{-# language DataKinds             #-}
{-# language FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# language FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# language GADTs                 #-}
{-# language MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# language PolyKinds             #-}
{-# language RankNTypes            #-}
{-# language ScopedTypeVariables   #-}
{-# language TypeApplications      #-}
{-# language TypeOperators         #-}
{-# language UndecidableInstances  #-}
Description : Execute a Mu 'Server' using gRPC as transport layer

This module allows you to server a Mu 'Server'
as a WAI 'Application' using gRPC as transport layer.

The simples way is to use 'runGRpcApp', all other
variants provide more control over the settings.
module Mu.GRpc.Server
( -- * Run a 'Server' directly
  runGRpcApp, runGRpcAppTrans
, runGRpcAppSettings, Settings
, runGRpcAppTLS, TLSSettings
  -- * Convert a 'Server' into a WAI application
, gRpcApp
  -- * Raise errors as exceptions in IO
, raiseErrors, liftServerConduit
) where

import           Control.Concurrent.Async
import           Control.Concurrent.STM        (atomically)
import           Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar
import           Control.Exception
import           Control.Monad.Except
import           Data.ByteString               (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8         as BS
import           Data.Conduit
import           Data.Conduit.TMChan
import           Data.Kind
import           Data.Proxy
import           Network.GRPC.HTTP2.Encoding   (gzip, uncompressed)
import           Network.GRPC.HTTP2.Proto3Wire
import           Network.GRPC.HTTP2.Types      (GRPCStatus (..), GRPCStatusCode (..))
import           Network.GRPC.Server.Handlers
import           Network.GRPC.Server.Wai       as Wai
import           Network.Wai                   (Application)
import           Network.Wai.Handler.Warp      (Port, Settings, run, runSettings)
import           Network.Wai.Handler.WarpTLS   (TLSSettings, runTLS)

import           Mu.Adapter.ProtoBuf.Via
import           Mu.Rpc
import           Mu.Schema
import           Mu.Server

-- | Run a Mu 'Server' on the given port.
  :: ( KnownName name, KnownName (FindPackageName anns)
     , GRpcMethodHandlers ServerErrorIO methods handlers )
  => Port
  -> ServerT Maybe ('Service name anns methods) ServerErrorIO handlers
  -> IO ()
runGRpcApp port = runGRpcAppTrans port id

-- | Run a Mu 'Server' on the given port.
  :: ( KnownName name, KnownName (FindPackageName anns)
     , GRpcMethodHandlers m methods handlers )
  => Port
  -> (forall a. m a -> ServerErrorIO a)
  -> ServerT Maybe ('Service name anns methods) m handlers
  -> IO ()
runGRpcAppTrans port f svr = run port (gRpcAppTrans f svr)

-- | Run a Mu 'Server' using the given 'Settings'.
--   Go to 'Network.Wai.Handler.Warp' to declare 'Settings'.
  :: ( KnownName name, KnownName (FindPackageName anns)
     , GRpcMethodHandlers m methods handlers )
  => Settings
  -> (forall a. m a -> ServerErrorIO a)
  -> ServerT Maybe ('Service name anns methods) m handlers
  -> IO ()
runGRpcAppSettings st f svr = runSettings st (gRpcAppTrans f svr)

-- | Run a Mu 'Server' using the given 'TLSSettings' and 'Settings'.
--   Go to 'Network.Wai.Handler.WarpTLS' to declare 'TLSSettings'
--   and to 'Network.Wai.Handler.Warp' to declare 'Settings'.
  :: ( KnownName name, KnownName (FindPackageName anns)
     , GRpcMethodHandlers m methods handlers )
  => TLSSettings -> Settings
  -> (forall a. m a -> ServerErrorIO a)
  -> ServerT Maybe ('Service name anns methods) m handlers
  -> IO ()
runGRpcAppTLS tls st f svr = runTLS tls st (gRpcAppTrans f svr)

-- | Turn a Mu 'Server' into a WAI 'Application'.
--   These 'Application's can be later combined using,
--   for example, @wai-routes@, or you can add middleware
--   from @wai-extra@, among others.
  :: ( KnownName name, KnownName (FindPackageName anns)
     , GRpcMethodHandlers ServerErrorIO methods handlers )
  => ServerT Maybe ('Service name anns methods) ServerErrorIO handlers
  -> Application
gRpcApp = gRpcAppTrans id

-- | Turn a Mu 'Server' into a WAI 'Application'.
--   These 'Application's can be later combined using,
--   for example, @wai-routes@, or you can add middleware
--   from @wai-extra@, among others.
  :: ( KnownName name, KnownName (FindPackageName anns)
     , GRpcMethodHandlers m methods handlers )
  => (forall a. m a -> ServerErrorIO a)
  -> ServerT Maybe ('Service name anns methods) m handlers
  -> Application
gRpcAppTrans f svr = Wai.grpcApp [uncompressed, gzip]
                                 (gRpcServiceHandlers f svr)

  :: forall name anns methods handlers m.
     (KnownName name, KnownName (FindPackageName anns), GRpcMethodHandlers m methods handlers)
  => (forall a. m a -> ServerErrorIO a)
  -> ServerT Maybe ('Service name anns methods) m handlers
  -> [ServiceHandler]
gRpcServiceHandlers f (Server svr) = gRpcMethodHandlers f packageName serviceName svr
  where packageName = BS.pack (nameVal (Proxy @(FindPackageName anns)))
        serviceName = BS.pack (nameVal (Proxy @name))

class GRpcMethodHandlers (m :: Type -> Type) (ms :: [Method mnm]) (hs :: [Type]) where
  gRpcMethodHandlers :: (forall a. m a -> ServerErrorIO a)
                     -> ByteString -> ByteString
                     -> HandlersT Maybe ms m hs -> [ServiceHandler]

instance GRpcMethodHandlers m '[] '[] where
  gRpcMethodHandlers _ _ _ H0 = []
instance (KnownName name, GRpcMethodHandler m args r h, GRpcMethodHandlers m rest hs)
         => GRpcMethodHandlers m ('Method name anns args r ': rest) (h ': hs) where
  gRpcMethodHandlers f p s (h :<|>: rest)
    = gRpcMethodHandler f (Proxy @args) (Proxy @r) (RPC p s methodName) h
      : gRpcMethodHandlers f p s rest
    where methodName = BS.pack (nameVal (Proxy @name))

class GRpcMethodHandler m args r h where
  gRpcMethodHandler :: (forall a. m a -> ServerErrorIO a)
                    -> Proxy args -> Proxy r -> RPC -> h -> ServiceHandler

-- | Turns a 'Conduit' working on 'ServerErrorIO'
--   into any other base monad which supports 'IO',
--   by raising any error as an exception.
--   This function is useful to interoperate with
--   libraries which generate 'Conduit's with other
--   base monads, such as @persistent@.
  :: MonadIO m
  => ConduitT a b ServerErrorIO r -> ConduitT a b m r
liftServerConduit = transPipe raiseErrors

-- | Raises errors from 'ServerErrorIO' as exceptions
--   in a monad which supports 'IO'.
--   This function is useful to interoperate with other
--   libraries which cannot handle the additional error
--   layer. In particular, with Conduit, as witnessed
--   by 'liftServerConduit'.
raiseErrors :: MonadIO m => ServerErrorIO a -> m a
raiseErrors h
  = liftIO $ do
      h' <- runExceptT h
      case h' of
        Right r -> return r
        Left (ServerError code msg)
          -> closeEarly $ GRPCStatus (serverErrorToGRpcError code)
                                     (BS.pack msg)
    [ Handler (\(e :: GRPCStatus) -> throwIO e)
    , Handler (\(e :: SomeException) -> closeEarly $ GRPCStatus INTERNAL (BS.pack $ show e))

    serverErrorToGRpcError :: ServerErrorCode -> GRPCStatusCode
    serverErrorToGRpcError Unknown         = UNKNOWN
    serverErrorToGRpcError Unavailable     = UNAVAILABLE
    serverErrorToGRpcError Unimplemented   = UNIMPLEMENTED
    serverErrorToGRpcError Unauthenticated = UNAUTHENTICATED
    serverErrorToGRpcError Internal        = INTERNAL
    serverErrorToGRpcError NotFound        = NOT_FOUND
    serverErrorToGRpcError Invalid         = INVALID_ARGUMENT

instance GRpcMethodHandler m '[ ] 'RetNothing (m ()) where
  gRpcMethodHandler f _ _ rpc h
    = unary @_ @() @() rpc (\_ _ -> raiseErrors (f h))

instance (ToProtoBufTypeRef rref r)
         => GRpcMethodHandler m '[ ] ('RetSingle rref) (m r) where
  gRpcMethodHandler f _ _ rpc h
    = unary @_ @() @(ViaToProtoBufTypeRef rref r)
            rpc (\_ _ -> ViaToProtoBufTypeRef <$> raiseErrors (f h))

instance (ToProtoBufTypeRef rref r, MonadIO m)
         => GRpcMethodHandler m '[ ] ('RetStream rref)
                              (ConduitT r Void m () -> m ()) where
  gRpcMethodHandler f _ _ rpc h
    = serverStream @_ @() @(ViaToProtoBufTypeRef rref r) rpc sstream
    where sstream :: req -> ()
                  -> IO ((), ServerStream (ViaToProtoBufTypeRef rref r) ())
          sstream _ _ = do
            -- Variable to connect input and output
            var <- newEmptyTMVarIO :: IO (TMVar (Maybe r))
            -- Start executing the handler
            promise <- async (raiseErrors $ ViaToProtoBufTypeRef <$> f (h (toTMVarConduit var)))
              -- Return the information
            let readNext _
                  = do nextOutput <- atomically $ takeTMVar var
                       case nextOutput of
                         Just o  -> return $ Just ((), ViaToProtoBufTypeRef o)
                         Nothing -> do cancel promise
                                       return Nothing
            return ((), ServerStream readNext)

instance (FromProtoBufTypeRef vref v)
         => GRpcMethodHandler m '[ 'ArgSingle vref ] 'RetNothing (v -> m ()) where
  gRpcMethodHandler f _ _ rpc h
    = unary @_ @(ViaFromProtoBufTypeRef vref v) @()
            rpc (\_ -> raiseErrors . f . h . unViaFromProtoBufTypeRef)

instance (FromProtoBufTypeRef vref v, ToProtoBufTypeRef rref r)
         => GRpcMethodHandler m '[ 'ArgSingle vref ] ('RetSingle rref) (v -> m r) where
  gRpcMethodHandler f _ _ rpc h
    = unary @_ @(ViaFromProtoBufTypeRef vref v) @(ViaToProtoBufTypeRef rref r)
            rpc (\_ -> (ViaToProtoBufTypeRef <$>) . raiseErrors . f . h . unViaFromProtoBufTypeRef)

instance (FromProtoBufTypeRef vref v, ToProtoBufTypeRef rref r, MonadIO m)
         => GRpcMethodHandler m '[ 'ArgStream vref ] ('RetSingle rref)
                              (ConduitT () v m () -> m r) where
  gRpcMethodHandler f _ _ rpc h
    = clientStream @_ @(ViaFromProtoBufTypeRef vref v) @(ViaToProtoBufTypeRef rref r)
                   rpc cstream
    where cstream :: req
                  -> IO ((), ClientStream (ViaFromProtoBufTypeRef vref v)
                        (ViaToProtoBufTypeRef rref r) ())
          cstream _ = do
            -- Create a new TMChan
            chan <- newTMChanIO :: IO (TMChan v)
            let producer = sourceTMChan @m chan
            -- Start executing the handler in another thread
            promise <- async (raiseErrors $ ViaToProtoBufTypeRef <$> f (h producer))
            -- Build the actual handler
            let cstreamHandler _ (ViaFromProtoBufTypeRef newInput)
                  = atomically (writeTMChan chan newInput)
                cstreamFinalizer _
                  = atomically (closeTMChan chan) >> wait promise
            -- Return the information
            return ((), ClientStream cstreamHandler cstreamFinalizer)

instance (FromProtoBufTypeRef vref v, ToProtoBufTypeRef rref r, MonadIO m)
         => GRpcMethodHandler m '[ 'ArgSingle vref ] ('RetStream rref)
                              (v -> ConduitT r Void m () -> m ()) where
  gRpcMethodHandler f _ _ rpc h
    = serverStream @_ @(ViaFromProtoBufTypeRef vref v) @(ViaToProtoBufTypeRef rref r)
                   rpc sstream
    where sstream :: req -> ViaFromProtoBufTypeRef vref v
                  -> IO ((), ServerStream (ViaToProtoBufTypeRef rref r) ())
          sstream _ (ViaFromProtoBufTypeRef v) = do
            -- Variable to connect input and output
            var <- newEmptyTMVarIO :: IO (TMVar (Maybe r))
            -- Start executing the handler
            promise <- async (raiseErrors $ ViaToProtoBufTypeRef <$> f (h v (toTMVarConduit var)))
              -- Return the information
            let readNext _
                  = do nextOutput <- atomically $ takeTMVar var
                       case nextOutput of
                         Just o  -> return $ Just ((), ViaToProtoBufTypeRef o)
                         Nothing -> do cancel promise
                                       return Nothing
            return ((), ServerStream readNext)

instance (FromProtoBufTypeRef vref v, ToProtoBufTypeRef rref r, MonadIO m)
         => GRpcMethodHandler m '[ 'ArgStream vref ] ('RetStream rref)
                              (ConduitT () v m () -> ConduitT r Void m () -> m ()) where
  gRpcMethodHandler f _ _ rpc h
    = generalStream @_ @(ViaFromProtoBufTypeRef vref v) @(ViaToProtoBufTypeRef rref r)
                    rpc bdstream
    where bdstream :: req -> IO ( (), IncomingStream (ViaFromProtoBufTypeRef vref v) ()
                                , (), OutgoingStream (ViaToProtoBufTypeRef rref r) () )
          bdstream _ = do
            -- Create a new TMChan and a new variable
            chan <- newTMChanIO :: IO (TMChan v)
            let producer = sourceTMChan @m chan
            var <- newEmptyTMVarIO :: IO (TMVar (Maybe r))
            -- Start executing the handler
            promise <- async (raiseErrors $ f $ h producer (toTMVarConduit var))
            -- Build the actual handler
            let cstreamHandler _ (ViaFromProtoBufTypeRef newInput)
                  = atomically (writeTMChan chan newInput)
                cstreamFinalizer _
                  = atomically (closeTMChan chan) >> wait promise
                readNext _
                  = do nextOutput <- atomically $ tryTakeTMVar var
                       case nextOutput of
                         Just (Just o) ->
                           return $ Just ((), ViaToProtoBufTypeRef o)
                         Just Nothing  -> do
                           cancel promise
                           return Nothing
                         Nothing -> -- no new elements to output
                           readNext ()
            return ((), IncomingStream cstreamHandler cstreamFinalizer, (), OutgoingStream readNext)

toTMVarConduit :: MonadIO m => TMVar (Maybe r) -> ConduitT r Void m ()
toTMVarConduit var = do
  x <- await
  liftIO $ atomically $ putTMVar var x
  toTMVarConduit var