riak- A Haskell client for the Riak decentralized data store

MaintainerBryan O'Sullivan <bos@mailrank.com>




A client for the Riak decentralized data store.

The functions in this module use JSON as the storage representation, and automatically perform conflict resolution during storage and retrieval.

This library is organized to allow a tradeoff between power and ease of use. If you would like a different degree of automation with storage and conflict resolution, you may want to use one of the following modules (ranked from easiest to most tricky to use):

JSON for storage, automatic conflict resolution. (This module actually re-exports its definitions.) This is the easiest module to work with.
JSON for storage, manual conflict resolution.
More complex (but still automatic) storage, automatic conflict resolution.
More complex (but still automatic) storage, manual conflict resolution.
manual storage, manual conflict resolution. This is the most demanding module to work with, as you must encode and decode data yourself, and handle all conflict resolution yourself.


Client configuration and identification

type ClientID = ByteStringSource

A client identifier. This is used by the Riak cluster when logging vector clock changes, and should be unique for each client.

data Client Source




host :: HostName

Name of the server to connect to.

port :: ServiceName

Port number to connect to (default is 8087).

clientID :: ClientID

Client identifier.

defaultClient :: ClientSource

Default client configuration. Talks to localhost, port 8087, with a randomly chosen client ID.

getClientID :: Connection -> IO ClientIDSource

Find out from the server what client ID this connection is using.

Connection management

data Connection Source

A connection to a Riak server.




connSock :: Socket
connClient :: Client

The configuration we connected with.

connBuffer :: IORef ByteString

Received data that has not yet been consumed.

connect :: Client -> IO ConnectionSource

Connect to a server.

disconnect :: Connection -> IO ()Source

Disconnect from a server.

ping :: Connection -> IO ()Source

Check to see if the connection to the server is alive.

getServerInfo :: Connection -> IO ServerInfoSource

Retrieve information about the server.

Data management

data Quorum Source

A read/write quorum. The quantity of replicas that must respond to a read or write request before it is considered successful. This is defined as a bucket property or as one of the relevant parameters to a single request (R,W,DW,RW).



Use the default quorum settings for the bucket.


Success after one server has responded.


Success after a quorum of servers has responded.


Success after all servers have responded.

get :: (FromJSON c, ToJSON c, Resolvable c) => Connection -> Bucket -> Key -> R -> IO (Maybe (c, VClock))Source

Retrieve a single value. If conflicting values are returned, the Resolvable is used to choose a winner.

getMany :: (FromJSON c, ToJSON c, Resolvable c) => Connection -> Bucket -> [Key] -> R -> IO [Maybe (c, VClock)]Source

Retrieve multiple values. If conflicting values are returned for a key, the Resolvable is used to choose a winner.

put :: (Eq c, FromJSON c, ToJSON c, Resolvable c) => Connection -> Bucket -> Key -> Maybe VClock -> c -> W -> DW -> IO (c, VClock)Source

Store a single value, automatically resolving any vector clock conflicts that arise. A single invocation of this function may involve several roundtrips to the server to resolve conflicts.

If a conflict arises, a winner will be chosen using mconcat, and the winner will be stored; this will be repeated until no conflict occurs.

The final value to be stored at the end of any conflict resolution is returned.

putMany :: (Eq c, FromJSON c, ToJSON c, Resolvable c) => Connection -> Bucket -> [(Key, Maybe VClock, c)] -> W -> DW -> IO [(c, VClock)]Source

Store multiple values, resolving any vector clock conflicts that arise. A single invocation of this function may involve several roundtrips to the server to resolve conflicts.

If any conflicts arise, a winner will be chosen in each case using mconcat, and the winners will be stored; this will be repeated until no conflicts occur.

For each original value to be stored, the final value that was stored at the end of any conflict resolution is returned.

delete :: Connection -> Bucket -> Key -> RW -> IO ()Source

Delete a value.


foldKeys :: Connection -> Bucket -> (a -> Key -> IO a) -> a -> IO aSource

getBucket :: Connection -> Bucket -> IO BucketPropsSource

Retrieve the properties of a bucket.

setBucket :: Connection -> Bucket -> BucketProps -> IO ()Source

Store new properties for a bucket.
