{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}

-- |
-- Module: LibSodium.Bindings.XChaCha20
-- Description: Direct bindings to XChaCha20 primitives
-- Copyright: (C) Koz Ross 2022
-- License: BSD-3-Clause
-- Maintainer: koz.ross@retro-freedom.nz
-- Stability: Stable
-- Portability: GHC only
-- Direct bindings to XChaCha20 primitives.
module LibSodium.Bindings.XChaCha20
  ( -- * Functions
  , cryptoStreamXChaCha20Xor
  , cryptoStreamXChaCha20XorIC
  , cryptoStreamXChaCha20Keygen

    -- * Constants
  , cryptoStreamXChaCha20KeyBytes
  , cryptoStreamXChaCha20NonceBytes

import Data.Word (Word64)
import Foreign.C.Types
  ( CInt (CInt)
  , CSize (CSize)
  , CUChar
  , CULLong (CULLong)
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr)

-- | Generate and store a given number of pseudorandom bytes, using a nonce
-- and a secret key. The amount of data read from the nonce location and secret
-- key location will be 'cryptoStreamXChaCha20NonceBytes' and
-- 'cryptoStreamXChaCha20KeyBytes' respectively.
-- This function theoretically returns 0 on success, and -1 on failure. However,
-- [this cannot ever
-- fail](https://github.com/jedisct1/libsodium/discussions/1148#discussioncomment-1979161),
-- although its documentation does not explain this.
-- /See:/ [crypto_stream_xchacha20()](https://doc.libsodium.org/advanced/stream_ciphers/xchacha20#usage)
-- @since
foreign import capi "sodium.h crypto_stream_xchacha20"
    :: Ptr CUChar
    -- ^ Out-parameter where pseudorandom bytes will be stored
    -> CULLong
    -- ^ How many bytes to write
    -> Ptr CUChar
    -- ^ Nonce location (see documentation, won't be modified)
    -> Ptr CUChar
    -- ^ Secret key location (see documentation, won't be modified)
    -> IO CInt
    -- ^ Always 0 (see documentation)

-- | Encrypt a message of the given length, using a nonce and a secret key. The
-- amount of data read from the nonce location and secret key location will be
-- 'cryptoStreamXChaCha20NonceBytes' and 'cryptoStreamXChaCha20KeyBytes'
-- respectively.
-- The resulting ciphertext does /not/ include an authentication tag. It will be
-- combined with the output of the stream cipher using the XOR operation.
-- This function theoretically returns 0 on success, and -1 on failure. However,
-- [this cannot ever
-- fail](https://github.com/jedisct1/libsodium/discussions/1148#discussioncomment-1979161),
-- although its documentation does not explain this.
-- = Important note
-- The message location and ciphertext location can be the same: this will
-- produce in-place encryption. However, if they are /not/ the same, they must
-- be non-overlapping.
-- /See:/ [crypto_stream_xchacha20_xor()](https://doc.libsodium.org/advanced/stream_ciphers/xchacha20#usage)
-- @since
foreign import capi "sodium.h crypto_stream_xchacha20_xor"
    :: Ptr CUChar
    -- ^ Out-parameter where the ciphertext will be stored
    -> Ptr CUChar
    -- ^ Message location (won't be modified)
    -> CULLong
    -- ^ Message length
    -> Ptr CUChar
    -- ^ Nonce location (see documentation, won't be modified)
    -> Ptr CUChar
    -- ^ Secret key location (see documentation, won't be modified)
    -> IO CInt
    -- ^ Always 0 (see documentation)

-- | As 'cryptoStreamXChaCha20Xor', but allows setting the initial value of the
-- block counter to a non-zero value. This permits direct access to any block
-- without having to compute previous ones.
-- See the documentation of 'cryptoStreamXChaCha20Xor' for caveats on the use of
-- this function.
-- /See:/ [crypto_stream_xchacha20_xor_ic()](https://doc.libsodium.org/advanced/stream_ciphers/xchacha20#usage)
-- @since
foreign import capi "sodium.h crypto_stream_xchacha20_xor_ic"
    :: Ptr CUChar
    -- ^ Out-parameter where the ciphertext will be stored
    -> Ptr CUChar
    -- ^ Message location (won't be modified)
    -> CULLong
    -- ^ Message length
    -> Ptr CUChar
    -- ^ Nonce location (see documentation, won't be modified)
    -> Word64
    -- ^ Value of block counter (see documentation)
    -> Ptr CUChar
    -- ^ Secret key location (see documentation, won't be modified)
    -> IO CInt
    -- ^ Always 0 (see documentation)

-- | Generate a random XChaCha20 secret key. This will always write
-- 'cryptoStreamXChaCha20KeyBytes' to the out-parameter.
-- /See:/ [crypto_stream_xchacha20_keygen()](https://doc.libsodium.org/advanced/stream_ciphers/xchacha20#usage)
-- @since
foreign import capi "sodium.h crypto_stream_xchacha20_keygen"
    :: Ptr CUChar
    -- ^ Out-parameter where the key will be stored
    -> IO ()
    -- ^ Doesn't return anything meaningful

-- | The number of bytes in an XChaCha20 secret key.
-- /See:/ [crypto_stream_xchacha20_KEYBYTES](https://doc.libsodium.org/advanced/stream_ciphers/xchacha20#constants)
-- @since
foreign import capi "sodium.h value crypto_stream_xchacha20_KEYBYTES"
  cryptoStreamXChaCha20KeyBytes :: CSize

-- | The number of bytes in an XChaCha20 nonce.
-- /See:/ [crypto_stream_xchacha20_NONCEBYTES](https://doc.libsodium.org/advanced/stream_ciphers/xchacha20#constants)
-- @since
foreign import capi "sodium.h value crypto_stream_xchacha20_NONCEBYTES"
  cryptoStreamXChaCha20NonceBytes :: CSize