{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-redundant-constraints #-}

{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies          #-}

{- |
Copyright: (c) 2020 Kowainik
SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
Maintainer: Kowainik <xrom.xkov@gmail.com>

The @prolens@ package is a Haskell library with a minimal and lightweight
implementation of optics based on 'Profunctor's. __'Optic'__ is a high-level
concept for values that provide composable access to different parts of structures.

"Prolens" implements the following optics:

 * 'Lens' — composable getters and setters
 * 'Prism' — composable constructors and deconstructors
 * 'Traversal' — composable data structures visitors

== Usage

To use lenses or prisms in your project, you need to add @prolens@ package as
the dependency in the @build-depends@ field of your @.cabal@ file. E.g.:

build-depends: prolens ^>=

You should add the import of this module in the place of lenses usage:

__import__ "Prolens"

== Creating your own optics

We show in each section of this module how to create values of each
kind of optics.

⚠️ __The general crucial rule__ for achieving maximum performance:
always add @\{\-\# INLINE ... \#\-\}@ pragmas to your optics.

== Typeclasses table

The below table shows required constraints for each 'Optic':

| Optic       | Constraints                  |
| 'Lens'      | @'Strong' p@                 |
| 'Prism'     | @'Choice' p@                 |
| 'Traversal' | @('Choice' p, 'Monoidal' p)@ |

== Usage table: get, set, modify

Here is a go-to table on how to use getter, setters and modifiers with different

|             | get              | get operator | set              | set operator     | modify          | modify operator |
| 'Lens'      | @'view' l x@     | @x '^.' l@   | @'set' l new x@  | @x & l '.~' new@ | @'over' l f x@  | @x & l '%~' f@  |
| 'Prism'     | @'preview' _L x@ | -            | @'set' _L new x@ | -                | @'over' _L f x@ | -               |
| 'Traversal' | @'view' l x@     | -            | @'set' l new x@  | -                | @'over' l f x@  | -               |


module Prolens
    ( -- * Profunctor typeclass
      Profunctor (..)

      -- * Optics
    , Optic

      -- * Lenses
      -- $lenses

      -- ** Lenses types
    , Lens
    , Lens'
      -- ** Strong typeclass
    , Strong (..)

      -- ** Lenses functions
    , set
    , over
    , view
    , lens

      -- ** Lenses operators
    , (^.)
    , (.~)
    , (%~)

      -- ** Standard lenses
    , fstL
    , sndL

      -- * Prisms
      -- $prisms

      -- ** Prism types
    , Prism
    , Prism'
      -- ** Choice typeclass
    , Choice (..)

      -- ** Prism functions
    , prism
    , prism'
    , preview

      -- ** Standard Prisms
    , _Just
    , _Left
    , _Right

      -- * Traversals

      -- ** Traversal types
    , Traversal
      -- ** Monoidal typeclass
    , Monoidal (..)

      -- ** Traversal functions
    , traverseOf

      -- ** Standard traversals
    , eachPair
    , eachMaybe
    , eachList

      -- * Internal data types
    , Forget (..)
    , Fun (..)
    ) where

import Control.Applicative (Const (..), liftA2)
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import Data.Monoid (First (..))

-- $setup
-- >>> import Data.Function ((&))

{- | The type @p@ is called 'Profunctor' and it means, that a value of
type @p in out@ takes a value of type @in@ as an argument (input) and
outputs a value of type @out@. 'Profunctor' allows mapping of inputs
and outputs.

          +----> Result input
          |                                +--> Original profunctor
          |      +-> Original input        |
          +      +                         +
dimap :: (in2 -> in1) -> (out1 -> out2) -> p in1 out1 -> p in2 out2
                          +       +
                          |       +-> Result output
                          +-> Original output

Speaking in terms of other abstractions, 'Profunctor' is
'Data.Functor.Contravariant.Contravariant' in the first type argument
(type variable @in@) and 'Functor' in the second type argument (type
variable @out@).

Moreover, @p in@ must have 'Functor' instance first to implement the
'Profunctor' instance. This required using @QuantifiedConstraints@.

                         Contravariant <---+
                                         +   +
(forall a . Functor (p a)) => Profunctor p a b
          +                              + +
          |                              | |
          +--> Quantified constraint     +++
                              Functor  <--+

Instances of 'Profunctor' should satisfy the following laws:

* __Identity:__ @'dimap' 'id' 'id' ≡ 'id'@
* __Composition:__ @'dimap' (inAB . inBC) (outYZ . outXY) ≡ 'dimap' outBC outYZ . 'dimap' outAB outXY@

-- type Profunctor :: (Type -> Type -> Type) -> Constraint
class (forall a . Functor (p a)) => Profunctor p where
        :: (in2 -> in1)  -- ^ Map input
        -> (out1 -> out2)  -- ^ Map output
        -> p in1 out1  -- ^ Take @in1@ as input and return @out1@
        -> p in2 out2  -- ^ Take @in2@ as input and return @out2@

-- | @since
instance Profunctor (->) where
    dimap :: (in2 -> in1) -> (out1 -> out2) -> (in1 -> out1) -> (in2 -> out2)
    dimap in21 out12 f = out12 . f . in21
    {-# INLINE dimap #-}

{- | @'Fun' m a b@ is a wrapper for function @a -> m b@.

newtype Fun m a b = Fun
    { unFun :: a -> m b

-- | @since
instance Functor m => Functor (Fun m x) where
    fmap :: (a -> b) -> Fun m x a -> Fun m x b
    fmap f (Fun xma) = Fun (fmap f . xma)
    {-# INLINE fmap #-}

-- | @since
instance Functor m => Profunctor (Fun m) where
    dimap :: (in2 -> in1) -> (out1 -> out2) -> Fun m in1 out1 -> Fun m in2 out2
    dimap in21 out12 (Fun f) = Fun (fmap out12 . f . in21)
    {-# INLINE dimap #-}

{- | 'Strong' is a 'Profunctor' that can be lifted to take a pair as
an input and return a pair.

The second element of a pair (variable of type @c@) can be of any
type, and you can decide what type it should be. This is convenient
for implementing various functions. E.g. 'lens' uses this fact.

class Profunctor p => Strong p where
    first  :: p a b -> p (a, c) (b, c)
    second :: p a b -> p (c, a) (c, b)

-- | @since
instance Strong (->) where
    first :: (a -> b) -> (a, c) -> (b, c)
    first ab (a, c) = (ab a, c)
    {-# INLINE first #-}

    second :: (a -> b) -> (c, a) -> (c, b)
    second ab (c, a) = (c, ab a)
    {-# INLINE second #-}

-- | @since
instance (Functor m) => Strong (Fun m) where
    first :: Fun m a b -> Fun m (a, c) (b, c)
    first (Fun amb) = Fun (\(a, c) -> fmap (, c) (amb a))
    {-# INLINE first #-}

    second :: Fun m a b -> Fun m (c, a) (c, b)
    second (Fun amb) = Fun (\(c, a) -> fmap (c,) (amb a))
    {-# INLINE second #-}

{- | 'Choice' is a 'Profunctor' that can be lifted to work with
'Either' given input or some other value.

The other element of 'Either' (variable of type @c@) can be of any
type, and you can decide what type it should be. This is convenient
for implementing various functions. E.g. 'prism' uses this fact.

class Profunctor p => Choice p where
    left  :: p a b -> p (Either a c) (Either b c)
    right :: p a b -> p (Either c a) (Either c b)

-- | @since
instance Choice (->) where
    left  :: (a -> b) -> Either a c -> Either b c
    left ab = \case
        Left a  -> Left $ ab a
        Right c -> Right c
    {-# INLINE left #-}

    right :: (a -> b) -> Either c a -> Either c b
    right ab = \case
        Right a -> Right $ ab a
        Left c  -> Left c
    {-# INLINE right #-}

-- | @since
instance (Applicative m) => Choice (Fun m) where
    left :: Fun m a b -> Fun m (Either a c) (Either b c)
    left (Fun amb)= Fun $ \eitherAc -> case eitherAc of
        Left a  -> Left <$> amb a
        Right c -> pure $ Right c
    {-# INLINE left #-}

    right :: Fun m a b -> Fun m (Either c a) (Either c b)
    right (Fun amb)= Fun $ \eitherCa -> case eitherCa of
        Right a -> Right <$> amb a
        Left c  -> pure $ Left c
    {-# INLINE right #-}

{- | 'Monoidal' is 'Strong' 'Profunctor' that can be appended. It is
similar to 'Monoid's but for higher-kinded types.

class Strong p => Monoidal p where
    pappend :: p a b -> p c d -> p (a, c) (b, d)
    pempty :: p a a

-- | @since
instance Monoidal (->) where
    pappend :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> (a, c) -> (b, d)
    pappend ab cd (a, c) = (ab a, cd c)
    {-# INLINE pappend #-}

    pempty :: a -> a
    pempty = id
    {-# INLINE pempty #-}

-- | @since
instance (Applicative m) => Monoidal (Fun m) where
    pappend :: Fun m a b -> Fun m c d -> Fun m (a, c) (b, d)
    pappend (Fun amb) (Fun cmd) = Fun (\(a, c) -> liftA2 (,) (amb a) (cmd c))
    {-# INLINE pappend #-}

    pempty :: Fun m a a
    pempty = Fun (pure . id)
    {-# INLINE pempty #-}

{- | 'Optic' takes a connection from @a@ to @b@ (represented as a
value of type @p a b@) and returns a connection from @source@ to
@target@ (represented as a value of type @p source target@).

           +---> Profunctor
           | +----> Final input
           | |
           | |      +-> Final output
           | |      |
           + +      +
type Optic p source target a b
                           + +
                           | |
            Given input <--+ |
        Given output <-------+

type Optic p source target a b = p a b -> p source target

{- $lenses

== Example

To understand better how to use this library lets look at some simple example.
Let's say we have the user and address data types in our system:

>>> :{
data Address = Address
    { addressCountry :: String
    , addressCity    :: String
    , addressIndex   :: String
    } deriving (Show)

>>> :{
data User = User
    { userName    :: String
    , userAge     :: Int
    , userAddress :: Address
    } deriving (Show)

We can easily get fields of the @User@ and @Address@ types, but
setting values is inconvenient (especially for nested records). To
solve this problem, we can use lenses — composable getters and
setters. 'Lens' is a value, so we need to define lenses for fields of
our data types first.

To create the lens for the @userName@ field we can use 'lens' function and
manually writing getter and setter function:

>>> :{
nameL :: Lens' User String
nameL = lens getter setter
    getter :: User -> String
    getter = userName
    setter :: User -> String -> User
    setter user newName = user {userName = newName}

In this manner, we can create other lenses for our @User@ data type.
Usually, lenses are one-liners, and we can define them easily using lambda-functions.

>>> :{
ageL :: Lens' User Int
ageL = lens userAge (\u new -> u {userAge = new})

>>> :{
addressL :: Lens' User Address
addressL = lens userAddress (\u new -> u {userAddress = new})

We want to have lenses for accessing @Adress@ fields inside @User@, so we want to have the following values:

countryL :: 'Lens'' User 'String'
cityL    :: 'Lens'' User 'String'
indexL   :: 'Lens'' User 'String'

/Note:/ for lenses as @countryL@, @cityL@ etc., we are using composition of the
lenses for the @userAddress@ field. If we have

>>> :{
addressCityL :: Lens' Address String
addressCityL = lens addressCity (\a new -> a {addressCity = new})


>>> cityL = addressL . addressCityL

Let's say we have some sample user

>>> :{
address = Address
    { addressCountry = "UK"
    , addressCity    = "London"
    , addressIndex   = "XXX"
user :: User
user = User
    { userName = "John"
    , userAge  = 42
    , userAddress = address

To view the fields of the User data type we can use 'view' or '^.'

>>> view ageL user
>>> user ^. cityL

If we want to change any of the user's data, we should use 'set' or '.~'

>>> set nameL "Johnny" user
User {userName = "Johnny", userAge = 42, userAddress = Address {addressCountry = "UK", addressCity = "London", addressIndex = "XXX"}}
>>> user & cityL .~ "Bristol"
User {userName = "John", userAge = 42, userAddress = Address {addressCountry = "UK", addressCity = "Bristol", addressIndex = "XXX"}}

'over' or '%~' operator could be useful when, for example, you want to increase the age by one on the user's birthday:

>>> over ageL succ user
User {userName = "John", userAge = 43, userAddress = Address {addressCountry = "UK", addressCity = "London", addressIndex = "XXX"}}
>>> user & ageL %~ succ
User {userName = "John", userAge = 43, userAddress = Address {addressCountry = "UK", addressCity = "London", addressIndex = "XXX"}}

{- | 'Lens' represents composable getters and setters.

'Lens' is an @'Optic' p@ with the 'Strong' constraint on the @p@ type variable.

          +---> Current object
          |      +-> Final object
          |      |
          +      +
type Lens source target a b
                        + +
                        | |
       Current field <--+ |
      Final field <-------+

type Lens source target a b = forall p . Strong p => Optic p source target a b

{- | The monomorphic lenses which don't change the type of the container (or of
the value inside). It has a 'Strong' constraint, and it can be used whenever a
getter or a setter is needed.

  * @a@ is the type of the value inside of structure
  * @source@ is the type of the whole structure

For most use-cases it's enought to use this 'Lens'' instead of more general 'Lens'.

type Lens' source a = Lens source source a a

{- | Sets the given value to the structure using a setter.

set :: (p ~ (->))
    => Optic p source target a b  -- ^ 'Optic' that can be lens
    -> b  -- ^ Value to set
    -> source  -- ^ Object where we want to set value
    -> target  -- ^ Resulting object with @b@ set
set abst = abst . const
{-# INLINE set #-}

{- | Applies the given function to the target.

    :: (p ~ (->))
    => Optic p source target a b  -- ^ 'Optic' that can be lens
    -> (a -> b)  -- ^ Field modification function
    -> source  -- ^ Object where we want to set value
    -> target  -- ^ Resulting object with the modified field
over = id
{-# INLINE over #-}

{- | Gets a value out of a structure using a getter.

    :: (p ~ Fun (Const a))
    => Optic p source target a b  -- ^ 'Optic' that can be lens
    -> source  -- ^ Object from which we want to get value
    -> a  -- ^ Field of @source@
view opt = coerce (opt (Fun Const))
{-# INLINE view #-}
-- view opt = getConst . unFun (opt (Fun Const))
-- opt :: Fun (Const a) a b -> Fun (Const a) s t
-- opt :: (a -> Const a b) -> ( s -> Const a t)

{- | Creates 'Lens' from the getter and setter.

    :: (source -> a)  -- ^ Getter
    -> (source -> b -> target)  -- ^ Setter
    -> Lens source target a b
lens getter setter = dimap (\s -> (s, getter s)) (uncurry setter) . second
{-# INLINE lens #-}

{- | The operator form of 'view' with the arguments flipped.

infixl 8 ^.
(^.) :: source -> Lens' source a -> a
s ^. l = view l s
{-# INLINE (^.) #-}

{- | The operator form of 'set'.

infixr 4 .~
(.~) :: Lens' source a -> a -> source -> source
(.~) = set
{-# INLINE (.~) #-}

{- | The operator form of 'over'.

infixr 4 %~
(%~) :: Lens' source a -> (a -> a) -> source -> source
(%~) = over
{-# INLINE (%~) #-}

{- | 'Lens'' for a tuple on the first argument.

>>> view fstL (42, "str")

fstL :: Lens (a, c) (b, c) a b
fstL = lens fst $ \(_, b) new -> (new, b)
{-# INLINE fstL #-}

{- | 'Lens'' for a tuple on the second argument.

>>> view sndL (42, "Hello")

sndL :: Lens (x, a) (x, b) a b
sndL = lens snd $ \(a, _) new -> (a, new)
{-# INLINE sndL #-}

{- $prisms
Prisms work with sum types.

== Example

Let's say we have the user data type in our system:

>>> :{
data Address = Address
    { addressCountry :: String
    , addressCity    :: String
    } deriving (Show)

>>> :{
data Payload
    = NamePayload String
    | IdPayload Int
    | AddressPayload Address
    deriving (Show)

To create the prism for each constructor we can use 'prism'' function and
manually writing getter and setter function:

/NOTE:/ The naming convention for prisms is the following:


>>> :{
_NamePayload :: Prism' Payload String
_NamePayload = prism' construct match
    match :: Payload -> Maybe String
    match p = case p of
        NamePayload name -> Just name
        _otherPayload -> Nothing
    construct :: String -> Payload
    construct = NamePayload

In this manner, we can create other prisms for our @Payload@ data type.

>>> :{
_IdPayload :: Prism' Payload Int
_IdPayload = prism' IdPayload $ \p -> case p of
    IdPayload i -> Just i
    _otherPayload -> Nothing

>>> :{
_AddressPayload :: Prism' Payload Address
_AddressPayload = prism' AddressPayload $ \p -> case p of
    AddressPayload a -> Just a
    _otherPayload -> Nothing

Let's say we have some sample payload

>>> :{
payloadName :: Payload
payloadName = NamePayload "Some name"

To view the fields of the @Payload@ data type we can use 'preview'

>>> preview _NamePayload payloadName
Just "Some name"
>>> preview _IdPayload payloadName

If we want to change any of the data, we should use 'set' or '.~' (just like in lenses)

>>> set _NamePayload "Johnny" payloadName
NamePayload "Johnny"
>>> set _IdPayload 3 payloadName
NamePayload "Some name"

Note, that you can easily compose lenses and prisms together:

>>> :{
address = Address
    { addressCountry = "UK"
    , addressCity    = "London"

>>> :{
addressCityL :: Lens' Address String
addressCityL = lens addressCity (\a new -> a {addressCity = new})

>>> :{
payloadAddress :: Payload
payloadAddress = AddressPayload address

>>> set _AddressPayload (address & addressCityL .~ "Bristol") payloadAddress
AddressPayload (Address {addressCountry = "UK", addressCity = "Bristol"})

{- | 'Prism' represents composable constructors and deconstructors.

'Prism' is an @'Optic' p@ with 'Choice' constraint on the @p@ type

                   +---> Current object
                   |      +-> Final object
                   |      |
                   +      +
        type Prism source target a b
                                 + +
                                 | |
 Field in current constructor <--+ |
Field in final constructor <-------+

type Prism source target a b = forall p . Choice p => Optic p source target a b

{- | The monomorphic prisms which don't change the type of the container (or of
the value inside).

  * @a@ is the value inside the particular constructor
  * @source@ is some sum type

type Prism' source a = Prism source source a a

{- | Newtype around function @a -> r@. It's called /forget/ because it
forgets about its last type variable.

newtype Forget r a b = Forget
    { unForget :: a -> r

-- | @since
instance Functor (Forget r x) where
    fmap :: (a -> b) -> Forget r x a -> Forget r x b
    fmap _ = coerce

-- | @since
instance Profunctor (Forget r) where
    dimap :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> Forget r b c -> Forget r a d
    dimap ab _cd (Forget br) = Forget (br . ab)
    {-# INLINE dimap #-}

-- | @since
instance Strong (Forget r) where
    first :: Forget r a b -> Forget r (a, c) (b, c)
    first (Forget ar) = Forget (ar . fst)
    {-# INLINE first #-}

    second :: Forget r a b -> Forget r (c, a) (c, b)
    second (Forget ar) = Forget (ar . snd)
    {-# INLINE second #-}

-- | @since
instance Monoid r => Choice (Forget r) where
    left :: Forget r a b -> Forget r (Either a c) (Either b c)
    left (Forget ar) = Forget (either ar (const mempty))
    {-# INLINE left #-}

    right :: Forget r a b -> Forget r (Either c a) (Either c b)
    right (Forget ar) = Forget (either (const mempty) ar)
    {-# INLINE right #-}

-- | @since
instance (Monoid r) => Monoidal (Forget r) where
    pappend :: Forget r a b -> Forget r c d -> Forget r (a, c) (b, d)
    pappend (Forget ar) (Forget cr) = Forget (\(a, c) -> ar a <> cr c)
    {-# INLINE pappend #-}

    pempty :: Forget r a a
    pempty = Forget (const mempty)
    {-# INLINE pempty #-}

{- | Match a value from @source@ type.

    :: forall a source p
    .  (p ~ Forget (First a))
    => Optic p source source a a  -- ^ 'Optic' that can be prism
    -> source  -- ^ Object (possible sum type)
    -> Maybe a  -- ^ Value of type @a@ from a specific constructor
preview paapss = coerce (paapss wrap)
    wrap :: Forget (First a) a a
    wrap = coerce @(a -> Maybe a) @(Forget (First a) a a) Just
    {-# INLINE wrap #-}
{-# INLINE preview #-}
-- preview paapss = getFirst . unForget (paapss (Forget (First . Just)))
-- paapss :: Forget (First a) a a -> Forget (First a) source source
-- paapss :: (a -> First a) -> source -> First a
-- paapss :: (a -> Maybe a) -> source -> Maybe a

{- | Create 'Prism' from constructor and matching function.

    :: (b -> target)  -- ^ Constructor
    -> (source -> Either target a)  -- ^ Matching function
    -> Prism source target a b
-- prism :: (b -> target) -> (source -> Either target a) -> p a b -> p source target
prism ctor match = dimap match (either id ctor) . right
{-# INLINE prism #-}

{- | Create monomorphic 'Prism'' from constructor and matching function.

    :: (a -> source)  -- ^ Constructor
    -> (source -> Maybe a)  -- ^ Matching function
    -> Prism' source a
prism' ctor match = prism ctor (\s -> maybe (Left s) Right $ match s)
{-# INLINE prism' #-}

{- | 'Prism' for a 'Just' of 'Maybe'.

>>> preview _Just (Just 42)
Just 42

>>> preview _Just Nothing

_Just :: Prism (Maybe a) (Maybe b) a b
_Just = prism Just $ \case
    Just a  -> Right a
    Nothing -> Left Nothing
{-# INLINE _Just #-}

{- | 'Prism' for a 'Left' of 'Either'.

>>> preview _Left (Left 42)
Just 42

>>> preview _Left (Right "Hello")

_Left :: Prism (Either a x) (Either b x) a b
_Left = prism Left $ \case
    Left l  -> Right l
    Right r -> Left $ Right r
{-# INLINE _Left #-}

{- | 'Prism' for a 'Left' of 'Either'.

>>> preview _Right (Left 42)

>>> preview _Right (Right "Hello")
Just "Hello"

_Right :: Prism (Either x a) (Either x b) a b
_Right = prism Right $ \case
    Right a -> Right a
    Left x  -> Left $ Left x
{-# INLINE _Right #-}

{- | 'Traversal' provides composable ways to visit different parts of
a data structure.

'Traversal' is an @'Optic' p@ with the 'Choice' and 'Monoidal'
constraints on the @p@ type variable.

               +---> Current collection
               |      +-> Final collection
               |      |
               +      +
type Traversal source target a b
                             + +
                             | |
          Current element <--+ |
         Final element <-------+

type Traversal source target a b
    = forall p
    . (Choice p, Monoidal p)
    => Optic p source target a b

{- | Traverse a data structure using given 'Traversal'.

>>> traverseOf eachPair putStrLn ("Hello", "World!")

    :: (Applicative f, p ~ Fun f)
    => Optic p source target a b  -- ^ 'Optic' that can be a traversal
    -> (a -> f b)  -- ^ Traversing function
    -> source  -- ^ Data structure to traverse
    -> f target  -- ^ Traversing result
traverseOf pabPst aFb = unFun (pabPst (Fun aFb))
-- pabPst :: Fun f a b -> Fun f source target
-- pabPst :: (a -> f b) -> Fun f source target

{- | 'Traversal' for a pair of same type elements.

>>> over eachPair (+ 1) (3, 7)

eachPair :: Traversal (a, a) (b, b) a b
eachPair pab = pappend pab pab

{- | 'Traversal' for a 'Maybe'.

>>> over eachMaybe (+ 1) (Just 3)
Just 4
>>> over eachMaybe (+ 1) Nothing

eachMaybe :: Traversal (Maybe a) (Maybe b) a b
eachMaybe pab = dimap maybeToEither eitherToMaybe (left pab)
    maybeToEither :: Maybe a -> Either a ()
    maybeToEither = \case
        Just a  -> Left a
        Nothing -> Right ()

    eitherToMaybe :: Either a () -> Maybe a
    eitherToMaybe = \case
        Left a   -> Just a
        Right () -> Nothing

{- | 'Traversal' for lists.

>>> over eachList (+ 1) [1..5]
>>> over eachList (+ 1) []

eachList :: Traversal [a] [b] a b
eachList pab = dimap listToEither eitherToList $ left $ pappend pab (eachList pab)
    listToEither :: [a] -> Either (a, [a]) ()
    listToEither = \case
        []   -> Right ()
        x:xs -> Left (x, xs)

    eitherToList :: Either (a, [a]) () -> [a]
    eitherToList = \case
        Right ()     -> []
        Left (x, xs) -> x:xs