servant-util- Servant servers utilities.
Safe HaskellNone




data SortingParams (provided :: [TyNamedParam *]) (base :: [TyNamedParam (SortingOrderType *)]) Source #

Servant API combinator which allows to accept sorting parameters as a query parameter.

Example: with the following combinator

SortingParams ["time" ?: Timestamp, "name" ?: Text] '[]

the endpoint can parse "sortBy=-time,+name" or "sortBy=desc(time),asc(name)" formats, which would mean sorting by mentioned fields lexicographically. All sorting subparameters are optional, as well as entire "sortBy" parameter.

The second type-level list stands for the base sorting order, it will be applied in the end disregard the user's input. It is highly recommended to specify the base sorting that unambigously orders the result(for example - by the primary key of the database), otherwise pagination may behave unexpectedly for the client when it specifies no sorting.

If you want the base sorting order to be overridable by the user, you can put the respective fields in both lists. For example, this combinator:

  '["time" ?: Timestamp]
   ["id" ?: '(Id, 'Descendant), "time" ?: '(Timestamp, 'Ascendant)]

will sort results lexicographically by (Down id, time), but if the client specifies sorting by time, you will get sorting by (time, Down id) as the trailing "time" will not affect anything.

It is preferred to put a base sorting at least by ID, this way results will be more deterministic.

Your handler will be provided with SortingSpec argument which can later be passed in an appropriate function to perform sorting.


Instances details
HasClient m subApi => HasClient m (SortingParams provided base :> subApi) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Sorting.Client

Associated Types

type Client m (SortingParams provided base :> subApi) #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy m -> Proxy (SortingParams provided base :> subApi) -> Request -> Client m (SortingParams provided base :> subApi) #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy m -> Proxy (SortingParams provided base :> subApi) -> (forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon (SortingParams provided base :> subApi) -> Client mon' (SortingParams provided base :> subApi) #

(HasLoggingServer config subApi ctx, HasContextEntry (ctx .++ DefaultErrorFormatters) ErrorFormatters, ReifySortingItems base, ReifyParamsNames provided) => HasLoggingServer (config :: Type) (SortingParams provided base :> subApi :: Type) ctx Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Sorting.Logging


routeWithLog :: Proxy (LoggingApiRec config (SortingParams provided base :> subApi)) -> Context ctx -> Delayed env (Server (LoggingApiRec config (SortingParams provided base :> subApi))) -> Router env Source #

(HasSwagger api, ReifySortingItems base, ReifyParamsNames provided) => HasSwagger (SortingParams provided base :> api :: Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Sorting.Swagger


toSwagger :: Proxy (SortingParams provided base :> api) -> Swagger #

(HasServer subApi ctx, HasContextEntry (ctx .++ DefaultErrorFormatters) ErrorFormatters, ReifySortingItems base, ReifyParamsNames provided) => HasServer (SortingParams provided base :> subApi :: Type) ctx Source #

Consumes "sortBy" query parameter and fetches sorting parameters contained in it.

Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Sorting.Server

Associated Types

type ServerT (SortingParams provided base :> subApi) m #


route :: Proxy (SortingParams provided base :> subApi) -> Context ctx -> Delayed env (Server (SortingParams provided base :> subApi)) -> Router env #

hoistServerWithContext :: Proxy (SortingParams provided base :> subApi) -> Proxy ctx -> (forall x. m x -> n x) -> ServerT (SortingParams provided base :> subApi) m -> ServerT (SortingParams provided base :> subApi) n #

type Client m (SortingParams provided base :> subApi) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Sorting.Client

type Client m (SortingParams provided base :> subApi) = SortingSpec provided base -> Client m subApi
type ServerT (SortingParams provided base :> subApi :: Type) m Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Sorting.Server

type ServerT (SortingParams provided base :> subApi :: Type) m = SortingSpec provided base -> ServerT subApi m

type SortParamsExpanded allowed subApi = QueryParam "sortBy" (TaggedSortingItemsList allowed) :> subApi Source #

How servant sees SortParams under the hood.

data SortingSpec (provided :: [TyNamedParam *]) (base :: [TyNamedParam (SortingOrderType *)]) Source #

What is passed to an endpoint, contains all sorting parameters provided by a user.


ReifySortingItems base => SortingSpec 



Instances details
ReifySortingItems base => IsList (SortingSpec provided base) Source #

Instance for SortingSpec construction.

Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Sorting.Construction

Associated Types

type Item (SortingSpec provided base) #


fromList :: [Item (SortingSpec provided base)] -> SortingSpec provided base #

fromListN :: Int -> [Item (SortingSpec provided base)] -> SortingSpec provided base #

toList :: SortingSpec provided base -> [Item (SortingSpec provided base)] #

Show (SortingSpec provided base) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Sorting.Base


showsPrec :: Int -> SortingSpec provided base -> ShowS #

show :: SortingSpec provided base -> String #

showList :: [SortingSpec provided base] -> ShowS #

(ReifySortingItems base, ReifyParamsNames provided) => Arbitrary (SortingSpec provided base) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Sorting.Arbitrary


arbitrary :: Gen (SortingSpec provided base) #

shrink :: SortingSpec provided base -> [SortingSpec provided base] #

ReifySortingItems base => Default (SortingSpec provided base) Source #

By default noSorting is used.

Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Sorting.Construction


def :: SortingSpec provided base #

type Item (SortingSpec provided base) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Sorting.Construction

type Item (SortingSpec provided base) = SortingRequestItem provided

ssBase :: forall base provided. SortingSpec provided base -> [SortingItem] Source #

Base sorting items, that are present disregard the client's input (lexicographical order).

This is a sort of virtual field, so such naming.

ssAll :: SortingSpec provided base -> [SortingItem] Source #

All sorting items with duplicates removed (lexicographical order).

newtype SortingItemTagged (provided :: TyNamedParam *) Source #

Version SortingItem which remembers its name and parameter type at type level. In functions which belong to public API you will most probably want to use this datatype as a safer variant of SortingItem.


Instances details
Show (SortingItemTagged provided) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Sorting.Base


showsPrec :: Int -> SortingItemTagged provided -> ShowS #

show :: SortingItemTagged provided -> String #

showList :: [SortingItemTagged provided] -> ShowS #

Buildable (SortingItemTagged param) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Sorting.Base


build :: SortingItemTagged param -> Builder #

data SortingItem Source #

For a given field, user-supplied order of sorting. This type is primarly for internal use, see also SortingItemTagged.




  • siName :: Text

    Name of parameter. Always matches one in param, but we keep it at term-level as well for convenience.

  • siOrder :: SortingOrder

    Sorting order on the given parameter.

type TaggedSortingItemsList provided = Tagged (provided :: [TyNamedParam *]) [SortingItem] Source #

Tagged, because we want to retain list of allowed fields for parsing (in instance FromHttpApiData).

data SortingOrderType k Source #

Order of sorting for type-level.

Its constructors accept the type of thing we order by, e.g. Asc Id.


Desc k 
Asc k 


Instances details
ReifySortingItems ('[] :: [TyNamedParam (SortingOrderType Type)]) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Sorting.Base

(ReifySortingOrder order, KnownSymbol name, ReifySortingItems items) => ReifySortingItems ('TyNamedParam name (order field) ': items) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Sorting.Base

class ReifySortingItems (items :: [TyNamedParam (SortingOrderType *)]) where Source #

Requires given type-level items to be valid specification of sorting.


Instances details
ReifySortingItems ('[] :: [TyNamedParam (SortingOrderType Type)]) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Sorting.Base

(ReifySortingOrder order, KnownSymbol name, ReifySortingItems items) => ReifySortingItems ('TyNamedParam name (order field) ': items) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Sorting.Base

type family BaseSortingToParam (base :: [TyNamedParam (SortingOrderType *)]) :: [TyNamedParam *] where ... Source #

Maps base params to the form common for provided and base.


BaseSortingToParam '[] = '[] 
BaseSortingToParam ('TyNamedParam name (order field) ': xs) = 'TyNamedParam name field ': BaseSortingToParam xs 

type family AllSortingParams (provided :: [TyNamedParam *]) (base :: [TyNamedParam (SortingOrderType *)]) :: [TyNamedParam *] where ... Source #

All sorting params, provided + base.

This does not yet remove duplicates from provided and base sets, we wait for specific use cases to decide how to handle this better.


AllSortingParams provided base = provided ++ BaseSortingToParam base 

type family SortingParamProvidedOf a :: [TyNamedParam *] Source #

For a given return type of an endpoint get corresponding sorting params that can be specified by user. This mapping is sensible, since we usually allow to sort only on fields appearing in endpoint's response.


Instances details
type SortingParamProvidedOf NoContent Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Sorting.Base

type family SortingParamBaseOf a :: [TyNamedParam (SortingOrderType *)] Source #

For a given return type of an endpoint get corresponding base sorting params.


Instances details
type SortingParamBaseOf NoContent Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Util.Combinators.Sorting.Base

type SortingParamsOf a = SortingParams (SortingParamProvidedOf a) (SortingParamBaseOf a) Source #

This you will most probably want to specify in API.

type SortingSpecOf a = SortingSpec (SortingParamProvidedOf a) (SortingParamBaseOf a) Source #

This you will most probably want to specify in an endpoint implementation.