javelin-io- IO operations for the `javelin` package
Copyright(c) Laurent P. René de Cotret
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



This module contains functions to serialize/deserialize unboxed Series to/from bytes.

Why use unboxed series?

Unboxed series can have much better performance, at the cost of less flexibility. For example, an unboxed series cannot contain values of type Maybe a. Moreover, unboxed series aren't instances of Functor or Foldable.

If you are hesitating, you should prefer the series implementation in the Data.Series module (and therefore the IO module Data.Series.IO).


Deserialize Series

readCSV :: (Ord k, FromNamedRecord k, FromNamedRecord a, Unbox a) => ByteString -> Either String (Series k a) Source #

Read a comma-separated value (CSV) bytestream into a series.

Consider the following bytestream read from a file:

40.712778,-74.006111,New York City
-34.603333,-58.381667,Buenos Aires

We want to get a series of the latitude an longitude, indexed by the column "city". First, we need to do is to create a datatype representing the latitude and longitude information, and our index:

import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed         as U
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as UM
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic         as G
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as GM

newtype Latitude = MkLatitude Double
    deriving (Show)

-- Special code to ensure that Latitude is unboxed
-- This is only required for unboxed Series
newtype instance UM.MVector s Latitude = MV_Latitude (UM.MVector s Int)
newtype instance U.Vector Latitude = V_Latitude (U.Vector Int)
deriving instance GM.MVector UM.MVector Latitude
deriving instance G.Vector U.Vector Latitude 
instance U.Unbox Latitude

newtype City = MkCity String
    deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show )

Second, we need to create an instance of FromNamedRecord for our new types:

import Data.Csv ( FromNamedRecord, (.:) )

instance FromNamedRecord Latitude where
    parseNamedRecord r = MkLatitude <$> r .: "latitude"

instance FromNamedRecord City where
    parseNamedRecord r = MkCity <$> r .: "city"

Finally, we're ready to read our stream:

import Data.Series.Unboxed
import Data.Series.Unboxed.IO

main :: IO ()
main = do
    stream <- (...) -- Read the bytestring from somewhere
    let (latitudes  :: Series City Latitude) = either (error . show) id <$> readCSV stream
    print latitudes

readCSVFromFile :: (MonadIO m, Ord k, FromNamedRecord k, FromNamedRecord a, Unbox a) => FilePath -> m (Either String (Series k a)) Source #

This is a helper function to read a CSV directly from a filepath. See the documentation for readCSV on how to prepare your types. Then, for example, you can use readCSVFromFile as:

import Data.Series.Unboxed
import Data.Series.Unboxed.IO

main :: IO ()
main = do
    stream <- (...) -- Read the bytestring from somewhere
    let (latitudes  :: Series City Latitude) = either (error . show) id <$> readCSV stream
    print latitudes

Serialize Series

writeCSV :: (ToNamedRecord k, ToNamedRecord a, Unbox a) => Series k a -> ByteString Source #

Read a comma-separated value (CSV) bytestream into a series.

Consider the following bytestream read from a file:

40.712778,-74.006111,New York City
-34.603333,-58.381667,Buenos Aires

We want to get a series of the latitude an longitude, indexed by the column "city". First, we need to do is to create a datatype representing the latitude and longitude information, and our index:

data LatLong = MkLatLong { latitude  :: Double
                         , longitude :: Double
    deriving ( Show )

newtype City = MkCity String
    deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show )

Second, we need to create an instance of FromNamedRecord for our new types:

import Data.Csv ( FromNamedRecord, (.:) )

instance FromNamedRecord LatLong where
    parseNamedRecord r = MkLatLong <$> r .: "latitude"
                                   <*> r .: "longitude"

instance FromNamedRecord City where
    parseNamedRecord r = MkCity <$> r .: "city"

Finally, we're ready to read our stream:

import Data.Series
import Data.Series.IO

main :: IO ()
main = do
    stream <- (...) -- Read the bytestring from somewhere
    let (latlongs  :: Series City LatLong) = either (error . show) id <$> readCSV stream
    print latlongs

writeCSVToFile :: (MonadIO m, ToNamedRecord k, ToNamedRecord a, Unbox a) => FilePath -> Series k a -> m () Source #

This is a helper function to write a Series directly to CSV. See the documentation for writeCSV on how to prepare your types.