irc-client- An IRC client library.

Safe HaskellNone




A simple IRC client library. Typical usage will be of this form:

run :: ByteString -> Int -> Text -> IO ()
run host port nick = do
  conn <- connect host port 1
  let cfg = defaultIRCConf nick
  let cfg' = cfg { _handlers = yourCustomEventHandlers : _handlers cfg }
  start conn cfg'

You shouldn't really need to tweak anything other than the event handlers, as everything has been designed to be as simple as possible.



connect Source


:: MonadIO m 
=> ByteString

The hostname

-> Int

The port

-> NominalDiffTime

The flood cooldown

-> m ConnectionConfig 

Connect to a server without TLS.

connectWithTLS Source


:: MonadIO m 
=> ByteString

The hostname

-> Int

The port

-> NominalDiffTime

The flood cooldown

-> m ConnectionConfig 

Connect to a server with TLS.

start :: MonadIO m => ConnectionConfig -> InstanceConfig -> m () Source

Run the event loop for a server, receiving messages and handing them off to handlers as appropriate. Messages will be logged to stdout.

start' :: MonadIO m => IRCState -> m () Source

Like start, but use the provided initial state.


data Origin Source

The origin of a message.



connect' Source


:: MonadIO m 
=> (Origin -> ByteString -> IO ())

The message logger

-> ByteString

The hostname

-> Int

The port

-> NominalDiffTime

The flood cooldown

-> m ConnectionConfig 

Connect to a server without TLS, with the provided logging function.

connectWithTLS' Source


:: MonadIO m 
=> (Origin -> ByteString -> IO ())

The message logger

-> ByteString

The hostname

-> Int

The port

-> NominalDiffTime

The flood cooldown

-> m ConnectionConfig 

Connect to a server with TLS, with the provided logging function.

stdoutLogger :: Origin -> ByteString -> IO () Source

Print messages to stdout, with the current time.

fileLogger :: FilePath -> Origin -> ByteString -> IO () Source

Append messages to a file, with the current time.

noopLogger :: a -> b -> IO () Source

Do no logging.


send :: UnicodeMessage -> IRC () Source

Send a message as UTF-8, using TLS if enabled. This blocks if messages are sent too rapidly.

sendBS :: IrcMessage -> IRC () Source

Send a message, using TLS if enabled. This blocks if messages are sent too rapidly.

disconnect :: IRC () Source

Disconnect from the server, properly tearing down the TLS session (if there is one).


defaultIRCConf :: Text -> InstanceConfig Source

Construct a default IRC configuration from a nick

defaultDisconnectHandler :: IRC () Source

The default disconnect handler: do nothing. You might want to override this with one which reconnects.

defaultEventHandlers :: [EventHandler] Source

The default event handlers, the following are included:

  • respond to server PING messages with a PONG;
  • respond to CTCP PING requests with a CTCP PONG;
  • respond to CTCP VERSION requests with the version string;
  • respond to CTCP TIME requests with the system time;
  • update the nick upon receiving the welcome message, in case the server modifies it;
  • mangle the nick if the server reports a collision;
  • update the channel list on JOIN and KICK.

These event handlers are all exposed through the Network.IRC.Client.Handlers module, so you can use them directly if you are building up your InstanceConfig from scratch.

If you are building a bot, you may want to write an event handler to process messages representing commands.





:: ByteString

The command

-> [ByteString]

The arguments

-> IrcMessage 

Construct a raw message.

toByteString :: IrcMessage -> ByteString

Encode an IRC message into a single bytestring suitable for sending to the server.