selda- Type-safe, high-level EDSL for interacting with relational databases.

Safe HaskellNone




Selda is not LINQ, but they're definitely related.

Selda is a high-level EDSL for interacting with relational databases. All database computations are performed within some monad implementing the MonadSelda type class. The SeldaT monad over any MonadIO is the only pre-defined instance of MonadSelda. SeldaM is provided as a convenient short-hand for SeldaT IO.

To actually execute a database computation, you need one of the database backends: selda-sqlite or selda-postgresql.

All Selda functions may throw SeldaError when something goes wrong. This includes database connection errors, uniqueness constraint errors, etc.

The following example shows off Selda's most basic features -- creating, populating, modifying and querying tables -- and is intended to act as a Hello World-ish quickstart.

{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, OverloadedStrings #-}
import Data.Text (Text, unpack)
import Database.Selda
import Database.Selda.SQLite

people :: Table (Text :*: Int :*: Maybe Text)
(people, pName :*: pAge :*: pPet)
  = tableWithSelectors "people"
  $   primary "name"
  :*: required "age"
  :*: optional "pet"

main = withSQLite "people.sqlite" $ do
  createTable people

  insert_ people
    [ "Velvet"    :*: 19 :*: Nothing
    , "Kobayashi" :*: 23 :*: Just "dragon"
    , "Miyu"      :*: 10 :*: Nothing

  update_ people
    (\person -> person ! pName .== "Velvet")
    (\person -> person `with` [pPet := just "orthros"])

  adults <- query $ do
    person <- select people
    restrict (person ! pAge .> 20)
    return (person ! pName :*: person ! pAge)

  n <- deleteFrom people (\person -> isNull (person ! pPet))

  liftIO $ do
    putStrLn "The adults in the room are:"
    mapM_ printPerson adults
    putStrLn $ show n ++ " people were deleted for having no pets."

printPerson :: Text :*: Int -> IO ()
printPerson (name :*: age) = putStrLn $ unpack name ++ ", age " ++ show age

Please see for a more comprehensive tutorial.


Running queries

class Monad m => MonadIO m where #

Monads in which IO computations may be embedded. Any monad built by applying a sequence of monad transformers to the IO monad will be an instance of this class.

Instances should satisfy the following laws, which state that liftIO is a transformer of monads:

Minimal complete definition



liftIO :: IO a -> m a #

Lift a computation from the IO monad.


MonadIO IO 


liftIO :: IO a -> IO a #

MonadIO m => MonadIO (ListT m) 


liftIO :: IO a -> ListT m a #

MonadIO m => MonadIO (MaybeT m) 


liftIO :: IO a -> MaybeT m a #

MonadIO m => MonadIO (SeldaT m) # 


liftIO :: IO a -> SeldaT m a #

(Error e, MonadIO m) => MonadIO (ErrorT e m) 


liftIO :: IO a -> ErrorT e m a #

MonadIO m => MonadIO (ExceptT e m) 


liftIO :: IO a -> ExceptT e m a #

MonadIO m => MonadIO (StateT s m) 


liftIO :: IO a -> StateT s m a #

MonadIO m => MonadIO (StateT s m) 


liftIO :: IO a -> StateT s m a #

(Monoid w, MonadIO m) => MonadIO (WriterT w m) 


liftIO :: IO a -> WriterT w m a #

(Monoid w, MonadIO m) => MonadIO (WriterT w m) 


liftIO :: IO a -> WriterT w m a #

MonadIO m => MonadIO (IdentityT * m) 


liftIO :: IO a -> IdentityT * m a #

MonadIO m => MonadIO (ContT * r m) 


liftIO :: IO a -> ContT * r m a #

MonadIO m => MonadIO (ReaderT * r m) 


liftIO :: IO a -> ReaderT * r m a #

(Monoid w, MonadIO m) => MonadIO (RWST r w s m) 


liftIO :: IO a -> RWST r w s m a #

(Monoid w, MonadIO m) => MonadIO (RWST r w s m) 


liftIO :: IO a -> RWST r w s m a #

class MonadIO m => MonadSelda m Source #

Some monad with Selda SQL capabilitites.

data SeldaError Source #

Thrown by any function in SeldaT if an error occurs.


DbError String

Unable to open or connect to database.

SqlError String

An error occurred while executing query.

data ValidationError Source #

An error occurred when validating a database table. If this error is thrown, there is a bug in your database schema, and the particular table that triggered the error is unusable. Since validation is deterministic, this error will be thrown on every consecutive operation over the offending table.

Therefore, it is not meaningful to handle this exception in any way, just fix your bug instead.

data SeldaT m a Source #

Monad transformer adding Selda SQL capabilities.


MonadTrans SeldaT Source # 


lift :: Monad m => m a -> SeldaT m a #

Monad m => Monad (SeldaT m) Source # 


(>>=) :: SeldaT m a -> (a -> SeldaT m b) -> SeldaT m b #

(>>) :: SeldaT m a -> SeldaT m b -> SeldaT m b #

return :: a -> SeldaT m a #

fail :: String -> SeldaT m a #

Functor m => Functor (SeldaT m) Source # 


fmap :: (a -> b) -> SeldaT m a -> SeldaT m b #

(<$) :: a -> SeldaT m b -> SeldaT m a #

Monad m => Applicative (SeldaT m) Source # 


pure :: a -> SeldaT m a #

(<*>) :: SeldaT m (a -> b) -> SeldaT m a -> SeldaT m b #

(*>) :: SeldaT m a -> SeldaT m b -> SeldaT m b #

(<*) :: SeldaT m a -> SeldaT m b -> SeldaT m a #

MonadIO m => MonadIO (SeldaT m) Source # 


liftIO :: IO a -> SeldaT m a #

MonadThrow m => MonadThrow (SeldaT m) Source # 


throwM :: Exception e => e -> SeldaT m a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (SeldaT m) Source # 


catch :: Exception e => SeldaT m a -> (e -> SeldaT m a) -> SeldaT m a #

MonadMask m => MonadMask (SeldaT m) Source # 


mask :: ((forall a. SeldaT m a -> SeldaT m a) -> SeldaT m b) -> SeldaT m b #

uninterruptibleMask :: ((forall a. SeldaT m a -> SeldaT m a) -> SeldaT m b) -> SeldaT m b #

MonadIO m => MonadSelda (SeldaT m) Source # 

type SeldaM = SeldaT IO Source #

The simplest form of Selda computation; SeldaT specialized to IO.

data Table a Source #

A database table. Tables are parameterized over their column types. For instance, a table containing one string and one integer, in that order, would have the type Table (Text :*: Int), and a table containing only a single string column would have the type Table Text.

Table and column names may contain any character except NUL, and be non-empty. Column names must be unique per table.

data Query s a Source #

An SQL query.


Monad (Query s) Source # 


(>>=) :: Query s a -> (a -> Query s b) -> Query s b #

(>>) :: Query s a -> Query s b -> Query s b #

return :: a -> Query s a #

fail :: String -> Query s a #

Functor (Query s) Source # 


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Query s a -> Query s b #

(<$) :: a -> Query s b -> Query s a #

Applicative (Query s) Source # 


pure :: a -> Query s a #

(<*>) :: Query s (a -> b) -> Query s a -> Query s b #

(*>) :: Query s a -> Query s b -> Query s b #

(<*) :: Query s a -> Query s b -> Query s a #

Set (Query s) Source # 


isIn :: SqlType a => Col * s a -> Query s (Col * s a) -> Col * s Bool Source #

data Col s a Source #

A database column. A column is often a literal column table, but can also be an expression over such a column or a constant expression.


Columns b => Columns ((:*:) (Col k s a) b) Source # 


toTup :: [ColName] -> Col k s a :*: b

fromTup :: (Col k s a :*: b) -> [SomeCol SQL]

(SqlType a, Result b) => Result ((:*:) (Col * s a) b) Source # 

Associated Types

type Res ((:*:) (Col * s a) b) :: * Source #


toRes :: Proxy * (Col * s a :*: b) -> [SqlValue] -> Res (Col * s a :*: b)

finalCols :: (Col * s a :*: b) -> [SomeCol SQL]

Fractional (Col k s (Maybe Int)) Source # 


(/) :: Col k s (Maybe Int) -> Col k s (Maybe Int) -> Col k s (Maybe Int) #

recip :: Col k s (Maybe Int) -> Col k s (Maybe Int) #

fromRational :: Rational -> Col k s (Maybe Int) #

Fractional (Col k s Int) Source # 


(/) :: Col k s Int -> Col k s Int -> Col k s Int #

recip :: Col k s Int -> Col k s Int #

fromRational :: Rational -> Col k s Int #

Fractional (Col k s (Maybe Double)) Source # 


(/) :: Col k s (Maybe Double) -> Col k s (Maybe Double) -> Col k s (Maybe Double) #

recip :: Col k s (Maybe Double) -> Col k s (Maybe Double) #

fromRational :: Rational -> Col k s (Maybe Double) #

Fractional (Col k s Double) Source # 


(/) :: Col k s Double -> Col k s Double -> Col k s Double #

recip :: Col k s Double -> Col k s Double #

fromRational :: Rational -> Col k s Double #

(SqlType a, Num a) => Num (Col k s (Maybe a)) Source # 


(+) :: Col k s (Maybe a) -> Col k s (Maybe a) -> Col k s (Maybe a) #

(-) :: Col k s (Maybe a) -> Col k s (Maybe a) -> Col k s (Maybe a) #

(*) :: Col k s (Maybe a) -> Col k s (Maybe a) -> Col k s (Maybe a) #

negate :: Col k s (Maybe a) -> Col k s (Maybe a) #

abs :: Col k s (Maybe a) -> Col k s (Maybe a) #

signum :: Col k s (Maybe a) -> Col k s (Maybe a) #

fromInteger :: Integer -> Col k s (Maybe a) #

(SqlType a, Num a) => Num (Col k s a) Source # 


(+) :: Col k s a -> Col k s a -> Col k s a #

(-) :: Col k s a -> Col k s a -> Col k s a #

(*) :: Col k s a -> Col k s a -> Col k s a #

negate :: Col k s a -> Col k s a #

abs :: Col k s a -> Col k s a #

signum :: Col k s a -> Col k s a #

fromInteger :: Integer -> Col k s a #

IsString (Col k s Text) Source # 


fromString :: String -> Col k s Text #

Columns (Col k s a) Source # 


toTup :: [ColName] -> Col k s a

fromTup :: Col k s a -> [SomeCol SQL]

SqlType a => Result (Col * s a) Source # 

Associated Types

type Res (Col * s a) :: * Source #


toRes :: Proxy * (Col * s a) -> [SqlValue] -> Res (Col * s a)

finalCols :: Col * s a -> [SomeCol SQL]

type Res ((:*:) (Col * s a) b) Source # 
type Res ((:*:) (Col * s a) b) = (:*:) a (Res b)
type Res (Col * s a) Source # 
type Res (Col * s a) = a

class Typeable (Res r) => Result r Source #

An acceptable query result type; one or more columns stitched together with :*:.

Minimal complete definition

toRes, finalCols

Associated Types

type Res r Source #


(SqlType a, Result b) => Result ((:*:) (Col * s a) b) Source # 

Associated Types

type Res ((:*:) (Col * s a) b) :: * Source #


toRes :: Proxy * (Col * s a :*: b) -> [SqlValue] -> Res (Col * s a :*: b)

finalCols :: (Col * s a :*: b) -> [SomeCol SQL]

SqlType a => Result (Col * s a) Source # 

Associated Types

type Res (Col * s a) :: * Source #


toRes :: Proxy * (Col * s a) -> [SqlValue] -> Res (Col * s a)

finalCols :: Col * s a -> [SomeCol SQL]

query :: (MonadSelda m, Result a) => Query s a -> m [Res a] Source #

Run a query within a Selda monad. In practice, this is often a SeldaT transformer on top of some other monad. Selda transformers are entered using backend-specific withX functions, such as withSQLite from the SQLite backend.

transaction :: (MonadSelda m, MonadThrow m, MonadCatch m) => m a -> m a Source #

Perform the given computation atomically. If an exception is raised during its execution, the enture transaction will be rolled back, and the exception re-thrown.

setLocalCache :: MonadIO m => Int -> m () Source #

Set the maximum local cache size to n. A cache size of zero disables local cache altogether. Changing the cache size will also flush all entries. Note that the cache is shared among all Selda computations running within the same process.

By default, local caching is turned off.

WARNING: local caching is guaranteed to be consistent with the underlying database, ONLY under the assumption that no other process will modify it. Also note that the cache is shared between ALL Selda computations running within the same process.

Constructing queries

data Selector t a Source #

A column selector. Column selectors can be used together with the ! and with functions to get and set values on inductive tuples, or to indicate foreign keys.

(!) :: forall s t a. ToDyn (Cols () t) => Cols s t -> Selector t a -> Col s a Source #

Get the value at the given index from the given inductive tuple.

data Assignment s t where Source #

A selector-value assignment pair.


(:=) :: Selector t a -> Col s a -> Assignment s t infixl 2 

with :: forall s t. ToDyn (Cols () t) => Cols s t -> [Assignment s t] -> Cols s t Source #

For each selector-value pair in the given list, on the given tuple, update the field pointed out by the selector with the corresponding value.

data Text :: * #

A space efficient, packed, unboxed Unicode text type.

type family Cols s a where ... Source #

Convert a tuple of Haskell types to a tuple of column types.


Cols s (a :*: b) = Col s a :*: Cols s b 
Cols s a = Col s a 

class Columns a Source #

Any column tuple.

Minimal complete definition

toTup, fromTup


Columns b => Columns ((:*:) (Col k s a) b) Source # 


toTup :: [ColName] -> Col k s a :*: b

fromTup :: (Col k s a :*: b) -> [SomeCol SQL]

Columns (Col k s a) Source # 


toTup :: [ColName] -> Col k s a

fromTup :: Col k s a -> [SomeCol SQL]

data Order Source #

The order in which to sort result rows.




Eq Order Source # 


(==) :: Order -> Order -> Bool #

(/=) :: Order -> Order -> Bool #

Ord Order Source # 


compare :: Order -> Order -> Ordering #

(<) :: Order -> Order -> Bool #

(<=) :: Order -> Order -> Bool #

(>) :: Order -> Order -> Bool #

(>=) :: Order -> Order -> Bool #

max :: Order -> Order -> Order #

min :: Order -> Order -> Order #

Show Order Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> Order -> ShowS #

show :: Order -> String #

showList :: [Order] -> ShowS #

data a :*: b where infixr 1 Source #

An inductively defined "tuple", or heterogeneous, non-empty list.


(:*:) :: a -> b -> a :*: b infixr 1 


(Typeable * a, HasSelectors t b) => HasSelectors t ((:*:) a b) Source # 


mkSel :: Proxy * t -> Int -> Proxy * (a :*: b) -> Selectors t (a :*: b)

(Eq a, Eq b) => Eq ((:*:) a b) Source # 


(==) :: (a :*: b) -> (a :*: b) -> Bool #

(/=) :: (a :*: b) -> (a :*: b) -> Bool #

(Ord a, Ord b) => Ord ((:*:) a b) Source # 


compare :: (a :*: b) -> (a :*: b) -> Ordering #

(<) :: (a :*: b) -> (a :*: b) -> Bool #

(<=) :: (a :*: b) -> (a :*: b) -> Bool #

(>) :: (a :*: b) -> (a :*: b) -> Bool #

(>=) :: (a :*: b) -> (a :*: b) -> Bool #

max :: (a :*: b) -> (a :*: b) -> a :*: b #

min :: (a :*: b) -> (a :*: b) -> a :*: b #

(Show a, Show b) => Show ((:*:) a b) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> (a :*: b) -> ShowS #

show :: (a :*: b) -> String #

showList :: [a :*: b] -> ShowS #

Generic ((:*:) a b) Source # 

Associated Types

type Rep ((:*:) a b) :: * -> * #


from :: (a :*: b) -> Rep (a :*: b) x #

to :: Rep (a :*: b) x -> a :*: b #

Tup ((:*:) a b) Source # 


tupHead :: (a :*: b) -> Head (a :*: b)

TableSpec b => TableSpec ((:*:) a b) Source # 


mergeSpecs :: Proxy * (a :*: b) -> ColSpecs (a :*: b) -> [ColInfo]

(SqlType a, Insert b) => Insert ((:*:) a b) Source # 


params :: (a :*: b) -> [Either Param Param]

Columns b => Columns ((:*:) (Col k s a) b) Source # 


toTup :: [ColName] -> Col k s a :*: b

fromTup :: (Col k s a :*: b) -> [SomeCol SQL]

Aggregates b => Aggregates ((:*:) (Aggr (Inner s) a) b) Source # 


unAggrs :: (Aggr (Inner s) a :*: b) -> [SomeCol SQL]

(SqlType a, Result b) => Result ((:*:) (Col * s a) b) Source # 

Associated Types

type Res ((:*:) (Col * s a) b) :: * Source #


toRes :: Proxy * (Col * s a :*: b) -> [SqlValue] -> Res (Col * s a :*: b)

finalCols :: (Col * s a :*: b) -> [SomeCol SQL]

Append b c => Append ((:*:) a b) c Source # 


app :: (a :*: b) -> c -> (a :*: b) :++: c Source #

type Rep ((:*:) a b) Source # 
type Rep ((:*:) a b) = D1 (MetaData ":*:" "Database.Selda.Types" "selda-" False) (C1 (MetaCons ":*:" (InfixI RightAssociative 1) False) ((:*:) (S1 (MetaSel (Nothing Symbol) NoSourceUnpackedness NoSourceStrictness DecidedLazy) (Rec0 a)) (S1 (MetaSel (Nothing Symbol) NoSourceUnpackedness NoSourceStrictness DecidedLazy) (Rec0 b))))
type Res ((:*:) (Col * s a) b) Source # 
type Res ((:*:) (Col * s a) b) = (:*:) a (Res b)

select :: Columns (Cols s a) => Table a -> Query s (Cols s a) Source #

Query the given table. Result is returned as an inductive tuple, i.e. first :*: second :*: third <- query tableOfThree.

selectValues :: (Insert a, Columns (Cols s a)) => [a] -> Query s (Cols s a) Source #

Query an ad hoc table of type a. Each element in the given list represents one row in the ad hoc table.

from :: ToDyn (Cols () a) => Selector a b -> Query s (Cols s a) -> Query s (Col s b) infixr 7 Source #

Convenient shorthand for fmap (! sel) q. The following two queries are quivalent:

q1 = name `from` select people
q2 = do
  person <- select people
  return (person ! name)

restrict :: Col s Bool -> Query s () Source #

Restrict the query somehow. Roughly equivalent to WHERE.

limit :: Int -> Int -> Query (Inner s) a -> Query s a Source #

Drop the first m rows, then get at most n of the remaining rows from the given subquery.

order :: Col s a -> Order -> Query s () Source #

Sort the result rows in ascending or descending order on the given row.

ascending :: Order Source #

Ordering for order.

descending :: Order Source #

Ordering for order.

inner :: (Columns a, Columns (OuterCols a)) => Query (Inner s) a -> Query s (OuterCols a) Source #

Explicitly create an inner query. Equivalent to innerJoin (const true).

Sometimes it's handy, for performance reasons and otherwise, to perform a subquery and restrict only that query before adding the result of the query to the result set, instead of first adding the query to the result set and restricting the whole result set afterwards.

suchThat :: (Columns a, Columns (OuterCols a)) => Query (Inner s) a -> (a -> Col (Inner s) Bool) -> Query s (OuterCols a) infixr 7 Source #

Create and filter an inner query, before adding it to the current result set.

q suchThat p is generally more efficient than select q >>= x -> restrict (p x) >> pure x.

Expressions over columns

class Set set where Source #

Any container type for which we can check object membership.

Minimal complete definition



isIn :: SqlType a => Col s a -> set (Col s a) -> Col s Bool infixl 4 Source #

Is the given column contained in the given set?


Set [] Source # 


isIn :: SqlType a => Col * s a -> [Col * s a] -> Col * s Bool Source #

Set (Query s) Source # 


isIn :: SqlType a => Col * s a -> Query s (Col * s a) -> Col * s Bool Source #

(.==) :: SqlType a => Col s a -> Col s a -> Col s Bool infixl 4 Source #

(./=) :: SqlType a => Col s a -> Col s a -> Col s Bool infixl 4 Source #

(.>) :: SqlType a => Col s a -> Col s a -> Col s Bool infixl 4 Source #

(.<) :: SqlType a => Col s a -> Col s a -> Col s Bool infixl 4 Source #

(.>=) :: SqlType a => Col s a -> Col s a -> Col s Bool infixl 4 Source #

(.<=) :: SqlType a => Col s a -> Col s a -> Col s Bool infixl 4 Source #

like :: Col s Text -> Col s Text -> Col s Bool infixl 4 Source #

The SQL LIKE operator; matches strings with % wildcards. For instance:

"%gon" `like` "dragon" .== true

(.&&) :: Col s Bool -> Col s Bool -> Col s Bool infixr 3 Source #

(.||) :: Col s Bool -> Col s Bool -> Col s Bool infixr 2 Source #

not_ :: Col s Bool -> Col s Bool Source #

Boolean negation.

literal :: SqlType a => a -> Col s a Source #

A literal expression.

int :: Int -> Col s Int Source #

Specialization of literal for integers.

float :: Double -> Col s Double Source #

Specialization of literal for doubles.

text :: Text -> Col s Text Source #

Specialization of literal for text.

true :: Col s Bool Source #

True and false boolean literals.

false :: Col s Bool Source #

True and false boolean literals.

null_ :: SqlType a => Col s (Maybe a) Source #

SQL NULL, at any type you like.

roundTo :: Col s Int -> Col s Double -> Col s Double Source #

Round a column to the given number of decimals places.

length_ :: Col s Text -> Col s Int Source #

Calculate the length of a string column.

isNull :: Col s (Maybe a) -> Col s Bool Source #

Is the given column null?

Converting between column types

round_ :: forall s a. (SqlType a, Num a) => Col s Double -> Col s a Source #

Round a value to the nearest integer. Equivalent to roundTo 0.

just :: SqlType a => Col s a -> Col s (Maybe a) Source #

Lift a non-nullable column to a nullable one. Useful for creating expressions over optional columns:

people :: Table (Text :*: Int :*: Maybe Text)
people = table "people" $ required "name" ¤ required "age" ¤ optional "pet"

peopleWithCats = do
  name :*: _ :*: pet <- select people
  restrict (pet .== just "cat")
  return name

fromBool :: (SqlType a, Num a) => Col s Bool -> Col s a Source #

Convert a boolean column to any numeric type.

fromInt :: (SqlType a, Num a) => Col s Int -> Col s a Source #

Convert an integer column to any numeric type.

toString :: Col s a -> Col s Text Source #

Convert any column to a string.

Inner queries

data Aggr s a Source #

A single aggregate column. Aggregate columns may not be used to restrict queries. When returned from an aggregate subquery, an aggregate column is converted into a non-aggregate column.


Aggregates b => Aggregates ((:*:) (Aggr (Inner s) a) b) Source # 


unAggrs :: (Aggr (Inner s) a :*: b) -> [SomeCol SQL]

Aggregates (Aggr (Inner s) a) Source # 


unAggrs :: Aggr (Inner s) a -> [SomeCol SQL]

class Aggregates a Source #

One or more aggregate columns.

Minimal complete definition



Aggregates b => Aggregates ((:*:) (Aggr (Inner s) a) b) Source # 


unAggrs :: (Aggr (Inner s) a :*: b) -> [SomeCol SQL]

Aggregates (Aggr (Inner s) a) Source # 


unAggrs :: Aggr (Inner s) a -> [SomeCol SQL]

type family OuterCols a where ... Source #

Convert one or more inner column to equivalent columns in the outer query. OuterCols (Aggr (Inner s) a :*: Aggr (Inner s) b) = Col s a :*: Col s b, for instance.


OuterCols (t (Inner s) a :*: b) = Col s a :*: OuterCols b 
OuterCols (t (Inner s) a) = Col s a 

type family LeftCols a where ... Source #

The results of a left join are always nullable, as there is no guarantee that all joined columns will be non-null. JoinCols a where a is an extensible tuple is that same tuple, but in the outer query and with all elements nullable. For instance:

 LeftCols (Col (Inner s) Int :*: Col (Inner s) Text)
   = Col s (Maybe Int) :*: Col s (Maybe Text)


LeftCols (Col (Inner s) (Maybe a) :*: b) = Col s (Maybe a) :*: LeftCols b 
LeftCols (Col (Inner s) a :*: b) = Col s (Maybe a) :*: LeftCols b 
LeftCols (Col (Inner s) (Maybe a)) = Col s (Maybe a) 
LeftCols (Col (Inner s) a) = Col s (Maybe a) 

data Inner s Source #

Denotes an inner query. For aggregation, treating sequencing as the cartesian product of queries does not work well. Instead, we treat the sequencing of aggregate with other queries as the cartesian product of the aggregated result of the query, a small but important difference.

However, for this to work, the aggregate query must not depend on any columns in the outer product. Therefore, we let the aggregate query be parameterized over Inner s if the parent query is parameterized over s, to enforce this separation.


Aggregates b => Aggregates ((:*:) (Aggr (Inner s) a) b) Source # 


unAggrs :: (Aggr (Inner s) a :*: b) -> [SomeCol SQL]

Aggregates (Aggr (Inner s) a) Source # 


unAggrs :: Aggr (Inner s) a -> [SomeCol SQL]

class SqlType a => MinMax a Source #

Any column type that can be used with the min_ and max_ functions.


innerJoin Source #


:: (Columns a, Columns (OuterCols a)) 
=> (OuterCols a -> Col s Bool)

Predicate determining which lines to join. | Right-hand query to join.

-> Query (Inner s) a 
-> Query s (OuterCols a) 

Perform an INNER JOIN with the current result set and the given query.

leftJoin Source #


:: (Columns a, Columns (OuterCols a), Columns (LeftCols a)) 
=> (OuterCols a -> Col s Bool)

Predicate determining which lines to join. | Right-hand query to join.

-> Query (Inner s) a 
-> Query s (LeftCols a) 

Perform a LEFT JOIN with the current result set (i.e. the outer query) as the left hand side, and the given query as the right hand side. Like with aggregate, the inner (or right) query must not depend on the outer (or right) one.

The given predicate over the values returned by the inner query determines for each row whether to join or not. This predicate may depend on any values from the outer query.

For instance, the following will list everyone in the people table together with their address if they have one; if they don't, the address field will be NULL.

getAddresses :: Query s (Col s Text :*: Col s (Maybe Text))
getAddresses = do
  name :*: _ <- select people
  _ :*: address <- leftJoin (\(n :*: _) -> n .== name)
                            (select addresses)
  return (name :*: address)

aggregate :: (Columns (OuterCols a), Aggregates a) => Query (Inner s) a -> Query s (OuterCols a) Source #

Execute a query, returning an aggregation of its results. The query must return an inductive tuple of Aggregate columns. When aggregate returns, those columns are converted into non-aggregate columns, which may then be used to further restrict the query.

Note that aggregate queries must not depend on outer queries, nor must they return any non-aggregate columns. Attempting to do either results in a type error.

The SQL HAVING keyword can be implemented by combining aggregate and restrict:

-- Find the number of people living on every address, for all addresses
-- with more than one tenant:
-- SELECT COUNT(name) AS c, address FROM housing GROUP BY name HAVING c > 1

numPpl = do
  num_tenants :*: address <- aggregate $ do
    _ :*: address <- select housing
    groupBy address
    return (count address :*: some address)
 restrict (num_tenants .> 1)
 return (num_tenants :*: address)

groupBy :: Col (Inner s) a -> Query (Inner s) (Aggr (Inner s) a) Source #

Group an aggregate query by a column. Attempting to group a non-aggregate query is a type error. An aggregate representing the grouped-by column is returned, which can be returned from the aggregate query. For instance, if you want to find out how many people have a pet at home:

aggregate $ do
  name :*: pet_name <- select people
  name' <- groupBy name
  return (name' :*: count(pet_name) > 0)

count :: SqlType a => Col s a -> Aggr s Int Source #

The number of non-null values in the given column.

avg :: (SqlType a, Num a) => Col s a -> Aggr s a Source #

The average of all values in the given column.

sum_ :: (SqlType a, Num a) => Col s a -> Aggr s a Source #

Sum all values in the given column.

max_ :: MinMax a => Col s a -> Aggr s a Source #

The greatest value in the given column. Texts are compared lexically.

min_ :: MinMax a => Col s a -> Aggr s a Source #

The smallest value in the given column. Texts are compared lexically.

Modifying tables

class Insert a Source #

An inductive tuple of Haskell-level values (i.e. Int :*: Maybe Text) which can be inserted into a table.

Minimal complete definition



SqlType a => Insert a Source # 


params :: a -> [Either Param Param]

(SqlType a, Insert b) => Insert ((:*:) a b) Source # 


params :: (a :*: b) -> [Either Param Param]

insert :: (MonadSelda m, Insert a) => Table a -> [a] -> m Int Source #

Insert the given values into the given table. All columns of the table must be present. If your table has an auto-incrementing primary key, use the special value def for that column to get the auto-incrementing behavior. Returns the number of rows that were inserted.

To insert a list of tuples into a table with auto-incrementing primary key:

people :: Table (Int :*: Text :*: Int :*: Maybe Text)
people = table "ppl"
       $ autoPrimary "id"
       ¤ required "name"
       ¤ required "age"
       ¤ optional "pet"

main = withSQLite "my_database.sqlite" $ do
  insert_ people
    [ def :*: "Link"  :*: 125 :*: Just "horse"
    , def :*: "Zelda" :*: 119 :*: Nothing
    , ...

Note that if one or more of the inserted rows would cause a constraint violation, NO rows will be inserted; the whole insertion fails atomically.

insert_ :: (MonadSelda m, Insert a) => Table a -> [a] -> m () Source #

Like insert, but does not return anything. Use this when you really don't care about how many rows were inserted.

insertWithPK :: (MonadSelda m, Insert a) => Table a -> [a] -> m Int Source #

Like insert, but returns the primary key of the last inserted row. Attempting to run this operation on a table without an auto-incrementing primary key is a type error.

tryInsert :: (MonadCatch m, MonadSelda m, Insert a) => Table a -> [a] -> m Bool Source #

Attempt to insert a list of rows into a table, but don't raise an error if the insertion fails. Returns True if the insertion succeeded, otherwise False.

Like insert, if even one of the inserted rows would cause a constraint violation, the whole insert operation fails.

def :: SqlType a => a Source #

The default value for a column during insertion. For an auto-incrementing primary key, the default value is the next key.

Using def in any other context than insertion results in a runtime error. Likewise, if def is given for a column that does not have a default value, the insertion will fail.

update Source #


:: (MonadSelda m, Columns (Cols s a), Result (Cols s a)) 
=> Table a

The table to update.

-> (Cols s a -> Col s Bool)


-> (Cols s a -> Cols s a)

Update function.

-> m Int 

Update the given table using the given update function, for all rows matching the given predicate. Returns the number of updated rows.

update_ :: (MonadSelda m, Columns (Cols s a), Result (Cols s a)) => Table a -> (Cols s a -> Col s Bool) -> (Cols s a -> Cols s a) -> m () Source #

Like update, but doesn't return the number of updated rows.

upsert :: (MonadCatch m, MonadSelda m, Insert a, Columns (Cols s a), Result (Cols s a)) => Table a -> (Cols s a -> Col s Bool) -> (Cols s a -> Cols s a) -> [a] -> m () Source #

Attempt to perform the given update. If no rows were updated, insert the given rowr.

Note that this may perform two separate queries: one update, potentially followed by one insert.

deleteFrom :: (MonadSelda m, Columns (Cols s a)) => Table a -> (Cols s a -> Col s Bool) -> m Int Source #

From the given table, delete all rows matching the given predicate. Returns the number of deleted rows.

deleteFrom_ :: (MonadSelda m, Columns (Cols s a)) => Table a -> (Cols s a -> Col s Bool) -> m () Source #

Like deleteFrom, but does not return the number of deleted rows.

Defining schemas

class TableSpec a Source #

An inductive tuple forming a table specification.

Minimal complete definition



(~) * (ColSpecs a) (ColSpec a) => TableSpec a Source # 


mergeSpecs :: Proxy * a -> ColSpecs a -> [ColInfo]

TableSpec b => TableSpec ((:*:) a b) Source # 


mergeSpecs :: Proxy * (a :*: b) -> ColSpecs (a :*: b) -> [ColInfo]

type family ColSpecs a where ... Source #

An inductive tuple where each element is a column specification.


ColSpecs (a :*: b) = ColSpec a :*: ColSpecs b 
ColSpecs a = ColSpec a 

data ColSpec a Source #

A table column specification.

class SqlType a => NonNull a Source #

Any SQL type which is NOT nullable.


type family IsNullable a where ... Source #

Is the given type nullable?

data Nullable Source #

Used by IsNullable to indicate a nullable type.

data NotNullable Source #

Used by IsNullable to indicate a nullable type.

class Append a b where Source #

Minimal complete definition



app :: a -> b -> a :++: b Source #


(~) * ((:*:) a b) ((:++:) a b) => Append a b Source # 


app :: a -> b -> a :++: b Source #

Append b c => Append ((:*:) a b) c Source # 


app :: (a :*: b) -> c -> (a :*: b) :++: c Source #

type family a :++: b where ... Source #

Normalized append of two inductive tuples. Note that this will flatten any nested inductive tuples.


(a :*: b) :++: c = a :*: (b :++: c) 
a :++: b = a :*: b 

type family Selectors t a where ... Source #

The inductive tuple of selectors for a table of type a.


Selectors t (a :*: b) = Selector t a :*: Selectors t b 
Selectors t a = Selector t a 

class HasSelectors t a Source #

Any table type that can have selectors generated.

Minimal complete definition



(~) * (Selectors t a) (Selector t a) => HasSelectors t a Source # 


mkSel :: Proxy * t -> Int -> Proxy * a -> Selectors t a

(Typeable * a, HasSelectors t b) => HasSelectors t ((:*:) a b) Source # 


mkSel :: Proxy * t -> Int -> Proxy * (a :*: b) -> Selectors t (a :*: b)

table :: forall a. TableSpec a => TableName -> ColSpecs a -> Table a Source #

A table with the given name and columns.

tableWithSelectors :: forall a. (TableSpec a, HasSelectors a a) => TableName -> ColSpecs a -> (Table a, Selectors a a) Source #

A pair of the table with the given name and columns, and all its selectors. For example:

tbl :: Table (Int :*: Text)
(tbl, tblBar :*: tblBaz)
  =  tableWithSelectors "foo"
  $  required "bar"
  :*: required "baz"

q :: Query s Text
q = tblBaz <$> select tbl

selectors :: forall a. HasSelectors a a => Table a -> Selectors a a Source #

Generate selector functions for the given table. Selectors can be used to access the fields of a query result tuple, avoiding the need to pattern match on the entire tuple.

tbl :: Table (Int :*: Text)
tbl = table "foo" $ required "bar" :*: required "baz"
(tblBar :*: tblBaz) = selectors tbl

q :: Query s Text
q = tblBaz <$> select tbl

required :: NonNull a => ColName -> ColSpec a Source #

A non-nullable column with the given name.

optional :: NonNull a => ColName -> ColSpec (Maybe a) Source #

A nullable column with the given name.

primary :: NonNull a => ColName -> ColSpec a Source #

Marks the given column as the table's primary key. A table may only have one primary key; marking more than one key as primary will result in ValidationError during validation.

autoPrimary :: ColName -> ColSpec Int Source #

Automatically increment the given attribute if not specified during insert. Also adds the PRIMARY KEY and UNIQUE attributes on the column.

fk :: ColSpec a -> (Table t, Selector t a) -> ColSpec a Source #

Add a foreign key constraint to the given column, referencing the column indicated by the given table and selector. If the referenced column is not a primary key or has a uniqueness constraint, a ValidationError will be thrown during validation.

unique :: SqlType a => ColSpec a -> ColSpec a Source #

Add a uniqueness constraint to the given column. Adding a uniqueness constraint to a column that is already implied to be unique, such as a primary key, is a no-op.

Creating and dropping tables

createTable :: MonadSelda m => Table a -> m () Source #

Create a table from the given schema.

tryCreateTable :: MonadSelda m => Table a -> m () Source #

Create a table from the given schema, unless it already exists.

dropTable :: MonadSelda m => Table a -> m () Source #

Drop the given table.

tryDropTable :: MonadSelda m => Table a -> m () Source #

Drop the given table, if it exists.

Compiling and inspecting queries

compile :: Result a => Query s a -> (Text, [Param]) Source #

Compile a query into a parameterised SQL statement.

The types given are tailored for SQLite. To translate SQLite types into whichever types are used by your backend, use compileWith.

compileCreateTable :: (Text -> [ColAttr] -> Maybe Text) -> OnError -> Table a -> Text Source #

Compile a CREATE TABLE query from a table definition.

compileDropTable :: OnError -> Table a -> Text Source #

Compile a DROP TABLE query.

compileInsert :: Insert a => Text -> Table a -> [a] -> (Text, [Param]) Source #

Compile an INSERT query, given the keyword representing default values in the target SQL dialect, a table and a list of items corresponding to the table.

compileUpdate Source #


:: (Columns (Cols s a), Result (Cols s a)) 
=> (Text -> Text)

Type translation function.

-> Table a

The table to update.

-> (Cols s a -> Cols s a)

Update function.

-> (Cols s a -> Col s Bool)

Predicate: update only when true.

-> (Text, [Param]) 

Compile an UPDATE query.

Tuple convenience functions

class Tup a Source #

Minimal complete definition



(~) * (Head a) a => Tup a Source # 


tupHead :: a -> Head a

Tup ((:*:) a b) Source # 


tupHead :: (a :*: b) -> Head (a :*: b)

type family Head a where ... Source #


Head (a :*: b) = a 
Head a = a 

first :: Tup a => a -> Head a Source #

Get the first element of an inductive tuple.

second :: Tup b => (a :*: b) -> Head b Source #

Get the second element of an inductive tuple.

third :: Tup c => (a :*: (b :*: c)) -> Head c Source #

Get the third element of an inductive tuple.

fourth :: Tup d => (a :*: (b :*: (c :*: d))) -> Head d Source #

Get the fourth element of an inductive tuple.

fifth :: Tup e => (a :*: (b :*: (c :*: (d :*: e)))) -> Head e Source #

Get the fifth element of an inductive tuple.

sixth :: Tup f => (a :*: (b :*: (c :*: (d :*: (e :*: f))))) -> Head f Source #

Get the sixth element of an inductive tuple.

seventh :: Tup g => (a :*: (b :*: (c :*: (d :*: (e :*: (f :*: g)))))) -> Head g Source #

Get the seventh element of an inductive tuple.

eighth :: Tup h => (a :*: (b :*: (c :*: (d :*: (e :*: (f :*: (g :*: h))))))) -> Head h Source #

Get the eighth element of an inductive tuple.

ninth :: Tup i => (a :*: (b :*: (c :*: (d :*: (e :*: (f :*: (h :*: (h :*: i)))))))) -> Head i Source #

Get the ninth element of an inductive tuple.

tenth :: Tup j => (a :*: (b :*: (c :*: (d :*: (e :*: (f :*: (g :*: (h :*: (i :*: j))))))))) -> Head j Source #

Get the tenth element of an inductive tuple.