persistent-mongoDB-2.0.6: Backend for the persistent library using mongoDB.

Safe HaskellNone




Use persistent-mongodb the same way you would use other persistent libraries and refer to the general persistent documentation. There are some new MongoDB specific filters under the filters section. These help extend your query into a nested document.

However, at some point you will find the normal Persistent APIs lacking. and want lower level-level MongoDB access. There are functions available to make working with the raw driver easier: they are under the Entity conversion section. You should still use the same connection pool that you are using for Persistent.

MongoDB is a schema-less database. The MongoDB Persistent backend does not help perform migrations. Unlike SQL backends, uniqueness constraints cannot be created for you. You must place a unique index on unique fields.


Entity conversion

docToEntityEither :: forall record. PersistEntity record => Document -> Either Text (Entity record) Source

docToEntityThrow :: forall m record. (MonadIO m, PersistEntity record, PersistEntityBackend record ~ MongoContext) => Document -> m (Entity record) Source

entityToDocument :: (PersistEntity record, PersistEntityBackend record ~ MongoContext) => record -> Document Source

convert a PersistEntity into document fields. unlike toInsertDoc, nulls are included.

toInsertDoc :: forall record. (PersistEntity record, PersistEntityBackend record ~ MongoContext) => record -> Document Source

convert a PersistEntity into document fields. for inserts only: nulls are ignored so they will be unset in the document. entityToDocument includes nulls

toUniquesDoc :: forall record. PersistEntity record => Unique record -> [Field] Source

convert a unique key into a MongoDB document

MongoDB specific queries

(->.) :: forall record emb typ. PersistEntity emb => EntityField record [emb] -> EntityField emb typ -> NestedField record typ infixr 6 Source

Point to an array field with an embedded object and give a deeper query into the embedded object. Use with nestEq.

(~>.) :: forall record typ emb. PersistEntity emb => EntityField record [emb] -> NestedField emb typ -> NestedField record typ infixr 5 Source

Point to an array field with an embedded object and give a deeper query into the embedded object. This level of nesting is not the final level. Use ->. or &->. to point to the final level.

(?&->.) :: forall record typ nest. PersistEntity nest => EntityField record (Maybe nest) -> EntityField nest typ -> NestedField record typ infixr 6 Source

Same as &->., but Works against a Maybe type

(?&~>.) :: forall val nes nes1. PersistEntity nes1 => EntityField val (Maybe nes1) -> NestedField nes1 nes -> NestedField val nes infixr 5 Source

Same as &~>., but works against a Maybe type

(&->.) :: forall record typ nest. PersistEntity nest => EntityField record nest -> EntityField nest typ -> NestedField record typ infixr 6 Source

Point to a nested field to query. This field is not an array type. Use with nestEq.

(&~>.) :: forall val nes nes1. PersistEntity nes1 => EntityField val nes1 -> NestedField nes1 nes -> NestedField val nes infixr 5 Source

Point to a nested field to query. This field is not an array type. This level of nesting is not the final level. Use ->. or &>. to point to the final level.


You can find example usage for all of Persistent in our test cases:

These filters create a query that reaches deeper into a document with nested fields.

nestEq :: forall record typ. (PersistField typ, PersistEntityBackend record ~ MongoContext) => NestedField record typ -> typ -> Filter record infixr 4 Source

The normal Persistent equality test ==. is not generic enough. Instead use this with the drill-down arrow operaters such as ->.

using this as the only query filter is similar to the following in the mongoDB shell

db.Collection.find({"object.field": item})

nestNe :: forall record typ. (PersistField typ, PersistEntityBackend record ~ MongoContext) => NestedField record typ -> typ -> Filter record infixr 4 Source

The normal Persistent equality test ==. is not generic enough. Instead use this with the drill-down arrow operaters such as ->.

using this as the only query filter is similar to the following in the mongoDB shell

db.Collection.find({"object.field": item})

nestGe :: forall record typ. (PersistField typ, PersistEntityBackend record ~ MongoContext) => NestedField record typ -> typ -> Filter record infixr 4 Source

The normal Persistent equality test ==. is not generic enough. Instead use this with the drill-down arrow operaters such as ->.

using this as the only query filter is similar to the following in the mongoDB shell

db.Collection.find({"object.field": item})

nestLe :: forall record typ. (PersistField typ, PersistEntityBackend record ~ MongoContext) => NestedField record typ -> typ -> Filter record infixr 4 Source

The normal Persistent equality test ==. is not generic enough. Instead use this with the drill-down arrow operaters such as ->.

using this as the only query filter is similar to the following in the mongoDB shell

db.Collection.find({"object.field": item})

nestIn :: forall record typ. (PersistField typ, PersistEntityBackend record ~ MongoContext) => NestedField record typ -> typ -> Filter record infixr 4 Source

The normal Persistent equality test ==. is not generic enough. Instead use this with the drill-down arrow operaters such as ->.

using this as the only query filter is similar to the following in the mongoDB shell

db.Collection.find({"object.field": item})

nestNotIn :: forall record typ. (PersistField typ, PersistEntityBackend record ~ MongoContext) => NestedField record typ -> typ -> Filter record infixr 4 Source

The normal Persistent equality test ==. is not generic enough. Instead use this with the drill-down arrow operaters such as ->.

using this as the only query filter is similar to the following in the mongoDB shell

db.Collection.find({"object.field": item})

anyEq :: forall record typ. (PersistField typ, PersistEntityBackend record ~ MongoContext) => EntityField record [typ] -> typ -> Filter record infixr 4 Source

Like nestEq, but for an embedded list. Checks to see if the list contains an item.

In Haskell we need different equality functions for embedded fields that are lists or non-lists to keep things type-safe.

using this as the only query filter is similar to the following in the mongoDB shell

db.Collection.find({arrayField: arrayItem})

nestBsonEq :: forall record typ. (PersistField typ, PersistEntityBackend record ~ MongoContext) => NestedField record typ -> Value -> Filter record infixr 4 Source

same as nestEq, but give a BSON Value

anyBsonEq :: forall record typ. (PersistField typ, PersistEntityBackend record ~ MongoContext) => EntityField record [typ] -> Value -> Filter record infixr 4 Source

same as anyEq, but give a BSON Value

multiBsonEq :: forall record typ. (PersistField typ, PersistEntityBackend record ~ MongoContext) => EntityField record [typ] -> Value -> Filter record infixr 4 Source

Deprecated: Please use anyBsonEq instead

(=~.) :: forall record searchable. (MongoRegexSearchable searchable, PersistEntity record, PersistEntityBackend record ~ MongoContext) => EntityField record searchable -> MongoRegex -> Filter record infixr 4 Source

Filter using a Regular expression.

data NestedField record typ Source


forall emb . PersistEntity emb => (EntityField record [emb]) `LastEmbFld` (EntityField emb typ) 
forall emb . PersistEntity emb => (EntityField record [emb]) `MidEmbFld` (NestedField emb typ) 
forall nest . PersistEntity nest => (EntityField record nest) `MidNestFlds` (NestedField nest typ) 
forall nest . PersistEntity nest => (EntityField record (Maybe nest)) `MidNestFldsNullable` (NestedField nest typ) 
forall nest . PersistEntity nest => (EntityField record nest) `LastNestFld` (EntityField nest typ) 
forall nest . PersistEntity nest => (EntityField record (Maybe nest)) `LastNestFldNullable` (EntityField nest typ) 

class PersistField typ => MongoRegexSearchable typ Source

Mark the subset of PersistFields that can be searched by a mongoDB regex Anything stored as PersistText or an array of PersistText would be valid

type MongoRegex = (Text, Text) Source

A MongoRegex represetns a Regular expression. It is a tuple of the expression and the options for the regular expression, respectively Options are listed here: If you use the same options you may want to define a helper such as r t = (t, "ims")


nestSet :: forall record typ. (PersistField typ, PersistEntityBackend record ~ MongoContext) => NestedField record typ -> typ -> Update record infixr 4 Source

nestInc :: forall record typ. (PersistField typ, PersistEntityBackend record ~ MongoContext) => NestedField record typ -> typ -> Update record Source

nestDec :: forall record typ. (PersistField typ, PersistEntityBackend record ~ MongoContext) => NestedField record typ -> typ -> Update record Source

nestMul :: forall record typ. (PersistField typ, PersistEntityBackend record ~ MongoContext) => NestedField record typ -> typ -> Update record Source

push :: forall record typ. (PersistField typ, PersistEntityBackend record ~ MongoContext) => EntityField record [typ] -> typ -> Update record infixr 4 Source

Key conversion helpers

keyToOid :: BackendKey MongoContext -> ObjectId Source

Deprecated: Use unMongoKey

oidToKey :: ObjectId -> BackendKey MongoContext Source

Deprecated: Use MongoKey

recordTypeFromKey :: Key record -> record Source

PersistField conversion

fieldName :: forall record typ. PersistEntity record => EntityField record typ -> Label Source

using connections

createMongoDBPool Source


:: (MonadIO m, Applicative m) 
=> Database 
-> HostName 
-> PortID 
-> Maybe MongoAuth 
-> Int

pool size (number of stripes)

-> Int

stripe size (number of connections per stripe)

-> NominalDiffTime

time a connection is left idle before closing

-> m ConnectionPool 

runMongoDBPoolDef :: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => Action m a -> ConnectionPool -> m a Source

use default AccessMode

Connection configuration

data MongoConf Source

Information required to connect to a mongo database




mgDatabase :: Text
mgHost :: Text
mgPort :: PortID
mgAuth :: Maybe MongoAuth
mgAccessMode :: AccessMode
mgPoolStripes :: Int
mgStripeConnections :: Int
mgConnectionIdleTime :: NominalDiffTime
mgReplicaSetConfig :: Maybe ReplicaSetConfig

YAML fields for this are rsName and rsSecondaries mgHost is assumed to be the primary

applyDockerEnv :: MongoConf -> IO MongoConf Source

docker integration: change the host to the mongodb link

using raw MongoDB pipes

createMongoDBPipePool Source


:: (MonadIO m, Applicative m) 
=> HostName 
-> PortID 
-> Int

pool size (number of stripes)

-> Int

stripe size (number of connections per stripe)

-> NominalDiffTime

time a connection is left idle before closing

-> m PipePool 

A pool of plain MongoDB pipes. The database parameter has not yet been applied yet. This is useful for switching between databases (on the same host and port) Unlike the normal pool, no authentication is available

network type

type HostName = String

Either a host name e.g., "" or a numeric host address string consisting of a dotted decimal IPv4 address or an IPv6 address e.g., "".

data PortID :: *


MongoDB driver types

type Database = Text

type Action = ReaderT MongoContext

A monad on top of m (which must be a MonadIO) that may access the database and may fail with a DB Failure

data AccessMode :: *

Type of reads and writes to perform



Read-only action, reading stale data from a slave is OK.


Read-write action, slave not OK, every write is fire & forget.

ConfirmWrites GetLastError

Read-write action, slave not OK, every write is confirmed with getLastError.


(=:) :: Val v => Label -> v -> Field infix 0

Field with given label and typed value

data ObjectId :: *

A BSON ObjectID is a 12-byte value consisting of a 4-byte timestamp (seconds since epoch), a 3-byte machine id, a 2-byte process id, and a 3-byte counter. Note that the timestamp and counter fields must be stored big endian unlike the rest of BSON. This is because they are compared byte-by-byte and we want to ensure a mostly increasing order.

data MongoContext :: *

Values needed when executing a db operation


HasMongoContext MongoContext 
PersistUnique MongoContext 
PersistQuery MongoContext 
PersistStore MongoContext

older versions versions of haddock (like that on hackage) do not show that this defines BackendKey DB.MongoContext = MongoKey { unMongoKey :: DB.ObjectId }

HasPersistBackend MongoContext MongoContext 
Eq (BackendKey MongoContext) 
Ord (BackendKey MongoContext) 
Read (BackendKey MongoContext) 
Show (BackendKey MongoContext) 
ToJSON (BackendKey MongoContext)

It would make sense to define the instance for ObjectId and then use newtype deriving however, that would create an orphan instance

FromJSON (BackendKey MongoContext) 
PathPiece (BackendKey MongoContext)

ToPathPiece is used to convert a key to/from text

PersistFieldSql (BackendKey MongoContext) 
PersistField (BackendKey MongoContext) 
data BackendKey MongoContext = MongoKey {} 
type BackendSpecificUpdate MongoContext record 
type BackendSpecificFilter MongoContext record 
