postgresql-orm-0.3.0: An ORM (Object Relational Mapping) and migrations DSL for PostgreSQL.

Safe HaskellNone





data Association a b Source

A data structure representing a relationship between a model a and a model b. At a high level, an Association a b tells you how to find rows of type b given rows of type a. More concretely, this boils down to being able to make two types of query.

  • You want to look up a bunch of (a :. b)s, filtering using predicates on both a and b (e.g., get a list of recent posts and their authors). For this purpose, you can use assocSelect, which allows you to addWhere predicates mentioning columns in both a and b.
  • You already have an instance of type a, and want to find all the bs associated with it. For that you use either assocWhere or findAssoc (which internally access fields assocSelectOnlyB, assocWhereQuery, and assocWhereParam). This type of query is strictly less general than the first one, but can be formulated in a more efficient way by extracting values directly from a concrete instance of a without needing to touch table a in the database.

Note that an Association is asymmetric. It tells you how to get bs from as, but not vice versa. In practice, there will almost always be an association in the other direction, too. Functions such as dbrefAssocs and jtAssocs therefore create an Association and its inverse simultaneously, returning them as a pair.




assocSelect :: !(DBSelect (a :. b))

General select returning all instances of a and b that match according to the association.

assocSelectOnlyB :: !(DBSelect b)

The right-hand side of the assocSelect query. This query makes no mention of type a (but can be combined with the next two fields to form an optimized query). You probably never want to use this directly, and should instead use either findAssoc or assocWhere. Also note this is not useful for selecting all the bs in the relation; for that you should use assocProject.

assocWhereQuery :: !Query

A WHERE clause to find all the bs associated with a particular a. This can often be done more efficiently than through assocSelect. The clause contains '?' characters which should be filled in by assocWhereParam.

assocWhereParam :: !(a -> [Action])

The query parameters for the query returned by assocWhereQuery.


assocProject :: Model b => Association a b -> DBSelect bSource

A projection of assocSelect, extracting only the fields of model b. Note that this query touches table a even if it does not return results from a. Hence, you can use addWhere to add predicates on both a and b. (Note the contrast to assocSelectOnlyB, which does not touch table a at all, and hence in the case of an INNER JOIN might return rows of b that should not be part of the association. assocSelectOnlyB is intended for use only in conjunction with assocWhereQuery.)

assocWhere :: Model b => Association a b -> a -> DBSelect bSource

Returns a DBSelect for all bs associated with a particular a.

findAssoc :: Model b => Association a b -> Connection -> a -> IO [b]Source

Follow an association to return all of the bs associated with a particular a. The behavior is similar to:

 findAssoc' ab c a = dbSelect c $ assocWhere ab a

But if the first argument is a static association, this function may be marginally faster because it pre-renders most of the query.

Associations based on parent-child relationships

data GDBRefInfo reftype child parent Source

A common type of association is when one model contains a DBRef or DBRefUnique pointing to another model. In this case, the model containing the DBRef is known as the child, and the referenced model is known as the parent.

Two pieces of information are required to describe a parent-child relationship: First, the field selector that extracts the Haskell DBRef from the haskell type child, and second the name of the database column that stores this DBRef field.

For example, consider the following:

 data Author = Author {
     authorId :: DBKey
   } deriving (Show, Generic)
 instance Model Author
 data Post = Post {
     postId :: DBKey
   , postAuthorId :: DBRef Author
   } deriving (Show, Generic)
 instance Model Post

 post_author_refinfo :: DBRefInfo Post Author
 post_author_refinfo = DBRefInfo {
     dbrefSelector = postAuthorId
   , dbrefQColumn = "\"post\".\"postAuthorId\""

Note that the parent-child relationship described by a GDBRefInfo is asymmetric, but bidirectional. When a DBRefInfo child parent exists, the schema should generally not permit the existence of a valid DBRefInfo parent child structure. However, the dbrefAssocs function generates Associations in both directions from a single DBRefInfo.

Constructing such parent-child Associations requires knowing how to extract primary keys from the parent type as well as the name of the column storing primary keys in parent. Fortunately, this information is already available from the Model class, and thus does not need to be in the GDBRefInfo. (Most functions on GDBRefInfos require parent and child to be instances of Model.)

When your Models are instances of Generic (which will usually be the case), a DBRefInfo structure can be computed automatically by defaultDBRefInfo. This is the recommended way to produce a GDBRefInfo. (Alternatively, see has and belongsTo to make use of an entirely implicit DBRefInfo.)




dbrefSelector :: !(child -> GDBRef reftype parent)

Field selector returning a reference.

dbrefQColumn :: !ByteString

Literal SQL for the database column storing the reference. This should be double-quoted and table-qualified, in case the column name is a reserved keyword, contains capital letters, or conflicts with the name of a column in the joined table. An example would be:

 dbrefQColumn = "\"table_name\".\"column_name\""


Show (GDBRefInfo rt c p) 

type DBRefInfo = GDBRefInfo NormalRefSource

DBRefInfo is a type alias for the common case that the reference in a GDBRefInfo is a DBRef (as opposed to a DBRefUnique). The functions in this library do not care what type of reference is used. The type is generalized to GDBRefInfo just to make it easier to assign a selector to dbrefSelector when the selector returns a DBRefUnique. Note, however, that defaultDBRefInfo returns a DBRefInfo regardless of the flavor of reference actually encountered.

defaultDBRefInfo :: forall child parent. (Model child, Model parent, GetField ExtractRef child (DBRef parent)) => DBRefInfo child parentSource

Creates a DBRefInfo from a model child that references parent. For this to work, the child type must be an instance of Generic and must contain exactly one field of the any of the following types:

  1. GDBRef rt parent, which matches both DBRef parent and DBRefUnique parent.
  2. Maybe (GDBRef rt parent), for cases where the reference might be NULL. Note, however, that an exception will be thrown if you call findAssoc on a child whose reference is Nothing.

A special case arises when a Model contains a DBRef to itself. If you just wish to find parents and children given an existing structure (i.e., findAssoc), it is okay to declare an Association MyType MyType. However, in this case attempts to use assocSelect will then fail. To work around this problem, the parent must use a row alias.

Note that currently aliasing the child will not work, since the As data structure will not contain a DBRef field, only the contents of the As data structure. An example of doing this correctly (using has and belongsTo, both of which wrap defaultDBRefInfo):

 data Bar = Bar {
     barId :: !DBKey
   , barName :: !String
   , barParent :: !(Maybe (DBRef Bar))
   } deriving (Show, Generic)
 instance Model Bar where modelInfo = underscoreModelInfo "bar"
 data ParentBar = ParentBar
 instance RowAlias ParentBar where rowAliasName _ = "parent_bar"
 toParent :: Association Bar (As ParentBar Bar)
 toParent = belongsTo
 toChild :: Association (As ParentBar Bar) Bar
 toChild = has

dbrefAssocs :: forall child parent rt. (Model child, Model parent) => GDBRefInfo rt child parent -> (Association child parent, Association parent child)Source

Generate both the child-parent and parent-child Associations implied by a GDBRefInfo.

has :: (Model child, Model parent, GetField ExtractRef child (DBRef parent)) => Association parent childSource

Short for

 snd $ dbrefAssocs defaultDBRefInfo

Note the inverse Association is given by belongsTo. For example, given the Author and Post models described in the documentation for GDBRefInfo, in which each Post references an Author, you might say:

 author_post :: Association Author Post
 author_post = has

 post_author :: Association Post Author
 post_author = belongsTo

belongsTo :: (Model child, Model parent, GetField ExtractRef child (DBRef parent)) => Association child parentSource

The inverse of has. Short for

 fst $ dbrefAssocs defaultDBRefInfo

See an example at has.

Join table Associations

data JoinTable a b Source

A data structure representing a dedicated join table in the database. A join table differs from a model in that rows do not have primary keys. Hence, model operations do not apply. Nonetheless a join table conveys information about a relationship between models.

Note that all names in a JoinTable should be unquoted.




jtTable :: !ByteString

Name of the join table in the database. (Not quoted.)

jtColumnA :: !ByteString

Name of the column in table jtTable that contains a DBRef to model a. (Not quoted or table-qualified.)

jtColumnB :: !ByteString

Like jtColumnA for model b.


Show (JoinTable a b) 

defaultJoinTable :: forall a b. (Model a, Model b) => JoinTable a bSource

The default join table has the following fields:

  • jtName is the name of the two models (in alphabetical order), separated by an '_' character.
  • jtColumnA is the name of model a, an '_' character, and the name of the primary key column in table a.
  • jtColumnB is the name of model b, an '_' character, and the name of the primary key column in table b.

Note that defaultJoinTable cannot create a default join table for joining a model to itself, as following these rules the two columns would have the same name. If you wish to join a table to itself, you have two options: First, you can define the join table and assign the column names manually. This will permit you to call findAssoc, but you still will not be able to use assocSelect for more complex queries, since SQL does not permit joins between two tables with the same name. The second option is to give one of the sides of the join table a row alias with As. For example:

 data ParentBar = ParentBar
 instance RowAlias ParentBar where rowAliasName _ = "parent_bar"
 selfJoinTable :: JoinTable Bar (As ParentBar Bar)
 selfJoinTable = defaultJoinTable
 selfJoin :: Association Bar (As ParentBar Bar)
 otherSelfJoin :: Association (As ParentBar Bar) Bar
 (selfJoin, otherSelfJoin) = jtAssocs selfJoinTable

jtAssocs :: (Model a, Model b) => JoinTable a b -> (Association a b, Association b a)Source

Generate the two associations implied by a JoinTable.

joinTable :: (Model a, Model b) => Association a bSource

Generate a one-way association based on the default join table naming scheme described at defaultJoinTable. Defined as:

 joinTable = jtAssoc defaultJoinTable

For example:

 aToB :: Association A B
 aToB = joinTable

 bToA :: Association B A
 bToA = joinTable

Operations on join tables

jtAdd :: (Model a, Model b) => JoinTable a b -> Connection -> a -> b -> IO BoolSource

Add an association between two models to a join table. Returns True if the association was not already there.

jtRemove :: (Model a, Model b) => JoinTable a b -> Connection -> a -> b -> IO BoolSource

Remove an association from a join table. Returns True if the association was previously there.

jtRemoveByRef :: (Model a, Model b) => JoinTable a b -> Connection -> GDBRef rt a -> GDBRef rt b -> IO BoolSource

Remove an assocation from a join table when you don't have the target instances of the two models handy, but do have references.

Semi-internal join table functions

jtAddStatement :: JoinTable a b -> QuerySource

A SQL statement suitable for adding a pair to a join table. Note that the statement takes two parameters (i.e., contains two '?' characters) corresponding to the primary keys of the two models being associated. These parameters can be supplied by jtParam.

jtRemoveStatement :: JoinTable a b -> QuerySource

A SQL statement for removing a pair from a join table. Like jtAddStatement, the query is parameterized by two primary keys.

jtParam :: (Model a, Model b) => JoinTable a b -> a -> b -> [Action]Source

Generate parameters for jtAddStatement and jtRemoveStatement. The returned list is suitable for use as a ToRow instance. For example:

 execute conn (jtAddStatement my_join_table) (jtParam a b)

jtFlip :: JoinTable a b -> JoinTable b aSource

Flip a join table. This doesn't change the name of the table (since the same join table is used in both directions, and the default join table name glues together the two model names in alphabetical order anyway).

jtAssoc :: forall a b. (Model a, Model b) => JoinTable a b -> Association a bSource

Generate a one-way association from a JoinTable. Use jtAssocs instead.

Nested and chained associations

nestAssoc :: (Model a, Model b) => Association a b -> Association b c -> Association a (b :. c)Source

Combine two associations into one.

chainAssoc :: (Model a, Model b, Model c) => Association a b -> Association b c -> Association a cSource

Combine two associations into one, and project away the middle type. (The middle type can still be mentioned in WHERE clauses.)

An example:

 data Author = Author {
     authorId :: DBKey
   } deriving (Show, Generic)
 instance Model Author where modelInfo = underscoreModelInfo "author"
 data Post = Post {
     postId :: DBKey
   , postAuthorId :: DBRef Author
   } deriving (Show, Generic)
 instance Model Post where modelInfo = underscoreModelInfo "post"
 data Comment = Comment {
     commentId :: DBKey
   , commentPostId :: DBRef Post
   } deriving (Show, Generic)
 instance Model Comment where modelInfo = underscoreModelInfo "comment"
 author_posts :: Association Author Post
 post_author :: Association Post Author
 (post_author, author_posts) = dbrefAssocs defaultDBRefInfo
 -- Could equally well use dbrefAssocs as above
 post_comments :: Association Post Comment
 post_comments = has

 comment_post :: Association Comment Post
 comment_post = belongsTo
 comment_author :: Association Comment Author
 comment_author = chainAssoc comment_post post_author
 author_comments :: Association Author Comment
 author_comments =  chainAssoc author_posts post_comments