servant-util- Servant servers utilities.
Safe HaskellNone




data FilterKind a Source #

We support two kinds of filters.


AutoFilter a

Automatic filter where different operations are supported (eq, in, cmp). When applied to backend, only filtered value should be supplied.

ManualFilter a

User-provided value is passed to backend implementation as-is, and filtering on this value should be written manually.


Instances details
FilterBackend backend => BackendApplySomeFilter (backend :: k) ('[] :: [TyNamedFilter]) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Filtering.Backend


backendApplySomeFilter' :: FilteringSpecApp backend '[] -> SomeFilter '[] -> Maybe (MatchPredicate backend)

(Typeable fk, Typeable a, FilterBackend backend, KnownSymbol name, BackendApplyTypeFilter backend fk a, BackendApplySomeFilter backend params) => BackendApplySomeFilter (backend :: k) ('TyNamedParam name (fk a) ': params) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Filtering.Backend


backendApplySomeFilter' :: FilteringSpecApp backend ('TyNamedParam name (fk a) ': params) -> SomeFilter ('TyNamedParam name (fk a) ': params) -> Maybe (MatchPredicate backend)

AreFilteringParams ('[] :: [TyNamedFilter]) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Filtering.Server

BuildSomeFilter ('[] :: [TyNamedFilter]) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Filtering.Logging

(FromHttpApiData ty, Buildable ty, Typeable ty, KnownSymbol name, AreFilteringParams params) => AreFilteringParams ('TyNamedParam name ('ManualFilter ty) ': params) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Filtering.Server

(FromHttpApiData ty, Typeable ty, AreAutoFilters (SupportedFilters ty), KnownSymbol name, AreFilteringParams params) => AreFilteringParams ('TyNamedParam name ('AutoFilter ty) ': params) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Filtering.Server


parseFilteringParam :: Text -> Text -> Maybe (Either Text $ SomeFilter ('TyNamedParam name ('AutoFilter ty) ': params))

(KnownSymbol name, Typeable a, Buildable a, BuildSomeFilter params) => BuildSomeFilter ('TyNamedParam name ('ManualFilter a) ': params) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Filtering.Logging

(KnownSymbol name, Typeable a, Buildable a, BuildSomeFilter params) => BuildSomeFilter ('TyNamedParam name ('AutoFilter a) ': params) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Filtering.Logging

data FilteringParams (params :: [TyNamedFilter]) Source #

Servant API combinator which enables filtering on given fields.

If type T appears with a name name in params argument, then query parameters of name[op]=value format will be accepted, where op is a filtering operation (e.g. equal, not equal, greater) and value is an item of type T we filter against. Multiple filters will form a conjunction.

List of allowed filtering operations depends on type T and is specified by SupportedFilters type family.

Operation argument is optional, when not specified "equality" filter is applied.

Endpoint implementation will receive FilteringSpec value which contains information about all filters passed by user. You can later put it to an appropriate function to apply filtering.


Instances details
(HasClient m subApi, SomeFilterToReq params) => HasClient m (FilteringParams params :> subApi) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Filtering.Client

Associated Types

type Client m (FilteringParams params :> subApi) #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy m -> Proxy (FilteringParams params :> subApi) -> Request -> Client m (FilteringParams params :> subApi) #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy m -> Proxy (FilteringParams params :> subApi) -> (forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon (FilteringParams params :> subApi) -> Client mon' (FilteringParams params :> subApi) #

(HasLoggingServer config subApi ctx, AreFilteringParams params, ReifyParamsNames params, BuildSomeFilter params) => HasLoggingServer (config :: Type) (FilteringParams params :> subApi :: Type) ctx Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Filtering.Logging


routeWithLog :: Proxy (LoggingApiRec config (FilteringParams params :> subApi)) -> Context ctx -> Delayed env (Server (LoggingApiRec config (FilteringParams params :> subApi))) -> Router env Source #

(HasSwagger api, ReifyParamsNames params, FilterParamsHaveSwagger params) => HasSwagger (FilteringParams params :> api :: Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Filtering.Swagger


toSwagger :: Proxy (FilteringParams params :> api) -> Swagger #

(HasServer subApi ctx, AreFilteringParams params) => HasServer (FilteringParams params :> subApi :: Type) ctx Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Filtering.Server

Associated Types

type ServerT (FilteringParams params :> subApi) m #


route :: Proxy (FilteringParams params :> subApi) -> Context ctx -> Delayed env (Server (FilteringParams params :> subApi)) -> Router env #

hoistServerWithContext :: Proxy (FilteringParams params :> subApi) -> Proxy ctx -> (forall x. m x -> n x) -> ServerT (FilteringParams params :> subApi) m -> ServerT (FilteringParams params :> subApi) n #

type Client m (FilteringParams params :> subApi) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Filtering.Client

type Client m (FilteringParams params :> subApi) = FilteringSpec params -> Client m subApi
type ServerT (FilteringParams params :> subApi :: Type) m Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Filtering.Server

type ServerT (FilteringParams params :> subApi :: Type) m = FilteringSpec params -> ServerT subApi m

type family SupportedFilters ty :: [Type -> Type] Source #

For a type of field, get a list of supported filtering operations on this field.


Instances details
type SupportedFilters Bool Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Filtering.Support

type SupportedFilters Char Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Filtering.Support

type SupportedFilters Double Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Filtering.Support

type SupportedFilters Float Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Filtering.Support

type SupportedFilters Int Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Filtering.Support

type SupportedFilters Int8 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Filtering.Support

type SupportedFilters Int16 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Filtering.Support

type SupportedFilters Int32 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Filtering.Support

type SupportedFilters Int64 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Filtering.Support

type SupportedFilters Integer Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Filtering.Support

type SupportedFilters Natural Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Filtering.Support

type SupportedFilters Word Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Filtering.Support

type SupportedFilters Word8 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Filtering.Support

type SupportedFilters Word16 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Filtering.Support

type SupportedFilters Word32 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Filtering.Support

type SupportedFilters Word64 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Filtering.Support

type SupportedFilters () Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Filtering.Support

type SupportedFilters () = '[] :: [Type -> Type]
type SupportedFilters ByteString Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Filtering.Support

type SupportedFilters Text Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Filtering.Support

type SupportedFilters UTCTime Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Filtering.Support

type SupportedFilters LocalTime Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Filtering.Support

type SupportedFilters Day Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Filtering.Support

newtype FilteringSpec (params :: [TyNamedFilter]) Source #

This is what you get in endpoint implementation, it contains all filters supplied by a user. Invariant: each filter correspond to some type mentioned in params.


FilteringSpec [SomeFilter params] 


Instances details
IsList (FilteringSpec params) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Filtering.Base

Associated Types

type Item (FilteringSpec params) #


fromList :: [Item (FilteringSpec params)] -> FilteringSpec params #

fromListN :: Int -> [Item (FilteringSpec params)] -> FilteringSpec params #

toList :: FilteringSpec params -> [Item (FilteringSpec params)] #

Default (FilteringSpec params) Source #

By default noFilters is used.

Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Filtering.Construction


def :: FilteringSpec params #

type Item (FilteringSpec params) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Filtering.Base

type Item (FilteringSpec params) = Item [SomeFilter params]

pattern DefFilteringCmd :: Text Source #

If no filtering command specified, think like if the given one was passed.

data SomeTypeAutoFilter a Source #

Some filter for an item of type a. Filter type is guaranteed to be one of SupportedFilters a.


forall filter.IsAutoFilter filter => SomeTypeAutoFilter (filter a) 

data TypeFilter (fk :: Type -> FilterKind Type) a where Source #

Some filter for an item of type a.


TypeAutoFilter :: SomeTypeAutoFilter a -> TypeFilter 'AutoFilter a

One of automatic filters for type a. Filter type is guaranteed to be one of SupportedFilters a.

TypeManualFilter :: a -> TypeFilter 'ManualFilter a

Manually implemented filter.

data SomeFilter (params :: [TyNamedFilter]) where Source #

Some filter. This filter is guaranteed to match a type which is mentioned in params.




extendSomeFilter :: SomeFilter params -> SomeFilter (param ': params) Source #

castTypeFilter :: forall fk1 a1 fk2 a2. (Typeable fk1, Typeable a1, Typeable fk2, Typeable a2) => TypeFilter fk1 a1 -> Maybe (TypeFilter fk2 a2) Source #

class (Typeable filter, BuildableAutoFilter filter) => IsAutoFilter (filter :: Type -> Type) where Source #

Application of a filter type to Servant API.


autoFilterEnglishOpsNames :: OpsDescriptions Source #

For each supported filtering operation specifies a short plain-english description.

autoFilterParsers :: FromHttpApiData a => Proxy filter -> Map Text (FilteringValueParser (filter a)) Source #

For each supported filtering operation specifies parser for a filtering value.

autoFilterEncode :: ToHttpApiData a => filter a -> (Text, Text) Source #

Encode a filter to query parameter value.

mapAutoFilterValue :: (a -> b) -> filter a -> filter b Source #

default mapAutoFilterValue :: Functor filter => (a -> b) -> filter a -> filter b Source #

class AreAutoFilters (filters :: [Type -> Type]) where Source #

Multi-version of IsFilter.


mapFilterTypes :: (forall filter. IsAutoFilter filter => Proxy filter -> a) -> Proxy filters -> [a] Source #


Instances details
AreAutoFilters ('[] :: [Type -> Type]) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Filtering.Base


mapFilterTypes :: (forall (filter :: Type -> Type). IsAutoFilter filter => Proxy filter -> a) -> Proxy '[] -> [a] Source #

(IsAutoFilter filter, AreAutoFilters filters) => AreAutoFilters (filter ': filters) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Filtering.Base


mapFilterTypes :: (forall (filter0 :: Type -> Type). IsAutoFilter filter0 => Proxy filter0 -> a) -> Proxy (filter ': filters) -> [a] Source #

newtype FilteringValueParser a Source #

Parses text on the right side of "=" sign in query parameters.


FilteringValueParser (Text -> Either Text a) 


Instances details
Functor FilteringValueParser Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Filtering.Base

type OpsDescriptions = [(Text, Text)] Source #

For each filtering operation specifies a short plain-english description. This is not a Map to prevent developer-defined entries order.

autoFiltersParsers :: forall filters a. (AreAutoFilters filters, FromHttpApiData a) => Map Text $ FilteringValueParser (SomeTypeAutoFilter a) Source #

Gather parsers from multiple filters.

type family FilteringParamTypesOf a :: [TyNamedFilter] Source #

For a given return type of an endpoint get corresponding filtering params. This mapping is sensible, since we usually allow to filter only on fields appearing in endpoint's response.


Instances details
type FilteringParamTypesOf NoContent Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Filtering.Base

type FilteringParamsOf a = FilteringParams (FilteringParamTypesOf a) Source #

This you will most probably want to specify in API.

type FilteringSpecOf a = FilteringSpec (FilteringParamTypesOf a) Source #

This you will most probably want to specify in an endpoint implementation.