pagerduty- Client library for PagerDuty Integration and REST APIs.

Safe HaskellNone




Maintenance windows allow you to schedule service maintenance periods, during which no incidents will be created.



List Windows

listWindows :: Request ListWindows s ListWindowsResponse Source

List existing maintenance windows, optionally filtered by service, or whether they are from the past, present or future.

GET /maintenance_windows


lwQuery :: Lens' (Request ListWindows s b) (Maybe Text) Source

Filters the results, showing only the maintenance windows whose descriptions contain the query.

lwServiceIds :: Lens' (Request ListWindows s b) [ServiceId] Source

An list of service IDs, specifying services whose maintenance windows shall be returned.

lwFilter :: Lens' (Request ListWindows s b) (Maybe Text) Source

Only return maintenance windows that are of this type. Possible values are past, future, ongoing. If this parameter is omitted, all maintenance windows will be returned.

Create Window

createWindow Source

Create a new maintenance window for the specified services. No new incidents will be created for a service that is currently in maintenance.

POST /maintenance_windows


createWindowBasic Source

A version of createWindow which uses HTTP Basic authentication and doesn't require a RequesterId.

cwStartTime :: Lens' (Request CreateWindow s b) UTCTime Source

This maintenance window's start time. This is when the services will stop creating incidents. If this date is in the past, it will be updated to be the current time.

cwEndTime :: Lens' (Request CreateWindow s b) UTCTime Source

This maintenance window's end time. This is when the services will start creating incidents again. This date must be in the future and after the start_time.

cwDescription :: Lens' (Request CreateWindow s b) (Maybe Text) Source

A description for this maintenance window.

cwServiceIds :: Lens' (Request CreateWindow s b) [ServiceId] Source

The ids of the services that are affected by this maintenance window.

Get Window

getWindow :: WindowId -> Request Empty s MaintenanceWindow Source

Get details about an existing maintenance window.

GET /maintenance_windows/:id


Update Window

uwStartTime :: Lens' (Request UpdateWindow s b) (Maybe Date) Source

The maintenance window's start time. Can only be updated on future maintenance windows. If the start_time is set to a date in the past, it will be updated to the current date.

uwEndTime :: Lens' (Request UpdateWindow s b) (Maybe Date) Source

The maintenance window's end time. Can only be updated on ongoing and future maintenance windows, and cannot be set to a value before start_time.

uwDescription :: Lens' (Request UpdateWindow s b) (Maybe Text) Source

Description for this maintenance window. Can only be updated on ongoing and future maintenance windows.

uwServiceIds :: Lens' (Request UpdateWindow s b) (Maybe [ServiceId]) Source

Services that are affected by this maintenance window. Can only be updated on future maintenance windows.

Delete Window

deleteWindow :: WindowId -> Request Empty s Empty Source

Cancel or delete an existing maintenance window.

DELETE /maintenance_windows/:id

