sandwich-slack- Sandwich integration with Slack
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



The Slack formatter shows live-updating test progress and failures by sending messages to a Slack channel.

Documentation can be found here.




slackFormatterChannel :: SlackFormatter -> String Source #

Slack channel on which to create the progress bar.

slackFormatterTopMessage :: SlackFormatter -> Maybe String Source #

Message to put above the progress bar. For example, the name of the test suite and a link to the run in the CI system.

slackFormatterMaxFailures :: SlackFormatter -> Maybe Int Source #

Maximum number of failures to include in a message. If too many are included, it's possible to hit Slack's request limit of 8KB, which causes the message to fail to update. Defaults to 30.

slackFormatterMaxFailureReasonLines :: SlackFormatter -> Maybe Int Source #

Maximum number of lines to devote to showing the failure reason underneath a failure. Set to 'Just 0' to disable showing failure reasons.

slackFormatterMaxCallStackLines :: SlackFormatter -> Maybe Int Source #

Maximum number of lines to devote to showing the call stack underneath a failure. Set to 'Just 0' to disable showing call stacks.

slackFormatterVisibilityThreshold :: SlackFormatter -> Maybe Int Source #

If present, filter the headings on failures to only include nodes whose visibility threshold is less than or equal to the value.

slackFormatterMaxMessageSize :: SlackFormatter -> Maybe Int64 Source #

If present, make sure the messages we transmit to Slack default don't exceed this number of bytes. When a message does exceed it (probably because there are a ton of failures), start dropping blocks from the end of the message until the size is small enough. Making use of slackFormatterMaxFailures, slackFormatterMaxFailureReasonLines, and slackFormatterMaxCallStackLines is a good way to avoid hitting the limit.

Auxiliary types

newtype SlackConfig Source #

Configuration options needed to connect to the Slack API





Instances details
Show SlackConfig Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.Sandwich.Formatters.Slack.Internal.Types

data SlackFormatterShowCallStacks Source #



Don't include callstacks in failure messages

SlackFormatterTopNCallStackFrames Int

Include the top N stack frames


Include the full callstack