regex-do-2.6: PCRE wrapper

Safe HaskellSafe



newtype Test a Source


Test a

test: does body match pattern?


Hint Test Source 
MatchHint Test String Source 
MatchHint Test ByteString Source
>>> Test ("в"::ByteString) =~ "тихо в лесу"


MatchHint Test Utf8_ String Source 
MatchHint Test Utf8_ ByteString Source
>>> Test (toByteString "в") =~ toByteString "тихо в лесу"


type F Test String = Bool Source 
type F Test ByteString = Bool Source 
type F Test String = Bool Source 
type F Test ByteString = Bool Source 

newtype Once a Source


Once a



Functor Once Source 
Applicative Once Source 
Hint Once Source 
Matchf Once b Source 
MatchHint Once String Source
>>> Once ("^all"::String) =~ "all the time"


MatchHint Once ByteString Source 
MatchHint Once Utf8_ String Source
>>> Once ("^all"::String) =~ "all the time"


MatchHint Once Utf8_ ByteString Source 
Repl_ Maybe a repl b => Replace' Once a repl b Source

static replace for simple (no group) needle

for no-regex ByteString replacement see Text.Regex.Do.Split

>>> replace (Once (Pattern "^a\\s")) (Replacement "A") (Body "a bc")


dynamic group replace

>>> replace (Once (Pattern "\\w=(\\d{1,3})")) replacer $ Body "a=101 b=3 12"

"a=[1 0 1] b=3 12"

Replace' Once Utf8_ String Replacement Source 
Replace' Once Utf8_ ByteString Replacement Source 
Replace' Once Utf8_ ByteString GroupReplacer Source 
(Regex a, Replace' Once a repl b) => Replace a (repl b) (Once b) b Source

hint Body

>>> replace "^a\\s" (Replacement "A") $ Once "a bc"
(Regex b, Replace' Once Utf8_ b repl, Enc' repl Utf8_) => Replace b (repl b) (Once b) b Source

hint Body

>>> replace "праздник"
        (Replacement "радость")
        (Once "экзамен - всегда праздник")
type H Once = Maybe MatchArray Source 
type P Once = Maybe [PosLen] Source 
type F Once String = [String] Source 
type F Once ByteString = [ByteString] Source 
type F Once String = [String] Source 
type F Once ByteString = [ByteString] Source 

newtype All a Source


All a



Functor All Source 
Applicative All Source 
Hint All Source 
Matchf All b Source 
MatchHint All String Source 
MatchHint All ByteString Source 
MatchHint All Utf8_ String Source 
MatchHint All Utf8_ ByteString Source 
Repl_ [] a repl b => Replace' All a repl b Source

to tweak regex with Comp or Exec, see Text.Regex.Do.Type.Regex

dynamic group replace

custom replacer fn returns replacement value. See defaultReplacer

>>> replacer::GroupReplacer String
    replacer = defaultReplacer 1 tweak1
          where tweak1 str1 = case str1 of
                                "101" -> "[1 0 1]"
                                "3" -> "[ 3 ]"
                                otherwise -> trace str1 "?"
>>> replace (All (Pattern "\\w=(\\d{1,3})")) replacer $ Body "a=101 b=3 12"

"a=[1 0 1] b=[ 3 ] 12"

Replace' All Utf8_ String Replacement Source 
Replace' All Utf8_ ByteString Replacement Source 
Replace' All Utf8_ ByteString GroupReplacer Source
>>> replacer::GroupReplacer (Utf8_ ByteString)
        replacer = defaultReplacer 1 tweak1
         where tweak1 bs1 = toByteString' $
                               if bs1 == toByteString' "左" then
                                      else "?"
>>> runFn1 `shouldBe` toByteString "100メートルー右ー折後、左"
       where runFn1 =
                let rx1 = Pattern $ toByteString' "(?<=ル)(左)"
                    body1 = Body $ toByteString' "100メートル左折後、左"
                in replace (All rx1) replacer body1        
(Regex a, Replace' All a repl b) => Replace a (repl b) (All b) b Source

hint Body

(Regex b, Replace' All Utf8_ b repl, Enc' repl Utf8_) => Replace b (repl b) (All b) b Source

hint Body

>>> replace "праздник"
        (Replacement "радость")
        (All "экзамен - всегда праздник")
type H All = [MatchArray] Source 
type P All = [[PosLen]] Source 
type F All String = [[String]] Source 
type F All ByteString = [[ByteString]] Source 
type F All String = [[String]] Source 
type F All ByteString = [[ByteString]] Source 

newtype PosLen' a Source


PosLen' a



Hint PosLen' Source 
MatchHint PosLen' String Source
>>> PosLen' ("и"::String) =~ "бывает и хуже"


MatchHint PosLen' ByteString Source 
MatchHint PosLen' Utf8_ String Source
>>> PosLen' ("и"::String) =~ "бывает и хуже"


MatchHint PosLen' Utf8_ ByteString Source 
type F PosLen' String = [PosLen] Source 
type F PosLen' ByteString = [PosLen] Source 
type F PosLen' String = [PosLen] Source 
type F PosLen' ByteString = [PosLen] Source 

class Hint hint where Source


unhint :: hint a -> a Source

hint :: a -> hint a Source

swap :: Hint hint => hint a -> b -> hint b Source