{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators    #-}

Module      : Markov.Extra
Maintainer  : atloomis@math.arizona.edu
Description : Utilities for "Markov".
Stability   : Experimental

module Markov.Extra
     ( fromLists
     , randomPath
     , (:*)
     , (>*<)
     ) where

import qualified Control.Monad.Random as MR
import qualified Data.List            as DL
import           Markov

-- Misc

-- |Randomly choose from a list by probability.
randomProduct :: (Real a, MR.MonadRandom m) => [(a, b)] -> m (a, b)
randomProduct = MR.fromList . fmap (\x -> (x, toRational $ fst x))

-- |Returns a single realization of a Markov chain.
randomPath :: (Markov ((,) a) b, Real a, MR.RandomGen g) => g -> b -> [(a,b)]
randomPath g x = fmap (`MR.evalRand` g) . iterate (>>= (randomProduct . step))
  $ pure (1,x)

-- |Create a transition function from a transition matrix.
-- Inputs should obey:
-- > all (== length matrix) (map length matrix)
-- > length matrix == length states
fromLists :: Eq  b => [[a]] -> [b] -> b -> [(a, c -> b)]
fromLists matrix states b = case DL.elemIndex b states of
    Nothing -> []
    Just n  -> zip (matrix!!n) $ fmap const states

-- Easier way to write nested 2-tuples

-- |Easier way to write nested 2-tuples.
type a :* b = (a,b)
-- |Easier way to write nested 2-tuples.
-- Left associative, binds weaker than @+@
-- but stronger than @==@.
(>*<) :: a -> b -> a :* b
a >*< b = (a,b)
infixl 5 >*<