incipit- A Prelude for Polysemy
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



A Prelude for Polysemy projects, reexporting names and modules from several basic libraries.



type EventConsumer token e = Scoped (EventResource token) (Consume e) #

Convenience alias for the consumer effect.

runConc :: Sem ConcStack a -> IO a #

Interprets UninterruptipleMask, Mask and Race in terms of Final IO and runs the entire rest of the stack.

type ScopedSync res a = Scoped (SyncResources res) (Sync a) #

Convenience alias.

data Sync d (a :: Type -> Type) b #

Abstracts an MVar.

For documentation on the constructors, see the module Polysemy.Conc.Effect.Sync.

import Polysemy.Conc (Sync)
import qualified Polysemy.Conc.Effect.Sync as Sync

prog :: Member (Sync Int) r => Sem r Int
prog = do
  Sync.putTry 5


Instances details
type DefiningModule Sync 
Instance details

Defined in Polysemy.Conc.Effect.Sync

type DefiningModule Sync = "Polysemy.Conc.Effect.Sync"

subscribe :: forall e resource (r :: [(Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type]). Member (Scoped (EventResource resource) (Consume e)) r => InterpreterFor (Consume e) r #

Create a new scope for Events, causing the nested program to get its own copy of the event stream. To be used with interpretEventsChan.

consume :: forall e (r :: [(Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type]). Member (Consume e) r => Sem r e #

Consume one event emitted by Events.

publish :: forall e resource (r :: [(Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type]). Member (Events resource e) r => e -> Sem r () #

Publish one event.

data Events resource e (a :: Type -> Type) b #

An event publisher that can be consumed from multiple threads.


Instances details
type DefiningModule Events 
Instance details

Defined in Polysemy.Conc.Effect.Events

type DefiningModule Events = "Polysemy.Conc.Effect.Events"

type Mask resource = Scoped (MaskResource resource) RestoreMask #

The scoped masking effect.

type UninterruptipleMask resource = Scoped (UninterruptipleMaskResource resource) RestoreMask #

The scoped uninterruptible masking effect.

scoped :: forall resource (effect :: Effect) (r :: [(Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type]). Member (Scoped resource effect) r => InterpreterFor effect r #

Constructor for Scoped, taking a nested program and transforming all instances of effect to Scoped resource effect.

data Scoped resource (effect :: Effect) (a :: Type -> Type) b #

Scoped transforms a program so that effect is associated with a resource within that program. This requires the interpreter for effect to be parameterized by resource and constructed for every program using Scoped separately.

An application for this is Events, in which each program using the effect Consume is interpreted with its own copy of the event channel; or a database transaction, in which a transaction handle is created for the wrapped program and passed to the interpreter for the database effect.

Resource creation is performed by the function passed to runScoped.

The constructors are not intended to be used directly; the smart constructor scoped is used like a local interpreter for effect.

data Race (a :: Type -> Type) b #

Abstract the concept of running two programs concurrently, aborting the other when one terminates. Timeout is a simpler variant, where one thread just sleeps for a given interval.


Instances details
type DefiningModule Race 
Instance details

Defined in Polysemy.Conc.Effect.Race

type DefiningModule Race = "Polysemy.Conc.Effect.Race"

data Queue d (a :: Type -> Type) b #

Abstracts queues like TBQueue.

For documentation on the constructors, see the module Polysemy.Conc.Data.Queue.

import Polysemy.Conc (Queue, QueueResult)
import Polysemy.Conc.Effect.Queue as Queue

prog :: Member (Queue Int) r => Sem r (QueueResult Int)
prog = do
  Queue.write 5
  Queue.write 10 >>= \case
    QueueResult.Success i -> fmap (i +) <$>
    r -> pure r


Instances details
type DefiningModule Queue 
Instance details

Defined in Polysemy.Conc.Effect.Queue

type DefiningModule Queue = "Polysemy.Conc.Effect.Queue"

data Interrupt (a :: Type -> Type) b #

The interrupt handler effect allows three kinds of interaction for interrupt signals:

  • Execute a callback when a signal is received
  • Block a thread until a signal is received
  • Kill a thread when a signal is received

For documentation on the constructors, see the module Polysemy.Conc.Effect.Interrupt.

import qualified Polysemy.Conc.Effect.Interrupt as Interrupt

prog = do
  Interrupt.register "task 1" (putStrLn "interrupted")
  Interrupt.killOnQuit $ forever do


Instances details
type DefiningModule Interrupt 
Instance details

Defined in Polysemy.Conc.Effect.Interrupt

type DefiningModule Interrupt = "Polysemy.Conc.Effect.Interrupt"

data QueueResult d #

Encodes failure reasons for queues.

For documentation on the constructors, see the module Polysemy.Conc.Data.QueueResult.

import qualified Polysemy.Conc.Data.QueueResult as QueueResult


Instances details
Functor QueueResult 
Instance details

Defined in Polysemy.Conc.Data.QueueResult


fmap :: (a -> b) -> QueueResult a -> QueueResult b #

(<$) :: a -> QueueResult b -> QueueResult a #

Monoid d => Monoid (QueueResult d) 
Instance details

Defined in Polysemy.Conc.Data.QueueResult

Semigroup d => Semigroup (QueueResult d) 
Instance details

Defined in Polysemy.Conc.Data.QueueResult

Generic (QueueResult d) 
Instance details

Defined in Polysemy.Conc.Data.QueueResult

Associated Types

type Rep (QueueResult d) :: Type -> Type #


from :: QueueResult d -> Rep (QueueResult d) x #

to :: Rep (QueueResult d) x -> QueueResult d #

Show d => Show (QueueResult d) 
Instance details

Defined in Polysemy.Conc.Data.QueueResult

Eq d => Eq (QueueResult d) 
Instance details

Defined in Polysemy.Conc.Data.QueueResult

Ord d => Ord (QueueResult d) 
Instance details

Defined in Polysemy.Conc.Data.QueueResult

type Rep (QueueResult d) 
Instance details

Defined in Polysemy.Conc.Data.QueueResult

type Rep (QueueResult d) = D1 ('MetaData "QueueResult" "Polysemy.Conc.Data.QueueResult" "polysemy-conc-" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "Success" 'PrefixI 'False) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Nothing :: Maybe Symbol) 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 d)) :+: (C1 ('MetaCons "NotAvailable" 'PrefixI 'False) (U1 :: Type -> Type) :+: C1 ('MetaCons "Closed" 'PrefixI 'False) (U1 :: Type -> Type)))

data DataLog a (b :: Type -> Type) c #

Structural logs, used as a backend for the simpler Text log effect, Log.

Can also be used on its own, or reinterpreted into an effect like those from co-log or di.


Instances details
type DefiningModule DataLog 
Instance details

Defined in Polysemy.Log.Data.DataLog

type DefiningModule DataLog = "Polysemy.Log.Data.DataLog"

data Log (a :: Type -> Type) b #

The default high-level effect for simple text messages. To be used with the severity constructors:

import qualified Polysemy.Log as Log

prog = do
  Log.debug "debugging…"
  Log.warn "warning!"

Interpreters should preprocess and relay the message to DataLog.

class TimeUnit u #

Types that represent an amount of time that can be converted to each other. The methods are internal, the API function is convert.

Minimal complete definition



Instances details
TimeUnit Days 
Instance details

Defined in Polysemy.Time.Data.TimeUnit

TimeUnit Hours 
Instance details

Defined in Polysemy.Time.Data.TimeUnit

TimeUnit MicroSeconds 
Instance details

Defined in Polysemy.Time.Data.TimeUnit

TimeUnit MilliSeconds 
Instance details

Defined in Polysemy.Time.Data.TimeUnit

TimeUnit Minutes 
Instance details

Defined in Polysemy.Time.Data.TimeUnit

TimeUnit NanoSeconds 
Instance details

Defined in Polysemy.Time.Data.TimeUnit

TimeUnit Seconds 
Instance details

Defined in Polysemy.Time.Data.TimeUnit

TimeUnit Weeks 
Instance details

Defined in Polysemy.Time.Data.TimeUnit

TimeUnit DiffTime 
Instance details

Defined in Polysemy.Time.Data.TimeUnit

TimeUnit NominalDiffTime 
Instance details

Defined in Polysemy.Time.Data.TimeUnit

data Time time date (a :: Type -> Type) b #

The Time effect.


Instances details
type DefiningModule Time 
Instance details

Defined in Polysemy.Time.Data.Time

type DefiningModule Time = "Polysemy.Time.Data.Time"