mmsyn2-array- A library that can be used for multiple Ord a => a -> b transformations.
Copyright(c) OleksandrZhabenko 2020-2021
Safe HaskellNone
  • UnboxedTuples
  • BangPatterns
  • FlexibleContexts
  • MagicHash



A library that can be used as a case ... of constuction analogue for the multiple Ord a => a -> b transformations and data representation. Uses Array internally. If you use the module in GHCi, then, please, run the interpreter with the flag -fobject-code.



  • Functions that can be used instead of case var of { a1 -> b1 ; a2 -> b2 ; a3 -> b3 ; ... ; an -> bn ; ~z -> def } for efficiency or other data representation

Basic functions

getBFst'' Source #


:: (Ord a, Ix i) 
=> (# Int, (a, b) #)

The first unboxed tuple of the index and the element of the array.

-> (# Int, (a, b) #)

The second unboxed tuple of the index and the element of the array.

-> Array i (a, b)

The array of the pairs of the compared value and the result that is used in case the last argument is equal to the compared value.

-> b

The default value that is used if no first element in the array tuples equals to the compared value.

-> a

The compared value, well, the main function argument, to which it is applied.

-> b

The resulting branch value.

The function that can be used instead of the 'case ... of' function case var of { a1 -> b1 ; a2 -> b2 ; a3 -> b3 ; ... ; an -> bn ; ~z -> defaultValue } If we follow a lot of teaching materials that explain the workflow of the construction we think that the complexity of it is about O(n) for the transformation of a to b here. David Feuer (david.feuer (at) said that 'case ... of' is already optimized in GHC. Some benchmarks show that its behaviour tends to be about of O(log n) complexity, the same as the proposed function getBFst'. Nevertheless, the last one shows better performance in some situations, is rather general and can be used for another data representation. Therefore, it can be preferred in some situations. getBFst' uses binary search algorithm and an Array of (a, b) as somewhat like a complicated filter or like a special sieve. The array must be sorted in ascending order here for the algorithm to be used correctly. For this you can use the function listArrSortedByFst or the similar ones. If you would like to use them both, please, consider usage of the getBFstLSorted' or getBFstL' instead. The function getBFst'' is used internally in the getBFst' that is recommended to be used in most cases. Nevertheless, it is provided here if you have precomputed the first two arguments or at least some parts of them so that you can reduce the needed amount of computations in the getBFst'.

getBFst' :: Ord a => (b, Array Int (a, b)) -> a -> b Source #

A generally written without extending variant of the getBFst''.

With a transformation to the array

listArrSortedByFst :: Ord a => [(a, b)] -> Array Int (a, b) Source #

Sorts the list of pairs by the first element in the tuples, then transforms them into an immutable array. Can be used only if the list contains no more than 2^31 - 1 elements though this is not checked, it is up to user to check this constraint before or provide its correctness by design.

getBFstLSorted' :: Ord a => b -> [(a, b)] -> a -> b Source #

If the list argument is sorted in the ascending order by the first element in every tuple, then to reduce computations instead of \def xs x -> getBFst' (def, listArray (0,length xs - 1) xs) x you can use this function.

getBFstL' :: Ord a => b -> [(a, b)] -> a -> b Source #

If it is unknown whether the list argument is sorted in the ascending order by the first element in every tuple (or, definitely, it is not, speaking generally), then instead of \def xs x -> getBFst' (def, listArray (0,length xs - 1) . sortBy (comparing fst) $ xs) x you can use this function.