rerefined-0.2.0: Refinement types, again
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




data CompareLength (op :: RelOp) (n :: Natural) Source #

Compare length to a type-level Natural using the given RelOp.


Instances details
(KnownNat n, Foldable f, ReifyRelOp op) => Refine1 (CompareLength op n :: Type) (f :: Type -> Type) Source #

Compare the length of a Foldable to a type-level Natural using the given RelOp.

Instance details

Defined in Rerefined.Predicate.Relational.Length


validate1 :: forall (a :: k1). Proxy# (CompareLength op n) -> f a -> Maybe (RefineFailure String) Source #

(Typeable op, KnownNat n) => Predicate (CompareLength op n :: Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Rerefined.Predicate.Relational.Length

(KnownNat n, MonoFoldable a, ReifyRelOp op) => Refine (CompareLength op n :: Type) a Source #

Compare the length of a MonoFoldable to a type-level Natural using the given RelOp.

Instance details

Defined in Rerefined.Predicate.Relational.Length

widenCompareLength :: forall m op n a. WROE op n m => Refined (CompareLength op n) a -> Refined (CompareLength op m) a Source #

Widen a length comparison predicate.

Only valid widenings are permitted, checked at compile time.

Example: Given a >= 1, we know also that a >= 0. Thus, this function allows you to turn a Refined (CompareLength GTE 1) a into a Refined (CompareLength GTE 0) a.

TODO improve type error here

type WROE op n m = WROE' op n m (WidenRelOp op n m) Source #

type family WROE' (op :: RelOp) (n :: Natural) (m :: Natural) (b :: Bool) where ... Source #


WROE' op n m True = () 
WROE' op n m False = TypeError (((Text "can't widen relational equation " :$$: ((ShowType op :<>: Text " ") :<>: ShowType n)) :$$: Text "to") :$$: ((ShowType op :<>: Text " ") :<>: ShowType m))