quiver- Quiver finite stream processing library

Copyright© 2015 Patryk Zadarnowski <pat@jantar.org>
Safe HaskellSafe



This module provides the core types and combinators of the Quiver stream processing library.



data P a' a b' b f r Source

The main Quiver stream processor type P a' a b' b f r, representing a producerconsumer structure with bidirectional/, bounded communication on both the upstream (consumer) and downstream (producer) channel. The six type parameters have the following intuitive meaning:

  • a' is the type of a request values sent by the stream processor to its upstream partner in order to receive the next element of the input stream.
  • a is the type of the actual information being consumed by this stream processor (i.e., its input stream.)
  • b' is the type of the response values received from the downstream partner for each elemnet of the output stream produced by this stream processor.
  • f is the type of the stream processor's base functor; usually this is a monad used for stateful stream processing, exception handling and/or real-world interaction.
  • r is the stream processor's delivery type, used for monadic stream processor definition.

Every stream processor is a functor over its delivery type. However, if the base functor f meets the additional requirements of Applicative or Monad, so will the stream processor itself. Note that, unlike most other stream processing libraries, f is not required to be a monad in most applications, although only time will tell whether this generalisation has useful applications in the real world.


Monad f => Monad (P a' a b' b f) Source 
Functor f => Functor (P a' a b' b f) Source 
Applicative f => Applicative (P a' a b' b f) Source 

type Consumer a' a f r = forall b' b. P a' a b' b f r Source

A Quiver consumer, represented by a stream processor with unspecified output types.

type Producer b' b f r = forall a' a. P a' a b' b f r Source

A Quiver producer, represented by a stream processor with unspecified input types.

type Effect f r = forall a' a b' b. P a' a b' b f r Source

A Quiver effect, represented by a stream processor with unspecified input and output types.

consume :: a' -> (a -> P a' a b' b f r) -> Producer b' b f r -> P a' a b' b f r Source

consume x k q represents a consumer step, in which the request x is sent upstream and the returned input value is supplied to the continuation processor k, or, if the upstream partner has been depleted (i.e., delivered its ultimate result, hence reaching the end of processing), to the decoupled continuation q.

produce :: b -> (b' -> P a' a b' b f r) -> Consumer a' a f r -> P a' a b' b f r Source

produce y k q represent a producer step, in which the output value y is sent downstream, and the returned acknowledgement is supplied to the continuation processor k, or, if the downstream partner has been decoupled (i.e., delivered its ultimate result, hence reaching the end of processing), to the depleted continuation q.

enclose :: f (P a' a b' b f r) -> P a' a b' b f r Source

enclose allows for selective application of the base functor f the the remainder of the computation.

deliver :: r -> P a' a b' b f r Source

deliver r completes processing of information, delivering its ultimate result r.

decouple :: Functor f => P a' a b' b f r -> Producer b' b f r Source

decouple p decouples the stream processor p, by replacing the first consumer step in p with that step's decoupled contination, effectively converting p into a producer processor that no longer expects to receive any input.

deplete :: Functor f => P a' a b' b f r -> Consumer a' a f r Source

deplete p depletes the stream processor p, by replacing the first producer step in p with that step's depleted contination, effectively converting p into a consumer processor that will never produce any more output.

fetch :: a' -> P a' a b' b f (Maybe a) Source

fetch x represents a singleton stream processor that sends the request value x upstream and delivers the next input value received, or Nothing if the upstream processor has been depleted.

fetch' :: a' -> Producer b' b f a -> P a' a b' b f a Source

fetch' x q represents a singleton stream processor that sends the request value x upstream and delivers the next input value received, or, if the upstream processor has been depleted, continues with the decoupled processor q.

emit :: b -> P a' a b' b f (Maybe b') Source

emit y represents a singleton stream processor that produces a single output value y and delivers the response received from the downstream processor, or Nothing if the downstream processor has been decoupled.

emit' :: b -> Consumer a' a f b' -> P a' a b' b f b' Source

emit' y q represents a singleton stream processor that produces a single output value y and delivers the response received from the downstream processor, or, if the downstream processor has been decoupled, continues with the depleted processor q.

emit_ :: b -> P a' a b' b f () Source

emit' y q represents a singleton stream processor that produces a single output value y, ignoring any response received from the downstream processor.

liftP :: Functor f => f r -> P a' a b' b f r Source

liftP lifts the value of a base functor into a stream processor.

(>>->) :: Functor f => P a' a b' b f r1 -> P b' b c' c f r2 -> P a' a c' c f (r1, r2) infixl 0 Source

The >>-> represents a push-based composition of stream processor. p1 >>-> p2 represents a stream processor that forwards the output of p1 to p2, delivering the result of both processors. The new processor is driven by p2, so, if the base functor represents a non-commutative monad, any effects of p2 will be observed before those of p1.

(>->>) :: Functor f => P a' a b' b f r1 -> P b' b c' c f r2 -> P a' a c' c f (r1, r2) infixl 0 Source

The >->> represents a pull-based composition of stream processor. p1 >->> p2 represents a stream processor that forwards the output of p1 to p2, delivering the result of both processors. The new processor is driven by p1, so, if the base functor represents a non-commutative monad, any effects of p1 will be observed before those of p2.