purescript-0.11.5: PureScript Programming Language Compiler

Safe HaskellNone




Make API

renderProgressMessage :: ProgressMessage -> String Source #

Render a progress message

data MakeActions m Source #

Actions that require implementations when running in "make" mode.

This type exists to make two things abstract:

  • The particular backend being used (JavaScript, C++11, etc.)
  • The details of how files are read/written etc.




type Externs = ByteString Source #

Generated code for an externs file.

rebuildModule :: forall m. (Monad m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m) => MakeActions m -> [ExternsFile] -> Module -> m ExternsFile Source #

Rebuild a single module.

This function is used for fast-rebuild workflows (PSCi and psc-ide are examples).

make :: forall m. (Monad m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m) => MakeActions m -> [Module] -> m [ExternsFile] Source #

Compiles in "make" mode, compiling each module separately to a .js file and an externs.json file.

If timestamps have not changed, the externs file can be used to provide the module's types without having to typecheck the module again.

Implementation of Make API using files on disk

newtype Make a Source #

A monad for running make actions


Monad Make Source # 


(>>=) :: Make a -> (a -> Make b) -> Make b #

(>>) :: Make a -> Make b -> Make b #

return :: a -> Make a #

fail :: String -> Make a #

Functor Make Source # 


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Make a -> Make b #

(<$) :: a -> Make b -> Make a #

Applicative Make Source # 


pure :: a -> Make a #

(<*>) :: Make (a -> b) -> Make a -> Make b #

(*>) :: Make a -> Make b -> Make b #

(<*) :: Make a -> Make b -> Make a #

MonadIO Make Source # 


liftIO :: IO a -> Make a #

MonadReader Options Make Source # 


ask :: Make Options #

local :: (Options -> Options) -> Make a -> Make a #

reader :: (Options -> a) -> Make a #

MonadError MultipleErrors Make Source # 
MonadBaseControl IO Make Source # 

Associated Types

type StM (Make :: * -> *) a :: * #


liftBaseWith :: (RunInBase Make IO -> IO a) -> Make a #

restoreM :: StM Make a -> Make a #

MonadWriter MultipleErrors Make Source # 
MonadBase IO Make Source # 


liftBase :: IO α -> Make α #

type StM Make a Source # 

runMake :: Options -> Make a -> IO (Either MultipleErrors a, MultipleErrors) Source #

Execute a Make monad, returning either errors, or the result of the compile plus any warnings.

makeIO :: (IOError -> ErrorMessage) -> IO a -> Make a Source #

Run an IO action in the Make monad, by specifying how IO errors should be rendered as ErrorMessage values.

readTextFile :: FilePath -> Make ByteString Source #

Read a text file in the Make monad, capturing any errors using the MonadError instance.

buildMakeActions Source #


:: FilePath

the output directory

-> Map ModuleName (Either RebuildPolicy FilePath)

a map between module names and paths to the file containing the PureScript module

-> Map ModuleName FilePath

a map between module name and the file containing the foreign javascript for the module

-> Bool

Generate a prefix comment?

-> MakeActions Make 

A set of make actions that read and write modules from the given directory.

inferForeignModules :: forall m. MonadIO m => Map ModuleName (Either RebuildPolicy FilePath) -> m (Map ModuleName FilePath) Source #

Infer the module name for a module by looking for the same filename with a .js extension.