nested-routes-4.0.0: Declarative, compositional Wai responses

Safe HaskellNone




data EitherUrlChunk x where Source

Constrained to AttoParsec, Regex-Compat and T.Text


(:=) :: Text -> EitherUrlChunk Nothing 
(:~) :: (Text, Parser r) -> EitherUrlChunk (Just r) 
(:*) :: (Text, Regex) -> EitherUrlChunk (Just [String]) 


(~) (Maybe *) x (Nothing *) => IsString (EitherUrlChunk x) Source

Use raw strings instead of prepending l

Extend (EitherUrlChunk (Just * r)) (RootedPredTrie Text (r -> a)) (RootedPredTrie Text a) Source

Existentially quantified case

Extend (EitherUrlChunk (Nothing *)) (RootedPredTrie Text a) (RootedPredTrie Text a) Source

Literal case

l :: Text -> EitherUrlChunk Nothing Source

Match against a Literal chunk

p :: (Text, Parser r) -> EitherUrlChunk (Just r) Source

Match against a Parsed chunk

r :: (Text, Regex) -> EitherUrlChunk (Just [String]) Source

Match against a Regular expression chunk

data UrlChunks xs where Source

Container when defining route paths


Cons :: EitherUrlChunk mx -> UrlChunks xs -> UrlChunks (mx : xs) 
Root :: UrlChunks `[]` 


(Extrude (UrlChunks xs) trie0 trie1, Extend (EitherUrlChunk x) trie1 trie2) => Extrude (UrlChunks ((:) (Maybe *) x xs)) trie0 trie2 Source 
(Singleton (UrlChunks xs) a trie0, Extend (EitherUrlChunk x) trie0 trie1) => Singleton (UrlChunks ((:) (Maybe *) x xs)) a trie1 Source 
Singleton (UrlChunks ([] (Maybe *))) a (RootedPredTrie Text a) Source 
Extrude (UrlChunks ([] (Maybe *))) (RootedPredTrie Text a) (RootedPredTrie Text a) Source 

(</>) :: EitherUrlChunk mx -> UrlChunks xs -> UrlChunks (mx : xs) infixr 9 Source

Glue two chunks together

o :: UrlChunks `[]` Source

The new-Origin chunk - the equivalent to []