{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
Module          : Pangraph.Gml.Writer
Description     : Functions for writing gml files

Functions for writing gml files. Follows the gml specification at 
execpt for two cases:
    1. all produced 'ByteString's are encoded in UTF8 instead of ASCII,
    2. the line length limit is ignored.
module Pangraph.Gml.Writer (writeGml, pangraphToGml, write, encodeStrings)  where

import HTMLEntities.Text (text)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString, concat)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (unpack, pack)
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8, decodeUtf8)

import Prelude hiding (concat)

import Pangraph
import Pangraph.Gml.Ast

-- | Serializes a Pangraph into a GML file.
write :: Pangraph -> ByteString
write graph = let
    gml = pangraphToGml graph
    Just bs = writeGml gml
    in bs

-- | Converts a 'Pangraph' into a 'Gml' syntax tree.
-- Automatically encodes special characters in strings.
pangraphToGml :: Pangraph -> Gml ByteString
pangraphToGml graph = let
    vertices = vertexList graph
    edges = edgeList graph
    gmlVertices = map gmlVertex vertices
    gmlEdges = map gmlEdge edges
    in encodeStrings (Object [("graph", Object (gmlVertices ++ gmlEdges))])

-- | Encodes the string values in a 'Gml' syntax tree.
encodeStrings :: Gml ByteString -> Gml ByteString
encodeStrings = mapStrings (encodeUtf8 . text . decodeUtf8)

gmlVertex :: Vertex -> (ByteString, Gml ByteString)
gmlVertex vertex = let
    vId = read (unpack (vertexID vertex))
    filteredAttrs = filter (\(key, _) -> key /= "id") (vertexAttributes vertex)
    attrs = map (\(x, y) -> (x, String y)) filteredAttrs
    in ("node", Object (("id", Integer vId):attrs))

gmlEdge :: Edge -> (ByteString, Gml ByteString)
gmlEdge edge = let
    (source, target) = edgeEndpoints edge
    sId = read (unpack source)
    tId = read (unpack target)
    filteredAttrs = filter (\(key, _) -> (key `notElem` ["source", "target"]))
        (edgeAttributes edge)
    attrs = map (\(x, y) -> (x, String y)) filteredAttrs
    in ("edge", Object (("source", Integer sId):("target", Integer tId):attrs))

-- | Serializes a 'Gml' syntax tree into a bytestring.
-- Produces 'Nothing' for all values except 'Object' since a gml file
-- must contain at least one top level object to hold all values.
writeGml :: Gml ByteString -> Maybe ByteString
writeGml (Object values) = Just $ concat (
    (map (\(key, value) -> concat [key, " ", writeGml' value]) values))
writeGml _ = Nothing

writeGml' :: Gml ByteString -> ByteString
writeGml' (Object values) = concat ( ["["] ++
    (map (\(key, value) -> concat [" ", key, " ", writeGml' value]) values) ++ ["]"])
writeGml' (String s) = concat ["\"", s , "\""]
writeGml' (Float d) = pack (show d)
writeGml' (Integer i) = pack (show i)