scrape-changes- Scrape websites for changes

Copyright(C) 2015-16 Matthias Herrmann
Safe HaskellNone



Main module, reexports everything you need to use "scrape-changes". Full working example:

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import Data.ByteString (isInfixOf)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString, toStrict)
import Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding (decodeUtf8With)
import Data.Foldable (find)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Text.HTML.TagSoup (Tag(..), (~==), (~/=), parseTags, fromAttrib) 
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty ((:|)))
import qualified System.Log.Logger as Logger
import qualified System.Log.Handler.Syslog as Syslog
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Control.Monad (forever)
import Network.ScrapeChanges

main :: IO ()
main = do
  _ <- configureLogging
  _ <- (Logger.errorM thisLogger . show) either id $ scrapeChangesJobs 
  putStrLn "scrape-changes examples executable. Just look at the example source code."
  -- |Simplest way to block the main thread forever. Good enough for the use cases of 'scrape-changes'
  _ <- forever getLine
  -- |Will never be executed in this case

-- |Google logo scrape function using the tagsoup library
scrapeGoogleLogo :: ByteString -> Text
scrapeGoogleLogo byteString =   
  let tags                 = parseTags byteString
      divWithBackgroundUrl = find (~/= TagClose ("div" :: ByteString)) $
                             dropWhile (not . isDivWithBackgroundUrl) tags 
      resultMaybe          = decodeUtf8Lenient . styleAttribContent $ divWithBackgroundUrl
  in fromMaybe "" resultMaybe 
  where decodeUtf8Lenient = decodeUtf8With $ const . const . Just $ ?
        isDivWithBackgroundUrl t = 
          let containsBackgroundUrl = isInfixOf "background:url" . toStrict
          in t ~== TagOpen ("div" :: ByteString) [] && containsBackgroundUrl (styleAttribContent t)
        styleAttribContent = fromAttrib "style"

scrapeChangesJobs :: Either [(Url, [ValidationError])] (IO ())
scrapeChangesJobs = repeatScrapeAll [
    -- Checks each minute for changes and sends a mail if there are any
    ScrapeSchedule {
      _scrapeScheduleCron = "* * * * *" -- std cron format
    , _scrapeScheduleConfig = mailScrapeConfig "" -- to scrape
                                               (MailAddr Nothing "") -- from
                                               (MailAddr Nothing "" :| []) -- to
    , _scrapeScheduleScraper = scrapeGoogleLogo --scrape function
    -- Checks each minute for changes and notifies to syslog if there are any
  , ScrapeSchedule {
      _scrapeScheduleCron = "* * * * *"
    , _scrapeScheduleConfig = otherScrapeConfig "" 
                                                (text -> Logger.infoM thisLogger . show $ 
                                                          "Change detected: " <> text)
    , _scrapeScheduleScraper = scrapeGoogleLogo

configureLogging :: IO ()
configureLogging = do
  syslogHandler <- Syslog.openlog thisLogger [] Syslog.DAEMON Logger.DEBUG
  let logConfig = flip Logger.updateGlobalLogger (Logger.addHandler syslogHandler . Logger.setLevel Logger.DEBUG)
  sequence_ $ logConfig $ [Network.ScrapeChanges, thisLogger]

thisLogger :: String
thisLogger = "scrape-changes-examples"



scrape :: ScrapeConfig -> Scraper -> Either [ValidationError] (IO ScrapeResult) Source #

The basic scrape function. It fires a GET request against the url defined within the provided ScrapeConfig. The body is passed to the provided Scraper. The result Text of the latter is used to determine whether something has changed on the respective website. If so, the callback configured in ScrapeConfig is executed and CallbackCalled is returned. Otherwise CallbackNotCalled is returned.

repeatScrape :: CronScheduleString -> ScrapeConfig -> Scraper -> Either [ValidationError] (IO ()) Source #

Repeat executing scrape by providing a CronScheduleString. The returned IO action is non blocking

repeatScrapeAll :: [ScrapeSchedule] -> Either [(Url, [ValidationError])] (IO ()) Source #

Execute a list of ScrapeSchedule in parallel. If validation of any ScrapeSchedule fails, Left containing ValidationError indexed by the corresponding Url is returned.

scrapeAll :: [(ScrapeConfig, Scraper)] -> [(Url, Either [ValidationError] (IO ScrapeResult))] Source #

Execute a list of ScrapeConfig in sequence using scrape and collect the results in a map containing the respective Url as key.

otherScrapeConfig :: ScrapeInfoUrl -> (Text -> IO ()) -> ScrapeConfig Source #

Helper constructor for ScrapeConfig containing OtherConfig callback.

clearScrapeConfig :: ScrapeConfig -> IO () Source #

Clear all mutable state associated with the provided ScrapeConfig

clearAllScrapeConfigs :: IO () Source #

Clear all mutable state ever used by "scrape-changes"