{- |
Stability   :  unstable
Portability :  portable
module System.Config.File (
    -- * Basics
    -- ** Types
    , Value
    , Configuration()
    -- ** Managing
    , withConfiguration
    , loadConfiguration
    , saveConfiguration
    , loadGlobal
    , loadLocal
    -- ** CRUD
    , hasV
    , getV
    , removeV
    , replaceV
    -- * Data \"entry\"
    -- | It proved useful that for a few small cases to also have a way to \"build\"
    -- the configuration interactively. When you consider easy to validate fields
    -- (that don't depend on other fields), it seems to be worth to have this functionality
    -- included.

    -- ** Validation
    , InteractiveValidator
    , acceptNonBlank
    , acceptAnything
    -- ** Execution
    , fillInteractively
    , fillInteractivelyWhen
    -- ** Predicates
    , newC
    , emptyC

    import System.FilePath
    import System.Directory
    import qualified Data.TConfig as TConfig

    import Control.Monad
    import Data.Map
    import Data.Maybe
    import System.IO

    type Key   = String
    type Value = String
    -- |Via the 'Left' data constructor we are able to pass the message necessary to
    -- notify the user that the inputed data is not valid
    type InteractiveValidator = Value -> IO (Either String Value)

    -- |While the internal representation is not exposed directly, an implementation
    -- of the 'Show' instance is provided in order to dump the configuration when that
    -- may be aidful in debugging. However, you will only see the key values stored
    -- inside the 'Map'
    data Configuration = Configuration
                       { new :: Bool
                       , filepath :: FilePath
                       , options :: Map Key Value

    instance Show Configuration where
        show c = show $ options c

    homeDirectoryPath :: IO String
    homeDirectoryPath = do
        homeDir <- getHomeDirectory
        return $ homeDir ++ [pathSeparator]

    readOrCreateAndRead :: FilePath -> IO Configuration
    readOrCreateAndRead filepath' = do
        fileFound <- doesFileExist filepath'
        unless fileFound $ writeFile filepath' ""
        config <- TConfig.readConfig filepath'
        return Configuration { new=not fileFound, filepath=filepath', options=config }

    acceptAnything :: InteractiveValidator
    acceptAnything = return . Right

    acceptNonBlank :: InteractiveValidator
    acceptNonBlank value | Prelude.null value = return $ Left "Empty string is not accepted"
                         | otherwise          = return $ Right value

    -- | Execution dependent on a predicate
    fillInteractivelyWhen :: (Configuration -> Bool) -> Configuration -> [(Key, InteractiveValidator)] -> IO Configuration
    fillInteractivelyWhen predi configuration methods | predi configuration = fillInteractively configuration methods
                                                      | otherwise           = return configuration

    -- | Request user input for the set of (Key, InteractiveValidator). For keys that are
    -- already set in the 'Configuration', values will be overwritten
    fillInteractively :: Configuration -> [(Key, InteractiveValidator)] -> IO Configuration
    fillInteractively configuration methods = liftM (Prelude.foldl (\c (key,value) -> setOrReplace key value c) configuration) interactiveBuild where
        interactiveBuild = forM methods (uncurry requestLoop)
        setOrReplace key value c | hasV configuration key = replaceV c key value
                                 | otherwise              = addV c key value
        requestLoop key validator = do
            putStr (key ++ ": ")
            hFlush stdout
            input <- getLine >>= validator
            case input of (Right v) -> return (key, v)
                          (Left v)  -> putStrLn v >> requestLoop key validator

    {-# DEPRECATED withConfiguration, loadConfiguration "Use loadLocal/loadGlobal instead" #-}
    withConfiguration :: String -- ^Configuration file name
                      -> (Configuration -> IO b)
                      -> IO b
    withConfiguration filename f = loadConfiguration filename >>= \c -> f c
    -- ^However if you like to stack software ala @ withSocketsDo $ withX $ withY @ this might not 
    -- be your preferred approach. You could go with the following approach, which was excluded for
    -- library portability:
    -- > {-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams, RankNTypes #-}
    -- > import System.Config.File
    -- >
    -- > withConfigurationImplicit :: String -> ((?configuration :: Configuration) => IO b) -> IO b
    -- > withConfigurationImplicit filename f = withConfiguration filename (\c -> let ?configuration = c in f)
    -- >
    -- > main = withConfigurationImplicit ".apprc" $ do
    -- >    print $ hasV "name" ?configuration
    -- >    print $ getV "name" ?configuration

    loadConfiguration :: String -- ^ Configuration file name
                      -> IO Configuration
    loadConfiguration filename = do
        homeDir <- homeDirectoryPath
        readOrCreateAndRead $ homeDir ++ filename

    loadGlobal :: FilePath
               -> IO Configuration
    loadGlobal filename = do
        homeDir <- homeDirectoryPath
        readOrCreateAndRead $ homeDir ++ filename
    -- The configuration file name given is relative to the users home directory

    loadLocal :: FilePath
              -> IO Configuration
    loadLocal filename = do
      currentDirectory <- getCurrentDirectory
      readOrCreateAndRead $ currentDirectory </> filename
    -- Load configuration file relative to the current directory

    -- | The configuration will be saved into the same file it was read from, obviously
    saveConfiguration :: Configuration -> IO ()
    saveConfiguration (Configuration { filepath=f, options=o }) = TConfig.writeConfig f o

    -- | Has this configuration just been created?
    newC :: Configuration -> Bool
    newC = new

    -- | Configuration doesn't contain any values?
    emptyC :: Configuration -> Bool
    emptyC = Data.Map.null . options

    hasV :: Configuration -> Key -> Bool
    hasV configuration key = isJust . TConfig.getValue key $ options configuration

    getV :: Configuration -> Key -> Maybe Value
    getV configuration key = TConfig.getValue key $ options configuration

    addV :: Configuration -> Key -> Value -> Configuration
    addV configuration key value = (\o -> configuration { options=o }) . TConfig.addKey key value $ options configuration

    removeV :: Configuration -> Key -> Configuration
    removeV configuration key = (\o -> configuration { options=o }) . TConfig.remKey key $ options configuration

    replaceV :: Configuration -> Key -> Value -> Configuration
    replaceV configuration key value = (\o -> configuration { options=o }) . TConfig.repConfig key value $ options configuration