java-bridge-0.99: Bindings to the JNI and a high level interface generator.

Portabilitynon-portable (see LANGUAGE pragma)
Safe HaskellNone




This module contains the medium level interface to the Java Bridge.

See Foreign.Java.JNI.Safe and Foreign.Java.JNI.Unsafe for the low level interface which is a plain translation of the Java Native Interface. Information about the library can be retrieved using Foreign.Java.JNI.

High level bindings can be generated using Foreign.Java.Bindings.


Medium Level Java Interface

The medium level interface tries to take all the pain from the JNI. It automatically manages references (i.e. garbage collection) for you and makes sure that all operations take place in the presence of a virtual machine.

This module contains the Java monad which basically wraps the IO monad but allows for actions to be executed in a virtual machine. Such actions on the other hand can only be executed within the Java monad and not within the IO monad. See runJava, runJavaGUI, and initJava for information on how to run a computation in the JVM.

Using the medium level interface you will need to obtain references to classes and methods manually. You can avoid this by creating high level bindings (effectively some glue code) via Foreign.Java.Bindings.

Obtaining Class and Method References

In order to invoke methods in the virtual machine you first need a reference of these methods. These can be retrieved via getMethod, getStaticMethod, bindMethod, and bindStaticMethod. References to constructors can be obtained using getConstructor. All of these functions require a class. getClass will lookup and load Java classes.

Here is an example for calling Thread.currentThread().getName() and printing the result.

 import Foreign.Java

 main = runJava $ do
   (Just threadClass) <- getClass "java.lang.Thread"
   currentThread <- threadClass `bindStaticMethod`
                       "currentThread" ::= object "java.lang.Thread"
   getName <- threadClass `bindMethod` "getName" ::= string

   (Just thread) <- currentThread
   (Just name) <- getName thread

   io$ putStrLn name

NOTE: The boilerplate of retrieving class and method references can be avoided by using the high level java bindings offered by Foreign.Java.Bindings.

Calling Methods

All the functions that involve calling a method (callMethod, callStaticMethod, and newObject) come in three versions: E, X, and with no suffix.

The X functions will not check for exceptions. Use them if your absolutely sure that you are calling a total function.

The E functions will check for exceptions and return a value of type Either JThrowable a. A Left value is returned iff an exception occured (carrying the exception thrown) whereas a Right value carries the result of the function. Note that such a correct result may be Nothing (which resembles the null reference) or void (i.e. unit: ()).

The functions without any suffix will check for exceptions and throw a Haskell exception. Throwing that exception will cause the computation in the JVM to be cancelled. This means that it is not possible to catch the exception within the Java monad, as the computation will be cancelled already. You can however catch such exceptions in the IO monad.

In general you should use E functions if a method throws any checked exceptions and a function without suffix if a method does not throw any checked exceptions. This way runtime exceptions will still be propagated. If you know by heart that a function can not throw any exceptions, neither checked nor unchecked exceptions, you can use an X method, which is faster as it does not check for exceptions at all. If however the method does throw an exception and you do not check it, you are entering a world of pain.


The Java Monad

data Java a Source

Every computation in the Java Virtual Machine happens inside the Java monad. The Java monad is mightier than the IO monad, i.e. IO operations can be performed in both the IO monad as well as in the Java monad, but Java operations can be performed in the Java monad only and not in the IO monad.

Use one of runJava or runJava' to perform operations in the Java monad.

runJava :: Java a -> IO aSource

Run a computation with support by a Java Virtual Machine.

runJava' :: [String] -> Java a -> IO aSource

Run a computation with support by a Java Virtual Machine, initialized with the given parameters.

This function may be used only once. If you intend to call it multiple times, you need to initialize the Java subsystem once before. If you fail to do so, this function will tear down the virtual machine once it is done.

By using initJava the virtual machine will be alive during the whole lifetime of your process and runJava' will never tear down the machine.

NOTE: According to the Java Native Interface specification it may be possible to create multiple virtual machines within a single process. However, no implementation of the JNI seems to be capable of doing so.

This function can be used to set for example the classpath of the virtual machine:

 runJava' ["-Djava.class.path=java-library-dir"] $ do

NOTE: java.class.path does support relative paths.

initJava :: [String] -> IO ()Source

Initializes the Java Virtual Machine so that it can be used by subsequent invocations of runJava. Note that once you start the virtual machine it will be runing throughout the whole lifetime of the main thread of your application.

setUnsafe :: MonadState JVMState m => Bool -> m ()Source

By default java methods are invoked via the FFI using safe calls. Safe calls are slower than unsafe calls. This function controls whether safe or unsafe calls are being used to communicate with the JVM.

If your application does not invoke the JVM concurrently it is mostly safe to use unsafe calls.

 runJava (setUnsafe True >> doSomething)

will perform doSomething using unsafe calls.

runJavaGui :: Java a -> IO ()Source

Short hand for runJavaGui' [].

runJavaGui' :: [String] -> Java a -> IO ()Source

Mac OS X needs some special treatment for initializing graphical applications, namely a Cocoa Runloop needs to be present on the main thread. Since the main thread is the application that the JVM was invoked from this has two consequences: (1) A runloop needs to be created on the main thread manually and (2) the main thread is not usable for your application.

On Mac OS X this function will fork an os thread using forkJava and start the Cocoa main event loop. This means that this function must be called on the main thread and that it will never terminate (since the cocoa event queue will be running there forever).

Note that this implies that you link your application with the threaded runtime (`-threaded` in GHC).

Typically your application should look like this:

 main = runJavaGui $ do

On all other platforms this is exactly the same as runJava' (minus the fact that it returns ()).

Classes and Objects



:: String

The name of the class. This should be a name as would be returned by the getName() method of the class object, for example java.lang.Thread$State or java.util.Map.

-> Java (Maybe JClass)

Returns Just the JClass or Nothing, if the class does not exist.

Finds and loads a class.

Note that this function can indeed fail with an exception and may execute code from the class to be loaded inside the virtual machine.

This is due to the fact that getClass is a translation of the findClass function in the JNI which loads *and* resolves the class. If you want to get a class definition without resolving the class, use the method loadClass(String,boolean) on a ClassLoader.

Here is an example of how to do that:

 main' = runJava $ do
     (Just classLoader) <- getClass "java.lang.ClassLoader"
     getSystemClassLoader <- classLoader `bindStaticMethod` "getSystemClassLoader"
         ::= object "java.lang.ClassLoader"
     (Just systemClassLoader) <- getSystemClassLoader
     loadClass <- classLoader `bindMethod` "loadClass"
         ::= string --> boolean --> object "java.lang.Class"
     (Just clazz) <- loadClass systemClassLoader "java.awt.EventQueue" False
     io$ print clazz

getConstructor :: (Monad m, Constructor (a -> String)) => JClass -> a -> Java (m (JConstructor a))Source

Object creation

newObjectFrom :: NewObject p b => JConstructor p -> bSource

newObjectFromE :: NewObjectE p b => JConstructor p -> bSource

newObjectFromX :: NewObjectX p b => JConstructor p -> bSource


getMethod :: Method (p -> String) => JClass -> MethodDescriptor p -> Java (Maybe (JMethod p))Source

bindMethod :: (Method (p -> String), MethodCall p b) => JClass -> MethodDescriptor p -> Java (JObject -> b)Source

bindStaticMethod :: (Method (p -> String), StaticCall p b) => JClass -> MethodDescriptor p -> Java bSource

Method invocation

callMethod :: MethodCall p b => JMethod p -> JObject -> bSource

callMethodE :: MethodCallE p b => JMethod p -> JObject -> bSource

callMethodX :: MethodCallX p b => JMethod p -> JObject -> bSource

callStaticMethod :: StaticCall p b => JStaticMethod p -> bSource

callStaticMethodE :: StaticCallE p b => JStaticMethod p -> bSource

callStaticMethodX :: StaticCallX p b => JStaticMethod p -> bSource


getField :: Param a => JClass -> String -> a -> Java (Maybe (JField a))Source

getStaticField :: Param a => JClass -> String -> a -> Java (Maybe (JStaticField a))Source

readField :: Field a b => JField a -> JObject -> Java bSource

readStaticField :: Field a b => JStaticField a -> Java bSource

writeField :: Field a b => JField a -> JObject -> b -> Java ()Source

writeStaticField :: Field a b => JStaticField a -> b -> Java ()Source


arrayLength :: JArray e -> Java Int32Source

Return the length of an JArray.


class JavaObject a whereSource

Provides basic functions that every Java Object supports. There are instances for JObject, JClass, JThrowable, and JArray (which are all references to objects in the virtual machine).

Minimal complete definition: asObject.


toString :: a -> Java StringSource

Invokes the toString method which every Java Object has.

hashCode :: a -> Java Int32Source

Invokes the hashCode method which every Java Object has.

asObject :: a -> Java JObjectSource

Turns the reference into a JObject. This can be used to down-cast any reference to an Object inside the JVM to a JObject.

classOf :: a -> Java JClassSource

Returns a reference to the Class of the given object.

jtypeOf :: a -> Java StringSource

Returns a string representation of the type.

equals :: JavaObject b => a -> b -> Java BoolSource

Checks two objects for equality using their equals methods.


JavaObject JThrowable

Every JThrowable is a JavaObject.

JavaObject JClass

Every JClass is a JavaObject.

JavaObject JObject 
JavaObject (JArray L)

Every JArray is a JavaObject.

JavaObject (JArray D) 
JavaObject (JArray F) 
JavaObject (JArray J) 
JavaObject (JArray I) 
JavaObject (JArray S) 
JavaObject (JArray B) 
JavaObject (JArray C) 
JavaObject (JArray Z) 

isInstanceOf :: JObject -> JClass -> Java BoolSource

Check whether the given object is an instance of the given class.


io :: IO a -> Java aSource

Short for liftIO and restricted to the Java monad.

Re-exported for convenience when dealing with high-level bindings.

Interaction with IO

liftIO :: MonadIO m => forall a. IO a -> m a

Lift a computation from the IO monad.

forkJava :: Java a -> Java (JavaThreadId a)Source

A utility function for forking an OS thread which runs in the Java Monad. It will return a JavaThreadId which you can wait on using waitJava.

waitJava :: JavaThreadId a -> Java (Either SomeException a)Source

Wait for a Java Thread to exit. If the thread exits abnormally (that is, if an exception occurred), this function will return Left SomeException. Otherwise it will return the result of the computation as Right a.

JVM data

data JVM Source

A reference to an instance of a Java Virtual Machine.


data JClass Source

A reference to a Class object.


Show JClass 
JavaObject JClass

Every JClass is a JavaObject.

data JObject Source

A reference to an arbitrary Object.

data JArray e Source

A reference to an Array in the JVM.

data JField a Source


Show (JField a) 

data JStaticField a Source


data JMethod a Source


Show a => Show (JMethod a) 

data JStaticMethod a Source


data JConstructor a Source


Method discovery

data MethodDescriptor p Source


String ::= p 


(-->) :: a -> x -> P a xSource

array :: x -> A xSource