{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts #-}
Module      : Data.Representation
Description : Represent various data in a common type, such as text or tables
Copyright   : (c) Olaf Klinke
License     : GPL-3
Maintainer  : olaf.klinke@phymetric.de
Stability   : experimental

Haskell has no dependent types, whence we can store only one type of value 
at each node of the data dependency graph. If in addition to Pandoc 
you want to extract the data in a machine-readable format, 
then set the @alt@ type parameter of your Provenience actions accordingly 
and provide 'Representation' instances for all your variable values. 
Each call to @render@ or @renderWith@ automatically invokes a call to 'representation'. 

In order to keep the dependency list of this package small 
beyond the dependencies of pandoc, we have omitted 
many useful instances. 
Add your own instances as you see fit, for example 

instance Serializable a => Representation a ByteString where
    representation = toByteString

For spreadsheet-like representations, 

- basic values become single cells in a single row,
- foldable structures of basic values become single columns,
- doubly-nested structures of basic values become proper tables. 

module Data.Representation where
import Data.Spreadsheet
import Data.Time
import Data.Sequence
import Data.Ratio
import Data.Aeson.Types (Value,ToJSON(..))
import Text.Blaze (Markup,ToMarkup(..))

-- | A representation of type @a@ as type @b@, not necessarily invertible.  
class Representation a b where
    representation :: a -> b

-- | The Prelude provides a 'String' representation
instance Show a => Representation a String where
    representation = show

-- | Representation as JSON 'Value's
instance ToJSON a => Representation a Value where
    representation = toJSON

-- | Representation via blaze
instance ToMarkup a => Representation a Markup where
    representation = toMarkup

-- | Dummy instance when no alternative representation is required. 
-- @'representation' = 'const' ()@
instance Representation a () where
    representation = const ()
-- @()@ is the terminal object of the category @Hask@

-- single values are single cells in a single row
instance (ToRow StaticCellValue row) => Representation (Ratio Integer) (Seq row) where  -- needed to resolve overlap because Ratio could be Foldable
    representation x = pure (cellList [CellNumber x])
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (ToRow StaticCellValue row, Real a) => Representation a (Seq row) where
    representation x = pure (cellList [CellNumber (toRational x)])
instance ToRow StaticCellValue row => Representation String (Seq row) where
    representation txt = pure (cellList [CellText txt])
instance ToRow StaticCellValue row => Representation Bool (Seq row) where
    representation b = pure (cellList [CellBool b])
instance ToRow StaticCellValue row => Representation ZonedTime (Seq row) where
    representation t = pure (cellList [CellTime t])

-- lists are single columns
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (Foldable f, ToRow StaticCellValue row, Real a) => Representation (f a) (Seq row) where
    representation = foldr (\x rows ->  (cellList [CellNumber (toRational x)]) <| rows) empty
instance (Foldable f, ToRow StaticCellValue row) =>  Representation (f String) (Seq row) where
    representation = foldr (\t rows ->  (cellList [CellText t]) <| rows) empty
instance (Foldable f, ToRow StaticCellValue row) =>  Representation (f Bool) (Seq row) where
    representation = foldr (\b rows ->  (cellList [CellBool b]) <| rows) empty
instance (Foldable f, ToRow StaticCellValue row) =>  Representation (f ZonedTime) (Seq row) where
    representation = foldr (\t rows ->  (cellList [CellTime t]) <| rows) empty

-- nested lists become tables
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (Foldable r, ToRow StaticCellValue row, Traversable c, Real a) => Representation (r (c a)) (Seq row) where
    representation = foldr (\xs rows -> cellList (fmap (CellNumber . toRational) xs) <| rows) empty
instance (Foldable r, ToRow StaticCellValue row, Traversable c) => Representation (r (c String)) (Seq row) where
    representation = foldr (\xs rows -> cellList (fmap CellText xs) <| rows) empty
instance (Foldable r, ToRow StaticCellValue row, Traversable c) => Representation (r (c Bool)) (Seq row) where
    representation = foldr (\xs rows -> cellList (fmap CellBool xs) <| rows) empty
instance (Foldable r, ToRow StaticCellValue row, Traversable c) => Representation (r (c ZonedTime)) (Seq row) where
    representation = foldr (\xs rows -> cellList (fmap CellTime xs) <| rows) empty