servant-auth-cookie- Authentication via encrypted cookies

Copyright(c) 2016 Al Zohali
MaintainerAl Zohali <>
Safe HaskellNone




Authentication via encrypted client-side cookies, inspired by client-session library by Michael Snoyman and based on ideas of the paper "A Secure Cookie Protocol" by Alex Liu et al.



type CipherAlgorithm c = c -> IV c -> ByteString -> ByteString Source #

A type for encryption and decryption functions operating on ByteStrings.

type family AuthCookieData Source #

A type family that maps user-defined data to AuthServerData.

data Cookie Source #

Cookie representation.





data AuthCookieException Source #

The exception is thrown when something goes wrong with this package.


CannotMakeIV ByteString

Could not make IV for block cipher.

BadProperKey CryptoError

Could not initialize a cipher context.

TooShortProperKey Int Int

The key is too short for current cipher algorithm. Arguments of this constructor: minimal key length, actual key length.

IncorrectMAC ByteString

Thrown when Message Authentication Code (MAC) is not correct.

CannotParseExpirationTime ByteString

Thrown when expiration time cannot be parsed.

CookieExpired UTCTime UTCTime

Thrown when Cookie has expired. Arguments of the constructor: expiration time, actual time.

SessionDeserializationFailed String

This is thrown when runGet or decode blows up.

data WithMetadata a Source #

Wrapper for cookies and sessions to keep some related metadata.




type Cookied a = Headers '[Header "Set-Cookie" EncryptedSession] a Source #

Helper type to wrap endpoints.

cookied Source #


:: (Serialize a, ServerKeySet k) 
=> AuthCookieSettings

Options, see AuthCookieSettings

-> RandomSource

Random source to use

-> k

Instance of ServerKeySet to use

-> (a -> r)

Implementation of an endpoint

-> WithMetadata a -> Handler (Cookied r)

Cookied endpoint

Wrapper for an implementation of an endpoint to make it automatically renew the cookies.

data RandomSource Source #

A wrapper of self-resetting DRG suitable for concurrent usage.

mkRandomSource Source #


:: (MonadIO m, DRG d) 
=> IO d

How to get deterministic random generator

-> Int

Threshold (number of bytes to be generated before resetting)

-> m RandomSource

New RandomSource value

Constructor for RandomSource value.

getRandomBytes Source #


:: MonadIO m 
=> RandomSource

The source of random numbers

-> Int

How many random bytes to generate

-> m ByteString

The generated bytes in form of a ByteString

Extract pseudo-random bytes from RandomSource.

generateRandomBytes :: Int -> IO ByteString Source #

Generates random sequence of bytes from new DRG

type ServerKey = ByteString Source #

Internal representation of a server key.

class ServerKeySet k where Source #

Interface for a set of server keys.

Minimal complete definition

getKeys, removeKey


getKeys :: (MonadThrow m, MonadIO m) => k -> m (ServerKey, [ServerKey]) Source #

Retrieve current and rotated keys respectively.

removeKey :: (MonadThrow m, MonadIO m) => k -> ServerKey -> m () Source #

Non-graciously remove the key from a keyset.

data PersistentServerKey Source #

A keyset containing only one key, that doesn't change.

data RenewableKeySet s p Source #

Customizable key set, that provides partial implementation of ServerKeySet.

data RenewableKeySetHooks s p Source #

Customizable actions for RenewableKeySet.




  • rkshNewState :: forall m. (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) => p -> ([ServerKey], s) -> m ([ServerKey], s)

    Called when a keyset needs to refresh it's state. It's result might be discarded occasionally in favour of result yielded in another thread.

  • rkshNeedUpdate :: forall m. (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) => p -> ([ServerKey], s) -> m Bool

    Called before retrieving the keys and refreshing the state.

  • rkshRemoveKey :: forall m. (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) => p -> ServerKey -> m ()

    Called after removing the key. This hook is called only if the key belongs to a keyset and called once per key. The only purpose of it is to clear the garbage after removing the key. The state might differs after removing the key and before calling the hook, therefore the hook doesn't rely on the state.

mkRenewableKeySet Source #


:: MonadIO m 
=> RenewableKeySetHooks s p


-> p


-> s

Initial state

-> m (RenewableKeySet s p) 

Create instance of RenewableKeySet.

data AuthCookieSettings where Source #

Options that determine authentication mechanisms. Use def to get default value of this type.


AuthCookieSettings :: (HashAlgorithm h, BlockCipher c) => {..} -> AuthCookieSettings 


encryptCookie Source #


:: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m, ServerKeySet k) 
=> AuthCookieSettings

Options, see AuthCookieSettings

-> k

Instance of ServerKeySet to use

-> Cookie

The Cookie to encrypt

-> m (Tagged EncryptedCookie ByteString)

Encrypted Cookie is form of ByteString

Encrypt given Cookie with server key.

The function can throw the following exceptions (of type AuthCookieException):

decryptCookie Source #


:: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m, ServerKeySet k) 
=> AuthCookieSettings

Options, see AuthCookieSettings

-> k

Instance of ServerKeySet to use

-> Tagged EncryptedCookie ByteString

The ByteString to decrypt

-> m (WithMetadata Cookie)

The decrypted Cookie

encryptSession Source #


:: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m, Serialize a, ServerKeySet k) 
=> AuthCookieSettings

Options, see AuthCookieSettings

-> RandomSource

Random source to use

-> k

Instance of ServerKeySet to use

-> a

Session value

-> m (Tagged SerializedEncryptedCookie ByteString)

Serialized and encrypted session

Pack session object into a cookie. The function can throw the same exceptions as encryptCookie.

decryptSession Source #


:: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m, Serialize a, ServerKeySet k) 
=> AuthCookieSettings

Options, see AuthCookieSettings

-> k

Instance of ServerKeySet to use

-> Tagged SerializedEncryptedCookie ByteString

Cookie in binary form

-> m (WithMetadata a)

Unpacked session value

Unpack session value from a cookie. The function can throw the same exceptions as decryptCookie.

addSession Source #


:: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m, Serialize a, AddHeader (e :: Symbol) EncryptedSession s r, ServerKeySet k) 
=> AuthCookieSettings

Options, see AuthCookieSettings

-> RandomSource

Random source to use

-> k

Instance of ServerKeySet to use

-> a

The session value

-> s

Response to add session to

-> m r

Response with the session added

Add cookie header to response. The function can throw the same exceptions as encryptSession.

removeSession Source #


:: (Monad m, AddHeader (e :: Symbol) EncryptedSession s r) 
=> AuthCookieSettings

Options, see AuthCookieSettings

-> s

Response to return with session removed

-> m r

Response with the session "removed"

Remove a session by invalidating the cookie.

addSessionToErr Source #


:: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m, Serialize a, ServerKeySet k) 
=> AuthCookieSettings

Options, see AuthCookieSettings

-> RandomSource

Random source to use

-> k

Instance of ServerKeySet to use

-> a

The session value

-> ServantErr

Servant error to add the cookie to

-> m ServantErr 

Add cookie session to error allowing to set cookie even if response is not 200.

removeSessionFromErr Source #


:: Monad m 
=> AuthCookieSettings

Options, see AuthCookieSettings

-> ServantErr

Servant error to add the cookie to

-> m ServantErr 

Remove a session by invalidating the cookie. Cookie expiry date is set at 0 and content is wiped

getSession Source #


:: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m, Serialize a, ServerKeySet k) 
=> AuthCookieSettings

Options, see AuthCookieSettings

-> k

ServerKeySet to use

-> Request

The request

-> m (Maybe (WithMetadata a))

The result

Request handler that checks cookies. If Cookie is just missing, you get Nothing, but if something is wrong with its format, getSession can throw the same exceptions as decryptSession.

defaultAuthHandler Source #


:: (Serialize a, ServerKeySet k) 
=> AuthCookieSettings

Options, see AuthCookieSettings

-> k

Instance of ServerKeySet to use

-> AuthHandler Request (WithMetadata a)

The result

Cookie authentication handler.

renderSession :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m, Serialize a, ServerKeySet k) => AuthCookieSettings -> RandomSource -> k -> a -> m ByteString Source #

Render session cookie to ByteString.

parseSessionRequest :: AuthCookieSettings -> RequestHeaders -> Maybe (Tagged SerializedEncryptedCookie ByteString) Source #

Parse session cookie from RequestHeaders.

parseSessionResponse :: AuthCookieSettings -> ResponseHeaders -> Maybe (Tagged SerializedEncryptedCookie ByteString) Source #

Parse session cookie from ResponseHeaders.