prosper- Bindings to the Prosper marketplace API

Safe HaskellNone




invest :: User -> Money -> Listing -> IO InvestResponse Source

An investment request. This requires a User, an amount of Money, and a Listing.

account :: User -> IO Account Source

Request Account information from Prosper

allListings :: User -> IO (Vector Listing) Source

Send a request to the Listings end-point at Prosper

notes :: User -> IO (Vector Note) Source

Request notes for a Prosper user

listingFromNote :: User -> Note -> IO (Maybe Listing) Source

Given a Note, look up the associated Listing by the ListingId

listingCSV :: User -> Listing -> (InputStream ByteString -> IO a) -> IO a Source

Request a particular Listing via the CSV endpoint

data AccountException Source

Used as a hack around the 500 Critical Exception error