plot-light-0.3: A lightweight plotting library, exporting to SVG

CopyrightMarco Zocca 2017
MaintainerMarco Zocca <zocca marco gmail>
Safe HaskellNone




plot-light provides functionality for rendering vector graphics in SVG format. It is geared in particular towards scientific plotting, and it is termed "light" because it only requires a few common Haskell dependencies and no external libraries.


To incorporate this library in your projects you just need import Graphics.Rendering.Plot.Light. If GHC complains of name collisions you must import the module in "qualified" form.


If you wish to try out the examples in this page, you will need to have these import statements as well :

import Text.Blaze.Svg.Renderer.String (renderSvg) 
import qualified Data.Colour.Names as C
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T (readFile, writeFile)
import qualified Data.Text as T

1. Heatmap plot of a 2D function

This example renders the function

\[ {f(x, y) = \cos(\pi \theta) \sin( \rho^2) } \] where \( \rho^2 = x^2 + y^2 \) and \( \theta = \arctan(y/x) \).

xPlot = 400
yPlot = 300

fdat = FigureData xPlot yPlot 0.1 0.8 0.1 0.9 10

palette0 = palette [, C.white,] 15

plotFun2ex1 = do
   p1 = Point (-2) (-2)
   p2 = Point 2 2
   frame = mkFrame p1 p2
   nx = 50 
   ny = 50
   f x y = cos ( pi * theta ) * sin r 
       r = x'**2 + y'**2
       theta = atan2 y' x'
       (x', y') = (fromRational x, fromRational y)
   lps = plotFun2 f $ meshGrid frame nx ny
   vmin = minimum $ _lplabel <$> lps
   vmax = maximum $ _lplabel <$> lps   
   pixels = heatmap' fdat palette0 frame nx ny lps
   cbar = colourBar fdat palette0 10 vmin vmax 10 TopRight 100
   svg_t = svgHeader xPlot yPlot $ do
      axes fdat frame 2 10 10
 T.writeFile "heatmap.svg" $ T.pack $ renderSvg svg_t

This example demonstrates how to plot a 2D scalar function and write the output to SVG file.

First, we define a FigureData object (which holds the SVG figure dimensions and parameters for the white margin around the rendering canvas) and a palette.

Afterwards we declare a Frame that bounds the rendering canvas using mkFrame. This is discretized in nx by ny pixels with meshGrid, and the function f is computed at the intersections of the mesh with plotFun2.

The axes function adds labeled axes to the figure; the user just needs to specify stroke width and color and how many ticks to display.

The data to be plotted (represented in this case as a list of LabeledPoints, in which the "label" carries the function value) are then mapped onto the given colour palette and drawn to the SVG canvas as a heatmap', i.e. a mesh of filled rectangles (Caution: do not exceed resolutions of ~ hundred pixels per side).

Next, we create the legend; in this case this is a colourBar element that requires the data bounds vmin, vmax.

As a last step, the SVG content is wrapped in the appropriate markdown by svgHeader and written to file.

2. Scatter plot of 3D data

This example shows how to plot a collection of labelled points in the plane. Each sample row is represented by a LabeledPoint, in which the label is a scalar quantity.

The scatterLP function renders each data row as a glyph, by modifying a ScatterPointData record of default values via three functions that control the glyph size, contour line thickness and colour. This functionality can be exploited in creative ways to achieve effective infographics.

xPlot = 400
yPlot = 300
fnameOut = "data/scatter-1.svg"

fdat = FigureData xPlot yPlot 0.1 0.8 0.1 0.9 10

dats = zipWith LabeledPoint p_ l_ where
  l_ = [-5, -4 .. ]
  p_ = zipWith Point [4,7,12,23,90,34,24,5,6,12,3] [43,23,1,23,8,11,17,25,4,5]

spdata = ScatterPointData Circle 3 3

main = do
   frameTo = frameFromFigData fdat
   frameFrom = frameFromPoints $ _lp <$> dats
   vmin = minimum $ _lplabel <$> dats
   vmax = maximum $ _lplabel <$> dats     
   f l sz = 10/(1 + exp(-(0.3 * x)))
     where x = l + sz
   g _ w = w
   h l col = C.blend l' col
       l' = (l - vmin)/(vmax - vmin)
   dats' = moveLabeledPointBwFrames frameFrom frameTo False True <$> dats
   svg_t = svgHeader xPlot yPlot $ do
     axes fdat frameFrom 2 10 10
     scatterLP f g h spdata dats'
     scatterLPBar fdat 50 vmin vmax 3 TopRight 100 f g h spdata
  T.writeFile fnameOut $ T.pack $ renderSvg svg_t


Plot types


heatmap Source #


:: FigureData Rational

Figure data

-> [Colour Double]

Colour palette

-> [[Scientific]]


-> Svg 

heatmap assumes the input data corresponds to evenly sampled values of a scalar-valued field, and it maps the data values onto the provided palette (which can be created e.g. with brewerSet).

heatmap' Source #


:: (Foldable f, Functor f, Show a, RealFrac a, RealFrac t) 
=> FigureData a

Figure data

-> [Colour Double]

Colour palette

-> Frame a

Frame containing the data

-> a

Number of points along x axis

-> a

" y axis

-> f (LabeledPoint t a)


-> Svg 

heatmap' renders one SVG pixel for every LabeledPoint supplied as input. The LabeledPoints must be bounded by the Frame.

plotFun2 :: Functor f => (t -> t -> l) -> f (Point t) -> f (LabeledPoint l t) Source #

Plot a scalar function f of points in the plane (i.e. \(f : \mathbf{R}^2 \rightarrow \mathbf{R}\))

colourBar Source #


:: (RealFrac t, RealFrac a, Show a, Enum t, Floating a) 
=> FigureData (Ratio Integer)

Figure data

-> [Colour Double]


-> a


-> t

Value range minimum

-> t

Value range maximum

-> Int

Number of distinct values

-> LegendPosition_

Legend position in the figure

-> a

Colour bar length

-> Svg 

A colour bar legend, to be used within heatmap-style plots.


scatter :: (Foldable t, Show a, RealFrac a) => ScatterPointData a -> t (Point a) -> Svg Source #

Scatter plot

Every point in the plot has the same parameters, as declared in the ScatterPointData record

scatterLP Source #


:: (Foldable t, RealFrac a, Show a) 
=> (l -> b -> a)

Modifies the glyph size

-> (l -> b -> a)

Modifies the glyph stroke width

-> (l -> Colour Double -> Colour Double)

Modifies the glyph colour

-> ScatterPointData b

Glyph style defaults

-> t (LabeledPoint l a)


-> Svg 

Parametric scatter plot

The parameters of every point in the scatter plot are modulated according to the label, using the three functions.

This can be used to produce rich infographics, in which e.g. the colour and size of the glyphs carry additional information.

scatterLPBar Source #


:: (RealFrac t, Enum t, RealFrac b, Show b) 
=> FigureData b 
-> b

Legend width

-> t

Data value lower bound

-> t

Data value upper bound

-> Int

Number of legend entries

-> LegendPosition_

Legend position in the figure

-> b

Legend length

-> (t -> b -> b)

Modifies the glyph size

-> (t -> b -> b)

Modifies the glyph stroke width

-> (t -> Colour Double -> Colour Double)

Modifies the glyph colour

-> ScatterPointData b

Glyph style defaults

-> Svg 

Plot elements

Geometrical primitives

rect Source #


:: (Show a, RealFrac a) 
=> a


-> a


-> a

Stroke width

-> Maybe (Colour Double)

Stroke colour

-> Maybe (Colour Double)

Fill colour

-> Point a

Corner point coordinates

-> Svg 

A rectangle, defined by its anchor point coordinates and side lengths

> putStrLn $ renderSvg $ rect (Point 100 200) 30 60 2 Nothing (Just C.aquamarine)
<rect x="100.0" y="200.0" width="30.0" height="60.0" fill="#7fffd4" stroke="none" stroke-width="2.0" />

rectCentered Source #


:: (Show a, RealFrac a) 
=> a


-> a


-> a

Stroke width

-> Maybe (Colour Double)

Stroke colour

-> Maybe (Colour Double)

Fill colour

-> Point a

Center coordinates

-> Svg 

A rectangle, defined by its center coordinates and side lengths

> putStrLn $ renderSvg $ rectCentered 15 30 1 (Just (Just (Point 20 30)
<rect x="12.5" y="15.0" width="15.0" height="30.0" fill="#ff0000" stroke="#0000ff" stroke-width="1.0" />

squareCentered :: (Show a, RealFrac a) => a -> a -> Maybe (Colour Double) -> Maybe (Colour Double) -> Point a -> Svg Source #

circle Source #


:: (Real a1, Real a) 
=> a


-> a

Stroke width

-> Maybe (Colour Double)

Stroke colour

-> Maybe (Colour Double)

Fill colour

-> Point a1


-> Svg 

A circle

> putStrLn $ renderSvg $ circle (Point 20 30) 15 (Just (Just
<circle cx="20.0" cy="30.0" r="15.0" fill="#ff0000" stroke="#0000ff" />

line Source #


:: (Show a, RealFrac a) 
=> Point a

First point

-> Point a

Second point

-> a

Stroke width

-> LineStroke_ a

Stroke type

-> Colour Double

Stroke colour

-> Svg 

Line segment between two Points

> putStrLn $ renderSvg $ line (Point 0 0) (Point 1 1) 0.1 Continuous C.blueviolet
<line x1="0.0" y1="0.0" x2="1.0" y2="1.0" stroke="#8a2be2" stroke-width="0.1" />
> putStrLn $ renderSvg (line (Point 0 0) (Point 1 1) 0.1 (Dashed [0.2, 0.3]) C.blueviolet)
<line x1="0.0" y1="0.0" x2="1.0" y2="1.0" stroke="#8a2be2" stroke-width="0.1" stroke-dasharray="0.2, 0.3" />

text Source #


:: (Show a, Real a) 
=> a

Rotation angle of the textbox

-> Int

Font size

-> Colour Double

Font colour

-> TextAnchor_

How to anchor the text to the point

-> Text


-> V2 a

Displacement w.r.t. rotated textbox

-> Point a

Initial position of the text box (i.e. before rotation and displacement)

-> Svg 

text renders text onto the SVG canvas


The Point argument p refers to the lower-left corner of the text box.

The text box can be rotated by rot degrees around p and then anchored at either its beginning, middle or end to p with the TextAnchor_ flag.

The user can supply an additional V2 displacement which will be applied after rotation and anchoring and refers to the rotated text box frame.

> putStrLn $ renderSvg $ text (-45) TAEnd "blah" (V2 (- 10) 0) (Point 250 0)
<text x="-10.0" y="0.0" transform="translate(250.0 0.0)rotate(-45.0)" fill="#008000" text-anchor="end">blah</text>

polyline Source #


:: (Foldable t, Show a1, Show a, RealFrac a, RealFrac a1) 
=> a1

Stroke width

-> LineStroke_ a

Stroke type

-> StrokeLineJoin_

Stroke join type

-> Colour Double

Stroke colour

-> t (Point a)


-> Svg 

Polyline (piecewise straight line)

> putStrLn $ renderSvg (polyline [Point 100 50, Point 120 20, Point 230 50] 4 (Dashed [3, 5]) Round C.blueviolet)
<polyline points="100.0,50.0 120.0,20.0 230.0,50.0" fill="none" stroke="#8a2be2" stroke-width="4.0" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-dasharray="3.0, 5.0" />

filledPolyline Source #


:: (Foldable t, Show a, Real o) 
=> Colour Double

Fill colour

-> o

Fill opacity

-> t (Point a)

Contour point coordinates

-> Svg 

A filled polyline

> putStrLn $ renderSvg $ filledPolyline C.coral 0.3 [(Point 0 1), (Point 10 40), Point 34 50, Point 30 5]
<polyline points="0,1 10,40 34,50 30,5" fill="#ff7f50" fill-opacity="0.3" />

pixel' :: (Show a, RealFrac a, RealFrac t) => [Colour Double] -> a -> a -> t -> t -> LabeledPoint t a -> Svg Source #

Composite plot elements

filledBand Source #


:: (Foldable t, Real o, Show a) 
=> Colour Double

Fill colour

-> o

Fill opacity

-> (l -> a)

Band maximum value

-> (l -> a)

Band minimum value

-> t (LabeledPoint l a)

Centerline points

-> Svg 

A filled band of colour, given the coordinates of its center line

This element can be used to overlay uncertainty ranges (e.g. the first standard deviation) associated with a given data series.

candlestick Source #


:: (Show a, RealFrac a) 
=> (a -> a -> Bool)

If True, fill the box with the first colour, otherwise with the second

-> (l -> a)

Box maximum value

-> (l -> a)

Box minimum value

-> (l -> a)

Line maximum value

-> (l -> a)

Line minimum value

-> a

Box width

-> a

Stroke width

-> Colour Double

First box colour

-> Colour Double

Second box colour

-> Colour Double

Line stroke colour

-> LabeledPoint l a

Data point

-> Svg 

A candlestick glyph for time series plots. This is a type of box glyph, commonly used in plotting financial time series.

Some financial market quantities such as currency exchange rates are aggregated over some time period (e.g. a day) and summarized by various quantities, for example opening and closing rates, as well as maximum and minimum over the period.

By convention, the candlestick colour depends on the derivative sign of one such quantity (e.g. it is green if the market closes higher than it opened, and red otherwise).

Plot utilities

axes :: (Show a, RealFrac a) => FigureData a -> Frame a -> a -> Colour Double -> Int -> Int -> Svg Source #

A pair of Cartesian axes

toPlot Source #


:: (Functor t, Foldable t, Show a, RealFrac a) 
=> FigureData a 
-> (l -> Text)

X tick label

-> (l -> Text)

Y tick label

-> a

X label rotation angle

-> a

Y label rotation angle

-> a

Stroke width

-> Colour Double

Stroke colour

-> Maybe (t (LabeledPoint l a))

X axis labels

-> Maybe (t (LabeledPoint l a))

Y axis labels

-> (t (LabeledPoint l a) -> Svg)

Data rendering function

-> t (LabeledPoint l a)


-> Svg 

toPlot performs a number of related operations:

  • Maps the dataset to the figure frame
  • Renders the X, Y axes
  • Renders the transformed dataset onto the newly created plot canvas

data FigureData a Source #

Figure data





Functor FigureData Source # 


fmap :: (a -> b) -> FigureData a -> FigureData b #

(<$) :: a -> FigureData b -> FigureData a #

Eq a => Eq (FigureData a) Source # 


(==) :: FigureData a -> FigureData a -> Bool #

(/=) :: FigureData a -> FigureData a -> Bool #

Show a => Show (FigureData a) Source # 

Element attributes

data LineStroke_ a Source #

Specify a continuous or dashed stroke


Dashed [a] 


data TextAnchor_ Source #

Specify at which end should the text be anchored to its current point



Colour utilities

blendTwo :: Colour Double -> Colour Double -> Int -> [Colour Double] Source #

`blendTwo c1 c2 n` creates a palette of n intermediate colours, interpolated linearly between c1 and c2.

palette :: [Colour Double] -> Int -> [Colour Double] Source #

`palette cs n` blends linearly a list of colours cs, by generating n intermediate colours between each consecutive pair.

pickColour :: RealFrac t => [Colour Double] -> t -> t -> t -> Colour Double Source #

SVG utilities

svgHeader Source #


:: Real a 
=> a

Image width (X axis)

-> a

Image height (Y axis)

-> Svg

Image content

-> Svg 

Create the SVG header

translateSvg :: Show a => Point a -> Svg -> Svg Source #

Move a Svg entity to a new position


data Frame a Source #

A frame, i.e. a bounding box for objects





Eq a => Eq (Frame a) Source # 


(==) :: Frame a -> Frame a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Frame a -> Frame a -> Bool #

Show a => Show (Frame a) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> Frame a -> ShowS #

show :: Frame a -> String #

showList :: [Frame a] -> ShowS #

Generic (Frame a) Source # 

Associated Types

type Rep (Frame a) :: * -> * #


from :: Frame a -> Rep (Frame a) x #

to :: Rep (Frame a) x -> Frame a #

(Ord a, Num a) => Monoid (Frame a) Source #

The semigroup operation (mappend) applied on two Frames results in a new Frame that bounds both.


mempty :: Frame a #

mappend :: Frame a -> Frame a -> Frame a #

mconcat :: [Frame a] -> Frame a #

Default a => Default (Frame a) Source # 


def :: Frame a #

type Rep (Frame a) Source # 
type Rep (Frame a) = D1 * (MetaData "Frame" "Graphics.Rendering.Plot.Light.Internal.Geometry" "plot-light-0.3-2KuIv0uuitg9sVLvXxU6UG" False) (C1 * (MetaCons "Frame" PrefixI True) ((:*:) * (S1 * (MetaSel (Just Symbol "_fpmin") NoSourceUnpackedness NoSourceStrictness DecidedLazy) (Rec0 * (Point a))) (S1 * (MetaSel (Just Symbol "_fpmax") NoSourceUnpackedness NoSourceStrictness DecidedLazy) (Rec0 * (Point a)))))

data Point a Source #

A Point object defines a point in the plane





Eq a => Eq (Point a) Source # 


(==) :: Point a -> Point a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Point a -> Point a -> Bool #

Ord a => Ord (Point a) Source # 


compare :: Point a -> Point a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Point a -> Point a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Point a -> Point a -> Bool #

(>) :: Point a -> Point a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Point a -> Point a -> Bool #

max :: Point a -> Point a -> Point a #

min :: Point a -> Point a -> Point a #

Show a => Show (Point a) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> Point a -> ShowS #

show :: Point a -> String #

showList :: [Point a] -> ShowS #

Generic (Point a) Source # 

Associated Types

type Rep (Point a) :: * -> * #


from :: Point a -> Rep (Point a) x #

to :: Rep (Point a) x -> Point a #

Default a => Default (Point a) Source # 


def :: Point a #

type Rep (Point a) Source # 
type Rep (Point a) = D1 * (MetaData "Point" "Graphics.Rendering.Plot.Light.Internal.Geometry" "plot-light-0.3-2KuIv0uuitg9sVLvXxU6UG" False) (C1 * (MetaCons "Point" PrefixI True) ((:*:) * (S1 * (MetaSel (Just Symbol "_px") NoSourceUnpackedness NoSourceStrictness DecidedLazy) (Rec0 * a)) (S1 * (MetaSel (Just Symbol "_py") NoSourceUnpackedness NoSourceStrictness DecidedLazy) (Rec0 * a))))

data LabeledPoint l a Source #

A LabeledPoint carries a "label" (i.e. any additional information such as a text tag, or any other data structure), in addition to position information. Data points on a plot are LabeledPoints.





(Eq l, Eq a) => Eq (LabeledPoint l a) Source # 


(==) :: LabeledPoint l a -> LabeledPoint l a -> Bool #

(/=) :: LabeledPoint l a -> LabeledPoint l a -> Bool #

(Show l, Show a) => Show (LabeledPoint l a) Source # 

labelPoint :: (Point a -> l) -> Point a -> LabeledPoint l a Source #

Given a labelling function and a Point p, returned a LabeledPoint containing p and the computed label

mapLabel :: (l1 -> l2) -> LabeledPoint l1 a -> LabeledPoint l2 a Source #

Apply a function to the label

data Axis Source #




Eq Axis Source # 


(==) :: Axis -> Axis -> Bool #

(/=) :: Axis -> Axis -> Bool #

Show Axis Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> Axis -> ShowS #

show :: Axis -> String #

showList :: [Axis] -> ShowS #



data V2 a Source #

V2 is a vector in R^2


V2 a a 


Eq a => Eq (V2 a) Source # 


(==) :: V2 a -> V2 a -> Bool #

(/=) :: V2 a -> V2 a -> Bool #

Show a => Show (V2 a) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> V2 a -> ShowS #

show :: V2 a -> String #

showList :: [V2 a] -> ShowS #

Num a => Monoid (V2 a) Source #

Vectors form a monoid w.r.t. vector addition


mempty :: V2 a #

mappend :: V2 a -> V2 a -> V2 a #

mconcat :: [V2 a] -> V2 a #

Eps (V2 Double) Source # 


(~=) :: V2 Double -> V2 Double -> Bool Source #

Eps (V2 Float) Source # 


(~=) :: V2 Float -> V2 Float -> Bool Source #

Num a => Hermitian (V2 a) Source # 

Associated Types

type InnerProduct (V2 a) :: * Source #


(<.>) :: V2 a -> V2 a -> InnerProduct (V2 a) Source #

Num a => VectorSpace (V2 a) Source # 

Associated Types

type Scalar (V2 a) :: * Source #


(.*) :: Scalar (V2 a) -> V2 a -> V2 a Source #

Num a => AdditiveGroup (V2 a) Source #

Vectors form an additive group


zero :: V2 a Source #

(^+^) :: V2 a -> V2 a -> V2 a Source #

(^-^) :: V2 a -> V2 a -> V2 a Source #

Fractional a => MatrixGroup (DiagMat2 a) (V2 a) Source #

Diagonal matrices can always be inverted


(<\>) :: DiagMat2 a -> V2 a -> V2 a Source #

Num a => LinearMap (DiagMat2 a) (V2 a) Source # 


(#>) :: DiagMat2 a -> V2 a -> V2 a Source #

Num a => LinearMap (Mat2 a) (V2 a) Source # 


(#>) :: Mat2 a -> V2 a -> V2 a Source #

type InnerProduct (V2 a) Source # 
type InnerProduct (V2 a) = a
type Scalar (V2 a) Source # 
type Scalar (V2 a) = a


data Mat2 a Source #

A Mat2 can be seen as a linear operator that acts on points in the plane


Mat2 a a a a 


Eq a => Eq (Mat2 a) Source # 


(==) :: Mat2 a -> Mat2 a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Mat2 a -> Mat2 a -> Bool #

Show a => Show (Mat2 a) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> Mat2 a -> ShowS #

show :: Mat2 a -> String #

showList :: [Mat2 a] -> ShowS #

Num a => Monoid (Mat2 a) Source #

Matrices form a monoid w.r.t. matrix multiplication and have the identity matrix as neutral element


mempty :: Mat2 a #

mappend :: Mat2 a -> Mat2 a -> Mat2 a #

mconcat :: [Mat2 a] -> Mat2 a #

Num a => MultiplicativeSemigroup (Mat2 a) Source # 


(##) :: Mat2 a -> Mat2 a -> Mat2 a Source #

Num a => LinearMap (Mat2 a) (V2 a) Source # 


(#>) :: Mat2 a -> V2 a -> V2 a Source #

data DiagMat2 a Source #

Diagonal matrices in R2 behave as scaling transformations


DMat2 a a 


Eq a => Eq (DiagMat2 a) Source # 


(==) :: DiagMat2 a -> DiagMat2 a -> Bool #

(/=) :: DiagMat2 a -> DiagMat2 a -> Bool #

Show a => Show (DiagMat2 a) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> DiagMat2 a -> ShowS #

show :: DiagMat2 a -> String #

showList :: [DiagMat2 a] -> ShowS #

Num a => Monoid (DiagMat2 a) Source #

Diagonal matrices form a monoid w.r.t. matrix multiplication and have the identity matrix as neutral element


mempty :: DiagMat2 a #

mappend :: DiagMat2 a -> DiagMat2 a -> DiagMat2 a #

mconcat :: [DiagMat2 a] -> DiagMat2 a #

Num a => MultiplicativeSemigroup (DiagMat2 a) Source # 


(##) :: DiagMat2 a -> DiagMat2 a -> DiagMat2 a Source #

Fractional a => MatrixGroup (DiagMat2 a) (V2 a) Source #

Diagonal matrices can always be inverted


(<\>) :: DiagMat2 a -> V2 a -> V2 a Source #

Num a => LinearMap (DiagMat2 a) (V2 a) Source # 


(#>) :: DiagMat2 a -> V2 a -> V2 a Source #

diagMat2 :: Num a => a -> a -> DiagMat2 a Source #

Create a diagonal matrix

Primitive elements

origin :: Num a => Point a Source #

The origin of the axes, point (0, 0)

e1 :: Num a => V2 a Source #

X-aligned unit vector

e2 :: Num a => V2 a Source #

Y-aligned unit vector

Vector norm operations

norm2 :: (Hermitian v, Floating n, n ~ InnerProduct v) => v -> n Source #

Euclidean (L^2) norm

normalize2 :: (InnerProduct v ~ Scalar v, Floating (Scalar v), Hermitian v) => v -> v Source #

Normalize a V2 w.r.t. its Euclidean norm

Vector construction

v2fromEndpoints :: Num a => Point a -> Point a -> V2 a Source #

Create a V2 v from two endpoints p1, p2. That is v can be seen as pointing from p1 to p2

v2fromPoint :: Num a => Point a -> V2 a Source #

Build a V2 v from a Point p (i.e. assuming v points from the origin (0,0) to p)

Operations on points

movePoint :: Num a => V2 a -> Point a -> Point a Source #

Move a point along a vector

moveLabeledPointV2 :: Num a => V2 a -> LabeledPoint l a -> LabeledPoint l a Source #

Move a LabeledPoint along a vector

moveLabeledPointBwFrames Source #


:: Fractional a 
=> Frame a

Initial frame

-> Frame a

Final frame

-> Bool

Flip L-R in [0,1] x [0,1]

-> Bool

Flip U-D in [0,1] x [0,1]

-> LabeledPoint l a

Initial LabeledPoint

-> LabeledPoint l a 

(-.) :: Num a => Point a -> Point a -> V2 a Source #

Create a V2 v from two endpoints p1, p2. That is v can be seen as pointing from p1 to p2

toSvgFrame Source #


:: Fractional a 
=> Frame a

Initial frame

-> Frame a

Final frame

-> Bool

Flip L-R in [0,1] x [0,1]

-> Point a

Point in the initial frame

-> Point a 

Move point to the SVG frame of reference (for which the origing is a the top-left corner of the screen)

toSvgFrameLP :: Fractional a => Frame a -> Frame a -> Bool -> LabeledPoint l a -> LabeledPoint l a Source #

Move LabeledPoint to the SVG frame of reference (uses toSvgFrame )

pointRange :: (Fractional a, Integral n) => n -> Point a -> Point a -> [Point a] Source #

`pointRange n p q` returns a list of equi-spaced Points between p and q.

Operations on vectors

frameToFrame Source #


:: Fractional a 
=> Frame a

Initial frame

-> Frame a

Final frame

-> Bool

Flip L-R in [0,1] x [0,1]

-> Bool

Flip U-D in [0,1] x [0,1]

-> V2 a

Initial vector

-> V2 a 

Given two frames F1 and F2, returns a function f that maps an arbitrary vector v contained within F1 onto one contained within F2.

This function is composed of three affine maps :

  1. map v into a vector v01 that points within the unit square,
  2. map v01 onto v01'. This transformation serves to e.g. flip the dataset along the y axis (since the origin of the SVG canvas is the top-left corner of the screen). If this is not needed one can just supply the identity matrix and the zero vector,
  3. map v01' onto the target frame F2.

NB: we do not check that v is actually contained within the F1, nor that v01' is still contained within [0,1] x [0, 1]. This has to be supplied correctly by the user.

Operations on frames

frameFromPoints :: (Ord a, Foldable t, Functor t) => t (Point a) -> Frame a Source #

Create a Frame from a container of Points P, i.e. construct two points p1 and p2 such that :

p1 := inf(x,y) P

p2 := sup(x,y) P

mkFrame :: Point a -> Point a -> Frame a Source #

mkFrameOrigin :: Num a => a -> a -> Frame a Source #

Build a frame rooted at the origin (0, 0)

width :: Num a => Frame a -> a Source #

The width is the extent in the x direction and height is the extent in the y direction

height :: Num a => Frame a -> a Source #

The width is the extent in the x direction and height is the extent in the y direction


class AdditiveGroup v where Source #

Additive group :

v ^+^ zero == zero ^+^ v == v
v ^-^ v == zero

Minimal complete definition

zero, (^+^), (^-^)


zero :: v Source #

Identity element

(^+^) :: v -> v -> v Source #

Group action ("sum")

(^-^) :: v -> v -> v Source #

Inverse group action ("subtraction")


Num a => AdditiveGroup (V2 a) Source #

Vectors form an additive group


zero :: V2 a Source #

(^+^) :: V2 a -> V2 a -> V2 a Source #

(^-^) :: V2 a -> V2 a -> V2 a Source #

class AdditiveGroup v => VectorSpace v where Source #

Vector space : multiplication by a scalar quantity

Minimal complete definition


Associated Types

type Scalar v :: * Source #


(.*) :: Scalar v -> v -> v Source #

Scalar multiplication


Num a => VectorSpace (V2 a) Source # 

Associated Types

type Scalar (V2 a) :: * Source #


(.*) :: Scalar (V2 a) -> V2 a -> V2 a Source #

class VectorSpace v => Hermitian v where Source #

Hermitian space : inner product

Minimal complete definition


Associated Types

type InnerProduct v :: * Source #


(<.>) :: v -> v -> InnerProduct v Source #

Inner product


Num a => Hermitian (V2 a) Source # 

Associated Types

type InnerProduct (V2 a) :: * Source #


(<.>) :: V2 a -> V2 a -> InnerProduct (V2 a) Source #

class Hermitian v => LinearMap m v where Source #

Linear maps, i.e. linear transformations of vectors

Minimal complete definition



(#>) :: m -> v -> v Source #

Matrix action, i.e. linear transformation of a vector


Num a => LinearMap (DiagMat2 a) (V2 a) Source # 


(#>) :: DiagMat2 a -> V2 a -> V2 a Source #

Num a => LinearMap (Mat2 a) (V2 a) Source # 


(#>) :: Mat2 a -> V2 a -> V2 a Source #

class MultiplicativeSemigroup m where Source #

Multiplicative matrix semigroup ("multiplying" two matrices together)

Minimal complete definition



(##) :: m -> m -> m Source #

Matrix product


class LinearMap m v => MatrixGroup m v where Source #

The class of invertible linear transformations

Minimal complete definition



(<\>) :: m -> v -> v Source #

Inverse matrix action on a vector


Fractional a => MatrixGroup (DiagMat2 a) (V2 a) Source #

Diagonal matrices can always be inverted


(<\>) :: DiagMat2 a -> V2 a -> V2 a Source #

class Eps a where Source #

Numerical equality

Minimal complete definition



(~=) :: a -> a -> Bool Source #

Comparison within numerical precision



meshGrid Source #


:: (Enum a, RealFrac a) 
=> Frame a 
-> Int

Number of points along x axis

-> Int

" y axis

-> [Point a] 

A list of nx by ny points in the plane arranged on the vertices of a rectangular mesh.

NB: Only the minimum x, y coordinate point is included in the output mesh. This is intentional, since the output from this can be used as an input to functions that use a corner rather than the center point as refernce (e.g. rect)

wholeDecimal :: (Integral a, RealFrac b) => b -> (a, b) Source #

Separate whole and decimal part of a fractional number e.g.

> wholeDecimal