitVisibility -> UnitVisibility -> UnitVisibility #

sconcat :: NonEmpty UnitVisibility -> UnitVisibility #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> UnitVisibility -> UnitVisibility #

Semigroup PprColour 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Utils.Ppr.Colour

Semigroup BufSpan 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.SrcLoc

Semigroup Ordering

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base

Semigroup RestrictIdents 
Instance details

Defined in Config.Type


(<>) :: RestrictIdents -> RestrictIdents -> RestrictIdents #

sconcat :: NonEmpty RestrictIdents -> RestrictIdents #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> RestrictIdents -> RestrictIdents #

Semigroup Hint 
Instance details

Defined in Hint.Type


(<>) :: Hint -> Hint -> Hint #

sconcat :: NonEmpty Hint -> Hint #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Hint -> Hint #

Semigroup CookieJar 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types

Semigroup RequestBody 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types

Semigroup Display Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.Types

Semigroup Metadata 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types

Semigroup Doc 
Instance details

Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ


(<>) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc #

sconcat :: NonEmpty Doc -> Doc #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Doc -> Doc #

Semigroup ByteArray 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.ByteArray

Semigroup Builder 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Text.Internal.Builder

Semigroup ShortText 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Text.Short.Internal

Semigroup ()

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


(<>) :: () -> () -> () #

sconcat :: NonEmpty () -> () #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> () -> () #

Semigroup (KeyMap v) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.KeyMap


(<>) :: KeyMap v -> KeyMap v -> KeyMap v #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (KeyMap v) -> KeyMap v #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> KeyMap v -> KeyMap v #

Semigroup (IResult a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal


(<>) :: IResult a -> IResult a -> IResult a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (IResult a) -> IResult a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> IResult a -> IResult a #

Semigroup (Parser a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal


(<>) :: Parser a -> Parser a -> Parser a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Parser a) -> Parser a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Parser a -> Parser a #

Semigroup (Result a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal


(<>) :: Result a -> Result a -> Result a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Result a) -> Result a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Result a -> Result a #

Semigroup a => Semigroup (Identity a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Identity


(<>) :: Identity a -> Identity a -> Identity a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Identity a) -> Identity a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Identity a -> Identity a #

Semigroup (First a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


(<>) :: First a -> First a -> First a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (First a) -> First a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> First a -> First a #

Semigroup (Last a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


(<>) :: Last a -> Last a -> Last a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Last a) -> Last a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Last a -> Last a #

Semigroup a => Semigroup (Down a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Ord


(<>) :: Down a -> Down a -> Down a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Down a) -> Down a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Down a -> Down a #

Semigroup (First a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


(<>) :: First a -> First a -> First a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (First a) -> First a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> First a -> First a #

Semigroup (Last a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


(<>) :: Last a -> Last a -> Last a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Last a) -> Last a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Last a -> Last a #

Ord a => Semigroup (Max a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


(<>) :: Max a -> Max a -> Max a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Max a) -> Max a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Max a -> Max a #

Ord a => Semigroup (Min a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


(<>) :: Min a -> Min a -> Min a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Min a) -> Min a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Min a -> Min a #

Monoid m => Semigroup (WrappedMonoid m)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup

Semigroup a => Semigroup (Dual a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


(<>) :: Dual a -> Dual a -> Dual a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Dual a) -> Dual a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Dual a -> Dual a #

Semigroup (Endo a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


(<>) :: Endo a -> Endo a -> Endo a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Endo a) -> Endo a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Endo a -> Endo a #

Num a => Semigroup (Product a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


(<>) :: Product a -> Product a -> Product a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Product a) -> Product a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Product a -> Product a #

Num a => Semigroup (Sum a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


(<>) :: Sum a -> Sum a -> Sum a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Sum a) -> Sum a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Sum a -> Sum a #

Semigroup p => Semigroup (Par1 p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


(<>) :: Par1 p -> Par1 p -> Par1 p #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Par1 p) -> Par1 p #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Par1 p -> Par1 p #

PrimType ty => Semigroup (Block ty) 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Block.Base


(<>) :: Block ty -> Block ty -> Block ty #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Block ty) -> Block ty #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Block ty -> Block ty #

Semigroup (CountOf ty) 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Types.OffsetSize


(<>) :: CountOf ty -> CountOf ty -> CountOf ty #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (CountOf ty) -> CountOf ty #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> CountOf ty -> CountOf ty #

PrimType ty => Semigroup (UArray ty) 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.UArray.Base


(<>) :: UArray ty -> UArray ty -> UArray ty #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (UArray ty) -> UArray ty #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> UArray ty -> UArray ty #

Semigroup (PutM ()) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Put


(<>) :: PutM () -> PutM () -> PutM () #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (PutM ()) -> PutM () #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> PutM () -> PutM () #

Semigroup (Group a) 
Instance details

Defined in System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit.Type


(<>) :: Group a -> Group a -> Group a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Group a) -> Group a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Group a -> Group a #

Num a => Semigroup (AlphaColour a)

AlphaColour forms a monoid with over and transparent.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Colour.Internal

Num a => Semigroup (Colour a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Colour.Internal


(<>) :: Colour a -> Colour a -> Colour a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Colour a) -> Colour a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Colour a -> Colour a #

Semigroup (IntMap a)

Since: containers-0.5.7

Instance details

Defined in Data.IntMap.Internal


(<>) :: IntMap a -> IntMap a -> IntMap a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (IntMap a) -> IntMap a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> IntMap a -> IntMap a #

Semigroup (Seq a)

Since: containers-0.5.7

Instance details

Defined in Data.Sequence.Internal


(<>) :: Seq a -> Seq a -> Seq a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Seq a) -> Seq a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Seq a -> Seq a #

Semigroup (MergeSet a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Set.Internal


(<>) :: MergeSet a -> MergeSet a -> MergeSet a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (MergeSet a) -> MergeSet a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> MergeSet a -> MergeSet a #

Ord a => Semigroup (Set a)

Since: containers-0.5.7

Instance details

Defined in Data.Set.Internal


(<>) :: Set a -> Set a -> Set a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Set a) -> Set a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Set a -> Set a #

Semigroup (DNonEmpty a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.DList.DNonEmpty.Internal


(<>) :: DNonEmpty a -> DNonEmpty a -> DNonEmpty a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (DNonEmpty a) -> DNonEmpty a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> DNonEmpty a -> DNonEmpty a #

Semigroup (DList a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.DList.Internal


(<>) :: DList a -> DList a -> DList a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (DList a) -> DList a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> DList a -> DList a #

Semigroup (OrdList a) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Data.OrdList


(<>) :: OrdList a -> OrdList a -> OrdList a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (OrdList a) -> OrdList a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> OrdList a -> OrdList a #

Semigroup a => Semigroup (EpAnn a) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation


(<>) :: EpAnn a -> EpAnn a -> EpAnn a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (EpAnn a) -> EpAnn a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> EpAnn a -> EpAnn a #

Semigroup an => Semigroup (SrcSpanAnn' an) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation

Semigroup (UniqSet a) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Unique.Set


(<>) :: UniqSet a -> UniqSet a -> UniqSet a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (UniqSet a) -> UniqSet a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> UniqSet a -> UniqSet a #

Semigroup (Bag a) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Data.Bag


(<>) :: Bag a -> Bag a -> Bag a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Bag a) -> Bag a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Bag a -> Bag a #

Semigroup a => Semigroup (Q a)

Since: ghc-lib-parser-

Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(<>) :: Q a -> Q a -> Q a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Q a) -> Q a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Q a -> Q a #

Semigroup a => Semigroup (IO a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


(<>) :: IO a -> IO a -> IO a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (IO a) -> IO a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> IO a -> IO a #

Semigroup (Doc a) 
Instance details

Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.Annotated.HughesPJ


(<>) :: Doc a -> Doc a -> Doc a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Doc a) -> Doc a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Doc a -> Doc a #

Semigroup (Array a)

Since: primitive-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.Array


(<>) :: Array a -> Array a -> Array a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Array a) -> Array a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Array a -> Array a #

Semigroup (PrimArray a)

Since: primitive-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.PrimArray


(<>) :: PrimArray a -> PrimArray a -> PrimArray a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (PrimArray a) -> PrimArray a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> PrimArray a -> PrimArray a #

Semigroup (SmallArray a)

Since: primitive-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.SmallArray

Semigroup a => Semigroup (Maybe a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Strict.Maybe


(<>) :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Maybe a) -> Maybe a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Maybe a -> Maybe a #

Semigroup a => Semigroup (Q a)

Since: template-haskell-

Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


(<>) :: Q a -> Q a -> Q a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Q a) -> Q a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Q a -> Q a #

(Hashable a, Eq a) => Semigroup (HashSet a)

<> = union


To obtain good performance, the smaller set must be presented as the first argument.


>>> fromList [1,2] <> fromList [2,3]
fromList [1,2,3]
Instance details

Defined in Data.HashSet.Internal


(<>) :: HashSet a -> HashSet a -> HashSet a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (HashSet a) -> HashSet a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> HashSet a -> HashSet a #

Semigroup (Vector a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector


(<>) :: Vector a -> Vector a -> Vector a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Vector a) -> Vector a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Vector a -> Vector a #

Prim a => Semigroup (Vector a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Primitive


(<>) :: Vector a -> Vector a -> Vector a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Vector a) -> Vector a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Vector a -> Vector a #

Storable a => Semigroup (Vector a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Storable


(<>) :: Vector a -> Vector a -> Vector a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Vector a) -> Vector a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Vector a -> Vector a #

Semigroup (NonEmpty a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


(<>) :: NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (NonEmpty a) -> NonEmpty a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a #

Semigroup a => Semigroup (Maybe a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


(<>) :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Maybe a) -> Maybe a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Maybe a -> Maybe a #

Semigroup a => Semigroup (a)

Since: base-4.15

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


(<>) :: (a) -> (a) -> (a) #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (a) -> (a) #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> (a) -> (a) #

Semigroup [a]

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


(<>) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a] #

sconcat :: NonEmpty [a] -> [a] #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> [a] -> [a] #

Semigroup (Parser i a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Attoparsec.Internal.Types


(<>) :: Parser i a -> Parser i a -> Parser i a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Parser i a) -> Parser i a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Parser i a -> Parser i a #

Semigroup (Either a b)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Either


(<>) :: Either a b -> Either a b -> Either a b #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Either a b) -> Either a b #

stimes :: Integral b0 => b0 -> Either a b -> Either a b #

Semigroup (Proxy s)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Proxy


(<>) :: Proxy s -> Proxy s -> Proxy s #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Proxy s) -> Proxy s #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Proxy s -> Proxy s #

Semigroup (U1 p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


(<>) :: U1 p -> U1 p -> U1 p #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (U1 p) -> U1 p #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> U1 p -> U1 p #

Semigroup (V1 p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


(<>) :: V1 p -> V1 p -> V1 p #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (V1 p) -> V1 p #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> V1 p -> V1 p #

Semigroup a => Semigroup (ST s a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.ST


(<>) :: ST s a -> ST s a -> ST s a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (ST s a) -> ST s a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> ST s a -> ST s a #

Ord k => Semigroup (Map k v) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Map.Internal


(<>) :: Map k v -> Map k v -> Map k v #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Map k v) -> Map k v #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Map k v -> Map k v #

Semigroup (Either a b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Strict.Either


(<>) :: Either a b -> Either a b -> Either a b #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Either a b) -> Either a b #

stimes :: Integral b0 => b0 -> Either a b -> Either a b #

(Semigroup a, Semigroup b) => Semigroup (These a b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Strict.These


(<>) :: These a b -> These a b -> These a b #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (These a b) -> These a b #

stimes :: Integral b0 => b0 -> These a b -> These a b #

(Semigroup a, Semigroup b) => Semigroup (Pair a b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Strict.Tuple


(<>) :: Pair a b -> Pair a b -> Pair a b #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Pair a b) -> Pair a b #

stimes :: Integral b0 => b0 -> Pair a b -> Pair a b #

(Semigroup a, Semigroup b) => Semigroup (These a b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.These


(<>) :: These a b -> These a b -> These a b #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (These a b) -> These a b #

stimes :: Integral b0 => b0 -> These a b -> These a b #

(Eq k, Hashable k) => Semigroup (HashMap k v)

<> = union

If a key occurs in both maps, the mapping from the first will be the mapping in the result.


>>> fromList [(1,'a'),(2,'b')] <> fromList [(2,'c'),(3,'d')]
fromList [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'d')]
Instance details

Defined in Data.HashMap.Internal


(<>) :: HashMap k v -> HashMap k v -> HashMap k v #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (HashMap k v) -> HashMap k v #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> HashMap k v -> HashMap k v #

Semigroup b => Semigroup (a -> b)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


(<>) :: (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> a -> b #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (a -> b) -> a -> b #

stimes :: Integral b0 => b0 -> (a -> b) -> a -> b #

(Semigroup a, Semigroup b) => Semigroup (a, b)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


(<>) :: (a, b) -> (a, b) -> (a, b) #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (a, b) -> (a, b) #

stimes :: Integral b0 => b0 -> (a, b) -> (a, b) #

Semigroup a => Semigroup (Const a b)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Const


(<>) :: Const a b -> Const a b -> Const a b #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Const a b) -> Const a b #

stimes :: Integral b0 => b0 -> Const a b -> Const a b #

(Applicative f, Semigroup a) => Semigroup (Ap f a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


(<>) :: Ap f a -> Ap f a -> Ap f a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Ap f a) -> Ap f a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Ap f a -> Ap f a #

Alternative f => Semigroup (Alt f a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


(<>) :: Alt f a -> Alt f a -> Alt f a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Alt f a) -> Alt f a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Alt f a -> Alt f a #

Semigroup (f p) => Semigroup (Rec1 f p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


(<>) :: Rec1 f p -> Rec1 f p -> Rec1 f p #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Rec1 f p) -> Rec1 f p #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Rec1 f p -> Rec1 f p #

Semigroup a => Semigroup (Tagged s a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tagged


(<>) :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a -> Tagged s a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Tagged s a) -> Tagged s a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Tagged s a -> Tagged s a #

(Semigroup a, Semigroup b, Semigroup c) => Semigroup (a, b, c)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


(<>) :: (a, b, c) -> (a, b, c) -> (a, b, c) #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (a, b, c) -> (a, b, c) #

stimes :: Integral b0 => b0 -> (a, b, c) -> (a, b, c) #

(Semigroup (f a), Semigroup (g a)) => Semigroup (Product f g a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Product


(<>) :: Product f g a -> Product f g a -> Product f g a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Product f g a) -> Product f g a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Product f g a -> Product f g a #

(Semigroup (f p), Semigroup (g p)) => Semigroup ((f :*: g) p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


(<>) :: (f :*: g) p -> (f :*: g) p -> (f :*: g) p #

sconcat :: NonEmpty ((f :*: g) p) -> (f :*: g) p #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> (f :*: g) p -> (f :*: g) p #

Semigroup c => Semigroup (K1 i c p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


(<>) :: K1 i c p -> K1 i c p -> K1 i c p #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (K1 i c p) -> K1 i c p #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> K1 i c p -> K1 i c p #

Monad m => Semigroup (ConduitT i o m ()) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Conduit.Internal.Conduit


(<>) :: ConduitT i o m () -> ConduitT i o m () -> ConduitT i o m () #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (ConduitT i o m ()) -> ConduitT i o m () #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> ConduitT i o m () -> ConduitT i o m () #

Semigroup a => Semigroup (ParsecT s u m a)

The Semigroup instance for ParsecT is used to append the result of several parsers, for example:

(many $ char a) <> (many $ char b)

The above will parse a string like "aabbb" and return a successful parse result "aabbb". Compare against the below which will produce a result of "bbb" for the same input:

(many $ char a) >> (many $ char b)
(many $ char a) *> (many $ char b)

Since: parsec-3.1.12

Instance details

Defined in Text.Parsec.Prim


(<>) :: ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (ParsecT s u m a) -> ParsecT s u m a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m a #

(Semigroup a, Semigroup b, Semigroup c, Semigroup d) => Semigroup (a, b, c, d)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


(<>) :: (a, b, c, d) -> (a, b, c, d) -> (a, b, c, d) #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (a, b, c, d) -> (a, b, c, d) #

stimes :: Integral b0 => b0 -> (a, b, c, d) -> (a, b, c, d) #

Semigroup (f (g a)) => Semigroup (Compose f g a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Compose


(<>) :: Compose f g a -> Compose f g a -> Compose f g a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Compose f g a) -> Compose f g a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Compose f g a -> Compose f g a #

Semigroup (f (g p)) => Semigroup ((f :.: g) p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


(<>) :: (f :.: g) p -> (f :.: g) p -> (f :.: g) p #

sconcat :: NonEmpty ((f :.: g) p) -> (f :.: g) p #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> (f :.: g) p -> (f :.: g) p #

Semigroup (f p) => Semigroup (M1 i c f p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


(<>) :: M1 i c f p -> M1 i c f p -> M1 i c f p #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (M1 i c f p) -> M1 i c f p #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> M1 i c f p -> M1 i c f p #

(Semigroup a, Semigroup b, Semigroup c, Semigroup d, Semigroup e) => Semigroup (a, b, c, d, e)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


(<>) :: (a, b, c, d, e) -> (a, b, c, d, e) -> (a, b, c, d, e) #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (a, b, c, d, e) -> (a, b, c, d, e) #

stimes :: Integral b0 => b0 -> (a, b, c, d, e) -> (a, b, c, d, e) #

Monad m => Semigroup (Pipe l i o u m ()) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Conduit.Internal.Pipe


(<>) :: Pipe l i o u m () -> Pipe l i o u m () -> Pipe l i o u m () #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Pipe l i o u m ()) -> Pipe l i o u m () #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Pipe l i o u m () -> Pipe l i o u m () #

class Semigroup a => Monoid a where #

The class of monoids (types with an associative binary operation that has an identity). Instances should satisfy the following:

Right identity
x <> mempty = x
Left identity
mempty <> x = x
x <> (y <> z) = (x <> y) <> z (Semigroup law)
mconcat = foldr (<>) mempty

The method names refer to the monoid of lists under concatenation, but there are many other instances.

Some types can be viewed as a monoid in more than one way, e.g. both addition and multiplication on numbers. In such cases we often define newtypes and make those instances of Monoid, e.g. Sum and Product.

NOTE: Semigroup is a superclass of Monoid since base-

Minimal complete definition



mempty :: a #

Identity of mappend

>>> "Hello world" <> mempty
"Hello world"

mappend :: a -> a -> a #

An associative operation

NOTE: This method is redundant and has the default implementation mappend = (<>) since base- Should it be implemented manually, since mappend is a synonym for (<>), it is expected that the two functions are defined the same way. In a future GHC release mappend will be removed from Monoid.

mconcat :: [a] -> a #

Fold a list using the monoid.

For most types, the default definition for mconcat will be used, but the function is included in the class definition so that an optimized version can be provided for specific types.

>>> mconcat ["Hello", " ", "Haskell", "!"]
"Hello Haskell!"


Instances details
Monoid Series 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Encoding.Internal

Monoid Key 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Key


mempty :: Key #

mappend :: Key -> Key -> Key #

mconcat :: [Key] -> Key #

Monoid More 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Attoparsec.Internal.Types


mempty :: More #

mappend :: More -> More -> More #

mconcat :: [More] -> More #

Monoid All

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


mempty :: All #

mappend :: All -> All -> All #

mconcat :: [All] -> All #

Monoid Any

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


mempty :: Any #

mappend :: Any -> Any -> Any #

mconcat :: [Any] -> Any #

Monoid String 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.UTF8.Base

Monoid Builder 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteString.Builder.Internal

Monoid ByteString 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteString.Internal

Monoid ByteString 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal

Monoid ShortByteString 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteString.Short.Internal

Monoid IntSet 
Instance details

Defined in Data.IntSet.Internal

Monoid ByteArray 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Array.Byte

Monoid UniqueSet 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Collections

Monoid LabelSet 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Label

Monoid FastString 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Data.FastString

Monoid PluginRecompile 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Plugins

Monoid AnnList 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation

Monoid AnnListItem 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation

Monoid AnnSortKey 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation

Monoid NameAnn 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation

Monoid InsideLam 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Basic

Monoid InterestingCxt 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Basic

Monoid NonCaffySet 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Name.Set

Monoid ModuleOrigin 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unit.State

Monoid UnitVisibility 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unit.State


mempty :: UnitVisibility #

mappend :: UnitVisibility -> UnitVisibility -> UnitVisibility #

mconcat :: [UnitVisibility] -> UnitVisibility #

Monoid PprColour

Allow colours to be combined (e.g. bold + red); In case of conflict, right side takes precedence.

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Utils.Ppr.Colour

Monoid Ordering

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base

Monoid Hint 
Instance details

Defined in Hint.Type


mempty :: Hint #

mappend :: Hint -> Hint -> Hint #

mconcat :: [Hint] -> Hint #

Monoid CookieJar

Since 1.9

Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types

Monoid RequestBody 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types

Monoid Display Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.Types

Monoid Metadata 
Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types

Monoid Doc 
Instance details

Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ


mempty :: Doc #

mappend :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc #

mconcat :: [Doc] -> Doc #

Monoid ByteArray 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.ByteArray

Monoid Builder 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Text.Internal.Builder

Monoid ShortText 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Text.Short.Internal

Monoid ()

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


mempty :: () #

mappend :: () -> () -> () #

mconcat :: [()] -> () #

Monoid (KeyMap v) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.KeyMap


mempty :: KeyMap v #

mappend :: KeyMap v -> KeyMap v -> KeyMap v #

mconcat :: [KeyMap v] -> KeyMap v #

Monoid (IResult a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal


mempty :: IResult a #

mappend :: IResult a -> IResult a -> IResult a #

mconcat :: [IResult a] -> IResult a #

Monoid (Parser a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal


mempty :: Parser a #

mappend :: Parser a -> Parser a -> Parser a #

mconcat :: [Parser a] -> Parser a #

Monoid (Result a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal


mempty :: Result a #

mappend :: Result a -> Result a -> Result a #

mconcat :: [Result a] -> Result a #

Monoid a => Monoid (Identity a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Identity


mempty :: Identity a #

mappend :: Identity a -> Identity a -> Identity a #

mconcat :: [Identity a] -> Identity a #

Monoid (First a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


mempty :: First a #

mappend :: First a -> First a -> First a #

mconcat :: [First a] -> First a #

Monoid (Last a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


mempty :: Last a #

mappend :: Last a -> Last a -> Last a #

mconcat :: [Last a] -> Last a #

Monoid a => Monoid (Down a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Ord


mempty :: Down a #

mappend :: Down a -> Down a -> Down a #

mconcat :: [Down a] -> Down a #

(Ord a, Bounded a) => Monoid (Max a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


mempty :: Max a #

mappend :: Max a -> Max a -> Max a #

mconcat :: [Max a] -> Max a #

(Ord a, Bounded a) => Monoid (Min a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


mempty :: Min a #

mappend :: Min a -> Min a -> Min a #

mconcat :: [Min a] -> Min a #

Monoid m => Monoid (WrappedMonoid m)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup

Monoid a => Monoid (Dual a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


mempty :: Dual a #

mappend :: Dual a -> Dual a -> Dual a #

mconcat :: [Dual a] -> Dual a #

Monoid (Endo a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


mempty :: Endo a #

mappend :: Endo a -> Endo a -> Endo a #

mconcat :: [Endo a] -> Endo a #

Num a => Monoid (Product a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


mempty :: Product a #

mappend :: Product a -> Product a -> Product a #

mconcat :: [Product a] -> Product a #

Num a => Monoid (Sum a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


mempty :: Sum a #

mappend :: Sum a -> Sum a -> Sum a #

mconcat :: [Sum a] -> Sum a #

Monoid p => Monoid (Par1 p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


mempty :: Par1 p #

mappend :: Par1 p -> Par1 p -> Par1 p #

mconcat :: [Par1 p] -> Par1 p #

PrimType ty => Monoid (Block ty) 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Block.Base


mempty :: Block ty #

mappend :: Block ty -> Block ty -> Block ty #

mconcat :: [Block ty] -> Block ty #

Monoid (CountOf ty) 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Types.OffsetSize


mempty :: CountOf ty #

mappend :: CountOf ty -> CountOf ty -> CountOf ty #

mconcat :: [CountOf ty] -> CountOf ty #

PrimType ty => Monoid (UArray ty) 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.UArray.Base


mempty :: UArray ty #

mappend :: UArray ty -> UArray ty -> UArray ty #

mconcat :: [UArray ty] -> UArray ty #

Monoid (PutM ()) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Put


mempty :: PutM () #

mappend :: PutM () -> PutM () -> PutM () #

mconcat :: [PutM ()] -> PutM () #

Monoid (Group a) 
Instance details

Defined in System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit.Type


mempty :: Group a #

mappend :: Group a -> Group a -> Group a #

mconcat :: [Group a] -> Group a #

Num a => Monoid (AlphaColour a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Colour.Internal

Num a => Monoid (Colour a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Colour.Internal


mempty :: Colour a #

mappend :: Colour a -> Colour a -> Colour a #

mconcat :: [Colour a] -> Colour a #

Monoid (IntMap a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.IntMap.Internal


mempty :: IntMap a #

mappend :: IntMap a -> IntMap a -> IntMap a #

mconcat :: [IntMap a] -> IntMap a #

Monoid (Seq a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Sequence.Internal


mempty :: Seq a #

mappend :: Seq a -> Seq a -> Seq a #

mconcat :: [Seq a] -> Seq a #

Monoid (MergeSet a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Set.Internal


mempty :: MergeSet a #

mappend :: MergeSet a -> MergeSet a -> MergeSet a #

mconcat :: [MergeSet a] -> MergeSet a #

Ord a => Monoid (Set a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Set.Internal


mempty :: Set a #

mappend :: Set a -> Set a -> Set a #

mconcat :: [Set a] -> Set a #

Monoid (DList a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.DList.Internal


mempty :: DList a #

mappend :: DList a -> DList a -> DList a #

mconcat :: [DList a] -> DList a #

Monoid (OrdList a) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Data.OrdList


mempty :: OrdList a #

mappend :: OrdList a -> OrdList a -> OrdList a #

mconcat :: [OrdList a] -> OrdList a #

Monoid a => Monoid (EpAnn a) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Annotation


mempty :: EpAnn a #

mappend :: EpAnn a -> EpAnn a -> EpAnn a #

mconcat :: [EpAnn a] -> EpAnn a #

Monoid (UniqSet a) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Unique.Set


mempty :: UniqSet a #

mappend :: UniqSet a -> UniqSet a -> UniqSet a #

mconcat :: [UniqSet a] -> UniqSet a #

Monoid (Bag a) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Data.Bag


mempty :: Bag a #

mappend :: Bag a -> Bag a -> Bag a #

mconcat :: [Bag a] -> Bag a #

Monoid a => Monoid (Q a)

Since: ghc-lib-parser-

Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


mempty :: Q a #

mappend :: Q a -> Q a -> Q a #

mconcat :: [Q a] -> Q a #

Monoid a => Monoid (IO a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


mempty :: IO a #

mappend :: IO a -> IO a -> IO a #

mconcat :: [IO a] -> IO a #

Monoid (Doc a) 
Instance details

Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.Annotated.HughesPJ


mempty :: Doc a #

mappend :: Doc a -> Doc a -> Doc a #

mconcat :: [Doc a] -> Doc a #

Monoid (Array a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.Array


mempty :: Array a #

mappend :: Array a -> Array a -> Array a #

mconcat :: [Array a] -> Array a #

Monoid (PrimArray a)

Since: primitive-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.PrimArray

Monoid (SmallArray a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.SmallArray

Semigroup a => Monoid (Maybe a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Strict.Maybe


mempty :: Maybe a #

mappend :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a #

mconcat :: [Maybe a] -> Maybe a #

Monoid a => Monoid (Q a)

Since: template-haskell-

Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


mempty :: Q a #

mappend :: Q a -> Q a -> Q a #

mconcat :: [Q a] -> Q a #

(Hashable a, Eq a) => Monoid (HashSet a)

mempty = empty

mappend = union


To obtain good performance, the smaller set must be presented as the first argument.


>>> mappend (fromList [1,2]) (fromList [2,3])
fromList [1,2,3]
Instance details

Defined in Data.HashSet.Internal


mempty :: HashSet a #

mappend :: HashSet a -> HashSet a -> HashSet a #

mconcat :: [HashSet a] -> HashSet a #

Monoid (Vector a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector


mempty :: Vector a #

mappend :: Vector a -> Vector a -> Vector a #

mconcat :: [Vector a] -> Vector a #

Prim a => Monoid (Vector a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Primitive


mempty :: Vector a #

mappend :: Vector a -> Vector a -> Vector a #

mconcat :: [Vector a] -> Vector a #

Storable a => Monoid (Vector a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Storable


mempty :: Vector a #

mappend :: Vector a -> Vector a -> Vector a #

mconcat :: [Vector a] -> Vector a #

Semigroup a => Monoid (Maybe a)

Lift a semigroup into Maybe forming a Monoid according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monoid: "Any semigroup S may be turned into a monoid simply by adjoining an element e not in S and defining e*e = e and e*s = s = s*e for all s ∈ S."

Since 4.11.0: constraint on inner a value generalised from Monoid to Semigroup.

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


mempty :: Maybe a #

mappend :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a #

mconcat :: [Maybe a] -> Maybe a #

Monoid a => Monoid (a)

Since: base-4.15

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


mempty :: (a) #

mappend :: (a) -> (a) -> (a) #

mconcat :: [(a)] -> (a) #

Monoid [a]

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


mempty :: [a] #

mappend :: [a] -> [a] -> [a] #

mconcat :: [[a]] -> [a] #

Monoid (Parser i a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Attoparsec.Internal.Types


mempty :: Parser i a #

mappend :: Parser i a -> Parser i a -> Parser i a #

mconcat :: [Parser i a] -> Parser i a #

Monoid (Proxy s)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Proxy


mempty :: Proxy s #

mappend :: Proxy s -> Proxy s -> Proxy s #

mconcat :: [Proxy s] -> Proxy s #

Monoid (U1 p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


mempty :: U1 p #

mappend :: U1 p -> U1 p -> U1 p #

mconcat :: [U1 p] -> U1 p #

Monoid a => Monoid (ST s a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.ST


mempty :: ST s a #

mappend :: ST s a -> ST s a -> ST s a #

mconcat :: [ST s a] -> ST s a #

Ord k => Monoid (Map k v) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Map.Internal


mempty :: Map k v #

mappend :: Map k v -> Map k v -> Map k v #

mconcat :: [Map k v] -> Map k v #

(Monoid a, Monoid b) => Monoid (Pair a b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Strict.Tuple


mempty :: Pair a b #

mappend :: Pair a b -> Pair a b -> Pair a b #

mconcat :: [Pair a b] -> Pair a b #

(Eq k, Hashable k) => Monoid (HashMap k v)

mempty = empty

mappend = union

If a key occurs in both maps, the mapping from the first will be the mapping in the result.


>>> mappend (fromList [(1,'a'),(2,'b')]) (fromList [(2,'c'),(3,'d')])
fromList [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'d')]
Instance details

Defined in Data.HashMap.Internal


mempty :: HashMap k v #

mappend :: HashMap k v -> HashMap k v -> HashMap k v #

mconcat :: [HashMap k v] -> HashMap k v #

Monoid b => Monoid (a -> b)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


mempty :: a -> b #

mappend :: (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> a -> b #

mconcat :: [a -> b] -> a -> b #

(Monoid a, Monoid b) => Monoid (a, b)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


mempty :: (a, b) #

mappend :: (a, b) -> (a, b) -> (a, b) #

mconcat :: [(a, b)] -> (a, b) #

Monoid a => Monoid (Const a b)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Const


mempty :: Const a b #

mappend :: Const a b -> Const a b -> Const a b #

mconcat :: [Const a b] -> Const a b #

(Applicative f, Monoid a) => Monoid (Ap f a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


mempty :: Ap f a #

mappend :: Ap f a -> Ap f a -> Ap f a #

mconcat :: [Ap f a] -> Ap f a #

Alternative f => Monoid (Alt f a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


mempty :: Alt f a #

mappend :: Alt f a -> Alt f a -> Alt f a #

mconcat :: [Alt f a] -> Alt f a #

Monoid (f p) => Monoid (Rec1 f p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


mempty :: Rec1 f p #

mappend :: Rec1 f p -> Rec1 f p -> Rec1 f p #

mconcat :: [Rec1 f p] -> Rec1 f p #

(Semigroup a, Monoid a) => Monoid (Tagged s a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tagged


mempty :: Tagged s a #

mappend :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a -> Tagged s a #

mconcat :: [Tagged s a] -> Tagged s a #

(Monoid a, Monoid b, Monoid c) => Monoid (a, b, c)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


mempty :: (a, b, c) #

mappend :: (a, b, c) -> (a, b, c) -> (a, b, c) #

mconcat :: [(a, b, c)] -> (a, b, c) #

(Monoid (f a), Monoid (g a)) => Monoid (Product f g a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Product


mempty :: Product f g a #

mappend :: Product f g a -> Product f g a -> Product f g a #

mconcat :: [Product f g a] -> Product f g a #

(Monoid (f p), Monoid (g p)) => Monoid ((f :*: g) p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


mempty :: (f :*: g) p #

mappend :: (f :*: g) p -> (f :*: g) p -> (f :*: g) p #

mconcat :: [(f :*: g) p] -> (f :*: g) p #

Monoid c => Monoid (K1 i c p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


mempty :: K1 i c p #

mappend :: K1 i c p -> K1 i c p -> K1 i c p #

mconcat :: [K1 i c p] -> K1 i c p #

Monad m => Monoid (ConduitT i o m ()) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Conduit.Internal.Conduit


mempty :: ConduitT i o m () #

mappend :: ConduitT i o m () -> ConduitT i o m () -> ConduitT i o m () #

mconcat :: [ConduitT i o m ()] -> ConduitT i o m () #

(Monoid a, Semigroup (ParsecT s u m a)) => Monoid (ParsecT s u m a)

The Monoid instance for ParsecT is used for the same purposes as the Semigroup instance.

Since: parsec-3.1.12

Instance details

Defined in Text.Parsec.Prim


mempty :: ParsecT s u m a #

mappend :: ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m a #

mconcat :: [ParsecT s u m a] -> ParsecT s u m a #

(Monoid a, Monoid b, Monoid c, Monoid d) => Monoid (a, b, c, d)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


mempty :: (a, b, c, d) #

mappend :: (a, b, c, d) -> (a, b, c, d) -> (a, b, c, d) #

mconcat :: [(a, b, c, d)] -> (a, b, c, d) #

Monoid (f (g a)) => Monoid (Compose f g a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Compose


mempty :: Compose f g a #

mappend :: Compose f g a -> Compose f g a -> Compose f g a #

mconcat :: [Compose f g a] -> Compose f g a #

Monoid (f (g p)) => Monoid ((f :.: g) p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


mempty :: (f :.: g) p #

mappend :: (f :.: g) p -> (f :.: g) p -> (f :.: g) p #

mconcat :: [(f :.: g) p] -> (f :.: g) p #

Monoid (f p) => Monoid (M1 i c f p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


mempty :: M1 i c f p #

mappend :: M1 i c f p -> M1 i c f p -> M1 i c f p #

mconcat :: [M1 i c f p] -> M1 i c f p #

(Monoid a, Monoid b, Monoid c, Monoid d, Monoid e) => Monoid (a, b, c, d, e)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


mempty :: (a, b, c, d, e) #

mappend :: (a, b, c, d, e) -> (a, b, c, d, e) -> (a, b, c, d, e) #

mconcat :: [(a, b, c, d, e)] -> (a, b, c, d, e) #

Monad m => Monoid (Pipe l i o u m ()) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Conduit.Internal.Pipe


mempty :: Pipe l i o u m () #

mappend :: Pipe l i o u m () -> Pipe l i o u m () -> Pipe l i o u m () #

mconcat :: [Pipe l i o u m ()] -> Pipe l i o u m () #

class IP (x :: Symbol) a | x -> a where #

The syntax ?x :: a is desugared into IP "x" a IP is declared very early, so that libraries can take advantage of the implicit-call-stack feature


ip :: a #

data Addr# :: TYPE 'AddrRep #

An arbitrary machine address assumed to point outside the garbage-collected heap.


Instances details
Lift Addr#

Produces an Addr# literal from the NUL-terminated C-string starting at the given memory address.

Since: ghc-lib-parser-

Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => Addr# -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => Addr# -> Code m Addr# #

Lift Addr#

Produces an Addr# literal from the NUL-terminated C-string starting at the given memory address.

Since: template-haskell-

Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => Addr# -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => Addr# -> Code m Addr# #

data Bool #




Instances details
FromJSON Bool 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON

FromJSONKey Bool 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON

ToJSON Bool 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON

ToJSONKey Bool 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON

Storable Bool

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Foreign.Storable


sizeOf :: Bool -> Int #

alignment :: Bool -> Int #

peekElemOff :: Ptr Bool -> Int -> IO Bool #

pokeElemOff :: Ptr Bool -> Int -> Bool -> IO () #

peekByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> IO Bool #

pokeByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> Bool -> IO () #

peek :: Ptr Bool -> IO Bool #

poke :: Ptr Bool -> Bool -> IO () #

Bounded Bool

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum

Enum Bool

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum


succ :: Bool -> Bool #

pred :: Bool -> Bool #

toEnum :: Int -> Bool #

fromEnum :: Bool -> Int #

enumFrom :: Bool -> [Bool] #

enumFromThen :: Bool -> Bool -> [Bool] #

enumFromTo :: Bool -> Bool -> [Bool] #

enumFromThenTo :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> [Bool] #

Generic Bool 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

Associated Types

type Rep Bool :: Type -> Type #


from :: Bool -> Rep Bool x #

to :: Rep Bool x -> Bool #

SingKind Bool

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

Associated Types

type DemoteRep Bool


fromSing :: forall (a :: Bool). Sing a -> DemoteRep Bool

Ix Bool

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Ix


range :: (Bool, Bool) -> [Bool] #

index :: (Bool, Bool) -> Bool -> Int #

unsafeIndex :: (Bool, Bool) -> Bool -> Int #

inRange :: (Bool, Bool) -> Bool -> Bool #

rangeSize :: (Bool, Bool) -> Int #

unsafeRangeSize :: (Bool, Bool) -> Int #

Read Bool

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Read

Show Bool

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show


showsPrec :: Int -> Bool -> ShowS #

show :: Bool -> String #

showList :: [Bool] -> ShowS #

BitOps Bool 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Bits

FiniteBitsOps Bool 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Bits

Binary Bool 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Class


put :: Bool -> Put #

get :: Get Bool #

putList :: [Bool] -> Put #

Outputable Bool 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Utils.Outputable


ppr :: Bool -> SDoc #

Eq Bool 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


(==) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool #

(/=) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool #

Ord Bool 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


compare :: Bool -> Bool -> Ordering #

(<) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool #

(<=) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool #

(>) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool #

(>=) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool #

max :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool #

min :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool #

Hashable Bool 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Hashable.Class


hashWithSalt :: Int -> Bool -> Int #

hash :: Bool -> Int #

Random Bool 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => (Bool, Bool) -> g -> (Bool, g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> (Bool, g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => (Bool, Bool) -> g -> [Bool] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [Bool] #

Uniform Bool 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random.Internal


uniformM :: StatefulGen g m => g -> m Bool #

UniformRange Bool 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random.Internal


uniformRM :: StatefulGen g m => (Bool, Bool) -> g -> m Bool #

Unbox Bool 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

IArray UArray Bool 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Array.Base


bounds :: Ix i => UArray i Bool -> (i, i) #

numElements :: Ix i => UArray i Bool -> Int

unsafeArray :: Ix i => (i, i) -> [(Int, Bool)] -> UArray i Bool

unsafeAt :: Ix i => UArray i Bool -> Int -> Bool

unsafeReplace :: Ix i => UArray i Bool -> [(Int, Bool)] -> UArray i Bool

unsafeAccum :: Ix i => (Bool -> e' -> Bool) -> UArray i Bool -> [(Int, e')] -> UArray i Bool

unsafeAccumArray :: Ix i => (Bool -> e' -> Bool) -> Bool -> (i, i) -> [(Int, e')] -> UArray i Bool

SingI 'False

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


sing :: Sing 'False

SingI 'True

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


sing :: Sing 'True

Lift Bool 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => Bool -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => Bool -> Code m Bool #

Lift Bool 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => Bool -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => Bool -> Code m Bool #

Vector Vector Bool 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

MVector MVector Bool 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

MArray (STUArray s) Bool (ST s) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Array.Base


getBounds :: Ix i => STUArray s i Bool -> ST s (i, i) #

getNumElements :: Ix i => STUArray s i Bool -> ST s Int

newArray :: Ix i => (i, i) -> Bool -> ST s (STUArray s i Bool) #

newArray_ :: Ix i => (i, i) -> ST s (STUArray s i Bool) #

unsafeNewArray_ :: Ix i => (i, i) -> ST s (STUArray s i Bool)

unsafeRead :: Ix i => STUArray s i Bool -> Int -> ST s Bool

unsafeWrite :: Ix i => STUArray s i Bool -> Int -> Bool -> ST s ()

type DemoteRep Bool 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

type DemoteRep Bool = Bool
type Rep Bool

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

type Rep Bool = D1 ('MetaData "Bool" "GHC.Types" "ghc-prim" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "False" 'PrefixI 'False) (U1 :: Type -> Type) :+: C1 ('MetaCons "True" 'PrefixI 'False) (U1 :: Type -> Type))
data Sing (a :: Bool) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

data Sing (a :: Bool) where
type Anno Bool 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Hs.Decls

type Anno Bool 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Hs.Decls

newtype Vector Bool 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

newtype MVector s Bool 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

newtype MVector s Bool = MV_Bool (MVector s Word8)

data ByteArray# :: UnliftedType #

A boxed, unlifted datatype representing a region of raw memory in the garbage-collected heap, which is not scanned for pointers during garbage collection.

It is created by freezing a 'MutableByteArray#' with 'unsafeFreezeByteArray#'. Freezing is essentially a no-op, as MutableByteArray# and ByteArray# share the same heap structure under the hood.

The immutable and mutable variants are commonly used for scenarios requiring high-performance data structures, like Text, Primitive Vector, Unboxed Array, and ShortByteString.

Another application of fundamental importance is 'Integer', which is backed by 'ByteArray#'.

The representation on the heap of a Byte Array is:

|            |                 |                       |
|   HEADER   | SIZE (in bytes) |       PAYLOAD         |
|            |                 |                       |

To obtain a pointer to actual payload (e.g., for FFI purposes) use 'byteArrayContents#' or 'mutableByteArrayContents#'.

Alternatively, enabling the UnliftedFFITypes extension allows to mention 'ByteArray#' and 'MutableByteArray#' in FFI type signatures directly.

type String = [Char] #

A String is a list of characters. String constants in Haskell are values of type String.

See Data.List for operations on lists.

data Char# :: TYPE 'WordRep #


Instances details
Lift Char#

Since: ghc-lib-parser-

Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => Char# -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => Char# -> Code m Char# #

Lift Char#

Since: template-haskell-

Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => Char# -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => Char# -> Code m Char# #

data Char #

The character type Char is an enumeration whose values represent Unicode (or equivalently ISO/IEC 10646) code points (i.e. characters, see http://www.unicode.org/ for details). This set extends the ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1) character set (the first 256 characters), which is itself an extension of the ASCII character set (the first 128 characters). A character literal in Haskell has type Char.

To convert a Char to or from the corresponding Int value defined by Unicode, use toEnum and fromEnum from the Enum class respectively (or equivalently ord and chr).


C# Char# 


Instances details
FromJSON Char 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON

FromJSONKey Char 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON

ToJSON Char 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON

ToJSONKey Char 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON

Storable Char

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Foreign.Storable


sizeOf :: Char -> Int #

alignment :: Char -> Int #

peekElemOff :: Ptr Char -> Int -> IO Char #

pokeElemOff :: Ptr Char -> Int -> Char -> IO () #

peekByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> IO Char #

pokeByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> Char -> IO () #

peek :: Ptr Char -> IO Char #

poke :: Ptr Char -> Char -> IO () #

Bounded Char

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum

Enum Char

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum


succ :: Char -> Char #

pred :: Char -> Char #

toEnum :: Int -> Char #

fromEnum :: Char -> Int #

enumFrom :: Char -> [Char] #

enumFromThen :: Char -> Char -> [Char] #

enumFromTo :: Char -> Char -> [Char] #

enumFromThenTo :: Char -> Char -> Char -> [Char] #

Ix Char

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Ix


range :: (Char, Char) -> [Char] #

index :: (Char, Char) -> Char -> Int #

unsafeIndex :: (Char, Char) -> Char -> Int #

inRange :: (Char, Char) -> Char -> Bool #

rangeSize :: (Char, Char) -> Int #

unsafeRangeSize :: (Char, Char) -> Int #

Read Char

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Read

Show Char

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show


showsPrec :: Int -> Char -> ShowS #

show :: Char -> String #

showList :: [Char] -> ShowS #

IsChar Char

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Text.Printf


toChar :: Char -> Char #

fromChar :: Char -> Char #

PrintfArg Char

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Text.Printf

Subtractive Char 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Numerical.Subtractive

Associated Types

type Difference Char #


(-) :: Char -> Char -> Difference Char #

PrimMemoryComparable Char 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.PrimType

PrimType Char 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.PrimType

Associated Types

type PrimSize Char :: Nat #

Binary Char 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Class


put :: Char -> Put #

get :: Get Char #

putList :: [Char] -> Put #

Outputable Char 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Utils.Outputable


ppr :: Char -> SDoc #

Eq Char 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


(==) :: Char -> Char -> Bool #

(/=) :: Char -> Char -> Bool #

Ord Char 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


compare :: Char -> Char -> Ordering #

(<) :: Char -> Char -> Bool #

(<=) :: Char -> Char -> Bool #

(>) :: Char -> Char -> Bool #

(>=) :: Char -> Char -> Bool #

max :: Char -> Char -> Char #

min :: Char -> Char -> Char #

Hashable Char 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Hashable.Class


hashWithSalt :: Int -> Char -> Int #

hash :: Char -> Int #

Prim Char 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.Types

Random Char 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => (Char, Char) -> g -> (Char, g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> (Char, g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => (Char, Char) -> g -> [Char] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [Char] #

Uniform Char 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random.Internal


uniformM :: StatefulGen g m => g -> m Char #

UniformRange Char 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random.Internal


uniformRM :: StatefulGen g m => (Char, Char) -> g -> m Char #

CmdArg String 
Instance details

Defined in Shelly


toTextArg :: String -> Text #

ToFilePath FilePath 
Instance details

Defined in Shelly

ErrorList Char 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Error


listMsg :: String -> [Char] #

Unbox Char 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

IArray UArray Char 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Array.Base


bounds :: Ix i => UArray i Char -> (i, i) #

numElements :: Ix i => UArray i Char -> Int

unsafeArray :: Ix i => (i, i) -> [(Int, Char)] -> UArray i Char

unsafeAt :: Ix i => UArray i Char -> Int -> Char

unsafeReplace :: Ix i => UArray i Char -> [(Int, Char)] -> UArray i Char

unsafeAccum :: Ix i => (Char -> e' -> Char) -> UArray i Char -> [(Int, e')] -> UArray i Char

unsafeAccumArray :: Ix i => (Char -> e' -> Char) -> Char -> (i, i) -> [(Int, e')] -> UArray i Char

Lift Char 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => Char -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => Char -> Code m Char #

Lift Char 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => Char -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => Char -> Code m Char #

Vector Vector Char 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

MVector MVector Char 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

Monad m => Stream ByteString m Char 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Parsec.Prim


uncons :: ByteString -> m (Maybe (Char, ByteString)) #

Monad m => Stream ByteString m Char 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Parsec.Prim


uncons :: ByteString -> m (Maybe (Char, ByteString)) #

Monad m => Stream Text m Char 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Parsec.Prim


uncons :: Text -> m (Maybe (Char, Text)) #

Monad m => Stream Text m Char 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Parsec.Prim


uncons :: Text -> m (Maybe (Char, Text)) #

Generic1 (URec Char :: k -> Type) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

Associated Types

type Rep1 (URec Char) :: k -> Type #


from1 :: forall (a :: k0). URec Char a -> Rep1 (URec Char) a #

to1 :: forall (a :: k0). Rep1 (URec Char) a -> URec Char a #

Foldable (UChar :: TYPE LiftedRep -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Foldable


fold :: Monoid m => UChar m -> m #

foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> UChar a -> m #

foldMap' :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> UChar a -> m #

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> UChar a -> b #

foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> UChar a -> b #

foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> UChar a -> b #

foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> UChar a -> b #

foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> UChar a -> a #

foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> UChar a -> a #

toList :: UChar a -> [a] #

null :: UChar a -> Bool #

length :: UChar a -> Int #

elem :: Eq a => a -> UChar a -> Bool #

maximum :: Ord a => UChar a -> a #

minimum :: Ord a => UChar a -> a #

sum :: Num a => UChar a -> a #

product :: Num a => UChar a -> a #

Traversable (UChar :: Type -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Traversable


traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> UChar a -> f (UChar b) #

sequenceA :: Applicative f => UChar (f a) -> f (UChar a) #

mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> UChar a -> m (UChar b) #

sequence :: Monad m => UChar (m a) -> m (UChar a) #

MArray (STUArray s) Char (ST s) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Array.Base


getBounds :: Ix i => STUArray s i Char -> ST s (i, i) #

getNumElements :: Ix i => STUArray s i Char -> ST s Int

newArray :: Ix i => (i, i) -> Char -> ST s (STUArray s i Char) #

newArray_ :: Ix i => (i, i) -> ST s (STUArray s i Char) #

unsafeNewArray_ :: Ix i => (i, i) -> ST s (STUArray s i Char)

unsafeRead :: Ix i => STUArray s i Char -> Int -> ST s Char

unsafeWrite :: Ix i => STUArray s i Char -> Int -> Char -> ST s ()

Functor (URec Char :: TYPE LiftedRep -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


fmap :: (a -> b) -> URec Char a -> URec Char b #

(<$) :: a -> URec Char b -> URec Char a #

Generic (URec Char p) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

Associated Types

type Rep (URec Char p) :: Type -> Type #


from :: URec Char p -> Rep (URec Char p) x #

to :: Rep (URec Char p) x -> URec Char p #

Show (URec Char p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


showsPrec :: Int -> URec Char p -> ShowS #

show :: URec Char p -> String #

showList :: [URec Char p] -> ShowS #

Eq (URec Char p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


(==) :: URec Char p -> URec Char p -> Bool #

(/=) :: URec Char p -> URec Char p -> Bool #

Ord (URec Char p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


compare :: URec Char p -> URec Char p -> Ordering #

(<) :: URec Char p -> URec Char p -> Bool #

(<=) :: URec Char p -> URec Char p -> Bool #

(>) :: URec Char p -> URec Char p -> Bool #

(>=) :: URec Char p -> URec Char p -> Bool #

max :: URec Char p -> URec Char p -> URec Char p #

min :: URec Char p -> URec Char p -> URec Char p #

type NatNumMaxBound Char 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Nat

type NatNumMaxBound Char = 1114111
type Difference Char 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Numerical.Subtractive

type PrimSize Char 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.PrimType

type PrimSize Char = 4
newtype Vector Char 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

data URec Char (p :: k)

Used for marking occurrences of Char#

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

data URec Char (p :: k) = UChar {}
newtype MVector s Char 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

newtype MVector s Char = MV_Char (MVector s Char)
type Compare (a :: Char) (b :: Char) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Type.Ord

type Compare (a :: Char) (b :: Char) = CmpChar a b
type Rep1 (URec Char :: k -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

type Rep1 (URec Char :: k -> Type) = D1 ('MetaData "URec" "GHC.Generics" "base" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "UChar" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "uChar#") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (UChar :: k -> Type)))
type Rep (URec Char p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

type Rep (URec Char p) = D1 ('MetaData "URec" "GHC.Generics" "base" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "UChar" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "uChar#") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (UChar :: Type -> Type)))

data Double# :: TYPE 'DoubleRep #


Instances details
Lift Double#

Since: ghc-lib-parser-

Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => Double# -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => Double# -> Code m Double# #

Lift Double#

Since: template-haskell-

Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => Double# -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => Double# -> Code m Double# #

data Double #

Double-precision floating point numbers. It is desirable that this type be at least equal in range and precision to the IEEE double-precision type.


D# Double# 


Instances details
FromJSON Double 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON

FromJSONKey Double 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON

ToJSON Double 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON

ToJSONKey Double 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON

Storable Double

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Foreign.Storable

Floating Double

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Float

RealFloat Double

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Float

Read Double

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Read

PrintfArg Double

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Text.Printf

Subtractive Double 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Numerical.Subtractive

Associated Types

type Difference Double #

PrimType Double 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.PrimType

Associated Types

type PrimSize Double :: Nat #

Binary Double 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Class


put :: Double -> Put #

get :: Get Double #

putList :: [Double] -> Put #

Outputable Double 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Utils.Outputable


ppr :: Double -> SDoc #

Eq Double

Note that due to the presence of NaN, Double's Eq instance does not satisfy reflexivity.

>>> 0/0 == (0/0 :: Double)

Also note that Double's Eq instance does not satisfy substitutivity:

>>> 0 == (-0 :: Double)
>>> recip 0 == recip (-0 :: Double)
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


(==) :: Double -> Double -> Bool #

(/=) :: Double -> Double -> Bool #

Ord Double

Note that due to the presence of NaN, Double's Ord instance does not satisfy reflexivity.

>>> 0/0 <= (0/0 :: Double)

Also note that, due to the same, Ord's operator interactions are not respected by Double's instance:

>>> (0/0 :: Double) > 1
>>> compare (0/0 :: Double) 1
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes

Hashable Double

Note: prior to hashable-, hash 0.0 /= hash (-0.0)

The hash of NaN is not well defined.

Since: hashable-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Hashable.Class


hashWithSalt :: Int -> Double -> Int #

hash :: Double -> Int #

Prim Double 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.Types

Random Double

Note - random produces values in the closed range [0,1].

Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => (Double, Double) -> g -> (Double, g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> (Double, g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => (Double, Double) -> g -> [Double] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [Double] #

UniformRange Double

See Floating point number caveats.

Instance details

Defined in System.Random.Internal


uniformRM :: StatefulGen g m => (Double, Double) -> g -> m Double #

Unbox Double 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

IArray UArray Double 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Array.Base


bounds :: Ix i => UArray i Double -> (i, i) #

numElements :: Ix i => UArray i Double -> Int

unsafeArray :: Ix i => (i, i) -> [(Int, Double)] -> UArray i Double

unsafeAt :: Ix i => UArray i Double -> Int -> Double

unsafeReplace :: Ix i => UArray i Double -> [(Int, Double)] -> UArray i Double

unsafeAccum :: Ix i => (Double -> e' -> Double) -> UArray i Double -> [(Int, e')] -> UArray i Double

unsafeAccumArray :: Ix i => (Double -> e' -> Double) -> Double -> (i, i) -> [(Int, e')] -> UArray i Double

Lift Double 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => Double -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => Double -> Code m Double #

Lift Double 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => Double -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => Double -> Code m Double #

Vector Vector Double 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

MVector MVector Double 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

Generic1 (URec Double :: k -> Type) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

Associated Types

type Rep1 (URec Double) :: k -> Type #


from1 :: forall (a :: k0). URec Double a -> Rep1 (URec Double) a #

to1 :: forall (a :: k0). Rep1 (URec Double) a -> URec Double a #

Foldable (UDouble :: TYPE LiftedRep -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Foldable


fold :: Monoid m => UDouble m -> m #

foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> UDouble a -> m #

foldMap' :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> UDouble a -> m #

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> UDouble a -> b #

foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> UDouble a -> b #

foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> UDouble a -> b #

foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> UDouble a -> b #

foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> UDouble a -> a #

foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> UDouble a -> a #

toList :: UDouble a -> [a] #

null :: UDouble a -> Bool #

length :: UDouble a -> Int #

elem :: Eq a => a -> UDouble a -> Bool #

maximum :: Ord a => UDouble a -> a #

minimum :: Ord a => UDouble a -> a #

sum :: Num a => UDouble a -> a #

product :: Num a => UDouble a -> a #

Traversable (UDouble :: Type -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Traversable


traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> UDouble a -> f (UDouble b) #

sequenceA :: Applicative f => UDouble (f a) -> f (UDouble a) #

mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> UDouble a -> m (UDouble b) #

sequence :: Monad m => UDouble (m a) -> m (UDouble a) #

MArray (STUArray s) Double (ST s) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Array.Base


getBounds :: Ix i => STUArray s i Double -> ST s (i, i) #

getNumElements :: Ix i => STUArray s i Double -> ST s Int

newArray :: Ix i => (i, i) -> Double -> ST s (STUArray s i Double) #

newArray_ :: Ix i => (i, i) -> ST s (STUArray s i Double) #

unsafeNewArray_ :: Ix i => (i, i) -> ST s (STUArray s i Double)

unsafeRead :: Ix i => STUArray s i Double -> Int -> ST s Double

unsafeWrite :: Ix i => STUArray s i Double -> Int -> Double -> ST s ()

Functor (URec Double :: TYPE LiftedRep -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


fmap :: (a -> b) -> URec Double a -> URec Double b #

(<$) :: a -> URec Double b -> URec Double a #

Generic (URec Double p) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

Associated Types

type Rep (URec Double p) :: Type -> Type #


from :: URec Double p -> Rep (URec Double p) x #

to :: Rep (URec Double p) x -> URec Double p #

Show (URec Double p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


showsPrec :: Int -> URec Double p -> ShowS #

show :: URec Double p -> String #

showList :: [URec Double p] -> ShowS #

Eq (URec Double p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


(==) :: URec Double p -> URec Double p -> Bool #

(/=) :: URec Double p -> URec Double p -> Bool #

Ord (URec Double p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


compare :: URec Double p -> URec Double p -> Ordering #

(<) :: URec Double p -> URec Double p -> Bool #

(<=) :: URec Double p -> URec Double p -> Bool #

(>) :: URec Double p -> URec Double p -> Bool #

(>=) :: URec Double p -> URec Double p -> Bool #

max :: URec Double p -> URec Double p -> URec Double p #

min :: URec Double p -> URec Double p -> URec Double p #

type Difference Double 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Numerical.Subtractive

type PrimSize Double 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.PrimType

type PrimSize Double = 8
newtype Vector Double 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

data URec Double (p :: k)

Used for marking occurrences of Double#

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

data URec Double (p :: k) = UDouble {}
newtype MVector s Double 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

type Rep1 (URec Double :: k -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

type Rep1 (URec Double :: k -> Type) = D1 ('MetaData "URec" "GHC.Generics" "base" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "UDouble" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "uDouble#") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (UDouble :: k -> Type)))
type Rep (URec Double p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

type Rep (URec Double p) = D1 ('MetaData "URec" "GHC.Generics" "base" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "UDouble" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "uDouble#") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (UDouble :: Type -> Type)))

data Float# :: TYPE 'FloatRep #


Instances details
Lift Float#

Since: ghc-lib-parser-

Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => Float# -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => Float# -> Code m Float# #

Lift Float#

Since: template-haskell-

Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => Float# -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => Float# -> Code m Float# #

data Float #

Single-precision floating point numbers. It is desirable that this type be at least equal in range and precision to the IEEE single-precision type.


F# Float# 


Instances details
FromJSON Float 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON

FromJSONKey Float 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON

ToJSON Float 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON

ToJSONKey Float 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON

Storable Float

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Foreign.Storable


sizeOf :: Float -> Int #

alignment :: Float -> Int #

peekElemOff :: Ptr Float -> Int -> IO Float #

pokeElemOff :: Ptr Float -> Int -> Float -> IO () #

peekByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> IO Float #

pokeByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> Float -> IO () #

peek :: Ptr Float -> IO Float #

poke :: Ptr Float -> Float -> IO () #

Floating Float

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Float

RealFloat Float

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Float

Read Float

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Read

PrintfArg Float

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Text.Printf

Subtractive Float 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Numerical.Subtractive

Associated Types

type Difference Float #


(-) :: Float -> Float -> Difference Float #

PrimType Float 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.PrimType

Associated Types

type PrimSize Float :: Nat #

Binary Float 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Class


put :: Float -> Put #

get :: Get Float #

putList :: [Float] -> Put #

Outputable Float 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Utils.Outputable


ppr :: Float -> SDoc #

Eq Float

Note that due to the presence of NaN, Float's Eq instance does not satisfy reflexivity.

>>> 0/0 == (0/0 :: Float)

Also note that Float's Eq instance does not satisfy extensionality:

>>> 0 == (-0 :: Float)
>>> recip 0 == recip (-0 :: Float)
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


(==) :: Float -> Float -> Bool #

(/=) :: Float -> Float -> Bool #

Ord Float

Note that due to the presence of NaN, Float's Ord instance does not satisfy reflexivity.

>>> 0/0 <= (0/0 :: Float)

Also note that, due to the same, Ord's operator interactions are not respected by Float's instance:

>>> (0/0 :: Float) > 1
>>> compare (0/0 :: Float) 1
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


compare :: Float -> Float -> Ordering #

(<) :: Float -> Float -> Bool #

(<=) :: Float -> Float -> Bool #

(>) :: Float -> Float -> Bool #

(>=) :: Float -> Float -> Bool #

max :: Float -> Float -> Float #

min :: Float -> Float -> Float #

Hashable Float

Note: prior to hashable-, hash 0.0 /= hash (-0.0)

The hash of NaN is not well defined.

Since: hashable-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Hashable.Class


hashWithSalt :: Int -> Float -> Int #

hash :: Float -> Int #

Prim Float 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.Types

Random Float

Note - random produces values in the closed range [0,1].

Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => (Float, Float) -> g -> (Float, g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> (Float, g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => (Float, Float) -> g -> [Float] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [Float] #

UniformRange Float

See Floating point number caveats.

Instance details

Defined in System.Random.Internal


uniformRM :: StatefulGen g m => (Float, Float) -> g -> m Float #

Unbox Float 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

IArray UArray Float 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Array.Base


bounds :: Ix i => UArray i Float -> (i, i) #

numElements :: Ix i => UArray i Float -> Int

unsafeArray :: Ix i => (i, i) -> [(Int, Float)] -> UArray i Float

unsafeAt :: Ix i => UArray i Float -> Int -> Float

unsafeReplace :: Ix i => UArray i Float -> [(Int, Float)] -> UArray i Float

unsafeAccum :: Ix i => (Float -> e' -> Float) -> UArray i Float -> [(Int, e')] -> UArray i Float

unsafeAccumArray :: Ix i => (Float -> e' -> Float) -> Float -> (i, i) -> [(Int, e')] -> UArray i Float

Lift Float 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => Float -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => Float -> Code m Float #

Lift Float 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => Float -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => Float -> Code m Float #

Vector Vector Float 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

MVector MVector Float 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

Generic1 (URec Float :: k -> Type) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

Associated Types

type Rep1 (URec Float) :: k -> Type #


from1 :: forall (a :: k0). URec Float a -> Rep1 (URec Float) a #

to1 :: forall (a :: k0). Rep1 (URec Float) a -> URec Float a #

Foldable (UFloat :: TYPE LiftedRep -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Foldable


fold :: Monoid m => UFloat m -> m #

foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> UFloat a -> m #

foldMap' :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> UFloat a -> m #

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> UFloat a -> b #

foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> UFloat a -> b #

foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> UFloat a -> b #

foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> UFloat a -> b #

foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> UFloat a -> a #

foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> UFloat a -> a #

toList :: UFloat a -> [a] #

null :: UFloat a -> Bool #

length :: UFloat a -> Int #

elem :: Eq a => a -> UFloat a -> Bool #

maximum :: Ord a => UFloat a -> a #

minimum :: Ord a => UFloat a -> a #

sum :: Num a => UFloat a -> a #

product :: Num a => UFloat a -> a #

Traversable (UFloat :: Type -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Traversable


traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> UFloat a -> f (UFloat b) #

sequenceA :: Applicative f => UFloat (f a) -> f (UFloat a) #

mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> UFloat a -> m (UFloat b) #

sequence :: Monad m => UFloat (m a) -> m (UFloat a) #

MArray (STUArray s) Float (ST s) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Array.Base


getBounds :: Ix i => STUArray s i Float -> ST s (i, i) #

getNumElements :: Ix i => STUArray s i Float -> ST s Int

newArray :: Ix i => (i, i) -> Float -> ST s (STUArray s i Float) #

newArray_ :: Ix i => (i, i) -> ST s (STUArray s i Float) #

unsafeNewArray_ :: Ix i => (i, i) -> ST s (STUArray s i Float)

unsafeRead :: Ix i => STUArray s i Float -> Int -> ST s Float

unsafeWrite :: Ix i => STUArray s i Float -> Int -> Float -> ST s ()

Functor (URec Float :: TYPE LiftedRep -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


fmap :: (a -> b) -> URec Float a -> URec Float b #

(<$) :: a -> URec Float b -> URec Float a #

Generic (URec Float p) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

Associated Types

type Rep (URec Float p) :: Type -> Type #


from :: URec Float p -> Rep (URec Float p) x #

to :: Rep (URec Float p) x -> URec Float p #

Show (URec Float p) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


showsPrec :: Int -> URec Float p -> ShowS #

show :: URec Float p -> String #

showList :: [URec Float p] -> ShowS #

Eq (URec Float p) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


(==) :: URec Float p -> URec Float p -> Bool #

(/=) :: URec Float p -> URec Float p -> Bool #

Ord (URec Float p) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


compare :: URec Float p -> URec Float p -> Ordering #

(<) :: URec Float p -> URec Float p -> Bool #

(<=) :: URec Float p -> URec Float p -> Bool #

(>) :: URec Float p -> URec Float p -> Bool #

(>=) :: URec Float p -> URec Float p -> Bool #

max :: URec Float p -> URec Float p -> URec Float p #

min :: URec Float p -> URec Float p -> URec Float p #

type Difference Float 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Numerical.Subtractive

type PrimSize Float 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.PrimType

type PrimSize Float = 4
newtype Vector Float 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

data URec Float (p :: k)

Used for marking occurrences of Float#

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

data URec Float (p :: k) = UFloat {}
newtype MVector s Float 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

type Rep1 (URec Float :: k -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

type Rep1 (URec Float :: k -> Type) = D1 ('MetaData "URec" "GHC.Generics" "base" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "UFloat" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "uFloat#") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (UFloat :: k -> Type)))
type Rep (URec Float p) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

type Rep (URec Float p) = D1 ('MetaData "URec" "GHC.Generics" "base" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "UFloat" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "uFloat#") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (UFloat :: Type -> Type)))

data Int# :: TYPE 'IntRep #


Instances details
Lift Int#

Since: ghc-lib-parser-

Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => Int# -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => Int# -> Code m Int# #

Lift Int#

Since: template-haskell-

Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => Int# -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => Int# -> Code m Int# #

data Int #

A fixed-precision integer type with at least the range [-2^29 .. 2^29-1]. The exact range for a given implementation can be determined by using minBound and maxBound from the Bounded class.


I# Int# 


Instances details
FromJSON Int 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON

FromJSONKey Int 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON

Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON

ToJSONKey Int 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON

Storable Int

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Foreign.Storable


sizeOf :: Int -> Int #

alignment :: Int -> Int #

peekElemOff :: Ptr Int -> Int -> IO Int #

pokeElemOff :: Ptr Int -> Int -> Int -> IO () #

peekByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> IO Int #

pokeByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> Int -> IO () #

peek :: Ptr Int -> IO Int #

poke :: Ptr Int -> Int -> IO () #

Bounded Int

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum


minBound :: Int #

maxBound :: Int #

Enum Int

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum


succ :: Int -> Int #

pred :: Int -> Int #

toEnum :: Int -> Int #

fromEnum :: Int -> Int #

enumFrom :: Int -> [Int] #

enumFromThen :: Int -> Int -> [Int] #

enumFromTo :: Int -> Int -> [Int] #

enumFromThenTo :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] #

Ix Int

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Ix


range :: (Int, Int) -> [Int] #

index :: (Int, Int) -> Int -> Int #

unsafeIndex :: (Int, Int) -> Int -> Int #

inRange :: (Int, Int) -> Int -> Bool #

rangeSize :: (Int, Int) -> Int #

unsafeRangeSize :: (Int, Int) -> Int #

Num Int

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Num


(+) :: Int -> Int -> Int #

(-) :: Int -> Int -> Int #

(*) :: Int -> Int -> Int #

negate :: Int -> Int #

abs :: Int -> Int #

signum :: Int -> Int #

fromInteger :: Integer -> Int #

Read Int

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Read

Integral Int

Since: base-2.0.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Real


quot :: Int -> Int -> Int #

rem :: Int -> Int -> Int #

div :: Int -> Int -> Int #

mod :: Int -> Int -> Int #

quotRem :: Int -> Int -> (Int, Int) #

divMod :: Int -> Int -> (Int, Int) #

toInteger :: Int -> Integer #

Real Int

Since: base-2.0.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Real


toRational :: Int -> Rational #

Show Int

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show


showsPrec :: Int -> Int -> ShowS #

show :: Int -> String #

showList :: [Int] -> ShowS #

PrintfArg Int

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Text.Printf

Subtractive Int 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Numerical.Subtractive

Associated Types

type Difference Int #


(-) :: Int -> Int -> Difference Int #

PrimMemoryComparable Int 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.PrimType

PrimType Int 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.PrimType

Associated Types

type PrimSize Int :: Nat #

Binary Int 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Class


put :: Int -> Put #

get :: Get Int #

putList :: [Int] -> Put #

Outputable Int 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Utils.Outputable


ppr :: Int -> SDoc #

Eq Int 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


(==) :: Int -> Int -> Bool #

(/=) :: Int -> Int -> Bool #

Ord Int 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


compare :: Int -> Int -> Ordering #

(<) :: Int -> Int -> Bool #

(<=) :: Int -> Int -> Bool #

(>) :: Int -> Int -> Bool #

(>=) :: Int -> Int -> Bool #

max :: Int -> Int -> Int #

min :: Int -> Int -> Int #

Hashable Int 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Hashable.Class


hashWithSalt :: Int -> Int -> Int #

hash :: Int -> Int #

Prim Int 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.Types

Random Int 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => (Int, Int) -> g -> (Int, g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> (Int, g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => (Int, Int) -> g -> [Int] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [Int] #

Uniform Int 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random.Internal


uniformM :: StatefulGen g m => g -> m Int #

UniformRange Int 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random.Internal


uniformRM :: StatefulGen g m => (Int, Int) -> g -> m Int #

ByteSource Int 
Instance details

Defined in Data.UUID.Types.Internal.Builder


(/-/) :: ByteSink Int g -> Int -> g

Unbox Int 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

IArray UArray Int 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Array.Base


bounds :: Ix i => UArray i Int -> (i, i) #

numElements :: Ix i => UArray i Int -> Int

unsafeArray :: Ix i => (i, i) -> [(Int, Int)] -> UArray i Int

unsafeAt :: Ix i => UArray i Int -> Int -> Int

unsafeReplace :: Ix i => UArray i Int -> [(Int, Int)] -> UArray i Int

unsafeAccum :: Ix i => (Int -> e' -> Int) -> UArray i Int -> [(Int, e')] -> UArray i Int

unsafeAccumArray :: Ix i => (Int -> e' -> Int) -> Int -> (i, i) -> [(Int, e')] -> UArray i Int

Lift Int 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => Int -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => Int -> Code m Int #

Lift Int 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => Int -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => Int -> Code m Int #

Vector Vector Int 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

MVector MVector Int 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

Generic1 (URec Int :: k -> Type) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

Associated Types

type Rep1 (URec Int) :: k -> Type #


from1 :: forall (a :: k0). URec Int a -> Rep1 (URec Int) a #

to1 :: forall (a :: k0). Rep1 (URec Int) a -> URec Int a #

Foldable (UInt :: TYPE LiftedRep -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Foldable


fold :: Monoid m => UInt m -> m #

foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> UInt a -> m #

foldMap' :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> UInt a -> m #

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> UInt a -> b #

foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> UInt a -> b #

foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> UInt a -> b #

foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> UInt a -> b #

foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> UInt a -> a #

foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> UInt a -> a #

toList :: UInt a -> [a] #

null :: UInt a -> Bool #

length :: UInt a -> Int #

elem :: Eq a => a -> UInt a -> Bool #

maximum :: Ord a => UInt a -> a #

minimum :: Ord a => UInt a -> a #

sum :: Num a => UInt a -> a #

product :: Num a => UInt a -> a #

Traversable (UInt :: Type -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Traversable


traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> UInt a -> f (UInt b) #

sequenceA :: Applicative f => UInt (f a) -> f (UInt a) #

mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> UInt a -> m (UInt b) #

sequence :: Monad m => UInt (m a) -> m (UInt a) #

MArray (STUArray s) Int (ST s) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Array.Base


getBounds :: Ix i => STUArray s i Int -> ST s (i, i) #

getNumElements :: Ix i => STUArray s i Int -> ST s Int

newArray :: Ix i => (i, i) -> Int -> ST s (STUArray s i Int) #

newArray_ :: Ix i => (i, i) -> ST s (STUArray s i Int) #

unsafeNewArray_ :: Ix i => (i, i) -> ST s (STUArray s i Int)

unsafeRead :: Ix i => STUArray s i Int -> Int -> ST s Int

unsafeWrite :: Ix i => STUArray s i Int -> Int -> Int -> ST s ()

Functor (URec Int :: TYPE LiftedRep -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


fmap :: (a -> b) -> URec Int a -> URec Int b #

(<$) :: a -> URec Int b -> URec Int a #

Generic (URec Int p) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

Associated Types

type Rep (URec Int p) :: Type -> Type #


from :: URec Int p -> Rep (URec Int p) x #

to :: Rep (URec Int p) x -> URec Int p #

Show (URec Int p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


showsPrec :: Int -> URec Int p -> ShowS #

show :: URec Int p -> String #

showList :: [URec Int p] -> ShowS #

Eq (URec Int p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


(==) :: URec Int p -> URec Int p -> Bool #

(/=) :: URec Int p -> URec Int p -> Bool #

Ord (URec Int p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


compare :: URec Int p -> URec Int p -> Ordering #

(<) :: URec Int p -> URec Int p -> Bool #

(<=) :: URec Int p -> URec Int p -> Bool #

(>) :: URec Int p -> URec Int p -> Bool #

(>=) :: URec Int p -> URec Int p -> Bool #

max :: URec Int p -> URec Int p -> URec Int p #

min :: URec Int p -> URec Int p -> URec Int p #

type NatNumMaxBound Int 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Nat

type Difference Int 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Numerical.Subtractive

type PrimSize Int 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.PrimType

type PrimSize Int = 8
newtype Vector Int 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

newtype Vector Int = V_Int (Vector Int)
data URec Int (p :: k)

Used for marking occurrences of Int#

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

data URec Int (p :: k) = UInt {}
type ByteSink Int g 
Instance details

Defined in Data.UUID.Types.Internal.Builder

type ByteSink Int g = Takes4Bytes g
newtype MVector s Int 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

newtype MVector s Int = MV_Int (MVector s Int)
type Rep1 (URec Int :: k -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

type Rep1 (URec Int :: k -> Type) = D1 ('MetaData "URec" "GHC.Generics" "base" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "UInt" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "uInt#") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (UInt :: k -> Type)))
type Rep (URec Int p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

type Rep (URec Int p) = D1 ('MetaData "URec" "GHC.Generics" "base" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "UInt" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "uInt#") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (UInt :: Type -> Type)))

data Int8# :: TYPE 'Int8Rep #

data Integer #

Arbitrary precision integers. In contrast with fixed-size integral types such as Int, the Integer type represents the entire infinite range of integers.

Integers are stored in a kind of sign-magnitude form, hence do not expect two's complement form when using bit operations.

If the value is small (fit into an Int), IS constructor is used. Otherwise Integer and IN constructors are used to store a BigNat representing respectively the positive or the negative value magnitude.

Invariant: Integer and IN are used iff value doesn't fit in IS


IS Int#

iff value in [minBound::Int, maxBound::Int] range

IP ByteArray#

iff value in ]maxBound::Int, +inf[ range

IN ByteArray#

iff value in ]-inf, minBound::Int[ range


Instances details
FromJSON Integer

This instance includes a bounds check to prevent maliciously large inputs to fill up the memory of the target system. You can newtype Scientific and provide your own instance using withScientific if you want to allow larger inputs.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON

FromJSONKey Integer 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON

ToJSON Integer 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON

ToJSONKey Integer 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON

Enum Integer

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum

Ix Integer

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Ix

Num Integer

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Num

Read Integer

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Read

Integral Integer

Since: base-2.0.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Real

Real Integer

Since: base-2.0.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Real

Show Integer

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show

PrintfArg Integer

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Text.Printf

Subtractive Integer 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Numerical.Subtractive

Associated Types

type Difference Integer #

Binary Integer 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Class


put :: Integer -> Put #

get :: Get Integer #

putList :: [Integer] -> Put #

Outputable Integer 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Utils.Outputable


ppr :: Integer -> SDoc #

Eq Integer 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Num.Integer


(==) :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool #

(/=) :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool #

Ord Integer 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Num.Integer

Hashable Integer 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Hashable.Class


hashWithSalt :: Int -> Integer -> Int #

hash :: Integer -> Int #

Random Integer

Note - random generates values in the Int range

Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => (Integer, Integer) -> g -> (Integer, g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> (Integer, g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => (Integer, Integer) -> g -> [Integer] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [Integer] #

UniformRange Integer 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random.Internal


uniformRM :: StatefulGen g m => (Integer, Integer) -> g -> m Integer #

Lift Integer 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => Integer -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => Integer -> Code m Integer #

Lift Integer 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => Integer -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => Integer -> Code m Integer #

type Difference Integer 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Numerical.Subtractive

data Natural #

Natural number

Invariant: numbers <= 0xffffffffffffffff use the NS constructor


NS Word# 
NB ByteArray# 


Instances details
FromJSON Natural 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON

FromJSONKey Natural 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON

ToJSON Natural 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON

ToJSONKey Natural 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON

Enum Natural

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum

Ix Natural

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Ix

Num Natural

Note that Natural's Num instance isn't a ring: no element but 0 has an additive inverse. It is a semiring though.

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Num

Read Natural

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Read

Integral Natural

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Real

Real Natural

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Real

Show Natural

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show

PrintfArg Natural

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Text.Printf

Subtractive Natural 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Numerical.Subtractive

Associated Types

type Difference Natural #

Binary Natural

Since: binary-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Class


put :: Natural -> Put #

get :: Get Natural #

putList :: [Natural] -> Put #

Eq Natural 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Num.Natural


(==) :: Natural -> Natural -> Bool #

(/=) :: Natural -> Natural -> Bool #

Ord Natural 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Num.Natural

Hashable Natural 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Hashable.Class


hashWithSalt :: Int -> Natural -> Int #

hash :: Natural -> Int #

UniformRange Natural 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random.Internal


uniformRM :: StatefulGen g m => (Natural, Natural) -> g -> m Natural #

Lift Natural 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => Natural -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => Natural -> Code m Natural #

Lift Natural 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => Natural -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => Natural -> Code m Natural #

type Difference Natural 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Numerical.Subtractive

type Compare (a :: Natural) (b :: Natural) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Type.Ord

type Compare (a :: Natural) (b :: Natural) = CmpNat a b

data Maybe a #

The Maybe type encapsulates an optional value. A value of type Maybe a either contains a value of type a (represented as Just a), or it is empty (represented as Nothing). Using Maybe is a good way to deal with errors or exceptional cases without resorting to drastic measures such as error.

The Maybe type is also a monad. It is a simple kind of error monad, where all errors are represented by Nothing. A richer error monad can be built using the Either type.


Just a 


Instances details
FromJSON1 Maybe 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON


liftParseJSON :: (Value -> Parser a) -> (Value -> Parser [a]) -> Value -> Parser (Maybe a) #

liftParseJSONList :: (Value -> Parser a) -> (Value -> Parser [a]) -> Value -> Parser [Maybe a] #

ToJSON1 Maybe 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON


liftToJSON :: (a -> Value) -> ([a] -> Value) -> Maybe a -> Value #

liftToJSONList :: (a -> Value) -> ([a] -> Value) -> [Maybe a] -> Value #

liftToEncoding :: (a -> Encoding) -> ([a] -> Encoding) -> Maybe a -> Encoding #

liftToEncodingList :: (a -> Encoding) -> ([a] -> Encoding) -> [Maybe a] -> Encoding #

MonadFail Maybe

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Fail


fail :: String -> Maybe a #

Foldable Maybe

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Foldable


fold :: Monoid m => Maybe m -> m #

foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Maybe a -> m #

foldMap' :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Maybe a -> m #

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Maybe a -> b #

foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Maybe a -> b #

foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Maybe a -> b #

foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Maybe a -> b #

foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Maybe a -> a #

foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Maybe a -> a #

toList :: Maybe a -> [a] #

null :: Maybe a -> Bool #

length :: Maybe a -> Int #

elem :: Eq a => a -> Maybe a -> Bool #

maximum :: Ord a => Maybe a -> a #

minimum :: Ord a => Maybe a -> a #

sum :: Num a => Maybe a -> a #

product :: Num a => Maybe a -> a #

Eq1 Maybe

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Classes


liftEq :: (a -> b -> Bool) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b -> Bool #

Ord1 Maybe

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Classes


liftCompare :: (a -> b -> Ordering) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b -> Ordering #

Read1 Maybe

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Classes


liftReadsPrec :: (Int -> ReadS a) -> ReadS [a] -> Int -> ReadS (Maybe a) #

liftReadList :: (Int -> ReadS a) -> ReadS [a] -> ReadS [Maybe a] #

liftReadPrec :: ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec [a] -> ReadPrec (Maybe a) #

liftReadListPrec :: ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec [a] -> ReadPrec [Maybe a] #

Show1 Maybe

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Classes


liftShowsPrec :: (Int -> a -> ShowS) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Int -> Maybe a -> ShowS #

liftShowList :: (Int -> a -> ShowS) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> [Maybe a] -> ShowS #

Traversable Maybe

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Traversable


traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> Maybe a -> f (Maybe b) #

sequenceA :: Applicative f => Maybe (f a) -> f (Maybe a) #

mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> Maybe a -> m (Maybe b) #

sequence :: Monad m => Maybe (m a) -> m (Maybe a) #

Alternative Maybe

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


empty :: Maybe a #

(<|>) :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a #

some :: Maybe a -> Maybe [a] #

many :: Maybe a -> Maybe [a] #

Applicative Maybe

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


pure :: a -> Maybe a #

(<*>) :: Maybe (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b -> Maybe c #

(*>) :: Maybe a -> Maybe b -> Maybe b #

(<*) :: Maybe a -> Maybe b -> Maybe a #

Functor Maybe

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b #

(<$) :: a -> Maybe b -> Maybe a #

Monad Maybe

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


(>>=) :: Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b #

(>>) :: Maybe a -> Maybe b -> Maybe b #

return :: a -> Maybe a #

MonadPlus Maybe

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


mzero :: Maybe a #

mplus :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a #

MonadFailure Maybe 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Monad

Associated Types

type Failure Maybe #


mFail :: Failure Maybe -> Maybe () #

MonadThrow Maybe 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Catch


throwM :: Exception e => e -> Maybe a #

Hashable1 Maybe 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Hashable.Class


liftHashWithSalt :: (Int -> a -> Int) -> Int -> Maybe a -> Int #

Generic1 Maybe 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

Associated Types

type Rep1 Maybe :: k -> Type #


from1 :: forall (a :: k). Maybe a -> Rep1 Maybe a #

to1 :: forall (a :: k). Rep1 Maybe a -> Maybe a #

MonadBaseControl Maybe Maybe 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Control

Associated Types

type StM Maybe a #

(Selector s, GToJSON' enc arity (K1 i (Maybe a) :: TYPE LiftedRep -> Type), KeyValuePair enc pairs, Monoid pairs) => RecordToPairs enc pairs arity (S1 s (K1 i (Maybe a) :: TYPE LiftedRep -> Type)) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON


recordToPairs :: Options -> ToArgs enc arity a0 -> S1 s (K1 i (Maybe a)) a0 -> pairs

OutputableP env a => OutputableP env (Maybe a) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Utils.Outputable


pdoc :: env -> Maybe a -> SDoc #

Lift a => Lift (Maybe a :: Type) 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => Maybe a -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => Maybe a -> Code m (Maybe a) #

Lift a => Lift (Maybe a :: Type) 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => Maybe a -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => Maybe a -> Code m (Maybe a) #

(Selector s, FromJSON a) => RecordFromJSON' arity (S1 s (K1 i (Maybe a) :: Type -> Type)) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON


recordParseJSON' :: (ConName :* (TypeName :* (Options :* FromArgs arity a0))) -> Object -> Parser (S1 s (K1 i (Maybe a)) a0)

FromJSON a => FromJSON (Maybe a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON

ToJSON a => ToJSON (Maybe a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON

Semigroup a => Monoid (Maybe a)

Lift a semigroup into Maybe forming a Monoid according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monoid: "Any semigroup S may be turned into a monoid simply by adjoining an element e not in S and defining e*e = e and e*s = s = s*e for all s ∈ S."

Since 4.11.0: constraint on inner a value generalised from Monoid to Semigroup.

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


mempty :: Maybe a #

mappend :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a #

mconcat :: [Maybe a] -> Maybe a #

Semigroup a => Semigroup (Maybe a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


(<>) :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Maybe a) -> Maybe a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Maybe a -> Maybe a #

Generic (Maybe a) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

Associated Types

type Rep (Maybe a) :: Type -> Type #


from :: Maybe a -> Rep (Maybe a) x #

to :: Rep (Maybe a) x -> Maybe a #

SingKind a => SingKind (Maybe a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

Associated Types

type DemoteRep (Maybe a)


fromSing :: forall (a0 :: Maybe a). Sing a0 -> DemoteRep (Maybe a)

Read a => Read (Maybe a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Read

Show a => Show (Maybe a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show


showsPrec :: Int -> Maybe a -> ShowS #

show :: Maybe a -> String #

showList :: [Maybe a] -> ShowS #

Binary a => Binary (Maybe a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Class


put :: Maybe a -> Put #

get :: Get (Maybe a) #

putList :: [Maybe a] -> Put #

Outputable a => Outputable (Maybe a) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Utils.Outputable


ppr :: Maybe a -> SDoc #

Eq (DeBruijn a) => Eq (DeBruijn (Maybe a)) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Core.Map.Type


(==) :: DeBruijn (Maybe a) -> DeBruijn (Maybe a) -> Bool #

(/=) :: DeBruijn (Maybe a) -> DeBruijn (Maybe a) -> Bool #

Eq (DeBruijn a) => Eq (DeBruijn (Maybe a)) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Core.Map.Type


(==) :: DeBruijn (Maybe a) -> DeBruijn (Maybe a) -> Bool #

(/=) :: DeBruijn (Maybe a) -> DeBruijn (Maybe a) -> Bool #

Eq a => Eq (Maybe a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Maybe


(==) :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Bool #

Ord a => Ord (Maybe a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Maybe


compare :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Bool #

(>) :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Bool #

max :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a #

min :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a #

Hashable a => Hashable (Maybe a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Hashable.Class


hashWithSalt :: Int -> Maybe a -> Int #

hash :: Maybe a -> Int #

SingI ('Nothing :: Maybe a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


sing :: Sing 'Nothing

SingI a2 => SingI ('Just a2 :: Maybe a1)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


sing :: Sing ('Just a2)

type Failure Maybe 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Monad

type Failure Maybe = ()
type Rep1 Maybe

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

type Rep1 Maybe = D1 ('MetaData "Maybe" "GHC.Maybe" "base" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "Nothing" 'PrefixI 'False) (U1 :: Type -> Type) :+: C1 ('MetaCons "Just" 'PrefixI 'False) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Nothing :: Maybe Symbol) 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) Par1))
type StM Maybe a 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Control

type StM Maybe a = a
type DemoteRep (Maybe a) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

type DemoteRep (Maybe a) = Maybe (DemoteRep a)
type Rep (Maybe a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

type Rep (Maybe a) = D1 ('MetaData "Maybe" "GHC.Maybe" "base" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "Nothing" 'PrefixI 'False) (U1 :: Type -> Type) :+: C1 ('MetaCons "Just" 'PrefixI 'False) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Nothing :: Maybe Symbol) 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 a)))
data Sing (b :: Maybe a) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

data Sing (b :: Maybe a) where
type Anno (Maybe Role) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Hs.Decls

type Anno (Maybe Role) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Hs.Decls

type Anno (Maybe Role) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Hs.Decls

type Anno (Maybe Role) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Hs.Decls

data Weak# a :: UnliftedType #

data MutableByteArray# a :: UnliftedType #

A mutable ByteAray#. It can be created in three ways:

  • 'newByteArray#': Create an unpinned array.
  • 'newPinnedByteArray#': This will create a pinned array,
  • 'newAlignedPinnedByteArray#': This will create a pinned array, with a custom alignment.

Unpinned arrays can be moved around during garbage collection, so you must not store or pass pointers to these values if there is a chance for the garbage collector to kick in. That said, even unpinned arrays can be passed to unsafe FFI calls, because no garbage collection happens during these unsafe calls (see Guaranteed Call Safety in the GHC Manual). For safe FFI calls, byte arrays must be not only pinned, but also kept alive by means of the keepAlive# function for the duration of a call (that's because garbage collection cannot move a pinned array, but is free to scrap it altogether).

data Ordering #




Instances details
FromJSON Ordering 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON

ToJSON Ordering 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON

Monoid Ordering

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base

Semigroup Ordering

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base

Bounded Ordering

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum

Enum Ordering

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum

Generic Ordering 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

Associated Types

type Rep Ordering :: Type -> Type #


from :: Ordering -> Rep Ordering x #

to :: Rep Ordering x -> Ordering #

Ix Ordering

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Ix

Read Ordering

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Read

Show Ordering

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show

Binary Ordering 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Class


put :: Ordering -> Put #

get :: Get Ordering #

putList :: [Ordering] -> Put #

Outputable Ordering 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Utils.Outputable


ppr :: Ordering -> SDoc #

Eq Ordering 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes

Ord Ordering 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes

Hashable Ordering 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Hashable.Class


hashWithSalt :: Int -> Ordering -> Int #

hash :: Ordering -> Int #

type Rep Ordering

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

type Rep Ordering = D1 ('MetaData "Ordering" "GHC.Types" "ghc-prim" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "LT" 'PrefixI 'False) (U1 :: Type -> Type) :+: (C1 ('MetaCons "EQ" 'PrefixI 'False) (U1 :: Type -> Type) :+: C1 ('MetaCons "GT" 'PrefixI 'False) (U1 :: Type -> Type)))

data MVar# a b :: UnliftedType #

A shared mutable variable (not the same as a MutVar#!). (Note: in a non-concurrent implementation, (MVar# a) can be represented by (MutVar# (Maybe a)).)

data IOPort# a b :: UnliftedType #

A shared I/O port is almost the same as a MVar#!). The main difference is that IOPort has no deadlock detection or deadlock breaking code that forcibly releases the lock.

data Ratio a #

Rational numbers, with numerator and denominator of some Integral type.

Note that Ratio's instances inherit the deficiencies from the type parameter's. For example, Ratio Natural's Num instance has similar problems to Natural's.


!a :% !a 


Instances details
Integral a => Lift (Ratio a :: Type) 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => Ratio a -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => Ratio a -> Code m (Ratio a) #

Integral a => Lift (Ratio a :: Type) 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => Ratio a -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => Ratio a -> Code m (Ratio a) #

(FromJSON a, Integral a) => FromJSON (Ratio a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON

(ToJSON a, Integral a) => ToJSON (Ratio a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON

(Storable a, Integral a) => Storable (Ratio a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Foreign.Storable


sizeOf :: Ratio a -> Int #

alignment :: Ratio a -> Int #

peekElemOff :: Ptr (Ratio a) -> Int -> IO (Ratio a) #

pokeElemOff :: Ptr (Ratio a) -> Int -> Ratio a -> IO () #

peekByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> IO (Ratio a) #

pokeByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> Ratio a -> IO () #

peek :: Ptr (Ratio a) -> IO (Ratio a) #

poke :: Ptr (Ratio a) -> Ratio a -> IO () #

Integral a => Enum (Ratio a)

Since: base-2.0.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Real


succ :: Ratio a -> Ratio a #

pred :: Ratio a -> Ratio a #

toEnum :: Int -> Ratio a #

fromEnum :: Ratio a -> Int #

enumFrom :: Ratio a -> [Ratio a] #

enumFromThen :: Ratio a -> Ratio a -> [Ratio a] #

enumFromTo :: Ratio a -> Ratio a -> [Ratio a] #

enumFromThenTo :: Ratio a -> Ratio a -> Ratio a -> [Ratio a] #

Integral a => Num (Ratio a)

Since: base-2.0.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Real


(+) :: Ratio a -> Ratio a -> Ratio a #

(-) :: Ratio a -> Ratio a -> Ratio a #

(*) :: Ratio a -> Ratio a -> Ratio a #

negate :: Ratio a -> Ratio a #

abs :: Ratio a -> Ratio a #

signum :: Ratio a -> Ratio a #

fromInteger :: Integer -> Ratio a #

(Integral a, Read a) => Read (Ratio a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Read

Integral a => Fractional (Ratio a)

Since: base-2.0.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Real


(/) :: Ratio a -> Ratio a -> Ratio a #

recip :: Ratio a -> Ratio a #

fromRational :: Rational -> Ratio a #

Integral a => Real (Ratio a)

Since: base-2.0.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Real


toRational :: Ratio a -> Rational #

Integral a => RealFrac (Ratio a)

Since: base-2.0.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Real


properFraction :: Integral b => Ratio a -> (b, Ratio a) #

truncate :: Integral b => Ratio a -> b #

round :: Integral b => Ratio a -> b #

ceiling :: Integral b => Ratio a -> b #

floor :: Integral b => Ratio a -> b #

Show a => Show (Ratio a)

Since: base-2.0.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Real


showsPrec :: Int -> Ratio a -> ShowS #

show :: Ratio a -> String #

showList :: [Ratio a] -> ShowS #

(Binary a, Integral a) => Binary (Ratio a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Class


put :: Ratio a -> Put #

get :: Get (Ratio a) #

putList :: [Ratio a] -> Put #

Eq a => Eq (Ratio a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Real


(==) :: Ratio a -> Ratio a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Ratio a -> Ratio a -> Bool #

Integral a => Ord (Ratio a)

Since: base-2.0.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Real


compare :: Ratio a -> Ratio a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Ratio a -> Ratio a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Ratio a -> Ratio a -> Bool #

(>) :: Ratio a -> Ratio a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Ratio a -> Ratio a -> Bool #

max :: Ratio a -> Ratio a -> Ratio a #

min :: Ratio a -> Ratio a -> Ratio a #

Hashable a => Hashable (Ratio a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Hashable.Class


hashWithSalt :: Int -> Ratio a -> Int #

hash :: Ratio a -> Int #

type Rational = Ratio Integer #

Arbitrary-precision rational numbers, represented as a ratio of two Integer values. A rational number may be constructed using the % operator.

data RealWorld #

RealWorld is deeply magical. It is primitive, but it is not unlifted (hence ptrArg). We never manipulate values of type RealWorld; it's only used in the type system, to parameterise State#.

class a ~# b => (a :: k0) ~~ (b :: k1) infix 4 #

Lifted, heterogeneous equality. By lifted, we mean that it can be bogus (deferred type error). By heterogeneous, the two types a and b might have different kinds. Because ~~ can appear unexpectedly in error messages to users who do not care about the difference between heterogeneous equality ~~ and homogeneous equality ~, this is printed as ~ unless -fprint-equality-relations is set.

In 0.7.0, the fixity was set to infix 4 to match the fixity of :~~:.

data State# a :: TYPE ('TupleRep ('[] :: [RuntimeRep])) #

State# is the primitive, unlifted type of states. It has one type parameter, thus State# RealWorld, or State# s, where s is a type variable. The only purpose of the type parameter is to keep different state threads separate. It is represented by nothing at all.

data MutVar# a b :: UnliftedType #

A MutVar# behaves like a single-element mutable array.

newtype IO a #

A value of type IO a is a computation which, when performed, does some I/O before returning a value of type a.

There is really only one way to "perform" an I/O action: bind it to Main.main in your program. When your program is run, the I/O will be performed. It isn't possible to perform I/O from an arbitrary function, unless that function is itself in the IO monad and called at some point, directly or indirectly, from Main.main.

IO is a monad, so IO actions can be combined using either the do-notation or the >> and >>= operations from the Monad class.


IO (State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #)) 


Instances details
MonadFail IO

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Fail


fail :: String -> IO a #

MonadIO IO

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.IO.Class


liftIO :: IO a -> IO a #

Alternative IO

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


empty :: IO a #

(<|>) :: IO a -> IO a -> IO a #

some :: IO a -> IO [a] #

many :: IO a -> IO [a] #

Applicative IO

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


pure :: a -> IO a #

(<*>) :: IO (a -> b) -> IO a -> IO b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> IO a -> IO b -> IO c #

(*>) :: IO a -> IO b -> IO b #

(<*) :: IO a -> IO b -> IO a #

Functor IO

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


fmap :: (a -> b) -> IO a -> IO b #

(<$) :: a -> IO b -> IO a #

Monad IO

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


(>>=) :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b #

(>>) :: IO a -> IO b -> IO b #

return :: a -> IO a #

MonadPlus IO

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


mzero :: IO a #

mplus :: IO a -> IO a -> IO a #

PrimMonad IO 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Monad

Associated Types

type PrimState IO #

type PrimVar IO :: Type -> Type #


primitive :: (State# (PrimState IO) -> (# State# (PrimState IO), a #)) -> IO a #

primThrow :: Exception e => e -> IO a #

unPrimMonad :: IO a -> State# (PrimState IO) -> (# State# (PrimState IO), a #) #

primVarNew :: a -> IO (PrimVar IO a) #

primVarRead :: PrimVar IO a -> IO a #

primVarWrite :: PrimVar IO a -> a -> IO () #

MonadCatch IO 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Catch


catch :: Exception e => IO a -> (e -> IO a) -> IO a #

MonadMask IO 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Catch


mask :: ((forall a. IO a -> IO a) -> IO b) -> IO b #

uninterruptibleMask :: ((forall a. IO a -> IO a) -> IO b) -> IO b #

generalBracket :: IO a -> (a -> ExitCase b -> IO c) -> (a -> IO b) -> IO (b, c) #

MonadThrow IO 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Catch


throwM :: Exception e => e -> IO a #

Quasi IO 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Quote IO 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


newName :: String -> IO Name #

PrimBase IO 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Primitive


internal :: IO a -> State# (PrimState IO) -> (# State# (PrimState IO), a #) #

PrimMonad IO 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Primitive

Associated Types

type PrimState IO #


primitive :: (State# (PrimState IO) -> (# State# (PrimState IO), a #)) -> IO a #

Quasi IO 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

Quote IO 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


newName :: String -> IO Name #

MonadBaseControl IO IO 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Control

Associated Types

type StM IO a #


liftBaseWith :: (RunInBase IO IO -> IO a) -> IO a #

restoreM :: StM IO a -> IO a #

MonadBaseControl IO Sh 
Instance details

Defined in Shelly.Base

Associated Types

type StM Sh a #


liftBaseWith :: (RunInBase Sh IO -> IO a) -> Sh a #

restoreM :: StM Sh a -> Sh a #

MonadBase IO Sh 
Instance details

Defined in Shelly.Base


liftBase :: IO α -> Sh α #

MArray IOArray e IO 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Array.Base


getBounds :: Ix i => IOArray i e -> IO (i, i) #

getNumElements :: Ix i => IOArray i e -> IO Int

newArray :: Ix i => (i, i) -> e -> IO (IOArray i e) #

newArray_ :: Ix i => (i, i) -> IO (IOArray i e) #

unsafeNewArray_ :: Ix i => (i, i) -> IO (IOArray i e)

unsafeRead :: Ix i => IOArray i e -> Int -> IO e

unsafeWrite :: Ix i => IOArray i e -> Int -> e -> IO ()

Monoid a => Monoid (IO a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


mempty :: IO a #

mappend :: IO a -> IO a -> IO a #

mconcat :: [IO a] -> IO a #

Semigroup a => Semigroup (IO a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


(<>) :: IO a -> IO a -> IO a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (IO a) -> IO a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> IO a -> IO a #

a ~ () => HPrintfType (IO a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Text.Printf


hspr :: Handle -> String -> [UPrintf] -> IO a

a ~ () => PrintfType (IO a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Text.Printf


spr :: String -> [UPrintf] -> IO a

IHaskellDisplay a => IHaskellDisplay (IO a) Source #

these instances cause the image, html etc. which look like:

IO [Display]
IO (IO Display)

be run the IO and get rendered (if the frontend allows it) in the pretty form.

Instance details

Defined in IHaskell.Types


display :: IO a -> IO Display Source #

type PrimState IO 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Monad

type PrimVar IO 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Monad

type PrimState IO 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Primitive

type StM IO a 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Control

type StM IO a = a

data Word# :: TYPE 'WordRep #


Instances details
Lift Word#

Since: ghc-lib-parser-

Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => Word# -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => Word# -> Code m Word# #

Lift Word#

Since: template-haskell-

Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => Word# -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => Word# -> Code m Word# #

data Word #

A Word is an unsigned integral type, with the same size as Int.


W# Word# 


Instances details
FromJSON Word 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON

FromJSONKey Word 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON

ToJSON Word 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON

ToJSONKey Word 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON

Storable Word

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Foreign.Storable


sizeOf :: Word -> Int #

alignment :: Word -> Int #

peekElemOff :: Ptr Word -> Int -> IO Word #

pokeElemOff :: Ptr Word -> Int -> Word -> IO () #

peekByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> IO Word #

pokeByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> Word -> IO () #

peek :: Ptr Word -> IO Word #

poke :: Ptr Word -> Word -> IO () #

Bounded Word

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum

Enum Word

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum


succ :: Word -> Word #

pred :: Word -> Word #

toEnum :: Int -> Word #

fromEnum :: Word -> Int #

enumFrom :: Word -> [Word] #

enumFromThen :: Word -> Word -> [Word] #

enumFromTo :: Word -> Word -> [Word] #

enumFromThenTo :: Word -> Word -> Word -> [Word] #

Ix Word

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Ix


range :: (Word, Word) -> [Word] #

index :: (Word, Word) -> Word -> Int #

unsafeIndex :: (Word, Word) -> Word -> Int #

inRange :: (Word, Word) -> Word -> Bool #

rangeSize :: (Word, Word) -> Int #

unsafeRangeSize :: (Word, Word) -> Int #

Num Word

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Num


(+) :: Word -> Word -> Word #

(-) :: Word -> Word -> Word #

(*) :: Word -> Word -> Word #

negate :: Word -> Word #

abs :: Word -> Word #

signum :: Word -> Word #

fromInteger :: Integer -> Word #

Read Word

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Read

Integral Word

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Real


quot :: Word -> Word -> Word #

rem :: Word -> Word -> Word #

div :: Word -> Word -> Word #

mod :: Word -> Word -> Word #

quotRem :: Word -> Word -> (Word, Word) #

divMod :: Word -> Word -> (Word, Word) #

toInteger :: Word -> Integer #

Real Word

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Real


toRational :: Word -> Rational #

Show Word

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show


showsPrec :: Int -> Word -> ShowS #

show :: Word -> String #

showList :: [Word] -> ShowS #

PrintfArg Word

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Text.Printf

BitOps Word 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Bits

FiniteBitsOps Word 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Bits

Subtractive Word 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Numerical.Subtractive

Associated Types

type Difference Word #


(-) :: Word -> Word -> Difference Word #

PrimMemoryComparable Word 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.PrimType

PrimType Word 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.PrimType

Associated Types

type PrimSize Word :: Nat #

Binary Word 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Class


put :: Word -> Put #

get :: Get Word #

putList :: [Word] -> Put #

Outputable Word 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Utils.Outputable


ppr :: Word -> SDoc #

Eq Word 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


(==) :: Word -> Word -> Bool #

(/=) :: Word -> Word -> Bool #

Ord Word 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


compare :: Word -> Word -> Ordering #

(<) :: Word -> Word -> Bool #

(<=) :: Word -> Word -> Bool #

(>) :: Word -> Word -> Bool #

(>=) :: Word -> Word -> Bool #

max :: Word -> Word -> Word #

min :: Word -> Word -> Word #

Hashable Word 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Hashable.Class


hashWithSalt :: Int -> Word -> Int #

hash :: Word -> Int #

Prim Word 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.Types

Random Word 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => (Word, Word) -> g -> (Word, g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> (Word, g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => (Word, Word) -> g -> [Word] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [Word] #

Uniform Word 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random.Internal


uniformM :: StatefulGen g m => g -> m Word #

UniformRange Word 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random.Internal


uniformRM :: StatefulGen g m => (Word, Word) -> g -> m Word #

Unbox Word 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

IArray UArray Word 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Array.Base


bounds :: Ix i => UArray i Word -> (i, i) #

numElements :: Ix i => UArray i Word -> Int

unsafeArray :: Ix i => (i, i) -> [(Int, Word)] -> UArray i Word

unsafeAt :: Ix i => UArray i Word -> Int -> Word

unsafeReplace :: Ix i => UArray i Word -> [(Int, Word)] -> UArray i Word

unsafeAccum :: Ix i => (Word -> e' -> Word) -> UArray i Word -> [(Int, e')] -> UArray i Word

unsafeAccumArray :: Ix i => (Word -> e' -> Word) -> Word -> (i, i) -> [(Int, e')] -> UArray i Word

Lift Word 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => Word -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => Word -> Code m Word #

Lift Word 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => Word -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => Word -> Code m Word #

Vector Vector Word 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

MVector MVector Word 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

Generic1 (URec Word :: k -> Type) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

Associated Types

type Rep1 (URec Word) :: k -> Type #


from1 :: forall (a :: k0). URec Word a -> Rep1 (URec Word) a #

to1 :: forall (a :: k0). Rep1 (URec Word) a -> URec Word a #

Foldable (UWord :: TYPE LiftedRep -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Foldable


fold :: Monoid m => UWord m -> m #

foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> UWord a -> m #

foldMap' :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> UWord a -> m #

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> UWord a -> b #

foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> UWord a -> b #

foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> UWord a -> b #

foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> UWord a -> b #

foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> UWord a -> a #

foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> UWord a -> a #

toList :: UWord a -> [a] #

null :: UWord a -> Bool #

length :: UWord a -> Int #

elem :: Eq a => a -> UWord a -> Bool #

maximum :: Ord a => UWord a -> a #

minimum :: Ord a => UWord a -> a #

sum :: Num a => UWord a -> a #

product :: Num a => UWord a -> a #

Traversable (UWord :: Type -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Traversable


traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> UWord a -> f (UWord b) #

sequenceA :: Applicative f => UWord (f a) -> f (UWord a) #

mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> UWord a -> m (UWord b) #

sequence :: Monad m => UWord (m a) -> m (UWord a) #

MArray (STUArray s) Word (ST s) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Array.Base


getBounds :: Ix i => STUArray s i Word -> ST s (i, i) #

getNumElements :: Ix i => STUArray s i Word -> ST s Int

newArray :: Ix i => (i, i) -> Word -> ST s (STUArray s i Word) #

newArray_ :: Ix i => (i, i) -> ST s (STUArray s i Word) #

unsafeNewArray_ :: Ix i => (i, i) -> ST s (STUArray s i Word)

unsafeRead :: Ix i => STUArray s i Word -> Int -> ST s Word

unsafeWrite :: Ix i => STUArray s i Word -> Int -> Word -> ST s ()

Functor (URec Word :: TYPE LiftedRep -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


fmap :: (a -> b) -> URec Word a -> URec Word b #

(<$) :: a -> URec Word b -> URec Word a #

Generic (URec Word p) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

Associated Types

type Rep (URec Word p) :: Type -> Type #


from :: URec Word p -> Rep (URec Word p) x #

to :: Rep (URec Word p) x -> URec Word p #

Show (URec Word p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


showsPrec :: Int -> URec Word p -> ShowS #

show :: URec Word p -> String #

showList :: [URec Word p] -> ShowS #

Eq (URec Word p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


(==) :: URec Word p -> URec Word p -> Bool #

(/=) :: URec Word p -> URec Word p -> Bool #

Ord (URec Word p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


compare :: URec Word p -> URec Word p -> Ordering #

(<) :: URec Word p -> URec Word p -> Bool #

(<=) :: URec Word p -> URec Word p -> Bool #

(>) :: URec Word p -> URec Word p -> Bool #

(>=) :: URec Word p -> URec Word p -> Bool #

max :: URec Word p -> URec Word p -> URec Word p #

min :: URec Word p -> URec Word p -> URec Word p #

type NatNumMaxBound Word 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Nat

type Difference Word 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Numerical.Subtractive

type PrimSize Word 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.PrimType

type PrimSize Word = 8
newtype Vector Word 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

data URec Word (p :: k)

Used for marking occurrences of Word#

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

data URec Word (p :: k) = UWord {}
newtype MVector s Word 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

newtype MVector s Word = MV_Word (MVector s Word)
type Rep1 (URec Word :: k -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

type Rep1 (URec Word :: k -> Type) = D1 ('MetaData "URec" "GHC.Generics" "base" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "UWord" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "uWord#") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (UWord :: k -> Type)))
type Rep (URec Word p)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

type Rep (URec Word p) = D1 ('MetaData "URec" "GHC.Generics" "base" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "UWord" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "uWord#") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (UWord :: Type -> Type)))

data ThreadId# :: UnliftedType #

(In a non-concurrent implementation, this can be a singleton type, whose (unique) value is returned by myThreadId#. The other operations can be omitted.)

data BCO #

Primitive bytecode type.

data TVar# a b :: UnliftedType #

data Either a b #

The Either type represents values with two possibilities: a value of type Either a b is either Left a or Right b.

The Either type is sometimes used to represent a value which is either correct or an error; by convention, the Left constructor is used to hold an error value and the Right constructor is used to hold a correct value (mnemonic: "right" also means "correct").



The type Either String Int is the type of values which can be either a String or an Int. The Left constructor can be used only on Strings, and the Right constructor can be used only on Ints:

>>> let s = Left "foo" :: Either String Int
>>> s
Left "foo"
>>> let n = Right 3 :: Either String Int
>>> n
Right 3
>>> :type s
s :: Either String Int
>>> :type n
n :: Either String Int

The fmap from our Functor instance will ignore Left values, but will apply the supplied function to values contained in a Right:

>>> let s = Left "foo" :: Either String Int
>>> let n = Right 3 :: Either String Int
>>> fmap (*2) s
Left "foo"
>>> fmap (*2) n
Right 6

The Monad instance for Either allows us to chain together multiple actions which may fail, and fail overall if any of the individual steps failed. First we'll write a function that can either parse an Int from a Char, or fail.

>>> import Data.Char ( digitToInt, isDigit )
>>> :{
    let parseEither :: Char -> Either String Int
        parseEither c
          | isDigit c = Right (digitToInt c)
          | otherwise = Left "parse error"
>>> :}

The following should work, since both '1' and '2' can be parsed as Ints.

>>> :{
    let parseMultiple :: Either String Int
        parseMultiple = do
          x <- parseEither '1'
          y <- parseEither '2'
          return (x + y)
>>> :}
>>> parseMultiple
Right 3

But the following should fail overall, since the first operation where we attempt to parse 'm' as an Int will fail:

>>> :{
    let parseMultiple :: Either String Int
        parseMultiple = do
          x <- parseEither 'm'
          y <- parseEither '2'
          return (x + y)
>>> :}
>>> parseMultiple
Left "parse error"


Left a 
Right b 


Instances details
FromJSON2 Either 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON


liftParseJSON2 :: (Value -> Parser a) -> (Value -> Parser [a]) -> (Value -> Parser b) -> (Value -> Parser [b]) -> Value -> Parser (Either a b) #

liftParseJSONList2 :: (Value -> Parser a) -> (Value -> Parser [a]) -> (Value -> Parser b) -> (Value -> Parser [b]) -> Value -> Parser [Either a b] #

ToJSON2 Either 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON


liftToJSON2 :: (a -> Value) -> ([a] -> Value) -> (b -> Value) -> ([b] -> Value) -> Either a b -> Value #

liftToJSONList2 :: (a -> Value) -> ([a] -> Value) -> (b -> Value) -> ([b] -> Value) -> [Either a b] -> Value #

liftToEncoding2 :: (a -> Encoding) -> ([a] -> Encoding) -> (b -> Encoding) -> ([b] -> Encoding) -> Either a b -> Encoding #

liftToEncodingList2 :: (a -> Encoding) -> ([a] -> Encoding) -> (b -> Encoding) -> ([b] -> Encoding) -> [Either a b] -> Encoding #

Bifoldable Either

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Bifoldable


bifold :: Monoid m => Either m m -> m #

bifoldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> (b -> m) -> Either a b -> m #

bifoldr :: (a -> c -> c) -> (b -> c -> c) -> c -> Either a b -> c #

bifoldl :: (c -> a -> c) -> (c -> b -> c) -> c -> Either a b -> c #

Bifunctor Either

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Bifunctor


bimap :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> Either a c -> Either b d #

first :: (a -> b) -> Either a c -> Either b c #

second :: (b -> c) -> Either a b -> Either a c #

Eq2 Either

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Classes


liftEq2 :: (a -> b -> Bool) -> (c -> d -> Bool) -> Either a c -> Either b d -> Bool #

Ord2 Either

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Classes


liftCompare2 :: (a -> b -> Ordering) -> (c -> d -> Ordering) -> Either a c -> Either b d -> Ordering #

Read2 Either

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Classes


liftReadsPrec2 :: (Int -> ReadS a) -> ReadS [a] -> (Int -> ReadS b) -> ReadS [b] -> Int -> ReadS (Either a b) #

liftReadList2 :: (Int -> ReadS a) -> ReadS [a] -> (Int -> ReadS b) -> ReadS [b] -> ReadS [Either a b] #

liftReadPrec2 :: ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec [a] -> ReadPrec b -> ReadPrec [b] -> ReadPrec (Either a b) #

liftReadListPrec2 :: ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec [a] -> ReadPrec b -> ReadPrec [b] -> ReadPrec [Either a b] #

Show2 Either

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Classes


liftShowsPrec2 :: (Int -> a -> ShowS) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> (Int -> b -> ShowS) -> ([b] -> ShowS) -> Int -> Either a b -> ShowS #

liftShowList2 :: (Int -> a -> ShowS) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> (Int -> b -> ShowS) -> ([b] -> ShowS) -> [Either a b] -> ShowS #

Hashable2 Either 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Hashable.Class


liftHashWithSalt2 :: (Int -> a -> Int) -> (Int -> b -> Int) -> Int -> Either a b -> Int #

Generic1 (Either a :: Type -> Type) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

Associated Types

type Rep1 (Either a) :: k -> Type #


from1 :: forall (a0 :: k). Either a a0 -> Rep1 (Either a) a0 #

to1 :: forall (a0 :: k). Rep1 (Either a) a0 -> Either a a0 #

(Lift a, Lift b) => Lift (Either a b :: Type) 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => Either a b -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => Either a b -> Code m (Either a b) #

(Lift a, Lift b) => Lift (Either a b :: Type) 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => Either a b -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => Either a b -> Code m (Either a b) #

FromJSON a => FromJSON1 (Either a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON


liftParseJSON :: (Value -> Parser a0) -> (Value -> Parser [a0]) -> Value -> Parser (Either a a0) #

liftParseJSONList :: (Value -> Parser a0) -> (Value -> Parser [a0]) -> Value -> Parser [Either a a0] #

ToJSON a => ToJSON1 (Either a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON


liftToJSON :: (a0 -> Value) -> ([a0] -> Value) -> Either a a0 -> Value #

liftToJSONList :: (a0 -> Value) -> ([a0] -> Value) -> [Either a a0] -> Value #

liftToEncoding :: (a0 -> Encoding) -> ([a0] -> Encoding) -> Either a a0 -> Encoding #

liftToEncodingList :: (a0 -> Encoding) -> ([a0] -> Encoding) -> [Either a a0] -> Encoding #

Foldable (Either a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Foldable


fold :: Monoid m => Either a m -> m #

foldMap :: Monoid m => (a0 -> m) -> Either a a0 -> m #

foldMap' :: Monoid m => (a0 -> m) -> Either a a0 -> m #

foldr :: (a0 -> b -> b) -> b -> Either a a0 -> b #

foldr' :: (a0 -> b -> b) -> b -> Either a a0 -> b #

foldl :: (b -> a0 -> b) -> b -> Either a a0 -> b #

foldl' :: (b -> a0 -> b) -> b -> Either a a0 -> b #

foldr1 :: (a0 -> a0 -> a0) -> Either a a0 -> a0 #

foldl1 :: (a0 -> a0 -> a0) -> Either a a0 -> a0 #

toList :: Either a a0 -> [a0] #

null :: Either a a0 -> Bool #

length :: Either a a0 -> Int #

elem :: Eq a0 => a0 -> Either a a0 -> Bool #

maximum :: Ord a0 => Either a a0 -> a0 #

minimum :: Ord a0 => Either a a0 -> a0 #

sum :: Num a0 => Either a a0 -> a0 #

product :: Num a0 => Either a a0 -> a0 #

Eq a => Eq1 (Either a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Classes


liftEq :: (a0 -> b -> Bool) -> Either a a0 -> Either a b -> Bool #

Ord a => Ord1 (Either a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Classes


liftCompare :: (a0 -> b -> Ordering) -> Either a a0 -> Either a b -> Ordering #

Read a => Read1 (Either a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Classes


liftReadsPrec :: (Int -> ReadS a0) -> ReadS [a0] -> Int -> ReadS (Either a a0) #

liftReadList :: (Int -> ReadS a0) -> ReadS [a0] -> ReadS [Either a a0] #

liftReadPrec :: ReadPrec a0 -> ReadPrec [a0] -> ReadPrec (Either a a0) #

liftReadListPrec :: ReadPrec a0 -> ReadPrec [a0] -> ReadPrec [Either a a0] #

Show a => Show1 (Either a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Classes


liftShowsPrec :: (Int -> a0 -> ShowS) -> ([a0] -> ShowS) -> Int -> Either a a0 -> ShowS #

liftShowList :: (Int -> a0 -> ShowS) -> ([a0] -> ShowS) -> [Either a a0] -> ShowS #

Traversable (Either a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Traversable


traverse :: Applicative f => (a0 -> f b) -> Either a a0 -> f (Either a b) #

sequenceA :: Applicative f => Either a (f a0) -> f (Either a a0) #

mapM :: Monad m => (a0 -> m b) -> Either a a0 -> m (Either a b) #

sequence :: Monad m => Either a (m a0) -> m (Either a a0) #

Applicative (Either e)

Since: base-3.0

Instance details

Defined in Data.Either


pure :: a -> Either e a #

(<*>) :: Either e (a -> b) -> Either e a -> Either e b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Either e a -> Either e b -> Either e c #

(*>) :: Either e a -> Either e b -> Either e b #

(<*) :: Either e a -> Either e b -> Either e a #

Functor (Either a)

Since: base-3.0

Instance details

Defined in Data.Either


fmap :: (a0 -> b) -> Either a a0 -> Either a b #

(<$) :: a0 -> Either a b -> Either a a0 #

Monad (Either e)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Either


(>>=) :: Either e a -> (a -> Either e b) -> Either e b #

(>>) :: Either e a -> Either e b -> Either e b #

return :: a -> Either e a #

MonadFailure (Either a) 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Monad

Associated Types

type Failure (Either a) #


mFail :: Failure (Either a) -> Either a () #

e ~ SomeException => MonadCatch (Either e)

Since: exceptions-0.8.3

Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Catch


catch :: Exception e0 => Either e a -> (e0 -> Either e a) -> Either e a #

e ~ SomeException => MonadMask (Either e)

Since: exceptions-0.8.3

Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Catch


mask :: ((forall a. Either e a -> Either e a) -> Either e b) -> Either e b #

uninterruptibleMask :: ((forall a. Either e a -> Either e a) -> Either e b) -> Either e b #

generalBracket :: Either e a -> (a -> ExitCase b -> Either e c) -> (a -> Either e b) -> Either e (b, c) #

e ~ SomeException => MonadThrow (Either e) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Catch


throwM :: Exception e0 => e0 -> Either e a #

Hashable a => Hashable1 (Either a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Hashable.Class


liftHashWithSalt :: (Int -> a0 -> Int) -> Int -> Either a a0 -> Int #

MonadBaseControl (Either e) (Either e) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Control

Associated Types

type StM (Either e) a #


liftBaseWith :: (RunInBase (Either e) (Either e) -> Either e a) -> Either e a #

restoreM :: StM (Either e) a -> Either e a #

(FromJSON a, FromJSON b) => FromJSON (Either a b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON


parseJSON :: Value -> Parser (Either a b) #

parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [Either a b] #

(ToJSON a, ToJSON b) => ToJSON (Either a b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON


toJSON :: Either a b -> Value #

toEncoding :: Either a b -> Encoding #

toJSONList :: [Either a b] -> Value #

toEncodingList :: [Either a b] -> Encoding #

Semigroup (Either a b)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Either


(<>) :: Either a b -> Either a b -> Either a b #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Either a b) -> Either a b #

stimes :: Integral b0 => b0 -> Either a b -> Either a b #

Generic (Either a b) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

Associated Types

type Rep (Either a b) :: Type -> Type #


from :: Either a b -> Rep (Either a b) x #

to :: Rep (Either a b) x -> Either a b #

(Read a, Read b) => Read (Either a b)

Since: base-3.0

Instance details

Defined in Data.Either

(Show a, Show b) => Show (Either a b)

Since: base-3.0

Instance details

Defined in Data.Either


showsPrec :: Int -> Either a b -> ShowS #

show :: Either a b -> String #

showList :: [Either a b] -> ShowS #

(Binary a, Binary b) => Binary (Either a b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Class


put :: Either a b -> Put #

get :: Get (Either a b) #

putList :: [Either a b] -> Put #

(Outputable a, Outputable b) => Outputable (Either a b) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Utils.Outputable


ppr :: Either a b -> SDoc #

(Eq a, Eq b) => Eq (Either a b)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Either


(==) :: Either a b -> Either a b -> Bool #

(/=) :: Either a b -> Either a b -> Bool #

(Ord a, Ord b) => Ord (Either a b)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Either


compare :: Either a b -> Either a b -> Ordering #

(<) :: Either a b -> Either a b -> Bool #

(<=) :: Either a b -> Either a b -> Bool #

(>) :: Either a b -> Either a b -> Bool #

(>=) :: Either a b -> Either a b -> Bool #

max :: Either a b -> Either a b -> Either a b #

min :: Either a b -> Either a b -> Either a b #

(Hashable a, Hashable b) => Hashable (Either a b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Hashable.Class


hashWithSalt :: Int -> Either a b -> Int #

hash :: Either a b -> Int #

type Rep1 (Either a :: Type -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

type Failure (Either a) 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Monad

type Failure (Either a) = a
type StM (Either e) a 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Control

type StM (Either e) a = a
type Rep (Either a b)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

data NonEmpty a #

Non-empty (and non-strict) list type.

Since: base-


a :| [a] infixr 5 


Instances details
FromJSON1 NonEmpty 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON


liftParseJSON :: (Value -> Parser a) -> (Value -> Parser [a]) -> Value -> Parser (NonEmpty a) #

liftParseJSONList :: (Value -> Parser a) -> (Value -> Parser [a]) -> Value -> Parser [NonEmpty a] #

ToJSON1 NonEmpty 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON


liftToJSON :: (a -> Value) -> ([a] -> Value) -> NonEmpty a -> Value #

liftToJSONList :: (a -> Value) -> ([a] -> Value) -> [NonEmpty a] -> Value #

liftToEncoding :: (a -> Encoding) -> ([a] -> Encoding) -> NonEmpty a -> Encoding #

liftToEncodingList :: (a -> Encoding) -> ([a] -> Encoding) -> [NonEmpty a] -> Encoding #

Foldable NonEmpty

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Foldable


fold :: Monoid m => NonEmpty m -> m #

foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> NonEmpty a -> m #

foldMap' :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> NonEmpty a -> m #

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> NonEmpty a -> b #

foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> NonEmpty a -> b #

foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> NonEmpty a -> b #

foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> NonEmpty a -> b #

foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> NonEmpty a -> a #

foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> NonEmpty a -> a #

toList :: NonEmpty a -> [a] #

null :: NonEmpty a -> Bool #

length :: NonEmpty a -> Int #

elem :: Eq a => a -> NonEmpty a -> Bool #

maximum :: Ord a => NonEmpty a -> a #

minimum :: Ord a => NonEmpty a -> a #

sum :: Num a => NonEmpty a -> a #

product :: Num a => NonEmpty a -> a #

Eq1 NonEmpty

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Classes


liftEq :: (a -> b -> Bool) -> NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty b -> Bool #

Ord1 NonEmpty

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Classes


liftCompare :: (a -> b -> Ordering) -> NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty b -> Ordering #

Read1 NonEmpty

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Classes


liftReadsPrec :: (Int -> ReadS a) -> ReadS [a] -> Int -> ReadS (NonEmpty a) #

liftReadList :: (Int -> ReadS a) -> ReadS [a] -> ReadS [NonEmpty a] #

liftReadPrec :: ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec [a] -> ReadPrec (NonEmpty a) #

liftReadListPrec :: ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec [a] -> ReadPrec [NonEmpty a] #

Show1 NonEmpty

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Classes


liftShowsPrec :: (Int -> a -> ShowS) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Int -> NonEmpty a -> ShowS #

liftShowList :: (Int -> a -> ShowS) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> [NonEmpty a] -> ShowS #

Traversable NonEmpty

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Traversable


traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> NonEmpty a -> f (NonEmpty b) #

sequenceA :: Applicative f => NonEmpty (f a) -> f (NonEmpty a) #

mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> NonEmpty a -> m (NonEmpty b) #

sequence :: Monad m => NonEmpty (m a) -> m (NonEmpty a) #

Applicative NonEmpty

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


pure :: a -> NonEmpty a #

(<*>) :: NonEmpty (a -> b) -> NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty b -> NonEmpty c #

(*>) :: NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty b -> NonEmpty b #

(<*) :: NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty b -> NonEmpty a #

Functor NonEmpty

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


fmap :: (a -> b) -> NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty b #

(<$) :: a -> NonEmpty b -> NonEmpty a #

Monad NonEmpty

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


(>>=) :: NonEmpty a -> (a -> NonEmpty b) -> NonEmpty b #

(>>) :: NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty b -> NonEmpty b #

return :: a -> NonEmpty a #

Hashable1 NonEmpty

Since: hashable-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Hashable.Class


liftHashWithSalt :: (Int -> a -> Int) -> Int -> NonEmpty a -> Int #

Generic1 NonEmpty 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

Associated Types

type Rep1 NonEmpty :: k -> Type #


from1 :: forall (a :: k). NonEmpty a -> Rep1 NonEmpty a #

to1 :: forall (a :: k). Rep1 NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a #

Lift a => Lift (NonEmpty a :: Type)

Since: ghc-lib-parser-

Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => NonEmpty a -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => NonEmpty a -> Code m (NonEmpty a) #

Lift a => Lift (NonEmpty a :: Type)

Since: template-haskell-

Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => NonEmpty a -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => NonEmpty a -> Code m (NonEmpty a) #

FromJSON a => FromJSON (NonEmpty a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON

ToJSON a => ToJSON (NonEmpty a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON

Semigroup (NonEmpty a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


(<>) :: NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (NonEmpty a) -> NonEmpty a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a #

IsList (NonEmpty a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exts

Associated Types

type Item (NonEmpty a) #


fromList :: [Item (NonEmpty a)] -> NonEmpty a #

fromListN :: Int -> [Item (NonEmpty a)] -> NonEmpty a #

toList :: NonEmpty a -> [Item (NonEmpty a)] #

Generic (NonEmpty a) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

Associated Types

type Rep (NonEmpty a) :: Type -> Type #


from :: NonEmpty a -> Rep (NonEmpty a) x #

to :: Rep (NonEmpty a) x -> NonEmpty a #

Read a => Read (NonEmpty a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Read

Show a => Show (NonEmpty a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show


showsPrec :: Int -> NonEmpty a -> ShowS #

show :: NonEmpty a -> String #

showList :: [NonEmpty a] -> ShowS #

Binary a => Binary (NonEmpty a)

Since: binary-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Class


put :: NonEmpty a -> Put #

get :: Get (NonEmpty a) #

putList :: [NonEmpty a] -> Put #

Outputable a => Outputable (NonEmpty a) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Utils.Outputable


ppr :: NonEmpty a -> SDoc #

Eq a => Eq (NonEmpty a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


(==) :: NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a -> Bool #

(/=) :: NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a -> Bool #

Ord a => Ord (NonEmpty a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


compare :: NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a -> Ordering #

(<) :: NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a -> Bool #

(<=) :: NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a -> Bool #

(>) :: NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a -> Bool #

(>=) :: NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a -> Bool #

max :: NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a #

min :: NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a #

Hashable a => Hashable (NonEmpty a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Hashable.Class


hashWithSalt :: Int -> NonEmpty a -> Int #

hash :: NonEmpty a -> Int #

type Rep1 NonEmpty

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

type Item (NonEmpty a) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exts

type Item (NonEmpty a) = a
type Rep (NonEmpty a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

type Type = TYPE LiftedRep #

The kind of types with lifted values. For example Int :: Type.

type UnliftedType = TYPE UnliftedRep #

The kind of boxed, unlifted values, for example Array# or a user-defined unlifted data type, using -XUnliftedDataTypes.

data Constraint #

The kind of constraints, like Show a

data Levity #

Whether a boxed type is lifted or unlifted.




Instances details
Bounded Levity

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum

Enum Levity

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum

Show Levity

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show

data RuntimeRep #

GHC maintains a property that the kind of all inhabited types (as distinct from type constructors or type-level data) tells us the runtime representation of values of that type. This datatype encodes the choice of runtime value. Note that TYPE is parameterised by RuntimeRep; this is precisely what we mean by the fact that a type's kind encodes the runtime representation.

For boxed values (that is, values that are represented by a pointer), a further distinction is made, between lifted types (that contain ⊥), and unlifted ones (that don't).


VecRep VecCount VecElem

a SIMD vector type

TupleRep [RuntimeRep]

An unboxed tuple of the given reps

SumRep [RuntimeRep]

An unboxed sum of the given reps

BoxedRep Levity

boxed; represented by a pointer


signed, word-sized value


signed, 8-bit value


signed, 16-bit value


signed, 32-bit value


signed, 64-bit value (on 32-bit only)


unsigned, word-sized value


unsigned, 8-bit value


unsigned, 16-bit value


unsigned, 32-bit value


unsigned, 64-bit value (on 32-bit only)


A pointer, but not to a Haskell value


a 32-bit floating point number


a 64-bit floating point number


Instances details
Show RuntimeRep

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show

Binary RuntimeRep

Since: binary-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Class

Lift (# #)

Since: ghc-lib-parser-

Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => (# #) -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => (# #) -> Code m (# #) #

Lift (# #)

Since: template-haskell-

Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => (# #) -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => (# #) -> Code m (# #) #

Lift a => Lift ((# a #) :: TYPE ('TupleRep '['BoxedRep 'Lifted]))

Since: ghc-lib-parser-

Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => (# a #) -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => (# a #) -> Code m (# a #) #

Lift a => Lift ((# a #) :: TYPE ('TupleRep '['BoxedRep 'Lifted]))

Since: template-haskell-

Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => (# a #) -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => (# a #) -> Code m (# a #) #

(Lift a, Lift b) => Lift ((# a | b #) :: TYPE ('SumRep '['BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted]))

Since: ghc-lib-parser-

Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => (# a | b #) -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => (# a | b #) -> Code m (# a | b #) #

(Lift a, Lift b) => Lift ((# a, b #) :: TYPE ('TupleRep '['BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted]))

Since: ghc-lib-parser-

Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => (# a, b #) -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => (# a, b #) -> Code m (# a, b #) #

(Lift a, Lift b) => Lift ((# a | b #) :: TYPE ('SumRep '['BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted]))

Since: template-haskell-

Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => (# a | b #) -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => (# a | b #) -> Code m (# a | b #) #

(Lift a, Lift b) => Lift ((# a, b #) :: TYPE ('TupleRep '['BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted]))

Since: template-haskell-

Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => (# a, b #) -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => (# a, b #) -> Code m (# a, b #) #

(Lift a, Lift b, Lift c) => Lift ((# a | b | c #) :: TYPE ('SumRep '['BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted]))

Since: ghc-lib-parser-

Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => (# a | b | c #) -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => (# a | b | c #) -> Code m (# a | b | c #) #

(Lift a, Lift b, Lift c) => Lift ((# a, b, c #) :: TYPE ('TupleRep '['BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted]))

Since: ghc-lib-parser-

Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => (# a, b, c #) -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => (# a, b, c #) -> Code m (# a, b, c #) #

(Lift a, Lift b, Lift c) => Lift ((# a | b | c #) :: TYPE ('SumRep '['BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted]))

Since: template-haskell-

Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => (# a | b | c #) -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => (# a | b | c #) -> Code m (# a | b | c #) #

(Lift a, Lift b, Lift c) => Lift ((# a, b, c #) :: TYPE ('TupleRep '['BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted]))

Since: template-haskell-

Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => (# a, b, c #) -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => (# a, b, c #) -> Code m (# a, b, c #) #

(Lift a, Lift b, Lift c, Lift d) => Lift ((# a | b | c | d #) :: TYPE ('SumRep '['BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted]))

Since: ghc-lib-parser-

Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => (# a | b | c | d #) -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => (# a | b | c | d #) -> Code m (# a | b | c | d #) #

(Lift a, Lift b, Lift c, Lift d) => Lift ((# a, b, c, d #) :: TYPE ('TupleRep '['BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted]))

Since: ghc-lib-parser-

Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => (# a, b, c, d #) -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => (# a, b, c, d #) -> Code m (# a, b, c, d #) #

(Lift a, Lift b, Lift c, Lift d) => Lift ((# a | b | c | d #) :: TYPE ('SumRep '['BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted]))

Since: template-haskell-

Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => (# a | b | c | d #) -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => (# a | b | c | d #) -> Code m (# a | b | c | d #) #

(Lift a, Lift b, Lift c, Lift d) => Lift ((# a, b, c, d #) :: TYPE ('TupleRep '['BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted]))

Since: template-haskell-

Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => (# a, b, c, d #) -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => (# a, b, c, d #) -> Code m (# a, b, c, d #) #

(Lift a, Lift b, Lift c, Lift d, Lift e) => Lift ((# a | b | c | d | e #) :: TYPE ('SumRep '['BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted]))

Since: ghc-lib-parser-

Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => (# a | b | c | d | e #) -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => (# a | b | c | d | e #) -> Code m (# a | b | c | d | e #) #

(Lift a, Lift b, Lift c, Lift d, Lift e) => Lift ((# a, b, c, d, e #) :: TYPE ('TupleRep '['BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted]))

Since: ghc-lib-parser-

Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => (# a, b, c, d, e #) -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => (# a, b, c, d, e #) -> Code m (# a, b, c, d, e #) #

(Lift a, Lift b, Lift c, Lift d, Lift e) => Lift ((# a | b | c | d | e #) :: TYPE ('SumRep '['BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted]))

Since: template-haskell-

Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => (# a | b | c | d | e #) -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => (# a | b | c | d | e #) -> Code m (# a | b | c | d | e #) #

(Lift a, Lift b, Lift c, Lift d, Lift e) => Lift ((# a, b, c, d, e #) :: TYPE ('TupleRep '['BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted]))

Since: template-haskell-

Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => (# a, b, c, d, e #) -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => (# a, b, c, d, e #) -> Code m (# a, b, c, d, e #) #

(Lift a, Lift b, Lift c, Lift d, Lift e, Lift f) => Lift ((# a | b | c | d | e | f #) :: TYPE ('SumRep '['BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted]))

Since: ghc-lib-parser-

Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => (# a | b | c | d | e | f #) -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => (# a | b | c | d | e | f #) -> Code m (# a | b | c | d | e | f #) #

(Lift a, Lift b, Lift c, Lift d, Lift e, Lift f) => Lift ((# a, b, c, d, e, f #) :: TYPE ('TupleRep '['BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted]))

Since: ghc-lib-parser-

Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => (# a, b, c, d, e, f #) -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => (# a, b, c, d, e, f #) -> Code m (# a, b, c, d, e, f #) #

(Lift a, Lift b, Lift c, Lift d, Lift e, Lift f) => Lift ((# a | b | c | d | e | f #) :: TYPE ('SumRep '['BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted]))

Since: template-haskell-

Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => (# a | b | c | d | e | f #) -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => (# a | b | c | d | e | f #) -> Code m (# a | b | c | d | e | f #) #

(Lift a, Lift b, Lift c, Lift d, Lift e, Lift f) => Lift ((# a, b, c, d, e, f #) :: TYPE ('TupleRep '['BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted]))

Since: template-haskell-

Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => (# a, b, c, d, e, f #) -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => (# a, b, c, d, e, f #) -> Code m (# a, b, c, d, e, f #) #

(Lift a, Lift b, Lift c, Lift d, Lift e, Lift f, Lift g) => Lift ((# a | b | c | d | e | f | g #) :: TYPE ('SumRep '['BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted]))

Since: ghc-lib-parser-

Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => (# a | b | c | d | e | f | g #) -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => (# a | b | c | d | e | f | g #) -> Code m (# a | b | c | d | e | f | g #) #

(Lift a, Lift b, Lift c, Lift d, Lift e, Lift f, Lift g) => Lift ((# a, b, c, d, e, f, g #) :: TYPE ('TupleRep '['BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted]))

Since: ghc-lib-parser-

Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => (# a, b, c, d, e, f, g #) -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => (# a, b, c, d, e, f, g #) -> Code m (# a, b, c, d, e, f, g #) #

(Lift a, Lift b, Lift c, Lift d, Lift e, Lift f, Lift g) => Lift ((# a | b | c | d | e | f | g #) :: TYPE ('SumRep '['BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted]))

Since: template-haskell-

Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => (# a | b | c | d | e | f | g #) -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => (# a | b | c | d | e | f | g #) -> Code m (# a | b | c | d | e | f | g #) #

(Lift a, Lift b, Lift c, Lift d, Lift e, Lift f, Lift g) => Lift ((# a, b, c, d, e, f, g #) :: TYPE ('TupleRep '['BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted, 'BoxedRep 'Lifted]))

Since: template-haskell-

Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


lift :: Quote m => (# a, b, c, d, e, f, g #) -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => (# a, b, c, d, e, f, g #) -> Code m (# a, b, c, d, e, f, g #) #

data VecCount #

Length of a SIMD vector type




Instances details
Bounded VecCount

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum

Enum VecCount

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum

Show VecCount

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show

Binary VecCount

Since: binary-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Class


put :: VecCount -> Put #

get :: Get VecCount #

putList :: [VecCount] -> Put #

data VecElem #

Element of a SIMD vector type


Instances details
Bounded VecElem

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum

Enum VecElem

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Enum

Show VecElem

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show

Binary VecElem

Since: binary-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Class


put :: VecElem -> Put #

get :: Get VecElem #

putList :: [VecElem] -> Put #

type LiftedRep = 'BoxedRep 'Lifted #

The runtime representation of lifted types.

type UnliftedRep = 'BoxedRep 'Unlifted #

The runtime representation of unlifted types.

data Opaque #


O a 

class a ~R# b => Coercible (a :: k) (b :: k) #

Coercible is a two-parameter class that has instances for types a and b if the compiler can infer that they have the same representation. This class does not have regular instances; instead they are created on-the-fly during type-checking. Trying to manually declare an instance of Coercible is an error.

Nevertheless one can pretend that the following three kinds of instances exist. First, as a trivial base-case:

instance Coercible a a

Furthermore, for every type constructor there is an instance that allows to coerce under the type constructor. For example, let D be a prototypical type constructor (data or newtype) with three type arguments, which have roles nominal, representational resp. phantom. Then there is an instance of the form

instance Coercible b b' => Coercible (D a b c) (D a b' c')

Note that the nominal type arguments are equal, the representational type arguments can differ, but need to have a Coercible instance themself, and the phantom type arguments can be changed arbitrarily.

The third kind of instance exists for every newtype NT = MkNT T and comes in two variants, namely

instance Coercible a T => Coercible a NT
instance Coercible T b => Coercible NT b

This instance is only usable if the constructor MkNT is in scope.

If, as a library author of a type constructor like Set a, you want to prevent a user of your module to write coerce :: Set T -> Set NT, you need to set the role of Set's type parameter to nominal, by writing

type role Set nominal

For more details about this feature, please refer to Safe Coercions by Joachim Breitner, Richard A. Eisenberg, Simon Peyton Jones and Stephanie Weirich.

Since: ghc-prim-

data Proxy# (a :: k) :: TYPE ('TupleRep ('[] :: [RuntimeRep])) #

The type constructor Proxy# is used to bear witness to some type variable. It's used when you want to pass around proxy values for doing things like modelling type applications. A Proxy# is not only unboxed, it also has a polymorphic kind, and has no runtime representation, being totally free.

data SPEC #

SPEC is used by GHC in the SpecConstr pass in order to inform the compiler when to be particularly aggressive. In particular, it tells GHC to specialize regardless of size or the number of specializations. However, not all loops fall into this category.

Libraries can specify this by using SPEC data type to inform which loops should be aggressively specialized.



data Int8X16# :: TYPE ('VecRep 'Vec16 'Int8ElemRep) #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

data Int16X8# :: TYPE ('VecRep 'Vec8 'Int16ElemRep) #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

data Int32X4# :: TYPE ('VecRep 'Vec4 'Int32ElemRep) #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

data Int64X2# :: TYPE ('VecRep 'Vec2 'Int64ElemRep) #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

data Int8X32# :: TYPE ('VecRep 'Vec32 'Int8ElemRep) #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

data Int16X16# :: TYPE ('VecRep 'Vec16 'Int16ElemRep) #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

data Int32X8# :: TYPE ('VecRep 'Vec8 'Int32ElemRep) #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

data Int64X4# :: TYPE ('VecRep 'Vec4 'Int64ElemRep) #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

data Int8X64# :: TYPE ('VecRep 'Vec64 'Int8ElemRep) #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

data Int16X32# :: TYPE ('VecRep 'Vec32 'Int16ElemRep) #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

data Int32X16# :: TYPE ('VecRep 'Vec16 'Int32ElemRep) #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

data Int64X8# :: TYPE ('VecRep 'Vec8 'Int64ElemRep) #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

data Word8X16# :: TYPE ('VecRep 'Vec16 'Word8ElemRep) #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

data Word16X8# :: TYPE ('VecRep 'Vec8 'Word16ElemRep) #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

data Word32X4# :: TYPE ('VecRep 'Vec4 'Word32ElemRep) #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

data Word64X2# :: TYPE ('VecRep 'Vec2 'Word64ElemRep) #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

data Word8X32# :: TYPE ('VecRep 'Vec32 'Word8ElemRep) #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

data Word16X16# :: TYPE ('VecRep 'Vec16 'Word16ElemRep) #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

data Word32X8# :: TYPE ('VecRep 'Vec8 'Word32ElemRep) #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

data Word64X4# :: TYPE ('VecRep 'Vec4 'Word64ElemRep) #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

data Word8X64# :: TYPE ('VecRep 'Vec64 'Word8ElemRep) #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

data Word16X32# :: TYPE ('VecRep 'Vec32 'Word16ElemRep) #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

data Word32X16# :: TYPE ('VecRep 'Vec16 'Word32ElemRep) #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

data Word64X8# :: TYPE ('VecRep 'Vec8 'Word64ElemRep) #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

data FloatX4# :: TYPE ('VecRep 'Vec4 'FloatElemRep) #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

data DoubleX2# :: TYPE ('VecRep 'Vec2 'DoubleElemRep) #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

data FloatX8# :: TYPE ('VecRep 'Vec8 'FloatElemRep) #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

data DoubleX4# :: TYPE ('VecRep 'Vec4 'DoubleElemRep) #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

data FloatX16# :: TYPE ('VecRep 'Vec16 'FloatElemRep) #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

data DoubleX8# :: TYPE ('VecRep 'Vec8 'DoubleElemRep) #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

data Symbol #

(Kind) This is the kind of type-level symbols. Declared here because class IP needs it


Instances details
SingKind Symbol

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

Associated Types

type DemoteRep Symbol


fromSing :: forall (a :: Symbol). Sing a -> DemoteRep Symbol

KnownSymbol a => SingI (a :: Symbol)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


sing :: Sing a

IsRecord (M1 S ('MetaSel ('Nothing :: Maybe Symbol) u ss ds) f) False 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Generic

type DemoteRep Symbol 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

type DemoteRep Symbol = String
data Sing (s :: Symbol) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

data Sing (s :: Symbol) where
type Compare (a :: Symbol) (b :: Symbol) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Type.Ord

type Compare (a :: Symbol) (b :: Symbol) = CmpSymbol a b

data TyCon #




  • Word#

    Fingerprint (high)

  • Word#

    Fingerprint (low)

  • Module

    Module in which this is defined

  • TrName

    Type constructor name

  • Int#

    How many kind variables do we accept?

  • KindRep

    A representation of the type's kind


Instances details
Show TyCon

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show


showsPrec :: Int -> TyCon -> ShowS #

show :: TyCon -> String #

showList :: [TyCon] -> ShowS #

Binary TyCon

Since: binary-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Class


put :: TyCon -> Put #

get :: Get TyCon #

putList :: [TyCon] -> Put #

Eq TyCon 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


(==) :: TyCon -> TyCon -> Bool #

(/=) :: TyCon -> TyCon -> Bool #

Ord TyCon 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


compare :: TyCon -> TyCon -> Ordering #

(<) :: TyCon -> TyCon -> Bool #

(<=) :: TyCon -> TyCon -> Bool #

(>) :: TyCon -> TyCon -> Bool #

(>=) :: TyCon -> TyCon -> Bool #

max :: TyCon -> TyCon -> TyCon #

min :: TyCon -> TyCon -> TyCon #

data TrName #


TrNameS Addr#


TrNameD [Char]



Instances details
Show TrName

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show

Eq TrName 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Classes


(==) :: TrName -> TrName -> Bool #

(/=) :: TrName -> TrName -> Bool #

data KindRep #

The representation produced by GHC for conjuring up the kind of a TypeRep.


Instances details
Show KindRep 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show

Binary KindRep

Since: binary-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Class


put :: KindRep -> Put #

get :: Get KindRep #

putList :: [KindRep] -> Put #

data TypeLitSort #


Instances details
Show TypeLitSort

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Show

Binary TypeLitSort

Since: binary-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Class

quotInt8# :: Int8# -> Int8# -> Int8# #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

remInt8# :: Int8# -> Int8# -> Int8# #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

quotRemInt8# :: Int8# -> Int8# -> (# Int8#, Int8# #) #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

quotWord8# :: Word8# -> Word8# -> Word8# #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

remWord8# :: Word8# -> Word8# -> Word8# #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

quotRemWord8# :: Word8# -> Word8# -> (# Word8#, Word8# #) #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

quotInt16# :: Int16# -> Int16# -> Int16# #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

remInt16# :: Int16# -> Int16# -> Int16# #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

quotRemInt16# :: Int16# -> Int16# -> (# Int16#, Int16# #) #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

quotWord16# :: Word16# -> Word16# -> Word16# #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

remWord16# :: Word16# -> Word16# -> Word16# #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

quotRemWord16# :: Word16# -> Word16# -> (# Word16#, Word16# #) #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

quotInt32# :: Int32# -> Int32# -> Int32# #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

remInt32# :: Int32# -> Int32# -> Int32# #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

quotRemInt32# :: Int32# -> Int32# -> (# Int32#, Int32# #) #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

quotWord32# :: Word32# -> Word32# -> Word32# #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

remWord32# :: Word32# -> Word32# -> Word32# #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

quotRemWord32# :: Word32# -> Word32# -> (# Word32#, Word32# #) #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

(+#) :: Int# -> Int# -> Int# infixl 6 #

(-#) :: Int# -> Int# -> Int# infixl 6 #

(*#) :: Int# -> Int# -> Int# infixl 7 #

Low word of signed integer multiply.

timesInt2# :: Int# -> Int# -> (# Int#, Int#, Int# #) #

Return a triple (isHighNeeded,high,low) where high and low are respectively the high and low bits of the double-word result. isHighNeeded is a cheap way to test if the high word is a sign-extension of the low word (isHighNeeded = 0#) or not (isHighNeeded = 1#).

mulIntMayOflo# :: Int# -> Int# -> Int# #

Return non-zero if there is any possibility that the upper word of a signed integer multiply might contain useful information. Return zero only if you are completely sure that no overflow can occur. On a 32-bit platform, the recommended implementation is to do a 32 x 32 -> 64 signed multiply, and subtract result[63:32] from (result[31] >>signed 31). If this is zero, meaning that the upper word is merely a sign extension of the lower one, no overflow can occur.

On a 64-bit platform it is not always possible to acquire the top 64 bits of the result. Therefore, a recommended implementation is to take the absolute value of both operands, and return 0 iff bits[63:31] of them are zero, since that means that their magnitudes fit within 31 bits, so the magnitude of the product must fit into 62 bits.

If in doubt, return non-zero, but do make an effort to create the correct answer for small args, since otherwise the performance of (*) :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer will be poor.

quotInt# :: Int# -> Int# -> Int# #

Rounds towards zero. The behavior is undefined if the second argument is zero.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

remInt# :: Int# -> Int# -> Int# #

Satisfies (quotInt# x y) *# y +# (remInt# x y) == x. The behavior is undefined if the second argument is zero.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

quotRemInt# :: Int# -> Int# -> (# Int#, Int# #) #

Rounds towards zero.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

andI# :: Int# -> Int# -> Int# #

Bitwise "and".

orI# :: Int# -> Int# -> Int# #

Bitwise "or".

xorI# :: Int# -> Int# -> Int# #

Bitwise "xor".

notI# :: Int# -> Int# #

Bitwise "not", also known as the binary complement.

negateInt# :: Int# -> Int# #

Unary negation. Since the negative Int# range extends one further than the positive range, negateInt# of the most negative number is an identity operation. This way, negateInt# is always its own inverse.

addIntC# :: Int# -> Int# -> (# Int#, Int# #) #

Add signed integers reporting overflow. First member of result is the sum truncated to an Int#; second member is zero if the true sum fits in an Int#, nonzero if overflow occurred (the sum is either too large or too small to fit in an Int#).

subIntC# :: Int# -> Int# -> (# Int#, Int# #) #

Subtract signed integers reporting overflow. First member of result is the difference truncated to an Int#; second member is zero if the true difference fits in an Int#, nonzero if overflow occurred (the difference is either too large or too small to fit in an Int#).

(>#) :: Int# -> Int# -> Int# infix 4 #

(>=#) :: Int# -> Int# -> Int# infix 4 #

(==#) :: Int# -> Int# -> Int# infix 4 #

(/=#) :: Int# -> Int# -> Int# infix 4 #

(<#) :: Int# -> Int# -> Int# infix 4 #

(<=#) :: Int# -> Int# -> Int# infix 4 #

int2Float# :: Int# -> Float# #

Convert an Int# to the corresponding Float# with the same integral value (up to truncation due to floating-point precision). e.g. int2Float# 1# == 1.0#

int2Double# :: Int# -> Double# #

Convert an Int# to the corresponding Double# with the same integral value (up to truncation due to floating-point precision). e.g. int2Double# 1# == 1.0##

word2Float# :: Word# -> Float# #

Convert an Word# to the corresponding Float# with the same integral value (up to truncation due to floating-point precision). e.g. word2Float# 1## == 1.0#

word2Double# :: Word# -> Double# #

Convert an Word# to the corresponding Double# with the same integral value (up to truncation due to floating-point precision). e.g. word2Double# 1## == 1.0##

uncheckedIShiftL# :: Int# -> Int# -> Int# #

Shift left. Result undefined if shift amount is not in the range 0 to word size - 1 inclusive.

uncheckedIShiftRA# :: Int# -> Int# -> Int# #

Shift right arithmetic. Result undefined if shift amount is not in the range 0 to word size - 1 inclusive.

uncheckedIShiftRL# :: Int# -> Int# -> Int# #

Shift right logical. Result undefined if shift amount is not in the range 0 to word size - 1 inclusive.

addWordC# :: Word# -> Word# -> (# Word#, Int# #) #

Add unsigned integers reporting overflow. The first element of the pair is the result. The second element is the carry flag, which is nonzero on overflow. See also plusWord2#.

subWordC# :: Word# -> Word# -> (# Word#, Int# #) #

Subtract unsigned integers reporting overflow. The first element of the pair is the result. The second element is the carry flag, which is nonzero on overflow.

plusWord2# :: Word# -> Word# -> (# Word#, Word# #) #

Add unsigned integers, with the high part (carry) in the first component of the returned pair and the low part in the second component of the pair. See also addWordC#.

quotWord# :: Word# -> Word# -> Word# #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

remWord# :: Word# -> Word# -> Word# #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

quotRemWord# :: Word# -> Word# -> (# Word#, Word# #) #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

quotRemWord2# :: Word# -> Word# -> Word# -> (# Word#, Word# #) #

Takes high word of dividend, then low word of dividend, then divisor. Requires that high word < divisor.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

or# :: Word# -> Word# -> Word# #

uncheckedShiftL# :: Word# -> Int# -> Word# #

Shift left logical. Result undefined if shift amount is not in the range 0 to word size - 1 inclusive.

uncheckedShiftRL# :: Word# -> Int# -> Word# #

Shift right logical. Result undefined if shift amount is not in the range 0 to word size - 1 inclusive.

popCnt8# :: Word# -> Word# #

Count the number of set bits in the lower 8 bits of a word.

popCnt16# :: Word# -> Word# #

Count the number of set bits in the lower 16 bits of a word.

popCnt32# :: Word# -> Word# #

Count the number of set bits in the lower 32 bits of a word.

popCnt64# :: Word# -> Word# #

Count the number of set bits in a 64-bit word.

popCnt# :: Word# -> Word# #

Count the number of set bits in a word.

pdep8# :: Word# -> Word# -> Word# #

Deposit bits to lower 8 bits of a word at locations specified by a mask.

pdep16# :: Word# -> Word# -> Word# #

Deposit bits to lower 16 bits of a word at locations specified by a mask.

pdep32# :: Word# -> Word# -> Word# #

Deposit bits to lower 32 bits of a word at locations specified by a mask.

pdep64# :: Word# -> Word# -> Word# #

Deposit bits to a word at locations specified by a mask.

pdep# :: Word# -> Word# -> Word# #

Deposit bits to a word at locations specified by a mask.

pext8# :: Word# -> Word# -> Word# #

Extract bits from lower 8 bits of a word at locations specified by a mask.

pext16# :: Word# -> Word# -> Word# #

Extract bits from lower 16 bits of a word at locations specified by a mask.

pext32# :: Word# -> Word# -> Word# #

Extract bits from lower 32 bits of a word at locations specified by a mask.

pext64# :: Word# -> Word# -> Word# #

Extract bits from a word at locations specified by a mask.

pext# :: Word# -> Word# -> Word# #

Extract bits from a word at locations specified by a mask.

clz8# :: Word# -> Word# #

Count leading zeros in the lower 8 bits of a word.

clz16# :: Word# -> Word# #

Count leading zeros in the lower 16 bits of a word.

clz32# :: Word# -> Word# #

Count leading zeros in the lower 32 bits of a word.

clz64# :: Word# -> Word# #

Count leading zeros in a 64-bit word.

clz# :: Word# -> Word# #

Count leading zeros in a word.

ctz8# :: Word# -> Word# #

Count trailing zeros in the lower 8 bits of a word.

ctz16# :: Word# -> Word# #

Count trailing zeros in the lower 16 bits of a word.

ctz32# :: Word# -> Word# #

Count trailing zeros in the lower 32 bits of a word.

ctz64# :: Word# -> Word# #

Count trailing zeros in a 64-bit word.

ctz# :: Word# -> Word# #

Count trailing zeros in a word.

byteSwap16# :: Word# -> Word# #

Swap bytes in the lower 16 bits of a word. The higher bytes are undefined.

byteSwap32# :: Word# -> Word# #

Swap bytes in the lower 32 bits of a word. The higher bytes are undefined.

byteSwap64# :: Word# -> Word# #

Swap bytes in a 64 bits of a word.

byteSwap# :: Word# -> Word# #

Swap bytes in a word.

bitReverse8# :: Word# -> Word# #

Reverse the order of the bits in a 8-bit word.

bitReverse16# :: Word# -> Word# #

Reverse the order of the bits in a 16-bit word.

bitReverse32# :: Word# -> Word# #

Reverse the order of the bits in a 32-bit word.

bitReverse64# :: Word# -> Word# #

Reverse the order of the bits in a 64-bit word.

bitReverse# :: Word# -> Word# #

Reverse the order of the bits in a word.

(>##) :: Double# -> Double# -> Int# infix 4 #

(>=##) :: Double# -> Double# -> Int# infix 4 #

(==##) :: Double# -> Double# -> Int# infix 4 #

(/=##) :: Double# -> Double# -> Int# infix 4 #

(<##) :: Double# -> Double# -> Int# infix 4 #

(<=##) :: Double# -> Double# -> Int# infix 4 #

(+##) :: Double# -> Double# -> Double# infixl 6 #

(-##) :: Double# -> Double# -> Double# infixl 6 #

(*##) :: Double# -> Double# -> Double# infixl 7 #

(/##) :: Double# -> Double# -> Double# infixl 7 #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

double2Int# :: Double# -> Int# #

Truncates a Double# value to the nearest Int#. Results are undefined if the truncation if truncation yields a value outside the range of Int#.

logDouble# :: Double# -> Double# #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

log1pDouble# :: Double# -> Double# #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

asinDouble# :: Double# -> Double# #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

acosDouble# :: Double# -> Double# #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

(**##) :: Double# -> Double# -> Double# #


decodeDouble_2Int# :: Double# -> (# Int#, Word#, Word#, Int# #) #

Convert to integer. First component of the result is -1 or 1, indicating the sign of the mantissa. The next two are the high and low 32 bits of the mantissa respectively, and the last is the exponent.

decodeDouble_Int64# :: Double# -> (# Int#, Int# #) #

Decode Double# into mantissa and base-2 exponent.

divideFloat# :: Float# -> Float# -> Float# #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

float2Int# :: Float# -> Int# #

Truncates a Float# value to the nearest Int#. Results are undefined if the truncation if truncation yields a value outside the range of Int#.

logFloat# :: Float# -> Float# #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

log1pFloat# :: Float# -> Float# #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

asinFloat# :: Float# -> Float# #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

acosFloat# :: Float# -> Float# #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

decodeFloat_Int# :: Float# -> (# Int#, Int# #) #

Convert to integers. First Int# in result is the mantissa; second is the exponent.

newArray# :: Int# -> a -> State# d -> (# State# d, MutableArray# d a #) #

Create a new mutable array with the specified number of elements, in the specified state thread, with each element containing the specified initial value.

readArray# :: MutableArray# d a -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, a #) #

Read from specified index of mutable array. Result is not yet evaluated.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeArray# :: MutableArray# d a -> Int# -> a -> State# d -> State# d #

Write to specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

sizeofArray# :: Array# a -> Int# #

Return the number of elements in the array.

sizeofMutableArray# :: MutableArray# d a -> Int# #

Return the number of elements in the array.

indexArray# :: Array# a -> Int# -> (# a #) #

Read from the specified index of an immutable array. The result is packaged into an unboxed unary tuple; the result itself is not yet evaluated. Pattern matching on the tuple forces the indexing of the array to happen but does not evaluate the element itself. Evaluating the thunk prevents additional thunks from building up on the heap. Avoiding these thunks, in turn, reduces references to the argument array, allowing it to be garbage collected more promptly.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

unsafeFreezeArray# :: MutableArray# d a -> State# d -> (# State# d, Array# a #) #

Make a mutable array immutable, without copying.

unsafeThawArray# :: Array# a -> State# d -> (# State# d, MutableArray# d a #) #

Make an immutable array mutable, without copying.

copyArray# :: Array# a -> Int# -> MutableArray# d a -> Int# -> Int# -> State# d -> State# d #

Given a source array, an offset into the source array, a destination array, an offset into the destination array, and a number of elements to copy, copy the elements from the source array to the destination array. Both arrays must fully contain the specified ranges, but this is not checked. The two arrays must not be the same array in different states, but this is not checked either.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

copyMutableArray# :: MutableArray# d a -> Int# -> MutableArray# d a -> Int# -> Int# -> State# d -> State# d #

Given a source array, an offset into the source array, a destination array, an offset into the destination array, and a number of elements to copy, copy the elements from the source array to the destination array. Both arrays must fully contain the specified ranges, but this is not checked. In the case where the source and destination are the same array the source and destination regions may overlap.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

cloneArray# :: Array# a -> Int# -> Int# -> Array# a #

Given a source array, an offset into the source array, and a number of elements to copy, create a new array with the elements from the source array. The provided array must fully contain the specified range, but this is not checked.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

cloneMutableArray# :: MutableArray# d a -> Int# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, MutableArray# d a #) #

Given a source array, an offset into the source array, and a number of elements to copy, create a new array with the elements from the source array. The provided array must fully contain the specified range, but this is not checked.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

freezeArray# :: MutableArray# d a -> Int# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Array# a #) #

Given a source array, an offset into the source array, and a number of elements to copy, create a new array with the elements from the source array. The provided array must fully contain the specified range, but this is not checked.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

thawArray# :: Array# a -> Int# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, MutableArray# d a #) #

Given a source array, an offset into the source array, and a number of elements to copy, create a new array with the elements from the source array. The provided array must fully contain the specified range, but this is not checked.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

casArray# :: MutableArray# d a -> Int# -> a -> a -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int#, a #) #

Given an array, an offset, the expected old value, and the new value, perform an atomic compare and swap (i.e. write the new value if the current value and the old value are the same pointer). Returns 0 if the swap succeeds and 1 if it fails. Additionally, returns the element at the offset after the operation completes. This means that on a success the new value is returned, and on a failure the actual old value (not the expected one) is returned. Implies a full memory barrier. The use of a pointer equality on a lifted value makes this function harder to use correctly than casIntArray#. All of the difficulties of using reallyUnsafePtrEquality# correctly apply to casArray# as well.

newSmallArray# :: Int# -> a -> State# d -> (# State# d, SmallMutableArray# d a #) #

Create a new mutable array with the specified number of elements, in the specified state thread, with each element containing the specified initial value.

shrinkSmallMutableArray# :: SmallMutableArray# d a -> Int# -> State# d -> State# d #

Shrink mutable array to new specified size, in the specified state thread. The new size argument must be less than or equal to the current size as reported by getSizeofSmallMutableArray#.

readSmallArray# :: SmallMutableArray# d a -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, a #) #

Read from specified index of mutable array. Result is not yet evaluated.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeSmallArray# :: SmallMutableArray# d a -> Int# -> a -> State# d -> State# d #

Write to specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

sizeofSmallArray# :: SmallArray# a -> Int# #

Return the number of elements in the array.

sizeofSmallMutableArray# :: SmallMutableArray# d a -> Int# #

Return the number of elements in the array. Note that this is deprecated as it is unsafe in the presence of shrink and resize operations on the same small mutable array.

getSizeofSmallMutableArray# :: SmallMutableArray# d a -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int# #) #

Return the number of elements in the array.

indexSmallArray# :: SmallArray# a -> Int# -> (# a #) #

Read from specified index of immutable array. Result is packaged into an unboxed singleton; the result itself is not yet evaluated.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

unsafeFreezeSmallArray# :: SmallMutableArray# d a -> State# d -> (# State# d, SmallArray# a #) #

Make a mutable array immutable, without copying.

unsafeThawSmallArray# :: SmallArray# a -> State# d -> (# State# d, SmallMutableArray# d a #) #

Make an immutable array mutable, without copying.

copySmallArray# :: SmallArray# a -> Int# -> SmallMutableArray# d a -> Int# -> Int# -> State# d -> State# d #

Given a source array, an offset into the source array, a destination array, an offset into the destination array, and a number of elements to copy, copy the elements from the source array to the destination array. Both arrays must fully contain the specified ranges, but this is not checked. The two arrays must not be the same array in different states, but this is not checked either.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

copySmallMutableArray# :: SmallMutableArray# d a -> Int# -> SmallMutableArray# d a -> Int# -> Int# -> State# d -> State# d #

Given a source array, an offset into the source array, a destination array, an offset into the destination array, and a number of elements to copy, copy the elements from the source array to the destination array. The source and destination arrays can refer to the same array. Both arrays must fully contain the specified ranges, but this is not checked. The regions are allowed to overlap, although this is only possible when the same array is provided as both the source and the destination.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

cloneSmallArray# :: SmallArray# a -> Int# -> Int# -> SmallArray# a #

Given a source array, an offset into the source array, and a number of elements to copy, create a new array with the elements from the source array. The provided array must fully contain the specified range, but this is not checked.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

cloneSmallMutableArray# :: SmallMutableArray# d a -> Int# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, SmallMutableArray# d a #) #

Given a source array, an offset into the source array, and a number of elements to copy, create a new array with the elements from the source array. The provided array must fully contain the specified range, but this is not checked.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

freezeSmallArray# :: SmallMutableArray# d a -> Int# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, SmallArray# a #) #

Given a source array, an offset into the source array, and a number of elements to copy, create a new array with the elements from the source array. The provided array must fully contain the specified range, but this is not checked.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

thawSmallArray# :: SmallArray# a -> Int# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, SmallMutableArray# d a #) #

Given a source array, an offset into the source array, and a number of elements to copy, create a new array with the elements from the source array. The provided array must fully contain the specified range, but this is not checked.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

casSmallArray# :: SmallMutableArray# d a -> Int# -> a -> a -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int#, a #) #

Unsafe, machine-level atomic compare and swap on an element within an array. See the documentation of casArray#.

newByteArray# :: Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, MutableByteArray# d #) #

Create a new mutable byte array of specified size (in bytes), in the specified state thread. The size of the memory underlying the array will be rounded up to the platform's word size.

newPinnedByteArray# :: Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, MutableByteArray# d #) #

Like 'newByteArray#' but GC guarantees not to move it.

newAlignedPinnedByteArray# :: Int# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, MutableByteArray# d #) #

Like 'newPinnedByteArray#' but allow specifying an arbitrary alignment, which must be a power of two.

isMutableByteArrayPinned# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# #

Determine whether a MutableByteArray# is guaranteed not to move during GC.

isByteArrayPinned# :: ByteArray# -> Int# #

Determine whether a ByteArray# is guaranteed not to move during GC.

byteArrayContents# :: ByteArray# -> Addr# #

Intended for use with pinned arrays; otherwise very unsafe!

mutableByteArrayContents# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Addr# #

Intended for use with pinned arrays; otherwise very unsafe!

shrinkMutableByteArray# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> State# d #

Shrink mutable byte array to new specified size (in bytes), in the specified state thread. The new size argument must be less than or equal to the current size as reported by getSizeofMutableByteArray#.

resizeMutableByteArray# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, MutableByteArray# d #) #

Resize (unpinned) mutable byte array to new specified size (in bytes). The returned MutableByteArray# is either the original MutableByteArray# resized in-place or, if not possible, a newly allocated (unpinned) MutableByteArray# (with the original content copied over).

To avoid undefined behaviour, the original MutableByteArray# shall not be accessed anymore after a resizeMutableByteArray# has been performed. Moreover, no reference to the old one should be kept in order to allow garbage collection of the original MutableByteArray# in case a new MutableByteArray# had to be allocated.

unsafeFreezeByteArray# :: MutableByteArray# d -> State# d -> (# State# d, ByteArray# #) #

Make a mutable byte array immutable, without copying.

sizeofByteArray# :: ByteArray# -> Int# #

Return the size of the array in bytes.

sizeofMutableByteArray# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# #

Return the size of the array in bytes. Note that this is deprecated as it is unsafe in the presence of shrink and resize operations on the same mutable byte array.

getSizeofMutableByteArray# :: MutableByteArray# d -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int# #) #

Return the number of elements in the array.

indexCharArray# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Char# #

Read a 8-bit character; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWideCharArray# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Char# #

Read a 32-bit character; offset in 4-byte words.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexIntArray# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Int# #

Read a word-sized integer; offset in machine words.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWordArray# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Word# #

Read a word-sized unsigned integer; offset in machine words.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexAddrArray# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Addr# #

Read a machine address; offset in machine words.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexFloatArray# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Float# #

Read a single-precision floating-point value; offset in 4-byte words.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexDoubleArray# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Double# #

Read a double-precision floating-point value; offset in 8-byte words.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexStablePtrArray# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> StablePtr# a #

Read a StablePtr# value; offset in machine words.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt8Array# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Int8# #

Read a 8-bit signed integer; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt16Array# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Int16# #

Read a 16-bit signed integer; offset in 2-byte words.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt32Array# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Int32# #

Read a 32-bit signed integer; offset in 4-byte words.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt64Array# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Int# #

Read a 64-bit signed integer; offset in 8-byte words.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord8Array# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Word8# #

Read a 8-bit unsigned integer; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord16Array# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Word16# #

Read a 16-bit unsigned integer; offset in 2-byte words.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord32Array# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Word32# #

Read a 32-bit unsigned integer; offset in 4-byte words.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord64Array# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Word# #

Read a 64-bit unsigned integer; offset in 8-byte words.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord8ArrayAsChar# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Char# #

Read a 8-bit character; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord8ArrayAsWideChar# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Char# #

Read a 32-bit character; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord8ArrayAsInt# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Int# #

Read a word-sized integer; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord8ArrayAsWord# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Word# #

Read a word-sized unsigned integer; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord8ArrayAsAddr# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Addr# #

Read a machine address; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord8ArrayAsFloat# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Float# #

Read a single-precision floating-point value; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord8ArrayAsDouble# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Double# #

Read a double-precision floating-point value; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord8ArrayAsStablePtr# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> StablePtr# a #

Read a StablePtr# value; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord8ArrayAsInt16# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Int16# #

Read a 16-bit signed integer; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord8ArrayAsInt32# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Int32# #

Read a 32-bit signed integer; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord8ArrayAsInt64# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Int# #

Read a 64-bit signed integer; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord8ArrayAsWord16# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Word16# #

Read a 16-bit unsigned integer; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord8ArrayAsWord32# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Word32# #

Read a 32-bit unsigned integer; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord8ArrayAsWord64# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Word# #

Read a 64-bit unsigned integer; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readCharArray# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Char# #) #

Read a 8-bit character; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWideCharArray# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Char# #) #

Read a 32-bit character; offset in 4-byte words.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readIntArray# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int# #) #

Read a word-sized integer; offset in machine words.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWordArray# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word# #) #

Read a word-sized unsigned integer; offset in machine words.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readAddrArray# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Addr# #) #

Read a machine address; offset in machine words.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readFloatArray# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Float# #) #

Read a single-precision floating-point value; offset in 4-byte words.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readDoubleArray# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Double# #) #

Read a double-precision floating-point value; offset in 8-byte words.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readStablePtrArray# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, StablePtr# a #) #

Read a StablePtr# value; offset in machine words.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt8Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int8# #) #

Read a 8-bit signed integer; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt16Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int16# #) #

Read a 16-bit signed integer; offset in 2-byte words.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt32Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int32# #) #

Read a 32-bit signed integer; offset in 4-byte words.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt64Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int# #) #

Read a 64-bit signed integer; offset in 8-byte words.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord8Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word8# #) #

Read a 8-bit unsigned integer; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord16Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word16# #) #

Read a 16-bit unsigned integer; offset in 2-byte words.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord32Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word32# #) #

Read a 32-bit unsigned integer; offset in 4-byte words.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord64Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word# #) #

Read a 64-bit unsigned integer; offset in 8-byte words.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord8ArrayAsChar# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Char# #) #

Read a 8-bit character; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord8ArrayAsWideChar# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Char# #) #

Read a 32-bit character; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord8ArrayAsInt# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int# #) #

Read a word-sized integer; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord8ArrayAsWord# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word# #) #

Read a word-sized unsigned integer; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord8ArrayAsAddr# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Addr# #) #

Read a machine address; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord8ArrayAsFloat# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Float# #) #

Read a single-precision floating-point value; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord8ArrayAsDouble# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Double# #) #

Read a double-precision floating-point value; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord8ArrayAsStablePtr# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, StablePtr# a #) #

Read a StablePtr# value; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord8ArrayAsInt16# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int16# #) #

Read a 16-bit signed integer; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord8ArrayAsInt32# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int32# #) #

Read a 32-bit signed integer; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord8ArrayAsInt64# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int# #) #

Read a 64-bit signed integer; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord8ArrayAsWord16# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word16# #) #

Read a 16-bit unsigned integer; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord8ArrayAsWord32# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word32# #) #

Read a 32-bit unsigned integer; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord8ArrayAsWord64# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word# #) #

Read a 64-bit unsigned integer; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeCharArray# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Char# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a 8-bit character; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWideCharArray# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Char# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a 32-bit character; offset in 4-byte words.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeIntArray# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Int# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a word-sized integer; offset in machine words.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWordArray# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Word# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a word-sized unsigned integer; offset in machine words.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeAddrArray# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Addr# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a machine address; offset in machine words.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeFloatArray# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Float# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a single-precision floating-point value; offset in 4-byte words.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeDoubleArray# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Double# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a double-precision floating-point value; offset in 8-byte words.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeStablePtrArray# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> StablePtr# a -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a StablePtr# value; offset in machine words.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt8Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Int8# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a 8-bit signed integer; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt16Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Int16# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a 16-bit signed integer; offset in 2-byte words.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt32Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Int32# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a 32-bit signed integer; offset in 4-byte words.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt64Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Int# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a 64-bit signed integer; offset in 8-byte words.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord8Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Word8# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a 8-bit unsigned integer; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord16Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Word16# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a 16-bit unsigned integer; offset in 2-byte words.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord32Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Word32# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a 32-bit unsigned integer; offset in 4-byte words.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord64Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Word# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a 64-bit unsigned integer; offset in 8-byte words.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord8ArrayAsChar# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Char# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a 8-bit character; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord8ArrayAsWideChar# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Char# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a 32-bit character; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord8ArrayAsInt# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Int# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a word-sized integer; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord8ArrayAsWord# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Word# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a word-sized unsigned integer; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord8ArrayAsAddr# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Addr# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a machine address; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord8ArrayAsFloat# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Float# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a single-precision floating-point value; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord8ArrayAsDouble# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Double# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a double-precision floating-point value; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord8ArrayAsStablePtr# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> StablePtr# a -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a StablePtr# value; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord8ArrayAsInt16# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Int16# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a 16-bit signed integer; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord8ArrayAsInt32# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Int32# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a 32-bit signed integer; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord8ArrayAsInt64# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Int# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a 64-bit signed integer; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord8ArrayAsWord16# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Word16# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a 16-bit unsigned integer; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord8ArrayAsWord32# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Word32# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a 32-bit unsigned integer; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord8ArrayAsWord64# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Word# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a 64-bit unsigned integer; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

compareByteArrays# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> ByteArray# -> Int# -> Int# -> Int# #

compareByteArrays# src1 src1_ofs src2 src2_ofs n compares n bytes starting at offset src1_ofs in the first ByteArray# src1 to the range of n bytes (i.e. same length) starting at offset src2_ofs of the second ByteArray# src2. Both arrays must fully contain the specified ranges, but this is not checked. Returns an Int# less than, equal to, or greater than zero if the range is found, respectively, to be byte-wise lexicographically less than, to match, or be greater than the second range.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

copyByteArray# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Int# -> State# d -> State# d #

copyByteArray# src src_ofs dst dst_ofs n copies the range starting at offset src_ofs of length n from the ByteArray# src to the MutableByteArray# dst starting at offset dst_ofs. Both arrays must fully contain the specified ranges, but this is not checked. The two arrays must not be the same array in different states, but this is not checked either.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

copyMutableByteArray# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Int# -> State# d -> State# d #

Copy a range of the first MutableByteArray# to the specified region in the second MutableByteArray#. Both arrays must fully contain the specified ranges, but this is not checked. The regions are allowed to overlap, although this is only possible when the same array is provided as both the source and the destination.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

copyByteArrayToAddr# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> State# d #

Copy a range of the ByteArray# to the memory range starting at the Addr#. The ByteArray# and the memory region at Addr# must fully contain the specified ranges, but this is not checked. The Addr# must not point into the ByteArray# (e.g. if the ByteArray# were pinned), but this is not checked either.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

copyMutableByteArrayToAddr# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> State# d #

Copy a range of the MutableByteArray# to the memory range starting at the Addr#. The MutableByteArray# and the memory region at Addr# must fully contain the specified ranges, but this is not checked. The Addr# must not point into the MutableByteArray# (e.g. if the MutableByteArray# were pinned), but this is not checked either.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

copyAddrToByteArray# :: Addr# -> MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Int# -> State# d -> State# d #

Copy a memory range starting at the Addr# to the specified range in the MutableByteArray#. The memory region at Addr# and the ByteArray# must fully contain the specified ranges, but this is not checked. The Addr# must not point into the MutableByteArray# (e.g. if the MutableByteArray# were pinned), but this is not checked either.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

setByteArray# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> State# d -> State# d #

setByteArray# ba off len c sets the byte range [off, off+len) of the MutableByteArray# to the byte c.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

atomicReadIntArray# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int# #) #

Given an array and an offset in machine words, read an element. The index is assumed to be in bounds. Implies a full memory barrier.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

atomicWriteIntArray# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Int# -> State# d -> State# d #

Given an array and an offset in machine words, write an element. The index is assumed to be in bounds. Implies a full memory barrier.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

casIntArray# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int# #) #

Given an array, an offset in machine words, the expected old value, and the new value, perform an atomic compare and swap i.e. write the new value if the current value matches the provided old value. Returns the value of the element before the operation. Implies a full memory barrier.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

fetchAddIntArray# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int# #) #

Given an array, and offset in machine words, and a value to add, atomically add the value to the element. Returns the value of the element before the operation. Implies a full memory barrier.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

fetchSubIntArray# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int# #) #

Given an array, and offset in machine words, and a value to subtract, atomically subtract the value from the element. Returns the value of the element before the operation. Implies a full memory barrier.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

fetchAndIntArray# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int# #) #

Given an array, and offset in machine words, and a value to AND, atomically AND the value into the element. Returns the value of the element before the operation. Implies a full memory barrier.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

fetchNandIntArray# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int# #) #

Given an array, and offset in machine words, and a value to NAND, atomically NAND the value into the element. Returns the value of the element before the operation. Implies a full memory barrier.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

fetchOrIntArray# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int# #) #

Given an array, and offset in machine words, and a value to OR, atomically OR the value into the element. Returns the value of the element before the operation. Implies a full memory barrier.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

fetchXorIntArray# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int# #) #

Given an array, and offset in machine words, and a value to XOR, atomically XOR the value into the element. Returns the value of the element before the operation. Implies a full memory barrier.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

newArrayArray# :: Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, MutableArrayArray# d #) #

Create a new mutable array of arrays with the specified number of elements, in the specified state thread, with each element recursively referring to the newly created array.

unsafeFreezeArrayArray# :: MutableArrayArray# d -> State# d -> (# State# d, ArrayArray# #) #

Make a mutable array of arrays immutable, without copying.

sizeofArrayArray# :: ArrayArray# -> Int# #

Return the number of elements in the array.

sizeofMutableArrayArray# :: MutableArrayArray# d -> Int# #

Return the number of elements in the array.

indexByteArrayArray# :: ArrayArray# -> Int# -> ByteArray# #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexArrayArrayArray# :: ArrayArray# -> Int# -> ArrayArray# #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readByteArrayArray# :: MutableArrayArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, ByteArray# #) #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readMutableByteArrayArray# :: MutableArrayArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, MutableByteArray# d #) #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readArrayArrayArray# :: MutableArrayArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, ArrayArray# #) #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readMutableArrayArrayArray# :: MutableArrayArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, MutableArrayArray# d #) #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeByteArrayArray# :: MutableArrayArray# d -> Int# -> ByteArray# -> State# d -> State# d #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeMutableByteArrayArray# :: MutableArrayArray# d -> Int# -> MutableByteArray# d -> State# d -> State# d #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeArrayArrayArray# :: MutableArrayArray# d -> Int# -> ArrayArray# -> State# d -> State# d #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeMutableArrayArrayArray# :: MutableArrayArray# d -> Int# -> MutableArrayArray# d -> State# d -> State# d #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

copyArrayArray# :: ArrayArray# -> Int# -> MutableArrayArray# d -> Int# -> Int# -> State# d -> State# d #

Copy a range of the ArrayArray# to the specified region in the MutableArrayArray#. Both arrays must fully contain the specified ranges, but this is not checked. The two arrays must not be the same array in different states, but this is not checked either.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

copyMutableArrayArray# :: MutableArrayArray# d -> Int# -> MutableArrayArray# d -> Int# -> Int# -> State# d -> State# d #

Copy a range of the first MutableArrayArray# to the specified region in the second MutableArrayArray#. Both arrays must fully contain the specified ranges, but this is not checked. The regions are allowed to overlap, although this is only possible when the same array is provided as both the source and the destination.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

minusAddr# :: Addr# -> Addr# -> Int# #

Result is meaningless if two Addr#s are so far apart that their difference doesn't fit in an Int#.

remAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int# #

Return the remainder when the Addr# arg, treated like an Int#, is divided by the Int# arg.

addr2Int# :: Addr# -> Int# #

Coerce directly from address to int.

int2Addr# :: Int# -> Addr# #

Coerce directly from int to address.

indexCharOffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Char# #

Reads 8-bit character; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWideCharOffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Char# #

Reads 31-bit character; offset in 4-byte words.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexIntOffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int# #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWordOffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word# #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexAddrOffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Addr# #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexFloatOffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Float# #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexDoubleOffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Double# #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexStablePtrOffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> StablePtr# a #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt8OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int8# #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt16OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int16# #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt32OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int32# #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt64OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int# #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord8OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word8# #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord16OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word16# #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord32OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word32# #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord64OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word# #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readCharOffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Char# #) #

Reads 8-bit character; offset in bytes.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWideCharOffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Char# #) #

Reads 31-bit character; offset in 4-byte words.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readIntOffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int# #) #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWordOffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word# #) #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readAddrOffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Addr# #) #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readFloatOffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Float# #) #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readDoubleOffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Double# #) #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readStablePtrOffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, StablePtr# a #) #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt8OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int8# #) #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt16OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int16# #) #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt32OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int32# #) #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt64OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int# #) #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord8OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word8# #) #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord16OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word16# #) #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord32OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word32# #) #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord64OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word# #) #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeCharOffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Char# -> State# d -> State# d #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWideCharOffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Char# -> State# d -> State# d #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeIntOffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int# -> State# d -> State# d #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWordOffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word# -> State# d -> State# d #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeAddrOffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Addr# -> State# d -> State# d #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeFloatOffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Float# -> State# d -> State# d #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeDoubleOffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Double# -> State# d -> State# d #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeStablePtrOffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> StablePtr# a -> State# d -> State# d #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt8OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int8# -> State# d -> State# d #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt16OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int16# -> State# d -> State# d #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt32OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int32# -> State# d -> State# d #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt64OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int# -> State# d -> State# d #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord8OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word8# -> State# d -> State# d #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord16OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word16# -> State# d -> State# d #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord32OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word32# -> State# d -> State# d #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord64OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word# -> State# d -> State# d #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

atomicExchangeAddrAddr# :: Addr# -> Addr# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Addr# #) #

The atomic exchange operation. Atomically exchanges the value at the first address with the Addr# given as second argument. Implies a read barrier.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

atomicExchangeWordAddr# :: Addr# -> Word# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word# #) #

The atomic exchange operation. Atomically exchanges the value at the address with the given value. Returns the old value. Implies a read barrier.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

atomicCasAddrAddr# :: Addr# -> Addr# -> Addr# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Addr# #) #

Compare and swap on a word-sized memory location.

Use as: s -> atomicCasAddrAddr# location expected desired s

This version always returns the old value read. This follows the normal protocol for CAS operations (and matches the underlying instruction on most architectures).

Implies a full memory barrier.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

atomicCasWordAddr# :: Addr# -> Word# -> Word# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word# #) #

Compare and swap on a word-sized and aligned memory location.

Use as: s -> atomicCasWordAddr# location expected desired s

This version always returns the old value read. This follows the normal protocol for CAS operations (and matches the underlying instruction on most architectures).

Implies a full memory barrier.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

fetchAddWordAddr# :: Addr# -> Word# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word# #) #

Given an address, and a value to add, atomically add the value to the element. Returns the value of the element before the operation. Implies a full memory barrier.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

fetchSubWordAddr# :: Addr# -> Word# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word# #) #

Given an address, and a value to subtract, atomically subtract the value from the element. Returns the value of the element before the operation. Implies a full memory barrier.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

fetchAndWordAddr# :: Addr# -> Word# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word# #) #

Given an address, and a value to AND, atomically AND the value into the element. Returns the value of the element before the operation. Implies a full memory barrier.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

fetchNandWordAddr# :: Addr# -> Word# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word# #) #

Given an address, and a value to NAND, atomically NAND the value into the element. Returns the value of the element before the operation. Implies a full memory barrier.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

fetchOrWordAddr# :: Addr# -> Word# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word# #) #

Given an address, and a value to OR, atomically OR the value into the element. Returns the value of the element before the operation. Implies a full memory barrier.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

fetchXorWordAddr# :: Addr# -> Word# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word# #) #

Given an address, and a value to XOR, atomically XOR the value into the element. Returns the value of the element before the operation. Implies a full memory barrier.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

atomicReadWordAddr# :: Addr# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word# #) #

Given an address, read a machine word. Implies a full memory barrier.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

atomicWriteWordAddr# :: Addr# -> Word# -> State# d -> State# d #

Given an address, write a machine word. Implies a full memory barrier.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

newMutVar# :: a -> State# d -> (# State# d, MutVar# d a #) #

Create MutVar# with specified initial value in specified state thread.

readMutVar# :: MutVar# d a -> State# d -> (# State# d, a #) #

Read contents of MutVar#. Result is not yet evaluated.

writeMutVar# :: MutVar# d a -> a -> State# d -> State# d #

Write contents of MutVar#.

sameMutVar# :: MutVar# d a -> MutVar# d a -> Int# #

atomicModifyMutVar2# :: MutVar# d a -> (a -> c) -> State# d -> (# State# d, a, c #) #

Modify the contents of a MutVar#, returning the previous contents and the result of applying the given function to the previous contents. Note that this isn't strictly speaking the correct type for this function; it should really be MutVar# s a -> (a -> (a,b)) -> State# s -> (# State# s, a, (a, b) #), but we don't know about pairs here.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

atomicModifyMutVar_# :: MutVar# d a -> (a -> a) -> State# d -> (# State# d, a, a #) #

Modify the contents of a MutVar#, returning the previous contents and the result of applying the given function to the previous contents.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

casMutVar# :: MutVar# d a -> a -> a -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int#, a #) #

catch# :: (State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #)) -> (b -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #)) -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #) #

raise# :: forall b (q :: RuntimeRep) (a :: TYPE q). b -> a #

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

catchSTM# :: (State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #)) -> (b -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #)) -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #) #

newTVar# :: a -> State# d -> (# State# d, TVar# d a #) #

Create a new TVar# holding a specified initial value.

readTVar# :: TVar# d a -> State# d -> (# State# d, a #) #

Read contents of TVar#. Result is not yet evaluated.

readTVarIO# :: TVar# d a -> State# d -> (# State# d, a #) #

Read contents of TVar# outside an STM transaction

writeTVar# :: TVar# d a -> a -> State# d -> State# d #

Write contents of TVar#.

sameTVar# :: TVar# d a -> TVar# d a -> Int# #

newMVar# :: State# d -> (# State# d, MVar# d a #) #

Create new MVar#; initially empty.

takeMVar# :: MVar# d a -> State# d -> (# State# d, a #) #

If MVar# is empty, block until it becomes full. Then remove and return its contents, and set it empty.

tryTakeMVar# :: MVar# d a -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int#, a #) #

If MVar# is empty, immediately return with integer 0 and value undefined. Otherwise, return with integer 1 and contents of MVar#, and set MVar# empty.

putMVar# :: MVar# d a -> a -> State# d -> State# d #

If MVar# is full, block until it becomes empty. Then store value arg as its new contents.

tryPutMVar# :: MVar# d a -> a -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int# #) #

If MVar# is full, immediately return with integer 0. Otherwise, store value arg as MVar#'s new contents, and return with integer 1.

readMVar# :: MVar# d a -> State# d -> (# State# d, a #) #

If MVar# is empty, block until it becomes full. Then read its contents without modifying the MVar, without possibility of intervention from other threads.

tryReadMVar# :: MVar# d a -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int#, a #) #

If MVar# is empty, immediately return with integer 0 and value undefined. Otherwise, return with integer 1 and contents of MVar#.

sameMVar# :: MVar# d a -> MVar# d a -> Int# #

isEmptyMVar# :: MVar# d a -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int# #) #

Return 1 if MVar# is empty; 0 otherwise.

newIOPort# :: State# d -> (# State# d, IOPort# d a #) #

Create new IOPort#; initially empty.

readIOPort# :: IOPort# d a -> State# d -> (# State# d, a #) #

If IOPort# is empty, block until it becomes full. Then remove and return its contents, and set it empty.

writeIOPort# :: IOPort# d a -> a -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int# #) #

If IOPort# is full, immediately return with integer 0. Otherwise, store value arg as IOPort#'s new contents, and return with integer 1.

sameIOPort# :: IOPort# d a -> IOPort# d a -> Int# #

delay# :: Int# -> State# d -> State# d #

Sleep specified number of microseconds.

waitRead# :: Int# -> State# d -> State# d #

Block until input is available on specified file descriptor.

waitWrite# :: Int# -> State# d -> State# d #

Block until output is possible on specified file descriptor.

mkWeak# :: forall (q :: RuntimeRep) (a :: TYPE q) b c. a -> b -> (State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, c #)) -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Weak# b #) #

mkWeak# k v finalizer s creates a weak reference to value k, with an associated reference to some value v. If k is still alive then v can be retrieved using deRefWeak#. Note that the type of k must be represented by a pointer (i.e. of kind TYPE 'LiftedRep or TYPE 'UnliftedRep).

mkWeakNoFinalizer# :: forall (q :: RuntimeRep) (a :: TYPE q) b. a -> b -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Weak# b #) #

addCFinalizerToWeak# :: Addr# -> Addr# -> Int# -> Addr# -> Weak# b -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Int# #) #

addCFinalizerToWeak# fptr ptr flag eptr w attaches a C function pointer fptr to a weak pointer w as a finalizer. If flag is zero, fptr will be called with one argument, ptr. Otherwise, it will be called with two arguments, eptr and ptr. addCFinalizerToWeak# returns 1 on success, or 0 if w is already dead.

finalizeWeak# :: Weak# a -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Int#, State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, b #) #) #

Finalize a weak pointer. The return value is an unboxed tuple containing the new state of the world and an "unboxed Maybe", represented by an Int# and a (possibly invalid) finalization action. An Int# of 1 indicates that the finalizer is valid. The return value b from the finalizer should be ignored.

touch# :: forall (q :: RuntimeRep) (a :: TYPE q). a -> State# RealWorld -> State# RealWorld #

compactNew# :: Word# -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Compact# #) #

Create a new CNF with a single compact block. The argument is the capacity of the compact block (in bytes, not words). The capacity is rounded up to a multiple of the allocator block size and is capped to one mega block.

compactResize# :: Compact# -> Word# -> State# RealWorld -> State# RealWorld #

Set the new allocation size of the CNF. This value (in bytes) determines the capacity of each compact block in the CNF. It does not retroactively affect existing compact blocks in the CNF.

compactContains# :: Compact# -> a -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Int# #) #

Returns 1# if the object is contained in the CNF, 0# otherwise.

compactContainsAny# :: a -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Int# #) #

Returns 1# if the object is in any CNF at all, 0# otherwise.

compactGetFirstBlock# :: Compact# -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Addr#, Word# #) #

Returns the address and the utilized size (in bytes) of the first compact block of a CNF.

compactGetNextBlock# :: Compact# -> Addr# -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Addr#, Word# #) #

Given a CNF and the address of one its compact blocks, returns the next compact block and its utilized size, or nullAddr# if the argument was the last compact block in the CNF.

compactAllocateBlock# :: Word# -> Addr# -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Addr# #) #

Attempt to allocate a compact block with the capacity (in bytes) given by the first argument. The Addr# is a pointer to previous compact block of the CNF or nullAddr# to create a new CNF with a single compact block.

The resulting block is not known to the GC until compactFixupPointers# is called on it, and care must be taken so that the address does not escape or memory will be leaked.

compactFixupPointers# :: Addr# -> Addr# -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Compact#, Addr# #) #

Given the pointer to the first block of a CNF and the address of the root object in the old address space, fix up the internal pointers inside the CNF to account for a different position in memory than when it was serialized. This method must be called exactly once after importing a serialized CNF. It returns the new CNF and the new adjusted root address.

compactAdd# :: Compact# -> a -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #) #

Recursively add a closure and its transitive closure to a Compact# (a CNF), evaluating any unevaluated components at the same time. Note: compactAdd# is not thread-safe, so only one thread may call compactAdd# with a particular Compact# at any given time. The primop does not enforce any mutual exclusion; the caller is expected to arrange this.

compactAddWithSharing# :: Compact# -> a -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #) #

Like compactAdd#, but retains sharing and cycles during compaction.

compactSize# :: Compact# -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Word# #) #

Return the total capacity (in bytes) of all the compact blocks in the CNF.

reallyUnsafePtrEquality# :: a -> a -> Int# #

Returns 1# if the given pointers are equal and 0# otherwise.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

par# :: a -> Int# #

spark# :: a -> State# d -> (# State# d, a #) #

seq# :: a -> State# d -> (# State# d, a #) #

getSpark# :: State# d -> (# State# d, Int#, a #) #

numSparks# :: State# d -> (# State# d, Int# #) #

Returns the number of sparks in the local spark pool.

keepAlive# :: forall (q :: RuntimeRep) (a :: TYPE q) (r :: RuntimeRep) (b :: TYPE r). a -> State# RealWorld -> (State# RealWorld -> b) -> b #

tt{keepAlive# x s k} keeps the value tt{x} alive during the execution of the computation tt{k}.

dataToTag# :: a -> Int# #

tagToEnum# :: Int# -> a #

addrToAny# :: Addr# -> (# a #) #

Convert an Addr# to a followable Any type.

anyToAddr# :: a -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Addr# #) #

Retrieve the address of any Haskell value. This is essentially an unsafeCoerce#, but if implemented as such the core lint pass complains and fails to compile. As a primop, it is opaque to core/stg, and only appears in cmm (where the copy propagation pass will get rid of it). Note that "a" must be a value, not a thunk! It's too late for strictness analysis to enforce this, so you're on your own to guarantee this. Also note that Addr# is not a GC pointer - up to you to guarantee that it does not become a dangling pointer immediately after you get it.

mkApUpd0# :: BCO -> (# a #) #

Wrap a BCO in a AP_UPD thunk which will be updated with the value of the BCO when evaluated.

newBCO# :: ByteArray# -> ByteArray# -> Array# a -> Int# -> ByteArray# -> State# d -> (# State# d, BCO #) #

newBCO# instrs lits ptrs arity bitmap creates a new bytecode object. The resulting object encodes a function of the given arity with the instructions encoded in instrs, and a static reference table usage bitmap given by bitmap.

unpackClosure# :: a -> (# Addr#, ByteArray#, Array# b #) #

unpackClosure# closure copies the closure and pointers in the payload of the given closure into two new arrays, and returns a pointer to the first word of the closure's info table, a non-pointer array for the raw bytes of the closure, and a pointer array for the pointers in the payload.

closureSize# :: a -> Int# #

closureSize# closure returns the size of the given closure in machine words.

getApStackVal# :: a -> Int# -> (# Int#, b #) #

getCCSOf# :: a -> State# d -> (# State# d, Addr# #) #

getCurrentCCS# :: a -> State# d -> (# State# d, Addr# #) #

Returns the current CostCentreStack (value is NULL if not profiling). Takes a dummy argument which can be used to avoid the call to getCurrentCCS# being floated out by the simplifier, which would result in an uninformative stack ("CAF").

clearCCS# :: (State# d -> (# State# d, a #)) -> State# d -> (# State# d, a #) #

Run the supplied IO action with an empty CCS. For example, this is used by the interpreter to run an interpreted computation without the call stack showing that it was invoked from GHC.

whereFrom# :: a -> State# d -> (# State# d, Addr# #) #

Returns the InfoProvEnt for the info table of the given object (value is NULL if the table does not exist or there is no information about the closure).

traceEvent# :: Addr# -> State# d -> State# d #

Emits an event via the RTS tracing framework. The contents of the event is the zero-terminated byte string passed as the first argument. The event will be emitted either to the .eventlog file, or to stderr, depending on the runtime RTS flags.

traceBinaryEvent# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> State# d #

Emits an event via the RTS tracing framework. The contents of the event is the binary object passed as the first argument with the given length passed as the second argument. The event will be emitted to the .eventlog file.

traceMarker# :: Addr# -> State# d -> State# d #

Emits a marker event via the RTS tracing framework. The contents of the event is the zero-terminated byte string passed as the first argument. The event will be emitted either to the .eventlog file, or to stderr, depending on the runtime RTS flags.

setThreadAllocationCounter# :: Int# -> State# RealWorld -> State# RealWorld #

Sets the allocation counter for the current thread to the given value.

broadcastInt8X16# :: Int8# -> Int8X16# #

Broadcast a scalar to all elements of a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

broadcastInt16X8# :: Int16# -> Int16X8# #

Broadcast a scalar to all elements of a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

broadcastInt32X4# :: Int32# -> Int32X4# #

Broadcast a scalar to all elements of a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

broadcastInt64X2# :: Int# -> Int64X2# #

Broadcast a scalar to all elements of a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

broadcastInt8X32# :: Int8# -> Int8X32# #

Broadcast a scalar to all elements of a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

broadcastInt16X16# :: Int16# -> Int16X16# #

Broadcast a scalar to all elements of a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

broadcastInt32X8# :: Int32# -> Int32X8# #

Broadcast a scalar to all elements of a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

broadcastInt64X4# :: Int# -> Int64X4# #

Broadcast a scalar to all elements of a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

broadcastInt8X64# :: Int8# -> Int8X64# #

Broadcast a scalar to all elements of a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

broadcastInt16X32# :: Int16# -> Int16X32# #

Broadcast a scalar to all elements of a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

broadcastInt32X16# :: Int32# -> Int32X16# #

Broadcast a scalar to all elements of a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

broadcastInt64X8# :: Int# -> Int64X8# #

Broadcast a scalar to all elements of a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

broadcastWord8X16# :: Word# -> Word8X16# #

Broadcast a scalar to all elements of a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

broadcastWord16X8# :: Word# -> Word16X8# #

Broadcast a scalar to all elements of a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

broadcastWord32X4# :: Word32# -> Word32X4# #

Broadcast a scalar to all elements of a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

broadcastWord64X2# :: Word# -> Word64X2# #

Broadcast a scalar to all elements of a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

broadcastWord8X32# :: Word# -> Word8X32# #

Broadcast a scalar to all elements of a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

broadcastWord16X16# :: Word# -> Word16X16# #

Broadcast a scalar to all elements of a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

broadcastWord32X8# :: Word32# -> Word32X8# #

Broadcast a scalar to all elements of a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

broadcastWord64X4# :: Word# -> Word64X4# #

Broadcast a scalar to all elements of a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

broadcastWord8X64# :: Word# -> Word8X64# #

Broadcast a scalar to all elements of a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

broadcastWord16X32# :: Word# -> Word16X32# #

Broadcast a scalar to all elements of a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

broadcastWord32X16# :: Word32# -> Word32X16# #

Broadcast a scalar to all elements of a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

broadcastWord64X8# :: Word# -> Word64X8# #

Broadcast a scalar to all elements of a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

broadcastFloatX4# :: Float# -> FloatX4# #

Broadcast a scalar to all elements of a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

broadcastDoubleX2# :: Double# -> DoubleX2# #

Broadcast a scalar to all elements of a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

broadcastFloatX8# :: Float# -> FloatX8# #

Broadcast a scalar to all elements of a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

broadcastDoubleX4# :: Double# -> DoubleX4# #

Broadcast a scalar to all elements of a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

broadcastFloatX16# :: Float# -> FloatX16# #

Broadcast a scalar to all elements of a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

broadcastDoubleX8# :: Double# -> DoubleX8# #

Broadcast a scalar to all elements of a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

packInt8X16# :: (# Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8# #) -> Int8X16# #

Pack the elements of an unboxed tuple into a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

packInt16X8# :: (# Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16# #) -> Int16X8# #

Pack the elements of an unboxed tuple into a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

packInt32X4# :: (# Int32#, Int32#, Int32#, Int32# #) -> Int32X4# #

Pack the elements of an unboxed tuple into a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

packInt64X2# :: (# Int#, Int# #) -> Int64X2# #

Pack the elements of an unboxed tuple into a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

packInt8X32# :: (# Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8# #) -> Int8X32# #

Pack the elements of an unboxed tuple into a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

packInt16X16# :: (# Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16# #) -> Int16X16# #

Pack the elements of an unboxed tuple into a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

packInt32X8# :: (# Int32#, Int32#, Int32#, Int32#, Int32#, Int32#, Int32#, Int32# #) -> Int32X8# #

Pack the elements of an unboxed tuple into a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

packInt64X4# :: (# Int#, Int#, Int#, Int# #) -> Int64X4# #

Pack the elements of an unboxed tuple into a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

packInt8X64# :: (# Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8# #) -> Int8X64# #

Pack the elements of an unboxed tuple into a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

packInt16X32# :: (# Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16# #) -> Int16X32# #

Pack the elements of an unboxed tuple into a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

packInt32X16# :: (# Int32#, Int32#, Int32#, Int32#, Int32#, Int32#, Int32#, Int32#, Int32#, Int32#, Int32#, Int32#, Int32#, Int32#, Int32#, Int32# #) -> Int32X16# #

Pack the elements of an unboxed tuple into a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

packInt64X8# :: (# Int#, Int#, Int#, Int#, Int#, Int#, Int#, Int# #) -> Int64X8# #

Pack the elements of an unboxed tuple into a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

packWord8X16# :: (# Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word# #) -> Word8X16# #

Pack the elements of an unboxed tuple into a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

packWord16X8# :: (# Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word# #) -> Word16X8# #

Pack the elements of an unboxed tuple into a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

packWord32X4# :: (# Word32#, Word32#, Word32#, Word32# #) -> Word32X4# #

Pack the elements of an unboxed tuple into a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

packWord64X2# :: (# Word#, Word# #) -> Word64X2# #

Pack the elements of an unboxed tuple into a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

packWord8X32# :: (# Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word# #) -> Word8X32# #

Pack the elements of an unboxed tuple into a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

packWord16X16# :: (# Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word# #) -> Word16X16# #

Pack the elements of an unboxed tuple into a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

packWord32X8# :: (# Word32#, Word32#, Word32#, Word32#, Word32#, Word32#, Word32#, Word32# #) -> Word32X8# #

Pack the elements of an unboxed tuple into a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

packWord64X4# :: (# Word#, Word#, Word#, Word# #) -> Word64X4# #

Pack the elements of an unboxed tuple into a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

packWord8X64# :: (# Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word# #) -> Word8X64# #

Pack the elements of an unboxed tuple into a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

packWord16X32# :: (# Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word# #) -> Word16X32# #

Pack the elements of an unboxed tuple into a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

packWord32X16# :: (# Word32#, Word32#, Word32#, Word32#, Word32#, Word32#, Word32#, Word32#, Word32#, Word32#, Word32#, Word32#, Word32#, Word32#, Word32#, Word32# #) -> Word32X16# #

Pack the elements of an unboxed tuple into a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

packWord64X8# :: (# Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word# #) -> Word64X8# #

Pack the elements of an unboxed tuple into a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

packFloatX4# :: (# Float#, Float#, Float#, Float# #) -> FloatX4# #

Pack the elements of an unboxed tuple into a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

packDoubleX2# :: (# Double#, Double# #) -> DoubleX2# #

Pack the elements of an unboxed tuple into a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

packFloatX8# :: (# Float#, Float#, Float#, Float#, Float#, Float#, Float#, Float# #) -> FloatX8# #

Pack the elements of an unboxed tuple into a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

packDoubleX4# :: (# Double#, Double#, Double#, Double# #) -> DoubleX4# #

Pack the elements of an unboxed tuple into a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

packFloatX16# :: (# Float#, Float#, Float#, Float#, Float#, Float#, Float#, Float#, Float#, Float#, Float#, Float#, Float#, Float#, Float#, Float# #) -> FloatX16# #

Pack the elements of an unboxed tuple into a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

packDoubleX8# :: (# Double#, Double#, Double#, Double#, Double#, Double#, Double#, Double# #) -> DoubleX8# #

Pack the elements of an unboxed tuple into a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

unpackInt8X16# :: Int8X16# -> (# Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8# #) #

Unpack the elements of a vector into an unboxed tuple. #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

unpackInt16X8# :: Int16X8# -> (# Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16# #) #

Unpack the elements of a vector into an unboxed tuple. #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

unpackInt32X4# :: Int32X4# -> (# Int32#, Int32#, Int32#, Int32# #) #

Unpack the elements of a vector into an unboxed tuple. #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

unpackInt64X2# :: Int64X2# -> (# Int#, Int# #) #

Unpack the elements of a vector into an unboxed tuple. #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

unpackInt8X32# :: Int8X32# -> (# Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8# #) #

Unpack the elements of a vector into an unboxed tuple. #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

unpackInt16X16# :: Int16X16# -> (# Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16# #) #

Unpack the elements of a vector into an unboxed tuple. #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

unpackInt32X8# :: Int32X8# -> (# Int32#, Int32#, Int32#, Int32#, Int32#, Int32#, Int32#, Int32# #) #

Unpack the elements of a vector into an unboxed tuple. #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

unpackInt64X4# :: Int64X4# -> (# Int#, Int#, Int#, Int# #) #

Unpack the elements of a vector into an unboxed tuple. #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

unpackInt8X64# :: Int8X64# -> (# Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8#, Int8# #) #

Unpack the elements of a vector into an unboxed tuple. #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

unpackInt16X32# :: Int16X32# -> (# Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16#, Int16# #) #

Unpack the elements of a vector into an unboxed tuple. #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

unpackInt32X16# :: Int32X16# -> (# Int32#, Int32#, Int32#, Int32#, Int32#, Int32#, Int32#, Int32#, Int32#, Int32#, Int32#, Int32#, Int32#, Int32#, Int32#, Int32# #) #

Unpack the elements of a vector into an unboxed tuple. #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

unpackInt64X8# :: Int64X8# -> (# Int#, Int#, Int#, Int#, Int#, Int#, Int#, Int# #) #

Unpack the elements of a vector into an unboxed tuple. #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

unpackWord8X16# :: Word8X16# -> (# Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word# #) #

Unpack the elements of a vector into an unboxed tuple. #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

unpackWord16X8# :: Word16X8# -> (# Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word# #) #

Unpack the elements of a vector into an unboxed tuple. #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

unpackWord32X4# :: Word32X4# -> (# Word32#, Word32#, Word32#, Word32# #) #

Unpack the elements of a vector into an unboxed tuple. #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

unpackWord64X2# :: Word64X2# -> (# Word#, Word# #) #

Unpack the elements of a vector into an unboxed tuple. #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

unpackWord8X32# :: Word8X32# -> (# Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word# #) #

Unpack the elements of a vector into an unboxed tuple. #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

unpackWord16X16# :: Word16X16# -> (# Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word# #) #

Unpack the elements of a vector into an unboxed tuple. #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

unpackWord32X8# :: Word32X8# -> (# Word32#, Word32#, Word32#, Word32#, Word32#, Word32#, Word32#, Word32# #) #

Unpack the elements of a vector into an unboxed tuple. #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

unpackWord64X4# :: Word64X4# -> (# Word#, Word#, Word#, Word# #) #

Unpack the elements of a vector into an unboxed tuple. #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

unpackWord8X64# :: Word8X64# -> (# Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word# #) #

Unpack the elements of a vector into an unboxed tuple. #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

unpackWord16X32# :: Word16X32# -> (# Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word# #) #

Unpack the elements of a vector into an unboxed tuple. #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

unpackWord32X16# :: Word32X16# -> (# Word32#, Word32#, Word32#, Word32#, Word32#, Word32#, Word32#, Word32#, Word32#, Word32#, Word32#, Word32#, Word32#, Word32#, Word32#, Word32# #) #

Unpack the elements of a vector into an unboxed tuple. #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

unpackWord64X8# :: Word64X8# -> (# Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word#, Word# #) #

Unpack the elements of a vector into an unboxed tuple. #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

unpackFloatX4# :: FloatX4# -> (# Float#, Float#, Float#, Float# #) #

Unpack the elements of a vector into an unboxed tuple. #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

unpackDoubleX2# :: DoubleX2# -> (# Double#, Double# #) #

Unpack the elements of a vector into an unboxed tuple. #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

unpackFloatX8# :: FloatX8# -> (# Float#, Float#, Float#, Float#, Float#, Float#, Float#, Float# #) #

Unpack the elements of a vector into an unboxed tuple. #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

unpackDoubleX4# :: DoubleX4# -> (# Double#, Double#, Double#, Double# #) #

Unpack the elements of a vector into an unboxed tuple. #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

unpackFloatX16# :: FloatX16# -> (# Float#, Float#, Float#, Float#, Float#, Float#, Float#, Float#, Float#, Float#, Float#, Float#, Float#, Float#, Float#, Float# #) #

Unpack the elements of a vector into an unboxed tuple. #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

unpackDoubleX8# :: DoubleX8# -> (# Double#, Double#, Double#, Double#, Double#, Double#, Double#, Double# #) #

Unpack the elements of a vector into an unboxed tuple. #

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

insertInt8X16# :: Int8X16# -> Int8# -> Int# -> Int8X16# #

Insert a scalar at the given position in a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

insertInt16X8# :: Int16X8# -> Int16# -> Int# -> Int16X8# #

Insert a scalar at the given position in a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

insertInt32X4# :: Int32X4# -> Int32# -> Int# -> Int32X4# #

Insert a scalar at the given position in a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

insertInt64X2# :: Int64X2# -> Int# -> Int# -> Int64X2# #

Insert a scalar at the given position in a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

insertInt8X32# :: Int8X32# -> Int8# -> Int# -> Int8X32# #

Insert a scalar at the given position in a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

insertInt16X16# :: Int16X16# -> Int16# -> Int# -> Int16X16# #

Insert a scalar at the given position in a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

insertInt32X8# :: Int32X8# -> Int32# -> Int# -> Int32X8# #

Insert a scalar at the given position in a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

insertInt64X4# :: Int64X4# -> Int# -> Int# -> Int64X4# #

Insert a scalar at the given position in a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

insertInt8X64# :: Int8X64# -> Int8# -> Int# -> Int8X64# #

Insert a scalar at the given position in a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

insertInt16X32# :: Int16X32# -> Int16# -> Int# -> Int16X32# #

Insert a scalar at the given position in a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

insertInt32X16# :: Int32X16# -> Int32# -> Int# -> Int32X16# #

Insert a scalar at the given position in a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

insertInt64X8# :: Int64X8# -> Int# -> Int# -> Int64X8# #

Insert a scalar at the given position in a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

insertWord8X16# :: Word8X16# -> Word# -> Int# -> Word8X16# #

Insert a scalar at the given position in a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

insertWord16X8# :: Word16X8# -> Word# -> Int# -> Word16X8# #

Insert a scalar at the given position in a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

insertWord32X4# :: Word32X4# -> Word32# -> Int# -> Word32X4# #

Insert a scalar at the given position in a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

insertWord64X2# :: Word64X2# -> Word# -> Int# -> Word64X2# #

Insert a scalar at the given position in a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

insertWord8X32# :: Word8X32# -> Word# -> Int# -> Word8X32# #

Insert a scalar at the given position in a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

insertWord16X16# :: Word16X16# -> Word# -> Int# -> Word16X16# #

Insert a scalar at the given position in a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

insertWord32X8# :: Word32X8# -> Word32# -> Int# -> Word32X8# #

Insert a scalar at the given position in a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

insertWord64X4# :: Word64X4# -> Word# -> Int# -> Word64X4# #

Insert a scalar at the given position in a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

insertWord8X64# :: Word8X64# -> Word# -> Int# -> Word8X64# #

Insert a scalar at the given position in a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

insertWord16X32# :: Word16X32# -> Word# -> Int# -> Word16X32# #

Insert a scalar at the given position in a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

insertWord32X16# :: Word32X16# -> Word32# -> Int# -> Word32X16# #

Insert a scalar at the given position in a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

insertWord64X8# :: Word64X8# -> Word# -> Int# -> Word64X8# #

Insert a scalar at the given position in a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

insertFloatX4# :: FloatX4# -> Float# -> Int# -> FloatX4# #

Insert a scalar at the given position in a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

insertDoubleX2# :: DoubleX2# -> Double# -> Int# -> DoubleX2# #

Insert a scalar at the given position in a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

insertFloatX8# :: FloatX8# -> Float# -> Int# -> FloatX8# #

Insert a scalar at the given position in a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

insertDoubleX4# :: DoubleX4# -> Double# -> Int# -> DoubleX4# #

Insert a scalar at the given position in a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

insertFloatX16# :: FloatX16# -> Float# -> Int# -> FloatX16# #

Insert a scalar at the given position in a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

insertDoubleX8# :: DoubleX8# -> Double# -> Int# -> DoubleX8# #

Insert a scalar at the given position in a vector.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

plusInt8X16# :: Int8X16# -> Int8X16# -> Int8X16# #

Add two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

plusInt16X8# :: Int16X8# -> Int16X8# -> Int16X8# #

Add two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

plusInt32X4# :: Int32X4# -> Int32X4# -> Int32X4# #

Add two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

plusInt64X2# :: Int64X2# -> Int64X2# -> Int64X2# #

Add two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

plusInt8X32# :: Int8X32# -> Int8X32# -> Int8X32# #

Add two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

plusInt16X16# :: Int16X16# -> Int16X16# -> Int16X16# #

Add two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

plusInt32X8# :: Int32X8# -> Int32X8# -> Int32X8# #

Add two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

plusInt64X4# :: Int64X4# -> Int64X4# -> Int64X4# #

Add two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

plusInt8X64# :: Int8X64# -> Int8X64# -> Int8X64# #

Add two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

plusInt16X32# :: Int16X32# -> Int16X32# -> Int16X32# #

Add two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

plusInt32X16# :: Int32X16# -> Int32X16# -> Int32X16# #

Add two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

plusInt64X8# :: Int64X8# -> Int64X8# -> Int64X8# #

Add two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

plusWord8X16# :: Word8X16# -> Word8X16# -> Word8X16# #

Add two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

plusWord16X8# :: Word16X8# -> Word16X8# -> Word16X8# #

Add two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

plusWord32X4# :: Word32X4# -> Word32X4# -> Word32X4# #

Add two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

plusWord64X2# :: Word64X2# -> Word64X2# -> Word64X2# #

Add two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

plusWord8X32# :: Word8X32# -> Word8X32# -> Word8X32# #

Add two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

plusWord16X16# :: Word16X16# -> Word16X16# -> Word16X16# #

Add two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

plusWord32X8# :: Word32X8# -> Word32X8# -> Word32X8# #

Add two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

plusWord64X4# :: Word64X4# -> Word64X4# -> Word64X4# #

Add two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

plusWord8X64# :: Word8X64# -> Word8X64# -> Word8X64# #

Add two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

plusWord16X32# :: Word16X32# -> Word16X32# -> Word16X32# #

Add two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

plusWord32X16# :: Word32X16# -> Word32X16# -> Word32X16# #

Add two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

plusWord64X8# :: Word64X8# -> Word64X8# -> Word64X8# #

Add two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

plusFloatX4# :: FloatX4# -> FloatX4# -> FloatX4# #

Add two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

plusDoubleX2# :: DoubleX2# -> DoubleX2# -> DoubleX2# #

Add two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

plusFloatX8# :: FloatX8# -> FloatX8# -> FloatX8# #

Add two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

plusDoubleX4# :: DoubleX4# -> DoubleX4# -> DoubleX4# #

Add two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

plusFloatX16# :: FloatX16# -> FloatX16# -> FloatX16# #

Add two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

plusDoubleX8# :: DoubleX8# -> DoubleX8# -> DoubleX8# #

Add two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

minusInt8X16# :: Int8X16# -> Int8X16# -> Int8X16# #

Subtract two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

minusInt16X8# :: Int16X8# -> Int16X8# -> Int16X8# #

Subtract two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

minusInt32X4# :: Int32X4# -> Int32X4# -> Int32X4# #

Subtract two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

minusInt64X2# :: Int64X2# -> Int64X2# -> Int64X2# #

Subtract two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

minusInt8X32# :: Int8X32# -> Int8X32# -> Int8X32# #

Subtract two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

minusInt16X16# :: Int16X16# -> Int16X16# -> Int16X16# #

Subtract two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

minusInt32X8# :: Int32X8# -> Int32X8# -> Int32X8# #

Subtract two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

minusInt64X4# :: Int64X4# -> Int64X4# -> Int64X4# #

Subtract two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

minusInt8X64# :: Int8X64# -> Int8X64# -> Int8X64# #

Subtract two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

minusInt16X32# :: Int16X32# -> Int16X32# -> Int16X32# #

Subtract two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

minusInt32X16# :: Int32X16# -> Int32X16# -> Int32X16# #

Subtract two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

minusInt64X8# :: Int64X8# -> Int64X8# -> Int64X8# #

Subtract two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

minusWord8X16# :: Word8X16# -> Word8X16# -> Word8X16# #

Subtract two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

minusWord16X8# :: Word16X8# -> Word16X8# -> Word16X8# #

Subtract two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

minusWord32X4# :: Word32X4# -> Word32X4# -> Word32X4# #

Subtract two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

minusWord64X2# :: Word64X2# -> Word64X2# -> Word64X2# #

Subtract two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

minusWord8X32# :: Word8X32# -> Word8X32# -> Word8X32# #

Subtract two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

minusWord16X16# :: Word16X16# -> Word16X16# -> Word16X16# #

Subtract two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

minusWord32X8# :: Word32X8# -> Word32X8# -> Word32X8# #

Subtract two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

minusWord64X4# :: Word64X4# -> Word64X4# -> Word64X4# #

Subtract two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

minusWord8X64# :: Word8X64# -> Word8X64# -> Word8X64# #

Subtract two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

minusWord16X32# :: Word16X32# -> Word16X32# -> Word16X32# #

Subtract two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

minusWord32X16# :: Word32X16# -> Word32X16# -> Word32X16# #

Subtract two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

minusWord64X8# :: Word64X8# -> Word64X8# -> Word64X8# #

Subtract two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

minusFloatX4# :: FloatX4# -> FloatX4# -> FloatX4# #

Subtract two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

minusDoubleX2# :: DoubleX2# -> DoubleX2# -> DoubleX2# #

Subtract two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

minusFloatX8# :: FloatX8# -> FloatX8# -> FloatX8# #

Subtract two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

minusDoubleX4# :: DoubleX4# -> DoubleX4# -> DoubleX4# #

Subtract two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

minusFloatX16# :: FloatX16# -> FloatX16# -> FloatX16# #

Subtract two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

minusDoubleX8# :: DoubleX8# -> DoubleX8# -> DoubleX8# #

Subtract two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

timesInt8X16# :: Int8X16# -> Int8X16# -> Int8X16# #

Multiply two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

timesInt16X8# :: Int16X8# -> Int16X8# -> Int16X8# #

Multiply two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

timesInt32X4# :: Int32X4# -> Int32X4# -> Int32X4# #

Multiply two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

timesInt64X2# :: Int64X2# -> Int64X2# -> Int64X2# #

Multiply two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

timesInt8X32# :: Int8X32# -> Int8X32# -> Int8X32# #

Multiply two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

timesInt16X16# :: Int16X16# -> Int16X16# -> Int16X16# #

Multiply two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

timesInt32X8# :: Int32X8# -> Int32X8# -> Int32X8# #

Multiply two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

timesInt64X4# :: Int64X4# -> Int64X4# -> Int64X4# #

Multiply two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

timesInt8X64# :: Int8X64# -> Int8X64# -> Int8X64# #

Multiply two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

timesInt16X32# :: Int16X32# -> Int16X32# -> Int16X32# #

Multiply two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

timesInt32X16# :: Int32X16# -> Int32X16# -> Int32X16# #

Multiply two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

timesInt64X8# :: Int64X8# -> Int64X8# -> Int64X8# #

Multiply two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

timesWord8X16# :: Word8X16# -> Word8X16# -> Word8X16# #

Multiply two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

timesWord16X8# :: Word16X8# -> Word16X8# -> Word16X8# #

Multiply two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

timesWord32X4# :: Word32X4# -> Word32X4# -> Word32X4# #

Multiply two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

timesWord64X2# :: Word64X2# -> Word64X2# -> Word64X2# #

Multiply two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

timesWord8X32# :: Word8X32# -> Word8X32# -> Word8X32# #

Multiply two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

timesWord16X16# :: Word16X16# -> Word16X16# -> Word16X16# #

Multiply two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

timesWord32X8# :: Word32X8# -> Word32X8# -> Word32X8# #

Multiply two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

timesWord64X4# :: Word64X4# -> Word64X4# -> Word64X4# #

Multiply two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

timesWord8X64# :: Word8X64# -> Word8X64# -> Word8X64# #

Multiply two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

timesWord16X32# :: Word16X32# -> Word16X32# -> Word16X32# #

Multiply two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

timesWord32X16# :: Word32X16# -> Word32X16# -> Word32X16# #

Multiply two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

timesWord64X8# :: Word64X8# -> Word64X8# -> Word64X8# #

Multiply two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

timesFloatX4# :: FloatX4# -> FloatX4# -> FloatX4# #

Multiply two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

timesDoubleX2# :: DoubleX2# -> DoubleX2# -> DoubleX2# #

Multiply two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

timesFloatX8# :: FloatX8# -> FloatX8# -> FloatX8# #

Multiply two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

timesDoubleX4# :: DoubleX4# -> DoubleX4# -> DoubleX4# #

Multiply two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

timesFloatX16# :: FloatX16# -> FloatX16# -> FloatX16# #

Multiply two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

timesDoubleX8# :: DoubleX8# -> DoubleX8# -> DoubleX8# #

Multiply two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

divideFloatX4# :: FloatX4# -> FloatX4# -> FloatX4# #

Divide two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

divideDoubleX2# :: DoubleX2# -> DoubleX2# -> DoubleX2# #

Divide two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

divideFloatX8# :: FloatX8# -> FloatX8# -> FloatX8# #

Divide two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

divideDoubleX4# :: DoubleX4# -> DoubleX4# -> DoubleX4# #

Divide two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

divideFloatX16# :: FloatX16# -> FloatX16# -> FloatX16# #

Divide two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

divideDoubleX8# :: DoubleX8# -> DoubleX8# -> DoubleX8# #

Divide two vectors element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

quotInt8X16# :: Int8X16# -> Int8X16# -> Int8X16# #

Rounds towards zero element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

quotInt16X8# :: Int16X8# -> Int16X8# -> Int16X8# #

Rounds towards zero element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

quotInt32X4# :: Int32X4# -> Int32X4# -> Int32X4# #

Rounds towards zero element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

quotInt64X2# :: Int64X2# -> Int64X2# -> Int64X2# #

Rounds towards zero element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

quotInt8X32# :: Int8X32# -> Int8X32# -> Int8X32# #

Rounds towards zero element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

quotInt16X16# :: Int16X16# -> Int16X16# -> Int16X16# #

Rounds towards zero element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

quotInt32X8# :: Int32X8# -> Int32X8# -> Int32X8# #

Rounds towards zero element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

quotInt64X4# :: Int64X4# -> Int64X4# -> Int64X4# #

Rounds towards zero element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

quotInt8X64# :: Int8X64# -> Int8X64# -> Int8X64# #

Rounds towards zero element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

quotInt16X32# :: Int16X32# -> Int16X32# -> Int16X32# #

Rounds towards zero element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

quotInt32X16# :: Int32X16# -> Int32X16# -> Int32X16# #

Rounds towards zero element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

quotInt64X8# :: Int64X8# -> Int64X8# -> Int64X8# #

Rounds towards zero element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

quotWord8X16# :: Word8X16# -> Word8X16# -> Word8X16# #

Rounds towards zero element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

quotWord16X8# :: Word16X8# -> Word16X8# -> Word16X8# #

Rounds towards zero element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

quotWord32X4# :: Word32X4# -> Word32X4# -> Word32X4# #

Rounds towards zero element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

quotWord64X2# :: Word64X2# -> Word64X2# -> Word64X2# #

Rounds towards zero element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

quotWord8X32# :: Word8X32# -> Word8X32# -> Word8X32# #

Rounds towards zero element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

quotWord16X16# :: Word16X16# -> Word16X16# -> Word16X16# #

Rounds towards zero element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

quotWord32X8# :: Word32X8# -> Word32X8# -> Word32X8# #

Rounds towards zero element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

quotWord64X4# :: Word64X4# -> Word64X4# -> Word64X4# #

Rounds towards zero element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

quotWord8X64# :: Word8X64# -> Word8X64# -> Word8X64# #

Rounds towards zero element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

quotWord16X32# :: Word16X32# -> Word16X32# -> Word16X32# #

Rounds towards zero element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

quotWord32X16# :: Word32X16# -> Word32X16# -> Word32X16# #

Rounds towards zero element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

quotWord64X8# :: Word64X8# -> Word64X8# -> Word64X8# #

Rounds towards zero element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

remInt8X16# :: Int8X16# -> Int8X16# -> Int8X16# #

Satisfies (quot# x y) times# y plus# (rem# x y) == x.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

remInt16X8# :: Int16X8# -> Int16X8# -> Int16X8# #

Satisfies (quot# x y) times# y plus# (rem# x y) == x.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

remInt32X4# :: Int32X4# -> Int32X4# -> Int32X4# #

Satisfies (quot# x y) times# y plus# (rem# x y) == x.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

remInt64X2# :: Int64X2# -> Int64X2# -> Int64X2# #

Satisfies (quot# x y) times# y plus# (rem# x y) == x.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

remInt8X32# :: Int8X32# -> Int8X32# -> Int8X32# #

Satisfies (quot# x y) times# y plus# (rem# x y) == x.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

remInt16X16# :: Int16X16# -> Int16X16# -> Int16X16# #

Satisfies (quot# x y) times# y plus# (rem# x y) == x.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

remInt32X8# :: Int32X8# -> Int32X8# -> Int32X8# #

Satisfies (quot# x y) times# y plus# (rem# x y) == x.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

remInt64X4# :: Int64X4# -> Int64X4# -> Int64X4# #

Satisfies (quot# x y) times# y plus# (rem# x y) == x.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

remInt8X64# :: Int8X64# -> Int8X64# -> Int8X64# #

Satisfies (quot# x y) times# y plus# (rem# x y) == x.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

remInt16X32# :: Int16X32# -> Int16X32# -> Int16X32# #

Satisfies (quot# x y) times# y plus# (rem# x y) == x.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

remInt32X16# :: Int32X16# -> Int32X16# -> Int32X16# #

Satisfies (quot# x y) times# y plus# (rem# x y) == x.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

remInt64X8# :: Int64X8# -> Int64X8# -> Int64X8# #

Satisfies (quot# x y) times# y plus# (rem# x y) == x.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

remWord8X16# :: Word8X16# -> Word8X16# -> Word8X16# #

Satisfies (quot# x y) times# y plus# (rem# x y) == x.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

remWord16X8# :: Word16X8# -> Word16X8# -> Word16X8# #

Satisfies (quot# x y) times# y plus# (rem# x y) == x.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

remWord32X4# :: Word32X4# -> Word32X4# -> Word32X4# #

Satisfies (quot# x y) times# y plus# (rem# x y) == x.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

remWord64X2# :: Word64X2# -> Word64X2# -> Word64X2# #

Satisfies (quot# x y) times# y plus# (rem# x y) == x.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

remWord8X32# :: Word8X32# -> Word8X32# -> Word8X32# #

Satisfies (quot# x y) times# y plus# (rem# x y) == x.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

remWord16X16# :: Word16X16# -> Word16X16# -> Word16X16# #

Satisfies (quot# x y) times# y plus# (rem# x y) == x.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

remWord32X8# :: Word32X8# -> Word32X8# -> Word32X8# #

Satisfies (quot# x y) times# y plus# (rem# x y) == x.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

remWord64X4# :: Word64X4# -> Word64X4# -> Word64X4# #

Satisfies (quot# x y) times# y plus# (rem# x y) == x.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

remWord8X64# :: Word8X64# -> Word8X64# -> Word8X64# #

Satisfies (quot# x y) times# y plus# (rem# x y) == x.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

remWord16X32# :: Word16X32# -> Word16X32# -> Word16X32# #

Satisfies (quot# x y) times# y plus# (rem# x y) == x.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

remWord32X16# :: Word32X16# -> Word32X16# -> Word32X16# #

Satisfies (quot# x y) times# y plus# (rem# x y) == x.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

remWord64X8# :: Word64X8# -> Word64X8# -> Word64X8# #

Satisfies (quot# x y) times# y plus# (rem# x y) == x.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

negateInt8X16# :: Int8X16# -> Int8X16# #

Negate element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

negateInt16X8# :: Int16X8# -> Int16X8# #

Negate element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

negateInt32X4# :: Int32X4# -> Int32X4# #

Negate element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

negateInt64X2# :: Int64X2# -> Int64X2# #

Negate element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

negateInt8X32# :: Int8X32# -> Int8X32# #

Negate element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

negateInt16X16# :: Int16X16# -> Int16X16# #

Negate element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

negateInt32X8# :: Int32X8# -> Int32X8# #

Negate element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

negateInt64X4# :: Int64X4# -> Int64X4# #

Negate element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

negateInt8X64# :: Int8X64# -> Int8X64# #

Negate element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

negateInt16X32# :: Int16X32# -> Int16X32# #

Negate element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

negateInt32X16# :: Int32X16# -> Int32X16# #

Negate element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

negateInt64X8# :: Int64X8# -> Int64X8# #

Negate element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

negateFloatX4# :: FloatX4# -> FloatX4# #

Negate element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

negateDoubleX2# :: DoubleX2# -> DoubleX2# #

Negate element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

negateFloatX8# :: FloatX8# -> FloatX8# #

Negate element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

negateDoubleX4# :: DoubleX4# -> DoubleX4# #

Negate element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

negateFloatX16# :: FloatX16# -> FloatX16# #

Negate element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

negateDoubleX8# :: DoubleX8# -> DoubleX8# #

Negate element-wise.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM.

indexInt8X16Array# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Int8X16# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt16X8Array# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Int16X8# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt32X4Array# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Int32X4# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt64X2Array# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Int64X2# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt8X32Array# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Int8X32# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt16X16Array# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Int16X16# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt32X8Array# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Int32X8# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt64X4Array# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Int64X4# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt8X64Array# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Int8X64# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt16X32Array# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Int16X32# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt32X16Array# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Int32X16# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt64X8Array# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Int64X8# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord8X16Array# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Word8X16# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord16X8Array# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Word16X8# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord32X4Array# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Word32X4# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord64X2Array# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Word64X2# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord8X32Array# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Word8X32# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord16X16Array# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Word16X16# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord32X8Array# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Word32X8# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord64X4Array# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Word64X4# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord8X64Array# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Word8X64# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord16X32Array# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Word16X32# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord32X16Array# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Word32X16# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord64X8Array# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Word64X8# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexFloatX4Array# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> FloatX4# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexDoubleX2Array# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> DoubleX2# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexFloatX8Array# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> FloatX8# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexDoubleX4Array# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> DoubleX4# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexFloatX16Array# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> FloatX16# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexDoubleX8Array# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> DoubleX8# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt8X16Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int8X16# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt16X8Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int16X8# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt32X4Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int32X4# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt64X2Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int64X2# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt8X32Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int8X32# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt16X16Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int16X16# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt32X8Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int32X8# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt64X4Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int64X4# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt8X64Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int8X64# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt16X32Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int16X32# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt32X16Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int32X16# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt64X8Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int64X8# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord8X16Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word8X16# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord16X8Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word16X8# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord32X4Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word32X4# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord64X2Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word64X2# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord8X32Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word8X32# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord16X16Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word16X16# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord32X8Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word32X8# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord64X4Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word64X4# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord8X64Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word8X64# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord16X32Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word16X32# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord32X16Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word32X16# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord64X8Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word64X8# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readFloatX4Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, FloatX4# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readDoubleX2Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, DoubleX2# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readFloatX8Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, FloatX8# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readDoubleX4Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, DoubleX4# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readFloatX16Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, FloatX16# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readDoubleX8Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, DoubleX8# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt8X16Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Int8X16# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt16X8Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Int16X8# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt32X4Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Int32X4# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt64X2Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Int64X2# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt8X32Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Int8X32# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt16X16Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Int16X16# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt32X8Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Int32X8# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt64X4Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Int64X4# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt8X64Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Int8X64# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt16X32Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Int16X32# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt32X16Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Int32X16# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt64X8Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Int64X8# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord8X16Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Word8X16# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord16X8Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Word16X8# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord32X4Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Word32X4# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord64X2Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Word64X2# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord8X32Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Word8X32# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord16X16Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Word16X16# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord32X8Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Word32X8# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord64X4Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Word64X4# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord8X64Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Word8X64# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord16X32Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Word16X32# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord32X16Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Word32X16# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord64X8Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Word64X8# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeFloatX4Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> FloatX4# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeDoubleX2Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> DoubleX2# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeFloatX8Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> FloatX8# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeDoubleX4Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> DoubleX4# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeFloatX16Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> FloatX16# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeDoubleX8Array# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> DoubleX8# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt8X16OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int8X16# #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt16X8OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int16X8# #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt32X4OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int32X4# #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt64X2OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int64X2# #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt8X32OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int8X32# #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt16X16OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int16X16# #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt32X8OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int32X8# #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt64X4OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int64X4# #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt8X64OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int8X64# #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt16X32OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int16X32# #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt32X16OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int32X16# #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt64X8OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int64X8# #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord8X16OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word8X16# #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord16X8OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word16X8# #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord32X4OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word32X4# #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord64X2OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word64X2# #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord8X32OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word8X32# #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord16X16OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word16X16# #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord32X8OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word32X8# #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord64X4OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word64X4# #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord8X64OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word8X64# #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord16X32OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word16X32# #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord32X16OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word32X16# #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord64X8OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word64X8# #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexFloatX4OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> FloatX4# #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexDoubleX2OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> DoubleX2# #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexFloatX8OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> FloatX8# #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexDoubleX4OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> DoubleX4# #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexFloatX16OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> FloatX16# #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexDoubleX8OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> DoubleX8# #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt8X16OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int8X16# #) #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt16X8OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int16X8# #) #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt32X4OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int32X4# #) #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt64X2OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int64X2# #) #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt8X32OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int8X32# #) #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt16X16OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int16X16# #) #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt32X8OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int32X8# #) #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt64X4OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int64X4# #) #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt8X64OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int8X64# #) #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt16X32OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int16X32# #) #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt32X16OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int32X16# #) #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt64X8OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int64X8# #) #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord8X16OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word8X16# #) #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord16X8OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word16X8# #) #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord32X4OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word32X4# #) #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord64X2OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word64X2# #) #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord8X32OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word8X32# #) #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord16X16OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word16X16# #) #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord32X8OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word32X8# #) #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord64X4OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word64X4# #) #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord8X64OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word8X64# #) #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord16X32OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word16X32# #) #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord32X16OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word32X16# #) #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord64X8OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word64X8# #) #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readFloatX4OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, FloatX4# #) #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readDoubleX2OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, DoubleX2# #) #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readFloatX8OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, FloatX8# #) #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readDoubleX4OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, DoubleX4# #) #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readFloatX16OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, FloatX16# #) #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readDoubleX8OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, DoubleX8# #) #

Reads vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt8X16OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int8X16# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt16X8OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int16X8# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt32X4OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int32X4# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt64X2OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int64X2# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt8X32OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int8X32# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt16X16OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int16X16# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt32X8OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int32X8# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt64X4OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int64X4# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt8X64OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int8X64# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt16X32OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int16X32# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt32X16OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int32X16# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt64X8OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int64X8# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord8X16OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word8X16# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord16X8OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word16X8# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord32X4OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word32X4# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord64X2OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word64X2# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord8X32OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word8X32# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord16X16OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word16X16# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord32X8OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word32X8# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord64X4OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word64X4# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord8X64OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word8X64# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord16X32OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word16X32# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord32X16OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word32X16# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord64X8OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word64X8# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeFloatX4OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> FloatX4# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeDoubleX2OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> DoubleX2# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeFloatX8OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> FloatX8# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeDoubleX4OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> DoubleX4# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeFloatX16OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> FloatX16# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeDoubleX8OffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> DoubleX8# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in bytes.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt8ArrayAsInt8X16# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Int8X16# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt16ArrayAsInt16X8# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Int16X8# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt32ArrayAsInt32X4# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Int32X4# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt64ArrayAsInt64X2# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Int64X2# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt8ArrayAsInt8X32# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Int8X32# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt16ArrayAsInt16X16# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Int16X16# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt32ArrayAsInt32X8# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Int32X8# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt64ArrayAsInt64X4# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Int64X4# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt8ArrayAsInt8X64# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Int8X64# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt16ArrayAsInt16X32# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Int16X32# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt32ArrayAsInt32X16# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Int32X16# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt64ArrayAsInt64X8# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Int64X8# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord8ArrayAsWord8X16# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Word8X16# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord16ArrayAsWord16X8# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Word16X8# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord32ArrayAsWord32X4# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Word32X4# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord64ArrayAsWord64X2# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Word64X2# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord8ArrayAsWord8X32# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Word8X32# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord16ArrayAsWord16X16# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Word16X16# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord32ArrayAsWord32X8# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Word32X8# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord64ArrayAsWord64X4# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Word64X4# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord8ArrayAsWord8X64# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Word8X64# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord16ArrayAsWord16X32# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Word16X32# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord32ArrayAsWord32X16# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Word32X16# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord64ArrayAsWord64X8# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Word64X8# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexFloatArrayAsFloatX4# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> FloatX4# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexDoubleArrayAsDoubleX2# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> DoubleX2# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexFloatArrayAsFloatX8# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> FloatX8# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexDoubleArrayAsDoubleX4# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> DoubleX4# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexFloatArrayAsFloatX16# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> FloatX16# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexDoubleArrayAsDoubleX8# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> DoubleX8# #

Read a vector from specified index of immutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt8ArrayAsInt8X16# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int8X16# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt16ArrayAsInt16X8# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int16X8# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt32ArrayAsInt32X4# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int32X4# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt64ArrayAsInt64X2# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int64X2# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt8ArrayAsInt8X32# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int8X32# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt16ArrayAsInt16X16# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int16X16# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt32ArrayAsInt32X8# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int32X8# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt64ArrayAsInt64X4# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int64X4# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt8ArrayAsInt8X64# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int8X64# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt16ArrayAsInt16X32# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int16X32# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt32ArrayAsInt32X16# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int32X16# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt64ArrayAsInt64X8# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int64X8# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord8ArrayAsWord8X16# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word8X16# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord16ArrayAsWord16X8# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word16X8# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord32ArrayAsWord32X4# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word32X4# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord64ArrayAsWord64X2# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word64X2# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord8ArrayAsWord8X32# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word8X32# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord16ArrayAsWord16X16# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word16X16# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord32ArrayAsWord32X8# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word32X8# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord64ArrayAsWord64X4# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word64X4# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord8ArrayAsWord8X64# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word8X64# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord16ArrayAsWord16X32# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word16X32# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord32ArrayAsWord32X16# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word32X16# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord64ArrayAsWord64X8# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word64X8# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readFloatArrayAsFloatX4# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, FloatX4# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readDoubleArrayAsDoubleX2# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, DoubleX2# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readFloatArrayAsFloatX8# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, FloatX8# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readDoubleArrayAsDoubleX4# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, DoubleX4# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readFloatArrayAsFloatX16# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, FloatX16# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readDoubleArrayAsDoubleX8# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, DoubleX8# #) #

Read a vector from specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt8ArrayAsInt8X16# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Int8X16# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt16ArrayAsInt16X8# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Int16X8# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt32ArrayAsInt32X4# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Int32X4# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt64ArrayAsInt64X2# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Int64X2# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt8ArrayAsInt8X32# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Int8X32# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt16ArrayAsInt16X16# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Int16X16# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt32ArrayAsInt32X8# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Int32X8# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt64ArrayAsInt64X4# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Int64X4# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt8ArrayAsInt8X64# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Int8X64# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt16ArrayAsInt16X32# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Int16X32# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt32ArrayAsInt32X16# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Int32X16# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt64ArrayAsInt64X8# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Int64X8# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord8ArrayAsWord8X16# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Word8X16# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord16ArrayAsWord16X8# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Word16X8# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord32ArrayAsWord32X4# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Word32X4# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord64ArrayAsWord64X2# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Word64X2# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord8ArrayAsWord8X32# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Word8X32# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord16ArrayAsWord16X16# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Word16X16# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord32ArrayAsWord32X8# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Word32X8# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord64ArrayAsWord64X4# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Word64X4# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord8ArrayAsWord8X64# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Word8X64# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord16ArrayAsWord16X32# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Word16X32# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord32ArrayAsWord32X16# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Word32X16# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord64ArrayAsWord64X8# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> Word64X8# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeFloatArrayAsFloatX4# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> FloatX4# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeDoubleArrayAsDoubleX2# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> DoubleX2# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeFloatArrayAsFloatX8# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> FloatX8# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeDoubleArrayAsDoubleX4# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> DoubleX4# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeFloatArrayAsFloatX16# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> FloatX16# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeDoubleArrayAsDoubleX8# :: MutableByteArray# d -> Int# -> DoubleX8# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write a vector to specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt8OffAddrAsInt8X16# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int8X16# #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt16OffAddrAsInt16X8# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int16X8# #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt32OffAddrAsInt32X4# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int32X4# #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt64OffAddrAsInt64X2# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int64X2# #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt8OffAddrAsInt8X32# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int8X32# #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt16OffAddrAsInt16X16# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int16X16# #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt32OffAddrAsInt32X8# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int32X8# #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt64OffAddrAsInt64X4# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int64X4# #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt8OffAddrAsInt8X64# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int8X64# #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt16OffAddrAsInt16X32# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int16X32# #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt32OffAddrAsInt32X16# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int32X16# #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexInt64OffAddrAsInt64X8# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int64X8# #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord8OffAddrAsWord8X16# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word8X16# #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord16OffAddrAsWord16X8# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word16X8# #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord32OffAddrAsWord32X4# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word32X4# #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord64OffAddrAsWord64X2# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word64X2# #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord8OffAddrAsWord8X32# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word8X32# #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord16OffAddrAsWord16X16# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word16X16# #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord32OffAddrAsWord32X8# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word32X8# #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord64OffAddrAsWord64X4# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word64X4# #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord8OffAddrAsWord8X64# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word8X64# #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord16OffAddrAsWord16X32# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word16X32# #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord32OffAddrAsWord32X16# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word32X16# #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexWord64OffAddrAsWord64X8# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word64X8# #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexFloatOffAddrAsFloatX4# :: Addr# -> Int# -> FloatX4# #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexDoubleOffAddrAsDoubleX2# :: Addr# -> Int# -> DoubleX2# #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexFloatOffAddrAsFloatX8# :: Addr# -> Int# -> FloatX8# #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexDoubleOffAddrAsDoubleX4# :: Addr# -> Int# -> DoubleX4# #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexFloatOffAddrAsFloatX16# :: Addr# -> Int# -> FloatX16# #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

indexDoubleOffAddrAsDoubleX8# :: Addr# -> Int# -> DoubleX8# #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt8OffAddrAsInt8X16# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int8X16# #) #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt16OffAddrAsInt16X8# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int16X8# #) #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt32OffAddrAsInt32X4# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int32X4# #) #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt64OffAddrAsInt64X2# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int64X2# #) #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt8OffAddrAsInt8X32# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int8X32# #) #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt16OffAddrAsInt16X16# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int16X16# #) #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt32OffAddrAsInt32X8# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int32X8# #) #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt64OffAddrAsInt64X4# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int64X4# #) #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt8OffAddrAsInt8X64# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int8X64# #) #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt16OffAddrAsInt16X32# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int16X32# #) #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt32OffAddrAsInt32X16# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int32X16# #) #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readInt64OffAddrAsInt64X8# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Int64X8# #) #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord8OffAddrAsWord8X16# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word8X16# #) #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord16OffAddrAsWord16X8# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word16X8# #) #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord32OffAddrAsWord32X4# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word32X4# #) #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord64OffAddrAsWord64X2# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word64X2# #) #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord8OffAddrAsWord8X32# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word8X32# #) #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord16OffAddrAsWord16X16# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word16X16# #) #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord32OffAddrAsWord32X8# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word32X8# #) #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord64OffAddrAsWord64X4# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word64X4# #) #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord8OffAddrAsWord8X64# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word8X64# #) #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord16OffAddrAsWord16X32# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word16X32# #) #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord32OffAddrAsWord32X16# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word32X16# #) #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readWord64OffAddrAsWord64X8# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, Word64X8# #) #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readFloatOffAddrAsFloatX4# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, FloatX4# #) #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readDoubleOffAddrAsDoubleX2# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, DoubleX2# #) #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readFloatOffAddrAsFloatX8# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, FloatX8# #) #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readDoubleOffAddrAsDoubleX4# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, DoubleX4# #) #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readFloatOffAddrAsFloatX16# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, FloatX16# #) #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

readDoubleOffAddrAsDoubleX8# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> (# State# d, DoubleX8# #) #

Reads vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt8OffAddrAsInt8X16# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int8X16# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt16OffAddrAsInt16X8# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int16X8# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt32OffAddrAsInt32X4# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int32X4# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt64OffAddrAsInt64X2# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int64X2# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt8OffAddrAsInt8X32# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int8X32# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt16OffAddrAsInt16X16# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int16X16# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt32OffAddrAsInt32X8# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int32X8# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt64OffAddrAsInt64X4# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int64X4# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt8OffAddrAsInt8X64# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int8X64# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt16OffAddrAsInt16X32# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int16X32# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt32OffAddrAsInt32X16# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int32X16# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeInt64OffAddrAsInt64X8# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int64X8# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord8OffAddrAsWord8X16# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word8X16# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord16OffAddrAsWord16X8# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word16X8# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord32OffAddrAsWord32X4# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word32X4# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord64OffAddrAsWord64X2# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word64X2# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord8OffAddrAsWord8X32# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word8X32# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord16OffAddrAsWord16X16# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word16X16# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord32OffAddrAsWord32X8# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word32X8# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord64OffAddrAsWord64X4# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word64X4# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord8OffAddrAsWord8X64# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word8X64# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord16OffAddrAsWord16X32# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word16X32# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord32OffAddrAsWord32X16# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word32X16# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeWord64OffAddrAsWord64X8# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word64X8# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeFloatOffAddrAsFloatX4# :: Addr# -> Int# -> FloatX4# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeDoubleOffAddrAsDoubleX2# :: Addr# -> Int# -> DoubleX2# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeFloatOffAddrAsFloatX8# :: Addr# -> Int# -> FloatX8# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeDoubleOffAddrAsDoubleX4# :: Addr# -> Int# -> DoubleX4# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeFloatOffAddrAsFloatX16# :: Addr# -> Int# -> FloatX16# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

writeDoubleOffAddrAsDoubleX8# :: Addr# -> Int# -> DoubleX8# -> State# d -> State# d #

Write vector; offset in scalar elements.

Warning: this is only available on LLVM and can fail with an unchecked exception.

const :: a -> b -> a #

const x is a unary function which evaluates to x for all inputs.

>>> const 42 "hello"
>>> map (const 42) [0..3]

(.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c infixr 9 #

Function composition.

id :: a -> a #

Identity function.

id x = x

(<**>) :: Applicative f => f a -> f (a -> b) -> f b infixl 4 #

A variant of <*> with the arguments reversed.

forM_ :: (Foldable t, Monad m) => t a -> (a -> m b) -> m () #

forM_ is mapM_ with its arguments flipped. For a version that doesn't ignore the results see forM.

forM_ is just like for_, but specialised to monadic actions.

mapM_ :: (Foldable t, Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> t a -> m () #

Map each element of a structure to a monadic action, evaluate these actions from left to right, and ignore the results. For a version that doesn't ignore the results see mapM.

mapM_ is just like traverse_, but specialised to monadic actions.

class Applicative f => Alternative (f :: Type -> Type) where #

A monoid on applicative functors.

If defined, some and many should be the least solutions of the equations:

Minimal complete definition

empty, (<|>)


empty :: f a #

The identity of <|>

some :: f a -> f [a] #

One or more.


Instances details
Alternative IResult 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal


empty :: IResult a #

(<|>) :: IResult a -> IResult a -> IResult a #

some :: IResult a -> IResult [a] #

many :: IResult a -> IResult [a] #

Alternative Parser 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal


empty :: Parser a #

(<|>) :: Parser a -> Parser a -> Parser a #

some :: Parser a -> Parser [a] #

many :: Parser a -> Parser [a] #

Alternative Result 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal


empty :: Result a #

(<|>) :: Result a -> Result a -> Result a #

some :: Result a -> Result [a] #

many :: Result a -> Result [a] #

Alternative ZipList

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Control.Applicative


empty :: ZipList a #

(<|>) :: ZipList a -> ZipList a -> ZipList a #

some :: ZipList a -> ZipList [a] #

many :: ZipList a -> ZipList [a] #

Alternative STM

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Conc.Sync


empty :: STM a #

(<|>) :: STM a -> STM a -> STM a #

some :: STM a -> STM [a] #

many :: STM a -> STM [a] #

Alternative P

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP


empty :: P a #

(<|>) :: P a -> P a -> P a #

some :: P a -> P [a] #

many :: P a -> P [a] #

Alternative ReadP

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP


empty :: ReadP a #

(<|>) :: ReadP a -> ReadP a -> ReadP a #

some :: ReadP a -> ReadP [a] #

many :: ReadP a -> ReadP [a] #

Alternative Get

Since: binary-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Get.Internal


empty :: Get a #

(<|>) :: Get a -> Get a -> Get a #

some :: Get a -> Get [a] #

many :: Get a -> Get [a] #

Alternative Seq

Since: containers-0.5.4

Instance details

Defined in Data.Sequence.Internal


empty :: Seq a #

(<|>) :: Seq a -> Seq a -> Seq a #

some :: Seq a -> Seq [a] #

many :: Seq a -> Seq [a] #

Alternative DList 
Instance details

Defined in Data.DList.Internal


empty :: DList a #

(<|>) :: DList a -> DList a -> DList a #

some :: DList a -> DList [a] #

many :: DList a -> DList [a] #

Alternative IO

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


empty :: IO a #

(<|>) :: IO a -> IO a -> IO a #

some :: IO a -> IO [a] #

many :: IO a -> IO [a] #

Alternative Array 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.Array


empty :: Array a #

(<|>) :: Array a -> Array a -> Array a #

some :: Array a -> Array [a] #

many :: Array a -> Array [a] #

Alternative SmallArray 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.SmallArray

Alternative Vector 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector


empty :: Vector a #

(<|>) :: Vector a -> Vector a -> Vector a #

some :: Vector a -> Vector [a] #

many :: Vector a -> Vector [a] #

Alternative Maybe

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


empty :: Maybe a #

(<|>) :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a #

some :: Maybe a -> Maybe [a] #

many :: Maybe a -> Maybe [a] #

Alternative []

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


empty :: [a] #

(<|>) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a] #

some :: [a] -> [[a]] #

many :: [a] -> [[a]] #

Alternative (Parser i) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Attoparsec.Internal.Types


empty :: Parser i a #

(<|>) :: Parser i a -> Parser i a -> Parser i a #

some :: Parser i a -> Parser i [a] #

many :: Parser i a -> Parser i [a] #

MonadPlus m => Alternative (WrappedMonad m)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Control.Applicative


empty :: WrappedMonad m a #

(<|>) :: WrappedMonad m a -> WrappedMonad m a -> WrappedMonad m a #

some :: WrappedMonad m a -> WrappedMonad m [a] #

many :: WrappedMonad m a -> WrappedMonad m [a] #

ArrowPlus a => Alternative (ArrowMonad a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Control.Arrow


empty :: ArrowMonad a a0 #

(<|>) :: ArrowMonad a a0 -> ArrowMonad a a0 -> ArrowMonad a a0 #

some :: ArrowMonad a a0 -> ArrowMonad a [a0] #

many :: ArrowMonad a a0 -> ArrowMonad a [a0] #

Alternative (Proxy :: Type -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Proxy


empty :: Proxy a #

(<|>) :: Proxy a -> Proxy a -> Proxy a #

some :: Proxy a -> Proxy [a] #

many :: Proxy a -> Proxy [a] #

Alternative (U1 :: Type -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


empty :: U1 a #

(<|>) :: U1 a -> U1 a -> U1 a #

some :: U1 a -> U1 [a] #

many :: U1 a -> U1 [a] #

Alternative m => Alternative (ResourceT m)

Since 1.1.5

Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Resource.Internal


empty :: ResourceT m a #

(<|>) :: ResourceT m a -> ResourceT m a -> ResourceT m a #

some :: ResourceT m a -> ResourceT m [a] #

many :: ResourceT m a -> ResourceT m [a] #

Applicative m => Alternative (ListT m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.List


empty :: ListT m a #

(<|>) :: ListT m a -> ListT m a -> ListT m a #

some :: ListT m a -> ListT m [a] #

many :: ListT m a -> ListT m [a] #

(Functor m, Monad m) => Alternative (MaybeT m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe


empty :: MaybeT m a #

(<|>) :: MaybeT m a -> MaybeT m a -> MaybeT m a #

some :: MaybeT m a -> MaybeT m [a] #

many :: MaybeT m a -> MaybeT m [a] #

(ArrowZero a, ArrowPlus a) => Alternative (WrappedArrow a b)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Control.Applicative


empty :: WrappedArrow a b a0 #

(<|>) :: WrappedArrow a b a0 -> WrappedArrow a b a0 -> WrappedArrow a b a0 #

some :: WrappedArrow a b a0 -> WrappedArrow a b [a0] #

many :: WrappedArrow a b a0 -> WrappedArrow a b [a0] #

Alternative m => Alternative (Kleisli m a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Control.Arrow


empty :: Kleisli m a a0 #

(<|>) :: Kleisli m a a0 -> Kleisli m a a0 -> Kleisli m a a0 #

some :: Kleisli m a a0 -> Kleisli m a [a0] #

many :: Kleisli m a a0 -> Kleisli m a [a0] #

Alternative f => Alternative (Ap f)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


empty :: Ap f a #

(<|>) :: Ap f a -> Ap f a -> Ap f a #

some :: Ap f a -> Ap f [a] #

many :: Ap f a -> Ap f [a] #

Alternative f => Alternative (Alt f)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


empty :: Alt f a #

(<|>) :: Alt f a -> Alt f a -> Alt f a #

some :: Alt f a -> Alt f [a] #

many :: Alt f a -> Alt f [a] #

Alternative f => Alternative (Rec1 f)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


empty :: Rec1 f a #

(<|>) :: Rec1 f a -> Rec1 f a -> Rec1 f a #

some :: Rec1 f a -> Rec1 f [a] #

many :: Rec1 f a -> Rec1 f [a] #

(Functor m, Monad m, Error e) => Alternative (ErrorT e m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Error


empty :: ErrorT e m a #

(<|>) :: ErrorT e m a -> ErrorT e m a -> ErrorT e m a #

some :: ErrorT e m a -> ErrorT e m [a] #

many :: ErrorT e m a -> ErrorT e m [a] #

(Functor m, Monad m, Monoid e) => Alternative (ExceptT e m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Except


empty :: ExceptT e m a #

(<|>) :: ExceptT e m a -> ExceptT e m a -> ExceptT e m a #

some :: ExceptT e m a -> ExceptT e m [a] #

many :: ExceptT e m a -> ExceptT e m [a] #

Alternative m => Alternative (IdentityT m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Identity


empty :: IdentityT m a #

(<|>) :: IdentityT m a -> IdentityT m a -> IdentityT m a #

some :: IdentityT m a -> IdentityT m [a] #

many :: IdentityT m a -> IdentityT m [a] #

Alternative m => Alternative (ReaderT r m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Reader


empty :: ReaderT r m a #

(<|>) :: ReaderT r m a -> ReaderT r m a -> ReaderT r m a #

some :: ReaderT r m a -> ReaderT r m [a] #

many :: ReaderT r m a -> ReaderT r m [a] #

(Functor m, MonadPlus m) => Alternative (StateT s m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy


empty :: StateT s m a #

(<|>) :: StateT s m a -> StateT s m a -> StateT s m a #

some :: StateT s m a -> StateT s m [a] #

many :: StateT s m a -> StateT s m [a] #

(Functor m, MonadPlus m) => Alternative (StateT s m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict


empty :: StateT s m a #

(<|>) :: StateT s m a -> StateT s m a -> StateT s m a #

some :: StateT s m a -> StateT s m [a] #

many :: StateT s m a -> StateT s m [a] #

(Monoid w, Alternative m) => Alternative (WriterT w m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Lazy


empty :: WriterT w m a #

(<|>) :: WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m a #

some :: WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m [a] #

many :: WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m [a] #

(Monoid w, Alternative m) => Alternative (WriterT w m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Strict


empty :: WriterT w m a #

(<|>) :: WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m a #

some :: WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m [a] #

many :: WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m [a] #

(Alternative f, Alternative g) => Alternative (Product f g)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Product


empty :: Product f g a #

(<|>) :: Product f g a -> Product f g a -> Product f g a #

some :: Product f g a -> Product f g [a] #

many :: Product f g a -> Product f g [a] #

(Alternative f, Alternative g) => Alternative (f :*: g)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


empty :: (f :*: g) a #

(<|>) :: (f :*: g) a -> (f :*: g) a -> (f :*: g) a #

some :: (f :*: g) a -> (f :*: g) [a] #

many :: (f :*: g) a -> (f :*: g) [a] #

Alternative (ParsecT s u m) 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Parsec.Prim


empty :: ParsecT s u m a #

(<|>) :: ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m a #

some :: ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m [a] #

many :: ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m [a] #

(Alternative f, Applicative g) => Alternative (Compose f g)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Compose


empty :: Compose f g a #

(<|>) :: Compose f g a -> Compose f g a -> Compose f g a #

some :: Compose f g a -> Compose f g [a] #

many :: Compose f g a -> Compose f g [a] #

(Alternative f, Applicative g) => Alternative (f :.: g)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


empty :: (f :.: g) a #

(<|>) :: (f :.: g) a -> (f :.: g) a -> (f :.: g) a #

some :: (f :.: g) a -> (f :.: g) [a] #

many :: (f :.: g) a -> (f :.: g) [a] #

Alternative f => Alternative (M1 i c f)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


empty :: M1 i c f a #

(<|>) :: M1 i c f a -> M1 i c f a -> M1 i c f a #

some :: M1 i c f a -> M1 i c f [a] #

many :: M1 i c f a -> M1 i c f [a] #

(Monoid w, Functor m, MonadPlus m) => Alternative (RWST r w s m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.RWS.Lazy


empty :: RWST r w s m a #

(<|>) :: RWST r w s m a -> RWST r w s m a -> RWST r w s m a #

some :: RWST r w s m a -> RWST r w s m [a] #

many :: RWST r w s m a -> RWST r w s m [a] #

(Monoid w, Functor m, MonadPlus m) => Alternative (RWST r w s m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.RWS.Strict


empty :: RWST r w s m a #

(<|>) :: RWST r w s m a -> RWST r w s m a -> RWST r w s m a #

some :: RWST r w s m a -> RWST r w s m [a] #

many :: RWST r w s m a -> RWST r w s m [a] #

class (Alternative m, Monad m) => MonadPlus (m :: Type -> Type) where #

Monads that also support choice and failure.

Minimal complete definition



mzero :: m a #

The identity of mplus. It should also satisfy the equations

mzero >>= f  =  mzero
v >> mzero   =  mzero

The default definition is

mzero = empty

mplus :: m a -> m a -> m a #

An associative operation. The default definition is

mplus = (<|>)


Instances details
MonadPlus IResult 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal


mzero :: IResult a #

mplus :: IResult a -> IResult a -> IResult a #

MonadPlus Parser 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal


mzero :: Parser a #

mplus :: Parser a -> Parser a -> Parser a #

MonadPlus Result 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal


mzero :: Result a #

mplus :: Result a -> Result a -> Result a #

MonadPlus STM

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Conc.Sync


mzero :: STM a #

mplus :: STM a -> STM a -> STM a #

MonadPlus P

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP


mzero :: P a #

mplus :: P a -> P a -> P a #

MonadPlus ReadP

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP


mzero :: ReadP a #

mplus :: ReadP a -> ReadP a -> ReadP a #

MonadPlus Get

Since: binary-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Get.Internal


mzero :: Get a #

mplus :: Get a -> Get a -> Get a #

MonadPlus Seq 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Sequence.Internal


mzero :: Seq a #

mplus :: Seq a -> Seq a -> Seq a #

MonadPlus DList 
Instance details

Defined in Data.DList.Internal


mzero :: DList a #

mplus :: DList a -> DList a -> DList a #

MonadPlus IO

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


mzero :: IO a #

mplus :: IO a -> IO a -> IO a #

MonadPlus Array 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.Array


mzero :: Array a #

mplus :: Array a -> Array a -> Array a #

MonadPlus SmallArray 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.SmallArray

MonadPlus Vector 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector


mzero :: Vector a #

mplus :: Vector a -> Vector a -> Vector a #

MonadPlus Maybe

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


mzero :: Maybe a #

mplus :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a #

MonadPlus []

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


mzero :: [a] #

mplus :: [a] -> [a] -> [a] #

MonadPlus (Parser i) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Attoparsec.Internal.Types


mzero :: Parser i a #

mplus :: Parser i a -> Parser i a -> Parser i a #

(ArrowApply a, ArrowPlus a) => MonadPlus (ArrowMonad a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Control.Arrow


mzero :: ArrowMonad a a0 #

mplus :: ArrowMonad a a0 -> ArrowMonad a a0 -> ArrowMonad a a0 #

MonadPlus (Proxy :: Type -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Proxy


mzero :: Proxy a #

mplus :: Proxy a -> Proxy a -> Proxy a #

MonadPlus (U1 :: Type -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


mzero :: U1 a #

mplus :: U1 a -> U1 a -> U1 a #

MonadPlus m => MonadPlus (ResourceT m)

Since 1.1.5

Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Resource.Internal


mzero :: ResourceT m a #

mplus :: ResourceT m a -> ResourceT m a -> ResourceT m a #

Monad m => MonadPlus (ListT m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.List


mzero :: ListT m a #

mplus :: ListT m a -> ListT m a -> ListT m a #

Monad m => MonadPlus (MaybeT m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe


mzero :: MaybeT m a #

mplus :: MaybeT m a -> MaybeT m a -> MaybeT m a #

MonadPlus m => MonadPlus (Kleisli m a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Control.Arrow


mzero :: Kleisli m a a0 #

mplus :: Kleisli m a a0 -> Kleisli m a a0 -> Kleisli m a a0 #

MonadPlus f => MonadPlus (Ap f)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


mzero :: Ap f a #

mplus :: Ap f a -> Ap f a -> Ap f a #

MonadPlus f => MonadPlus (Alt f)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


mzero :: Alt f a #

mplus :: Alt f a -> Alt f a -> Alt f a #

MonadPlus f => MonadPlus (Rec1 f)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


mzero :: Rec1 f a #

mplus :: Rec1 f a -> Rec1 f a -> Rec1 f a #

(Monad m, Error e) => MonadPlus (ErrorT e m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Error


mzero :: ErrorT e m a #

mplus :: ErrorT e m a -> ErrorT e m a -> ErrorT e m a #

(Monad m, Monoid e) => MonadPlus (ExceptT e m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Except


mzero :: ExceptT e m a #

mplus :: ExceptT e m a -> ExceptT e m a -> ExceptT e m a #

MonadPlus m => MonadPlus (IdentityT m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Identity


mzero :: IdentityT m a #

mplus :: IdentityT m a -> IdentityT m a -> IdentityT m a #

MonadPlus m => MonadPlus (ReaderT r m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Reader


mzero :: ReaderT r m a #

mplus :: ReaderT r m a -> ReaderT r m a -> ReaderT r m a #

MonadPlus m => MonadPlus (StateT s m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy


mzero :: StateT s m a #

mplus :: StateT s m a -> StateT s m a -> StateT s m a #

MonadPlus m => MonadPlus (StateT s m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict


mzero :: StateT s m a #

mplus :: StateT s m a -> StateT s m a -> StateT s m a #

(Monoid w, MonadPlus m) => MonadPlus (WriterT w m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Lazy


mzero :: WriterT w m a #

mplus :: WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m a #

(Monoid w, MonadPlus m) => MonadPlus (WriterT w m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Strict


mzero :: WriterT w m a #

mplus :: WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m a #

(MonadPlus f, MonadPlus g) => MonadPlus (Product f g)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Product


mzero :: Product f g a #

mplus :: Product f g a -> Product f g a -> Product f g a #

(MonadPlus f, MonadPlus g) => MonadPlus (f :*: g)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


mzero :: (f :*: g) a #

mplus :: (f :*: g) a -> (f :*: g) a -> (f :*: g) a #

MonadPlus (ParsecT s u m) 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Parsec.Prim


mzero :: ParsecT s u m a #

mplus :: ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m a #

MonadPlus f => MonadPlus (M1 i c f)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


mzero :: M1 i c f a #

mplus :: M1 i c f a -> M1 i c f a -> M1 i c f a #

(Monoid w, MonadPlus m) => MonadPlus (RWST r w s m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.RWS.Lazy


mzero :: RWST r w s m a #

mplus :: RWST r w s m a -> RWST r w s m a -> RWST r w s m a #

(Monoid w, MonadPlus m) => MonadPlus (RWST r w s m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.RWS.Strict


mzero :: RWST r w s m a #

mplus :: RWST r w s m a -> RWST r w s m a -> RWST r w s m a #

naturalFromBigNat# :: BigNat# -> Natural #

Create a Natural from a BigNat# (respect the invariants)

naturalFromWord# :: Word# -> Natural #

Create a Natural from a Word#

naturalIsZero :: Natural -> Bool #

Test Zero Natural

naturalToBigNat# :: Natural -> BigNat# #

Convert a Natural into a BigNat#

naturalZero :: Natural #

Zero Natural

integerEq :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool #

Equal predicate.

integerFromBigNat# :: BigNat# -> Integer #

Create a positive Integer from a BigNat

integerFromBigNatSign# :: Int# -> BigNat# -> Integer #

Create an Integer from a sign-bit and a BigNat

integerGt :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool #

Greater predicate.

integerIsNegative :: Integer -> Bool #

Negative predicate

integerIsOne :: Integer -> Bool #

One predicate

integerIsZero :: Integer -> Bool #

Zero predicate

integerOne :: Integer #

Integer One

integerToBigNatSign# :: Integer -> (# Int#, BigNat# #) #

Convert an Integer into a sign-bit and a BigNat

integerZero :: Integer #

Integer Zero

naturalCheck :: Natural -> Bool #

Check Natural invariants

naturalCheck# :: Natural -> Bool# #

Check Natural invariants

naturalEncodeDouble# :: Natural -> Int# -> Double# #

Encode (# Natural mantissa, Int# exponent #) into a Double#

naturalEncodeFloat# :: Natural -> Int# -> Float# #

Encode (# Natural mantissa, Int# exponent #) into a Float#

TODO: Not sure if it's worth to write Float optimized versions here

naturalEq :: Natural -> Natural -> Bool #

Equality test for Natural

naturalFromAddr :: Word# -> Addr# -> Bool# -> IO Natural #

Read a Natural in base-256 representation from an Addr#.

The size is given in bytes.

The endianness is selected with the Bool# parameter: most significant byte first (big-endian) if 1# or least significant byte first (little-endian) if 0#.

Null higher limbs are automatically trimed.

naturalFromAddr# :: Word# -> Addr# -> Bool# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Natural #) #

Read a Natural in base-256 representation from an Addr#.

The size is given in bytes.

The endianness is selected with the Bool# parameter: most significant byte first (big-endian) if 1# or least significant byte first (little-endian) if 0#.

Null higher limbs are automatically trimed.

naturalFromByteArray# :: Word# -> ByteArray# -> Word# -> Bool# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Natural #) #

Read a Natural in base-256 representation from a ByteArray#.

The size is given in bytes.

The endianness is selected with the Bool# parameter: most significant byte first (big-endian) if 1# or least significant byte first (little-endian) if 0#.

Null higher limbs are automatically trimed.

naturalFromWord :: Word -> Natural #

Create a Natural from a Word

naturalFromWord2# :: Word# -> Word# -> Natural #

Convert two Word# (most-significant first) into a Natural

naturalFromWordList :: [Word] -> Natural #

Create a Natural from a list of Word

naturalGe :: Natural -> Natural -> Bool #

Greater or equal test for Natural

naturalGt :: Natural -> Natural -> Bool #

Greater test for Natural

naturalIsOne :: Natural -> Bool #

Test One Natural

naturalIsPowerOf2# :: Natural -> (# (# #) | Word# #) #

Indicate if the value is a power of two and which one

naturalLe :: Natural -> Natural -> Bool #

Lower or equal test for Natural

naturalLog2 :: Natural -> Word #

Base 2 logarithm

naturalLogBase :: Natural -> Natural -> Word #

Logarithm for an arbitrary base

naturalLogBaseWord :: Word -> Natural -> Word #

Logarithm for an arbitrary base

naturalLt :: Natural -> Natural -> Bool #

Lower test for Natural

naturalNe :: Natural -> Natural -> Bool #

Inequality test for Natural

naturalOne :: Natural #

One Natural

naturalPopCount :: Natural -> Word #

PopCount for Natural

naturalQuotRem :: Natural -> Natural -> (Natural, Natural) #

Return division quotient and remainder

naturalShiftL :: Natural -> Word -> Natural #

Left shift

naturalShiftR :: Natural -> Word -> Natural #

Right shift for Natural

naturalSqr :: Natural -> Natural #

Square a Natural

naturalToAddr :: Natural -> Addr# -> Bool# -> IO Word #

Write a Natural to addr in base-256 representation and return the number of bytes written.

The endianness is selected with the Bool# parameter: write most significant byte first (big-endian) if 1# or least significant byte first (little-endian) if 0#.

naturalToAddr# :: Natural -> Addr# -> Bool# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Word# #) #

Write a Natural to addr in base-256 representation and return the number of bytes written.

The endianness is selected with the Bool# parameter: write most significant byte first (big-endian) if 1# or least significant byte first (little-endian) if 0#.

naturalToMutableByteArray# :: Natural -> MutableByteArray# s -> Word# -> Bool# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Word# #) #

Write a Natural in base-256 representation and return the number of bytes written.

The endianness is selected with the Bool# parameter: most significant byte first (big-endian) if 1# or least significant byte first (little-endian) if 0#.

naturalToWord :: Natural -> Word #

Convert the lower bits of a Natural into a Word

naturalToWordClamp :: Natural -> Word #

Convert a Natural into a Word# clamping to (maxBound :: Word).

naturalToWordMaybe# :: Natural -> (# (# #) | Word# #) #

Try downcasting Natural to Word value. Returns (##) if value doesn't fit in Word.

integerBit :: Word -> Integer #

Integer for which only n-th bit is set

integerCheck :: Integer -> Bool #

Check Integer invariants

integerCheck# :: Integer -> Bool# #

Check Integer invariants

integerDecodeDouble# :: Double# -> (# Integer, Int# #) #

Decode a Double# into (# Integer mantissa, Int# exponent #)

integerDivMod :: Integer -> Integer -> (Integer, Integer) #

Simultaneous integerDiv and integerMod.

Divisor must be non-zero otherwise the GHC runtime will terminate with a division-by-zero fault.

integerEncodeDouble :: Integer -> Int -> Double #

Encode (Integer mantissa, Int exponent) into a Double

integerFromAddr :: Word# -> Addr# -> Bool# -> IO Integer #

Read an Integer (without sign) in base-256 representation from an Addr#.

The size is given in bytes.

The endianness is selected with the Bool# parameter: most significant byte first (big-endian) if 1# or least significant byte first (little-endian) if 0#.

Null higher limbs are automatically trimed.

integerFromAddr# :: Word# -> Addr# -> Bool# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Integer #) #

Read an Integer (without sign) in base-256 representation from an Addr#.

The size is given in bytes.

The endianness is selected with the Bool# parameter: most significant byte first (big-endian) if 1# or least significant byte first (little-endian) if 0#.

Null higher limbs are automatically trimed.

integerFromBigNatNeg# :: BigNat# -> Integer #

Create a negative Integer from a BigNat

integerFromByteArray :: Word# -> ByteArray# -> Word# -> Bool# -> Integer #

Read an Integer (without sign) in base-256 representation from a ByteArray#.

The size is given in bytes.

The endianness is selected with the Bool# parameter: most significant byte first (big-endian) if 1# or least significant byte first (little-endian) if 0#.

Null higher limbs are automatically trimed.

integerFromByteArray# :: Word# -> ByteArray# -> Word# -> Bool# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Integer #) #

Read an Integer (without sign) in base-256 representation from a ByteArray#.

The size is given in bytes.

The endianness is selected with the Bool# parameter: most significant byte first (big-endian) if 1# or least significant byte first (little-endian) if 0#.

Null higher limbs are automatically trimed.

integerFromInt :: Int -> Integer #

Create an Integer from an Int

integerFromInt# :: Int# -> Integer #

Create an Integer from an Int#

integerFromWord :: Word -> Integer #

Convert a Word into an Integer

integerFromWordList :: Bool -> [Word] -> Integer #

Convert a list of Word into an Integer

integerFromWordNeg# :: Word# -> Integer #

Create a negative Integer with the given Word magnitude

integerFromWordSign# :: Int# -> Word# -> Integer #

Create an Integer from a sign and a Word magnitude

integerGcde :: Integer -> Integer -> (Integer, Integer, Integer) #

Get the extended GCD of two integers.

`integerGcde a b` returns (g,x,y) where * ax + by = g = |gcd a b|

integerGcde# :: Integer -> Integer -> (# Integer, Integer, Integer #) #

Get the extended GCD of two integers.

`integerGcde# a b` returns (# g,x,y #) where * ax + by = g = |gcd a b|

integerGe :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool #

Greater-or-equal predicate.

integerIsNegative# :: Integer -> Bool# #

Negative predicate

integerIsPowerOf2# :: Integer -> (# (# #) | Word# #) #

Indicate if the value is a power of two and which one

integerLe :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool #

Lower-or-equal predicate.

integerLog2 :: Integer -> Word #

Base 2 logarithm (floor)

For numbers <= 0, return 0

integerLog2# :: Integer -> Word# #

Base 2 logarithm (floor)

For numbers <= 0, return 0

integerLogBase :: Integer -> Integer -> Word #

Logarithm (floor) for an arbitrary base

For numbers <= 0, return 0

integerLogBase# :: Integer -> Integer -> Word# #

Logarithm (floor) for an arbitrary base

For numbers <= 0, return 0

integerLogBaseWord :: Word -> Integer -> Word #

Logarithm (floor) for an arbitrary base

For numbers <= 0, return 0

integerLogBaseWord# :: Word# -> Integer -> Word# #

Logarithm (floor) for an arbitrary base

For numbers <= 0, return 0

integerLt :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool #

Lower predicate.

integerNe :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool #

Not-equal predicate.

integerPowMod# :: Integer -> Integer -> Natural -> (# Natural | () #) #

Computes the modular exponentiation.

I.e. y = integer_powmod b e m = b^e mod m

with 0 <= y < abs m

If e is negative, we use integerRecipMod# to try to find a modular multiplicative inverse (which may not exist).

integerQuotRem :: Integer -> Integer -> (Integer, Integer) #

Simultaneous integerQuot and integerRem.

Divisor must be non-zero otherwise the GHC runtime will terminate with a division-by-zero fault.

integerRecipMod# :: Integer -> Natural -> (# Natural | () #) #

Computes the modular inverse.

I.e. y = integerRecipMod# x m = x^(-1) mod m

with 0 < y < |m|

integerShiftL :: Integer -> Word -> Integer #

Shift-left operation

Remember that bits are stored in sign-magnitude form, hence the behavior of negative Integers is different from negative Int's behavior.

integerShiftR :: Integer -> Word -> Integer #

Shift-right operation

Fake 2's complement for negative values (might be slow)

integerSignum# :: Integer -> Int# #

Return -1#, 0#, and 1# depending on whether argument is negative, zero, or positive, respectively

integerSizeInBase# :: Word# -> Integer -> Word# #

Compute the number of digits of the Integer (without the sign) in the given base.

base must be > 1

integerSqr :: Integer -> Integer #

Square a Integer

integerTestBit :: Integer -> Word -> Bool #

Test if n-th bit is set. For negative Integers it tests the n-th bit of the negated argument.

Fake 2's complement for negative values (might be slow)

integerToAddr :: Integer -> Addr# -> Bool# -> IO Word #

Write an Integer (without sign) to addr in base-256 representation and return the number of bytes written.

The endianness is selected with the Bool# parameter: write most significant byte first (big-endian) if 1# or least significant byte first (little-endian) if 0#.

integerToAddr# :: Integer -> Addr# -> Bool# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Word# #) #

Write an Integer (without sign) to addr in base-256 representation and return the number of bytes written.

The endianness is selected with the Bool# parameter: write most significant byte first (big-endian) if 1# or least significant byte first (little-endian) if 0#.

integerToBigNatClamp# :: Integer -> BigNat# #

Convert an Integer into a BigNat.

Return 0 for negative Integers.

integerToInt :: Integer -> Int #

Truncates Integer to least-significant Int#

integerToMutableByteArray :: Integer -> MutableByteArray# RealWorld -> Word# -> Bool# -> IO Word #

Write an Integer (without sign) in base-256 representation and return the number of bytes written.

The endianness is selected with the Bool# parameter: most significant byte first (big-endian) if 1# or least significant byte first (little-endian) if 0#.

integerToMutableByteArray# :: Integer -> MutableByteArray# s -> Word# -> Bool# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Word# #) #

Write an Integer (without sign) in base-256 representation and return the number of bytes written.

The endianness is selected with the Bool# parameter: most significant byte first (big-endian) if 1# or least significant byte first (little-endian) if 0#.

integerToWord :: Integer -> Word #

Truncate an Integer into a Word

type KindBndr = Int #

A de Bruijn index for a binder within a KindRep.

type family MultMul (a :: Multiplicity) (b :: Multiplicity) :: Multiplicity where ... #


MultMul 'One x = x 
MultMul x 'One = x 
MultMul 'Many x = 'Many 
MultMul x 'Many = 'Many 

getThreadAllocationCounter# :: State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, INT64 #) #

Retrieves the allocation counter for the current thread.

type INT64 = Int# #

type WORD64 = Word# #

newtype WrappedMonoid m #

Provide a Semigroup for an arbitrary Monoid.

NOTE: This is not needed anymore since Semigroup became a superclass of Monoid in base-4.11 and this newtype be deprecated at some point in the future.





Instances details
FromJSON1 WrappedMonoid 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON


liftParseJSON :: (Value -> Parser a) -> (Value -> Parser [a]) -> Value -> Parser (WrappedMonoid a) #

liftParseJSONList :: (Value -> Parser a) -> (Value -> Parser [a]) -> Value -> Parser [WrappedMonoid a] #

ToJSON1 WrappedMonoid 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON


liftToJSON :: (a -> Value) -> ([a] -> Value) -> WrappedMonoid a -> Value #

liftToJSONList :: (a -> Value) -> ([a] -> Value) -> [WrappedMonoid a] -> Value #

liftToEncoding :: (a -> Encoding) -> ([a] -> Encoding) -> WrappedMonoid a -> Encoding #

liftToEncodingList :: (a -> Encoding) -> ([a] -> Encoding) -> [WrappedMonoid a] -> Encoding #

Unbox a => Vector Vector (WrappedMonoid a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

Unbox a => MVector MVector (WrappedMonoid a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

FromJSON a => FromJSON (WrappedMonoid a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON

ToJSON a => ToJSON (WrappedMonoid a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON

Data m => Data (WrappedMonoid m)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> WrappedMonoid m -> c (WrappedMonoid m) #

gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c (WrappedMonoid m) #

toConstr :: WrappedMonoid m -> Constr #

dataTypeOf :: WrappedMonoid m -> DataType #

dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c (WrappedMonoid m)) #

dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c (WrappedMonoid m)) #

gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> WrappedMonoid m -> WrappedMonoid m #

gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> WrappedMonoid m -> r #

gmapQr :: forall r r'. (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> WrappedMonoid m -> r #

gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> WrappedMonoid m -> [u] #

gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> WrappedMonoid m -> u #

gmapM :: Monad m0 => (forall d. Data d => d -> m0 d) -> WrappedMonoid m -> m0 (WrappedMonoid m) #

gmapMp :: MonadPlus m0 => (forall d. Data d => d -> m0 d) -> WrappedMonoid m -> m0 (WrappedMonoid m) #

gmapMo :: MonadPlus m0 => (forall d. Data d => d -> m0 d) -> WrappedMonoid m -> m0 (WrappedMonoid m) #

Monoid m => Monoid (WrappedMonoid m)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup

Monoid m => Semigroup (WrappedMonoid m)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup

Bounded m => Bounded (WrappedMonoid m)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup

Enum a => Enum (WrappedMonoid a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup

Generic (WrappedMonoid m) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup

Associated Types

type Rep (WrappedMonoid m) :: Type -> Type #

Read m => Read (WrappedMonoid m)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup

Show m => Show (WrappedMonoid m)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup

Binary m => Binary (WrappedMonoid m)

Since: binary-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Class

Eq m => Eq (WrappedMonoid m)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup

Ord m => Ord (WrappedMonoid m)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup

Hashable a => Hashable (WrappedMonoid a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Hashable.Class

Unbox a => Unbox (WrappedMonoid a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

Generic1 WrappedMonoid 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup

Associated Types

type Rep1 WrappedMonoid :: k -> Type #


from1 :: forall (a :: k). WrappedMonoid a -> Rep1 WrappedMonoid a #

to1 :: forall (a :: k). Rep1 WrappedMonoid a -> WrappedMonoid a #

newtype MVector s (WrappedMonoid a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

type Rep (WrappedMonoid m)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup

type Rep (WrappedMonoid m) = D1 ('MetaData "WrappedMonoid" "Data.Semigroup" "base" 'True) (C1 ('MetaCons "WrapMonoid" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "unwrapMonoid") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 m)))
newtype Vector (WrappedMonoid a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

type Rep1 WrappedMonoid

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup

type Rep1 WrappedMonoid = D1 ('MetaData "WrappedMonoid" "Data.Semigroup" "base" 'True) (C1 ('MetaCons "WrapMonoid" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "unwrapMonoid") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) Par1))

newtype Min a #





Instances details
FromJSON1 Min 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON


liftParseJSON :: (Value -> Parser a) -> (Value -> Parser [a]) -> Value -> Parser (Min a) #

liftParseJSONList :: (Value -> Parser a) -> (Value -> Parser [a]) -> Value -> Parser [Min a] #

ToJSON1 Min 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON


liftToJSON :: (a -> Value) -> ([a] -> Value) -> Min a -> Value #

liftToJSONList :: (a -> Value) -> ([a] -> Value) -> [Min a] -> Value #

liftToEncoding :: (a -> Encoding) -> ([a] -> Encoding) -> Min a -> Encoding #

liftToEncodingList :: (a -> Encoding) -> ([a] -> Encoding) -> [Min a] -> Encoding #

MonadFix Min

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


mfix :: (a -> Min a) -> Min a #

Foldable Min

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


fold :: Monoid m => Min m -> m #

foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Min a -> m #

foldMap' :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Min a -> m #

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Min a -> b #

foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Min a -> b #

foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Min a -> b #

foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Min a -> b #

foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Min a -> a #

foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Min a -> a #

toList :: Min a -> [a] #

null :: Min a -> Bool #

length :: Min a -> Int #

elem :: Eq a => a -> Min a -> Bool #

maximum :: Ord a => Min a -> a #

minimum :: Ord a => Min a -> a #

sum :: Num a => Min a -> a #

product :: Num a => Min a -> a #

Traversable Min

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> Min a -> f (Min b) #

sequenceA :: Applicative f => Min (f a) -> f (Min a) #

mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> Min a -> m (Min b) #

sequence :: Monad m => Min (m a) -> m (Min a) #

Applicative Min

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


pure :: a -> Min a #

(<*>) :: Min (a -> b) -> Min a -> Min b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Min a -> Min b -> Min c #

(*>) :: Min a -> Min b -> Min b #

(<*) :: Min a -> Min b -> Min a #

Functor Min

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Min a -> Min b #

(<$) :: a -> Min b -> Min a #

Monad Min

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


(>>=) :: Min a -> (a -> Min b) -> Min b #

(>>) :: Min a -> Min b -> Min b #

return :: a -> Min a #

Unbox a => Vector Vector (Min a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base


basicUnsafeFreeze :: Mutable Vector s (Min a) -> ST s (Vector (Min a)) #

basicUnsafeThaw :: Vector (Min a) -> ST s (Mutable Vector s (Min a)) #

basicLength :: Vector (Min a) -> Int #

basicUnsafeSlice :: Int -> Int -> Vector (Min a) -> Vector (Min a) #

basicUnsafeIndexM :: Vector (Min a) -> Int -> Box (Min a) #

basicUnsafeCopy :: Mutable Vector s (Min a) -> Vector (Min a) -> ST s () #

elemseq :: Vector (Min a) -> Min a -> b -> b #

Unbox a => MVector MVector (Min a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base


basicLength :: MVector s (Min a) -> Int #

basicUnsafeSlice :: Int -> Int -> MVector s (Min a) -> MVector s (Min a) #

basicOverlaps :: MVector s (Min a) -> MVector s (Min a) -> Bool #

basicUnsafeNew :: Int -> ST s (MVector s (Min a)) #

basicInitialize :: MVector s (Min a) -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeReplicate :: Int -> Min a -> ST s (MVector s (Min a)) #

basicUnsafeRead :: MVector s (Min a) -> Int -> ST s (Min a) #

basicUnsafeWrite :: MVector s (Min a) -> Int -> Min a -> ST s () #

basicClear :: MVector s (Min a) -> ST s () #

basicSet :: MVector s (Min a) -> Min a -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeCopy :: MVector s (Min a) -> MVector s (Min a) -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeMove :: MVector s (Min a) -> MVector s (Min a) -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeGrow :: MVector s (Min a) -> Int -> ST s (MVector s (Min a)) #

FromJSON a => FromJSON (Min a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON


parseJSON :: Value -> Parser (Min a) #

parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [Min a] #

ToJSON a => ToJSON (Min a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON


toJSON :: Min a -> Value #

toEncoding :: Min a -> Encoding #

toJSONList :: [Min a] -> Value #

toEncodingList :: [Min a] -> Encoding #

Data a => Data (Min a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> Min a -> c (Min a) #

gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c (Min a) #

toConstr :: Min a -> Constr #

dataTypeOf :: Min a -> DataType #

dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c (Min a)) #

dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c (Min a)) #

gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> Min a -> Min a #

gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Min a -> r #

gmapQr :: forall r r'. (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Min a -> r #

gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Min a -> [u] #

gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Min a -> u #

gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Min a -> m (Min a) #

gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Min a -> m (Min a) #

gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Min a -> m (Min a) #

(Ord a, Bounded a) => Monoid (Min a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


mempty :: Min a #

mappend :: Min a -> Min a -> Min a #

mconcat :: [Min a] -> Min a #

Ord a => Semigroup (Min a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


(<>) :: Min a -> Min a -> Min a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Min a) -> Min a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Min a -> Min a #

Bounded a => Bounded (Min a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


minBound :: Min a #

maxBound :: Min a #

Enum a => Enum (Min a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


succ :: Min a -> Min a #

pred :: Min a -> Min a #

toEnum :: Int -> Min a #

fromEnum :: Min a -> Int #

enumFrom :: Min a -> [Min a] #

enumFromThen :: Min a -> Min a -> [Min a] #

enumFromTo :: Min a -> Min a -> [Min a] #

enumFromThenTo :: Min a -> Min a -> Min a -> [Min a] #

Generic (Min a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup

Associated Types

type Rep (Min a) :: Type -> Type #


from :: Min a -> Rep (Min a) x #

to :: Rep (Min a) x -> Min a #

Num a => Num (Min a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


(+) :: Min a -> Min a -> Min a #

(-) :: Min a -> Min a -> Min a #

(*) :: Min a -> Min a -> Min a #

negate :: Min a -> Min a #

abs :: Min a -> Min a #

signum :: Min a -> Min a #

fromInteger :: Integer -> Min a #

Read a => Read (Min a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup

Show a => Show (Min a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


showsPrec :: Int -> Min a -> ShowS #

show :: Min a -> String #

showList :: [Min a] -> ShowS #

Binary a => Binary (Min a)

Since: binary-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Class


put :: Min a -> Put #

get :: Get (Min a) #

putList :: [Min a] -> Put #

Eq a => Eq (Min a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


(==) :: Min a -> Min a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Min a -> Min a -> Bool #

Ord a => Ord (Min a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


compare :: Min a -> Min a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Min a -> Min a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Min a -> Min a -> Bool #

(>) :: Min a -> Min a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Min a -> Min a -> Bool #

max :: Min a -> Min a -> Min a #

min :: Min a -> Min a -> Min a #

Hashable a => Hashable (Min a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Hashable.Class


hashWithSalt :: Int -> Min a -> Int #

hash :: Min a -> Int #

Prim a => Prim (Min a)

Since: primitive-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.Types


sizeOf# :: Min a -> Int# #

alignment# :: Min a -> Int# #

indexByteArray# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Min a #

readByteArray# :: MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Min a #) #

writeByteArray# :: MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Min a -> State# s -> State# s #

setByteArray# :: MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Int# -> Min a -> State# s -> State# s #

indexOffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Min a #

readOffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Min a #) #

writeOffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Min a -> State# s -> State# s #

setOffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int# -> Min a -> State# s -> State# s #

Unbox a => Unbox (Min a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

Generic1 Min 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup

Associated Types

type Rep1 Min :: k -> Type #


from1 :: forall (a :: k). Min a -> Rep1 Min a #

to1 :: forall (a :: k). Rep1 Min a -> Min a #

newtype MVector s (Min a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

newtype MVector s (Min a) = MV_Min (MVector s a)
type Rep (Min a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup

type Rep (Min a) = D1 ('MetaData "Min" "Data.Semigroup" "base" 'True) (C1 ('MetaCons "Min" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "getMin") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 a)))
newtype Vector (Min a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

newtype Vector (Min a) = V_Min (Vector a)
type Rep1 Min

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup

type Rep1 Min = D1 ('MetaData "Min" "Data.Semigroup" "base" 'True) (C1 ('MetaCons "Min" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "getMin") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) Par1))

newtype Max a #





Instances details
FromJSON1 Max 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON


liftParseJSON :: (Value -> Parser a) -> (Value -> Parser [a]) -> Value -> Parser (Max a) #

liftParseJSONList :: (Value -> Parser a) -> (Value -> Parser [a]) -> Value -> Parser [Max a] #

ToJSON1 Max 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON


liftToJSON :: (a -> Value) -> ([a] -> Value) -> Max a -> Value #

liftToJSONList :: (a -> Value) -> ([a] -> Value) -> [Max a] -> Value #

liftToEncoding :: (a -> Encoding) -> ([a] -> Encoding) -> Max a -> Encoding #

liftToEncodingList :: (a -> Encoding) -> ([a] -> Encoding) -> [Max a] -> Encoding #

MonadFix Max

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


mfix :: (a -> Max a) -> Max a #

Foldable Max

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


fold :: Monoid m => Max m -> m #

foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Max a -> m #

foldMap' :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Max a -> m #

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Max a -> b #

foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Max a -> b #

foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Max a -> b #

foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Max a -> b #

foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Max a -> a #

foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Max a -> a #

toList :: Max a -> [a] #

null :: Max a -> Bool #

length :: Max a -> Int #

elem :: Eq a => a -> Max a -> Bool #

maximum :: Ord a => Max a -> a #

minimum :: Ord a => Max a -> a #

sum :: Num a => Max a -> a #

product :: Num a => Max a -> a #

Traversable Max

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> Max a -> f (Max b) #

sequenceA :: Applicative f => Max (f a) -> f (Max a) #

mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> Max a -> m (Max b) #

sequence :: Monad m => Max (m a) -> m (Max a) #

Applicative Max

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


pure :: a -> Max a #

(<*>) :: Max (a -> b) -> Max a -> Max b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Max a -> Max b -> Max c #

(*>) :: Max a -> Max b -> Max b #

(<*) :: Max a -> Max b -> Max a #

Functor Max

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Max a -> Max b #

(<$) :: a -> Max b -> Max a #

Monad Max

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


(>>=) :: Max a -> (a -> Max b) -> Max b #

(>>) :: Max a -> Max b -> Max b #

return :: a -> Max a #

Unbox a => Vector Vector (Max a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base


basicUnsafeFreeze :: Mutable Vector s (Max a) -> ST s (Vector (Max a)) #

basicUnsafeThaw :: Vector (Max a) -> ST s (Mutable Vector s (Max a)) #

basicLength :: Vector (Max a) -> Int #

basicUnsafeSlice :: Int -> Int -> Vector (Max a) -> Vector (Max a) #

basicUnsafeIndexM :: Vector (Max a) -> Int -> Box (Max a) #

basicUnsafeCopy :: Mutable Vector s (Max a) -> Vector (Max a) -> ST s () #

elemseq :: Vector (Max a) -> Max a -> b -> b #

Unbox a => MVector MVector (Max a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base


basicLength :: MVector s (Max a) -> Int #

basicUnsafeSlice :: Int -> Int -> MVector s (Max a) -> MVector s (Max a) #

basicOverlaps :: MVector s (Max a) -> MVector s (Max a) -> Bool #

basicUnsafeNew :: Int -> ST s (MVector s (Max a)) #

basicInitialize :: MVector s (Max a) -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeReplicate :: Int -> Max a -> ST s (MVector s (Max a)) #

basicUnsafeRead :: MVector s (Max a) -> Int -> ST s (Max a) #

basicUnsafeWrite :: MVector s (Max a) -> Int -> Max a -> ST s () #

basicClear :: MVector s (Max a) -> ST s () #

basicSet :: MVector s (Max a) -> Max a -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeCopy :: MVector s (Max a) -> MVector s (Max a) -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeMove :: MVector s (Max a) -> MVector s (Max a) -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeGrow :: MVector s (Max a) -> Int -> ST s (MVector s (Max a)) #

FromJSON a => FromJSON (Max a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON


parseJSON :: Value -> Parser (Max a) #

parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [Max a] #

ToJSON a => ToJSON (Max a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON


toJSON :: Max a -> Value #

toEncoding :: Max a -> Encoding #

toJSONList :: [Max a] -> Value #

toEncodingList :: [Max a] -> Encoding #

Data a => Data (Max a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> Max a -> c (Max a) #

gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c (Max a) #

toConstr :: Max a -> Constr #

dataTypeOf :: Max a -> DataType #

dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c (Max a)) #

dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c (Max a)) #

gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> Max a -> Max a #

gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Max a -> r #

gmapQr :: forall r r'. (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Max a -> r #

gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Max a -> [u] #

gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Max a -> u #

gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Max a -> m (Max a) #

gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Max a -> m (Max a) #

gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Max a -> m (Max a) #

(Ord a, Bounded a) => Monoid (Max a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


mempty :: Max a #

mappend :: Max a -> Max a -> Max a #

mconcat :: [Max a] -> Max a #

Ord a => Semigroup (Max a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


(<>) :: Max a -> Max a -> Max a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Max a) -> Max a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Max a -> Max a #

Bounded a => Bounded (Max a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


minBound :: Max a #

maxBound :: Max a #

Enum a => Enum (Max a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


succ :: Max a -> Max a #

pred :: Max a -> Max a #

toEnum :: Int -> Max a #

fromEnum :: Max a -> Int #

enumFrom :: Max a -> [Max a] #

enumFromThen :: Max a -> Max a -> [Max a] #

enumFromTo :: Max a -> Max a -> [Max a] #

enumFromThenTo :: Max a -> Max a -> Max a -> [Max a] #

Generic (Max a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup

Associated Types

type Rep (Max a) :: Type -> Type #


from :: Max a -> Rep (Max a) x #

to :: Rep (Max a) x -> Max a #

Num a => Num (Max a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


(+) :: Max a -> Max a -> Max a #

(-) :: Max a -> Max a -> Max a #

(*) :: Max a -> Max a -> Max a #

negate :: Max a -> Max a #

abs :: Max a -> Max a #

signum :: Max a -> Max a #

fromInteger :: Integer -> Max a #

Read a => Read (Max a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup

Show a => Show (Max a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


showsPrec :: Int -> Max a -> ShowS #

show :: Max a -> String #

showList :: [Max a] -> ShowS #

Binary a => Binary (Max a)

Since: binary-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Class


put :: Max a -> Put #

get :: Get (Max a) #

putList :: [Max a] -> Put #

Eq a => Eq (Max a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


(==) :: Max a -> Max a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Max a -> Max a -> Bool #

Ord a => Ord (Max a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


compare :: Max a -> Max a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Max a -> Max a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Max a -> Max a -> Bool #

(>) :: Max a -> Max a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Max a -> Max a -> Bool #

max :: Max a -> Max a -> Max a #

min :: Max a -> Max a -> Max a #

Hashable a => Hashable (Max a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Hashable.Class


hashWithSalt :: Int -> Max a -> Int #

hash :: Max a -> Int #

Prim a => Prim (Max a)

Since: primitive-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.Types


sizeOf# :: Max a -> Int# #

alignment# :: Max a -> Int# #

indexByteArray# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Max a #

readByteArray# :: MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Max a #) #

writeByteArray# :: MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Max a -> State# s -> State# s #

setByteArray# :: MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Int# -> Max a -> State# s -> State# s #

indexOffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Max a #

readOffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Max a #) #

writeOffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Max a -> State# s -> State# s #

setOffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int# -> Max a -> State# s -> State# s #

Unbox a => Unbox (Max a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

Generic1 Max 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup

Associated Types

type Rep1 Max :: k -> Type #


from1 :: forall (a :: k). Max a -> Rep1 Max a #

to1 :: forall (a :: k). Rep1 Max a -> Max a #

newtype MVector s (Max a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

newtype MVector s (Max a) = MV_Max (MVector s a)
type Rep (Max a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup

type Rep (Max a) = D1 ('MetaData "Max" "Data.Semigroup" "base" 'True) (C1 ('MetaCons "Max" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "getMax") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 a)))
newtype Vector (Max a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

newtype Vector (Max a) = V_Max (Vector a)
type Rep1 Max

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup

type Rep1 Max = D1 ('MetaData "Max" "Data.Semigroup" "base" 'True) (C1 ('MetaCons "Max" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "getMax") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) Par1))

newtype Last a #





Instances details
FromJSON1 Last 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON


liftParseJSON :: (Value -> Parser a) -> (Value -> Parser [a]) -> Value -> Parser (Last a) #

liftParseJSONList :: (Value -> Parser a) -> (Value -> Parser [a]) -> Value -> Parser [Last a] #

ToJSON1 Last 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON


liftToJSON :: (a -> Value) -> ([a] -> Value) -> Last a -> Value #

liftToJSONList :: (a -> Value) -> ([a] -> Value) -> [Last a] -> Value #

liftToEncoding :: (a -> Encoding) -> ([a] -> Encoding) -> Last a -> Encoding #

liftToEncodingList :: (a -> Encoding) -> ([a] -> Encoding) -> [Last a] -> Encoding #

MonadFix Last

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


mfix :: (a -> Last a) -> Last a #

Foldable Last

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


fold :: Monoid m => Last m -> m #

foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Last a -> m #

foldMap' :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Last a -> m #

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Last a -> b #

foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Last a -> b #

foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Last a -> b #

foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Last a -> b #

foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Last a -> a #

foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Last a -> a #

toList :: Last a -> [a] #

null :: Last a -> Bool #

length :: Last a -> Int #

elem :: Eq a => a -> Last a -> Bool #

maximum :: Ord a => Last a -> a #

minimum :: Ord a => Last a -> a #

sum :: Num a => Last a -> a #

product :: Num a => Last a -> a #

Traversable Last

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> Last a -> f (Last b) #

sequenceA :: Applicative f => Last (f a) -> f (Last a) #

mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> Last a -> m (Last b) #

sequence :: Monad m => Last (m a) -> m (Last a) #

Applicative Last

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


pure :: a -> Last a #

(<*>) :: Last (a -> b) -> Last a -> Last b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Last a -> Last b -> Last c #

(*>) :: Last a -> Last b -> Last b #

(<*) :: Last a -> Last b -> Last a #

Functor Last

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Last a -> Last b #

(<$) :: a -> Last b -> Last a #

Monad Last

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


(>>=) :: Last a -> (a -> Last b) -> Last b #

(>>) :: Last a -> Last b -> Last b #

return :: a -> Last a #

Unbox a => Vector Vector (Last a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base


basicUnsafeFreeze :: Mutable Vector s (Last a) -> ST s (Vector (Last a)) #

basicUnsafeThaw :: Vector (Last a) -> ST s (Mutable Vector s (Last a)) #

basicLength :: Vector (Last a) -> Int #

basicUnsafeSlice :: Int -> Int -> Vector (Last a) -> Vector (Last a) #

basicUnsafeIndexM :: Vector (Last a) -> Int -> Box (Last a) #

basicUnsafeCopy :: Mutable Vector s (Last a) -> Vector (Last a) -> ST s () #

elemseq :: Vector (Last a) -> Last a -> b -> b #

Unbox a => MVector MVector (Last a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base


basicLength :: MVector s (Last a) -> Int #

basicUnsafeSlice :: Int -> Int -> MVector s (Last a) -> MVector s (Last a) #

basicOverlaps :: MVector s (Last a) -> MVector s (Last a) -> Bool #

basicUnsafeNew :: Int -> ST s (MVector s (Last a)) #

basicInitialize :: MVector s (Last a) -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeReplicate :: Int -> Last a -> ST s (MVector s (Last a)) #

basicUnsafeRead :: MVector s (Last a) -> Int -> ST s (Last a) #

basicUnsafeWrite :: MVector s (Last a) -> Int -> Last a -> ST s () #

basicClear :: MVector s (Last a) -> ST s () #

basicSet :: MVector s (Last a) -> Last a -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeCopy :: MVector s (Last a) -> MVector s (Last a) -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeMove :: MVector s (Last a) -> MVector s (Last a) -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeGrow :: MVector s (Last a) -> Int -> ST s (MVector s (Last a)) #

FromJSON a => FromJSON (Last a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON

ToJSON a => ToJSON (Last a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON

Data a => Data (Last a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> Last a -> c (Last a) #

gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c (Last a) #

toConstr :: Last a -> Constr #

dataTypeOf :: Last a -> DataType #

dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c (Last a)) #

dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c (Last a)) #

gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> Last a -> Last a #

gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Last a -> r #

gmapQr :: forall r r'. (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Last a -> r #

gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Last a -> [u] #

gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Last a -> u #

gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Last a -> m (Last a) #

gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Last a -> m (Last a) #

gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Last a -> m (Last a) #

Semigroup (Last a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


(<>) :: Last a -> Last a -> Last a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Last a) -> Last a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Last a -> Last a #

Bounded a => Bounded (Last a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


minBound :: Last a #

maxBound :: Last a #

Enum a => Enum (Last a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


succ :: Last a -> Last a #

pred :: Last a -> Last a #

toEnum :: Int -> Last a #

fromEnum :: Last a -> Int #

enumFrom :: Last a -> [Last a] #

enumFromThen :: Last a -> Last a -> [Last a] #

enumFromTo :: Last a -> Last a -> [Last a] #

enumFromThenTo :: Last a -> Last a -> Last a -> [Last a] #

Generic (Last a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup

Associated Types

type Rep (Last a) :: Type -> Type #


from :: Last a -> Rep (Last a) x #

to :: Rep (Last a) x -> Last a #

Read a => Read (Last a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup

Show a => Show (Last a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


showsPrec :: Int -> Last a -> ShowS #

show :: Last a -> String #

showList :: [Last a] -> ShowS #

Binary a => Binary (Last a)

Since: binary-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Class


put :: Last a -> Put #

get :: Get (Last a) #

putList :: [Last a] -> Put #

Eq a => Eq (Last a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


(==) :: Last a -> Last a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Last a -> Last a -> Bool #

Ord a => Ord (Last a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


compare :: Last a -> Last a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Last a -> Last a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Last a -> Last a -> Bool #

(>) :: Last a -> Last a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Last a -> Last a -> Bool #

max :: Last a -> Last a -> Last a #

min :: Last a -> Last a -> Last a #

Hashable a => Hashable (Last a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Hashable.Class


hashWithSalt :: Int -> Last a -> Int #

hash :: Last a -> Int #

Prim a => Prim (Last a)

Since: primitive-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.Types

Unbox a => Unbox (Last a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

Generic1 Last 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup

Associated Types

type Rep1 Last :: k -> Type #


from1 :: forall (a :: k). Last a -> Rep1 Last a #

to1 :: forall (a :: k). Rep1 Last a -> Last a #

newtype MVector s (Last a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

newtype MVector s (Last a) = MV_Last (MVector s a)
type Rep (Last a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup

type Rep (Last a) = D1 ('MetaData "Last" "Data.Semigroup" "base" 'True) (C1 ('MetaCons "Last" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "getLast") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 a)))
newtype Vector (Last a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

newtype Vector (Last a) = V_Last (Vector a)
type Rep1 Last

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup

type Rep1 Last = D1 ('MetaData "Last" "Data.Semigroup" "base" 'True) (C1 ('MetaCons "Last" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "getLast") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) Par1))

newtype First a #





Instances details
FromJSON1 First 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON


liftParseJSON :: (Value -> Parser a) -> (Value -> Parser [a]) -> Value -> Parser (First a) #

liftParseJSONList :: (Value -> Parser a) -> (Value -> Parser [a]) -> Value -> Parser [First a] #

ToJSON1 First 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON


liftToJSON :: (a -> Value) -> ([a] -> Value) -> First a -> Value #

liftToJSONList :: (a -> Value) -> ([a] -> Value) -> [First a] -> Value #

liftToEncoding :: (a -> Encoding) -> ([a] -> Encoding) -> First a -> Encoding #

liftToEncodingList :: (a -> Encoding) -> ([a] -> Encoding) -> [First a] -> Encoding #

MonadFix First

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


mfix :: (a -> First a) -> First a #

Foldable First

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


fold :: Monoid m => First m -> m #

foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> First a -> m #

foldMap' :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> First a -> m #

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> First a -> b #

foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> First a -> b #

foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> First a -> b #

foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> First a -> b #

foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> First a -> a #

foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> First a -> a #

toList :: First a -> [a] #

null :: First a -> Bool #

length :: First a -> Int #

elem :: Eq a => a -> First a -> Bool #

maximum :: Ord a => First a -> a #

minimum :: Ord a => First a -> a #

sum :: Num a => First a -> a #

product :: Num a => First a -> a #

Traversable First

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> First a -> f (First b) #

sequenceA :: Applicative f => First (f a) -> f (First a) #

mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> First a -> m (First b) #

sequence :: Monad m => First (m a) -> m (First a) #

Applicative First

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


pure :: a -> First a #

(<*>) :: First (a -> b) -> First a -> First b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> First a -> First b -> First c #

(*>) :: First a -> First b -> First b #

(<*) :: First a -> First b -> First a #

Functor First

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


fmap :: (a -> b) -> First a -> First b #

(<$) :: a -> First b -> First a #

Monad First

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


(>>=) :: First a -> (a -> First b) -> First b #

(>>) :: First a -> First b -> First b #

return :: a -> First a #

Unbox a => Vector Vector (First a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

Unbox a => MVector MVector (First a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base


basicLength :: MVector s (First a) -> Int #

basicUnsafeSlice :: Int -> Int -> MVector s (First a) -> MVector s (First a) #

basicOverlaps :: MVector s (First a) -> MVector s (First a) -> Bool #

basicUnsafeNew :: Int -> ST s (MVector s (First a)) #

basicInitialize :: MVector s (First a) -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeReplicate :: Int -> First a -> ST s (MVector s (First a)) #

basicUnsafeRead :: MVector s (First a) -> Int -> ST s (First a) #

basicUnsafeWrite :: MVector s (First a) -> Int -> First a -> ST s () #

basicClear :: MVector s (First a) -> ST s () #

basicSet :: MVector s (First a) -> First a -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeCopy :: MVector s (First a) -> MVector s (First a) -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeMove :: MVector s (First a) -> MVector s (First a) -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeGrow :: MVector s (First a) -> Int -> ST s (MVector s (First a)) #

FromJSON a => FromJSON (First a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON

ToJSON a => ToJSON (First a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON

Data a => Data (First a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> First a -> c (First a) #

gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c (First a) #

toConstr :: First a -> Constr #

dataTypeOf :: First a -> DataType #

dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c (First a)) #

dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c (First a)) #

gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> First a -> First a #

gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> First a -> r #

gmapQr :: forall r r'. (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> First a -> r #

gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> First a -> [u] #

gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> First a -> u #

gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> First a -> m (First a) #

gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> First a -> m (First a) #

gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> First a -> m (First a) #

Semigroup (First a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


(<>) :: First a -> First a -> First a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (First a) -> First a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> First a -> First a #

Bounded a => Bounded (First a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


minBound :: First a #

maxBound :: First a #

Enum a => Enum (First a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


succ :: First a -> First a #

pred :: First a -> First a #

toEnum :: Int -> First a #

fromEnum :: First a -> Int #

enumFrom :: First a -> [First a] #

enumFromThen :: First a -> First a -> [First a] #

enumFromTo :: First a -> First a -> [First a] #

enumFromThenTo :: First a -> First a -> First a -> [First a] #

Generic (First a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup

Associated Types

type Rep (First a) :: Type -> Type #


from :: First a -> Rep (First a) x #

to :: Rep (First a) x -> First a #

Read a => Read (First a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup

Show a => Show (First a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


showsPrec :: Int -> First a -> ShowS #

show :: First a -> String #

showList :: [First a] -> ShowS #

Binary a => Binary (First a)

Since: binary-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Class


put :: First a -> Put #

get :: Get (First a) #

putList :: [First a] -> Put #

Eq a => Eq (First a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


(==) :: First a -> First a -> Bool #

(/=) :: First a -> First a -> Bool #

Ord a => Ord (First a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


compare :: First a -> First a -> Ordering #

(<) :: First a -> First a -> Bool #

(<=) :: First a -> First a -> Bool #

(>) :: First a -> First a -> Bool #

(>=) :: First a -> First a -> Bool #

max :: First a -> First a -> First a #

min :: First a -> First a -> First a #

Hashable a => Hashable (First a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Hashable.Class


hashWithSalt :: Int -> First a -> Int #

hash :: First a -> Int #

Prim a => Prim (First a)

Since: primitive-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.Types

Unbox a => Unbox (First a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

Generic1 First 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup

Associated Types

type Rep1 First :: k -> Type #


from1 :: forall (a :: k). First a -> Rep1 First a #

to1 :: forall (a :: k). Rep1 First a -> First a #

newtype MVector s (First a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

newtype MVector s (First a) = MV_First (MVector s a)
type Rep (First a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup

type Rep (First a) = D1 ('MetaData "First" "Data.Semigroup" "base" 'True) (C1 ('MetaCons "First" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "getFirst") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 a)))
newtype Vector (First a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

newtype Vector (First a) = V_First (Vector a)
type Rep1 First

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup

type Rep1 First = D1 ('MetaData "First" "Data.Semigroup" "base" 'True) (C1 ('MetaCons "First" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "getFirst") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) Par1))

type ArgMin a b = Min (Arg a b) #

>>> Min (Arg 0 ()) <> Min (Arg 1 ())
Min {getMin = Arg 0 ()}

type ArgMax a b = Max (Arg a b) #

>>> Max (Arg 0 ()) <> Max (Arg 1 ())
Max {getMax = Arg 1 ()}

data Arg a b #

Arg isn't itself a Semigroup in its own right, but it can be placed inside Min and Max to compute an arg min or arg max.

>>> minimum [ Arg (x * x) x | x <- [-10 .. 10] ]
Arg 0 0




  • a

    The argument used for comparisons in Eq and Ord.

  • b

    The "value" exposed via the Functor, Foldable etc. instances.


Instances details
Bifoldable Arg

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


bifold :: Monoid m => Arg m m -> m #

bifoldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> (b -> m) -> Arg a b -> m #

bifoldr :: (a -> c -> c) -> (b -> c -> c) -> c -> Arg a b -> c #

bifoldl :: (c -> a -> c) -> (c -> b -> c) -> c -> Arg a b -> c #

Bifunctor Arg

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


bimap :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> Arg a c -> Arg b d #

first :: (a -> b) -> Arg a c -> Arg b c #

second :: (b -> c) -> Arg a b -> Arg a c #

Bitraversable Arg

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


bitraverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f c) -> (b -> f d) -> Arg a b -> f (Arg c d) #

(Unbox a, Unbox b) => Vector Vector (Arg a b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base


basicUnsafeFreeze :: Mutable Vector s (Arg a b) -> ST s (Vector (Arg a b)) #

basicUnsafeThaw :: Vector (Arg a b) -> ST s (Mutable Vector s (Arg a b)) #

basicLength :: Vector (Arg a b) -> Int #

basicUnsafeSlice :: Int -> Int -> Vector (Arg a b) -> Vector (Arg a b) #

basicUnsafeIndexM :: Vector (Arg a b) -> Int -> Box (Arg a b) #

basicUnsafeCopy :: Mutable Vector s (Arg a b) -> Vector (Arg a b) -> ST s () #

elemseq :: Vector (Arg a b) -> Arg a b -> b0 -> b0 #

(Unbox a, Unbox b) => MVector MVector (Arg a b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base


basicLength :: MVector s (Arg a b) -> Int #

basicUnsafeSlice :: Int -> Int -> MVector s (Arg a b) -> MVector s (Arg a b) #

basicOverlaps :: MVector s (Arg a b) -> MVector s (Arg a b) -> Bool #

basicUnsafeNew :: Int -> ST s (MVector s (Arg a b)) #

basicInitialize :: MVector s (Arg a b) -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeReplicate :: Int -> Arg a b -> ST s (MVector s (Arg a b)) #

basicUnsafeRead :: MVector s (Arg a b) -> Int -> ST s (Arg a b) #

basicUnsafeWrite :: MVector s (Arg a b) -> Int -> Arg a b -> ST s () #

basicClear :: MVector s (Arg a b) -> ST s () #

basicSet :: MVector s (Arg a b) -> Arg a b -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeCopy :: MVector s (Arg a b) -> MVector s (Arg a b) -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeMove :: MVector s (Arg a b) -> MVector s (Arg a b) -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeGrow :: MVector s (Arg a b) -> Int -> ST s (MVector s (Arg a b)) #

Foldable (Arg a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


fold :: Monoid m => Arg a m -> m #

foldMap :: Monoid m => (a0 -> m) -> Arg a a0 -> m #

foldMap' :: Monoid m => (a0 -> m) -> Arg a a0 -> m #

foldr :: (a0 -> b -> b) -> b -> Arg a a0 -> b #

foldr' :: (a0 -> b -> b) -> b -> Arg a a0 -> b #

foldl :: (b -> a0 -> b) -> b -> Arg a a0 -> b #

foldl' :: (b -> a0 -> b) -> b -> Arg a a0 -> b #

foldr1 :: (a0 -> a0 -> a0) -> Arg a a0 -> a0 #

foldl1 :: (a0 -> a0 -> a0) -> Arg a a0 -> a0 #

toList :: Arg a a0 -> [a0] #

null :: Arg a a0 -> Bool #

length :: Arg a a0 -> Int #

elem :: Eq a0 => a0 -> Arg a a0 -> Bool #

maximum :: Ord a0 => Arg a a0 -> a0 #

minimum :: Ord a0 => Arg a a0 -> a0 #

sum :: Num a0 => Arg a a0 -> a0 #

product :: Num a0 => Arg a a0 -> a0 #

Traversable (Arg a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


traverse :: Applicative f => (a0 -> f b) -> Arg a a0 -> f (Arg a b) #

sequenceA :: Applicative f => Arg a (f a0) -> f (Arg a a0) #

mapM :: Monad m => (a0 -> m b) -> Arg a a0 -> m (Arg a b) #

sequence :: Monad m => Arg a (m a0) -> m (Arg a a0) #

Functor (Arg a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


fmap :: (a0 -> b) -> Arg a a0 -> Arg a b #

(<$) :: a0 -> Arg a b -> Arg a a0 #

Generic1 (Arg a :: Type -> Type) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup

Associated Types

type Rep1 (Arg a) :: k -> Type #


from1 :: forall (a0 :: k). Arg a a0 -> Rep1 (Arg a) a0 #

to1 :: forall (a0 :: k). Rep1 (Arg a) a0 -> Arg a a0 #

(Data a, Data b) => Data (Arg a b)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


gfoldl :: (forall d b0. Data d => c (d -> b0) -> d -> c b0) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> Arg a b -> c (Arg a b) #

gunfold :: (forall b0 r. Data b0 => c (b0 -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c (Arg a b) #

toConstr :: Arg a b -> Constr #

dataTypeOf :: Arg a b -> DataType #

dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c (Arg a b)) #

dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c (Arg a b)) #

gmapT :: (forall b0. Data b0 => b0 -> b0) -> Arg a b -> Arg a b #

gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Arg a b -> r #

gmapQr :: forall r r'. (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Arg a b -> r #

gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Arg a b -> [u] #

gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Arg a b -> u #

gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Arg a b -> m (Arg a b) #

gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Arg a b -> m (Arg a b) #

gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Arg a b -> m (Arg a b) #

Generic (Arg a b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup

Associated Types

type Rep (Arg a b) :: Type -> Type #


from :: Arg a b -> Rep (Arg a b) x #

to :: Rep (Arg a b) x -> Arg a b #

(Read a, Read b) => Read (Arg a b)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS (Arg a b) #

readList :: ReadS [Arg a b] #

readPrec :: ReadPrec (Arg a b) #

readListPrec :: ReadPrec [Arg a b] #

(Show a, Show b) => Show (Arg a b)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


showsPrec :: Int -> Arg a b -> ShowS #

show :: Arg a b -> String #

showList :: [Arg a b] -> ShowS #

(Binary a, Binary b) => Binary (Arg a b)

Since: binary-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Class


put :: Arg a b -> Put #

get :: Get (Arg a b) #

putList :: [Arg a b] -> Put #

Eq a => Eq (Arg a b)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


(==) :: Arg a b -> Arg a b -> Bool #

(/=) :: Arg a b -> Arg a b -> Bool #

Ord a => Ord (Arg a b)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


compare :: Arg a b -> Arg a b -> Ordering #

(<) :: Arg a b -> Arg a b -> Bool #

(<=) :: Arg a b -> Arg a b -> Bool #

(>) :: Arg a b -> Arg a b -> Bool #

(>=) :: Arg a b -> Arg a b -> Bool #

max :: Arg a b -> Arg a b -> Arg a b #

min :: Arg a b -> Arg a b -> Arg a b #

Hashable a => Hashable (Arg a b)

Note: Prior to hashable- the hash computation included the second argument of Arg which wasn't consistent with its Eq instance.

Since: hashable-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Hashable.Class


hashWithSalt :: Int -> Arg a b -> Int #

hash :: Arg a b -> Int #

(Unbox a, Unbox b) => Unbox (Arg a b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

newtype MVector s (Arg a b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

newtype MVector s (Arg a b) = MV_Arg (MVector s (a, b))
type Rep1 (Arg a :: Type -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup

type Rep (Arg a b)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup

newtype Vector (Arg a b) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

newtype Vector (Arg a b) = V_Arg (Vector (a, b))

mtimesDefault :: (Integral b, Monoid a) => b -> a -> a #

Repeat a value n times.

mtimesDefault n a = a <> a <> ... <> a  -- using <> (n-1) times

Implemented using stimes and mempty.

This is a suitable definition for an mtimes member of Monoid.

diff :: Semigroup m => m -> Endo m #

This lets you use a difference list of a Semigroup as a Monoid.


>>> let hello = diff "Hello, "
>>> appEndo hello "World!"
"Hello, World!"
>>> appEndo (hello <> mempty) "World!"
"Hello, World!"
>>> appEndo (mempty <> hello) "World!"
"Hello, World!"
>>> let world = diff "World"
>>> let excl = diff "!"
>>> appEndo (hello <> (world <> excl)) mempty
"Hello, World!"
>>> appEndo ((hello <> world) <> excl) mempty
"Hello, World!"

cycle1 :: Semigroup m => m -> m #

A generalization of cycle to an arbitrary Semigroup. May fail to terminate for some values in some semigroups.

class Monad m => MonadIO (m :: Type -> Type) where #

Monads in which IO computations may be embedded. Any monad built by applying a sequence of monad transformers to the IO monad will be an instance of this class.

Instances should satisfy the following laws, which state that liftIO is a transformer of monads:


liftIO :: IO a -> m a #

Lift a computation from the IO monad. This allows us to run IO computations in any monadic stack, so long as it supports these kinds of operations (i.e. IO is the base monad for the stack).


import Control.Monad.Trans.State -- from the "transformers" library

printState :: Show s => StateT s IO ()
printState = do
  state <- get
  liftIO $ print state

Had we omitted liftIO, we would have ended up with this error:

• Couldn't match type ‘IO’ with ‘StateT s IO’
 Expected type: StateT s IO ()
   Actual type: IO ()

The important part here is the mismatch between StateT s IO () and IO ().

Luckily, we know of a function that takes an IO a and returns an (m a): liftIO, enabling us to run the program and see the expected results:

> evalStateT printState "hello"

> evalStateT printState 3


Instances details
MonadIO Hsc 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Env.Types


liftIO :: IO a -> Hsc a #

MonadIO Ghc 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Monad


liftIO :: IO a -> Ghc a #

MonadIO Q 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


liftIO :: IO a -> Q a #

MonadIO IO

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.IO.Class


liftIO :: IO a -> IO a #

MonadIO Sh 
Instance details

Defined in Shelly.Base


liftIO :: IO a -> Sh a #

MonadIO Q 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


liftIO :: IO a -> Q a #

MonadIO m => MonadIO (GhcT m) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Monad


liftIO :: IO a -> GhcT m a #

MonadIO m => MonadIO (ResourceT m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Resource.Internal


liftIO :: IO a -> ResourceT m a #

MonadIO m => MonadIO (ListT m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.List


liftIO :: IO a -> ListT m a #

MonadIO m => MonadIO (MaybeT m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe


liftIO :: IO a -> MaybeT m a #

(Error e, MonadIO m) => MonadIO (ErrorT e m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Error


liftIO :: IO a -> ErrorT e m a #

MonadIO m => MonadIO (ExceptT e m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Except


liftIO :: IO a -> ExceptT e m a #

MonadIO m => MonadIO (IdentityT m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Identity


liftIO :: IO a -> IdentityT m a #

MonadIO m => MonadIO (ReaderT r m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Reader


liftIO :: IO a -> ReaderT r m a #

MonadIO m => MonadIO (StateT s m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy


liftIO :: IO a -> StateT s m a #

MonadIO m => MonadIO (StateT s m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict


liftIO :: IO a -> StateT s m a #

(Monoid w, MonadIO m) => MonadIO (WriterT w m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Lazy


liftIO :: IO a -> WriterT w m a #

(Monoid w, MonadIO m) => MonadIO (WriterT w m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Strict


liftIO :: IO a -> WriterT w m a #

MonadIO m => MonadIO (ConduitT i o m) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Conduit.Internal.Conduit


liftIO :: IO a -> ConduitT i o m a #

MonadIO m => MonadIO (ParsecT s u m) 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Parsec.Prim


liftIO :: IO a -> ParsecT s u m a #

MonadIO m => MonadIO (ContT r m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Cont


liftIO :: IO a -> ContT r m a #

(Monoid w, MonadIO m) => MonadIO (RWST r w s m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.RWS.Lazy


liftIO :: IO a -> RWST r w s m a #

(Monoid w, MonadIO m) => MonadIO (RWST r w s m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.RWS.Strict


liftIO :: IO a -> RWST r w s m a #

MonadIO m => MonadIO (Pipe l i o u m) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Conduit.Internal.Pipe


liftIO :: IO a -> Pipe l i o u m a #

zipWithM_ :: Applicative m => (a -> b -> m c) -> [a] -> [b] -> m () #

zipWithM_ is the extension of zipWithM which ignores the final result.

zipWithM :: Applicative m => (a -> b -> m c) -> [a] -> [b] -> m [c] #

The zipWithM function generalizes zipWith to arbitrary applicative functors.

unless :: Applicative f => Bool -> f () -> f () #

The reverse of when.

replicateM_ :: Applicative m => Int -> m a -> m () #

Like replicateM, but discards the result.


>>> replicateM_ 3 (putStrLn "a")

replicateM :: Applicative m => Int -> m a -> m [a] #

replicateM n act performs the action act n times, and then returns the list of results:


>>> import Control.Monad.State
>>> runState (replicateM 3 $ state $ \s -> (s, s + 1)) 1

mfilter :: MonadPlus m => (a -> Bool) -> m a -> m a #

Direct MonadPlus equivalent of filter.



The filter function is just mfilter specialized to the list monad:

filter = ( mfilter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] )

An example using mfilter with the Maybe monad:

>>> mfilter odd (Just 1)
Just 1
>>> mfilter odd (Just 2)

mapAndUnzipM :: Applicative m => (a -> m (b, c)) -> [a] -> m ([b], [c]) #

The mapAndUnzipM function maps its first argument over a list, returning the result as a pair of lists. This function is mainly used with complicated data structures or a state monad.

forever :: Applicative f => f a -> f b #

Repeat an action indefinitely.



A common use of forever is to process input from network sockets, Handles, and channels (e.g. MVar and Chan).

For example, here is how we might implement an echo server, using forever both to listen for client connections on a network socket and to echo client input on client connection handles:

echoServer :: Socket -> IO ()
echoServer socket = forever $ do
  client <- accept socket
  forkFinally (echo client) (\_ -> hClose client)
    echo :: Handle -> IO ()
    echo client = forever $
      hGetLine client >>= hPutStrLn client

Note that "forever" isn't necessarily non-terminating. If the action is in a MonadPlus and short-circuits after some number of iterations. then forever actually returns mzero, effectively short-circuiting its caller.

foldM_ :: (Foldable t, Monad m) => (b -> a -> m b) -> b -> t a -> m () #

Like foldM, but discards the result.

foldM :: (Foldable t, Monad m) => (b -> a -> m b) -> b -> t a -> m b #

The foldM function is analogous to foldl, except that its result is encapsulated in a monad. Note that foldM works from left-to-right over the list arguments. This could be an issue where (>>) and the `folded function' are not commutative.

foldM f a1 [x1, x2, ..., xm]


  a2 <- f a1 x1
  a3 <- f a2 x2
  f am xm

If right-to-left evaluation is required, the input list should be reversed.

Note: foldM is the same as foldlM

filterM :: Applicative m => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m [a] #

This generalizes the list-based filter function.

(>=>) :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> (b -> m c) -> a -> m c infixr 1 #

Left-to-right composition of Kleisli arrows.

'(bs >=> cs) a' can be understood as the do expression

do b <- bs a
   cs b

(<=<) :: Monad m => (b -> m c) -> (a -> m b) -> a -> m c infixr 1 #

Right-to-left composition of Kleisli arrows. (>=>), with the arguments flipped.

Note how this operator resembles function composition (.):

(.)   ::            (b ->   c) -> (a ->   b) -> a ->   c
(<=<) :: Monad m => (b -> m c) -> (a -> m b) -> a -> m c

(<$!>) :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> m a -> m b infixl 4 #

Strict version of <$>.

Since: base-

isSubsequenceOf :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool #

The isSubsequenceOf function takes two lists and returns True if all the elements of the first list occur, in order, in the second. The elements do not have to occur consecutively.

isSubsequenceOf x y is equivalent to elem x (subsequences y).


>>> isSubsequenceOf "GHC" "The Glorious Haskell Compiler"
>>> isSubsequenceOf ['a','d'..'z'] ['a'..'z']
>>> isSubsequenceOf [1..10] [10,9..0]

Since: base-

forM :: (Traversable t, Monad m) => t a -> (a -> m b) -> m (t b) #

forM is mapM with its arguments flipped. For a version that ignores the results see forM_.

sequence_ :: (Foldable t, Monad m) => t (m a) -> m () #

Evaluate each monadic action in the structure from left to right, and ignore the results. For a version that doesn't ignore the results see sequence.

sequence_ is just like sequenceA_, but specialised to monadic actions.

or :: Foldable t => t Bool -> Bool #

or returns the disjunction of a container of Bools. For the result to be False, the container must be finite; True, however, results from a True value finitely far from the left end.



Basic usage:

>>> or []
>>> or [True]
>>> or [False]
>>> or [True, True, False]
>>> or (True : repeat False) -- Infinite list [True,False,False,False,...
>>> or (repeat False)
* Hangs forever *

notElem :: (Foldable t, Eq a) => a -> t a -> Bool infix 4 #

notElem is the negation of elem.



Basic usage:

>>> 3 `notElem` []
>>> 3 `notElem` [1,2]
>>> 3 `notElem` [1,2,3,4,5]

For infinite structures, notElem terminates if the value exists at a finite distance from the left side of the structure:

>>> 3 `notElem` [1..]
>>> 3 `notElem` ([4..] ++ [3])
* Hangs forever *

msum :: (Foldable t, MonadPlus m) => t (m a) -> m a #

The sum of a collection of actions, generalizing concat.

msum is just like asum, but specialised to MonadPlus.

find :: Foldable t => (a -> Bool) -> t a -> Maybe a #

The find function takes a predicate and a structure and returns the leftmost element of the structure matching the predicate, or Nothing if there is no such element.



Basic usage:

>>> find (> 42) [0, 5..]
Just 45
>>> find (> 12) [1..7]

concatMap :: Foldable t => (a -> [b]) -> t a -> [b] #

Map a function over all the elements of a container and concatenate the resulting lists.



Basic usage:

>>> concatMap (take 3) [[1..], [10..], [100..], [1000..]]
>>> concatMap (take 3) (Just [1..])

concat :: Foldable t => t [a] -> [a] #

The concatenation of all the elements of a container of lists.



Basic usage:

>>> concat (Just [1, 2, 3])
>>> concat (Left 42)
>>> concat [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6], []]

any :: Foldable t => (a -> Bool) -> t a -> Bool #

Determines whether any element of the structure satisfies the predicate.



Basic usage:

>>> any (> 3) []
>>> any (> 3) [1,2]
>>> any (> 3) [1,2,3,4,5]
>>> any (> 3) [1..]
>>> any (> 3) [0, -1..]
* Hangs forever *

and :: Foldable t => t Bool -> Bool #

and returns the conjunction of a container of Bools. For the result to be True, the container must be finite; False, however, results from a False value finitely far from the left end.



Basic usage:

>>> and []
>>> and [True]
>>> and [False]
>>> and [True, True, False]
>>> and (False : repeat True) -- Infinite list [False,True,True,True,...
>>> and (repeat True)
* Hangs forever *

all :: Foldable t => (a -> Bool) -> t a -> Bool #

Determines whether all elements of the structure satisfy the predicate.



Basic usage:

>>> all (> 3) []
>>> all (> 3) [1,2]
>>> all (> 3) [1,2,3,4,5]
>>> all (> 3) [1..]
>>> all (> 3) [4..]
* Hangs forever *

zipWith4 :: (a -> b -> c -> d -> e) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c] -> [d] -> [e] #

The zipWith4 function takes a function which combines four elements, as well as four lists and returns a list of their point-wise combination, analogous to zipWith. It is capable of list fusion, but it is restricted to its first list argument and its resulting list.

zip4 :: [a] -> [b] -> [c] -> [d] -> [(a, b, c, d)] #

The zip4 function takes four lists and returns a list of quadruples, analogous to zip. It is capable of list fusion, but it is restricted to its first list argument and its resulting list.

words :: String -> [String] #

words breaks a string up into a list of words, which were delimited by white space.

>>> words "Lorem ipsum\ndolor"

unzip7 :: [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)] -> ([a], [b], [c], [d], [e], [f], [g]) #

The unzip7 function takes a list of seven-tuples and returns seven lists, analogous to unzip.

unzip4 :: [(a, b, c, d)] -> ([a], [b], [c], [d]) #

The unzip4 function takes a list of quadruples and returns four lists, analogous to unzip.

unwords :: [String] -> String #

unwords is an inverse operation to words. It joins words with separating spaces.

>>> unwords ["Lorem", "ipsum", "dolor"]
"Lorem ipsum dolor"

unlines :: [String] -> String #

unlines is an inverse operation to lines. It joins lines, after appending a terminating newline to each.

>>> unlines ["Hello", "World", "!"]

unfoldr :: (b -> Maybe (a, b)) -> b -> [a] #

The unfoldr function is a `dual' to foldr: while foldr reduces a list to a summary value, unfoldr builds a list from a seed value. The function takes the element and returns Nothing if it is done producing the list or returns Just (a,b), in which case, a is a prepended to the list and b is used as the next element in a recursive call. For example,

iterate f == unfoldr (\x -> Just (x, f x))

In some cases, unfoldr can undo a foldr operation:

unfoldr f' (foldr f z xs) == xs

if the following holds:

f' (f x y) = Just (x,y)
f' z       = Nothing

A simple use of unfoldr:

>>> unfoldr (\b -> if b == 0 then Nothing else Just (b, b-1)) 10

stripPrefix :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Maybe [a] #

\(\mathcal{O}(\min(m,n))\). The stripPrefix function drops the given prefix from a list. It returns Nothing if the list did not start with the prefix given, or Just the list after the prefix, if it does.

>>> stripPrefix "foo" "foobar"
Just "bar"
>>> stripPrefix "foo" "foo"
Just ""
>>> stripPrefix "foo" "barfoo"
>>> stripPrefix "foo" "barfoobaz"

sortOn :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [a] #

Sort a list by comparing the results of a key function applied to each element. sortOn f is equivalent to sortBy (comparing f), but has the performance advantage of only evaluating f once for each element in the input list. This is called the decorate-sort-undecorate paradigm, or Schwartzian transform.

Elements are arranged from lowest to highest, keeping duplicates in the order they appeared in the input.

>>> sortOn fst [(2, "world"), (4, "!"), (1, "Hello")]

Since: base-

sortBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a] #

The sortBy function is the non-overloaded version of sort.

>>> sortBy (\(a,_) (b,_) -> compare a b) [(2, "world"), (4, "!"), (1, "Hello")]

sort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] #

The sort function implements a stable sorting algorithm. It is a special case of sortBy, which allows the programmer to supply their own comparison function.

Elements are arranged from lowest to highest, keeping duplicates in the order they appeared in the input.

>>> sort [1,6,4,3,2,5]

singleton :: a -> [a] #

Produce singleton list.

>>> singleton True

Since: base-

partition :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a]) #

The partition function takes a predicate and a list, and returns the pair of lists of elements which do and do not satisfy the predicate, respectively; i.e.,

partition p xs == (filter p xs, filter (not . p) xs)
>>> partition (`elem` "aeiou") "Hello World!"
("eoo","Hll Wrld!")

nubBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] #

The nubBy function behaves just like nub, except it uses a user-supplied equality predicate instead of the overloaded == function.

>>> nubBy (\x y -> mod x 3 == mod y 3) [1,2,4,5,6]

nub :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] #

\(\mathcal{O}(n^2)\). The nub function removes duplicate elements from a list. In particular, it keeps only the first occurrence of each element. (The name nub means `essence'.) It is a special case of nubBy, which allows the programmer to supply their own equality test.

>>> nub [1,2,3,4,3,2,1,2,4,3,5]

lines :: String -> [String] #

lines breaks a string up into a list of strings at newline characters. The resulting strings do not contain newlines.

Note that after splitting the string at newline characters, the last part of the string is considered a line even if it doesn't end with a newline. For example,

>>> lines ""
>>> lines "\n"
>>> lines "one"
>>> lines "one\n"
>>> lines "one\n\n"
>>> lines "one\ntwo"
>>> lines "one\ntwo\n"

Thus lines s contains at least as many elements as newlines in s.

isSuffixOf :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool #

The isSuffixOf function takes two lists and returns True iff the first list is a suffix of the second. The second list must be finite.

>>> "ld!" `isSuffixOf` "Hello World!"
>>> "World" `isSuffixOf` "Hello World!"

isPrefixOf :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool #

\(\mathcal{O}(\min(m,n))\). The isPrefixOf function takes two lists and returns True iff the first list is a prefix of the second.

>>> "Hello" `isPrefixOf` "Hello World!"
>>> "Hello" `isPrefixOf` "Wello Horld!"

isInfixOf :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool #

The isInfixOf function takes two lists and returns True iff the first list is contained, wholly and intact, anywhere within the second.

>>> isInfixOf "Haskell" "I really like Haskell."
>>> isInfixOf "Ial" "I really like Haskell."

intersperse :: a -> [a] -> [a] #

\(\mathcal{O}(n)\). The intersperse function takes an element and a list and `intersperses' that element between the elements of the list. For example,

>>> intersperse ',' "abcde"

intercalate :: [a] -> [[a]] -> [a] #

intercalate xs xss is equivalent to (concat (intersperse xs xss)). It inserts the list xs in between the lists in xss and concatenates the result.

>>> intercalate ", " ["Lorem", "ipsum", "dolor"]
"Lorem, ipsum, dolor"

deleteFirstsBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] -> [a] #

The deleteFirstsBy function takes a predicate and two lists and returns the first list with the first occurrence of each element of the second list removed.

(\\) :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a] infix 5 #

The \\ function is list difference (non-associative). In the result of xs \\ ys, the first occurrence of each element of ys in turn (if any) has been removed from xs. Thus

(xs ++ ys) \\ xs == ys.
>>> "Hello World!" \\ "ell W"

It is a special case of deleteFirstsBy, which allows the programmer to supply their own equality test.

newtype Ap (f :: k -> Type) (a :: k) #

This data type witnesses the lifting of a Monoid into an Applicative pointwise.

Since: base-





Instances details
Generic1 (Ap f :: k -> Type) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid

Associated Types

type Rep1 (Ap f) :: k -> Type #


from1 :: forall (a :: k0). Ap f a -> Rep1 (Ap f) a #

to1 :: forall (a :: k0). Rep1 (Ap f) a -> Ap f a #

MonadFail f => MonadFail (Ap f)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


fail :: String -> Ap f a #

Foldable f => Foldable (Ap f)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Foldable


fold :: Monoid m => Ap f m -> m #

foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Ap f a -> m #

foldMap' :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Ap f a -> m #

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Ap f a -> b #

foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Ap f a -> b #

foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Ap f a -> b #

foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Ap f a -> b #

foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Ap f a -> a #

foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Ap f a -> a #

toList :: Ap f a -> [a] #

null :: Ap f a -> Bool #

length :: Ap f a -> Int #

elem :: Eq a => a -> Ap f a -> Bool #

maximum :: Ord a => Ap f a -> a #

minimum :: Ord a => Ap f a -> a #

sum :: Num a => Ap f a -> a #

product :: Num a => Ap f a -> a #

Traversable f => Traversable (Ap f)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Traversable


traverse :: Applicative f0 => (a -> f0 b) -> Ap f a -> f0 (Ap f b) #

sequenceA :: Applicative f0 => Ap f (f0 a) -> f0 (Ap f a) #

mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> Ap f a -> m (Ap f b) #

sequence :: Monad m => Ap f (m a) -> m (Ap f a) #

Alternative f => Alternative (Ap f)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


empty :: Ap f a #

(<|>) :: Ap f a -> Ap f a -> Ap f a #

some :: Ap f a -> Ap f [a] #

many :: Ap f a -> Ap f [a] #

Applicative f => Applicative (Ap f)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


pure :: a -> Ap f a #

(<*>) :: Ap f (a -> b) -> Ap f a -> Ap f b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Ap f a -> Ap f b -> Ap f c #

(*>) :: Ap f a -> Ap f b -> Ap f b #

(<*) :: Ap f a -> Ap f b -> Ap f a #

Functor f => Functor (Ap f)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Ap f a -> Ap f b #

(<$) :: a -> Ap f b -> Ap f a #

Monad f => Monad (Ap f)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


(>>=) :: Ap f a -> (a -> Ap f b) -> Ap f b #

(>>) :: Ap f a -> Ap f b -> Ap f b #

return :: a -> Ap f a #

MonadPlus f => MonadPlus (Ap f)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


mzero :: Ap f a #

mplus :: Ap f a -> Ap f a -> Ap f a #

(Applicative f, Monoid a) => Monoid (Ap f a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


mempty :: Ap f a #

mappend :: Ap f a -> Ap f a -> Ap f a #

mconcat :: [Ap f a] -> Ap f a #

(Applicative f, Semigroup a) => Semigroup (Ap f a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


(<>) :: Ap f a -> Ap f a -> Ap f a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Ap f a) -> Ap f a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Ap f a -> Ap f a #

(Applicative f, Bounded a) => Bounded (Ap f a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


minBound :: Ap f a #

maxBound :: Ap f a #

Enum (f a) => Enum (Ap f a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


succ :: Ap f a -> Ap f a #

pred :: Ap f a -> Ap f a #

toEnum :: Int -> Ap f a #

fromEnum :: Ap f a -> Int #

enumFrom :: Ap f a -> [Ap f a] #

enumFromThen :: Ap f a -> Ap f a -> [Ap f a] #

enumFromTo :: Ap f a -> Ap f a -> [Ap f a] #

enumFromThenTo :: Ap f a -> Ap f a -> Ap f a -> [Ap f a] #

Generic (Ap f a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid

Associated Types

type Rep (Ap f a) :: Type -> Type #


from :: Ap f a -> Rep (Ap f a) x #

to :: Rep (Ap f a) x -> Ap f a #

(Applicative f, Num a) => Num (Ap f a)

Note that even if the underlying Num and Applicative instances are lawful, for most Applicatives, this instance will not be lawful. If you use this instance with the list Applicative, the following customary laws will not hold:


>>> Ap [10,20] + Ap [1,2]
Ap {getAp = [11,12,21,22]}
>>> Ap [1,2] + Ap [10,20]
Ap {getAp = [11,21,12,22]}

Additive inverse:

>>> Ap [] + negate (Ap [])
Ap {getAp = []}
>>> fromInteger 0 :: Ap [] Int
Ap {getAp = [0]}


>>> Ap [1,2] * (3 + 4)
Ap {getAp = [7,14]}
>>> (Ap [1,2] * 3) + (Ap [1,2] * 4)
Ap {getAp = [7,11,10,14]}

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


(+) :: Ap f a -> Ap f a -> Ap f a #

(-) :: Ap f a -> Ap f a -> Ap f a #

(*) :: Ap f a -> Ap f a -> Ap f a #

negate :: Ap f a -> Ap f a #

abs :: Ap f a -> Ap f a #

signum :: Ap f a -> Ap f a #

fromInteger :: Integer -> Ap f a #

Read (f a) => Read (Ap f a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS (Ap f a) #

readList :: ReadS [Ap f a] #

readPrec :: ReadPrec (Ap f a) #

readListPrec :: ReadPrec [Ap f a] #

Show (f a) => Show (Ap f a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


showsPrec :: Int -> Ap f a -> ShowS #

show :: Ap f a -> String #

showList :: [Ap f a] -> ShowS #

Eq (f a) => Eq (Ap f a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


(==) :: Ap f a -> Ap f a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Ap f a -> Ap f a -> Bool #

Ord (f a) => Ord (Ap f a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


compare :: Ap f a -> Ap f a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Ap f a -> Ap f a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Ap f a -> Ap f a -> Bool #

(>) :: Ap f a -> Ap f a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Ap f a -> Ap f a -> Bool #

max :: Ap f a -> Ap f a -> Ap f a #

min :: Ap f a -> Ap f a -> Ap f a #

type Rep1 (Ap f :: k -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid

type Rep1 (Ap f :: k -> Type) = D1 ('MetaData "Ap" "Data.Monoid" "base" 'True) (C1 ('MetaCons "Ap" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "getAp") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec1 f)))
type Rep (Ap f a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid

type Rep (Ap f a) = D1 ('MetaData "Ap" "Data.Monoid" "base" 'True) (C1 ('MetaCons "Ap" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "getAp") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 (f a))))

newtype Sum a #

Monoid under addition.

>>> getSum (Sum 1 <> Sum 2 <> mempty)





Instances details
Foldable Sum

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Foldable


fold :: Monoid m => Sum m -> m #

foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Sum a -> m #

foldMap' :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Sum a -> m #

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Sum a -> b #

foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Sum a -> b #

foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Sum a -> b #

foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Sum a -> b #

foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Sum a -> a #

foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Sum a -> a #

toList :: Sum a -> [a] #

null :: Sum a -> Bool #

length :: Sum a -> Int #

elem :: Eq a => a -> Sum a -> Bool #

maximum :: Ord a => Sum a -> a #

minimum :: Ord a => Sum a -> a #

sum :: Num a => Sum a -> a #

product :: Num a => Sum a -> a #

Traversable Sum

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Traversable


traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> Sum a -> f (Sum b) #

sequenceA :: Applicative f => Sum (f a) -> f (Sum a) #

mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> Sum a -> m (Sum b) #

sequence :: Monad m => Sum (m a) -> m (Sum a) #

Applicative Sum

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


pure :: a -> Sum a #

(<*>) :: Sum (a -> b) -> Sum a -> Sum b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Sum a -> Sum b -> Sum c #

(*>) :: Sum a -> Sum b -> Sum b #

(<*) :: Sum a -> Sum b -> Sum a #

Functor Sum

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Sum a -> Sum b #

(<$) :: a -> Sum b -> Sum a #

Monad Sum

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


(>>=) :: Sum a -> (a -> Sum b) -> Sum b #

(>>) :: Sum a -> Sum b -> Sum b #

return :: a -> Sum a #

Unbox a => Vector Vector (Sum a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base


basicUnsafeFreeze :: Mutable Vector s (Sum a) -> ST s (Vector (Sum a)) #

basicUnsafeThaw :: Vector (Sum a) -> ST s (Mutable Vector s (Sum a)) #

basicLength :: Vector (Sum a) -> Int #

basicUnsafeSlice :: Int -> Int -> Vector (Sum a) -> Vector (Sum a) #

basicUnsafeIndexM :: Vector (Sum a) -> Int -> Box (Sum a) #

basicUnsafeCopy :: Mutable Vector s (Sum a) -> Vector (Sum a) -> ST s () #

elemseq :: Vector (Sum a) -> Sum a -> b -> b #

Unbox a => MVector MVector (Sum a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base


basicLength :: MVector s (Sum a) -> Int #

basicUnsafeSlice :: Int -> Int -> MVector s (Sum a) -> MVector s (Sum a) #

basicOverlaps :: MVector s (Sum a) -> MVector s (Sum a) -> Bool #

basicUnsafeNew :: Int -> ST s (MVector s (Sum a)) #

basicInitialize :: MVector s (Sum a) -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeReplicate :: Int -> Sum a -> ST s (MVector s (Sum a)) #

basicUnsafeRead :: MVector s (Sum a) -> Int -> ST s (Sum a) #

basicUnsafeWrite :: MVector s (Sum a) -> Int -> Sum a -> ST s () #

basicClear :: MVector s (Sum a) -> ST s () #

basicSet :: MVector s (Sum a) -> Sum a -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeCopy :: MVector s (Sum a) -> MVector s (Sum a) -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeMove :: MVector s (Sum a) -> MVector s (Sum a) -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeGrow :: MVector s (Sum a) -> Int -> ST s (MVector s (Sum a)) #

Num a => Monoid (Sum a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


mempty :: Sum a #

mappend :: Sum a -> Sum a -> Sum a #

mconcat :: [Sum a] -> Sum a #

Num a => Semigroup (Sum a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


(<>) :: Sum a -> Sum a -> Sum a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Sum a) -> Sum a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Sum a -> Sum a #

Bounded a => Bounded (Sum a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


minBound :: Sum a #

maxBound :: Sum a #

Generic (Sum a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal

Associated Types

type Rep (Sum a) :: Type -> Type #


from :: Sum a -> Rep (Sum a) x #

to :: Rep (Sum a) x -> Sum a #

Num a => Num (Sum a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


(+) :: Sum a -> Sum a -> Sum a #

(-) :: Sum a -> Sum a -> Sum a #

(*) :: Sum a -> Sum a -> Sum a #

negate :: Sum a -> Sum a #

abs :: Sum a -> Sum a #

signum :: Sum a -> Sum a #

fromInteger :: Integer -> Sum a #

Read a => Read (Sum a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal

Show a => Show (Sum a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


showsPrec :: Int -> Sum a -> ShowS #

show :: Sum a -> String #

showList :: [Sum a] -> ShowS #

Binary a => Binary (Sum a)

Since: binary-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Class


put :: Sum a -> Put #

get :: Get (Sum a) #

putList :: [Sum a] -> Put #

Eq a => Eq (Sum a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


(==) :: Sum a -> Sum a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Sum a -> Sum a -> Bool #

Ord a => Ord (Sum a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


compare :: Sum a -> Sum a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Sum a -> Sum a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Sum a -> Sum a -> Bool #

(>) :: Sum a -> Sum a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Sum a -> Sum a -> Bool #

max :: Sum a -> Sum a -> Sum a #

min :: Sum a -> Sum a -> Sum a #

Prim a => Prim (Sum a)

Since: primitive-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.Types


sizeOf# :: Sum a -> Int# #

alignment# :: Sum a -> Int# #

indexByteArray# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Sum a #

readByteArray# :: MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Sum a #) #

writeByteArray# :: MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Sum a -> State# s -> State# s #

setByteArray# :: MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Int# -> Sum a -> State# s -> State# s #

indexOffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Sum a #

readOffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Sum a #) #

writeOffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Sum a -> State# s -> State# s #

setOffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int# -> Sum a -> State# s -> State# s #

Unbox a => Unbox (Sum a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

Generic1 Sum 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal

Associated Types

type Rep1 Sum :: k -> Type #


from1 :: forall (a :: k). Sum a -> Rep1 Sum a #

to1 :: forall (a :: k). Rep1 Sum a -> Sum a #

newtype MVector s (Sum a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

newtype MVector s (Sum a) = MV_Sum (MVector s a)
type Rep (Sum a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal

type Rep (Sum a) = D1 ('MetaData "Sum" "Data.Semigroup.Internal" "base" 'True) (C1 ('MetaCons "Sum" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "getSum") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 a)))
newtype Vector (Sum a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

newtype Vector (Sum a) = V_Sum (Vector a)
type Rep1 Sum

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal

type Rep1 Sum = D1 ('MetaData "Sum" "Data.Semigroup.Internal" "base" 'True) (C1 ('MetaCons "Sum" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "getSum") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) Par1))

newtype Product a #

Monoid under multiplication.

>>> getProduct (Product 3 <> Product 4 <> mempty)





Instances details
Foldable Product

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Foldable


fold :: Monoid m => Product m -> m #

foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Product a -> m #

foldMap' :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Product a -> m #

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Product a -> b #

foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Product a -> b #

foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Product a -> b #

foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Product a -> b #

foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Product a -> a #

foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Product a -> a #

toList :: Product a -> [a] #

null :: Product a -> Bool #

length :: Product a -> Int #

elem :: Eq a => a -> Product a -> Bool #

maximum :: Ord a => Product a -> a #

minimum :: Ord a => Product a -> a #

sum :: Num a => Product a -> a #

product :: Num a => Product a -> a #

Traversable Product

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Traversable


traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> Product a -> f (Product b) #

sequenceA :: Applicative f => Product (f a) -> f (Product a) #

mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> Product a -> m (Product b) #

sequence :: Monad m => Product (m a) -> m (Product a) #

Applicative Product

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


pure :: a -> Product a #

(<*>) :: Product (a -> b) -> Product a -> Product b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Product a -> Product b -> Product c #

(*>) :: Product a -> Product b -> Product b #

(<*) :: Product a -> Product b -> Product a #

Functor Product

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Product a -> Product b #

(<$) :: a -> Product b -> Product a #

Monad Product

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


(>>=) :: Product a -> (a -> Product b) -> Product b #

(>>) :: Product a -> Product b -> Product b #

return :: a -> Product a #

Unbox a => Vector Vector (Product a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

Unbox a => MVector MVector (Product a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base


basicLength :: MVector s (Product a) -> Int #

basicUnsafeSlice :: Int -> Int -> MVector s (Product a) -> MVector s (Product a) #

basicOverlaps :: MVector s (Product a) -> MVector s (Product a) -> Bool #

basicUnsafeNew :: Int -> ST s (MVector s (Product a)) #

basicInitialize :: MVector s (Product a) -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeReplicate :: Int -> Product a -> ST s (MVector s (Product a)) #

basicUnsafeRead :: MVector s (Product a) -> Int -> ST s (Product a) #

basicUnsafeWrite :: MVector s (Product a) -> Int -> Product a -> ST s () #

basicClear :: MVector s (Product a) -> ST s () #

basicSet :: MVector s (Product a) -> Product a -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeCopy :: MVector s (Product a) -> MVector s (Product a) -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeMove :: MVector s (Product a) -> MVector s (Product a) -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeGrow :: MVector s (Product a) -> Int -> ST s (MVector s (Product a)) #

Num a => Monoid (Product a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


mempty :: Product a #

mappend :: Product a -> Product a -> Product a #

mconcat :: [Product a] -> Product a #

Num a => Semigroup (Product a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


(<>) :: Product a -> Product a -> Product a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Product a) -> Product a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Product a -> Product a #

Bounded a => Bounded (Product a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal

Generic (Product a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal

Associated Types

type Rep (Product a) :: Type -> Type #


from :: Product a -> Rep (Product a) x #

to :: Rep (Product a) x -> Product a #

Num a => Num (Product a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


(+) :: Product a -> Product a -> Product a #

(-) :: Product a -> Product a -> Product a #

(*) :: Product a -> Product a -> Product a #

negate :: Product a -> Product a #

abs :: Product a -> Product a #

signum :: Product a -> Product a #

fromInteger :: Integer -> Product a #

Read a => Read (Product a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal

Show a => Show (Product a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


showsPrec :: Int -> Product a -> ShowS #

show :: Product a -> String #

showList :: [Product a] -> ShowS #

Binary a => Binary (Product a)

Since: binary-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Class


put :: Product a -> Put #

get :: Get (Product a) #

putList :: [Product a] -> Put #

Eq a => Eq (Product a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


(==) :: Product a -> Product a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Product a -> Product a -> Bool #

Ord a => Ord (Product a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


compare :: Product a -> Product a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Product a -> Product a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Product a -> Product a -> Bool #

(>) :: Product a -> Product a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Product a -> Product a -> Bool #

max :: Product a -> Product a -> Product a #

min :: Product a -> Product a -> Product a #

Prim a => Prim (Product a)

Since: primitive-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.Types

Unbox a => Unbox (Product a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

Generic1 Product 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal

Associated Types

type Rep1 Product :: k -> Type #


from1 :: forall (a :: k). Product a -> Rep1 Product a #

to1 :: forall (a :: k). Rep1 Product a -> Product a #

newtype MVector s (Product a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

newtype MVector s (Product a) = MV_Product (MVector s a)
type Rep (Product a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal

type Rep (Product a) = D1 ('MetaData "Product" "Data.Semigroup.Internal" "base" 'True) (C1 ('MetaCons "Product" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "getProduct") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 a)))
newtype Vector (Product a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

newtype Vector (Product a) = V_Product (Vector a)
type Rep1 Product

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal

type Rep1 Product = D1 ('MetaData "Product" "Data.Semigroup.Internal" "base" 'True) (C1 ('MetaCons "Product" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "getProduct") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) Par1))

newtype Endo a #

The monoid of endomorphisms under composition.

>>> let computation = Endo ("Hello, " ++) <> Endo (++ "!")
>>> appEndo computation "Haskell"
"Hello, Haskell!"





Instances details
Monoid (Endo a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


mempty :: Endo a #

mappend :: Endo a -> Endo a -> Endo a #

mconcat :: [Endo a] -> Endo a #

Semigroup (Endo a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


(<>) :: Endo a -> Endo a -> Endo a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Endo a) -> Endo a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Endo a -> Endo a #

Generic (Endo a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal

Associated Types

type Rep (Endo a) :: Type -> Type #


from :: Endo a -> Rep (Endo a) x #

to :: Rep (Endo a) x -> Endo a #

type Rep (Endo a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal

type Rep (Endo a) = D1 ('MetaData "Endo" "Data.Semigroup.Internal" "base" 'True) (C1 ('MetaCons "Endo" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "appEndo") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 (a -> a))))

newtype Dual a #

The dual of a Monoid, obtained by swapping the arguments of mappend.

>>> getDual (mappend (Dual "Hello") (Dual "World"))





Instances details
FromJSON1 Dual 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON


liftParseJSON :: (Value -> Parser a) -> (Value -> Parser [a]) -> Value -> Parser (Dual a) #

liftParseJSONList :: (Value -> Parser a) -> (Value -> Parser [a]) -> Value -> Parser [Dual a] #

ToJSON1 Dual 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON


liftToJSON :: (a -> Value) -> ([a] -> Value) -> Dual a -> Value #

liftToJSONList :: (a -> Value) -> ([a] -> Value) -> [Dual a] -> Value #

liftToEncoding :: (a -> Encoding) -> ([a] -> Encoding) -> Dual a -> Encoding #

liftToEncodingList :: (a -> Encoding) -> ([a] -> Encoding) -> [Dual a] -> Encoding #

Foldable Dual

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Foldable


fold :: Monoid m => Dual m -> m #

foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Dual a -> m #

foldMap' :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Dual a -> m #

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Dual a -> b #

foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Dual a -> b #

foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Dual a -> b #

foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Dual a -> b #

foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Dual a -> a #

foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Dual a -> a #

toList :: Dual a -> [a] #

null :: Dual a -> Bool #

length :: Dual a -> Int #

elem :: Eq a => a -> Dual a -> Bool #

maximum :: Ord a => Dual a -> a #

minimum :: Ord a => Dual a -> a #

sum :: Num a => Dual a -> a #

product :: Num a => Dual a -> a #

Traversable Dual

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Traversable


traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> Dual a -> f (Dual b) #

sequenceA :: Applicative f => Dual (f a) -> f (Dual a) #

mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> Dual a -> m (Dual b) #

sequence :: Monad m => Dual (m a) -> m (Dual a) #

Applicative Dual

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


pure :: a -> Dual a #

(<*>) :: Dual (a -> b) -> Dual a -> Dual b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Dual a -> Dual b -> Dual c #

(*>) :: Dual a -> Dual b -> Dual b #

(<*) :: Dual a -> Dual b -> Dual a #

Functor Dual

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Dual a -> Dual b #

(<$) :: a -> Dual b -> Dual a #

Monad Dual

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


(>>=) :: Dual a -> (a -> Dual b) -> Dual b #

(>>) :: Dual a -> Dual b -> Dual b #

return :: a -> Dual a #

Unbox a => Vector Vector (Dual a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base


basicUnsafeFreeze :: Mutable Vector s (Dual a) -> ST s (Vector (Dual a)) #

basicUnsafeThaw :: Vector (Dual a) -> ST s (Mutable Vector s (Dual a)) #

basicLength :: Vector (Dual a) -> Int #

basicUnsafeSlice :: Int -> Int -> Vector (Dual a) -> Vector (Dual a) #

basicUnsafeIndexM :: Vector (Dual a) -> Int -> Box (Dual a) #

basicUnsafeCopy :: Mutable Vector s (Dual a) -> Vector (Dual a) -> ST s () #

elemseq :: Vector (Dual a) -> Dual a -> b -> b #

Unbox a => MVector MVector (Dual a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base


basicLength :: MVector s (Dual a) -> Int #

basicUnsafeSlice :: Int -> Int -> MVector s (Dual a) -> MVector s (Dual a) #

basicOverlaps :: MVector s (Dual a) -> MVector s (Dual a) -> Bool #

basicUnsafeNew :: Int -> ST s (MVector s (Dual a)) #

basicInitialize :: MVector s (Dual a) -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeReplicate :: Int -> Dual a -> ST s (MVector s (Dual a)) #

basicUnsafeRead :: MVector s (Dual a) -> Int -> ST s (Dual a) #

basicUnsafeWrite :: MVector s (Dual a) -> Int -> Dual a -> ST s () #

basicClear :: MVector s (Dual a) -> ST s () #

basicSet :: MVector s (Dual a) -> Dual a -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeCopy :: MVector s (Dual a) -> MVector s (Dual a) -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeMove :: MVector s (Dual a) -> MVector s (Dual a) -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeGrow :: MVector s (Dual a) -> Int -> ST s (MVector s (Dual a)) #

FromJSON a => FromJSON (Dual a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON

ToJSON a => ToJSON (Dual a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON

Monoid a => Monoid (Dual a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


mempty :: Dual a #

mappend :: Dual a -> Dual a -> Dual a #

mconcat :: [Dual a] -> Dual a #

Semigroup a => Semigroup (Dual a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


(<>) :: Dual a -> Dual a -> Dual a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Dual a) -> Dual a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Dual a -> Dual a #

Bounded a => Bounded (Dual a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


minBound :: Dual a #

maxBound :: Dual a #

Generic (Dual a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal

Associated Types

type Rep (Dual a) :: Type -> Type #


from :: Dual a -> Rep (Dual a) x #

to :: Rep (Dual a) x -> Dual a #

Read a => Read (Dual a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal

Show a => Show (Dual a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


showsPrec :: Int -> Dual a -> ShowS #

show :: Dual a -> String #

showList :: [Dual a] -> ShowS #

Binary a => Binary (Dual a)

Since: binary-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Class


put :: Dual a -> Put #

get :: Get (Dual a) #

putList :: [Dual a] -> Put #

Eq a => Eq (Dual a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


(==) :: Dual a -> Dual a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Dual a -> Dual a -> Bool #

Ord a => Ord (Dual a)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


compare :: Dual a -> Dual a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Dual a -> Dual a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Dual a -> Dual a -> Bool #

(>) :: Dual a -> Dual a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Dual a -> Dual a -> Bool #

max :: Dual a -> Dual a -> Dual a #

min :: Dual a -> Dual a -> Dual a #

Prim a => Prim (Dual a)

Since: primitive-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.Types

Unbox a => Unbox (Dual a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

Generic1 Dual 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal

Associated Types

type Rep1 Dual :: k -> Type #


from1 :: forall (a :: k). Dual a -> Rep1 Dual a #

to1 :: forall (a :: k). Rep1 Dual a -> Dual a #

newtype MVector s (Dual a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

newtype MVector s (Dual a) = MV_Dual (MVector s a)
type Rep (Dual a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal

type Rep (Dual a) = D1 ('MetaData "Dual" "Data.Semigroup.Internal" "base" 'True) (C1 ('MetaCons "Dual" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "getDual") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 a)))
newtype Vector (Dual a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

newtype Vector (Dual a) = V_Dual (Vector a)
type Rep1 Dual

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal

type Rep1 Dual = D1 ('MetaData "Dual" "Data.Semigroup.Internal" "base" 'True) (C1 ('MetaCons "Dual" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "getDual") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) Par1))

newtype Any #

Boolean monoid under disjunction (||).

>>> getAny (Any True <> mempty <> Any False)
>>> getAny (mconcat (map (\x -> Any (even x)) [2,4,6,7,8]))





Instances details
Monoid Any

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


mempty :: Any #

mappend :: Any -> Any -> Any #

mconcat :: [Any] -> Any #

Semigroup Any

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


(<>) :: Any -> Any -> Any #

sconcat :: NonEmpty Any -> Any #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Any -> Any #

Bounded Any

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


minBound :: Any #

maxBound :: Any #

Generic Any 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal

Associated Types

type Rep Any :: Type -> Type #


from :: Any -> Rep Any x #

to :: Rep Any x -> Any #

Read Any

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal

Show Any

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


showsPrec :: Int -> Any -> ShowS #

show :: Any -> String #

showList :: [Any] -> ShowS #

Binary Any

Since: binary-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Class


put :: Any -> Put #

get :: Get Any #

putList :: [Any] -> Put #

Eq Any

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


(==) :: Any -> Any -> Bool #

(/=) :: Any -> Any -> Bool #

Ord Any

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


compare :: Any -> Any -> Ordering #

(<) :: Any -> Any -> Bool #

(<=) :: Any -> Any -> Bool #

(>) :: Any -> Any -> Bool #

(>=) :: Any -> Any -> Bool #

max :: Any -> Any -> Any #

min :: Any -> Any -> Any #

Unbox Any 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

Vector Vector Any 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

MVector MVector Any 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

type Rep Any

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal

type Rep Any = D1 ('MetaData "Any" "Data.Semigroup.Internal" "base" 'True) (C1 ('MetaCons "Any" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "getAny") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 Bool)))
newtype Vector Any 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

newtype Vector Any = V_Any (Vector Bool)
newtype MVector s Any 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

newtype MVector s Any = MV_Any (MVector s Bool)

newtype Alt (f :: k -> Type) (a :: k) #

Monoid under <|>.

>>> getAlt (Alt (Just 12) <> Alt (Just 24))
Just 12
>>> getAlt $ Alt Nothing <> Alt (Just 24)
Just 24

Since: base-





Instances details
Generic1 (Alt f :: k -> Type) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal

Associated Types

type Rep1 (Alt f) :: k -> Type #


from1 :: forall (a :: k0). Alt f a -> Rep1 (Alt f) a #

to1 :: forall (a :: k0). Rep1 (Alt f) a -> Alt f a #

Unbox (f a) => Vector Vector (Alt f a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base


basicUnsafeFreeze :: Mutable Vector s (Alt f a) -> ST s (Vector (Alt f a)) #

basicUnsafeThaw :: Vector (Alt f a) -> ST s (Mutable Vector s (Alt f a)) #

basicLength :: Vector (Alt f a) -> Int #

basicUnsafeSlice :: Int -> Int -> Vector (Alt f a) -> Vector (Alt f a) #

basicUnsafeIndexM :: Vector (Alt f a) -> Int -> Box (Alt f a) #

basicUnsafeCopy :: Mutable Vector s (Alt f a) -> Vector (Alt f a) -> ST s () #

elemseq :: Vector (Alt f a) -> Alt f a -> b -> b #

Unbox (f a) => MVector MVector (Alt f a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base


basicLength :: MVector s (Alt f a) -> Int #

basicUnsafeSlice :: Int -> Int -> MVector s (Alt f a) -> MVector s (Alt f a) #

basicOverlaps :: MVector s (Alt f a) -> MVector s (Alt f a) -> Bool #

basicUnsafeNew :: Int -> ST s (MVector s (Alt f a)) #

basicInitialize :: MVector s (Alt f a) -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeReplicate :: Int -> Alt f a -> ST s (MVector s (Alt f a)) #

basicUnsafeRead :: MVector s (Alt f a) -> Int -> ST s (Alt f a) #

basicUnsafeWrite :: MVector s (Alt f a) -> Int -> Alt f a -> ST s () #

basicClear :: MVector s (Alt f a) -> ST s () #

basicSet :: MVector s (Alt f a) -> Alt f a -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeCopy :: MVector s (Alt f a) -> MVector s (Alt f a) -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeMove :: MVector s (Alt f a) -> MVector s (Alt f a) -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeGrow :: MVector s (Alt f a) -> Int -> ST s (MVector s (Alt f a)) #

Foldable f => Foldable (Alt f)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Foldable


fold :: Monoid m => Alt f m -> m #

foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Alt f a -> m #

foldMap' :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Alt f a -> m #

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Alt f a -> b #

foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Alt f a -> b #

foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Alt f a -> b #

foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Alt f a -> b #

foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Alt f a -> a #

foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Alt f a -> a #

toList :: Alt f a -> [a] #

null :: Alt f a -> Bool #

length :: Alt f a -> Int #

elem :: Eq a => a -> Alt f a -> Bool #

maximum :: Ord a => Alt f a -> a #

minimum :: Ord a => Alt f a -> a #

sum :: Num a => Alt f a -> a #

product :: Num a => Alt f a -> a #

Traversable f => Traversable (Alt f)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Traversable


traverse :: Applicative f0 => (a -> f0 b) -> Alt f a -> f0 (Alt f b) #

sequenceA :: Applicative f0 => Alt f (f0 a) -> f0 (Alt f a) #

mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> Alt f a -> m (Alt f b) #

sequence :: Monad m => Alt f (m a) -> m (Alt f a) #

Alternative f => Alternative (Alt f)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


empty :: Alt f a #

(<|>) :: Alt f a -> Alt f a -> Alt f a #

some :: Alt f a -> Alt f [a] #

many :: Alt f a -> Alt f [a] #

Applicative f => Applicative (Alt f)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


pure :: a -> Alt f a #

(<*>) :: Alt f (a -> b) -> Alt f a -> Alt f b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Alt f a -> Alt f b -> Alt f c #

(*>) :: Alt f a -> Alt f b -> Alt f b #

(<*) :: Alt f a -> Alt f b -> Alt f a #

Functor f => Functor (Alt f)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Alt f a -> Alt f b #

(<$) :: a -> Alt f b -> Alt f a #

Monad f => Monad (Alt f)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


(>>=) :: Alt f a -> (a -> Alt f b) -> Alt f b #

(>>) :: Alt f a -> Alt f b -> Alt f b #

return :: a -> Alt f a #

MonadPlus f => MonadPlus (Alt f)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


mzero :: Alt f a #

mplus :: Alt f a -> Alt f a -> Alt f a #

Alternative f => Monoid (Alt f a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


mempty :: Alt f a #

mappend :: Alt f a -> Alt f a -> Alt f a #

mconcat :: [Alt f a] -> Alt f a #

Alternative f => Semigroup (Alt f a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


(<>) :: Alt f a -> Alt f a -> Alt f a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Alt f a) -> Alt f a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Alt f a -> Alt f a #

Enum (f a) => Enum (Alt f a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


succ :: Alt f a -> Alt f a #

pred :: Alt f a -> Alt f a #

toEnum :: Int -> Alt f a #

fromEnum :: Alt f a -> Int #

enumFrom :: Alt f a -> [Alt f a] #

enumFromThen :: Alt f a -> Alt f a -> [Alt f a] #

enumFromTo :: Alt f a -> Alt f a -> [Alt f a] #

enumFromThenTo :: Alt f a -> Alt f a -> Alt f a -> [Alt f a] #

Generic (Alt f a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal

Associated Types

type Rep (Alt f a) :: Type -> Type #


from :: Alt f a -> Rep (Alt f a) x #

to :: Rep (Alt f a) x -> Alt f a #

Num (f a) => Num (Alt f a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


(+) :: Alt f a -> Alt f a -> Alt f a #

(-) :: Alt f a -> Alt f a -> Alt f a #

(*) :: Alt f a -> Alt f a -> Alt f a #

negate :: Alt f a -> Alt f a #

abs :: Alt f a -> Alt f a #

signum :: Alt f a -> Alt f a #

fromInteger :: Integer -> Alt f a #

Read (f a) => Read (Alt f a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS (Alt f a) #

readList :: ReadS [Alt f a] #

readPrec :: ReadPrec (Alt f a) #

readListPrec :: ReadPrec [Alt f a] #

Show (f a) => Show (Alt f a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


showsPrec :: Int -> Alt f a -> ShowS #

show :: Alt f a -> String #

showList :: [Alt f a] -> ShowS #

Binary (f a) => Binary (Alt f a)

Since: binary-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Class


put :: Alt f a -> Put #

get :: Get (Alt f a) #

putList :: [Alt f a] -> Put #

Eq (f a) => Eq (Alt f a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


(==) :: Alt f a -> Alt f a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Alt f a -> Alt f a -> Bool #

Ord (f a) => Ord (Alt f a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


compare :: Alt f a -> Alt f a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Alt f a -> Alt f a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Alt f a -> Alt f a -> Bool #

(>) :: Alt f a -> Alt f a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Alt f a -> Alt f a -> Bool #

max :: Alt f a -> Alt f a -> Alt f a #

min :: Alt f a -> Alt f a -> Alt f a #

Unbox (f a) => Unbox (Alt f a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

type Rep1 (Alt f :: k -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal

type Rep1 (Alt f :: k -> Type) = D1 ('MetaData "Alt" "Data.Semigroup.Internal" "base" 'True) (C1 ('MetaCons "Alt" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "getAlt") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec1 f)))
newtype MVector s (Alt f a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

newtype MVector s (Alt f a) = MV_Alt (MVector s (f a))
type Rep (Alt f a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal

type Rep (Alt f a) = D1 ('MetaData "Alt" "Data.Semigroup.Internal" "base" 'True) (C1 ('MetaCons "Alt" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "getAlt") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 (f a))))
newtype Vector (Alt f a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

newtype Vector (Alt f a) = V_Alt (Vector (f a))

newtype All #

Boolean monoid under conjunction (&&).

>>> getAll (All True <> mempty <> All False)
>>> getAll (mconcat (map (\x -> All (even x)) [2,4,6,7,8]))





Instances details
Monoid All

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


mempty :: All #

mappend :: All -> All -> All #

mconcat :: [All] -> All #

Semigroup All

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


(<>) :: All -> All -> All #

sconcat :: NonEmpty All -> All #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> All -> All #

Bounded All

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


minBound :: All #

maxBound :: All #

Generic All 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal

Associated Types

type Rep All :: Type -> Type #


from :: All -> Rep All x #

to :: Rep All x -> All #

Read All

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal

Show All

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


showsPrec :: Int -> All -> ShowS #

show :: All -> String #

showList :: [All] -> ShowS #

Binary All

Since: binary-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Class


put :: All -> Put #

get :: Get All #

putList :: [All] -> Put #

Eq All

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


(==) :: All -> All -> Bool #

(/=) :: All -> All -> Bool #

Ord All

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


compare :: All -> All -> Ordering #

(<) :: All -> All -> Bool #

(<=) :: All -> All -> Bool #

(>) :: All -> All -> Bool #

(>=) :: All -> All -> Bool #

max :: All -> All -> All #

min :: All -> All -> All #

Unbox All 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

Vector Vector All 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

MVector MVector All 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

type Rep All

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal

type Rep All = D1 ('MetaData "All" "Data.Semigroup.Internal" "base" 'True) (C1 ('MetaCons "All" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "getAll") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 Bool)))
newtype Vector All 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

newtype Vector All = V_All (Vector Bool)
newtype MVector s All 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

newtype MVector s All = MV_All (MVector s Bool)

stimesMonoid :: (Integral b, Monoid a) => b -> a -> a #

This is a valid definition of stimes for a Monoid.

Unlike the default definition of stimes, it is defined for 0 and so it should be preferred where possible.

stimesIdempotent :: Integral b => b -> a -> a #

This is a valid definition of stimes for an idempotent Semigroup.

When x <> x = x, this definition should be preferred, because it works in \(\mathcal{O}(1)\) rather than \(\mathcal{O}(\log n)\).

newtype Down a #

The Down type allows you to reverse sort order conveniently. A value of type Down a contains a value of type a (represented as Down a).

If a has an Ord instance associated with it then comparing two values thus wrapped will give you the opposite of their normal sort order. This is particularly useful when sorting in generalised list comprehensions, as in: then sortWith by Down x.

>>> compare True False
>>> compare (Down True) (Down False)

If a has a Bounded instance then the wrapped instance also respects the reversed ordering by exchanging the values of minBound and maxBound.

>>> minBound :: Int
>>> minBound :: Down Int
Down 9223372036854775807

All other instances of Down a behave as they do for a.

Since: base-





Instances details
Foldable Down

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Foldable


fold :: Monoid m => Down m -> m #

foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Down a -> m #

foldMap' :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Down a -> m #

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Down a -> b #

foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Down a -> b #

foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Down a -> b #

foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Down a -> b #

foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Down a -> a #

foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Down a -> a #

toList :: Down a -> [a] #

null :: Down a -> Bool #

length :: Down a -> Int #

elem :: Eq a => a -> Down a -> Bool #

maximum :: Ord a => Down a -> a #

minimum :: Ord a => Down a -> a #

sum :: Num a => Down a -> a #

product :: Num a => Down a -> a #

Eq1 Down

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Classes


liftEq :: (a -> b -> Bool) -> Down a -> Down b -> Bool #

Ord1 Down

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Classes


liftCompare :: (a -> b -> Ordering) -> Down a -> Down b -> Ordering #

Read1 Down

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Classes


liftReadsPrec :: (Int -> ReadS a) -> ReadS [a] -> Int -> ReadS (Down a) #

liftReadList :: (Int -> ReadS a) -> ReadS [a] -> ReadS [Down a] #

liftReadPrec :: ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec [a] -> ReadPrec (Down a) #

liftReadListPrec :: ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec [a] -> ReadPrec [Down a] #

Show1 Down

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Classes


liftShowsPrec :: (Int -> a -> ShowS) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Int -> Down a -> ShowS #

liftShowList :: (Int -> a -> ShowS) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> [Down a] -> ShowS #

Traversable Down

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Traversable


traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> Down a -> f (Down b) #

sequenceA :: Applicative f => Down (f a) -> f (Down a) #

mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> Down a -> m (Down b) #

sequence :: Monad m => Down (m a) -> m (Down a) #

Applicative Down

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Ord


pure :: a -> Down a #

(<*>) :: Down (a -> b) -> Down a -> Down b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Down a -> Down b -> Down c #

(*>) :: Down a -> Down b -> Down b #

(<*) :: Down a -> Down b -> Down a #

Functor Down

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Ord


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Down a -> Down b #

(<$) :: a -> Down b -> Down a #

Monad Down

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Ord


(>>=) :: Down a -> (a -> Down b) -> Down b #

(>>) :: Down a -> Down b -> Down b #

return :: a -> Down a #

Generic1 Down 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

Associated Types

type Rep1 Down :: k -> Type #


from1 :: forall (a :: k). Down a -> Rep1 Down a #

to1 :: forall (a :: k). Rep1 Down a -> Down a #

Unbox a => Vector Vector (Down a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base


basicUnsafeFreeze :: Mutable Vector s (Down a) -> ST s (Vector (Down a)) #

basicUnsafeThaw :: Vector (Down a) -> ST s (Mutable Vector s (Down a)) #

basicLength :: Vector (Down a) -> Int #

basicUnsafeSlice :: Int -> Int -> Vector (Down a) -> Vector (Down a) #

basicUnsafeIndexM :: Vector (Down a) -> Int -> Box (Down a) #

basicUnsafeCopy :: Mutable Vector s (Down a) -> Vector (Down a) -> ST s () #

elemseq :: Vector (Down a) -> Down a -> b -> b #

Unbox a => MVector MVector (Down a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base


basicLength :: MVector s (Down a) -> Int #

basicUnsafeSlice :: Int -> Int -> MVector s (Down a) -> MVector s (Down a) #

basicOverlaps :: MVector s (Down a) -> MVector s (Down a) -> Bool #

basicUnsafeNew :: Int -> ST s (MVector s (Down a)) #

basicInitialize :: MVector s (Down a) -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeReplicate :: Int -> Down a -> ST s (MVector s (Down a)) #

basicUnsafeRead :: MVector s (Down a) -> Int -> ST s (Down a) #

basicUnsafeWrite :: MVector s (Down a) -> Int -> Down a -> ST s () #

basicClear :: MVector s (Down a) -> ST s () #

basicSet :: MVector s (Down a) -> Down a -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeCopy :: MVector s (Down a) -> MVector s (Down a) -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeMove :: MVector s (Down a) -> MVector s (Down a) -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeGrow :: MVector s (Down a) -> Int -> ST s (MVector s (Down a)) #

Storable a => Storable (Down a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Ord


sizeOf :: Down a -> Int #

alignment :: Down a -> Int #

peekElemOff :: Ptr (Down a) -> Int -> IO (Down a) #

pokeElemOff :: Ptr (Down a) -> Int -> Down a -> IO () #

peekByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> IO (Down a) #

pokeByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> Down a -> IO () #

peek :: Ptr (Down a) -> IO (Down a) #

poke :: Ptr (Down a) -> Down a -> IO () #

Monoid a => Monoid (Down a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Ord


mempty :: Down a #

mappend :: Down a -> Down a -> Down a #

mconcat :: [Down a] -> Down a #

Semigroup a => Semigroup (Down a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Ord


(<>) :: Down a -> Down a -> Down a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Down a) -> Down a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Down a -> Down a #

Bits a => Bits (Down a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Ord


(.&.) :: Down a -> Down a -> Down a #

(.|.) :: Down a -> Down a -> Down a #

xor :: Down a -> Down a -> Down a #

complement :: Down a -> Down a #

shift :: Down a -> Int -> Down a #

rotate :: Down a -> Int -> Down a #

zeroBits :: Down a #

bit :: Int -> Down a #

setBit :: Down a -> Int -> Down a #

clearBit :: Down a -> Int -> Down a #

complementBit :: Down a -> Int -> Down a #

testBit :: Down a -> Int -> Bool #

bitSizeMaybe :: Down a -> Maybe Int #

bitSize :: Down a -> Int #

isSigned :: Down a -> Bool #

shiftL :: Down a -> Int -> Down a #

unsafeShiftL :: Down a -> Int -> Down a #

shiftR :: Down a -> Int -> Down a #

unsafeShiftR :: Down a -> Int -> Down a #

rotateL :: Down a -> Int -> Down a #

rotateR :: Down a -> Int -> Down a #

popCount :: Down a -> Int #

FiniteBits a => FiniteBits (Down a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Ord

Bounded a => Bounded (Down a)

Swaps minBound and maxBound of the underlying type.

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Ord


minBound :: Down a #

maxBound :: Down a #

Floating a => Floating (Down a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Ord


pi :: Down a #

exp :: Down a -> Down a #

log :: Down a -> Down a #

sqrt :: Down a -> Down a #

(**) :: Down a -> Down a -> Down a #

logBase :: Down a -> Down a -> Down a #

sin :: Down a -> Down a #

cos :: Down a -> Down a #

tan :: Down a -> Down a #

asin :: Down a -> Down a #

acos :: Down a -> Down a #

atan :: Down a -> Down a #

sinh :: Down a -> Down a #

cosh :: Down a -> Down a #

tanh :: Down a -> Down a #

asinh :: Down a -> Down a #

acosh :: Down a -> Down a #

atanh :: Down a -> Down a #

log1p :: Down a -> Down a #

expm1 :: Down a -> Down a #

log1pexp :: Down a -> Down a #

log1mexp :: Down a -> Down a #

RealFloat a => RealFloat (Down a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Ord

Generic (Down a) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

Associated Types

type Rep (Down a) :: Type -> Type #


from :: Down a -> Rep (Down a) x #

to :: Rep (Down a) x -> Down a #

Ix a => Ix (Down a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Ord


range :: (Down a, Down a) -> [Down a] #

index :: (Down a, Down a) -> Down a -> Int #

unsafeIndex :: (Down a, Down a) -> Down a -> Int #

inRange :: (Down a, Down a) -> Down a -> Bool #

rangeSize :: (Down a, Down a) -> Int #

unsafeRangeSize :: (Down a, Down a) -> Int #

Num a => Num (Down a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Ord


(+) :: Down a -> Down a -> Down a #

(-) :: Down a -> Down a -> Down a #

(*) :: Down a -> Down a -> Down a #

negate :: Down a -> Down a #

abs :: Down a -> Down a #

signum :: Down a -> Down a #

fromInteger :: Integer -> Down a #

Read a => Read (Down a)

This instance would be equivalent to the derived instances of the Down newtype if the getDown field were removed

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Ord

Fractional a => Fractional (Down a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Ord


(/) :: Down a -> Down a -> Down a #

recip :: Down a -> Down a #

fromRational :: Rational -> Down a #

Real a => Real (Down a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Ord


toRational :: Down a -> Rational #

RealFrac a => RealFrac (Down a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Ord


properFraction :: Integral b => Down a -> (b, Down a) #

truncate :: Integral b => Down a -> b #

round :: Integral b => Down a -> b #

ceiling :: Integral b => Down a -> b #

floor :: Integral b => Down a -> b #

Show a => Show (Down a)

This instance would be equivalent to the derived instances of the Down newtype if the getDown field were removed

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Ord


showsPrec :: Int -> Down a -> ShowS #

show :: Down a -> String #

showList :: [Down a] -> ShowS #

Eq a => Eq (Down a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Ord


(==) :: Down a -> Down a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Down a -> Down a -> Bool #

Ord a => Ord (Down a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Ord


compare :: Down a -> Down a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Down a -> Down a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Down a -> Down a -> Bool #

(>) :: Down a -> Down a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Down a -> Down a -> Bool #

max :: Down a -> Down a -> Down a #

min :: Down a -> Down a -> Down a #

Prim a => Prim (Down a)

Since: primitive-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.Types

Unbox a => Unbox (Down a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

type Rep1 Down

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

type Rep1 Down = D1 ('MetaData "Down" "Data.Ord" "base" 'True) (C1 ('MetaCons "Down" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "getDown") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) Par1))
newtype MVector s (Down a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

newtype MVector s (Down a) = MV_Down (MVector s a)
type Rep (Down a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

type Rep (Down a) = D1 ('MetaData "Down" "Data.Ord" "base" 'True) (C1 ('MetaCons "Down" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "getDown") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 a)))
newtype Vector (Down a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base

newtype Vector (Down a) = V_Down (Vector a)

comparing :: Ord a => (b -> a) -> b -> b -> Ordering #

comparing p x y = compare (p x) (p y)

Useful combinator for use in conjunction with the xxxBy family of functions from Data.List, for example:

  ... sortBy (comparing fst) ...

clamp :: Ord a => (a, a) -> a -> a #

clamp (low, high) a = min high (max a low)

Function for ensursing the value a is within the inclusive bounds given by low and high. If it is, a is returned unchanged. The result is otherwise low if a <= low, or high if high <= a.

When clamp is used at Double and Float, it has NaN propagating semantics in its second argument. That is, clamp (l,h) NaN = NaN, but clamp (NaN, NaN) x = x.

>>> clamp (0, 10) 2
>>> clamp ('a', 'm') 'x'

rights :: [Either a b] -> [b] #

Extracts from a list of Either all the Right elements. All the Right elements are extracted in order.



Basic usage:

>>> let list = [ Left "foo", Right 3, Left "bar", Right 7, Left "baz" ]
>>> rights list

partitionEithers :: [Either a b] -> ([a], [b]) #

Partitions a list of Either into two lists. All the Left elements are extracted, in order, to the first component of the output. Similarly the Right elements are extracted to the second component of the output.



Basic usage:

>>> let list = [ Left "foo", Right 3, Left "bar", Right 7, Left "baz" ]
>>> partitionEithers list

The pair returned by partitionEithers x should be the same pair as (lefts x, rights x):

>>> let list = [ Left "foo", Right 3, Left "bar", Right 7, Left "baz" ]
>>> partitionEithers list == (lefts list, rights list)

lefts :: [Either a b] -> [a] #

Extracts from a list of Either all the Left elements. All the Left elements are extracted in order.



Basic usage:

>>> let list = [ Left "foo", Right 3, Left "bar", Right 7, Left "baz" ]
>>> lefts list

isRight :: Either a b -> Bool #

Return True if the given value is a Right-value, False otherwise.



Basic usage:

>>> isRight (Left "foo")
>>> isRight (Right 3)

Assuming a Left value signifies some sort of error, we can use isRight to write a very simple reporting function that only outputs "SUCCESS" when a computation has succeeded.

This example shows how isRight might be used to avoid pattern matching when one does not care about the value contained in the constructor:

>>> import Control.Monad ( when )
>>> let report e = when (isRight e) $ putStrLn "SUCCESS"
>>> report (Left "parse error")
>>> report (Right 1)

Since: base-

isLeft :: Either a b -> Bool #

Return True if the given value is a Left-value, False otherwise.



Basic usage:

>>> isLeft (Left "foo")
>>> isLeft (Right 3)

Assuming a Left value signifies some sort of error, we can use isLeft to write a very simple error-reporting function that does absolutely nothing in the case of success, and outputs "ERROR" if any error occurred.

This example shows how isLeft might be used to avoid pattern matching when one does not care about the value contained in the constructor:

>>> import Control.Monad ( when )
>>> let report e = when (isLeft e) $ putStrLn "ERROR"
>>> report (Right 1)
>>> report (Left "parse error")

Since: base-

fromRight :: b -> Either a b -> b #

Return the contents of a Right-value or a default value otherwise.



Basic usage:

>>> fromRight 1 (Right 3)
>>> fromRight 1 (Left "foo")

Since: base-

fromLeft :: a -> Either a b -> a #

Return the contents of a Left-value or a default value otherwise.



Basic usage:

>>> fromLeft 1 (Left 3)
>>> fromLeft 1 (Right "foo")

Since: base-

either :: (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> c #

Case analysis for the Either type. If the value is Left a, apply the first function to a; if it is Right b, apply the second function to b.



We create two values of type Either String Int, one using the Left constructor and another using the Right constructor. Then we apply "either" the length function (if we have a String) or the "times-two" function (if we have an Int):

>>> let s = Left "foo" :: Either String Int
>>> let n = Right 3 :: Either String Int
>>> either length (*2) s
>>> either length (*2) n

data FractionalExponentBase #




Instances details
Show FractionalExponentBase 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Real

showSigned #


:: Real a 
=> (a -> ShowS)

a function that can show unsigned values

-> Int

the precedence of the enclosing context

-> a

the value to show

-> ShowS 

Converts a possibly-negative Real value to a string.

reduce :: Integral a => a -> a -> Ratio a #

reduce is a subsidiary function used only in this module. It normalises a ratio by dividing both numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor.

odd :: Integral a => a -> Bool #

numericEnumFromTo :: (Ord a, Fractional a) => a -> a -> [a] #

numericEnumFromThenTo :: (Ord a, Fractional a) => a -> a -> a -> [a] #

numericEnumFromThen :: Fractional a => a -> a -> [a] #

numericEnumFrom :: Fractional a => a -> [a] #

numerator :: Ratio a -> a #

Extract the numerator of the ratio in reduced form: the numerator and denominator have no common factor and the denominator is positive.

lcm :: Integral a => a -> a -> a #

lcm x y is the smallest positive integer that both x and y divide.

integralEnumFromTo :: Integral a => a -> a -> [a] #

integralEnumFromThenTo :: Integral a => a -> a -> a -> [a] #

integralEnumFromThen :: (Integral a, Bounded a) => a -> a -> [a] #

integralEnumFrom :: (Integral a, Bounded a) => a -> [a] #

gcd :: Integral a => a -> a -> a #

gcd x y is the non-negative factor of both x and y of which every common factor of x and y is also a factor; for example gcd 4 2 = 2, gcd (-4) 6 = 2, gcd 0 4 = 4. gcd 0 0 = 0. (That is, the common divisor that is "greatest" in the divisibility preordering.)

Note: Since for signed fixed-width integer types, abs minBound < 0, the result may be negative if one of the arguments is minBound (and necessarily is if the other is 0 or minBound) for such types.

even :: Integral a => a -> Bool #

denominator :: Ratio a -> a #

Extract the denominator of the ratio in reduced form: the numerator and denominator have no common factor and the denominator is positive.

(^^) :: (Fractional a, Integral b) => a -> b -> a infixr 8 #

raise a number to an integral power

(^%^) :: Integral a => Rational -> a -> Rational #

(^) :: (Num a, Integral b) => a -> b -> a infixr 8 #

raise a number to a non-negative integral power

(%) :: Integral a => a -> a -> Ratio a infixl 7 #

Forms the ratio of two integral numbers.

toEnumError :: Show a => String -> Int -> (a, a) -> b #

fromEnumError :: Show a => String -> a -> b #

boundedEnumFromThen :: (Enum a, Bounded a) => a -> a -> [a] #

boundedEnumFrom :: (Enum a, Bounded a) => a -> [a] #

type ShowS = String -> String #

The shows functions return a function that prepends the output String to an existing String. This allows constant-time concatenation of results using function composition.

shows :: Show a => a -> ShowS #

equivalent to showsPrec with a precedence of 0.

showString :: String -> ShowS #

utility function converting a String to a show function that simply prepends the string unchanged.

showParen :: Bool -> ShowS -> ShowS #

utility function that surrounds the inner show function with parentheses when the Bool parameter is True.

showMultiLineString :: String -> [String] #

Like showLitString (expand escape characters using Haskell escape conventions), but * break the string into multiple lines * wrap the entire thing in double quotes Example: showMultiLineString "hellongoodbyenblah" returns [""hello\n\", "\goodbyen\", "\blah""]

showLitString :: String -> ShowS #

Same as showLitChar, but for strings It converts the string to a string using Haskell escape conventions for non-printable characters. Does not add double-quotes around the whole thing; the caller should do that. The main difference from showLitChar (apart from the fact that the argument is a string not a list) is that we must escape double-quotes

showLitChar :: Char -> ShowS #

Convert a character to a string using only printable characters, using Haskell source-language escape conventions. For example:

showLitChar '\n' s  =  "\\n" ++ s

showList__ :: (a -> ShowS) -> [a] -> ShowS #

showChar :: Char -> ShowS #

utility function converting a Char to a show function that simply prepends the character unchanged.

intToDigit :: Int -> Char #

Convert an Int in the range 0..15 to the corresponding single digit Char. This function fails on other inputs, and generates lower-case hexadecimal digits.

zipWith3 :: (a -> b -> c -> d) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c] -> [d] #

The zipWith3 function takes a function which combines three elements, as well as three lists and returns a list of the function applied to corresponding elements, analogous to zipWith. It is capable of list fusion, but it is restricted to its first list argument and its resulting list.

zipWith3 (,,) xs ys zs == zip3 xs ys zs
zipWith3 f [x1,x2,x3..] [y1,y2,y3..] [z1,z2,z3..] == [f x1 y1 z1, f x2 y2 z2, f x3 y3 z3..]

zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c] #

\(\mathcal{O}(\min(m,n))\). zipWith generalises zip by zipping with the function given as the first argument, instead of a tupling function.

zipWith (,) xs ys == zip xs ys
zipWith f [x1,x2,x3..] [y1,y2,y3..] == [f x1 y1, f x2 y2, f x3 y3..]

For example, zipWith (+) is applied to two lists to produce the list of corresponding sums:

>>> zipWith (+) [1, 2, 3] [4, 5, 6]

zipWith is right-lazy:

>>> let f = undefined
>>> zipWith f [] undefined

zipWith is capable of list fusion, but it is restricted to its first list argument and its resulting list.

zip3 :: [a] -> [b] -> [c] -> [(a, b, c)] #

zip3 takes three lists and returns a list of triples, analogous to zip. It is capable of list fusion, but it is restricted to its first list argument and its resulting list.

unzip3 :: [(a, b, c)] -> ([a], [b], [c]) #

The unzip3 function takes a list of triples and returns three lists, analogous to unzip.

>>> unzip3 []
>>> unzip3 [(1, 'a', True), (2, 'b', False)]

unzip :: [(a, b)] -> ([a], [b]) #

unzip transforms a list of pairs into a list of first components and a list of second components.

>>> unzip []
>>> unzip [(1, 'a'), (2, 'b')]

uncons :: [a] -> Maybe (a, [a]) #

\(\mathcal{O}(1)\). Decompose a list into its head and tail.

  • If the list is empty, returns Nothing.
  • If the list is non-empty, returns Just (x, xs), where x is the head of the list and xs its tail.
>>> uncons []
>>> uncons [1]
Just (1,[])
>>> uncons [1, 2, 3]
Just (1,[2,3])

Since: base-

takeWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] #

takeWhile, applied to a predicate p and a list xs, returns the longest prefix (possibly empty) of xs of elements that satisfy p.

>>> takeWhile (< 3) [1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4]
>>> takeWhile (< 9) [1,2,3]
>>> takeWhile (< 0) [1,2,3]

take :: Int -> [a] -> [a] #

take n, applied to a list xs, returns the prefix of xs of length n, or xs itself if n >= length xs.

>>> take 5 "Hello World!"
>>> take 3 [1,2,3,4,5]
>>> take 3 [1,2]
>>> take 3 []
>>> take (-1) [1,2]
>>> take 0 [1,2]

It is an instance of the more general genericTake, in which n may be of any integral type.

splitAt :: Int -> [a] -> ([a], [a]) #

splitAt n xs returns a tuple where first element is xs prefix of length n and second element is the remainder of the list:

>>> splitAt 6 "Hello World!"
("Hello ","World!")
>>> splitAt 3 [1,2,3,4,5]
>>> splitAt 1 [1,2,3]
>>> splitAt 3 [1,2,3]
>>> splitAt 4 [1,2,3]
>>> splitAt 0 [1,2,3]
>>> splitAt (-1) [1,2,3]

It is equivalent to (take n xs, drop n xs) when n is not _|_ (splitAt _|_ xs = _|_). splitAt is an instance of the more general genericSplitAt, in which n may be of any integral type.

scanl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> [b] #

\(\mathcal{O}(n)\). A strict version of scanl.

reverse :: [a] -> [a] #

reverse xs returns the elements of xs in reverse order. xs must be finite.

>>> reverse []
>>> reverse [42]
>>> reverse [2,5,7]
>>> reverse [1..]
* Hangs forever *

replicate :: Int -> a -> [a] #

replicate n x is a list of length n with x the value of every element. It is an instance of the more general genericReplicate, in which n may be of any integral type.

>>> replicate 0 True
>>> replicate (-1) True
>>> replicate 4 True

repeat :: a -> [a] #

repeat x is an infinite list, with x the value of every element.

>>> take 20 $ repeat 17

iterate' :: (a -> a) -> a -> [a] #

iterate' is the strict version of iterate.

It forces the result of each application of the function to weak head normal form (WHNF) before proceeding.

iterate :: (a -> a) -> a -> [a] #

iterate f x returns an infinite list of repeated applications of f to x:

iterate f x == [x, f x, f (f x), ...]

Note that iterate is lazy, potentially leading to thunk build-up if the consumer doesn't force each iterate. See iterate' for a strict variant of this function.

>>> take 10 $ iterate not True
>>> take 10 $ iterate (+3) 42

foldl1' :: (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> a #

A strict version of foldl1.

dropWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] #

dropWhile p xs returns the suffix remaining after takeWhile p xs.

>>> dropWhile (< 3) [1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3]
>>> dropWhile (< 9) [1,2,3]
>>> dropWhile (< 0) [1,2,3]

drop :: Int -> [a] -> [a] #

drop n xs returns the suffix of xs after the first n elements, or [] if n >= length xs.

>>> drop 6 "Hello World!"
>>> drop 3 [1,2,3,4,5]
>>> drop 3 [1,2]
>>> drop 3 []
>>> drop (-1) [1,2]
>>> drop 0 [1,2]

It is an instance of the more general genericDrop, in which n may be of any integral type.

cycle :: [a] -> [a] #

cycle ties a finite list into a circular one, or equivalently, the infinite repetition of the original list. It is the identity on infinite lists.

>>> cycle []
*** Exception: Prelude.cycle: empty list
>>> take 20 $ cycle [42]
>>> take 20 $ cycle [2, 5, 7]

maybeToList :: Maybe a -> [a] #

The maybeToList function returns an empty list when given Nothing or a singleton list when given Just.



Basic usage:

>>> maybeToList (Just 7)
>>> maybeToList Nothing

One can use maybeToList to avoid pattern matching when combined with a function that (safely) works on lists:

>>> import Text.Read ( readMaybe )
>>> sum $ maybeToList (readMaybe "3")
>>> sum $ maybeToList (readMaybe "")

maybe :: b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b #

The maybe function takes a default value, a function, and a Maybe value. If the Maybe value is Nothing, the function returns the default value. Otherwise, it applies the function to the value inside the Just and returns the result.



Basic usage:

>>> maybe False odd (Just 3)
>>> maybe False odd Nothing

Read an integer from a string using readMaybe. If we succeed, return twice the integer; that is, apply (*2) to it. If instead we fail to parse an integer, return 0 by default:

>>> import Text.Read ( readMaybe )
>>> maybe 0 (*2) (readMaybe "5")
>>> maybe 0 (*2) (readMaybe "")

Apply show to a Maybe Int. If we have Just n, we want to show the underlying Int n. But if we have Nothing, we return the empty string instead of (for example) "Nothing":

>>> maybe "" show (Just 5)
>>> maybe "" show Nothing

mapMaybe :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> [b] #

The mapMaybe function is a version of map which can throw out elements. In particular, the functional argument returns something of type Maybe b. If this is Nothing, no element is added on to the result list. If it is Just b, then b is included in the result list.



Using mapMaybe f x is a shortcut for catMaybes $ map f x in most cases:

>>> import Text.Read ( readMaybe )
>>> let readMaybeInt = readMaybe :: String -> Maybe Int
>>> mapMaybe readMaybeInt ["1", "Foo", "3"]
>>> catMaybes $ map readMaybeInt ["1", "Foo", "3"]

If we map the Just constructor, the entire list should be returned:

>>> mapMaybe Just [1,2,3]

listToMaybe :: [a] -> Maybe a #

The listToMaybe function returns Nothing on an empty list or Just a where a is the first element of the list.



Basic usage:

>>> listToMaybe []
>>> listToMaybe [9]
Just 9
>>> listToMaybe [1,2,3]
Just 1

Composing maybeToList with listToMaybe should be the identity on singleton/empty lists:

>>> maybeToList $ listToMaybe [5]
>>> maybeToList $ listToMaybe []

But not on lists with more than one element:

>>> maybeToList $ listToMaybe [1,2,3]

isNothing :: Maybe a -> Bool #

The isNothing function returns True iff its argument is Nothing.



Basic usage:

>>> isNothing (Just 3)
>>> isNothing (Just ())
>>> isNothing Nothing

Only the outer constructor is taken into consideration:

>>> isNothing (Just Nothing)

isJust :: Maybe a -> Bool #

The isJust function returns True iff its argument is of the form Just _.



Basic usage:

>>> isJust (Just 3)
>>> isJust (Just ())
>>> isJust Nothing

Only the outer constructor is taken into consideration:

>>> isJust (Just Nothing)

fromMaybe :: a -> Maybe a -> a #

The fromMaybe function takes a default value and a Maybe value. If the Maybe is Nothing, it returns the default value; otherwise, it returns the value contained in the Maybe.



Basic usage:

>>> fromMaybe "" (Just "Hello, World!")
"Hello, World!"
>>> fromMaybe "" Nothing

Read an integer from a string using readMaybe. If we fail to parse an integer, we want to return 0 by default:

>>> import Text.Read ( readMaybe )
>>> fromMaybe 0 (readMaybe "5")
>>> fromMaybe 0 (readMaybe "")

fromJust :: HasCallStack => Maybe a -> a #

The fromJust function extracts the element out of a Just and throws an error if its argument is Nothing.



Basic usage:

>>> fromJust (Just 1)
>>> 2 * (fromJust (Just 10))
>>> 2 * (fromJust Nothing)
*** Exception: Maybe.fromJust: Nothing

catMaybes :: [Maybe a] -> [a] #

The catMaybes function takes a list of Maybes and returns a list of all the Just values.



Basic usage:

>>> catMaybes [Just 1, Nothing, Just 3]

When constructing a list of Maybe values, catMaybes can be used to return all of the "success" results (if the list is the result of a map, then mapMaybe would be more appropriate):

>>> import Text.Read ( readMaybe )
>>> [readMaybe x :: Maybe Int | x <- ["1", "Foo", "3"] ]
[Just 1,Nothing,Just 3]
>>> catMaybes $ [readMaybe x :: Maybe Int | x <- ["1", "Foo", "3"] ]

void :: Functor f => f a -> f () #

void value discards or ignores the result of evaluation, such as the return value of an IO action.



Replace the contents of a Maybe Int with unit:

>>> void Nothing
>>> void (Just 3)
Just ()

Replace the contents of an Either Int Int with unit, resulting in an Either Int ():

>>> void (Left 8675309)
Left 8675309
>>> void (Right 8675309)
Right ()

Replace every element of a list with unit:

>>> void [1,2,3]

Replace the second element of a pair with unit:

>>> void (1,2)

Discard the result of an IO action:

>>> mapM print [1,2]
>>> void $ mapM print [1,2]

uncurry :: (a -> b -> c) -> (a, b) -> c #

uncurry converts a curried function to a function on pairs.


>>> uncurry (+) (1,2)
>>> uncurry ($) (show, 1)
>>> map (uncurry max) [(1,2), (3,4), (6,8)]

swap :: (a, b) -> (b, a) #

Swap the components of a pair.

curry :: ((a, b) -> c) -> a -> b -> c #

curry converts an uncurried function to a curried function.


>>> curry fst 1 2

subtract :: Num a => a -> a -> a #

the same as flip (-).

Because - is treated specially in the Haskell grammar, (- e) is not a section, but an application of prefix negation. However, (subtract exp) is equivalent to the disallowed section.

when :: Applicative f => Bool -> f () -> f () #

Conditional execution of Applicative expressions. For example,

when debug (putStrLn "Debugging")

will output the string Debugging if the Boolean value debug is True, and otherwise do nothing.

until :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> a) -> a -> a #

until p f yields the result of applying f until p holds.

unIO :: IO a -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #) #

shiftRL# :: Word# -> Int# -> Word# #

Shift the argument right by the specified number of bits (which must be non-negative). The RL means "right, logical" (as opposed to RA for arithmetic) (although an arithmetic right shift wouldn't make sense for Word#)

shiftL# :: Word# -> Int# -> Word# #

Shift the argument left by the specified number of bits (which must be non-negative).

remInt :: Int -> Int -> Int #

quotRemInt :: Int -> Int -> (Int, Int) #

quotInt :: Int -> Int -> Int #

ord :: Char -> Int #

The fromEnum method restricted to the type Char.

modInt :: Int -> Int -> Int #

mapFB :: (elt -> lst -> lst) -> (a -> elt) -> a -> lst -> lst #

liftM5 :: Monad m => (a1 -> a2 -> a3 -> a4 -> a5 -> r) -> m a1 -> m a2 -> m a3 -> m a4 -> m a5 -> m r #

Promote a function to a monad, scanning the monadic arguments from left to right (cf. liftM2).

liftM4 :: Monad m => (a1 -> a2 -> a3 -> a4 -> r) -> m a1 -> m a2 -> m a3 -> m a4 -> m r #

Promote a function to a monad, scanning the monadic arguments from left to right (cf. liftM2).

liftM3 :: Monad m => (a1 -> a2 -> a3 -> r) -> m a1 -> m a2 -> m a3 -> m r #

Promote a function to a monad, scanning the monadic arguments from left to right (cf. liftM2).

liftM2 :: Monad m => (a1 -> a2 -> r) -> m a1 -> m a2 -> m r #

Promote a function to a monad, scanning the monadic arguments from left to right. For example,

liftM2 (+) [0,1] [0,2] = [0,2,1,3]
liftM2 (+) (Just 1) Nothing = Nothing

liftM :: Monad m => (a1 -> r) -> m a1 -> m r #

Promote a function to a monad.

liftA3 :: Applicative f => (a -> b -> c -> d) -> f a -> f b -> f c -> f d #

Lift a ternary function to actions.

liftA :: Applicative f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b #

Lift a function to actions. Equivalent to Functor's fmap but implemented using only Applicative's methods: `liftA f a = pure f * a`

As such this function may be used to implement a Functor instance from an Applicative one.

iShiftRL# :: Int# -> Int# -> Int# #

Shift the argument right (unsigned) by the specified number of bits (which must be non-negative). The RL means "right, logical" (as opposed to RA for arithmetic)

iShiftRA# :: Int# -> Int# -> Int# #

Shift the argument right (signed) by the specified number of bits (which must be non-negative). The RA means "right, arithmetic" (as opposed to RL for logical)

iShiftL# :: Int# -> Int# -> Int# #

Shift the argument left by the specified number of bits (which must be non-negative).

getTag :: a -> Int# #

Returns the tag of a constructor application; this function is used by the deriving code for Eq, Ord and Enum.

flip :: (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c #

flip f takes its (first) two arguments in the reverse order of f.

>>> flip (++) "hello" "world"

failIO :: String -> IO a #

divModInt# :: Int# -> Int# -> (# Int#, Int# #) #

divModInt :: Int -> Int -> (Int, Int) #

divInt :: Int -> Int -> Int #

asTypeOf :: a -> a -> a #

asTypeOf is a type-restricted version of const. It is usually used as an infix operator, and its typing forces its first argument (which is usually overloaded) to have the same type as the second.

ap :: Monad m => m (a -> b) -> m a -> m b #

In many situations, the liftM operations can be replaced by uses of ap, which promotes function application.

return f `ap` x1 `ap` ... `ap` xn

is equivalent to

liftMn f x1 x2 ... xn

(=<<) :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> m a -> m b infixr 1 #

Same as >>=, but with the arguments interchanged.

($!) :: forall (r :: RuntimeRep) a (b :: TYPE r). (a -> b) -> a -> b infixr 0 #

Strict (call-by-value) application operator. It takes a function and an argument, evaluates the argument to weak head normal form (WHNF), then calls the function with that value.

undefined :: forall (r :: RuntimeRep) (a :: TYPE r). HasCallStack => a #

A special case of error. It is expected that compilers will recognize this and insert error messages which are more appropriate to the context in which undefined appears.

errorWithoutStackTrace :: forall (r :: RuntimeRep) (a :: TYPE r). [Char] -> a #

A variant of error that does not produce a stack trace.

Since: base-

error :: forall (r :: RuntimeRep) (a :: TYPE r). HasCallStack => [Char] -> a #

error stops execution and displays an error message.

absentErr :: a #

Used for compiler-generated error message; encoding saves bytes of string junk.

stimesIdempotentMonoid :: (Integral b, Monoid a) => b -> a -> a #

This is a valid definition of stimes for an idempotent Monoid.

When mappend x x = x, this definition should be preferred, because it works in \(\mathcal{O}(1)\) rather than \(\mathcal{O}(\log n)\)

isTrue# :: Int# -> Bool #

Alias for tagToEnum#. Returns True if its parameter is 1# and False if it is 0#.

type Void# = (# #) #

(&&) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool infixr 3 #

Boolean "and", lazy in the second argument

eqChar :: Char -> Char -> Bool #

eqInt :: Int -> Int -> Bool #

eqWord :: Word -> Word -> Bool #

geInt :: Int -> Int -> Bool #

geWord :: Word -> Word -> Bool #

gtInt :: Int -> Int -> Bool #

gtWord :: Word -> Word -> Bool #

leInt :: Int -> Int -> Bool #

leWord :: Word -> Word -> Bool #

ltInt :: Int -> Int -> Bool #

ltWord :: Word -> Word -> Bool #

neChar :: Char -> Char -> Bool #

neInt :: Int -> Int -> Bool #

neWord :: Word -> Word -> Bool #

not :: Bool -> Bool #

Boolean "not"

(||) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool infixr 2 #

Boolean "or", lazy in the second argument

class Typeable (a :: k) #

The class Typeable allows a concrete representation of a type to be calculated.

Minimal complete definition


cast :: (Typeable a, Typeable b) => a -> Maybe b #

The type-safe cast operation

data Proxy (t :: k) #

Proxy is a type that holds no data, but has a phantom parameter of arbitrary type (or even kind). Its use is to provide type information, even though there is no value available of that type (or it may be too costly to create one).

Historically, Proxy :: Proxy a is a safer alternative to the undefined :: a idiom.

>>> Proxy :: Proxy (Void, Int -> Int)

Proxy can even hold types of higher kinds,

>>> Proxy :: Proxy Either
>>> Proxy :: Proxy Functor
>>> Proxy :: Proxy complicatedStructure


Instances details
Generic1 (Proxy :: k -> Type) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

Associated Types

type Rep1 Proxy :: k -> Type #


from1 :: forall (a :: k0). Proxy a -> Rep1 Proxy a #

to1 :: forall (a :: k0). Rep1 Proxy a -> Proxy a #

FromJSON1 (Proxy :: Type -> Type) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON


liftParseJSON :: (Value -> Parser a) -> (Value -> Parser [a]) -> Value -> Parser (Proxy a) #

liftParseJSONList :: (Value -> Parser a) -> (Value -> Parser [a]) -> Value -> Parser [Proxy a] #

ToJSON1 (Proxy :: TYPE LiftedRep -> Type) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON


liftToJSON :: (a -> Value) -> ([a] -> Value) -> Proxy a -> Value #

liftToJSONList :: (a -> Value) -> ([a] -> Value) -> [Proxy a] -> Value #

liftToEncoding :: (a -> Encoding) -> ([a] -> Encoding) -> Proxy a -> Encoding #

liftToEncodingList :: (a -> Encoding) -> ([a] -> Encoding) -> [Proxy a] -> Encoding #

Foldable (Proxy :: TYPE LiftedRep -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Foldable


fold :: Monoid m => Proxy m -> m #

foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Proxy a -> m #

foldMap' :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Proxy a -> m #

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Proxy a -> b #

foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Proxy a -> b #

foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Proxy a -> b #

foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Proxy a -> b #

foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Proxy a -> a #

foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Proxy a -> a #

toList :: Proxy a -> [a] #

null :: Proxy a -> Bool #

length :: Proxy a -> Int #

elem :: Eq a => a -> Proxy a -> Bool #

maximum :: Ord a => Proxy a -> a #

minimum :: Ord a => Proxy a -> a #

sum :: Num a => Proxy a -> a #

product :: Num a => Proxy a -> a #

Eq1 (Proxy :: Type -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Classes


liftEq :: (a -> b -> Bool) -> Proxy a -> Proxy b -> Bool #

Ord1 (Proxy :: Type -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Classes


liftCompare :: (a -> b -> Ordering) -> Proxy a -> Proxy b -> Ordering #

Read1 (Proxy :: Type -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Classes


liftReadsPrec :: (Int -> ReadS a) -> ReadS [a] -> Int -> ReadS (Proxy a) #

liftReadList :: (Int -> ReadS a) -> ReadS [a] -> ReadS [Proxy a] #

liftReadPrec :: ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec [a] -> ReadPrec (Proxy a) #

liftReadListPrec :: ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec [a] -> ReadPrec [Proxy a] #

Show1 (Proxy :: TYPE LiftedRep -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Classes


liftShowsPrec :: (Int -> a -> ShowS) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Int -> Proxy a -> ShowS #

liftShowList :: (Int -> a -> ShowS) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> [Proxy a] -> ShowS #

Traversable (Proxy :: Type -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Traversable


traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> Proxy a -> f (Proxy b) #

sequenceA :: Applicative f => Proxy (f a) -> f (Proxy a) #

mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> Proxy a -> m (Proxy b) #

sequence :: Monad m => Proxy (m a) -> m (Proxy a) #

Alternative (Proxy :: Type -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Proxy


empty :: Proxy a #

(<|>) :: Proxy a -> Proxy a -> Proxy a #

some :: Proxy a -> Proxy [a] #

many :: Proxy a -> Proxy [a] #

Applicative (Proxy :: Type -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Proxy


pure :: a -> Proxy a #

(<*>) :: Proxy (a -> b) -> Proxy a -> Proxy b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Proxy a -> Proxy b -> Proxy c #

(*>) :: Proxy a -> Proxy b -> Proxy b #

(<*) :: Proxy a -> Proxy b -> Proxy a #

Functor (Proxy :: Type -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Proxy


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Proxy a -> Proxy b #

(<$) :: a -> Proxy b -> Proxy a #

Monad (Proxy :: Type -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Proxy


(>>=) :: Proxy a -> (a -> Proxy b) -> Proxy b #

(>>) :: Proxy a -> Proxy b -> Proxy b #

return :: a -> Proxy a #

MonadPlus (Proxy :: Type -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Proxy


mzero :: Proxy a #

mplus :: Proxy a -> Proxy a -> Proxy a #

Hashable1 (Proxy :: Type -> Type) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Hashable.Class


liftHashWithSalt :: (Int -> a -> Int) -> Int -> Proxy a -> Int #

FromJSON (Proxy a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON

ToJSON (Proxy a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON

Monoid (Proxy s)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Proxy


mempty :: Proxy s #

mappend :: Proxy s -> Proxy s -> Proxy s #

mconcat :: [Proxy s] -> Proxy s #

Semigroup (Proxy s)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Proxy


(<>) :: Proxy s -> Proxy s -> Proxy s #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Proxy s) -> Proxy s #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Proxy s -> Proxy s #

Bounded (Proxy t)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Proxy


minBound :: Proxy t #

maxBound :: Proxy t #

Enum (Proxy s)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Proxy


succ :: Proxy s -> Proxy s #

pred :: Proxy s -> Proxy s #

toEnum :: Int -> Proxy s #

fromEnum :: Proxy s -> Int #

enumFrom :: Proxy s -> [Proxy s] #

enumFromThen :: Proxy s -> Proxy s -> [Proxy s] #

enumFromTo :: Proxy s -> Proxy s -> [Proxy s] #

enumFromThenTo :: Proxy s -> Proxy s -> Proxy s -> [Proxy s] #

Generic (Proxy t) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

Associated Types

type Rep (Proxy t) :: Type -> Type #


from :: Proxy t -> Rep (Proxy t) x #

to :: Rep (Proxy t) x -> Proxy t #

Ix (Proxy s)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Proxy


range :: (Proxy s, Proxy s) -> [Proxy s] #

index :: (Proxy s, Proxy s) -> Proxy s -> Int #

unsafeIndex :: (Proxy s, Proxy s) -> Proxy s -> Int #

inRange :: (Proxy s, Proxy s) -> Proxy s -> Bool #

rangeSize :: (Proxy s, Proxy s) -> Int #

unsafeRangeSize :: (Proxy s, Proxy s) -> Int #

Read (Proxy t)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Proxy

Show (Proxy s)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Proxy


showsPrec :: Int -> Proxy s -> ShowS #

show :: Proxy s -> String #

showList :: [Proxy s] -> ShowS #

Eq (Proxy s)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Proxy


(==) :: Proxy s -> Proxy s -> Bool #

(/=) :: Proxy s -> Proxy s -> Bool #

Ord (Proxy s)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Proxy


compare :: Proxy s -> Proxy s -> Ordering #

(<) :: Proxy s -> Proxy s -> Bool #

(<=) :: Proxy s -> Proxy s -> Bool #

(>) :: Proxy s -> Proxy s -> Bool #

(>=) :: Proxy s -> Proxy s -> Bool #

max :: Proxy s -> Proxy s -> Proxy s #

min :: Proxy s -> Proxy s -> Proxy s #

Hashable (Proxy a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Hashable.Class


hashWithSalt :: Int -> Proxy a -> Int #

hash :: Proxy a -> Int #

type Rep1 (Proxy :: k -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

type Rep1 (Proxy :: k -> Type) = D1 ('MetaData "Proxy" "Data.Proxy" "base" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "Proxy" 'PrefixI 'False) (U1 :: k -> Type))
type Rep (Proxy t)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics

type Rep (Proxy t) = D1 ('MetaData "Proxy" "Data.Proxy" "base" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "Proxy" 'PrefixI 'False) (U1 :: Type -> Type))

class IsString a #

Class for string-like datastructures; used by the overloaded string extension (-XOverloadedStrings in GHC).

Minimal complete definition



Instances details
IsString Key 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Key


fromString :: String -> Key #

IsString Value 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal


fromString :: String -> Value #

IsString String 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.UTF8.Base


fromString :: String0 -> String #

IsString ByteString

Beware: fromString truncates multi-byte characters to octets. e.g. "枯朶に烏のとまりけり秋の暮" becomes �6k�nh~�Q��n�

Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteString.Internal

IsString ByteString

Beware: fromString truncates multi-byte characters to octets. e.g. "枯朶に烏のとまりけり秋の暮" becomes �6k�nh~�Q��n�

Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal

IsString ShortByteString

Beware: fromString truncates multi-byte characters to octets. e.g. "枯朶に烏のとまりけり秋の暮" becomes �6k�nh~�Q��n�

Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteString.Short.Internal

IsString FastString 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Data.FastString

IsString SDoc 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Utils.Outputable


fromString :: String -> SDoc #

IsString RequestBody

Since 0.4.12

Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types

IsString IP 
Instance details

Defined in Data.IP.Addr


fromString :: String -> IP #

IsString IPv4 
Instance details

Defined in Data.IP.Addr


fromString :: String -> IPv4 #

IsString IPv6 
Instance details

Defined in Data.IP.Addr


fromString :: String -> IPv6 #

IsString IPRange 
Instance details

Defined in Data.IP.Range


fromString :: String -> IPRange #

IsString Doc 
Instance details

Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ


fromString :: String -> Doc #

IsString CmdSpec

construct a ShellCommand from a string literal

Since: process-

Instance details

Defined in System.Process.Common


fromString :: String -> CmdSpec #

IsString Builder 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Text.Internal.Builder


fromString :: String -> Builder #

IsString ShortText

Note: Surrogate pairs ([U+D800 .. U+DFFF]) in string literals are replaced by U+FFFD.

This matches the behaviour of IsString instance for Text.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Text.Short.Internal

IsString a => IsString (Identity a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.String


fromString :: String -> Identity a #

a ~ Char => IsString (Seq a)

Since: containers-0.5.7

Instance details

Defined in Data.Sequence.Internal


fromString :: String -> Seq a #

a ~ Char => IsString (DNonEmpty a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.DList.DNonEmpty.Internal


fromString :: String -> DNonEmpty a #

a ~ Char => IsString (DList a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.DList.Internal


fromString :: String -> DList a #

(IsString a, Hashable a) => IsString (Hashed a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Hashable.Class


fromString :: String -> Hashed a #

IsString (AddrRange IPv4) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.IP.Range

IsString (AddrRange IPv6) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.IP.Range

IsString (Doc a) 
Instance details

Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.Annotated.HughesPJ


fromString :: String -> Doc a #

a ~ Char => IsString [a]

(a ~ Char) context was introduced in

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.String


fromString :: String -> [a] #

IsString a => IsString (Const a b)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.String


fromString :: String -> Const a b #

IsString a => IsString (Tagged s a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tagged


fromString :: String -> Tagged s a #

class IsList l #

The IsList class and its methods are intended to be used in conjunction with the OverloadedLists extension.

Since: base-

Minimal complete definition

fromList, toList


Instances details
IsList Version

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exts

Associated Types

type Item Version #

IsList CallStack

Be aware that 'fromList . toList = id' only for unfrozen CallStacks, since toList removes frozenness information.

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exts

Associated Types

type Item CallStack #

IsList String 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.UTF8.Base

Associated Types

type Item String #

IsList ByteString

Since: bytestring-

Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteString.Internal

Associated Types

type Item ByteString #

IsList ByteString

Since: bytestring-

Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal

Associated Types

type Item ByteString #

IsList ShortByteString

Since: bytestring-

Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteString.Short.Internal

Associated Types

type Item ShortByteString #

IsList IntSet

Since: containers-

Instance details

Defined in Data.IntSet.Internal

Associated Types

type Item IntSet #

IsList ByteArray 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Array.Byte

Associated Types

type Item ByteArray #

IsList ByteArray

Since: primitive-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.ByteArray

Associated Types

type Item ByteArray #

IsList ShortText

Note: Surrogate pairs ([U+D800 .. U+DFFF]) character literals are replaced by U+FFFD.

Since: text-short-0.1.2

Instance details

Defined in Data.Text.Short.Internal

Associated Types

type Item ShortText #

IsList (KeyMap v)

Since: aeson-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.KeyMap

Associated Types

type Item (KeyMap v) #


fromList :: [Item (KeyMap v)] -> KeyMap v #

fromListN :: Int -> [Item (KeyMap v)] -> KeyMap v #

toList :: KeyMap v -> [Item (KeyMap v)] #

IsList (ZipList a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exts

Associated Types

type Item (ZipList a) #


fromList :: [Item (ZipList a)] -> ZipList a #

fromListN :: Int -> [Item (ZipList a)] -> ZipList a #

toList :: ZipList a -> [Item (ZipList a)] #

PrimType ty => IsList (Block ty) 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.Block.Base

Associated Types

type Item (Block ty) #


fromList :: [Item (Block ty)] -> Block ty #

fromListN :: Int -> [Item (Block ty)] -> Block ty #

toList :: Block ty -> [Item (Block ty)] #

IsList c => IsList (NonEmpty c) 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.NonEmpty

Associated Types

type Item (NonEmpty c) #


fromList :: [Item (NonEmpty c)] -> NonEmpty c #

fromListN :: Int -> [Item (NonEmpty c)] -> NonEmpty c #

toList :: NonEmpty c -> [Item (NonEmpty c)] #

PrimType ty => IsList (UArray ty) 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.UArray.Base

Associated Types

type Item (UArray ty) #


fromList :: [Item (UArray ty)] -> UArray ty #

fromListN :: Int -> [Item (UArray ty)] -> UArray ty #

toList :: UArray ty -> [Item (UArray ty)] #

IsList (IntMap a)

Since: containers-

Instance details

Defined in Data.IntMap.Internal

Associated Types

type Item (IntMap a) #


fromList :: [Item (IntMap a)] -> IntMap a #

fromListN :: Int -> [Item (IntMap a)] -> IntMap a #

toList :: IntMap a -> [Item (IntMap a)] #

IsList (Seq a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Sequence.Internal

Associated Types

type Item (Seq a) #


fromList :: [Item (Seq a)] -> Seq a #

fromListN :: Int -> [Item (Seq a)] -> Seq a #

toList :: Seq a -> [Item (Seq a)] #

Ord a => IsList (Set a)

Since: containers-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Set.Internal

Associated Types

type Item (Set a) #


fromList :: [Item (Set a)] -> Set a #

fromListN :: Int -> [Item (Set a)] -> Set a #

toList :: Set a -> [Item (Set a)] #

IsList (DNonEmpty a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.DList.DNonEmpty.Internal

Associated Types

type Item (DNonEmpty a) #


fromList :: [Item (DNonEmpty a)] -> DNonEmpty a #

fromListN :: Int -> [Item (DNonEmpty a)] -> DNonEmpty a #

toList :: DNonEmpty a -> [Item (DNonEmpty a)] #

IsList (DList a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.DList.Internal

Associated Types

type Item (DList a) #


fromList :: [Item (DList a)] -> DList a #

fromListN :: Int -> [Item (DList a)] -> DList a #

toList :: DList a -> [Item (DList a)] #

IsList (Bag a) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Data.Bag

Associated Types

type Item (Bag a) #


fromList :: [Item (Bag a)] -> Bag a #

fromListN :: Int -> [Item (Bag a)] -> Bag a #

toList :: Bag a -> [Item (Bag a)] #

IsList (Bag a) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Data.Bag

Associated Types

type Item (Bag a) #


fromList :: [Item (Bag a)] -> Bag a #

fromListN :: Int -> [Item (Bag a)] -> Bag a #

toList :: Bag a -> [Item (Bag a)] #

IsList (Array a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.Array

Associated Types

type Item (Array a) #


fromList :: [Item (Array a)] -> Array a #

fromListN :: Int -> [Item (Array a)] -> Array a #

toList :: Array a -> [Item (Array a)] #

Prim a => IsList (PrimArray a)

Since: primitive-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.PrimArray

Associated Types

type Item (PrimArray a) #


fromList :: [Item (PrimArray a)] -> PrimArray a #

fromListN :: Int -> [Item (PrimArray a)] -> PrimArray a #

toList :: PrimArray a -> [Item (PrimArray a)] #

IsList (SmallArray a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.SmallArray

Associated Types

type Item (SmallArray a) #

(Eq a, Hashable a) => IsList (HashSet a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.HashSet.Internal

Associated Types

type Item (HashSet a) #


fromList :: [Item (HashSet a)] -> HashSet a #

fromListN :: Int -> [Item (HashSet a)] -> HashSet a #

toList :: HashSet a -> [Item (HashSet a)] #

IsList (Vector a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector

Associated Types

type Item (Vector a) #


fromList :: [Item (Vector a)] -> Vector a #

fromListN :: Int -> [Item (Vector a)] -> Vector a #

toList :: Vector a -> [Item (Vector a)] #

Prim a => IsList (Vector a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Primitive

Associated Types

type Item (Vector a) #


fromList :: [Item (Vector a)] -> Vector a #

fromListN :: Int -> [Item (Vector a)] -> Vector a #

toList :: Vector a -> [Item (Vector a)] #

Storable a => IsList (Vector a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Storable

Associated Types

type Item (Vector a) #


fromList :: [Item (Vector a)] -> Vector a #

fromListN :: Int -> [Item (Vector a)] -> Vector a #

toList :: Vector a -> [Item (Vector a)] #

IsList (NonEmpty a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exts

Associated Types

type Item (NonEmpty a) #


fromList :: [Item (NonEmpty a)] -> NonEmpty a #

fromListN :: Int -> [Item (NonEmpty a)] -> NonEmpty a #

toList :: NonEmpty a -> [Item (NonEmpty a)] #

IsList [a]

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exts

Associated Types

type Item [a] #


fromList :: [Item [a]] -> [a] #

fromListN :: Int -> [Item [a]] -> [a] #

toList :: [a] -> [Item [a]] #

Ord k => IsList (Map k v)

Since: containers-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Map.Internal

Associated Types

type Item (Map k v) #


fromList :: [Item (Map k v)] -> Map k v #

fromListN :: Int -> [Item (Map k v)] -> Map k v #

toList :: Map k v -> [Item (Map k v)] #

(Eq k, Hashable k) => IsList (HashMap k v) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.HashMap.Internal

Associated Types

type Item (HashMap k v) #


fromList :: [Item (HashMap k v)] -> HashMap k v #

fromListN :: Int -> [Item (HashMap k v)] -> HashMap k v #

toList :: HashMap k v -> [Item (HashMap k v)] #

hPutStrLn :: Handle -> String -> IO () #

The same as hPutStr, but adds a newline character.

hPutStr :: Handle -> String -> IO () #

Computation hPutStr hdl s writes the string s to the file or channel managed by hdl.

This operation may fail with:

hPutChar :: Handle -> Char -> IO () #

Computation hPutChar hdl ch writes the character ch to the file or channel managed by hdl. Characters may be buffered if buffering is enabled for hdl.

This operation may fail with:

hPrint :: Show a => Handle -> a -> IO () #

Computation hPrint hdl t writes the string representation of t given by the shows function to the file or channel managed by hdl and appends a newline.

This operation may fail with:

getChar :: IO Char #

Read a character from the standard input device (same as hGetChar stdin).

getLine :: IO String #

Read a line from the standard input device (same as hGetLine stdin).

writeFile :: FilePath -> String -> IO () #

The computation writeFile file str function writes the string str, to the file file.

data Handle #

Haskell defines operations to read and write characters from and to files, represented by values of type Handle. Each value of this type is a handle: a record used by the Haskell run-time system to manage I/O with file system objects. A handle has at least the following properties:

  • whether it manages input or output or both;
  • whether it is open, closed or semi-closed;
  • whether the object is seekable;
  • whether buffering is disabled, or enabled on a line or block basis;
  • a buffer (whose length may be zero).

Most handles will also have a current I/O position indicating where the next input or output operation will occur. A handle is readable if it manages only input or both input and output; likewise, it is writable if it manages only output or both input and output. A handle is open when first allocated. Once it is closed it can no longer be used for either input or output, though an implementation cannot re-use its storage while references remain to it. Handles are in the Show and Eq classes. The string produced by showing a handle is system dependent; it should include enough information to identify the handle for debugging. A handle is equal according to == only to itself; no attempt is made to compare the internal state of different handles for equality.


Instances details
Show Handle

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO.Handle.Types

Eq Handle

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.IO.Handle.Types


(==) :: Handle -> Handle -> Bool #

(/=) :: Handle -> Handle -> Bool #

readFile :: FilePath -> IO String #

The readFile function reads a file and returns the contents of the file as a string. The file is read strictly, as with getContents.

getContents :: IO String #

The getContents operation returns all user input as a single string, which is read stirctly (same as hGetContents stdin).

hGetContents :: Handle -> IO String #

Computation hGetContents hdl returns the list of characters corresponding to the unread portion of the channel or file managed by hdl, which is immediate closed.

Items are read strictly from the input Handle.

This operation may fail with:

  • isEOFError if the end of file has been reached.

catch #


:: Exception e 
=> IO a

The computation to run

-> (e -> IO a)

Handler to invoke if an exception is raised

-> IO a 

This is the simplest of the exception-catching functions. It takes a single argument, runs it, and if an exception is raised the "handler" is executed, with the value of the exception passed as an argument. Otherwise, the result is returned as normal. For example:

  catch (readFile f)
        (\e -> do let err = show (e :: IOException)
                  hPutStr stderr ("Warning: Couldn't open " ++ f ++ ": " ++ err)
                  return "")

Note that we have to give a type signature to e, or the program will not typecheck as the type is ambiguous. While it is possible to catch exceptions of any type, see the section "Catching all exceptions" (in Control.Exception) for an explanation of the problems with doing so.

For catching exceptions in pure (non-IO) expressions, see the function evaluate.

Note that due to Haskell's unspecified evaluation order, an expression may throw one of several possible exceptions: consider the expression (error "urk") + (1 `div` 0). Does the expression throw ErrorCall "urk", or DivideByZero?

The answer is "it might throw either"; the choice is non-deterministic. If you are catching any type of exception then you might catch either. If you are calling catch with type IO Int -> (ArithException -> IO Int) -> IO Int then the handler may get run with DivideByZero as an argument, or an ErrorCall "urk" exception may be propagated further up. If you call it again, you might get the opposite behaviour. This is ok, because catch is an IO computation.

data SomeException #

The SomeException type is the root of the exception type hierarchy. When an exception of type e is thrown, behind the scenes it is encapsulated in a SomeException.


Instances details
Exception SomeException

Since: base-3.0

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exception.Type

Show SomeException

Since: base-3.0

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exception.Type

class Functor f => Applicative (f :: Type -> Type) where #

A functor with application, providing operations to

  • embed pure expressions (pure), and
  • sequence computations and combine their results (<*> and liftA2).

A minimal complete definition must include implementations of pure and of either <*> or liftA2. If it defines both, then they must behave the same as their default definitions:

(<*>) = liftA2 id
liftA2 f x y = f <$> x <*> y

Further, any definition must satisfy the following:

pure id <*> v = v
pure (.) <*> u <*> v <*> w = u <*> (v <*> w)
pure f <*> pure x = pure (f x)
u <*> pure y = pure ($ y) <*> u

The other methods have the following default definitions, which may be overridden with equivalent specialized implementations:

As a consequence of these laws, the Functor instance for f will satisfy

It may be useful to note that supposing

forall x y. p (q x y) = f x . g y

it follows from the above that

liftA2 p (liftA2 q u v) = liftA2 f u . liftA2 g v

If f is also a Monad, it should satisfy

(which implies that pure and <*> satisfy the applicative functor laws).

Minimal complete definition

pure, ((<*>) | liftA2)


pure :: a -> f a #

Lift a value.

(<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b infixl 4 #

Sequential application.

A few functors support an implementation of <*> that is more efficient than the default one.



Used in combination with (<$>), (<*>) can be used to build a record.

>>> data MyState = MyState {arg1 :: Foo, arg2 :: Bar, arg3 :: Baz}
>>> produceFoo :: Applicative f => f Foo
>>> produceBar :: Applicative f => f Bar
>>> produceBaz :: Applicative f => f Baz
>>> mkState :: Applicative f => f MyState
>>> mkState = MyState <$> produceFoo <*> produceBar <*> produceBaz

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c #

Lift a binary function to actions.

Some functors support an implementation of liftA2 that is more efficient than the default one. In particular, if fmap is an expensive operation, it is likely better to use liftA2 than to fmap over the structure and then use <*>.

This became a typeclass method in Prior to that, it was a function defined in terms of <*> and fmap.


>>> liftA2 (,) (Just 3) (Just 5)
Just (3,5)

(*>) :: f a -> f b -> f b infixl 4 #

Sequence actions, discarding the value of the first argument.



If used in conjunction with the Applicative instance for Maybe, you can chain Maybe computations, with a possible "early return" in case of Nothing.

>>> Just 2 *> Just 3
Just 3
>>> Nothing *> Just 3

Of course a more interesting use case would be to have effectful computations instead of just returning pure values.

>>> import Data.Char
>>> import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
>>> let p = string "my name is " *> munch1 isAlpha <* eof
>>> readP_to_S p "my name is Simon"

(<*) :: f a -> f b -> f a infixl 4 #

Sequence actions, discarding the value of the second argument.


Instances details
Applicative IResult 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal


pure :: a -> IResult a #

(<*>) :: IResult (a -> b) -> IResult a -> IResult b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> IResult a -> IResult b -> IResult c #

(*>) :: IResult a -> IResult b -> IResult b #

(<*) :: IResult a -> IResult b -> IResult a #

Applicative Parser 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal


pure :: a -> Parser a #

(<*>) :: Parser (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser c #

(*>) :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser b #

(<*) :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser a #

Applicative Result 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal


pure :: a -> Result a #

(<*>) :: Result (a -> b) -> Result a -> Result b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Result a -> Result b -> Result c #

(*>) :: Result a -> Result b -> Result b #

(<*) :: Result a -> Result b -> Result a #

Applicative ZipList
f <$> ZipList xs1 <*> ... <*> ZipList xsN
    = ZipList (zipWithN f xs1 ... xsN)

where zipWithN refers to the zipWith function of the appropriate arity (zipWith, zipWith3, zipWith4, ...). For example:

(\a b c -> stimes c [a, b]) <$> ZipList "abcd" <*> ZipList "567" <*> ZipList [1..]
    = ZipList (zipWith3 (\a b c -> stimes c [a, b]) "abcd" "567" [1..])
    = ZipList {getZipList = ["a5","b6b6","c7c7c7"]}

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Control.Applicative


pure :: a -> ZipList a #

(<*>) :: ZipList (a -> b) -> ZipList a -> ZipList b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> ZipList a -> ZipList b -> ZipList c #

(*>) :: ZipList a -> ZipList b -> ZipList b #

(<*) :: ZipList a -> ZipList b -> ZipList a #

Applicative Complex

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Complex


pure :: a -> Complex a #

(<*>) :: Complex (a -> b) -> Complex a -> Complex b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Complex a -> Complex b -> Complex c #

(*>) :: Complex a -> Complex b -> Complex b #

(<*) :: Complex a -> Complex b -> Complex a #

Applicative Identity

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Identity


pure :: a -> Identity a #

(<*>) :: Identity (a -> b) -> Identity a -> Identity b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Identity a -> Identity b -> Identity c #

(*>) :: Identity a -> Identity b -> Identity b #

(<*) :: Identity a -> Identity b -> Identity a #

Applicative First

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


pure :: a -> First a #

(<*>) :: First (a -> b) -> First a -> First b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> First a -> First b -> First c #

(*>) :: First a -> First b -> First b #

(<*) :: First a -> First b -> First a #

Applicative Last

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


pure :: a -> Last a #

(<*>) :: Last (a -> b) -> Last a -> Last b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Last a -> Last b -> Last c #

(*>) :: Last a -> Last b -> Last b #

(<*) :: Last a -> Last b -> Last a #

Applicative Down

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Ord


pure :: a -> Down a #

(<*>) :: Down (a -> b) -> Down a -> Down b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Down a -> Down b -> Down c #

(*>) :: Down a -> Down b -> Down b #

(<*) :: Down a -> Down b -> Down a #

Applicative First

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


pure :: a -> First a #

(<*>) :: First (a -> b) -> First a -> First b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> First a -> First b -> First c #

(*>) :: First a -> First b -> First b #

(<*) :: First a -> First b -> First a #

Applicative Last

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


pure :: a -> Last a #

(<*>) :: Last (a -> b) -> Last a -> Last b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Last a -> Last b -> Last c #

(*>) :: Last a -> Last b -> Last b #

(<*) :: Last a -> Last b -> Last a #

Applicative Max

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


pure :: a -> Max a #

(<*>) :: Max (a -> b) -> Max a -> Max b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Max a -> Max b -> Max c #

(*>) :: Max a -> Max b -> Max b #

(<*) :: Max a -> Max b -> Max a #

Applicative Min

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup


pure :: a -> Min a #

(<*>) :: Min (a -> b) -> Min a -> Min b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Min a -> Min b -> Min c #

(*>) :: Min a -> Min b -> Min b #

(<*) :: Min a -> Min b -> Min a #

Applicative Dual

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


pure :: a -> Dual a #

(<*>) :: Dual (a -> b) -> Dual a -> Dual b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Dual a -> Dual b -> Dual c #

(*>) :: Dual a -> Dual b -> Dual b #

(<*) :: Dual a -> Dual b -> Dual a #

Applicative Product

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


pure :: a -> Product a #

(<*>) :: Product (a -> b) -> Product a -> Product b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Product a -> Product b -> Product c #

(*>) :: Product a -> Product b -> Product b #

(<*) :: Product a -> Product b -> Product a #

Applicative Sum

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


pure :: a -> Sum a #

(<*>) :: Sum (a -> b) -> Sum a -> Sum b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Sum a -> Sum b -> Sum c #

(*>) :: Sum a -> Sum b -> Sum b #

(<*) :: Sum a -> Sum b -> Sum a #

Applicative STM

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Conc.Sync


pure :: a -> STM a #

(<*>) :: STM (a -> b) -> STM a -> STM b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> STM a -> STM b -> STM c #

(*>) :: STM a -> STM b -> STM b #

(<*) :: STM a -> STM b -> STM a #

Applicative Par1

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


pure :: a -> Par1 a #

(<*>) :: Par1 (a -> b) -> Par1 a -> Par1 b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Par1 a -> Par1 b -> Par1 c #

(*>) :: Par1 a -> Par1 b -> Par1 b #

(<*) :: Par1 a -> Par1 b -> Par1 a #

Applicative P

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP


pure :: a -> P a #

(<*>) :: P (a -> b) -> P a -> P b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> P a -> P b -> P c #

(*>) :: P a -> P b -> P b #

(<*) :: P a -> P b -> P a #

Applicative ReadP

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP


pure :: a -> ReadP a #

(<*>) :: ReadP (a -> b) -> ReadP a -> ReadP b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> ReadP a -> ReadP b -> ReadP c #

(*>) :: ReadP a -> ReadP b -> ReadP b #

(<*) :: ReadP a -> ReadP b -> ReadP a #

Applicative Get 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Get.Internal


pure :: a -> Get a #

(<*>) :: Get (a -> b) -> Get a -> Get b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Get a -> Get b -> Get c #

(*>) :: Get a -> Get b -> Get b #

(<*) :: Get a -> Get b -> Get a #

Applicative PutM 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Put


pure :: a -> PutM a #

(<*>) :: PutM (a -> b) -> PutM a -> PutM b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> PutM a -> PutM b -> PutM c #

(*>) :: PutM a -> PutM b -> PutM b #

(<*) :: PutM a -> PutM b -> PutM a #

Applicative Put 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteString.Builder.Internal


pure :: a -> Put a #

(<*>) :: Put (a -> b) -> Put a -> Put b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Put a -> Put b -> Put c #

(*>) :: Put a -> Put b -> Put b #

(<*) :: Put a -> Put b -> Put a #

Applicative Seq

Since: containers-0.5.4

Instance details

Defined in Data.Sequence.Internal


pure :: a -> Seq a #

(<*>) :: Seq (a -> b) -> Seq a -> Seq b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Seq a -> Seq b -> Seq c #

(*>) :: Seq a -> Seq b -> Seq b #

(<*) :: Seq a -> Seq b -> Seq a #

Applicative Tree 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tree


pure :: a -> Tree a #

(<*>) :: Tree (a -> b) -> Tree a -> Tree b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Tree a -> Tree b -> Tree c #

(*>) :: Tree a -> Tree b -> Tree b #

(<*) :: Tree a -> Tree b -> Tree a #

Applicative CryptoFailable 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Error.Types

Applicative DNonEmpty 
Instance details

Defined in Data.DList.DNonEmpty.Internal


pure :: a -> DNonEmpty a #

(<*>) :: DNonEmpty (a -> b) -> DNonEmpty a -> DNonEmpty b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> DNonEmpty a -> DNonEmpty b -> DNonEmpty c #

(*>) :: DNonEmpty a -> DNonEmpty b -> DNonEmpty b #

(<*) :: DNonEmpty a -> DNonEmpty b -> DNonEmpty a #

Applicative DList 
Instance details

Defined in Data.DList.Internal


pure :: a -> DList a #

(<*>) :: DList (a -> b) -> DList a -> DList b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> DList a -> DList b -> DList c #

(*>) :: DList a -> DList b -> DList b #

(<*) :: DList a -> DList b -> DList a #

Applicative NormM 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Core.FamInstEnv


pure :: a -> NormM a #

(<*>) :: NormM (a -> b) -> NormM a -> NormM b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> NormM a -> NormM b -> NormM c #

(*>) :: NormM a -> NormM b -> NormM b #

(<*) :: NormM a -> NormM b -> NormM a #

Applicative UM 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Core.Unify


pure :: a -> UM a #

(<*>) :: UM (a -> b) -> UM a -> UM b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> UM a -> UM b -> UM c #

(*>) :: UM a -> UM b -> UM b #

(<*) :: UM a -> UM b -> UM a #

Applicative UnifyResultM 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Core.Unify

Applicative Hsc 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Env.Types


pure :: a -> Hsc a #

(<*>) :: Hsc (a -> b) -> Hsc a -> Hsc b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Hsc a -> Hsc b -> Hsc c #

(*>) :: Hsc a -> Hsc b -> Hsc b #

(<*) :: Hsc a -> Hsc b -> Hsc a #

Applicative Ghc 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Monad


pure :: a -> Ghc a #

(<*>) :: Ghc (a -> b) -> Ghc a -> Ghc b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Ghc a -> Ghc b -> Ghc c #

(*>) :: Ghc a -> Ghc b -> Ghc b #

(<*) :: Ghc a -> Ghc b -> Ghc a #

Applicative MatchResult

Product is an "or" on falliblity---the combined match result is infallible only if the left and right argument match results both were.

This is useful for combining a bunch of alternatives together and then getting the overall falliblity of the entire group. See mkDataConCase for an example.

Instance details

Defined in GHC.HsToCore.Monad


pure :: a -> MatchResult a #

(<*>) :: MatchResult (a -> b) -> MatchResult a -> MatchResult b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> MatchResult a -> MatchResult b -> MatchResult c #

(*>) :: MatchResult a -> MatchResult b -> MatchResult b #

(<*) :: MatchResult a -> MatchResult b -> MatchResult a #

Applicative P 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Lexer


pure :: a -> P a #

(<*>) :: P (a -> b) -> P a -> P b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> P a -> P b -> P c #

(*>) :: P a -> P b -> P b #

(<*) :: P a -> P b -> P a #

Applicative PV 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.PostProcess


pure :: a -> PV a #

(<*>) :: PV (a -> b) -> PV a -> PV b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> PV a -> PV b -> PV c #

(*>) :: PV a -> PV b -> PV b #

(<*) :: PV a -> PV b -> PV a #

Applicative PV 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.PostProcess


pure :: a -> PV a #

(<*>) :: PV (a -> b) -> PV a -> PV b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> PV a -> PV b -> PV c #

(*>) :: PV a -> PV b -> PV b #

(<*) :: PV a -> PV b -> PV a #

Applicative Q 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


pure :: a -> Q a #

(<*>) :: Q (a -> b) -> Q a -> Q b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Q a -> Q b -> Q c #

(*>) :: Q a -> Q b -> Q b #

(<*) :: Q a -> Q b -> Q a #

Applicative IO

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


pure :: a -> IO a #

(<*>) :: IO (a -> b) -> IO a -> IO b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> IO a -> IO b -> IO c #

(*>) :: IO a -> IO b -> IO b #

(<*) :: IO a -> IO b -> IO a #

Applicative Array 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.Array


pure :: a -> Array a #

(<*>) :: Array (a -> b) -> Array a -> Array b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Array a -> Array b -> Array c #

(*>) :: Array a -> Array b -> Array b #

(<*) :: Array a -> Array b -> Array a #

Applicative SmallArray 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Primitive.SmallArray


pure :: a -> SmallArray a #

(<*>) :: SmallArray (a -> b) -> SmallArray a -> SmallArray b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> SmallArray a -> SmallArray b -> SmallArray c #

(*>) :: SmallArray a -> SmallArray b -> SmallArray b #

(<*) :: SmallArray a -> SmallArray b -> SmallArray a #

Applicative Sh 
Instance details

Defined in Shelly.Base


pure :: a -> Sh a #

(<*>) :: Sh (a -> b) -> Sh a -> Sh b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Sh a -> Sh b -> Sh c #

(*>) :: Sh a -> Sh b -> Sh b #

(<*) :: Sh a -> Sh b -> Sh a #

Applicative Q 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax


pure :: a -> Q a #

(<*>) :: Q (a -> b) -> Q a -> Q b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Q a -> Q b -> Q c #

(*>) :: Q a -> Q b -> Q b #

(<*) :: Q a -> Q b -> Q a #

Applicative Vector 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector


pure :: a -> Vector a #

(<*>) :: Vector (a -> b) -> Vector a -> Vector b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Vector a -> Vector b -> Vector c #

(*>) :: Vector a -> Vector b -> Vector b #

(<*) :: Vector a -> Vector b -> Vector a #

Applicative Id 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Fusion.Util


pure :: a -> Id a #

(<*>) :: Id (a -> b) -> Id a -> Id b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Id a -> Id b -> Id c #

(*>) :: Id a -> Id b -> Id b #

(<*) :: Id a -> Id b -> Id a #

Applicative Stream 
Instance details

Defined in Codec.Compression.Zlib.Stream


pure :: a -> Stream a #

(<*>) :: Stream (a -> b) -> Stream a -> Stream b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Stream a -> Stream b -> Stream c #

(*>) :: Stream a -> Stream b -> Stream b #

(<*) :: Stream a -> Stream b -> Stream a #

Applicative NonEmpty

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


pure :: a -> NonEmpty a #

(<*>) :: NonEmpty (a -> b) -> NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty b -> NonEmpty c #

(*>) :: NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty b -> NonEmpty b #

(<*) :: NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty b -> NonEmpty a #

Applicative Maybe

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


pure :: a -> Maybe a #

(<*>) :: Maybe (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b -> Maybe c #

(*>) :: Maybe a -> Maybe b -> Maybe b #

(<*) :: Maybe a -> Maybe b -> Maybe a #

Applicative Solo

Since: base-4.15

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


pure :: a -> Solo a #

(<*>) :: Solo (a -> b) -> Solo a -> Solo b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Solo a -> Solo b -> Solo c #

(*>) :: Solo a -> Solo b -> Solo b #

(<*) :: Solo a -> Solo b -> Solo a #

Applicative []

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


pure :: a -> [a] #

(<*>) :: [a -> b] -> [a] -> [b] #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c] #

(*>) :: [a] -> [b] -> [b] #

(<*) :: [a] -> [b] -> [a] #

Applicative (Parser i) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Attoparsec.Internal.Types


pure :: a -> Parser i a #

(<*>) :: Parser i (a -> b) -> Parser i a -> Parser i b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Parser i a -> Parser i b -> Parser i c #

(*>) :: Parser i a -> Parser i b -> Parser i b #

(<*) :: Parser i a -> Parser i b -> Parser i a #

Monad m => Applicative (WrappedMonad m)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Control.Applicative


pure :: a -> WrappedMonad m a #

(<*>) :: WrappedMonad m (a -> b) -> WrappedMonad m a -> WrappedMonad m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> WrappedMonad m a -> WrappedMonad m b -> WrappedMonad m c #

(*>) :: WrappedMonad m a -> WrappedMonad m b -> WrappedMonad m b #

(<*) :: WrappedMonad m a -> WrappedMonad m b -> WrappedMonad m a #

Arrow a => Applicative (ArrowMonad a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Control.Arrow


pure :: a0 -> ArrowMonad a a0 #

(<*>) :: ArrowMonad a (a0 -> b) -> ArrowMonad a a0 -> ArrowMonad a b #

liftA2 :: (a0 -> b -> c) -> ArrowMonad a a0 -> ArrowMonad a b -> ArrowMonad a c #

(*>) :: ArrowMonad a a0 -> ArrowMonad a b -> ArrowMonad a b #

(<*) :: ArrowMonad a a0 -> ArrowMonad a b -> ArrowMonad a a0 #

Applicative (Either e)

Since: base-3.0

Instance details

Defined in Data.Either


pure :: a -> Either e a #

(<*>) :: Either e (a -> b) -> Either e a -> Either e b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Either e a -> Either e b -> Either e c #

(*>) :: Either e a -> Either e b -> Either e b #

(<*) :: Either e a -> Either e b -> Either e a #

Applicative (Proxy :: Type -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Proxy


pure :: a -> Proxy a #

(<*>) :: Proxy (a -> b) -> Proxy a -> Proxy b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Proxy a -> Proxy b -> Proxy c #

(*>) :: Proxy a -> Proxy b -> Proxy b #

(<*) :: Proxy a -> Proxy b -> Proxy a #

Applicative (U1 :: Type -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


pure :: a -> U1 a #

(<*>) :: U1 (a -> b) -> U1 a -> U1 b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> U1 a -> U1 b -> U1 c #

(*>) :: U1 a -> U1 b -> U1 b #

(<*) :: U1 a -> U1 b -> U1 a #

Applicative (ST s)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.ST


pure :: a -> ST s a #

(<*>) :: ST s (a -> b) -> ST s a -> ST s b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> ST s a -> ST s b -> ST s c #

(*>) :: ST s a -> ST s b -> ST s b #

(<*) :: ST s a -> ST s b -> ST s a #

Monad m => Applicative (ZipSource m) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Conduit.Internal.Conduit


pure :: a -> ZipSource m a #

(<*>) :: ZipSource m (a -> b) -> ZipSource m a -> ZipSource m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> ZipSource m a -> ZipSource m b -> ZipSource m c #

(*>) :: ZipSource m a -> ZipSource m b -> ZipSource m b #

(<*) :: ZipSource m a -> ZipSource m b -> ZipSource m a #

Applicative (SetM s) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Graph


pure :: a -> SetM s a #

(<*>) :: SetM s (a -> b) -> SetM s a -> SetM s b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> SetM s a -> SetM s b -> SetM s c #

(*>) :: SetM s a -> SetM s b -> SetM s b #

(<*) :: SetM s a -> SetM s b -> SetM s a #

Applicative (CmdLineP s) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.CmdLine


pure :: a -> CmdLineP s a #

(<*>) :: CmdLineP s (a -> b) -> CmdLineP s a -> CmdLineP s b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> CmdLineP s a -> CmdLineP s b -> CmdLineP s c #

(*>) :: CmdLineP s a -> CmdLineP s b -> CmdLineP s b #

(<*) :: CmdLineP s a -> CmdLineP s b -> CmdLineP s a #

Monad m => Applicative (EwM m) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.CmdLine


pure :: a -> EwM m a #

(<*>) :: EwM m (a -> b) -> EwM m a -> EwM m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> EwM m a -> EwM m b -> EwM m c #

(*>) :: EwM m a -> EwM m b -> EwM m b #

(<*) :: EwM m a -> EwM m b -> EwM m a #

Applicative m => Applicative (GhcT m) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Monad


pure :: a -> GhcT m a #

(<*>) :: GhcT m (a -> b) -> GhcT m a -> GhcT m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> GhcT m a -> GhcT m b -> GhcT m c #

(*>) :: GhcT m a -> GhcT m b -> GhcT m b #

(<*) :: GhcT m a -> GhcT m b -> GhcT m a #

Applicative m => Applicative (ResourceT m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Resource.Internal


pure :: a -> ResourceT m a #

(<*>) :: ResourceT m (a -> b) -> ResourceT m a -> ResourceT m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> ResourceT m a -> ResourceT m b -> ResourceT m c #

(*>) :: ResourceT m a -> ResourceT m b -> ResourceT m b #

(<*) :: ResourceT m a -> ResourceT m b -> ResourceT m a #

Semigroup a => Applicative (These a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Strict.These


pure :: a0 -> These a a0 #

(<*>) :: These a (a0 -> b) -> These a a0 -> These a b #

liftA2 :: (a0 -> b -> c) -> These a a0 -> These a b -> These a c #

(*>) :: These a a0 -> These a b -> These a b #

(<*) :: These a a0 -> These a b -> These a a0 #

Semigroup a => Applicative (These a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.These


pure :: a0 -> These a a0 #

(<*>) :: These a (a0 -> b) -> These a a0 -> These a b #

liftA2 :: (a0 -> b -> c) -> These a a0 -> These a b -> These a c #

(*>) :: These a a0 -> These a b -> These a b #

(<*) :: These a a0 -> These a b -> These a a0 #

Applicative m => Applicative (ListT m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.List


pure :: a -> ListT m a #

(<*>) :: ListT m (a -> b) -> ListT m a -> ListT m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> ListT m a -> ListT m b -> ListT m c #

(*>) :: ListT m a -> ListT m b -> ListT m b #

(<*) :: ListT m a -> ListT m b -> ListT m a #

(Functor m, Monad m) => Applicative (MaybeT m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe


pure :: a -> MaybeT m a #

(<*>) :: MaybeT m (a -> b) -> MaybeT m a -> MaybeT m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> MaybeT m a -> MaybeT m b -> MaybeT m c #

(*>) :: MaybeT m a -> MaybeT m b -> MaybeT m b #

(<*) :: MaybeT m a -> MaybeT m b -> MaybeT m a #

Monoid a => Applicative ((,) a)

For tuples, the Monoid constraint on a determines how the first values merge. For example, Strings concatenate:

("hello ", (+15)) <*> ("world!", 2002)
("hello world!",2017)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


pure :: a0 -> (a, a0) #

(<*>) :: (a, a0 -> b) -> (a, a0) -> (a, b) #

liftA2 :: (a0 -> b -> c) -> (a, a0) -> (a, b) -> (a, c) #

(*>) :: (a, a0) -> (a, b) -> (a, b) #

(<*) :: (a, a0) -> (a, b) -> (a, a0) #

Arrow a => Applicative (WrappedArrow a b)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Control.Applicative


pure :: a0 -> WrappedArrow a b a0 #

(<*>) :: WrappedArrow a b (a0 -> b0) -> WrappedArrow a b a0 -> WrappedArrow a b b0 #

liftA2 :: (a0 -> b0 -> c) -> WrappedArrow a b a0 -> WrappedArrow a b b0 -> WrappedArrow a b c #

(*>) :: WrappedArrow a b a0 -> WrappedArrow a b b0 -> WrappedArrow a b b0 #

(<*) :: WrappedArrow a b a0 -> WrappedArrow a b b0 -> WrappedArrow a b a0 #

Applicative m => Applicative (Kleisli m a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Control.Arrow


pure :: a0 -> Kleisli m a a0 #

(<*>) :: Kleisli m a (a0 -> b) -> Kleisli m a a0 -> Kleisli m a b #

liftA2 :: (a0 -> b -> c) -> Kleisli m a a0 -> Kleisli m a b -> Kleisli m a c #

(*>) :: Kleisli m a a0 -> Kleisli m a b -> Kleisli m a b #

(<*) :: Kleisli m a a0 -> Kleisli m a b -> Kleisli m a a0 #

Monoid m => Applicative (Const m :: Type -> Type)

Since: base-2.0.1

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Const


pure :: a -> Const m a #

(<*>) :: Const m (a -> b) -> Const m a -> Const m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Const m a -> Const m b -> Const m c #

(*>) :: Const m a -> Const m b -> Const m b #

(<*) :: Const m a -> Const m b -> Const m a #

Applicative f => Applicative (Ap f)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Monoid


pure :: a -> Ap f a #

(<*>) :: Ap f (a -> b) -> Ap f a -> Ap f b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Ap f a -> Ap f b -> Ap f c #

(*>) :: Ap f a -> Ap f b -> Ap f b #

(<*) :: Ap f a -> Ap f b -> Ap f a #

Applicative f => Applicative (Alt f)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Semigroup.Internal


pure :: a -> Alt f a #

(<*>) :: Alt f (a -> b) -> Alt f a -> Alt f b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Alt f a -> Alt f b -> Alt f c #

(*>) :: Alt f a -> Alt f b -> Alt f b #

(<*) :: Alt f a -> Alt f b -> Alt f a #

Applicative f => Applicative (Rec1 f)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


pure :: a -> Rec1 f a #

(<*>) :: Rec1 f (a -> b) -> Rec1 f a -> Rec1 f b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Rec1 f a -> Rec1 f b -> Rec1 f c #

(*>) :: Rec1 f a -> Rec1 f b -> Rec1 f b #

(<*) :: Rec1 f a -> Rec1 f b -> Rec1 f a #

Monad m => Applicative (ZipSink i m) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Conduit.Internal.Conduit


pure :: a -> ZipSink i m a #

(<*>) :: ZipSink i m (a -> b) -> ZipSink i m a -> ZipSink i m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> ZipSink i m a -> ZipSink i m b -> ZipSink i m c #

(*>) :: ZipSink i m a -> ZipSink i m b -> ZipSink i m b #

(<*) :: ZipSink i m a -> ZipSink i m b -> ZipSink i m a #

(Applicative f, Monad f) => Applicative (WhenMissing f x)

Equivalent to ReaderT k (ReaderT x (MaybeT f)).

Since: containers-0.5.9

Instance details

Defined in Data.IntMap.Internal


pure :: a -> WhenMissing f x a #

(<*>) :: WhenMissing f x (a -> b) -> WhenMissing f x a -> WhenMissing f x b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> WhenMissing f x a -> WhenMissing f x b -> WhenMissing f x c #

(*>) :: WhenMissing f x a -> WhenMissing f x b -> WhenMissing f x b #

(<*) :: WhenMissing f x a -> WhenMissing f x b -> WhenMissing f x a #

Applicative (Tagged s) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tagged


pure :: a -> Tagged s a #

(<*>) :: Tagged s (a -> b) -> Tagged s a -> Tagged s b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Tagged s a -> Tagged s b -> Tagged s c #

(*>) :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s b -> Tagged s b #

(<*) :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s b -> Tagged s a #

(Functor m, Monad m) => Applicative (ErrorT e m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Error


pure :: a -> ErrorT e m a #

(<*>) :: ErrorT e m (a -> b) -> ErrorT e m a -> ErrorT e m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> ErrorT e m a -> ErrorT e m b -> ErrorT e m c #

(*>) :: ErrorT e m a -> ErrorT e m b -> ErrorT e m b #

(<*) :: ErrorT e m a -> ErrorT e m b -> ErrorT e m a #

(Functor m, Monad m) => Applicative (ExceptT e m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Except


pure :: a -> ExceptT e m a #

(<*>) :: ExceptT e m (a -> b) -> ExceptT e m a -> ExceptT e m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> ExceptT e m a -> ExceptT e m b -> ExceptT e m c #

(*>) :: ExceptT e m a -> ExceptT e m b -> ExceptT e m b #

(<*) :: ExceptT e m a -> ExceptT e m b -> ExceptT e m a #

Applicative m => Applicative (IdentityT m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Identity


pure :: a -> IdentityT m a #

(<*>) :: IdentityT m (a -> b) -> IdentityT m a -> IdentityT m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> IdentityT m a -> IdentityT m b -> IdentityT m c #

(*>) :: IdentityT m a -> IdentityT m b -> IdentityT m b #

(<*) :: IdentityT m a -> IdentityT m b -> IdentityT m a #

Applicative m => Applicative (ReaderT r m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Reader


pure :: a -> ReaderT r m a #

(<*>) :: ReaderT r m (a -> b) -> ReaderT r m a -> ReaderT r m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> ReaderT r m a -> ReaderT r m b -> ReaderT r m c #

(*>) :: ReaderT r m a -> ReaderT r m b -> ReaderT r m b #

(<*) :: ReaderT r m a -> ReaderT r m b -> ReaderT r m a #

(Functor m, Monad m) => Applicative (StateT s m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy


pure :: a -> StateT s m a #

(<*>) :: StateT s m (a -> b) -> StateT s m a -> StateT s m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> StateT s m a -> StateT s m b -> StateT s m c #

(*>) :: StateT s m a -> StateT s m b -> StateT s m b #

(<*) :: StateT s m a -> StateT s m b -> StateT s m a #

(Functor m, Monad m) => Applicative (StateT s m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict


pure :: a -> StateT s m a #

(<*>) :: StateT s m (a -> b) -> StateT s m a -> StateT s m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> StateT s m a -> StateT s m b -> StateT s m c #

(*>) :: StateT s m a -> StateT s m b -> StateT s m b #

(<*) :: StateT s m a -> StateT s m b -> StateT s m a #

(Monoid w, Applicative m) => Applicative (WriterT w m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Lazy


pure :: a -> WriterT w m a #

(<*>) :: WriterT w m (a -> b) -> WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m b -> WriterT w m c #

(*>) :: WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m b -> WriterT w m b #

(<*) :: WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m b -> WriterT w m a #

(Monoid w, Applicative m) => Applicative (WriterT w m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Strict


pure :: a -> WriterT w m a #

(<*>) :: WriterT w m (a -> b) -> WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m b -> WriterT w m c #

(*>) :: WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m b -> WriterT w m b #

(<*) :: WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m b -> WriterT w m a #

(Monoid a, Monoid b) => Applicative ((,,) a b)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


pure :: a0 -> (a, b, a0) #

(<*>) :: (a, b, a0 -> b0) -> (a, b, a0) -> (a, b, b0) #

liftA2 :: (a0 -> b0 -> c) -> (a, b, a0) -> (a, b, b0) -> (a, b, c) #

(*>) :: (a, b, a0) -> (a, b, b0) -> (a, b, b0) #

(<*) :: (a, b, a0) -> (a, b, b0) -> (a, b, a0) #

(Applicative f, Applicative g) => Applicative (Product f g)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Product


pure :: a -> Product f g a #

(<*>) :: Product f g (a -> b) -> Product f g a -> Product f g b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Product f g a -> Product f g b -> Product f g c #

(*>) :: Product f g a -> Product f g b -> Product f g b #

(<*) :: Product f g a -> Product f g b -> Product f g a #

(Applicative f, Applicative g) => Applicative (f :*: g)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


pure :: a -> (f :*: g) a #

(<*>) :: (f :*: g) (a -> b) -> (f :*: g) a -> (f :*: g) b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> (f :*: g) a -> (f :*: g) b -> (f :*: g) c #

(*>) :: (f :*: g) a -> (f :*: g) b -> (f :*: g) b #

(<*) :: (f :*: g) a -> (f :*: g) b -> (f :*: g) a #

Monoid c => Applicative (K1 i c :: Type -> Type)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


pure :: a -> K1 i c a #

(<*>) :: K1 i c (a -> b) -> K1 i c a -> K1 i c b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c0) -> K1 i c a -> K1 i c b -> K1 i c c0 #

(*>) :: K1 i c a -> K1 i c b -> K1 i c b #

(<*) :: K1 i c a -> K1 i c b -> K1 i c a #

Applicative (ConduitT i o m) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Conduit.Internal.Conduit


pure :: a -> ConduitT i o m a #

(<*>) :: ConduitT i o m (a -> b) -> ConduitT i o m a -> ConduitT i o m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> ConduitT i o m a -> ConduitT i o m b -> ConduitT i o m c #

(*>) :: ConduitT i o m a -> ConduitT i o m b -> ConduitT i o m b #

(<*) :: ConduitT i o m a -> ConduitT i o m b -> ConduitT i o m a #

Monad m => Applicative (ZipConduit i o m) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Conduit.Internal.Conduit


pure :: a -> ZipConduit i o m a #

(<*>) :: ZipConduit i o m (a -> b) -> ZipConduit i o m a -> ZipConduit i o m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> ZipConduit i o m a -> ZipConduit i o m b -> ZipConduit i o m c #

(*>) :: ZipConduit i o m a -> ZipConduit i o m b -> ZipConduit i o m b #

(<*) :: ZipConduit i o m a -> ZipConduit i o m b -> ZipConduit i o m a #

(Monad f, Applicative f) => Applicative (WhenMatched f x y)

Equivalent to ReaderT Key (ReaderT x (ReaderT y (MaybeT f)))

Since: containers-0.5.9

Instance details

Defined in Data.IntMap.Internal


pure :: a -> WhenMatched f x y a #

(<*>) :: WhenMatched f x y (a -> b) -> WhenMatched f x y a -> WhenMatched f x y b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> WhenMatched f x y a -> WhenMatched f x y b -> WhenMatched f x y c #

(*>) :: WhenMatched f x y a -> WhenMatched f x y b -> WhenMatched f x y b #

(<*) :: WhenMatched f x y a -> WhenMatched f x y b -> WhenMatched f x y a #

(Applicative f, Monad f) => Applicative (WhenMissing f k x)

Equivalent to ReaderT k (ReaderT x (MaybeT f)) .

Since: containers-0.5.9

Instance details

Defined in Data.Map.Internal


pure :: a -> WhenMissing f k x a #

(<*>) :: WhenMissing f k x (a -> b) -> WhenMissing f k x a -> WhenMissing f k x b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> WhenMissing f k x a -> WhenMissing f k x b -> WhenMissing f k x c #

(*>) :: WhenMissing f k x a -> WhenMissing f k x b -> WhenMissing f k x b #

(<*) :: WhenMissing f k x a -> WhenMissing f k x b -> WhenMissing f k x a #

Applicative (ParsecT s u m) 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Parsec.Prim


pure :: a -> ParsecT s u m a #

(<*>) :: ParsecT s u m (a -> b) -> ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m b -> ParsecT s u m c #

(*>) :: ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m b -> ParsecT s u m b #

(<*) :: ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m b -> ParsecT s u m a #

Applicative (ContT r m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Cont


pure :: a -> ContT r m a #

(<*>) :: ContT r m (a -> b) -> ContT r m a -> ContT r m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> ContT r m a -> ContT r m b -> ContT r m c #

(*>) :: ContT r m a -> ContT r m b -> ContT r m b #

(<*) :: ContT r m a -> ContT r m b -> ContT r m a #

(Monoid a, Monoid b, Monoid c) => Applicative ((,,,) a b c)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


pure :: a0 -> (a, b, c, a0) #

(<*>) :: (a, b, c, a0 -> b0) -> (a, b, c, a0) -> (a, b, c, b0) #

liftA2 :: (a0 -> b0 -> c0) -> (a, b, c, a0) -> (a, b, c, b0) -> (a, b, c, c0) #

(*>) :: (a, b, c, a0) -> (a, b, c, b0) -> (a, b, c, b0) #

(<*) :: (a, b, c, a0) -> (a, b, c, b0) -> (a, b, c, a0) #

Applicative ((->) r)

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Base


pure :: a -> r -> a #

(<*>) :: (r -> (a -> b)) -> (r -> a) -> r -> b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> (r -> a) -> (r -> b) -> r -> c #

(*>) :: (r -> a) -> (r -> b) -> r -> b #

(<*) :: (r -> a) -> (r -> b) -> r -> a #

(Applicative f, Applicative g) => Applicative (Compose f g)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Functor.Compose


pure :: a -> Compose f g a #

(<*>) :: Compose f g (a -> b) -> Compose f g a -> Compose f g b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Compose f g a -> Compose f g b -> Compose f g c #

(*>) :: Compose f g a -> Compose f g b -> Compose f g b #

(<*) :: Compose f g a -> Compose f g b -> Compose f g a #

(Applicative f, Applicative g) => Applicative (f :.: g)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


pure :: a -> (f :.: g) a #

(<*>) :: (f :.: g) (a -> b) -> (f :.: g) a -> (f :.: g) b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> (f :.: g) a -> (f :.: g) b -> (f :.: g) c #

(*>) :: (f :.: g) a -> (f :.: g) b -> (f :.: g) b #

(<*) :: (f :.: g) a -> (f :.: g) b -> (f :.: g) a #

Applicative f => Applicative (M1 i c f)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Generics


pure :: a -> M1 i c f a #

(<*>) :: M1 i c f (a -> b) -> M1 i c f a -> M1 i c f b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c0) -> M1 i c f a -> M1 i c f b -> M1 i c f c0 #

(*>) :: M1 i c f a -> M1 i c f b -> M1 i c f b #

(<*) :: M1 i c f a -> M1 i c f b -> M1 i c f a #

(Monad f, Applicative f) => Applicative (WhenMatched f k x y)

Equivalent to ReaderT k (ReaderT x (ReaderT y (MaybeT f)))

Since: containers-0.5.9

Instance details

Defined in Data.Map.Internal


pure :: a -> WhenMatched f k x y a #

(<*>) :: WhenMatched f k x y (a -> b) -> WhenMatched f k x y a -> WhenMatched f k x y b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> WhenMatched f k x y a -> WhenMatched f k x y b -> WhenMatched f k x y c #

(*>) :: WhenMatched f k x y a -> WhenMatched f k x y b -> WhenMatched f k x y b #

(<*) :: WhenMatched f k x y a -> WhenMatched f k x y b -> WhenMatched f k x y a #

(Monoid w, Functor m, Monad m) => Applicative (RWST r w s m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.RWS.Lazy


pure :: a -> RWST r w s m a #

(<*>) :: RWST r w s m (a -> b) -> RWST r w s m a -> RWST r w s m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> RWST r w s m a -> RWST r w s m b -> RWST r w s m c #

(*>) :: RWST r w s m a -> RWST r w s m b -> RWST r w s m b #

(<*) :: RWST r w s m a -> RWST r w s m b -> RWST r w s m a #

(Monoid w, Functor m, Monad m) => Applicative (RWST r w s m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.RWS.Strict


pure :: a -> RWST r w s m a #

(<*>) :: RWST r w s m (a -> b) -> RWST r w s m a -> RWST r w s m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> RWST r w s m a -> RWST r w s m b -> RWST r w s m c #

(*>) :: RWST r w s m a -> RWST r w s m b -> RWST r w s m b #

(<*) :: RWST r w s m a -> RWST r w s m b -> RWST r w s m a #

Monad state => Applicative (Builder collection mutCollection step state err) 
Instance details

Defined in Basement.MutableBuilder


pure :: a -> Builder collection mutCollection step state err a #

(<*>) :: Builder collection mutCollection step state err (a -> b) -> Builder collection mutCollection step state err a -> Builder collection mutCollection step state err b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Builder collection mutCollection step state err a -> Builder collection mutCollection step state err b -> Builder collection mutCollection step state err c #

(*>) :: Builder collection mutCollection step state err a -> Builder collection mutCollection step state err b -> Builder collection mutCollection step state err b #

(<*) :: Builder collection mutCollection step state err a -> Builder collection mutCollection step state err b -> Builder collection mutCollection step state err a #

Monad m => Applicative (Pipe l i o u m) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Conduit.Internal.Pipe


pure :: a -> Pipe l i o u m a #

(<*>) :: Pipe l i o u m (a -> b) -> Pipe l i o u m a -> Pipe l i o u m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Pipe l i o u m a -> Pipe l i o u m b -> Pipe l i o u m c #

(*>) :: Pipe l i o u m a -> Pipe l i o u m b -> Pipe l i o u m b #

(<*) :: Pipe l i o u m a -> Pipe l i o u m b -> Pipe l i o u m a #

newtype ZipList a #

Lists, but with an Applicative functor based on zipping.





Instances details
Foldable ZipList

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Control.Applicative


fold :: Monoid m => ZipList m -> m #

foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> ZipList a -> m #

foldMap' :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> ZipList a -> m #

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> ZipList a -> b #

foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> ZipList a -> b #

foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> ZipList a -> b #

foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> ZipList a -> b #

foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> ZipList a -> a #

foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> ZipList a -> a #

toList :: ZipList a -> [a] #

null :: ZipList a -> Bool #

length :: ZipList a -> Int #

elem :: Eq a => a -> ZipList a -> Bool #

maximum :: Ord a => ZipList a -> a #

minimum :: Ord a => ZipList a -> a #

sum :: Num a => ZipList a -> a #

product :: Num a => ZipList a -> a #

Traversable ZipList

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Traversable


traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> ZipList a -> f (ZipList b) #

sequenceA :: Applicative f => ZipList (f a) -> f (ZipList a) #

mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> ZipList a -> m (ZipList b) #

sequence :: Monad m => ZipList (m a) -> m (ZipList a) #

Alternative ZipList

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Control.Applicative


empty :: ZipList a #

(<|>) :: ZipList a -> ZipList a -> ZipList a #

some :: ZipList a -> ZipList [a] #

many :: ZipList a -> ZipList [a] #

Applicative ZipList
f <$> ZipList xs1 <*> ... <*> ZipList xsN
    = ZipList (zipWithN f xs1 ... xsN)

where zipWithN refers to the zipWith function of the appropriate arity (zipWith, zipWith3, zipWith4, ...). For example:

(\a b c -> stimes c [a, b]) <$> ZipList "abcd" <*> ZipList "567" <*> ZipList [1..]
    = ZipList (zipWith3 (\a b c -> stimes c [a, b]) "abcd" "567" [1..])
    = ZipList {getZipList = ["a5","b6b6","c7c7c7"]}

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Control.Applicative


pure :: a -> ZipList a #

(<*>) :: ZipList (a -> b) -> ZipList a -> ZipList b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> ZipList a -> ZipList b -> ZipList c #

(*>) :: ZipList a -> ZipList b -> ZipList b #

(<*) :: ZipList a -> ZipList b -> ZipList a #

Functor ZipList

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in Control.Applicative


fmap :: (a -> b) -> ZipList a -> ZipList b #

(<$) :: a -> ZipList b -> ZipList a #

Generic1 ZipList 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Applicative

Associated Types

type Rep1 ZipList :: k -> Type #


from1 :: forall (a :: k). ZipList a -> Rep1 ZipList a #

to1 :: forall (a :: k). Rep1 ZipList a -> ZipList a #

IsList (ZipList a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exts

Associated Types

type Item (ZipList a) #


fromList :: [Item (ZipList a)] -> ZipList a #

fromListN :: Int -> [Item (ZipList a)] -> ZipList a #

toList :: ZipList a -> [Item (ZipList a)] #

Generic (ZipList a) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Applicative

Associated Types

type Rep (ZipList a) :: Type -> Type #


from :: ZipList a -> Rep (ZipList a) x #

to :: Rep (ZipList a) x -> ZipList a #

Read a => Read (ZipList a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Control.Applicative

Show a => Show (ZipList a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Control.Applicative


showsPrec :: Int -> ZipList a -> ShowS #

show :: ZipList a -> String #

showList :: [ZipList a] -> ShowS #

Eq a => Eq (ZipList a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Control.Applicative


(==) :: ZipList a -> ZipList a -> Bool #

(/=) :: ZipList a -> ZipList a -> Bool #

Ord a => Ord (ZipList a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Control.Applicative


compare :: ZipList a -> ZipList a -> Ordering #

(<) :: ZipList a -> ZipList a -> Bool #

(<=) :: ZipList a -> ZipList a -> Bool #

(>) :: ZipList a -> ZipList a -> Bool #

(>=) :: ZipList a -> ZipList a -> Bool #

max :: ZipList a -> ZipList a -> ZipList a #

min :: ZipList a -> ZipList a -> ZipList a #

type Rep1 ZipList

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Control.Applicative

type Rep1 ZipList = D1 ('MetaData "ZipList" "Control.Applicative" "base" 'True) (C1 ('MetaCons "ZipList" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "getZipList") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec1 [])))
type Item (ZipList a) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Exts

type Item (ZipList a) = a
type Rep (ZipList a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Control.Applicative

type Rep (ZipList a) = D1 ('MetaData "ZipList" "Control.Applicative" "base" 'True) (C1 ('MetaCons "ZipList" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "getZipList") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 [a])))

(<$>) :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b infixl 4 #

An infix synonym for fmap.

The name of this operator is an allusion to $. Note the similarities between their types:

 ($)  ::              (a -> b) ->   a ->   b
(<$>) :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

Whereas $ is function application, <$> is function application lifted over a Functor.



Convert from a Maybe Int to a Maybe String using show:

>>> show <$> Nothing
>>> show <$> Just 3
Just "3"

Convert from an Either Int Int to an Either Int String using show:

>>> show <$> Left 17
Left 17
>>> show <$> Right 17
Right "17"

Double each element of a list:

>>> (*2) <$> [1,2,3]

Apply even to the second element of a pair:

>>> even <$> (2,2)

data MVar a #

An MVar (pronounced "em-var") is a synchronising variable, used for communication between concurrent threads. It can be thought of as a box, which may be empty or full.


Instances details
Eq (MVar a)

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.MVar


(==) :: MVar a -> MVar a -> Bool #

(/=) :: MVar a -> MVar a -> Bool #

newMVar :: a -> IO (MVar a) #

Create an MVar which contains the supplied value.

newEmptyMVar :: IO (MVar a) #

Create an MVar which is initially empty.

isEmptyMVar :: MVar a -> IO Bool #

Check whether a given MVar is empty.

Notice that the boolean value returned is just a snapshot of the state of the MVar. By the time you get to react on its result, the MVar may have been filled (or emptied) - so be extremely careful when using this operation. Use tryTakeMVar instead if possible.

readMVar :: MVar a -> IO a #

Atomically read the contents of an MVar. If the MVar is currently empty, readMVar will wait until it is full. readMVar is guaranteed to receive the next putMVar.

readMVar is multiple-wakeup, so when multiple readers are blocked on an MVar, all of them are woken up at the same time.

Compatibility note: Prior to base 4.7, readMVar was a combination of takeMVar and putMVar. This mean that in the presence of other threads attempting to putMVar, readMVar could block. Furthermore, readMVar would not receive the next putMVar if there was already a pending thread blocked on takeMVar. The old behavior can be recovered by implementing 'readMVar as follows:

 readMVar :: MVar a -> IO a
 readMVar m =
   mask_ $ do
     a <- takeMVar m
     putMVar m a
     return a

takeMVar :: MVar a -> IO a #

Return the contents of the MVar. If the MVar is currently empty, takeMVar will wait until it is full. After a takeMVar, the MVar is left empty.

There are two further important properties of takeMVar:

  • takeMVar is single-wakeup. That is, if there are multiple threads blocked in takeMVar, and the MVar becomes full, only one thread will be woken up. The runtime guarantees that the woken thread completes its takeMVar operation.
  • When multiple threads are blocked on an MVar, they are woken up in FIFO order. This is useful for providing fairness properties of abstractions built using MVars.

putMVar :: MVar a -> a -> IO () #

Put a value into an MVar. If the MVar is currently full, putMVar will wait until it becomes empty.

There are two further important properties of putMVar:

  • putMVar is single-wakeup. That is, if there are multiple threads blocked in putMVar, and the MVar becomes empty, only one thread will be woken up. The runtime guarantees that the woken thread completes its putMVar operation.
  • When multiple threads are blocked on an MVar, they are woken up in FIFO order. This is useful for providing fairness properties of abstractions built using MVars.

modifyMVar :: MVar a -> (a -> IO (a, b)) -> IO b #

A slight variation on modifyMVar_ that allows a value to be returned (b) in addition to the modified value of the MVar.

modifyMVar_ :: MVar a -> (a -> IO a) -> IO () #

An exception-safe wrapper for modifying the contents of an MVar. Like withMVar, modifyMVar will replace the original contents of the MVar if an exception is raised during the operation. This function is only atomic if there are no other producers for this MVar.

data IORef a #

A mutable variable in the IO monad


Instances details
Eq (IORef a)

Pointer equality.

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.IORef


(==) :: IORef a -> IORef a -> Bool #

(/=) :: IORef a -> IORef a -> Bool #

MonadReader (IORef State) Sh 
Instance details

Defined in Shelly.Base


ask :: Sh (IORef State) #

local :: (IORef State -> IORef State) -> Sh a -> Sh a #

reader :: (IORef State -> a) -> Sh a #

readIORef :: IORef a -> IO a #

Read the value of an IORef

writeIORef :: IORef a -> a -> IO () #

Write a new value into an IORef

modifyIORef' :: IORef a -> (a -> a) -> IO () #

Strict version of modifyIORef

Since: base-

newIORef :: a -> IO (IORef a) #

Build a new IORef

data Map k a #

A Map from keys k to values a.

The Semigroup operation for Map is union, which prefers values from the left operand. If m1 maps a key k to a value a1, and m2 maps the same key to a different value a2, then their union m1 <> m2 maps k to a1.


Instances details
Bifoldable Map

Since: containers-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Map.Internal


bifold :: Monoid m => Map m m -> m #

bifoldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> (b -> m) -> Map a b -> m #

bifoldr :: (a -> c -> c) -> (b -> c -> c) -> c -> Map a b -> c #

bifoldl :: (c -> a -> c) -> (c -> b -> c) -> c -> Map a b -> c #

Eq2 Map

Since: containers-0.5.9

Instance details

Defined in Data.Map.Internal


liftEq2 :: (a -> b -> Bool) -> (c -> d -> Bool) -> Map a c -> Map b d -> Bool #

Ord2 Map

Since: containers-0.5.9

Instance details

Defined in Data.Map.Internal


liftCompare2 :: (a -> b -> Ordering) -> (c -> d -> Ordering) -> Map a c -> Map b d -> Ordering #

Show2 Map

Since: containers-0.5.9

Instance details

Defined in Data.Map.Internal


liftShowsPrec2 :: (Int -> a -> ShowS) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> (Int -> b -> ShowS) -> ([b] -> ShowS) -> Int -> Map a b -> ShowS #

liftShowList2 :: (Int -> a -> ShowS) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> (Int -> b -> ShowS) -> ([b] -> ShowS) -> [Map a b] -> ShowS #

Hashable2 Map

Since: hashable-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Hashable.Class


liftHashWithSalt2 :: (Int -> a -> Int) -> (Int -> b -> Int) -> Int -> Map a b -> Int #

(OutputableP env key, OutputableP env elt) => OutputableP env (Map key elt) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Utils.Outputable


pdoc :: env -> Map key elt -> SDoc #

(FromJSONKey k, Ord k) => FromJSON1 (Map k) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON


liftParseJSON :: (Value -> Parser a) -> (Value -> Parser [a]) -> Value -> Parser (Map k a) #

liftParseJSONList :: (Value -> Parser a) -> (Value -> Parser [a]) -> Value -> Parser [Map k a] #

ToJSONKey k => ToJSON1 (Map k) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON


liftToJSON :: (a -> Value) -> ([a] -> Value) -> Map k a -> Value #

liftToJSONList :: (a -> Value) -> ([a] -> Value) -> [Map k a] -> Value #

liftToEncoding :: (a -> Encoding) -> ([a] -> Encoding) -> Map k a -> Encoding #

liftToEncodingList :: (a -> Encoding) -> ([a] -> Encoding) -> [Map k a] -> Encoding #

Foldable (Map k)

Folds in order of increasing key.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Map.Internal


fold :: Monoid m => Map k m -> m #

foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Map k a -> m #

foldMap' :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Map k a -> m #

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Map k a -> b #

foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Map k a -> b #

foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Map k a -> b #

foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Map k a -> b #

foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Map k a -> a #

foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Map k a -> a #

toList :: Map k a -> [a] #

null :: Map k a -> Bool #

length :: Map k a -> Int #

elem :: Eq a => a -> Map k a -> Bool #

maximum :: Ord a => Map k a -> a #

minimum :: Ord a => Map k a -> a #

sum :: Num a => Map k a -> a #

product :: Num a => Map k a -> a #

Eq k => Eq1 (Map k)

Since: containers-0.5.9

Instance details

Defined in Data.Map.Internal


liftEq :: (a -> b -> Bool) -> Map k a -> Map k b -> Bool #

Ord k => Ord1 (Map k)

Since: containers-0.5.9

Instance details

Defined in Data.Map.Internal


liftCompare :: (a -> b -> Ordering) -> Map k a -> Map k b -> Ordering #

(Ord k, Read k) => Read1 (Map k)

Since: containers-0.5.9

Instance details

Defined in Data.Map.Internal


liftReadsPrec :: (Int -> ReadS a) -> ReadS [a] -> Int -> ReadS (Map k a) #

liftReadList :: (Int -> ReadS a) -> ReadS [a] -> ReadS [Map k a] #

liftReadPrec :: ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec [a] -> ReadPrec (Map k a) #

liftReadListPrec :: ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec [a] -> ReadPrec [Map k a] #

Show k => Show1 (Map k)

Since: containers-0.5.9

Instance details

Defined in Data.Map.Internal


liftShowsPrec :: (Int -> a -> ShowS) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Int -> Map k a -> ShowS #

liftShowList :: (Int -> a -> ShowS) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> [Map k a] -> ShowS #

Traversable (Map k)

Traverses in order of increasing key.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Map.Internal


traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> Map k a -> f (Map k b) #

sequenceA :: Applicative f => Map k (f a) -> f (Map k a) #

mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> Map k a -> m (Map k b) #

sequence :: Monad m => Map k (m a) -> m (Map k a) #

Functor (Map k) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Map.Internal


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Map k a -> Map k b #

(<$) :: a -> Map k b -> Map k a #

Ord k => TrieMap (Map k) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Data.TrieMap

Associated Types

type Key (Map k) #


emptyTM :: Map k a #

lookupTM :: Key (Map k) -> Map k b -> Maybe b #

alterTM :: Key (Map k) -> XT b -> Map k b -> Map k b #

mapTM :: (a -> b) -> Map k a -> Map k b #

filterTM :: (a -> Bool) -> Map k a -> Map k a #

foldTM :: (a -> b -> b) -> Map k a -> b -> b #

Ord k => TrieMap (Map k) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Data.TrieMap

Associated Types

type Key (Map k) #


emptyTM :: Map k a #

lookupTM :: Key (Map k) -> Map k b -> Maybe b #

alterTM :: Key (Map k) -> XT b -> Map k b -> Map k b #

mapTM :: (a -> b) -> Map k a -> Map k b #

filterTM :: (a -> Bool) -> Map k a -> Map k a #

foldTM :: (a -> b -> b) -> Map k a -> b -> b #

Hashable k => Hashable1 (Map k)

Since: hashable-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Hashable.Class


liftHashWithSalt :: (Int -> a -> Int) -> Int -> Map k a -> Int #

(FromJSONKey k, Ord k, FromJSON v) => FromJSON (Map k v) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON


parseJSON :: Value -> Parser (Map k v) #

parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [Map k v] #

(ToJSON v, ToJSONKey k) => ToJSON (Map k v) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON


toJSON :: Map k v -> Value #

toEncoding :: Map k v -> Encoding #

toJSONList :: [Map k v] -> Value #

toEncodingList :: [Map k v] -> Encoding #

(Data k, Data a, Ord k) => Data (Map k a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Map.Internal


gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> Map k a -> c (Map k a) #

gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c (Map k a) #

toConstr :: Map k a -> Constr #

dataTypeOf :: Map k a -> DataType #

dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c (Map k a)) #

dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c (Map k a)) #

gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> Map k a -> Map k a #

gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Map k a -> r #

gmapQr :: forall r r'. (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Map k a -> r #

gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Map k a -> [u] #

gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Map k a -> u #

gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Map k a -> m (Map k a) #

gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Map k a -> m (Map k a) #

gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Map k a -> m (Map k a) #

Ord k => Monoid (Map k v) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Map.Internal


mempty :: Map k v #

mappend :: Map k v -> Map k v -> Map k v #

mconcat :: [Map k v] -> Map k v #

Ord k => Semigroup (Map k v) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Map.Internal


(<>) :: Map k v -> Map k v -> Map k v #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Map k v) -> Map k v #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Map k v -> Map k v #

Ord k => IsList (Map k v)

Since: containers-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Map.Internal

Associated Types

type Item (Map k v) #


fromList :: [Item (Map k v)] -> Map k v #

fromListN :: Int -> [Item (Map k v)] -> Map k v #

toList :: Map k v -> [Item (Map k v)] #

(Ord k, Read k, Read e) => Read (Map k e) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Map.Internal


readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS (Map k e) #

readList :: ReadS [Map k e] #

readPrec :: ReadPrec (Map k e) #

readListPrec :: ReadPrec [Map k e] #

(Show k, Show a) => Show (Map k a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Map.Internal


showsPrec :: Int -> Map k a -> ShowS #

show :: Map k a -> String #

showList :: [Map k a] -> ShowS #

(Binary k, Binary e) => Binary (Map k e) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Class


put :: Map k e -> Put #

get :: Get (Map k e) #

putList :: [Map k e] -> Put #

(NFData k, NFData a) => NFData (Map k a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Map.Internal


rnf :: Map k a -> () #

(Outputable key, Outputable elt) => Outputable (Map key elt) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Utils.Outputable


ppr :: Map key elt -> SDoc #

(Eq k, Eq a) => Eq (Map k a) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Map.Internal


(==) :: Map k a -> Map k a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Map k a -> Map k a -> Bool #

(Ord k, Ord v) => Ord (Map k v) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Map.Internal


compare :: Map k v -> Map k v -> Ordering #

(<) :: Map k v -> Map k v -> Bool #

(<=) :: Map k v -> Map k v -> Bool #

(>) :: Map k v -> Map k v -> Bool #

(>=) :: Map k v -> Map k v -> Bool #

max :: Map k v -> Map k v -> Map k v #

min :: Map k v -> Map k v -> Map k v #

(Hashable k, Hashable v) => Hashable (Map k v)

Since: hashable-

Instance details

Defined in Data.Hashable.Class


hashWithSalt :: Int -> Map k v -> Int #

hash :: Map k v -> Int #

type Key (Map k) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Data.TrieMap

type Key (Map k) = k
type Key (Map k) 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Data.TrieMap

type Key (Map k) = k
type Item (Map k v) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Map.Internal

type Item (Map k v) = (k, v)

type FilePath = String #

File and directory names are values of type String, whose precise meaning is operating system dependent. Files can be opened, yielding a handle which can then be used to operate on the contents of that file.

data Text #

A space efficient, packed, unboxed Unicode text type.


Instances details
FromJSON Text 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON

FromJSONKey Text 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON

ToJSON Text 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON

ToJSONKey Text 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON

Chunk Text 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Attoparsec.Internal.Types

Associated Types

type ChunkElem Text #

Hashable Text 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Hashable.Class


hashWithSalt :: Int -> Text -> Int #

hash :: Text -> Int #

CmdArg Text 
Instance details

Defined in Shelly


toTextArg :: Text -> Text #

ToFilePath Text 
Instance details

Defined in Shelly


toFilePath :: Text -> FilePath

Monad m => Stream Text m Char 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Parsec.Prim


uncons :: Text -> m (Maybe (Char, Text)) #

ShellCmd (Sh Text) 
Instance details

Defined in Shelly


cmdAll :: FilePath -> [Text] -> Sh Text #

type ChunkElem Text 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Attoparsec.Internal.Types

type State Text 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Attoparsec.Internal.Types

type State Text = Buffer
type Item Text 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Text

type Item Text = Char

data ByteString #

A space-efficient representation of a Word8 vector, supporting many efficient operations.

A ByteString contains 8-bit bytes, or by using the operations from Data.ByteString.Char8 it can be interpreted as containing 8-bit characters.


Instances details
Chunk ByteString 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Attoparsec.Internal.Types

Associated Types

type ChunkElem ByteString #

Data ByteString 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteString.Internal


gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> ByteString -> c ByteString #

gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c ByteString #

toConstr :: ByteString -> Constr #

dataTypeOf :: ByteString -> DataType #

dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c ByteString) #

dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c ByteString) #

gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> ByteString -> ByteString #

gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> ByteString -> r #

gmapQr :: forall r r'. (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> ByteString -> r #

gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> ByteString -> [u] #

gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> ByteString -> u #

gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> ByteString -> m ByteString #

gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> ByteString -> m ByteString #

gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> ByteString -> m ByteString #

IsString ByteString

Beware: fromString truncates multi-byte characters to octets. e.g. "枯朶に烏のとまりけり秋の暮" becomes �6k�nh~�Q��n�

Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteString.Internal

Monoid ByteString 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteString.Internal

Semigroup ByteString 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteString.Internal

IsList ByteString

Since: bytestring-

Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteString.Internal

Associated Types

type Item ByteString #

Read ByteString 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteString.Internal

Show ByteString 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteString.Internal

Binary ByteString 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Binary.Class

Binary DbUnitInfo 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Unit.Database

NFData ByteString 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteString.Internal


rnf :: ByteString -> () #

Eq ByteString 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteString.Internal

Ord ByteString 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteString.Internal

Hashable ByteString 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Hashable.Class

Lift ByteString

Since: bytestring-

Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteString.Internal


lift :: Quote m => ByteString -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => ByteString -> Code m ByteString #

Monad m => Stream ByteString m Char 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Parsec.Prim


uncons :: ByteString -> m (Maybe (Char, ByteString)) #

type ChunkElem ByteString 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Attoparsec.Internal.Types

type State ByteString 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Attoparsec.Internal.Types

type State ByteString = Buffer
type Item ByteString 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteString.Internal

printf :: PrintfType r => String -> r #

Format a variable number of arguments with the C-style formatting string.

>>> printf "%s, %d, %.4f" "hello" 123 pi
hello, 123, 3.1416

The return value is either String or (IO a) (which should be (IO ()), but Haskell's type system makes this hard).

The format string consists of ordinary characters and conversion specifications, which specify how to format one of the arguments to printf in the output string. A format specification is introduced by the % character; this character can be self-escaped into the format string using %%. A format specification ends with a format character that provides the primary information about how to format the value. The rest of the conversion specification is optional. In order, one may have flag characters, a width specifier, a precision specifier, and type-specific modifier characters.

Unlike C printf(3), the formatting of this printf is driven by the argument type; formatting is type specific. The types formatted by printf "out of the box" are:

printf is also extensible to support other types: see below.

A conversion specification begins with the character %, followed by zero or more of the following flags:

-      left adjust (default is right adjust)
+      always use a sign (+ or -) for signed conversions
space  leading space for positive numbers in signed conversions
0      pad with zeros rather than spaces
#      use an \"alternate form\": see below

When both flags are given, - overrides 0 and + overrides space. A negative width specifier in a * conversion is treated as positive but implies the left adjust flag.

The "alternate form" for unsigned radix conversions is as in C printf(3):

%o           prefix with a leading 0 if needed
%x           prefix with a leading 0x if nonzero
%X           prefix with a leading 0X if nonzero
%b           prefix with a leading 0b if nonzero
%[eEfFgG]    ensure that the number contains a decimal point

Any flags are followed optionally by a field width:

num    field width
*      as num, but taken from argument list

The field width is a minimum, not a maximum: it will be expanded as needed to avoid mutilating a value.

Any field width is followed optionally by a precision:

.num   precision
.      same as .0
.*     as num, but taken from argument list

Negative precision is taken as 0. The meaning of the precision depends on the conversion type.

Integral    minimum number of digits to show
RealFloat   number of digits after the decimal point
String      maximum number of characters

The precision for Integral types is accomplished by zero-padding. If both precision and zero-pad are given for an Integral field, the zero-pad is ignored.

Any precision is followed optionally for Integral types by a width modifier; the only use of this modifier being to set the implicit size of the operand for conversion of a negative operand to unsigned:

hh     Int8
h      Int16
l      Int32
ll     Int64
L      Int64

The specification ends with a format character:

c      character               Integral
d      decimal                 Integral
o      octal                   Integral
x      hexadecimal             Integral
X      hexadecimal             Integral
b      binary                  Integral
u      unsigned decimal        Integral
f      floating point          RealFloat
F      floating point          RealFloat
g      general format float    RealFloat
G      general format float    RealFloat
e      exponent format float   RealFloat
E      exponent format float   RealFloat
s      string                  String
v      default format          any type

The "%v" specifier is provided for all built-in types, and should be provided for user-defined type formatters as well. It picks a "best" representation for the given type. For the built-in types the "%v" specifier is converted as follows:

c      Char
u      other unsigned Integral
d      other signed Integral
g      RealFloat
s      String

Mismatch between the argument types and the format string, as well as any other syntactic or semantic errors in the format string, will cause an exception to be thrown at runtime.

Note that the formatting for RealFloat types is currently a bit different from that of C printf(3), conforming instead to showEFloat, showFFloat and showGFloat (and their alternate versions showFFloatAlt and showGFloatAlt). This is hard to fix: the fixed versions would format in a backward-incompatible way. In any case the Haskell behavior is generally more sensible than the C behavior. A brief summary of some key differences:

  • Haskell printf never uses the default "6-digit" precision used by C printf.
  • Haskell printf treats the "precision" specifier as indicating the number of digits after the decimal point.
  • Haskell printf prints the exponent of e-format numbers without a gratuitous plus sign, and with the minimum possible number of digits.
  • Haskell printf will place a zero after a decimal point when possible.

on :: (b -> b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> a -> c infixl 0 #

on b u x y runs the binary function b on the results of applying unary function u to two arguments x and y. From the opposite perspective, it transforms two inputs and combines the outputs.

((+) `on` f) x y = f x + f y

Typical usage: sortBy (compare `on` fst).

Algebraic properties:

  • (*) `on` id = (*) -- (if (*) ∉ {⊥, const ⊥})
  • ((*) `on` f) `on` g = (*) `on` (f . g)
  • flip on f . flip on g = flip on (g . f)