lowgl- Basic gl wrapper and reference

Safe HaskellNone



VBO and ElementArrays. Both are buffer objects but are used for two different things.



data VBO Source

A VBO is a buffer object which has vertex data. Shader programs use VBOs as input to their vertex attributes according to the configuration of the bound VAO.

data ElementArray Source

A buffer object which has a packed sequence of vertex indices. Indexed rendering uses the ElementArray bound to the element array binding target.

data UsageHint Source

Usage hint for allocation of buffer object storage.



Data will seldomly change.


Data will change.


Data will change very often.

newVBO :: Vector Word8 -> UsageHint -> IO VBO Source

Create a buffer object from a blob of bytes. The usage argument hints at how often you will modify the data.

updateVBO :: Vector Word8 -> Int -> IO () Source

Modify the data in the currently bound VBO starting from the specified index in bytes.

bindVBO :: VBO -> IO () Source

Bind a VBO to the array buffer binding target. The buffer object bound there will be replaced, if any.

newElementArray :: Vector Word8 -> UsageHint -> IO ElementArray Source

Create a new ElementArray buffer object from the blob of packed indices. The usage argument hints at how often you plan to modify the data.

updateElementArray :: Vector Word8 -> Int -> IO () Source

Modify contents in the currently bound ElementArray starting at the specified index in bytes.

bindElementArray :: ElementArray -> IO () Source

Assign an ElementArray to the element array binding target. It will replace the ElementArray already bound there, if any. Note that the state of the element array binding target is a function of the current VAO.

deleteBufferObject :: BufferObject a => a -> IO () Source

Delete a VBO or ElementArray.