reflex-vty- Reflex FRP host and widgets for VTY applications

Safe HaskellNone



TextZipper is designed to be help manipulate the contents of a text input field. It keeps track of the logical lines of text (i.e., lines separated by user-entered newlines) and the current cursor position. Several functions are defined in this module to navigate and edit the TextZipper from the cursor position.

TextZippers can be converted into DisplayLines, which describe how the contents of the zipper will be displayed when wrapped to fit within a container of a certain width. It also provides some convenience facilities for converting interactions with the rendered DisplayLines back into manipulations of the underlying TextZipper.



data TextZipper Source #

A zipper of the logical text input contents (the "document"). The lines before the line containing the cursor are stored in reverse order. The cursor is logically between the "before" and "after" text. A "logical" line of input is a line of input up until a user-entered newline character (as compared to a "display" line, which is wrapped to fit within a given viewport width).

Show TextZipper Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Text.Zipper

IsString TextZipper Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Text.Zipper

mapZipper :: (Char -> Char) -> TextZipper -> TextZipper Source #

Map a replacement function over the characters in a TextZipper

left :: TextZipper -> TextZipper Source #

Move the cursor left one character, if possible

leftN :: Int -> TextZipper -> TextZipper Source #

Move the cursor left by the given number of characters, or, if the document isn't long enough, to the beginning of the document

right :: TextZipper -> TextZipper Source #

Move the cursor right one character, if possible

rightN :: Int -> TextZipper -> TextZipper Source #

Move the character right by the given number of characters, or, if the document isn't long enough, to the end of the document

up :: TextZipper -> TextZipper Source #

Move the cursor up one logical line, if possible

down :: TextZipper -> TextZipper Source #

Move the cursor down one logical line, if possible

pageUp :: Int -> TextZipper -> TextZipper Source #

Move the cursor up by the given number of lines

pageDown :: Int -> TextZipper -> TextZipper Source #

Move the cursor down by the given number of lines

home :: TextZipper -> TextZipper Source #

Move the cursor to the beginning of the current logical line

end :: TextZipper -> TextZipper Source #

Move the cursor to the end of the current logical line

top :: TextZipper -> TextZipper Source #

Move the cursor to the top of the document

insertChar :: Char -> TextZipper -> TextZipper Source #

Insert a character at the current cursor position

insert :: Text -> TextZipper -> TextZipper Source #

Insert text at the current cursor position

deleteLeft :: TextZipper -> TextZipper Source #

Delete the character to the left of the cursor

deleteRight :: TextZipper -> TextZipper Source #

Delete the character under/to the right of the cursor

deleteLeftWord :: TextZipper -> TextZipper Source #

Delete a word to the left of the cursor. Deletes all whitespace until it finds a non-whitespace character, and then deletes contiguous non-whitespace characters.

tab :: Int -> TextZipper -> TextZipper Source #

Insert up to n spaces to get to the next logical column that is a multiple of n

value :: TextZipper -> Text Source #

The plain text contents of the zipper

empty :: TextZipper Source #

The empty zipper

fromText :: Text -> TextZipper Source #

Constructs a zipper with the given contents. The cursor is placed after the contents.

data Span tag Source #

A span of text tagged with some metadata that makes up part of a display line.


Span tag Text 
Show tag => Show (Span tag) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Text.Zipper


showsPrec :: Int -> Span tag -> ShowS #

show :: Span tag -> String #

showList :: [Span tag] -> ShowS #

data WrappedLine Source #




Eq WrappedLine Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Text.Zipper

Show WrappedLine Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Text.Zipper

data DisplayLines tag Source #

Information about the document as it is displayed (i.e., post-wrapping)

Show tag => Show (DisplayLines tag) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Text.Zipper

splitAtWidth :: Int -> Text -> (Text, Text) Source #

Split a Text at the given column index. For example

splitAtWidth 3 "ᄀabc" == ("ᄀa", "bc")

because the first character has a width of two (see charWidth for more on that).

takeWidth :: Int -> Text -> Text Source #

Takes the given number of columns of characters. For example

takeWidth 3 "ᄀabc" == "ᄀa"

because the first character has a width of 2 (see charWidth for more on that). This function will not take a character if its width exceeds the width it seeks to take.

dropWidth :: Int -> Text -> Text Source #

Drops the given number of columns of characters. For example

dropWidth 2 "ᄀabc" == "abc"

because the first character has a width of 2 (see charWidth for more on that). This function will not drop a character if its width exceeds the width it seeks to drop.

charWidth :: Char -> Int Source #

Get the display width of a Char. "Full width" and "wide" characters take two columns and everything else takes a single column. See for more information This is implemented using wcwidth from Vty such that it matches what will be displayed on the terminal. Note that this method can change depending on how vty is configed. Please see vty documentation for details.

spansWidth :: [Span tag] -> Int Source #

Get the width of the text in a set of Spans, taking into account unicode character widths

spansLength :: [Span tag] -> Int Source #

Get the length (number of characters) of the text in a set of Spans

textWidth :: Text -> Int Source #

Compute the width of some Text, taking into account fullwidth unicode forms.

widthI :: Stream Char -> Int Source #

Compute the width of a stream of characters, taking into account fullwidth unicode forms.

charIndexAt :: Int -> Stream Char -> Int Source #

Compute the logical index position of a stream of characters from a visual position taking into account fullwidth unicode forms.

wordsWithWhitespace :: Text -> [Text] Source #

Same as T.words except whitespace characters are included at end (i.e. ["line1 ", ...]) Chars representing white space.

splitWordsAtDisplayWidth :: Int -> [Text] -> [(Text, Bool)] Source #

Split words into logical lines, True in the tuple indicates line ends with a whitespace character that got deleted

wrapWithOffsetAndAlignment Source #


:: TextAlignment 
-> Int

Maximum width

-> Int

Offset for first line

-> Text

Text to be wrapped

-> [WrappedLine] 

Wraps a logical line of text to fit within the given width. The first wrapped line is offset by the number of columns provided. Subsequent wrapped lines are not.

offsetMapWithAlignment Source #


:: [[(Text, Int)]]

The outer list represents logical lines, inner list represents wrapped lines

-> OffsetMapWithAlignment 

displayLinesWithAlignment Source #


:: TextAlignment 
-> Int

Width, used for wrapping

-> tag

Metadata for normal characters

-> tag

Metadata for the cursor

-> TextZipper

The text input contents and cursor state

-> DisplayLines tag 

Given a width and a TextZipper, produce a list of display lines (i.e., lines of wrapped text) with special attributes applied to certain segments (e.g., the cursor). Additionally, produce the current y-coordinate of the cursor and a mapping from display line number to text offset

goToDisplayLinePosition :: Int -> Int -> DisplayLines tag -> TextZipper -> TextZipper Source #

Move the cursor of the given TextZipper to the logical position indicated by the given display line coordinates, using the provided DisplayLinesWithAlignment information. If the x coordinate is beyond the end of a line, the cursor is moved to the end of the line.

displayLines Source #


:: Int

Width, used for wrapping

-> tag

Metadata for normal characters

-> tag

Metadata for the cursor

-> TextZipper

The text input contents and cursor state

-> DisplayLines tag 

Given a width and a TextZipper, produce a list of display lines (i.e., lines of wrapped text) with special attributes applied to certain segments (e.g., the cursor). Additionally, produce the current y-coordinate of the cursor and a mapping from display line number to text offset

wrapWithOffset Source #


:: Int

Maximum width

-> Int

Offset for first line

-> Text

Text to be wrapped

-> [Text] 

Wraps a logical line of text to fit within the given width. The first wrapped line is offset by the number of columns provided. Subsequent wrapped lines are not.