module Data.Repa.Convert.Format.Numeric
        ( IntAsc                (..)
        , IntAsc0               (..)
        , DoubleAsc             (..)
        , DoubleFixedPack       (..))
import Data.Repa.Convert.Internal.Format
import Data.Repa.Convert.Internal.Packable
import GHC.Exts
import Data.Word
import qualified Data.Repa.Scalar.Int           as S
import qualified Data.Repa.Scalar.Double        as S
import qualified Foreign.ForeignPtr             as F
import qualified Foreign.Marshal.Utils          as F
import qualified Foreign.Ptr                    as F
import Prelude hiding (fail)
#include "repa-convert.h"

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IntAsc
-- | Human-readable ASCII Integer.
data IntAsc     = IntAsc        deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Format IntAsc where
 type Value IntAsc      = Int

 fieldCount _           = 1
 {-# INLINE minSize    #-}

 minSize    _           = 1
 {-# INLINE fieldCount #-}

 fixedSize  _           = Nothing
 {-# INLINE fixedSize  #-}

 -- Max length of a pretty printed 64-bit Int is 20 bytes including sign.
 packedSize _ _         = Just 20
 {-# INLINE packedSize #-}

instance Packable IntAsc where

 packer IntAsc (I# v) dst _fails k
  = do  len     <- S.storeInt# dst v
        let !(Ptr dst') = F.plusPtr (Ptr dst) len
        k dst'
 {-# INLINE packer #-}

instance Unpackable IntAsc where

 unpacker IntAsc start end _stop fail eat
  = let !len = I# (minusAddr# end start) in
    if len > 0
     then do
        S.loadInt (pw8 start) len
                (\val (I# off) -> eat (plusAddr# start off) val)
     else fail
 {-# INLINE unpacker #-}

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IntAsc
-- | Human-readable ASCII integer,
--   using leading zeros to pad the encoding out to a fixed length.
data IntAsc0    = IntAsc0 Int   deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Format IntAsc0 where
 type Value IntAsc0     = Int
 fieldCount _           = 1
 minSize    _           = 1
 fixedSize  _           = Nothing

 -- Max length of a pretty printed 64-bit Int is 20 bytes including sign.
 packedSize (IntAsc0 n) _ = Just (n + 20)
 {-# INLINE minSize    #-}
 {-# INLINE fieldCount #-}
 {-# INLINE fixedSize  #-}
 {-# INLINE packedSize #-}

instance Packable IntAsc0 where

 packer (IntAsc0 (I# pad)) (I# v) dst _fails k
  = do  len     <- S.storeIntPad# dst v pad
        let !(Ptr dst') = F.plusPtr (Ptr dst) len
        k dst'
 {-# INLINE packer #-}

instance Unpackable IntAsc0 where

 unpacker (IntAsc0 _) start end _stop fail eat
  = let !len = I# (minusAddr# end start) in
    if  len > 0
     then do
        S.loadInt (pw8 start) len
                (\val (I# off) -> eat (plusAddr# start off) val)
     else fail
 {-# INLINE unpacker #-}

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DoubleAsc
-- | Human-readable ASCII Double.
data DoubleAsc  = DoubleAsc     deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Format DoubleAsc where
 type Value DoubleAsc   = Double
 fieldCount _           = 1
 minSize    _           = 1
 fixedSize  _           = Nothing

 -- Max length of a pretty-printed 64-bit double is 24 bytes.
 packedSize _ _         = Just 24
 {-# INLINE minSize    #-}
 {-# INLINE fieldCount #-}
 {-# INLINE fixedSize  #-}
 {-# INLINE packedSize #-}

instance Packable DoubleAsc where

 packer  DoubleAsc v dst _fails k
  = do  (fptr, len)  <- S.storeDoubleShortest v
        F.withForeignPtr fptr $ \ptr
         -> F.copyBytes (Ptr dst) ptr len
        let !(Ptr dst') = F.plusPtr (Ptr dst) len
        k dst'
 {-# INLINE packer   #-}

instance Unpackable DoubleAsc where

 unpacker DoubleAsc start end _stop fail eat
  = let !len = I# (minusAddr# end start) in
    if len > 0
      then do
        (v, I# o)  <- S.loadDouble (pw8 start) len
        eat (plusAddr# start o) v
      else fail
 {-# INLINE unpacker #-}

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DoubleFixedPack
-- | Human-readable ASCII Double.
--   When packing we use a fixed number of zeros after the decimal
--   point, though when unpacking we allow a greater precision.
data DoubleFixedPack    = DoubleFixedPack Int   deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Format DoubleFixedPack where
 type Value DoubleFixedPack = Double
 fieldCount _           = 1
 minSize    _           = 1
 fixedSize  _           = Nothing

 -- Max length of a pretty-printed 64-bit double is 24 bytes.
 packedSize (DoubleFixedPack prec) _
                        = Just (24 + prec)
 {-# INLINE minSize    #-}
 {-# INLINE fieldCount #-}
 {-# INLINE fixedSize  #-}
 {-# INLINE packedSize #-}

instance Packable DoubleFixedPack where

 packer   (DoubleFixedPack prec) v dst _fails k
  = do  (fptr, len)  <- S.storeDoubleFixed prec v
        F.withForeignPtr fptr $ \ptr
         -> F.copyBytes (Ptr dst) ptr len
        let !(Ptr dst') = F.plusPtr (Ptr dst) len
        k dst'
 {-# INLINE packer #-}

instance Unpackable DoubleFixedPack where

 unpacker (DoubleFixedPack _) start end _stop fail eat
  = let !len = I# (minusAddr# end start) in
    if len > 0
     then do
       (v, I# o)  <- S.loadDouble (pw8 start) len
       eat (plusAddr# start o) v
     else fail
 {-# INLINE unpacker #-}

pw8 :: Addr# -> Ptr Word8
pw8 addr = Ptr addr
{-# INLINE pw8 #-}