nri-http- Make Elm style HTTP requests
Safe HaskellNone



Making HTTP requests using an API inspired by Elm's elm/http.



data Handler Source #

A handler for making HTTP requests.

handler :: Acquire Handler Source #

Create a Handler for making HTTP requests.


get :: Typeable a => Handler -> Text -> Expect a -> Task Error a Source #

Create a GET request.

post :: Typeable a => Handler -> Text -> Body -> Expect a -> Task Error a Source #

Create a POST request.

request :: Typeable expect => Handler -> Request expect -> Task Error expect Source #

Create a custom request.

data Request a Source #

A custom request.




data Error Source #

A Request can fail in a couple of ways:

  • BadUrl means you did not provide a valid URL.
  • Timeout means it took too long to get a response.
  • NetworkError means the user turned off their wifi, went in a cave, etc.
  • BadStatus means you got a response back, but the status code indicates failure.
  • BadBody means you got a response back with a nice status code, but the body of the response was something unexpected. The Text in this cse is the debugging message that explains what went wrong with your JSONT decoder or whatever.


Instances details
Eq Error Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Http.Internal


(==) :: Error -> Error -> Bool #

(/=) :: Error -> Error -> Bool #

Show Error Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Http.Internal


showsPrec :: Int -> Error -> ShowS #

show :: Error -> String #

showList :: [Error] -> ShowS #

Generic Error Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Http.Internal

Associated Types

type Rep Error :: Type -> Type #


from :: Error -> Rep Error x #

to :: Rep Error x -> Error #

ToJSON Error Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Http.Internal

Exception Error Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Http.Internal

type Rep Error Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Http.Internal


data Header Source #

An HTTP header for configuration requests.


Instances details
Eq Header Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Http.Internal


(==) :: Header -> Header -> Bool #

(/=) :: Header -> Header -> Bool #

Show Header Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Http.Internal

header :: Text -> Text -> Header Source #

Create a Header.


data Body Source #

Represents the body of a Request.

emptyBody :: Body Source #

Create an empty body for your Request. This is useful for GET requests and POST requests where you are not sending any data.

stringBody :: Text -> Text -> Body Source #

Put some string in the body of your Request.

The first argument is a MIME type of the body. Some servers are strict about this!

jsonBody :: ToJSON body => body -> Body Source #

Put some JSON value in the body of your Request. This will automatically add the Content-Type: application/json header.

bytesBody :: Text -> ByteString -> Body Source #

Put some Bytes in the body of your Request. This allows you to use ByteString to have full control over the binary representation of the data you are sending.

The first argument is a MIME type of the body. In other scenarios you may want to use MIME types like imagepng or imagejpeg instead.


data Expect a Source #

Logic for interpreting a response body.

expectJson :: FromJSON a => Expect a Source #

Expect the response body to be JSON.

expectText :: Expect Text Source #

Expect the response body to be a Text.

expectWhatever :: Expect () Source #

Expect the response body to be whatever. It does not matter. Ignore it!

Use with external libraries

withThirdParty :: Handler -> (Manager -> Task e a) -> Task e a Source #

Third party libraries that make HTTP requests often take a Manager. This helper allows us to call such a library using a Handler.

The benefit over using this over using a separate Manager for the external library, is that withThirdParty will ensure HTTP requests made by the external library will get logged.

withThirdPartyIO :: LogHandler -> Handler -> (Manager -> IO a) -> IO a Source #

Like withThirdParty, but runs in IO.