-- MySDL: some wrappers and utility functions around SDL

{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase, TypeFamilies #-}

module Play.Engine.MySDL.MySDL where

import Data.Word (Word8, Word32)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Control.Exception (catch, SomeException(..))
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
import System.IO
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TQueue
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.Vector as V

import qualified Foreign.C.Types as C
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Text as T

import qualified SDL
import qualified SDL.Image as SDLI
import qualified SDL.Font as SDLF
import qualified SDL.Mixer as Mix
import SDL.Vect (V2(..), V4(..))

import Play.Engine.Types (Size)
import Play.Engine.Utils (scalePoint)

--import Debug.Trace

-- | Config window
myWindowConfig :: V2 C.CInt -> SDL.WindowConfig
myWindowConfig size = SDL.defaultWindow { SDL.windowInitialSize = size }

-- | Init SDL and create a Window and pass in as a parameter to function
withWindow :: Text -> SDL.WindowConfig -> (SDL.Window -> IO a) -> IO a
withWindow title winConf go = do
  SDLI.initialize [minBound..maxBound]

  window <- SDL.createWindow title winConf

  SDL.showWindow window

  mJoystick <- getJoystick

  result <- Mix.withAudio Mix.defaultAudio 256 $ do

    go window

  sequence_ $ SDL.closeJoystick <$> mJoystick
  SDL.destroyWindow window

  pure result

withRenderer :: MonadIO m => SDL.Window -> ((SDL.Window, SDL.Renderer) -> m a) -> m a
withRenderer window go = do
  renderer <- SDL.createRenderer window (-1)
    $ SDL.RendererConfig
      { rendererType          = SDL.AcceleratedRenderer
      , rendererTargetTexture = False
  go (window, renderer)

-- | App loop: takes the current world and functions that updates the world renders it
-- manage ticks, events and loop
  :: ResourcesT TVar
  -> TQueue Response
  -> SDL.Window
  -> SDL.Renderer
  -> a
  -> ([Response] -> [SDL.EventPayload] -> (SDL.Scancode -> Bool) -> a -> IO (Either [String] ([Request], a)))
  -> (a -> IO ())
  -> IO a
apploop resources responsesQueue window renderer world update render = do
  -- measure ticks at the start
  start <- SDL.ticks

  events <- collectEvents
  --unless (null events) $ print events
  keyState <- SDL.getKeyboardState
  responses <- fmap (maybe [] (:[])) $ atomically $ tryReadTQueue responsesQueue
  update responses events keyState world >>= \case
    Left errs ->
      liftIO $ mapM (hPutStrLn stderr . ("*** Error: " ++)) errs >> pure world
    Right (reqs, newWorld) -> do
      render newWorld
      void $ async $ mapConcurrently_ (runRequest resources responsesQueue window renderer) reqs
      if checkEvent SDL.QuitEvent events
      then pure world
      else do
        when (isWindowHidden events) $ do
          isPlaying <- Mix.playingMusic
          when isPlaying Mix.pauseMusic
            loop evs
              | isWindowExposed evs = when isPlaying Mix.resumeMusic
              | otherwise = loop =<< collectEvents
          loop events

        -- measure ticks at the end and regulate FPS
        end <- SDL.ticks
        regulateFPS 60 start end
        apploop resources responsesQueue window renderer newWorld update render

-- | Will wait until ticks pass
regulateFPS :: Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32 -> IO ()
regulateFPS fps start end
  | fps == 0 = pure ()
  | otherwise = do
      ticksPerFrame = 1000 `div` fps
      interval = end - start
      gap = ticksPerFrame - interval
        | gap < ticksPerFrame =
          fromIntegral $ max 0 gap
        | otherwise =
          fromIntegral ticksPerFrame
    threadDelay $ delayFor * 1000 -- threadDelay works in microseconds

getJoystick :: IO (Maybe SDL.Joystick)
getJoystick = do
  joysticks <- SDL.availableJoysticks
    joystick =
      if V.length joysticks == 0
        then Nothing
        else pure (joysticks V.! 0)

  sequence $ SDL.openJoystick <$> joystick

setBGColor :: MonadIO m => V4 Word8 -> SDL.Renderer -> m SDL.Renderer
setBGColor color renderer = do
  SDL.rendererDrawColor renderer SDL.$= color
  SDL.clear renderer
  pure renderer

-- | Collect all events from inputs
collectEvents :: MonadIO m => m [SDL.EventPayload]
collectEvents = SDL.pollEvent >>= \case
    Nothing -> pure []
    Just e  -> (SDL.eventPayload e :) <$> collectEvents

-- | Checks if specific event happend
checkEvent :: SDL.EventPayload -> [SDL.EventPayload] -> Bool
checkEvent = elem

isWindowHidden :: [SDL.EventPayload] -> Bool
isWindowHidden = any $ \case
  SDL.WindowHiddenEvent{} -> True
  _ -> False

isWindowExposed :: [SDL.EventPayload] -> Bool
isWindowExposed = any $ \case
  SDL.WindowExposedEvent{} -> True
  _ -> False

data Resource
  = RTexture SDL.Texture
  | RFont SDLF.Font
  | RMusic BS.ByteString

data ResourceType a
  = Texture a
  | Font a
  | Music a

data Request
  = Load ![(String, ResourceType FilePath)]
  | DestroyTexture SDL.Texture
  | MakeText (String, FilePath) T.Text
  | PlayMusic (String, FilePath)
  | MuteMusic
  | UnmuteMusic
  | SetNormalWindowScale Size
  | SetSmallWindowScale Size

data Response
  = ResourcesLoaded Resources
  | NewText SDL.Texture
  | Exception String

data ResourcesT f
  = Resources
  { textures :: HKD f (M.Map FilePath SDL.Texture)
  , fonts :: HKD f (M.Map FilePath SDLF.Font)
  , music :: HKD f (M.Map FilePath BS.ByteString)

type family HKD f a where
  HKD Identity a = a
  HKD f        a = f a

type Resources = ResourcesT Identity

initResources :: IO (ResourcesT TVar)
initResources =
    <$> newTVarIO M.empty
    <*> newTVarIO M.empty
    <*> newTVarIO M.empty

runRequest :: ResourcesT TVar -> TQueue Response -> SDL.Window -> SDL.Renderer -> Request -> IO ()
runRequest resources queue window renderer req =
  flip catch (\(SomeException e) -> atomically $ writeTQueue queue $ Exception $ show e) $
    case req of
      Load files -> do
        results <-
            (loadResource renderer resources)
        atomically $ writeTQueue queue (resourcesToResponse results)
      DestroyTexture txt ->
        SDL.destroyTexture txt
      MakeText (n, p) txt -> do
        (_, RFont fnt) <- loadResource renderer resources (n, Font p)
        text <- SDL.createTextureFromSurface renderer =<< SDLF.solid fnt (V4 255 255 255 255) txt
        atomically $ writeTQueue queue $ NewText text
      PlayMusic (n, p) -> do
        (_, RMusic msc) <- loadResource renderer resources (n, Music p)
        Mix.playMusic Mix.Forever =<< Mix.decode msc
      MuteMusic -> do
        Mix.setMusicVolume 0
      UnmuteMusic -> do
        Mix.setMusicVolume 100
      SetSmallWindowScale size -> do
        SDL.windowSize window SDL.$= (scalePoint 0.7 size)
        SDL.rendererScale renderer SDL.$= 0.7
        SDL.setWindowPosition window SDL.Centered
      SetNormalWindowScale size -> do
        SDL.windowSize window SDL.$= fmap fromIntegral size
        SDL.rendererScale renderer SDL.$= 1
        SDL.setWindowPosition window SDL.Centered

loadResource renderer resources (n, r) =
  case r of
    Texture (("assets/imgs/" ++) -> f) -> do
      mTxt <- atomically $ do
        txts <- readTVar (textures resources)
        pure $ M.lookup f txts
      (n,) . RTexture <$> case mTxt of
        Just txt ->
          pure txt
        Nothing -> do
          txt <- SDLI.loadTexture renderer f
          atomically $ do
            txts' <- readTVar (textures resources)
            writeTVar (textures resources) (M.insert f txt txts')
          pure txt

    Font (("assets/fonts/" ++) -> f) -> do
      mFont <- atomically $ do
        fnts <- readTVar (fonts resources)
        pure $ M.lookup f fnts
      (n,) . RFont <$> case mFont of
        Just fnt ->
          pure fnt
        Nothing -> do
          fnt <- SDLF.load f 18
          atomically $ do
            fnts' <- readTVar (fonts resources)
            writeTVar (fonts resources) (M.insert f fnt fnts')
          pure fnt

    Music (("assets/audio/" ++) -> f) -> do
      mMusic <- atomically $ do
        msc <- readTVar (music resources)
        pure $ M.lookup f msc
      (n,) . RMusic <$> case mMusic of
        Just msc ->
          pure msc
        Nothing -> do
          contents <- BS.readFile f
          atomically $ do
            msc' <- readTVar (music resources)
            writeTVar (music resources) (M.insert f contents msc')
          pure contents

resourcesToResponse :: [(String, Resource)] -> Response
resourcesToResponse rs =
  ResourcesLoaded . foldr (flip g) initS $ rs
    initS = Resources M.empty M.empty M.empty
    g s = \case
      (n, RTexture t) -> s { textures = M.insert n t (textures s) }
      (n, RFont f) -> s { fonts = M.insert n f (fonts s) }
      (n, RMusic m) -> s { music = M.insert n m (music s) }