phonetic-languages-simplified-generalized-properties-array- Some 'properties' of the phonetic languages approach text.
Copyright(c) OleksandrZhabenko 2020-2021
Safe HaskellNone
  • Cpp
  • BangPatterns



Generalization and extension of the functionality of the DobutokO.Poetry.Norms and DobutokO.Poetry.Norms.Extended modules from the dobutokO-poetry package and more recent package phonetic-languages-simplified-properties-array. Uses syllables information. Instead of the vector-related, uses arrays. If you use the functionality of the Phonetic.Languages.Array.Ukrainian.PropertiesSyllablesG2 module, then import it qualified (or this module) because they have many common data. Is provided as a standalone one to reduce dependencies list in general case.


Newtype to work with

data CoeffTwo a Source #


CF2 (Maybe a) (Maybe a) 


Instances details
Eq a => Eq (CoeffTwo a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Phonetic.Languages.Array.General.PropertiesSyllablesG2


(==) :: CoeffTwo a -> CoeffTwo a -> Bool #

(/=) :: CoeffTwo a -> CoeffTwo a -> Bool #

type Coeffs2 = CoeffTwo Double Source #

A data type that is used to represent the coefficients of the rhythmicity functions as a one argument value.

Rhythmicity properties (semi-empirical)

Simple one

rhythmicity0i Source #


:: ([[[PRS]]] -> [[Double]])

A function that specifies the syllables durations, analogue of the syllableDurationsD functions from the ukrainian-phonetics-basics-array package.

-> GWritingSystemPRPLX

Data used to obtain the phonetic language representation of the text.

-> [(Char, Char)]

The pairs of the Char that corresponds to the similar phonetic languages consonant phenomenon (e. g. allophones). Must be sorted in the ascending order to be used correctly.

-> CharPhoneticClassification

The Array Int PRS must be sorted in the ascending order to be used in the module correctly.

-> SegmentRulesG 
-> String

Corresponds to the '0' symbol delimiter in the ukrainian-phonetics-basic-array package.

-> String

Corresponds to the '1' and '-' symbol delimiters in the ukrainian-phonetics-basic-array package.

-> String 
-> Double 

rhythmicity0Fi Source #


:: ([[[PRS]]] -> [[Double]])

A function that specifies the syllables durations, analogue of the syllableDurationsD functions from the ukrainian-phonetics-basics-array package.

-> Double 
-> GWritingSystemPRPLX

Data used to obtain the phonetic language representation of the text.

-> [(Char, Char)]

The pairs of the Char that corresponds to the similar phonetic languages consonant phenomenon (e. g. allophones). Must be sorted in the ascending order to be used correctly.

-> CharPhoneticClassification

The Array Int PRS must be sorted in the ascending order to be used in the module correctly.

-> SegmentRulesG 
-> String

Corresponds to the '0' symbol delimiter in the ukrainian-phonetics-basic-array package.

-> String

Corresponds to the '1' and '-' symbol delimiters in the ukrainian-phonetics-basic-array package.

-> String 
-> Double 

With weight coefficients

rhythmicityKi Source #


:: ([[[PRS]]] -> [[Double]])

A function that specifies the syllables durations, analogue of the syllableDurationsD functions from the ukrainian-phonetics-basics-array package.

-> Double 
-> Double 
-> GWritingSystemPRPLX

Data used to obtain the phonetic language representation of the text.

-> [(Char, Char)]

The pairs of the Char that corresponds to the similar phonetic languages consonant phenomenon (e. g. allophones). Must be sorted in the ascending order to be used correctly.

-> CharPhoneticClassification

The Array Int PRS must be sorted in the ascending order to be used in the module correctly.

-> SegmentRulesG 
-> String

Corresponds to the '0' symbol delimiter in the ukrainian-phonetics-basic-array package.

-> String

Corresponds to the '1' and '-' symbol delimiters in the ukrainian-phonetics-basic-array package.

-> String 
-> Double 

rhythmicityKFi Source #


:: ([[[PRS]]] -> [[Double]])

A function that specifies the syllables durations, analogue of the syllableDurationsD functions from the ukrainian-phonetics-basics-array package.

-> Double 
-> Double 
-> Double 
-> GWritingSystemPRPLX

Data used to obtain the phonetic language representation of the text.

-> [(Char, Char)]

The pairs of the Char that corresponds to the similar phonetic languages consonant phenomenon (e. g. allophones). Must be sorted in the ascending order to be used correctly.

-> CharPhoneticClassification

The Array Int PRS must be sorted in the ascending order to be used in the module correctly.

-> SegmentRulesG 
-> String

Corresponds to the '0' symbol delimiter in the ukrainian-phonetics-basic-array package.

-> String

Corresponds to the '1' and '-' symbol delimiters in the ukrainian-phonetics-basic-array package.

-> String 
-> Double 


rhythmicityG Source #


:: ([[[PRS]]] -> [[Double]])

A function that specifies the syllables durations, analogue of the syllableDurationsD functions from the ukrainian-phonetics-basics-array package.

-> ([[Double]] -> Double)

Usually some kind of flattening of the double list into a single value.

-> GWritingSystemPRPLX

Data used to obtain the phonetic language representation of the text.

-> [(Char, Char)]

The pairs of the Char that corresponds to the similar phonetic languages consonant phenomenon (e. g. allophones). Must be sorted in the ascending order to be used correctly.

-> CharPhoneticClassification

The Array Int PRS must be sorted in the ascending order to be used in the module correctly.

-> SegmentRulesG 
-> String

Corresponds to the '0' symbol delimiter in the ukrainian-phonetics-basic-array package.

-> String

Corresponds to the '1' and '-' symbol delimiters in the ukrainian-phonetics-basic-array package.

-> String 
-> Double 

rhythmicity Source #


:: Double 
-> String

Is intended to be one of the following strings: "02y", "02z", "03y", "03z", "04y", "04z", "0y", "0z", "y", "y0", "y2", "y3", "y4", "yy", "yy2", "yy3", "z", "z2", "z3", "z4", "zz", "zz2", "zz3", "zz4" or some other one (that is the default one). Since the version you can also use "w" or "x"-based lines. Specifies the applied properties to get the result. The "z"-line uses 'F' functions.

-> (Double -> String -> [[[PRS]]] -> [[Double]])

The function that is needed in the procRhythmicity23F function. Specifies a way how the syllables represented in the phonetic language approach transforms into their durations and depends on two parameters.

-> Coeffs2 
-> GWritingSystemPRPLX

Data used to obtain the phonetic language representation of the text.

-> [(Char, Char)]

The pairs of the Char that corresponds to the similar phonetic languages consonant phenomenon (e. g. allophones). Must be sorted in the ascending order to be used correctly.

-> CharPhoneticClassification

The Array Int PRS must be sorted in the ascending order to be used in the module correctly.

-> SegmentRulesG 
-> String 
-> String 
-> String 
-> Double 

It is intended to provide different functions :: Double -> String -> ([[[PRS]]] -> [[Double]]) for at least the following values: "0z", "02z", "03z", "04z", "0y", "02y", "03y" and the default one for other variants. The "z"-line uses 'F' functions.