querystring-pickle-0.1.9: Picklers for de/serialising Generic data types to and from query strings

Safe HaskellNone





class IsQuery a whereSource

A type that has a pairing of pickler + unpickler.

Using the DeriveGeneric language extension, this class specifies a default generic implementation using genericQueryPickler.

For example:

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}

import GHC.Generics

data Foo = Foo { fooIntX :: Int, fooIntY :: Int } deriving (Generic)

instance IsQuery Foo

Note that you can parameterise some of the options to genericQueryPickler by specifying an implementation instead of using DefaultSignatures.

The previous example:

 instance IsQuery Foo where
     queryPickler = genericQueryPickler defaultQueryOptions

More examples of creating queryPickler implementations can be found in the README or in the tests.


queryPickler :: PU aSource


toQuery :: IsQuery a => a -> [(ByteString, ByteString)]Source

Pickle a data type with an IsQuery instance to an association list.

fromQuery :: IsQuery a => [(ByteString, ByteString)] -> Either String aSource

Unpickle an association list to an IsQuery type, returning an error message when unpickling fails.



:: (ByteString -> ByteString)

URL Value Encoder

-> [(ByteString, ByteString)]

Key/Value Pairs

-> ByteString 

Helper to encode an association list as a single canonical query string.



:: (ByteString -> ByteString)

URL Value Decoder

-> ByteString

Input Query String

-> [(ByteString, ByteString)] 

Helper to decode a query string to an association list.

Data Types

data Query Source

Internal tree representation for queries.

data QueryPU a Source

Pairing of pickler to unpickler.




pickle :: a -> Query
unpickle :: Query -> Either String a


data QueryOptions Source

Options for genericQueryPickler to parameterise how constructor and record field labels are un/pickled.

For example:

import GHC.Generics

data Bar { barThisIsAByteString :: ByteString } deriving (Generic)

instance IsQuery Foo where
     queryPickler = genericQueryPickler $ Options
         { queryCtorModifier  = id
         , queryFieldModifier = dropWhile isLower

Would remove bar from the record field barThisIsAByteString so the resulting pair for that field in the association list would be (ThisIsAByteString, n :: Int).

The above example is how defaultQueryOptions behaves.




queryCtorModifier :: String -> String

Function applied to constructor tags.

queryFieldModifier :: String -> String

Function applied to record field labels.

defaultQueryOptions :: QueryOptionsSource

Strips lowercase prefixes from record fields.

loweredQueryOptions :: QueryOptionsSource

Strips lowercase prefixes from record fields and subsequently lowercases the remaining identifier.


class GIsQuery f whereSource


gQueryPickler :: QueryOptions -> PU a -> PU (f a)Source


GIsQuery U1 
IsQuery a => GIsQuery (K1 i a) 
(AllNullary (:+: a b) allNullary, NullIsQuery (:+: a b) allNullary) => GIsQuery (:+: a b) 
CtorIsQuery a => GIsQuery (C1 c a) 
GIsQuery a => GIsQuery (M1 i d a) 


qpWrap :: (a -> b, b -> a) -> PU a -> PU bSource

qpElem :: ByteString -> PU a -> PU aSource

qpPair :: PU a -> PU b -> PU (a, b)Source

qpLift :: a -> PU aSource

qpPrim :: (Read a, Show a) => PU aSource

qpOption :: PU a -> PU (Maybe a)Source

qpDefault :: a -> PU a -> PU aSource

qpSum :: PU (f r) -> PU (g r) -> PU ((f :+: g) r)Source

qpEither :: PU a -> PU b -> PU (Either a b)Source

qpOrdinalList :: PU a -> PU [a]Source

qpList :: PU a -> PU [a]Source