nyan-interpolation-core-0.9.1: Customize your nyan interpolator!
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Core of the nyan-interpolation library.

Use it to define your own variation of the interpolator, customizing the default switches and other parameters to your preferences.

int :: QuasiQuoter
int = mkInt defaultInterpolatorOptions
  { defaultSwitchesOptions = recommendedDefaultSwitchesOptions
    { defSpacesTrimming = Just True


mkInt :: InterpolatorOptions -> QuasiQuoter Source #

Construct an interpolator.

Usually you pass some options here that you consider canonical and use the resulting interolator throughout your project.

Interpolator options

data InterpolatorOptions Source #

Options set when creating an interpolator.

defaultInterpolatorOptions :: InterpolatorOptions Source #

The most interpolator options.

  • Tries to keep the text as much unchanged as possible.
  • Interpolates only variables.

Field accessors for interpolator options

valueInterpolator :: InterpolatorOptions -> ValueInterpolator Source #

Expands text in #{} into AST.

We have to leave this changeable because there is no "perfect" expander. Using the most appropriate one would require relying on haskell-src-exts package which is quite a heavy-weight dependency. Some users would prefer a simpler solution which would only allow variables in #{}.

Interpreting the passed text in tricky ways is valid. For instance, for specialized interpolators #{var} could be expanded to local'var, view varLens, or more complex Haskell code.

invisibleCharsPreview :: InterpolatorOptions -> InvisibleCharsPreview Source #

In case, when the switches are set to preview the resulting text with invisibles being marked specially (!!), how to update the pieces of text.

Default switches options

data DefaultSwitchesOptions Source #

Default switches options set in the interpolator, those that are used in [int||...|].

When no default value for a switch is specified, this switch is left mandatory for specifying in the interpolator.

basicDefaultSwitchesOptions :: DefaultSwitchesOptions Source #

Default DefaultSwitchesOptions.

This set of switches tries to leave the text as much unmodified as possible.

It does not define default switches used by Text.Interpolation.Nyan module, and you will likely want to enable at least some options here.

recommendedDefaultSwitchesOptions :: DefaultSwitchesOptions Source #

DefaultSwitchesOptions used in the Text.Interpolation.Nyan module in the default interpolator.

Field accessors for default switches options

Value interpolators

newtype ValueInterpolator Source #

How to expand values in #{} into Haskell AST.



simpleValueInterpolator :: ValueInterpolator Source #

Interpolates only strings containing single variable.

This allows for {var}-like interpolated values, no applications, operators or other constructions are allowed.

tickedValueInterpolator :: ValueInterpolator Source #

This is a variation of simpleValueInterpolator that requires all the referred variables to start from a special i' prefix.

One major issue with simpleValueInterpolator is that, with it the user can mistakenly pick a value from the wrong scope, for instance, a global value instead of a local one. This value interpolator tries to solve the issue by bringing the practice to call the interpolator like

let renderedText =
      let i'value1 = ...
          i'value2 = ...
      in [int||Values are {value1} and {value2}]

and so interpolating only local declarations.

Adjusting preview

simpleInvisibleCharsPreview :: InvisibleCharsPreview Source #

Marks the most common space-like characters.

Rendering modes

newtype RMode a Source #

Type that describes rendering modes.

An interpolator that has rmode'xxx :: RMode t variable available in scope will be able to use xxx rendering mode.

More precisely, any #xxx{expr} in interpolator will be expanded to renderWithMode rmode'xxx (expr) Haskell code (some switches may slightly change this behaviour though).

>>> rmode's :: Show a => RMode a
>>> rmode's = RMode (build . show)
>>> [int||Value is #s{5}|]
"Value is 5"
>>> rmode'hex :: RMode Word
>>> rmode'hex = RMode Fmt.hexF
>>> [int||Value is #hex{32}]
"Value is 0x20"





data QuasiQuoter #

The QuasiQuoter type, a value q of this type can be used in the syntax [q| ... string to parse ...|]. In fact, for convenience, a QuasiQuoter actually defines multiple quasiquoters to be used in different splice contexts; if you are only interested in defining a quasiquoter to be used for expressions, you would define a QuasiQuoter with only quoteExp, and leave the other fields stubbed out with errors.