second-transfer- Second Transfer HTTP/2 web server

Safe HaskellNone





These callback make possible to separate the parts in layers. The Attendant is a function that can push and pull bytes to/from a transport (for example, a socket), but it is not concerned on how those bytes are pushed or pulled.

type Attendant = PushAction -> PullAction -> CloseAction -> IO () Source

A function which takes three arguments: the first one says how to send data (on a socket or similar transport), and the second one how to receive data on said socket. The third argument encapsulates the sequence of steps needed for a clean shutdown.

You can implement one of these to let somebody else supply the push, pull and close callbacks. In this library we supply callbacks for TLS sockets, so that you don't need to go through the drudgery of managing those yourself.

Attendants encapsulate all the session book-keeping functionality, which for HTTP/2 is quite complicated. You use the function http2Attendant to create one of these from a CoherentWorker.

type PullAction = IO ByteString Source

Callback type to pull data from a channel. The same as to PushAction applies to exceptions thrown from there.

type PushAction = ByteString -> IO () Source

Callback type to push data to a channel. Part of this interface is the abstract exception type IOProblem. Throw an instance of it from here to notify the session that the connection has been broken. There is no way to signal "normal termination", since HTTP/2's normal termination can be observed at a higher level when a GO_AWAY frame is seen.

type CloseAction = IO () Source

Callback that the session calls to realease resources associated with the channels. Take into account that your callback should be able to deal with non-clean shutdowns also, for example, if the connection to the remote peer is severed suddenly.

data IOProblem Source

Throw exceptions derived from this (e.g, GenericIOProblem below) to have the HTTP/2 session to terminate gracefully.

data GenericIOProblem Source

A concrete case of the above exception. Throw one of this if you don't want to implement your own type. Use IOProblem in catch signatures.

High level OpenSSL functions.

Use these functions to create your TLS-compliant HTTP/2 server in a snap.

tlsServeWithALPN Source


:: FilePath

Path to a certificate the server is going to use to identify itself. Bear in mind that multiple domains can be served from the same HTTP/2 TLS socket, so please create the HTTP/2 certificate accordingly.

-> FilePath

Path to the key of your certificate.

-> String

Name of the network interface where you want to start your server

-> [(String, Attendant)]

List of protocol names and the corresponding Attendant to use for each. This way you can serve both HTTP/1.1 over TLS and HTTP/2 in the same socket.

-> Int

Port to open to listen for connections.

-> IO () 

Simple function to open

tlsServeWithALPNAndFinishOnRequest Source


:: FilePath 
-> FilePath

Same as for tlsServeWithALPN

-> String

Same as for tlsServeWithALPN

-> [(String, Attendant)]

Same as for tlsServeWithALPN

-> Int

Same as for tlsServeWithALPN

-> MVar FinishRequest

Finish request

-> IO () 

Interruptible version of tlsServeWithALPN. Use the extra argument to notify the server of finishing.

data TLSLayerGenericProblem Source

Exception inheriting from IOProblem. This is thrown by the OpenSSL subsystem to signal that the connection was broken or that otherwise there was a problem at the SSL layer.

data FinishRequest Source

Singleton type. Used in conjunction with an MVar. If the MVar is full, the fuction tlsServeWithALPNAndFinishOnRequest knows that it should finish at its earliest convenience and call the CloseAction for any open sessions.

