regex-do-2.5: PCRE wrapper

Safe HaskellSafe



extensible and reusable replacement functions

Run replacement with your preferred content types e.g. Data.Text, from search results with non-PCRE regex or non-regex libs

open an issue or a PR on git to request a new Extract' instance

Data.Text instance already works



class ReplaceOpen f r where Source


>>> replace (Just [(4,3)::PosLen]) (Replacement "4567") (Body "abc 123 def"::Body Text)

"abc 4567 def"

GroupReplacer :

>>> replacer::GroupReplacer Text
    replacer = defaultReplacer 1 tweak1        --  1: first match in group
          where tweak1 str1 = case str1 of
                                "123" -> "[1-2-3]"
                                otherwise -> traceShow str1 "?"
>>> replace (Just ([(4,3),(8,2)]::[PosLen])) replacer (Body "abc 123 def"::Body Text)

"abc [1-2-3] def"


replace :: (Extract' a, ToArray arr) => f arr -> r a -> Body a -> a Source

defaultReplacer Source


:: Extract' a 
=> Int

group idx

-> (a -> a)

(group match -> replacement) tweak

-> GroupReplacer a 

Replaces specified (by idx) group match with tweaked value. Works for one common simple use case

GroupReplacer can be used with complicated regex

another custom dynamic replacer could e.g. inspect all group matches before looking up a replacement.

getGroup :: Extract a => ReplaceAcc a -> MatchArray -> Int -> Maybe a Source

get group content safely

see defaultReplacer source for use example

replaceMatch Source


:: Extract' a 
=> PosLen

replaceable, unadjusted

-> (a, ReplaceAcc a)

(new val, acc passed to GroupReplacer)

-> ReplaceAcc a

new acc

call from your custom GroupReplacer passed to replaceGroup

see defaultReplacer source for use example