mcmc- Sample from a posterior using Markov chain Monte Carlo
Copyright(c) Dominik Schrempf 2020
Safe HaskellNone



Creation date: Tue May 5 18:01:15 2020.

For an introduction to Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) samplers and update mechanisms using the Metropolis-Hastings-Green algorithm, please see Geyer, C. J., (2011), Introduction to Markov Chain Monte Carlo, In Handbook of Markov Chain Monte Carlo (pp. 45), CRC press.

This library focusses on classical Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms such as the Metropolis-Hastings-Green [1] algorithm, or population methods involving parallel chains such as the Metropolic-coupled Markov chain Monte Carlo [2] algorithm. In particular, sequential Monte Carlo [3] algorithms following a moving posterior distribution are not provided.

An MCMC sampler can be run with mcmc, for example using the Metropolis-Hastings-Green algorithm mhg.

Usually, it is best to start with an example:

The import of this module alone should cover most use cases.

[1] Geyer, C. J. (2011), Introduction to markov chain monte carlo, In Handbook of Markov Chain Monte Carlo (pp. 45), CRC press.

[2] Geyer, C. J. (1991), Markov chain monte carlo maximum likelihood, Computing Science and Statistics, Proceedings of the 23rd Symposium on the Interface.

[3] Sequential monte carlo methods in practice (2001), Editors: Arnaud Doucet, Nando de Freitas, and Neil Gordon, Springer New York.



A Proposal is an instruction about how to advance a given Markov chain so that it possibly reaches a new state. That is, Proposals specify how the chain traverses the state space. As far as this MCMC library is concerned, Proposals are considered to be /elementary updates/ in that they cannot be decomposed into smaller updates.

Proposals can be combined to form composite updates, a technique often referred to as composition. On the other hand, mixing (used in the sense of mixture models) is the random choice of a Proposal (or a composition of Proposals) from a given set.

The composition and mixture of Proposals allows specification of nearly all MCMC algorithms involving a single chain (i.e., population methods such as particle filters are excluded). In particular, Gibbs samplers of all sorts can be specified using this procedure. For reference, please see the short encyclopedia of MCMC methods.

This library enables composition and mixture of Proposals via the Cycle data type. Essentially, a Cycle is a set of Proposals. The chain advances after the completion of each Cycle, which is called an iteration, and the iteration counter is increased by one.

The Proposals in a Cycle can be executed in the given order or in a random sequence which allows, for example, specification of a fixed scan Gibbs sampler, or a random sequence scan Gibbs sampler, respectively. See Order.

Note that it is of utter importance that the given Cycle enables traversal of the complete state space. Otherwise, the Markov chain will not converge to the correct stationary posterior distribution.

Proposals are named according to what they do, i.e., how they change the state of a Markov chain, and not according to the intrinsically used probability distributions. For example, slideSymmetric is a sliding proposal. Under the hood, it uses the normal distribution with mean zero and given variance. The sampled variate is added to the current value of the variable (hence, the name slide). The same nomenclature is used by RevBayes [4]. The probability distributions and intrinsic properties of a specific proposal are specified in detail in the documentation.

The other method, which is used intrinsically, is more systematic, but also a little bit more complicated: we separate between the proposal distribution and how the state is affected. And here, I am referring to the operator (addition, multiplication, any other binary operator). For example, the sliding proposal with mean m, standard deviation s, and tuning parameter t is implemented as

slideSimple :: Double -> Double -> Double -> ProposalSimple Double
slideSimple m s t =
  genericContinuous (normalDistr m (s * t)) (+) (Just negate) Nothing

This specification is more involved. Especially since we need to know the probability of jumping back, and so we need to know the inverse operator negate. However, it also allows specification of new proposals with great ease.

[4] Höhna, S., Landis, M. J., Heath, T. A., Boussau, B., Lartillot, N., Moore, B. R., Huelsenbeck, J. P., …, Revbayes: bayesian phylogenetic inference using graphical models and an interactive model-specification language, Systematic Biology, 65(4), 726–736 (2016).

newtype PName Source #

Proposal name.





Instances details
Eq PName Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Mcmc.Proposal


(==) :: PName -> PName -> Bool #

(/=) :: PName -> PName -> Bool #

Ord PName Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Mcmc.Proposal


compare :: PName -> PName -> Ordering #

(<) :: PName -> PName -> Bool #

(<=) :: PName -> PName -> Bool #

(>) :: PName -> PName -> Bool #

(>=) :: PName -> PName -> Bool #

max :: PName -> PName -> PName #

min :: PName -> PName -> PName #

Show PName Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Mcmc.Proposal


showsPrec :: Int -> PName -> ShowS #

show :: PName -> String #

showList :: [PName] -> ShowS #

Semigroup PName Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Mcmc.Proposal


(<>) :: PName -> PName -> PName #

sconcat :: NonEmpty PName -> PName #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> PName -> PName #

Monoid PName Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Mcmc.Proposal


mempty :: PName #

mappend :: PName -> PName -> PName #

mconcat :: [PName] -> PName #

newtype PWeight Source #

The weight determines how often a Proposal is executed per iteration of the Markov chain.





Instances details
Eq PWeight Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Mcmc.Proposal


(==) :: PWeight -> PWeight -> Bool #

(/=) :: PWeight -> PWeight -> Bool #

Ord PWeight Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Mcmc.Proposal

Show PWeight Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Mcmc.Proposal

data Proposal a Source #

A Proposal is an instruction about how the Markov chain will traverse the state space a. Essentially, it is a probability mass or probability density conditioned on the current state (i.e., a Markov kernel).

A Proposal may be tuneable in that it contains information about how to enlarge or shrink the step size to tune the acceptance rate.


Instances details
Eq (Proposal a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Mcmc.Proposal


(==) :: Proposal a -> Proposal a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Proposal a -> Proposal a -> Bool #

Ord (Proposal a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Mcmc.Proposal


compare :: Proposal a -> Proposal a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Proposal a -> Proposal a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Proposal a -> Proposal a -> Bool #

(>) :: Proposal a -> Proposal a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Proposal a -> Proposal a -> Bool #

max :: Proposal a -> Proposal a -> Proposal a #

min :: Proposal a -> Proposal a -> Proposal a #

(@~) :: Lens' b a -> Proposal a -> Proposal b Source #

Convert a proposal from one data type to another using a lens.

For example:

scaleFirstEntryOfTuple = _1 @~ scale

data Tune Source #

Tune the proposal?




Instances details
Eq Tune Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Mcmc.Proposal


(==) :: Tune -> Tune -> Bool #

(/=) :: Tune -> Tune -> Bool #

Show Tune Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Mcmc.Proposal


showsPrec :: Int -> Tune -> ShowS #

show :: Tune -> String #

showList :: [Tune] -> ShowS #

scale Source #


:: Double


-> Double


-> PName 
-> PWeight 
-> Tune 
-> Proposal Double 

Multiplicative proposal with gamma distributed kernel.

scaleUnbiased Source #


:: Double


-> PName 
-> PWeight 
-> Tune 
-> Proposal Double 

Multiplicative proposal with gamma distributed kernel.

The scale of the gamma distribution is set to (shape)^{-1}, so that the mean of the gamma distribution is 1.0.

scaleContrarily Source #


:: Double


-> Double


-> PName 
-> PWeight 
-> Tune 
-> Proposal (Double, Double) 

Multiplicative proposal with gamma distributed kernel.

The two values are scaled contrarily so that their product stays constant. Contrary proposals are useful when parameters are confounded.

scaleBactrian Source #


:: Double

Spike parameter.

-> Double

Standard deviation.

-> PName


-> PWeight


-> Tune

Enable tuning.

-> Proposal Double 

Multiplicative proposal with kernel similar to the silhouette of a Bactrian camel. See slideBactrian.

slide Source #


:: Double


-> Double

Standard deviation.

-> PName


-> PWeight


-> Tune

Enable tuning.

-> Proposal Double 

Additive proposal with normally distributed kernel.

slideSymmetric Source #


:: Double

Standard deviation.

-> PName


-> PWeight


-> Tune

Enable tuning.

-> Proposal Double 

Additive proposal with normally distributed kernel with mean zero. This proposal is very fast, because the Metropolis-Hastings-Green ratio does not include calculation of the forwards and backwards kernels.

slideUniformSymmetric Source #


:: Double


-> PName


-> PWeight


-> Tune

Enable tuning.

-> Proposal Double 

Additive proposal with uniformly distributed kernel with mean zero. This proposal is very fast, because the Metropolis-Hastings-Green ratio does not include calculation of the forwards and backwards kernels.

slideContrarily Source #


:: Double


-> Double

Standard deviation.

-> PName


-> PWeight


-> Tune

Enable tuning.

-> Proposal (Double, Double) 

Additive proposal with normally distributed kernel.

The two values are slid contrarily so that their sum stays constant. Contrary proposals are useful when parameters are confounded.

slideBactrian Source #


:: Double

Spike parameter \(m\).

-> Double

Standard deviation \(s\).

-> PName


-> PWeight


-> Tune

Enable tuning.

-> Proposal Double 

Additive symmetric proposal with kernel similar to the silhouette of a Bactrian camel.

The Bactrian kernel is a mixture of two symmetrically arranged normal distributions. The spike parameter \(m \in (0, 1)\) loosely determines the standard deviations of the individual humps while the second parameter \(s > 0\) refers to the standard deviation of the complete Bactrian kernel.


data Cycle a Source #

In brief, a Cycle is a list of proposals.

The state of the Markov chain will be logged only after all Proposals in the Cycle have been completed, and the iteration counter will be increased by one. The order in which the Proposals are executed is specified by Order. The default is RandomO.

No proposals with the same name and description are allowed in a Cycle, so that they can be uniquely identified.

cycleFromList :: [Proposal a] -> Cycle a Source #

Create a Cycle from a list of Proposals.

data Order Source #

Define the order in which Proposals are executed in a Cycle. The total number of Proposals per Cycle may differ between Orders (e.g., compare RandomO and RandomReversibleO).



Shuffle the Proposals in the Cycle. The Proposals are replicated according to their weights and executed in random order. If a Proposal has weight w, it is executed exactly w times per iteration.


The Proposals are executed sequentially, in the order they appear in the Cycle. Proposals with weight w>1 are repeated immediately w times (and not appended to the end of the list).


Similar to RandomO. However, a reversed copy of the list of shuffled Proposals is appended such that the resulting Markov chain is reversible. Note: the total number of Proposals executed per cycle is twice the number of RandomO.


Similar to SequentialO. However, a reversed copy of the list of sequentially ordered Proposals is appended such that the resulting Markov chain is reversible.


Instances details
Eq Order Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Mcmc.Proposal


(==) :: Order -> Order -> Bool #

(/=) :: Order -> Order -> Bool #

Show Order Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Mcmc.Proposal


showsPrec :: Int -> Order -> ShowS #

show :: Order -> String #

showList :: [Order] -> ShowS #

Default Order Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Mcmc.Proposal


def :: Order #

setOrder :: Order -> Cycle a -> Cycle a Source #

Set the order of Proposals in a Cycle.



A Monitor describes which part of the Markov chain should be logged and where. Monitor files can directly be loaded into established MCMC analysis tools working with tab separated tables (for example, Tracer).

There are three different Monitor types:

Log to standard output.
Log to a file.
Log summary statistics such as the mean of the last states to a file.

data Monitor a Source #

A Monitor observing the chain.

A Monitor describes which part of the Markov chain should be logged and where. Further, they allow output of summary statistics per iteration in a flexible way.


Monitor (MonitorStdOut a) [MonitorFile a] [MonitorBatch a] 

data MonitorStdOut a Source #

Monitor to standard output; constructed with monitorStdOut.

monitorStdOut Source #


:: [MonitorParameter a]

Instructions about which parameters to log.

-> Int

Logging period.

-> MonitorStdOut a 

Monitor to standard output.

data MonitorFile a Source #

Monitor to a file; constructed with monitorFile.

monitorFile Source #


:: String

Name; used as part of the file name.

-> [MonitorParameter a]

Instructions about which parameters to log.

-> Int

Logging period.

-> MonitorFile a 

Monitor parameters to a file.

data MonitorBatch a Source #

Batch monitor to a file.

Calculate summary statistics over the last given number of iterations (batch size). Construct with monitorBatch.

monitorBatch Source #


:: String

Name; used as part of the file name.

-> [MonitorParameterBatch a]

Instructions about how to calculate the summary statistics.

-> Int

Batch size.

-> MonitorBatch a 

Batch monitor parameters to a file, see MonitorBatch.

Prior distributions

Convenience functions for computing priors.

module Mcmc.Prior

MCMC samplers

mcmc :: Algorithm a => Settings -> a -> IO a Source #

Run an MCMC algorithm with given settings.

mcmcContinue :: Algorithm a => Int -> Settings -> a -> IO a Source #

Continue an MCMC algorithm for the given number of iterations.

Currently, it is only possible to continue MCMC algorithms that have completed successfully. This restriction is necessary, because for parallel chains, it is hardly possible to ensure all chains are synchronized when the process is killed.


See also settingsLoad, mhgLoad, and mc3Load.


Useful type synonyms

type PriorFunction a = a -> Log Double Source #

Prior function.

noPrior :: PriorFunction a Source #

Flat prior function. Useful for testing and debugging.

type LikelihoodFunction a = a -> Log Double Source #

Likelihood function.

noLikelihood :: LikelihoodFunction a Source #

Flat likelihood function. Useful for testing and debugging.